Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 20, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Though tho ncmon 1s not open until
October 1st, Killing of Clilnuun pltcnB
ants Is roportnl lo bo frequent In tho
roiintry illstrlrts. Tlio city hunt org
olntni that the farmers nro nlioolng
1hre. Mrilu Hiiiq ho a? 'to bp
euro pnil ttocuro tlielr .quotat lioforo
tiie runli or Inintoni 911 tlio opening
Any. M nn orl'Jcnco ot tlIa, it b
Iiojntcil out tliat tho jilibnsuniH, tirfc
no longer Been along flio tpatlij. ,
I)n Voa dcllmrs tho Orjlgonlnn to
you ovcry duy for 7Cc a month.
Tho condition Ot FA 0. Ilrown
bIiowh fitoaily ininrovomont, according
to his tihyalclun. ''rho dnngor point
lias boon pasgod In tho complications.
A now plcturo ovory day at tho Star
theater, whoro tho crowds ko. IDS
Charlea Yotjnr spont Saturday in
aold Hill nttemllng tho Inilimtrlnl
fair and nnlmon bake
Rlpo tomatoes wanlod at Hoguo
Jllvor Valloy Cannery..
Thomas Wool's of Grants I'jibb
Hpciit Bntiinluy and Sunday In tills
rlty ntlrn'Mnu to himltiotm matte nml
vMllng frleptlH.
All niothcrB of the Wellington
Bchool aro urged to bo present Tnen
duy ufttirnoon at .1:30 to u meeting
of tho ruroiit-TepcherH clrclu In tho
Sth grado room. TIiIb 1h n very Im
portant meeting. 1
Wllllnin Johnson of Ar1iom(or Is
upending n fow iluyH In tho rlty at
tending to hiiHlnHH iimtturH.
Pupor hapgnr and painter, tinting,
etc. I'hono G44-M to Jt. Bandera. 123
Charlos Orlunw of Tillamook Is
among tho out of town vlHltorfi lntlio
See Dayo Wood about that flro In
r'iranco policy. Office Mall Trlbuno
11. h. Potior of Kugeno Itt fippnd
Ing n fow dayu In tho city ntlunillng
to btiHlncPB innttcra.
Try 0110 of tlioso big Ico cold G cent
mllknhnliCB at Do Voo'h.
At a preliminary nil not hold Sun
day morning Hugh PohIoii, won first
with ! r. out of 100 hlrdH, William
Kales iiccond with 1KI blrdu, and Dr.
ufyir AJHnnl LqiiIhu HudgeH, chl
roliractlcpifyiilftlotiH. Stownrt hulld
InKanO'KuHt Main ft.
Marlonflj''osler of ABhland pont
Sunday lu Mudfcrd vlnltlng friends
and rolatlvi'H. ,
For flour or food phono Medford
Rollor Mflln. Phono DQ7.
Franlc MIL"? P'M l'lfl Ih Hpund-
lng a fow dayfl n tho city nttem!
lug to uiirIiiohh iiiutlcrH.
(lot It ut DoVou'h.
H. T. Ingalls of Murphy, Oregon,
lu spending it fow days In tho city.
l?t yoir hittorogg, nilllf, croain
and liuttornillk nt Do Voo'b.
A. Luudgron of tho 111 110 Lodge
dlxtrlct Is ti huilucHs vlHltor lu tho
city thin weolc.
Weston Camora Shop for first class
Kodak finishing and Kodak supplies.
Curl Knlon or Illll, Cul . Is attend
Ing to hiiHlni'MH muttera In HiIh city
and Jacksonvlllo today.
I tako prldo In making your watch
kcop perfect tlino. I Intro cvory fa
cility for doing flno watch repairing.
Johnson tho Jowolor.
('. 1C. lloonoiirg of HtnwliurK la
among tho out or town vlHllom li
tho city this week.
Cottago Cjiotwn has a food vnluo
equal to loan hmf. Ask jour grocer
far it lit nlr tight imckngo. 1 ( 1)
Mr. and Mm. Mem I of I'rluiKliur,
Iowa, hnvo boon, visiting th past fow
tluyn with Mr and Mrs. llnllmlity.
Thoy aro touring tho wost and taking
In tho San KraiMsco fair.
Itmul tho Portland Orognnlnu.
Mr. nml Mr. II. 0. lUwIrlag loft
Sunday for a ton days trip to tho
fair ut San Krunclsoo.
