Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 20, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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& Attorney W. I. Vnwtor has returned
frcim Suletn, where, ho ntU tided (lie
Orefion-Cnlil'oniin ilnnd qtanl !onfet
enre, niidf(tihiied;tho fol(r)njing'i.tttt
ment: ' ' W ' v '
Jnctyon dnunty vrn
lliu inference by W. C. Lcev'M K. V.
Cnrlor, W. S. Crowcll an.) W.'l: Vnvr-ti-r.
The firot day wan given up to nd-
divhspfi. Among vtliPM that sixjV
whh Senntor Charles V. Fulton, the
burden of htx speech bcliiir to tho of
feet (lint tlio Oregon & Ctiliforniu
rnilrond lands were a prnnt to n onr
portition in precisely tlio homo mini
lie r as to an iiidiiiduol; that the Roy
ernment had no light to contort lliom
into a national forcut or have thorn
re'trnnsferred to tho puhlio doti'itin
in any way.
The burden of tho millions of the
ultniney general, (Ipoiko ty lliown,
wih to tho el"frot that tho lnndu wore.
subject to taxation infill ro.sneott, as
irivntol-ornpl htndtf, and that flip
railroad pompany in withholding pay
ment of tn.xen was jimt an iiiueh nub
jeet to helnj; penalized for the grunt
lauds an an individual would he for
liw private hnldingH.
The rnilrond eonipany was tppre
fouled hv V.. F. Dunne, who very cup
nbly topicienled his client, bin eon
trillion being that his company owned
the landi, and tho decision of tho mi
preine oonrt of the I'nitnd Stnten
jduced only two ri'stri- lions on their
lioldliitfn, (i rid with tho exception of
these two restrictions their litlo wns
iihsolute, namely: That the eompiiny
was not o ell to nxnred JflO uere'n
to any one puicliaHor nt n price not
to exceed ij.U.fiO tin acre, and that the
puicluiHer must lie an nrtunl Nctller.
' J ho final tpsult of till the discus
fdnn and deliberation was on the ei.
ond day. Tho conference passed a
resolution t lilt f. it tyiJlio sense of
the coulYrenei (hut tlio conirrexs of
the Vnitel RJates s'liii'l define who is
an actual $ellcr uryer the teiiin of
tho O, & c, Innjl ir rant neU nitl
what slml) be cous'ideted an actual
Fcttlcmcnt, reriiimijr tho railroad
company o perform tho termi and
conditions of Jhe not, and also a fur
ther resolution that the people of tho
Kalo of Oregon objected to nny fur
ther forest rpuorvo iucrense ami that
congress jorinwim nini as speedily is
)o,blo provide for the inuiiediato
mlo of the rujlroad grant lands in
ipmntitios nH (o exceed ICO acres to
an individiiaj at a niii.xiiiium prieo of
fr'J.'iO u itt'ro. Tliis resolution wan
practically adopted unaiiiniouhly.
Then it wiin decided that at a fu
ture date to be pained that u commit
tee from tho railroad company Muill
meet with ti iioiumitleo composed of
(lovernor Withycombo aipl others for
tho pnrposo of neeini; whether or not
tho railroad company and the state of
Oregon can agree upon u policy to
piesent to congress. I can't say how
toon that meeting will be railed.
I have no fn lib that the repiesenlrt
tncK of tho rnilroiitl company and the
representatives of Oregon can get to
gether, ns I think the railroad com
pany will i i k ) h t 'ihui cpitain rights
which cannot be conceded by the slad
ut this tune. Among other thing
dunned by the ruilrnnd compnuv it
thrt it is not tiitiiicd to sell ut nu.
ilcfuntc time in the future, hut niu
bold 'he binds as long as it sees til
Another contention by (be couipau i
that it on is the timber nliMiuld,
villi the right to cut the timber from
Kild l.iiul and remote the sumo nt un
tunc it sees fit. This contention uis
niudo by il astute counsel, I'. V.
Donne, untuithstaiiding tho supreme
court in its decision enjoined tho rnil
lond company from cutting any tim
ber from the lands whutsoeter.
.lust how favorably the resolution
adopted by the conference will be, io
cctxed by oonifioss oun only he a con
jeetmv. It mI be pioper to nib) that the in
terior depnttmeut at Washington was
icprcscutcd liv ria'T(illmiii.ii ueiieral
land commissioner, and a paper was
lead fiom Chief 1'oroMer flriivcs.
