Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 20, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Fair Tonight nml Tuesday.
Mnv. 1)1 s Mln. 48 Ifutn. JJ1.
Forty-fifth Tenr.
Dolly Tenth Year.
NO. 155
Arrivals From London Tell of Airship
Raid Explosive and Incendiary
Bombs Destroy Warehouses, Six-
Story Tenement and Rock Hospi
talCircled Over Hotel District.
NKW YORK', Sept. 20. A liniulftil
ni' persons, from tin1 million who suw
(lie first Zeppelin raid over the. licnrt
of Lonilon on the night of September
H, reached New lork today aboard
(lie deainship'Ordunii with thrilling
dori.'i of (ho fight in Ihti sky be
tween the invaders iiin liritislt air
craft nml other detuilK of Iho damage
inflicted whieh hiul Intherto hern sup
pressed by tho llritidi censor.
There were said to bo three Zeppe
lin in the fleet, although (hove who
toM the story today hntl .seen but
one. They circled over the theater
nml hotel district of Lonilon, drop
ping explosive ami ineemlinry bomb.
Oii of tho latter, it was hiiIiI, dc
dmyed by lire an en tiro block of
warehouse within five minute1 wall:
of St. 1jiiiIh cathedral. An exploit
ivo bomb ripped through a sixVstnry
tenement in tho center of the city,
'Miatlering the building from top to
bottom mid killing n dozen or more
men, women and children an they
Ilomks Rocks Hospitals
Several bombs, according to the
eyewitnesses, fell near three hospi
tals in n cluster, the central one of
which was tho Opthahuio hospital,
full of wounded soldiers. All three
buildings were rocked to their fouu
dation and not a pane of glass was
lott intact. U ho patients had to be
moved into tho hired where they lay
for hours on their cots while the dam
age was repaired.
Pieced together from aceouni
given by the Ordunu's passengers, the
dorv of the air mid was as follews:
"Tho raid oeeurted between 10 :-I."
and ll:.")5 on the night of September
b, a raid the previous night having
reached tho eastern section of the
lily, but not tho heart. Persons
iideop in the Melropolo, Iho Victoria
and other hotels in the center of the
cilv were awakened by Iho incessant
wlnrr of neroplano cnjjinoK jt,' the
llntidi air fleot look wing to repol
the invader, .lust as the Zeppolius
appealed 'over the Strand most of the
theaters were pouring their crowds
into the divot.
I'aulc in (bo Streets
Shore, nccording to some passcn
gcrs, a panic impeded when the first
word of tho approaching aircraft was
passed from mouth t omouth in whis
pers. The light Were turned off ami
men and women in evening clothes
fought for tnxicabs and other vehi
cles to take them home. Tho other
passengers said thoro was no panic,
but that it great wave of fear seemed
lo engulf this section of tho darken
ed illy before, Iho nuli-niroraft gnu
began to pop away.
Suddenly from every section of
London tho sky was swept by long,
while bonms from scores of search
lights. The tops of these beams wcro
not long in resting upon what they
froiighl. When tho Zeppelin was found
a doyen or more searchlights focused
(Continued on page two.)
Vititi'il Slates nnvnl talion ship Sup
)d nried here today from Honolulu.
T II., with tho bodies of thulium men
J mm the submarine l'-4 on board.
lour of the bodies, identified in
Aanoiis ways, were brought in square
ca-kds. The deonmposud mid dis
it fiiiberod bodies of nine other wem
br.iubt in four oskitts..
'I'U,' four bodies iduiitified, thoae of
Oi"rc T. Asbcroft, stinner's mato, of
Lo-. Vnclos; Ivan L. Mshaii, maehin-i-l
-, of I.iiHM, O.; ChiiHoti II.
t -. n ... hinit' wnt- of Norfolk,
.!, .iinl Kraak X. Ilemoc. elwtrie
i.i i S.iU Uk City, I'tab, will be
but lo riiatie.
f t I in iitiKleUlificd bodii-i Will be
flM lu .nmi,twM .Miliuuui iiiiiiir;.
1 N'H
Situation Similar to That Followlnrj
Fall of Warsaw Von Hinden
liurg's Troops Have Flung a Loop
About Russians Over a Front of
200 Miles.
LONDON', Sopt. 20. Tho Russian
army menaced slnco tho fall of Vllna
by tho German encircling movement,
Is estimated variously at 2r0,000 to
500,000 men. The conditions under
which tho Russians nro attempting
to n.xtrlcato themselves furnish a
striking parallel (o llioso which fol
lowed tho capture of Warsaw. They
may preclptalo, ono or tho greatest,
If not tho greatest balll which lias
been fought on ino eastern front.