Tnko your watch to Johnson, the
Jowolor, you will j-ucelvo unusually
good service
Don Itader of this tit) with Vi
lion In tho Con loagut) U hitting
and fielding In top notch form at
prevent, (UH'Uilui from un to two
liltrt and runs a jwwo.
Whan bettor luiurancn Is sold
Iloluioa Thq luBurnnno Man will soil
T. K. Dunlola, 1 eon llaaklua Mud A.
C. UurgosM upoiit Xiiuduy on Seattle
bar door hunting- Thy sourd tw
largo fut buck, that will bo wrvod
during tlu (Iks' diMllontury o.reuw
this week
Until Orlolr lit Ur. Myrtle &
Lock wood will limit hor o((lo hour
to Monday, WiNlNMrfiiy and Friday
from to -ISO p. hi. Other hours
by appointment only.
llurrv Kendall Ttuw. noUHl nlyr
of Htenfutd Wfcllc. rtMiitlr ilqUfd
Anno uftr a uIhb ymr' loml fhi
pntwod throush Mod fen I orly thlf
luqrulDK ou tu nartlilMMiiM) SluwU.
onrqutp to Portlmd. wIibw h will
ineet lit molhe. TW Tl. -cording
to fiw report, will rturH
to Stn FrtijioUio. hwi trmu tltfr
motor to 1,bj8 Aglti,
Merohtnts' Lunah. ik. Tho Bluets
Atlorn047W. 1- Vwtw n l ?
Crowoll liav l'fttciUNl twin n
v,hora(tliiy otUiujW Um O. nod r
land grant coHffiu.
Tho regular meeting of the city
council will ho held tomorrow night
Oratorical flroworks nnenl the rc
bondlng plan of Meilynskl are expect
ed. The matter of. fiecurlng tho re
moval of the S. P. crossing signs will
nlso bo taken up. ,
J. O. Qcrklng, tho best all nround
photographor In southern Oregon.
Always rellahlo. Negatives made any
where, tlmo or placo. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 320-.T.
At Uie ball game at Hold Hill Sat
urday tho .MtMlfnrd team wTon by the
closo and uxcIHqk score of S to 1.
Foley pitched tor Oold Illll and Cas
ter tor TrlUfdud.
Ht'iiutltclilng done, 10c per yard.
M'r. 'Haiirya, at Moo's slqrc. 172
J. A. WVstorl'ind returned today
front nil tux 11 nee 'ij the Pun-American
Hond coitgrois In Oakland. lo reports
a large und ontliUMlaHtlu attoidance
nt llm Congress. Mr. Wostorlund was
elected 11 director of the Trl-States
flood Heads association. lie was fur
tlior honored by tho Oregon Exposi
tion rommlsslon yottlng uiinrt "Wcs-
terluiid Duy" al tho Oregon building
lu recognition of tho fact that he has
built up In tho Itoguo rlvor valley
tho largest orchard In Oregon, bo-
hIiIoh being an nil the year round
boostor for Oregon nnd tho fruit In
Cottage Cheese iiutilo by .laokson
County Crcumerv for salo at all gro
cors In air light puokages. 100
II. .1. Paltnpr nt tho Palmer Piano
Place, 117 Xorth Central, bus taken
tho agency direct from tho factory
for tho new Kdlsou disc machines und
will have tho Hiiuin on display at his
store n 11 few days.
Johnson, nt tho Hook Btore, an
oxporf watch repairer, ?
Th,o town pf Phoenix Tuesday, Sep.
Iembi)r 21 will vote upon thu ordi
nance grunting to the Itoguu Hlver
Cantil company n 56-yonr frnnchlso to
construct nil Irrigation canal through
tho town.
Saturday nnd Sunduy wore hard
(lays for Fords, five of this species of
aulos being In smnsh-ups. Occupants
of tho catri esonpod without Injury.
Oun car hud ItH forward rigging
wrecked by crushing Into a bridge
pn the Jacksonville road. Two earn
on route to Col Illll ran Into tho
ditch with minor results. Another
Ford run Into a telephone polo near
Frank doing of Mnrshflcld is
spending a fow days lu the city nnd
valley attending to business matters.
Juntos Kingston of Yreka, Cul., Is
spondlng a fow dnys In the city nt
tondlng to huslnors mutters.
Frunk Casey of Dorrls, Cal., Is
spending 11 few days In tho city ut
tending to legal mattoru.
