Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER AV'cdnosdny, cloudy nnil Flr. Slav. 00.5; Mtn. 27.5. a .0 I Forty-fifth Year. Dnlly Tenth Venr. RUSK ELUDE TEUTONIC TRAP HfNDENBURGSET Imperiled Army Under Ruzky Batllino Near Vilna Outwit German Efforts to Encircle hy Imitating Civil War Cavalry Raids Domestic Woes In Czar's Realm. LONDON', Sopt. 21, 12:10 p. m. Latest reports from the Vilmi fight ing zone indicate that tlio Hussinn Jinny there Jins escaped the coils which Field Murshal Von Hindcnburg throw about it. Hy cavalry raids, as brilliant as tho famous coups of Stuart and Sheridan in tho American civil war, a screen of Gentian horse men swarmed nhout both flanks of tho retreating Russians and stood nstridc their main linos of communi cation. It now appears to be prob able, however, that these encircling forces are too weak to impedo Gen eral Husky's veterans. Tho simultaneous movement by 1'riyco Leopold and Field Miindmi Von Macrvenseii have not resulted in tho expected advance, especially by tho latter, who has not been ub'lo to link his scattered troops after their match through the l'ripet marshes. If it ho trim that tho defenders of Vilna have escaped, Hussia has cause to draw a deep breath of relief, for it is apparent that tho cautious strat egy of Grand Duko Nicholas was abandoned fortius moment and that General, Husky's troops remained in Vilna so long that Field Marshal Von Hindenbiirg's plans for a junction of his wings seemed for a time reitain of success. North of Lida the rail way is in German bniids,.hut the main forces of the Hiissiuiis iie south of that point. Tho domestic situation in Ifussin, owing (o tho strict censorship, is still a matter of mystery. When tho dumu was prorogued numerous st likes were declared. In many cases the men are still out. Others re turned to work, and as the stoppage was in the nature of a protest no loug-couliuued trouble is expected. The Zomstvo conferences at Moscow this week will express agreement in the national crisis with the damn ma jority, and will likoly urge upon the highest authorities the necessity of appointing u ministry trusted by the people. LONDON, Sept. 2L Commenting on Field Marshal Von Hindoiiburg'ii latest coup, tho military correspond ent of the Times suggests that since the leccut changes in the Russian high command tho wise strategy of the Grand Duke Nicholas senilis to Imio lost favor and instead of con tinuing their orderly retreat, the Rus ti:' n- held on too long. IN ENGLAND ALONE LONDON, Sopt. 21. Premier As Multh Informed tho liouso of commons today Hint tho figures ho recently gave that nearly threo million re cruits had Joined tho Hrltlsh army t-inco tho beginning of tho wur, did not Include any forces raised in tho provinces. 76 YEARS A WIFE, DIES AT 96, 97 MtHHf H4 PHKEPOHT, HI., Sopt. 21. After a term of moro than sov- " enty-six ytiirs of wedded life, Mr. Thomas Slaver, aged bO " oan, is dead at hor homo in " l.eaimii-, HI. Her hubuiid, Ht "" the g of U7 years, sun-ho her. tttttttHtt ft 3 MILLION RECRUITS DIPLOMAT MATE SENT HOME MJlUn.TtE. DUMBH THE IIAGL'F, Sept. 21, via London, 2:0,) p. m. tjucen Wjlhehninn's speech from the throne today in clos ing tho session of the state's general, had for its keynote mi expression of deep giatitudo that Tho Netherlands had so far been spared the horrors of war. "The firm deleruiinalion of tho govorumuut to maintain our integrity and strictly observe the duties of neu trality meets with appreciation ev erywhere," the speech ran. "Our re lations with all foreign powers has continued friendly. Our naval and military forces remain ready for tho protection of tho national interests." Marked approval was gion by the deputies to the euiieludimr sentence of this section of the speech. lite queen lamented the difficul ties to trade arising from tho war. ZEPPM RAIDER 10ST F LONDON, Sept. 21, 3;.VJ a. m. One member of the crew of tho Zop pclin concerned in the most recent raid cu London either fell or was blown from the car ami his body was mangled beyond recognition "some where in England." suys the Daily Expre, which asks whether this ox plains the rejsirtcd death of Dr. Jos eph Sticker, widely known in Ger many for his rcscatchcs in neroniiu tics. LONDON, Sept, 21. Two more spies have been comicted by court martial. Ofiicial announcement wn-. made today that a man and a. woman of Gormau origin, whose iinmos were not given, wore found guilty yester day of attempting to communicate information concerning tho fleet. Tho man was sentenced to bo shot. Tlw