Built by Americans, It Is Now Belny
Astemuleri In Canada for Us of
.British Army With Tons of Ex
plosives It Will Be Able to Fly From
. Western Front to Berlin anil Back
TOUONT;9.,, Sept. 20. ,Thlnk, or
shnrtling an' neriiil tofpedo ..quatlipi
power Jrt'that whioh'Sniik tho I.usi-
taiiia, into tho Krupp'woiks ut IN
hen, the Zeppelin factory nt Fried
riehshafen' or tho big German supply
station and fleet ut Cuxlmveti.
The giunt biphino that Glenn II.
OurtiHH is building hero for the Ilrit
ish nrniy will he able to carry at lens)
eight Mich projectiles in loii" flights
invading Clermnn territory.
The bombiitdments which the llrit
ish Hying officers expect to accom
plish with this machine would make
prctiotis aerial attacks on (lerman
pnstH seem like exhibitions of fire
works by onmpui.s The nights make allowance not
I'p to Ibis time 00 pounds has been jonlv for distance, but for the speed
tho limit of weight of the bombs ,of tho aeroplane, which may reach
dropped front aeroplanes - of thei"'"' ,",i,," " ''our, throttling down to
small military tyH in sen ice on holl.l"' """s ,'" ""'""
a nomii uropeii irom an aero
plane traveling a mile n minute docs
not fall on I bo spot over which it is
i elensed. It touches tho earth nt n
distance from tho spot determined by
tho height at which it was dropped.
It often falls a quarter of u mile
ltnilt to lift a Ion and a half be
sides iti4 own weiit i . which is near v
'.- ,, affiw-- .' ' ' J '
(Hunt Illpuinc Ttuit (Jlenii II. Curtiss nml AsslstiuilN I'nmi Ills .iuerlruii l-'iirtory Arc itulldlng in CjuuuIh for tlio Hrlllsli Amy.
AilNt lllgglns Fi-oiii llescilptlon of on Kyo U'ltness. It Will !t I Veil to Shell the Kiupp U'oik.s in (icrnmny.
Bketelnsl Jly
i. '.
,! 1 1 . j
atialors, chiefly because tho loads
they carry have not permit ted it.
Hlg I tomb fSiiii
One of tho principal features of
Britain's ginnl Hying inachiuc will he
'a bomb gun, IIh details are a inili-
tary swret, but I am infonned that
it bus doteloped Hiin'rising necurncy.
I This gun m ill; oh It possible to hull a
I projectile containing u 'J.'lt. pound
jchnrgoof guucottoii ut tin enemy from
in height of a mile or more.
nidfW'fhreefirfourtich bombs ex
hausted the enrrying capacity of the
machino when added to the weight of
men and gasoline.
Aiming tho homh has been a mat
ter for guessing. The accuiale range
finding nml sighting instruments
used by artillerymen on ship and
fdioro have not come into use nrnongltwo tons, the big biplane is expected
to have lifting capacity in oxphw.
ies of n (on. This is in addition to
the neocflsnry fuel and oil for u
flight of six hours nnd, the weight of
two or 111 i ee men.
I'lrel Through Cur 0Hnlug
Tlio bomb tuho is OfJ'K1'1 s'ft('1-
will be fired through an opening in
the bottom of tho aeroplane body or
car. Compressed air will supply the
"kick" behind the .bomb as it leaves
the aeroplane, and the force of grav
ity will take care of it thereafter as
it plunges ut the liirgclt
Ibo Curtis aircnilt ucIh its gieal
Mich ol tup motors swings n pro-
peiior on iiinrr smc in ironi oi trie
The "big .sticks," n"s the pilots call
them, arc each I) l-'JH feet longvThey
I urn 1200 times- u minute jit full
speed, and their tips cover; about
ficycif miles' in that trine.