HtVKIISIDK, Cal.. Sopt. 20.After
a midnight battle with u burglar in
whlah Mho rocclved eighteen Knife
rounds, Mrs. Dudley Duyckluck, u
wuulthy widow, dragged herself three
hundred iiIh to the homo of a neigh
Mrs. DuycMnek, who lives alone,
wiiH uwuleiieil by tho noise of the
burglar. She soled u rifle stundlug
clone to her hod und fired nt thu
oleiHilo hand light ho flashed at her,
but mliwud flro.
Tho burglar cloned In on her, and
a desperate struggle ensued for the
noxt fifteen mlitutoH lu whlqh the
wouiuu io.'htl wouuils from u poek
ot Kilfo aimed ct her jugular vein
and her heart.
Her Horuuuui frightened tho bur
glar, who Is be)leed to bo a Mexican,
and he fled. With hor clothing ut
urated with blood tho wouiuu drug-
;d herxeir tn the tiouse of a neighbor.
This Is the second attempt which has
been untile to burglarUo her home.
ItUUI.IN, S.l .'(I Till ollienl
atMtMfleul follow-:
"Wetirn the, iter: I',ueui -lup-
winch hiunliHrdtMl Vetwi(le ami Mid
ilk-kirk 011 the ltlgmu etxiMt without
lexiilt Mithdivw Im'I'oiv our tire. Sonic
ot lhro hiK wert ittrurk.
"l'..i-uru thcMUc: Arms of IVItl
Mmi-IiuI ti lUnt'uhurv. la llw vi
einitv 14 the Uwdac brad l DilHK
tbi! wuioj u- lrul to iwtivnt from
Nwvu Alexauilr,,'4t l m Miiitittu fur
tlur U la Mav. Wj ItMtk -VUl tn
Moro. Tho ptiatliY MtliiH4Ml to bnuK
tbywugk our lon,nt Onft. but wu
"1'ltl- nttlU'lt UIMlH )m MlfMMII
forMr wlach ar rtivtitimc frum Ue
aWrift ur Villa h pmreihw fMrthrr
to ik Mtutlk Yfif v mawlMMi w Ium
n Uhp MiawaH, Tk aawiar tti4
,tntr iM"aiw at iw wuinU
'i k MustkrfM Wtnk at tiw DiM'
1 ,ii oHHiii
Among tlio iniinotoiis tnitiiris smt
lioml hoiistt by Hccordei l''4',, ''i'"'t
in to tile dispoHii) of tho propo-cl
lebotldlni; inane, but two indicate .1
willinurifH to enter into nejBotiation-
lor Hide, nnd iutn' do not commit tin
bonding lintixei in any way, either
lo fide or tennx.
Klmer T. Foes, recorder, city of
Dour Sir: Wo aro wondering Just
when yoer elecllon will bo held and
whplhor or not you would care to
enter Into a contract with us now, for
tho sale of all th'i bonds to us, subject
only to the oh-clloii currying and our
ntturnovH approving tho legality of
tho bonds and tho sufficiency or the
lux levy to pay both principal and in
terest nt maturity.
Woll. Ilolli and Co.,
Cincinnati, Ohio, Sent. 7, 1!)1C.
Seasoiigood and Mayer, another
bond firm of Cincinnati wrote on Sep
tember 7th as follews:
Mr, Klmer T. Fobs, City Recorder,
Medford, Oregon.
Dear Slrf Wo now hnvo your favor
of tho IlOth rolntp'u to proposed Issu
ance of 1,020,000 Mcdford, Oregon
loads. ,
We shall bo pleased to have you In
form ns Immediately after tlio elec
tion whether or not these bonds curry
ami If. thoy are voted favorably and
yoij will consider a private proposal
please telegraph us.
Very truly yours,
Scasongood und Mayor.
It. II. .Miller has resigned uk tin I lie
malinger of the (). It. A: K. Co. He
will ie Hiieeeeded on November I by
Frank W. Itobinfton, nhihtanl linfl'ie
Mr. .Miller propose to lake 11 brief
vacation after which he prohabl.v will
engage in other liuiiicH.