Although no official confirmation
has been received in London from
Potrograd this morning of tho fall of
Vllna, tho llrltlsh press has accept
ed tho .German claim readily in view
of the situation that had heen dovol-
oping, go far an can bo Judged,
Field Marshal Von llltidcnburg's
troops have flung a loop about the
Hussions over a front of eoino 200
miles nnd aro not only In their rear,
but are menacing seriously tho slnglo
railway lino nnd tho few avallalilo
wagon roads stretching lo tho south.
It Is pointed out that Von lllnden-
burg's cavalry Ins penetrated so deep
ly Into hostile country as to creato
a salient open to sudden attack, if
tho Russians should ho ablo to com
mand reinforcements at tho proper
time and place, hut It Is not ucllovcd
hem that bis opponents aro In a po
sition to deal Htich n blow effectively.
There is a great deal of speculation
as to the German objective.
Next to Warsaw, Vllna Is tho most
Important town in Western Rilssla.
It Is a railway Junction of great mill,
tary Importance It was from Vllna
that Napoleon fled In dlsgulsoln 1S12
during the retreat from Moscow.
imOWNSVILLE, Tex., Sopt. 20.
.Much significance was attached to-
an announcement by the Carranza
consulato that General Jaclnton Tre
vino. Carranza commander for tho do
parhuent of tho northeast of Mexico,
was expected to arrtvo In Matamoras
today on a special train from Mon
terey. It was holloved hero that bo
would attempt to smooth over tho
border trouhlo In this section In or
der to strengthen Carranza's stand
ing with tho Pan-American conferees.
Here's How Morgan Makes War Pay
Tho allies pay him for transuding their munitions
business in this country
The manufacturers pay him for giving them their
share of this business
He owns much of the slock in tho factories that
handle great war contracts 'k
ITo deals in margins in tho slocks that are going lo
get tho contracts
ITo owns stock in the railroads that take the fin
ished product io the seaports
ITo gets a bonus from the. proving grounds where,
American-made nuutitions aro tested
3 lis steamships charge extra rates for taking tho
munitions to Furope
1 Lis London branch (Morgan, Orenfcll & Co.)
makos money out of the distributing agencies
Tc gets enormous fens from England for raising
tho monoy in America to pay all these profits to hiin
sglf PROFIT NO. 0.
Battlefields of Europe Creating Most
Amazing Mass of Capital Ever
Gathered in One Spot for Pierpout
NKW YORK, Sept. 'JO. The great
European war has made J. Pierptuit
Morgan tho wealthiest man in the!
His profit in Iho miorv of Eur
ope's millions has made him richer
than Rockefeller.
What Waterloo did for Rothschild,
thousands of Walcrloos are doing for
Morgan today.
Every blast of doalh from n French
"7V' every avalanche of slcel from
n British
gun increases Morgan's
Every war order cnblcil
United Slates is making
to the
Dollar on dollar, thousand on thou
sand, million on million, Morgan's
money is piling up until it forms to
day the most amazing mass of capi
tal tho world lias ever seen.
ringer on Kvei-y Industry
With his finger on every industry
that profits by tho war, with every
move in the making and shipping and
selling of inanitions pouring more gold
into his coffers, .1. P. Morgan him
self does not know how much of Iho
world he today owns.
And all because ho was scleelcd by
tho Hrilish government as the Amer
ican linaucial agent of the entente,
Morgan was picked as Iho allies1
munitions chief because they recog
nized bis standing as (ho foremost
mnslcr-of-money in America. They
knew that Morgan bad the money ami
f Hit influence and the nerve to perfect
an organization in America that would
givo them the capital mid tho shells
tliev had In hitc.
They knew that with his steel mills,
railroads, steamships and banks he
could mako nnd deliver tho goods.
And they let him make his own terms.
So Hint Morgan, drilled from boy
hood in tho making of money, could
not help piling up millions mid bil
lions out of Kuropo's distress,
Kevps Tnl)s on .Munitions
He picked as hi first assistant E.
It. Stcttinius, president of tho Dia
mond Match company of Illinois,
Stdlinius is now at work under the
Morgan roof in New York. He has
300 office assistants men picked for
their ability to keep their mouths shut.