woman was toutcm-cd to ten years in lad, 16 SAN JIKHNAHDlNo, iL. Sept. 21. Sixteen belples-. papticut- nnrruwli tseH)d dc.itli todai when the county hospital burned. One mun wu son-ou-ly burned. Attendant turned the invalids down flume-writ ppped stir and lowered them through windows. There were 173 patient in the hospi tal at the time, HOLLAND SPARED WAR QUEEN REJOICE MEDFORD, K 'SB ROLLERTURNED AGANST R u Long Expected Teutonic Drive Begins with Shelling of Dvina and Morava River PositionsTake the Longest Route to Bring Aid to Turks Strike for Road Control. I1EHL1N, via London, Sept. 21, 11:0.1 a. m. Official reports from Austrian mid German headquarters and dispatches from tho Dnlkan capi tals show that tho long-cxxpected Teutonic campaign against Serbia lias now begun. Austrian and German artillery today is bombarding Serbian positions south of tho river frontict along tho 100-milo front between the mouths of the Drinu and Morava riv ers. This action undoubtedly is intend ed as u cover to the throwing of a force across the river and the freir. uro of a bridgehead, whence the now "steam roller" can bo started, .lust whore a crossing will bo attempted is unknown. The shortest route to llulgaria would lead through the notthcastcru comer of Serbia, where barely thirty miles of Serbinn territory intervene: between the Hulgariaii and Hungarian holders. The difficult mountainous country, (ho absence of railroads and the proximity of tho Itoumaniaii frontier, however, spcuk in fnvor of the old route of tho crusaders fur ther to the west through the broad and fertile Morava valley. Through this valley run roads mid a railway line to litilguria and Turkey. This railway reaches the Danube at two points, Belgrade and Semcudria, both of which are under bombardment to day. SOFIA, Sunday, Sept. 10, via Her lin and wireless to Sawille, Sept. 21. It is learned that the number of Macedonians who joined the Bulgar ian colors on Friday is about 50,00(1. From reliable sources it is reported that traffic on Hulgariaii railroads lias been suspended temporarily. MOBOLIZE ARMY WASHINGTON. Sept, 21 General mobilization of nil military forces in llulgaria, effective today, for the- pur poso of armed neutrality, has been ordered by tho Iiiilgarian government, Official announcement of this ordor was communicated by his majesty to Minister Penotroff, tho Bulgarian minister hero, - It Is also reported that Bulgarian troops aro concentrated near tho Ser bian frontier and that German and AustrO'IIungarlau troops havo been concentrated slnco a certain dato alog tho Serbian bordor Huo. E L I'AIMS. Sept. 2 J Switzerland's expenses for mobilization up to Sep tember 1 amounted to 1282,000,000. President Motta mado this announce ment In a speech today to tho na tional council. Tho president stated that If the war should contlnuo ten months longer the nations mobiliza tion cxponses would reach 1 80,000, 000. Switzerland faces a net deficit of $202,000,000 at the end of three years. It is expected this will neces sitate tho creation of now field re sources, such as a tobacco monopoly. . Citizen Soldiers Shiver CHICAGO, Sopt. 21. Fivo hun dred citizen soldiers spont a shivery night in tho civilian army cunip at Fort Sheridan, tor the thermometer hovered u round 40 and frost silvered the grass gf the gairude groufldsi B N W GUARD FN PEA FOOT NG FOR Wl ND OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1915. E T TS Dead Weight of Debt Upon Empire Will Total $1,000,000,000 at End of Year Chancellor Proposes Special Fee to Lighten Burden Increase Inncome Tax on Rich. LONDON, Sept. 21, -1:03 p. in. Reginald McKenna, chancellor of the exchequer, in his budget speech to day elected that tho government's revenue for the current year would be 272,000,000 pounds (.$1,300,000,000), that the expenditure would reach 1100,000,000 ($7,030,000,000 and that the dead weight of debt at the close of tho financial year would be 2,200,000,000 pounds (1 1,000,000,- UUU). Mr. McKcnuit has promised an ad dition of I0 per cent to tho existing income tax and the taxation of all in comes of lllO pounds ($1550) or more, Tho present minimum is 1(50 pounds. A heavy tax on tho profits of man ufacturers of war supplies also was .proposed by the cbaiiccllorr. Fifty per cent of nil war profits above the amount assessed tor the income tax last year will bo subjected to a spe cial tax, which woiks out ant 00 per cent of the prolils. Mr. Melvciina estimated tho revenue from this source in a full year at 110,000,000 (!M.)li,0U0,0U0). i i