Willi -Mi". .Miller'n retiraiuenl tho
noi;tliweMlern railroad field will lone
ouu ul'.JUjiXuU'ujnijiar ffcure.
llo'hean Iiik rallniiiil"servico in
188(1, when but HI yours old iih iiii
office liny for the O. It. & N'. com
pany, lie liuu been with the com
puny, it HtieeeKHoix or n I'! Hinted
roatlH ever wince. For neiir'.v IIII
eiilt he Inih been in ervieo of thi.
miiiu' rnilrond, nilvniieiiig xlep liy lep
throiiKh vurioiiH minor portion lo
the higlient tnifl'ic office in the gift
of the company, which, loo, is one of
.lie most important truffic piwitioui
n (lie country. He wan nppointec
traffic malinger on .lauuarv I, II 111
Jlr. Miller h well known 111 Mcdford
und the owner of a ranch in the Hold
Hill M- linn.
I, llitinliu w.i- loi-ltitd uie on
hcioiis IIih mui'iiiim U .1 i.iii.ia. ac
cident 011 .Main htict-t, when the mule
tdiuu he wus diivinx beeiime tritihl
cued nt 11 Ford car 011 the Southern
Pacific croMtiiiK. Hamlin's liuinU
were wruppml nround the line und
one wide of the wagon tongue fell to
tlio ground. Ho win. tlimwn to the
IHivemenl und ilragved Merul tet
liefore lie could extricate himlf.
While doing Hint a front wheel of t'c
wnpiu ran over liix neck, due of the
iiiiiIoh It'll down while tinning at Muiti
ami Front atracW. Theru the tenia
WH atopptHl. lliiuiliii waa UkH to
the oltiiH) of Ur. M. ('. HuHior. An
cMiuuiiHtion ittejU'd no liiMkaii bone
ur iujiiiicx. lie icgiiintHl enitacioiiH-
I'ulV-l tire- ale kiiuilllu 1hU on
UviMt prck und in JudWHe houii
iy, mhI in ttar gtifc-k, tm tW Ah4 -gat,
aummm bmvv pnU 4' RMtkt
over the wetitii I'owlhili. Tbe fiiv
ih SUr 0lfh m ia the t'ra4r hm- funwt WM-IA" mu4 i ond.1
control. IttiMtrt frtuu ltutL FolU.
Tmit put th frd liHbua tU-lr.ei,
tbi Mnnuu ivju'rM Qr. Tlu
UHuda aiv drv a ptiatlur Mid ep--ei
pnaNHitltMia m awim Ukni to
Hvt imtviitou Uhmn.. Idiai yem
I Must tin all 4aair trm tM
bmnim wa UkuHil y hrttty ni,
tul Hm WlnaaU mJM ia) fMal (Wr
(Continued from page one)
their rays upon it, tictoliiii.' back to
Kcattereil poiutw 111 the city line (lie
I'jng", while j-Him of n fancy fan.
Two Heariijiliuhts filially centered
on a X.'ppolih while the others con
tinued to xcnrcli llm ky for more air
craft. Alrehdv the nir win dotted
with ueroplailes whieli could be oc(n
frcfuently iik Ibe.v croHhcd Ihe -enrcl-light
beam, circling upward. Th. roar
of guiiH from (lie city was puneluiU
ed nt iutervulK liv the explosions of
bombs which fell in' N'ewgale street,
not fur from St. Paul's cathedral, in
llelborn, in Cheap Nid in Hloomfiehl
nlrcet, not fur from the Liverpool
slrecl Htntfon and near (he wuler
fronl of the Thames liver irt thai hcc
tiou of Iiii oily in which HI. l'aul's in
"The Xcppcliii M'emeil lo float lax
ity above uk," said Miss A. S. Tulhaui
of Syiluey, Aiislrnliii, who was Mnv
iu nt Ihe Victoria lintel near Chur
iiiK Cro. -11 leminiled me of 11 great
fut MIIISTlgO'
lho;ii Itoinlis In Hotel
".My wileTi'Iid I walehcd the Z"Pe
tin from 11 linlconv of our hotel, the
.Mctropolcl (which is near (ho Na
tional gallery nml the Strand), said
Alexainler MiNn1i of llridgeporl
Conn. "It w'ent directly over the ho
tel nml dropped bombs around us."
There wit Imrdly n space of five
sccondti dining the ten minutes or
more (lint the scaiclilighl bwiins rest
oil ontho mider, eyew it u stiid,
Hint the nky wa not lighlcncd by
HuhIicm of imploding t-hells. A- (he
noise of eiiiiuonuding glow louder,
those who lititl flml ut first to eellnrs
guincd courage nml cuiiie nut into the
streets. They were in alnioxt every
stage of undrcf, ami tlmusumU of
men, women iind children (walled the
streets ur thod in groiiH, giinuir Ho
ward, diesscil only in their nisjlit
clotlics. London Most Angry
Tie liui-stuirsxbells, light inr Ihe
sky like meteor, sliatlcrcd into Mid
don fnv all arouiid the ppehn. Thu
spits of I linuo Mteuied lo du lindiiig
their target. Meuiiwliile the .eppy
I111 iiiiiucuvcu'd oer Ihe llolbron sec
tion of London, eircling nt I011M iwice.