Cm VMt IW'rlln
If tho ail men wish to make n cull
on Hip kaiser at Berlin the lifting ca
pacity of the big "pusher," as tho
constructors call it, will enable them
to do so. -
From the fighting line in France to
liftllttr imiL'm l'rriut mi !hit-tiiiiiiu hi
nlane wines, nn.l two motors of IliO I ,lu f('0" ,P'"I nntl back again l
iiorsciowcr caeii, tlio lai'gest in usu
on this side of the Atlantic. Its
wings spread iieaily J 00 feet from
lip to tip and measure njne feet
across, Tho upper plane is nearly
ten feet above the lower wings.
It is gratifying to American avia
tion enthusiasts that the biplane form
invented by the Wright brothers base
been found most effective for mili
tary work in the warlurgclv owing to
tug lifting power".
little mote thnn 000 miles, anil would
requiic about ((100 pounds of gaso
line for the flight of twelve bourn.
The atiators would still hnvo room
about d' with them for about 1000
pounds of gnu cotton or dynamite
bombs, to be presented with their
The big biplane is not designed for
fighting other aircraft, but her vital
parts will be piotccted by light armor
that will resist rjflc bullets. She innv
also have a small rapid-fire gun at
a safe distance.
l.lko the Anicrirn
Tu nppearnnco tho giant will much
tesemble tho America, built Inst year
for tho Hodman Wniininnker trans.
Atlantic expedition and Inter sold to
(Kng)iunl. The success or tho America
brought tho order for tho lug tun
ohine, .which is nearly .'10 per cent
larger thnn tho America ami has
twice her engine power. .
, Instead of a boat for use in alight
ing. on the wider the new craft has
f wheeled enirhlge (if massive- frame,
for usp on Intnl. Men and fuel tanks,
p.plosdves; instriiments and guns will
ho shelc'i'editi-au inclosed body !,'
leet Jong, resembling it toipeilo in
shape, set between thu upper niid
lower planes.
Tho new nirctaft now being put to
getber here was designed and built
largely in tho United States by Amer
icans, though assembled here.
Its success will aid in restoring
Hie lending place in iiMation to the
Co lied States, the birthplace of tin
new science.
' . ' '
Because of Terrible Back
ache. Relieved by Lydia
E. Pinlcham'a Vegeta-
ble Compound.
Philrulelpbia, Pa. "I Buffered from
displacement and inflammation, and bad
hucii ii in a in in jr
Bid OS, and terribly
backacha so tba't'I,
could hardly aUnil.''
I "took eix bot'tle's hi
Lydia E.Pinkham'
Vegetable Com
poundand now I can
do any amount of
work, sleep good, eat,
good, ond don't have
a bit of trouble. . 1,.
recommend Lydla E.'
PInkbam's Vegetable Compound to
every Buffering womam." Mra.HABnr
FisUER,1625DountonSt., Nicctown, Pa.
Another Woman's Case.
Providence, R. I. " I cannot speak
too highly of your Vegetable Compound
as it has dono wonders for mo and I
would not bo without it I had a dis
placement, bearing down, and backache,
until I could hardly stand and was thor
oughly run down wicn I took Lydia E.
Pinkham'fl Vcgetablo Compound. It
helped me and lam In the bestof health
at present I work in a factory all day
long besides doing my housework so you
can see what it has done for me. I givo
you permission to publish my name and I
speaK of your Vegetable Compound to
many of my friends. "Mrs. Auel LAW
CON, 120 Lippltt St, Providence, It. I.
Danger Signals to Women
are what one physician called backache,
headache, nervousness, and the blues.
Jn many cases they are symptoms of
Borne female derangement or an inflam
matory, ulcerntlvo condition, which may
be overcome by taking Lydia E. Pink?
ham's Vegetable Compound. Thousands
of American women willingly testify to
its virtue.
DUolUN KtftL5
Sept. 'JO. Tin-
tied Sox repulsed tho lust Tjger Viisli
of tho season today, defeating Detroit
:l to 'J. I.Ike preceding games of the
series, it was one of. wonderful field
ing, hi which Hooper was a puttie
ular Mar.
IlilMi and Dauss pitched erratic
ally. Kutb, liowever,iwas strong when
needed up to the eighth inning, when
his wildnesrt resulted in filling the
bases and Foster was called tion for
relief. He struck out Vitt for the
lust out.
It wuh ti "break" of Die game which
decided the contest for Bo-ton. A bull
bounding off Burns' shins in the sixth
inning gave l.ewis a triple, on which
Speaker tied the score nml I.ewi
scons) -soon after, iilthmmh to tho
xpceU'tnrs it appc.ircd that ditcher
Stniiugo hud blocked him fiom the
discovered the stock was shooting up.