LONDON, Sept. 21, 1:10 p. m. The present radical occupant of thu chancellorship of the exchequer, Reg inald MeKotmn, was forced by cir cumstances today to revert to some extent to the principles of Joseph .Chamberlain. Ho ivns .compelled 'to haU-mast tho irco trade Ilagiind re plnce it by an embryonic reprcsentu tiou of a tariff reform banner, in in trnduciug in the house of commons today tho largest budget on record. Faced with huge bills for war and ordinary expenditures aggregating in tho neighborhood of 3,000,000 pounds ($123,000,000) daily, and bent on rais ing largo sums toward tho current cost of tho war by taxation, apart uom loans, the chancellor proposed sweeping niereaso in taxation. Ho went boyond tho customary sources ot revenue, such as tho incoiuo tax, lea and tobacco, into tho wider field of revenuo rnising advocated by the great Tory statesman who resigned office to prosccuto his tariff reform campaign. Fiscal theories must go by the board, Mr. McKenna declared. The chancellor wns actuated by tho two fold principlo of raising additional funds and enforcing economy on all classes by means of taxation. I SUBMARINES PLAN WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. John Hays Hammond, Jr., inventor of tho wireless controlled torpedo, fired from shore und rccomniciidedYy army officials for purchusu by tho gov ernment, discussed with Secretary Daniels today a plan for a similar dot ice for torpedoes fired from bub marines. Hammond told Secietnry Daniels he believed 110 had found a means by which the deadly missilcH would bo guided to their mark unfailingly. Ho expressed cntliiisiiim of tho now ad- nsory council of inventors and thought the visit of Henry Ford to Secretary Daniels tomorrow might bo productive of important results. BY A. F. OF IFOR LEADER WASHINGTON, Sipt. 21. The ex ecutive council of the American Fed eration of Labor today authorised President Gompcrs to draft u state ment in its behulf urging recognition ot tho Curranza goiornmont in Mex ico ns the authoritative, expression of the best ideals ot the Mexican people tQt self-government, U PLANS AXON 0 war us WIRELESS ORPEDO HIRE BUILDER FAVORS LOAN TO (HUES James I FIZZLE HO I'ETnOGHAD, Sopt. 1, via London, 3:20 p. in. Tho withdrawal of the Russians from Vilna eastward instead of southward is authorittiliioly inter preted as proof that the German cav alry hits been iinablo seriously to im pede the Itussian retreat. Passing Oshmiauy, the Hiissiaus are now bat tling for crossings over tho Viliyu liver under conditions 'regarded' hh favorable. Tho Germans in their pur suit have occupied territory only as fur as the Meroshank liver. Thu Itiissiaus not only have de stroyed the bridges, culverts and tun nels along the railroad. line, but thr. roadbed itsulf, where it passed through the marshes. It is assumed that the Geruiaus are now operating in threo directious Dviusk, Lida and Molodeclmo aiming tit a general junction at Minsk with forces from Slonim. ' BRITISH AVIATOR I lilCItLIN, Sopt. 21, by wlrolcsn to Tuckorton. Tho official nunotinco metn from tho war office under dato of September 20 contains tho follow fellow follew ing: "West of Qucntlii n nrltlsh noro plano was shot down by n Gorman aviator. Tho nrltlsh pilot was killed and tho observer wuu captured." Tho foregoing did not npopar lu yesterday's official Gorman statoment us received by way of London, and apparently was struck out by tho Drltlsh censor. I SAN FHANCISCO, Sopt. 21. Mrs. Caroline It. Olney filed suit for an accounting today against tho Union Land and Cattle company of Nevada and laid claim tn ono third of tho stock ot tho company, which took over tho properties ot her father, tho lato T. IJ. Ulckey. Ohargea of con spiracy to dofraud hor of hor sharo of tho ostato wcro mado against 11. O. Humphrey and V. H. Moffutt of Ileno, Nov., who with her brotbor, Charles V. Rickey, who said, controll ed tho property, Humphrey and Moffatt, sho alleg ed, furnished tho required quarter ot a million dollars and with hor brother took over tho proporty In tho namo of tho defendant corporation. Tho proporty was transferred, sho said, to tho Granlto Mountain Investment company, and then to tho Antelope Valloy Land and Cattlo company. Mrs. Olney said sho had received only A .two. lvng from tjaaro. IS EF ENVELOPE CZAR DIE FUG J. 11111 VILLA WITH OF INDIANS DOUGLAS, Ariz., 3opt. 21. Tho attompt at an enveloping movement by Callcs Carranzu forces has been checkmated by a flung attack ot Ynqul Indians and tho tldo of battlo turned In favor tho Villa