'fhese liiuiieiivcis ended when a shell
burst alinot alircetlv uudei thu air
craft's ho.
The XcpiicHiirt.nppcart'd to be go
ing ilowu lv (ho bond. For a few
sccoinU slk 'lioveivd us if iincrtuiii
what lo do, v limn ( ruihlcd heivolf,
pointed lift' iiouso aliriitiy upusid mid
aseeuded mi, rJipidly thai within 11
minute or to the searchlight could
fiml her im more. Tluie wer no
tin I her hoiiih explosions thcivallcr.
Lonilon wmil lo lied that night
with hot wrath, but not in I cur. these
imssongccs .nlil. The net duv they
went nHt (o aio wkot dumage htpl
been done, liming uotti-vd thai the
sky in the triulty ot St. I'mhP.
eatliedrul hail beep tinUd reL a if
bv the glow of groat tile, tliev went
in that ilirH-tiau tirst,
IIiiIIik City Itlm-k Itllllieil
Itccniilinir Dtntinna which had been
ctuph the duy before this morn'tug
held long lines of men eager to join
the iinti.v. Hack ot the cathedrul
where there Hie woreloni-e-netir
Um nel I ihhi t , Hum .hiic hsoi
I he first 1-1ld et'l'i'it ot (be rani.
An eulile et block W.i- III .illf
with ihiIx i In- .ininled -li It- ot
gBMaMBXBMMC?5a.'' - - ,fjffrfM''f'lfJBaTj
OCg - 'ijPHHQZSSxaEfl
asHBiaisak' "HJBSfiB
Sy t JlaaaaW .... ! V Jt r9AnBBBHa1
uijycNKK. vrlifrsB' .i '4'JsiM I
aw ,3i. Ah wWtulK - - - iaH I
AnuiimtfOa Fall Tarni llegtatilug Monday, gptwWr 13.
HlHtclalist In Toiu;li and Tot hole
A Mather with mi oAtAMatluMl rafmiaUoH.
PAGE TODAY AND TUESDAY hfl Mending-. The smhl-
ccrs heard that (he liiirnuig build
ingw had been big warehouse-. Idled
with clothing- and othti supplies lor
Ihe Hrilish in my. At the Oplhnlinic
ho-pitul a Miiiill building wilhin til
teen miniiles' ride of the central see
tion of the city, tliev found thai con
sideruble dumage hail been tlone l
a bomh which had fallen about 11 block
nway. This biiiltling nnd two others
coiivertPil into hoipituls for wounded
soldiers had fell (lie force of the ex
plosion us if it hud been at their
Altogether, it was unofficiully re
pot led, npproximalelv forty pcr-01-were
killed bv liomhs nml 12110 or more
wounded. About half ol tlic-e, it Was
said, were women ami children.
curl 1 1 slides in the I'aiiumu canal near
Gold Hill are much more extetisivt
than were nt first reported, nml prob
ably will lie up the wulervwiy for 11.
leust (en duys. This di.spaleh wile
rocuived toduy by the wur department
from the acting governor of Ihe ciiniil
"Continued iuoemeul. of Ihe slidt
yostordnv hits caused the n.o-l ,soii
oils shoaling of the channel hihij ln-1
October. Shoals are 8110 fed long
and at the woist point theie i oul,
seven fed of water with nil islnmi
Jiyo runt nlw)V'o. Wtiter, 1 Oil .fcut- long
inid'.'O feet wide in the mphlTe of the
ehaunul. Suggesf shipping agencies
be ndvinoil (o consult with Wiishing
tou oft ice of the I'unuiiui eiiiiul before
The Ivies
Tn iteal a kiss is uaturnl. To buy
one is stupid. Two girls kissing Is
u waste of tlmo. To kits one's sister
la. proper. To kiss one's wife Is an
obligation. To klas an ugly woman
Is gallantry. To kiss an old, faded
woman is devotion. To hiss a young,
blushing girl Is unite a dlfforont
thing. To klH one's rich mint is
hypocrisy. Kissing three girls in the
sumo day Is nxtravugaiicn. To kiss
one's mother-in-law Is a holy sacri
fice. Tho New York Sun.