This office forco keeps tab on mun
itions orders, has at hand data on
where tin thing under tho sun can be
iuade, and wheie the stock can bo
Contracts, .'nsidcrs say, nro not
(Continued on pago six)
BM? Iv5HWS'yB SSH tsfH
H , 4Ct hV$ &mX flEfiKHriXLlKw 1
He's nlroadv ii her limn Rockclciler, nnd everv dav the war lasls
makes hint richer Mill. Here aio J. 1'. Morgan's "laces," lakcu in Un
pad few years, showing the wirious mood-. f i.trllt's new ('rticus.
J LIN, .Sept. 20. Announcement
was made by the oi'lieo hero to
day of mi attack by (leiinan forces
on the SeibimiK. It was said (hut the
Serbians wore driven back.
Oermaii forces are purnuing the
Russian army, which is nltiHiipting to
eseapo front Iho cuvdnpiug movement
in (he Viliiu region. The Russians am
offering little rcnUtaiico lo Iho ad
vancing flvrinniiH.
This is the first olTininl announce
ment of the presence of Ounnntu on
the Serbian front.
Recent uiioliicial ndvicos from
Athens reported (be position of the
Turks on Iho Oallipolt peninsula u
precarious, owing to heavy lobiw ma'
shorlngo of ammunition.
Official announcement wan made in
Rngland in July that Kritudi i'oiciw,
the btreiiglb of which witg not givtm,
had been sent to Heibia. It is iiImi
known that Hie Scibiaus are being a-
xitcd in the licld b the Fieinli.
PKROOHAI). Sept. 20. A dispatch
from Kiev to ttio Douriu Uaaotto
quote tb dlroetor of the Southwest
ern railways as saying that the evac
uation of Kiev was "proooedlng nor
mal!)" and that there wore- on hand
sHffleleut oars for this purpose.
Military critics awumo In the nh-
senoe of official information, that tho
HumIuu fun-it havo abandoned Vll
na uud are rdimc to the southward
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 20. Tho
Atchison, Topeka Ai Sanla I'e Rail
way company was ordeied today by
the dale railroad con
drucl n lino connecting OcomiHidc, in
Sua Diego counly, with Tcineeiila,
twciity-fiu miles uoilhoad. Tho or
der made it optional lo io-routo tits
line by way of l-'iill Hiook, twelve
miloN distant from Tciueouln, or to
rim it through the Raihhow vulluy.
Thiti lino would nfford n cut-off
to iMistbound tnilfio from Kan Diego
and triliutnry territory by way of it
iiortlieast line to San llernanlino. At
present ondboiind trnffio is routed
north to Los Angolos and then east.
It was said this wa tho fird order
issued by the commission for the eon
druetion of it now line.
1'n 1 1 Hrook and Temocuhi were con
nected by railroad until 181)1, when
I he line w vviiNhod out. The hue was
built by a company whoo property
wan niKpiiruil by tins Sanln K. Cham
bers of Coiumeroo of San Diugo mid
Idvcivido couuliec, whiuli indented
action reMiilliiig in the order today,
Kind that tho Santa Fe took over it
ureal part of a bonus given its pre
decessor for coudniotlon of a net
work of lint.. Tht piopertv given
a a hitniis, it wss said, now i val
unl .t muiiv luillioit dolliii-M.
NEW YORK, Sept. 20.- Dr. Con
tantin T Dumba, the Aiutrn-llun-gurlan
amtiaanador whose recall was
asked by lrosldHit Wilson has ro
Mrved pawtigo on tho stoainor Rot
terdam, which sails from this port
Tumdto, September 21.
ran t
New York Bankers to Handle Billion
Dollar Loan to Allies Bonds to
Draw Five Per Cent Interest anil
Mature in Five or Ten Years First
Mortgage England and France.
NEW YORK, Sept. 20. Tho lar
gest ttntlorvvrltlns syndlcnto tho wost
ern world has evr known wns In pro
cos sof formation today to handlo tho
proposed "1)1111011 dollar" credit loan
to Circa! llrllaln and France, which
has now shrunk, It was reported, to n
sum not yet determined, lietwcon
5000,000,000 and $800,000,000.
This syndicate according to tenta
tive arrangements said to havo been
agreed upon will comprise national
and stato banks nnd trust companies
front tho Atlantic to tho Pacific. A
number of so-called pro-dcrmaii flit-
nnelors. It was reported, will Join tho
syndicate It It bo finally agreed that
tho proceeds of tho big loan shall ho
avallalilo for commodity exports and
not for war munitions.