It piuidcd him. The next ufternooii
the stock was up soma more. It kept
on rising for three weeks. Then he
got nn older from the, Moignn house
for certain munitions, The explana
tion was Hint Morgan's "insiders"
knew tho company wns to get this
war oi.ler and hint hcen trailing in the ,i. p. Morgan trannscendH them all. lie
stock on margins, denning up proh- m (h0 richest man on tho earthly
ing millions j every largo holder of
wnr stocks is seeing his fortune in
creased before his eyes. Gamblers in
the stock innrket have netted untold
sums by booming wnr stocks, follow
ing the Morgan lead.
Mat these millinnniresnre small fry
by compniisou. They don't count.
ably a few millions.
IKm-sii'I Know KMcut
EL PASO, Tex , Sept 20 The ar
rlvul of General Villa ut Juarez, tliti
border town opposite here, wuh fore
cast today by passengers arrltlug on
tipcclal truliiH who declare the paw
on" bis car en routo.
The whole Villa miuy Is appurent
J j being transferred to Sonora Mute
Vju Juurez and Cusu Uramles, they
Thirteen troop trains are reported
Mailed for cou! or water bet w eon Chi
huahua City audJHifrcx, Troop and
nupply traiHBKrrfrlHK yesterday vero
rttteit i&rotifch -to Casas (Iramles to-jlay.
i:L PASO, Tcv., Sept 20 Villa
HoiireeH today tinnounceil tho defeat
of forces of Oencra! Oiilles, t'nrraiun
commaailpr nt Puredes and in tho
Oun) on le Han Antonio Into jester
day by General .Mainrcnu'H troops.
It was wild four officers and 3R
men wero tlio Currnuzii losses at Pu
redes and eight officers and 18 men
killed at Cou tut Do San Antonio.
The Cnrruiisn forces uro reported on
tho dofoiiHlvo at Dlvlsaderos, neur
LONOOV, Sent ;o - Uaron Von
IllhHlrig, ItoU lirb'her of General Von
IIIsmIhk, German military Kinernor of
Uelglum, nud a i.aturalljcil llrttlsh
subjert. tifter Tlnbtlng' for months for
his ,llii;rty, bus been luterne. He
was iu)Hterlously spirited nw'ay to.
dii) from his luxurious home In Ken
aliigtou by dulocHvoM.
It Is roportml that the Islington
workhouse will he tho baton's domi
cile durliiK tho romaludor of the war.
iiij-soi.rriox notick
Nntleo Is horwUy Rhon that the
firm of Shuriie & l.earusd has hetin
dissolved. All Pills from September
I lth are due and pauhi to I. V.
li7 (Slgnedi A l.K.USM:i JU
Medford F.lks have begun Ihe work
of impaling for the dedication ofi
their new home in this city next
Thursday and Friday, when isitors
from nil oci the uoithwcst will be
in iitleiidnuec. Flags nud the lodge
colors bae been put m place on .Main
street. Already out-of-town guests
are nt riving. The largest pmt of the
visiting delegations will nrrivo Thurn-
dny. The will be met ut the deppot
and escorted to the new home.
Thursday noon lunch will be served
for all guests,. At 'J o'clock the cor
nerstone ceiemony will he held. At
It it icception to nil guests will be held
in III" cluhiooms. In the evening at
tt.-.ui ocioci; llie iicuicaiion services
will be held in the lodge rooms. At
p o'clock the grand hall will bo held
at the Xntntorium. This will he one
of the social events ol the seui'oii.
Fiiibiv morning the isiimg Klk
will be taken on an auto tour of the
willcv. In the iilteruoon nt 2 o'clock
the nrgiinintion of the Slate Hlki
Ucunioii association wdj l( h. Spe
cial entci'laiijmeiit at tho Star theater
lor the Klks will be given ut S o'clock.
At H:'tll lh. cuUon bampict mid stag
wiudewllc 'iiteitamueut will be gicii
in the g.Muuitsiuiu of the Klk' temple.