I low Singular
Mrs. .lonoa had a singular hoy.
So singular was this young .Tones
That ho never miulo any noise.
And ho playod Ills duds all alone.
At sohool ho was rather erratic.
For, though mentally quick as a
Ho would htudy kut one nintheimitlo,
And whan sick ho hnd only one
- KoUort Kiidd Whiting in Century.
Notlco in hereby given ttiut the nn
durslguud will apply to the city coun
cil ut its iimdliu' t bo lield Octolier
r. th, r.Ha, Tor a I'ceuse to-aell malt,
spirituous mid vinous liquors tn
Humilities loss than a gallon on Its
place of, business at 13 South Fiont
street, city of Med ford, until Jan
uary 1. laiti. V .1. CAKSTUN'S,
Dutyil Soutomber iu, l'J16.
Tlmo Taldo
I.oavo Medford dally oxcopt Sun.
day for Ashland, Talent and Phoenix
at S a. m., 1:15. 3:30 ami 5: If, nnd
10:15 p. in. (Saturday at 11 -16 p.
m.) Sunday loavo at S:0Q and 11:00
a. m., 1:00, 5:00 and 0$0 p. in.
Leave Ashland daily except Sunday
at 9:00 a. in., 12 50, 2 30. 4-30 and
7:00 p. m. und Sunduy nt 10.00 a
tn.. 13 noon. 4:00, G ami lo:J0 p. ru
20. 1915.
Pimples and Skin Eruptions
Danger Signs pf Bad Blood
It May Mean Eczema, Scrofula The
First Sign of Inherited Blood Disease
i ni.t.. -11.. ntttif.- tititttnrv enncnf Irtiia nml Rorrtfilln
denote wltli uufalllujr certainty n lU'liUltntttl. youl;eno(T una linntiro statp or
.. mi. a t.l.. ....... t.ii it fiina lilnswl frntil lllnfll. Illtf. ni)
me- oioou. -uie "'. v
mutter now you were iniecicu. you luusi imn it miuubn . """"--- "' "
blood dlscuse. You must use S. S. S.. the standard blood tonic for BO years,
if vou expect certain relief. For purirylng tho syaUm, uothlng Is equal to It.
The action of S. S, St L to cIMibc (he bTood. 'It rfouks through thP Hysteni
direct to 1 the Beat of tho trouble sdlng as nii-unt dote to wutrnllae the
bood notions. It revltallzcp the nil blood corpuscles, increases the. flow
neod expert advice, wlte to S. b. S. Co.. Atlanta, ua.
Evexy fifth toll
V'vJ sisEi
A man u-itlwut
moiuy or responsi
bility can "uuaraii
tcc"anvtliinu with
out ninriim? an v F111.11 ril
-but when
the uuLiruf Certalit'teed Kool
General Roofing Manufacturing
IIVill 'Sftir II'I'OI'''''' ' ' lf lidl'Alia "'' '"!'
Nw York City m.UjJpli. Sl,Luu
ruliLucili Urtroil Son trt,e,tco Ciiieinnkll
KuiutClty ScnllU AlUnU Jloui r ,I""r.
OiirSpcciiil Low W.'ilcisSlill Ut'in Alsidc
22-K Gold Crowns $5.00 toi$7.00-.
Good Sot Teeth $10.00 ';. V
t 'I . .
Modern painless methods used in.tlu' J'.iJliiitf "11( ('x"
i rafting of teeth. Conic in und talk over yimr tooth
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Phone 692-R
Prices L'ange From '.):2) Up
Gauntlets From $1.75 Up
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Features of Early Western- Days
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" U gtatlog On ,-"
Ak N'Mreat
51. sut
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is Certain-teed
The General says:
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and one of tha easiest ways to burn up
your money is to:buy an unknown grade,
a 'just as good' grade on a fake-guaranteed
grade of roofing."
1 1" plants behind
hi, ifiiuruutcc, it
puans semctliini:
In crof Mtiling - that's
1 t I'll Cortatn'leed.
Uutlon CluvitutJ
tUif.lurn $yJny
tn j'j'i ai (he jniril
asI y ml 1."iiM 11
Dr. M. A. Jones
402 Main St Cor. Central
1 1 ,"
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rawmgqr Kt)iitr