forces, ac cording tc statements ot thoso arriv ing from tho froiit. Tho Indians vowod to tnko no pris oners nfter lliolr leader fell. Thoy starmad n small nil, drovo tho onomy In front of them, mid then put to vlqw of tholr fleeing comrades, 30 woundod soldlorn left on tho battlo field. Several Carranba officers woro wounded during tho battlo, fncludlng Lieutenant Colonel Gardomau, who wns shot through both lungs, nnd Captain .James Moffatt wns killed. Tho Carrnnza forces nro said to bo fleeing eastward. Ono American, who brought tho iiows of tho flight ot tho Carranza army from Its attempted Investment of NogaloB, Sonorn, hod a lucky cs- capo from the battloflold. Ho imld tho Callea' forces wcro making n dis orderly retreat, toll roar guard alono holding n Homblnnco of formation nnd keoplng tho rapidly advancing Indians In check. Tho United Statos bordor patrol at Duuesno, Arizona, reported last night that tho Carranza army had retreat ed forty miles slnco tho rout bogau on Thursday. SALF.M. Or.. Sept, 21. Although admitting that much had been force fully said on the evils of uerrvinau- dering school diet nets pi order to make valuable timber lands available lor taxes to be paid into tho school fund, the sunrcino court toda sus tained tho state circuit eotirt in dis missing a suit instituted by School District No. 33. in Tillamook county. to restrain tho county school bound ary board from appropriating muidi of its territory ior tho beiietit ot tho school district of thu town of Tilla mook. CHICAGO, Sept. 21. The steum ship Aastlund, which capsized in tho Chicago river, has been ordered sold by Federal Judge Landis to satisfy a uiaim of $31,000 for tho work of rais ing tho boat from tho river bottom. German Countess Dead HUDONDO IIHACII, Pal., Sept. 21. Mrs. Anna Maiie llurke, formerly Countess Annu .Maria Von Uooka brundt of Genuauy, died here today, aged 75. N A WN ANN TIMBER TO BENEFIT S CHOOLS NO. 156 (ENGLISH LOSE T !T OFF ISLE OF CRETE Berlin Tells of Subsca Boat Victory Germans Establish Submarino Baso In British Waters Spies Aro Cauulit Steel Nets Capturrc Sea Wolves of Kaiser. HEltLIN, Sopt. 21. Tho Frank furter ZoX.ttung reports that a largo Hrltlsh transport from Egypt for tho Dardanelles, has been sunk by a Gor man submarine. This report wob giv en out today by tho Overseas Nowa agency, which says: "A special telegram to tho Frank furter Zoltung nays that n Gorman submarino torpodood a 15,000 ton Drltlsh transport off tho island ot Croto, in tho Mediterranean. Tho ship was going from Egypt to tho Golltpoll peninsula." .NEW YOItK, Sept. 21.-SubstantI-atlon of rumors that German subma rino bases had ben established la English waters was brought hero to day by Frank S. Peer of Ithaca, N. Y., a cattlo breeder who owns a brood ing placo on tho Islo ot Guernsey, llo said that four months ago tho Drlt lsh naval authorities had discovered that potrol had bon secreted on tho unfrequented Guernsey coast and that Gorman submarines had thus boon replenished. A watch was kept and forty por&ons of Gorman origin woro nrrcated Mr, Poor said that tho British woro trapping submarines In tho vi cinity ot Guernsey by means ot stool nets and that ho know personally that 28 had thus been captured during flvo months. CANADIAN GRAFT WINNIPKO, Sept. 21. -It was nn ununeed today that the crown had notified tho defenso that now charge) were to bo laid against Sir ltcdmoud Ilnblin and three other former cab inet ministers in connection with tho alleged conspiracy to defraud tho province in erecting the parliament buildings. The new charges wero said to bo supplemental to the general charges now being heard in thu pre liminary trial. BLACK SEA SUNK ODMSSA, Sept. 21, liu London, 12 :")(! p. in- Russian ship have sunk n German submarine which has been operating recently in the llluek sen. OF IE YALDKZ, Colo., Sept. 21. Dressed in overalls ami juniper, John D. Itoukgfcllor, Jr., entor "" rd tho underground workings of the Frederick mine of tho Colo "" rado Fuel & Iron company horo " today. Not until tho arrival was it " known definitely that Itookufcl " lor intended to visit the uuder- ground workings. "" lloukofollcr, elad in a miner's " outfit, currying a minor'u lamp and accompanied by E. IT. Wcit t zel, manager of the fuel depart " mont, disappeared iuto tho dark tunnel, "" Thu tour of thtjiiiue was mado to givo Kookefellcr first "" hand information of neluat eou- ditious under which tho miners " work, it was suid. r tt H Ht tt.f.f KO FILE NEW CHARGES f f f ft H' .v- . -f--f -f f f it . m -