Tor the occasion the Southern Pit.
cific Iiiin inaugurated u fare of one
nml one-third from nil points in the
slate. Theto will he largo delegations
from Klainuth Fulls, (liunts Pass,
Eugene, 15oeburg, .Snlem, Albany,
Portland and ISoguo ltixer valley
( Contluued, troni page onn)
That's why .Morgan doesn't yet' .mmh-k -nn
know how much he's worth. Every! Sealed proposals will bo received by
upward rocketing of his wnr stocks,
awarded until the Morgan gioup has
a geuoio'hs supply of tho slocks that
urc to be boomed h munitions or
ders. And this explains many of the mys
terious movements in the stock mar
ket that have always been followed
in the past nine months by tho plac
ing of n fat wnr eonjrnot with the
company whoe stock was affected,
firming l'oi tunes
There was, for inMsnec, nn auto'
mobile plant that had a junk pile
made up of curs returned to the foo
lery because of defects, Mnny or the
prospective profits of the cnmimnx
hud been buried in this junk pile. An
agent of tho hIIu mw this pile ami
.ffcred &t,000.000 for it, Hu hid wu
aeoepLsl rijiHl oft the bat. Now tin
stock of (hit. company, whinh was
woith between i4i.000.000 and 10.
000,000 before tho, is ciuoUsl
mound faa.OOO.OOO mi the Mock ex
ihaiigt. The president of another (OinpouY
looked ut hu p.iHr oit aiteuiou and
every increased profit of his mills, all
the added tonnnge on'liis railroads,
every trip of bis Atlantic steamships,
adds to his mounting millions. And
on top of this
Fees! Fees!' Fees!.,
Morgan isn't the only magic money
I.!.... ,1.: ..- I :.... 0..1.....1. I....
kiii;; mis win is iiitihiu.. ocmwiu Him .
denned up milliens: Cnruegie is roin- "" " " proposals.
the Hoguo River Valley Canal com
puny of .Medford, Oregon, until Sep
tember 25th, tOfi, 1 p. m., for tho
construction of a reinforced concrete
weir nml bulkhead at Jlenr creek,
Talent, Oregon. Plans nud specifica
tions may be obtained by applying In
person to the chief engineer. Thp
company reserves tho right to reject
PAWS, Sept. 20. A dispnlrh ti
the Ilnvas News agemy from (lenev.i
sn.Vrt :
"J!lraordiniiry precautions hnvo
been taken by tho (lerman militar.v
administration to prevent uncciisorei
letters leaving (Icriuniix. A si-dcrsu-lerior
of the Older of Sainto Chris
Jianin at Met it was searched on her
departure for a trip to Switzerland.
Various letters intended for inniling
outside of Germany weie found upon
her and she was sentenced to fifteen
days in ptisan. A sister who ha.l
Wtitt?n ono of tho letters was sen
tenccd to n mouth's imprisonment."
Watch Repairing
fr'JO 0'xh
.crpN 4: hi
Ever know a real boy
who wasn't on time for
meals when there was
something he liked?
Boys arc always ready for
breakfast when they're go
ing to have the
l0 21
XL 6Tfe yX H
flakes rr1 t 1 1 I in
I Stiprloi rCorn tu.t ' i
" I
l M4.UlnJn Corn. Iuut4 Jilt I
ls tVtun Ctrttl ComJIny, Ltd. t
I t
New Location, UI2 i:. Main
Phono 10 for Correct Tlmo
112 South Riverside
Phone 150
gaunyaw &
Deep Well Drilling
Oil, gas, and wator wella, 12, 13,
H-lnch to 1G00 feet. For prices eeo
23S North Central
These delicious, new corn
bryig to your table all of the delightful
flavour of sun ripened corn. They're
made by a new method that keeps
them crisp and firm even after cream
or milk is added they don't mush
down as other corn flakes do.
Notice the little pearl-like "puffs"
on each flake a distinguishing char
acteristic; try them direct from the
package without cream or milk and
you'll cct the real com flavour of
New Post Toasties
'Nearest t..
Ponell St. at O'Farrell
lleadciuatten for Califor
nun$ white uW thv Expoi
Ulion. I
Our commodloui lohby,
fine sen Ice. and homehte
1 remurant w ill appea to ) ou.
No Raiso In Rates
SI. 50 Per Day Op
Cheytr W.
Meet nie at