Tut Out al Par
Tho prlco at which this syndlcato
will put out tho llrltlsh nnd French
government bonds, Issued to securo
tho loan, will ho par. Tho bonds will
pay five per cont Interest nnd will
bo n first mortgage upon tho cntlro
llrltlsh empire and Franco nnd her
colonies. All other obligations of
the two nations will bo subordinated
to tho proposed big bond Issuo here,
Uvon the staggering suiiih ralsod by
bond Issues at homo, with which tho
wap baa been carrlod on, will como
second to the loan to bo floated hero
when tho tlmo comes to pay tho prin
cipal. For Iho first tlmo In history Iho
Dngllsb pound sterling has yielded
first placo In International flnanco
to tho American dollar la this ro
spect: Tho wholo big Issuo of bonds
will ho payablo In American dollars,
principal and interest.
Tho bonds will run flvo and ten
(ilvo Hankers Itake-off
In agreeing (o havo tho issuo han
dled by an underwriting syndicate,
the Anglo-French financial commis
sion, whoso errand hero Is to estab
lish tho loan, apparently has doferrod
lo tho views of American fnanclers.
tho original Intention of tho commis
sion having provided for general sub
scrlptlon to tho bonds without tho
underwriter as a mlddlo man,
It Ih rcgardoil as certain that the
membership of tho syndlcato of un
derwriters will consist of hundreds
of Institutions and possibly thous
ands, Theso banks will bo given n Hinall
profit on tho transaction, nomowhero
In (ho neighborhood of ono half of
one per cent, It Is believed.
WJNNIIM'KI. Sopt. ao. Testifying
today at the hoarlug of Sir Hodman
ltoblln, promlor, and three other Man
itoba cabinet ministers charged with
fraud In connection with tho erect
ion of provincial government build
ings, V. W. llarwood, fornior provin
cial architect, admitted that ho had
falsified public documents and been
it party to tho misappropriation of
piiblio money. As explanation of his
acts tho witness said his work for
the. government had dulled his moral
i i
WA8IUNTON Sopt. 20. Eitrlquo
UoiizuIoB Garza, provisional execu
tive In Mexico City during tho Xa-
pata-Villa occupation of tho capital,
arlrvod hero today as an emissary of
Oonqral Villa. Oarza will attempt to
show that Carranza, whllo making
his campaign Against Villa lit tho
north, has withdrawn largo forces
from south and central Moxlco and
has lout control in territory he ouco
Greek Steamer Althlnal Destroyed at
Sea Nearly 500 Passengers and
Crew Rescued by Tuscanla and
Roumanian Prince Cause of Fire
HALIFAX, N. S., Sept. 2. Tho
Greek denmor Athinni was destroyed
by fire at sea with tho loss of onlv
one lite, nccording to n ntoBsngo'lrc
ceived by tho mariiie department to
day. Tho steamer Turcania rescued
108 pnssengerH nnd tiio crow, nnd tho
slenmor Roumanian Prineo sixty-ono
Tlia messago from tho Tuseania
was dated nt 7 n. in. today nnd was
tho firut official word received from
tho liner Binco tho wireless rcport'jast
night thnt tho Athinni was on fi're nnd
tho TiiBcnnia had rescued tho pas
sengers. Tho origin of tho firo was
not stated in the essnge, which read:
Transferred Passengers
"Henrd distress call at 8:30 n. m.
yesterday. Arrived on spot nt noon
and Bent lino noross to help them.
Transferred passengers nbout 4 p. in.
Ship wns abandoned nbout 8:10 p.
m. Wo rescued 408 passengers and
crew nnd tho Roumanian Princores
cued 01. Tlioro wna only ono lifo
lost, thnt of a man whojuhipo'dtevor
bonrd. Wo left tho.wrepk jlmtifng
fiercely in Nos. 1 andfifrldJ uVajf'i)
p. in. Position, IittiliidiliSbT&Istli,
longitude n7.-l7 west." 3g ?
Sailed From N'owjYoik '
Tho Athinni sniled from Now York
last Thursday for Piraeus with a
few pa8Kcngera nnd n heavy cargo o
genornl merchandise.
Tho Tuseania is bound from Glas
gow for New York, but it wns thought
possiblo sho would bring tho ship
wrecked men lo this port. Tito posi
tion of the Tuseania wub given na
Intitudo .10:31 north, longitudo G8.-17
thur IMitnmu, sculptor, today began
a now work on tho casts of "Tho In
dian and tho Monk," of which tho
result of a year's labor was destroy
ed In a flro which consumed tho
studio nn its contents, badly dam
aged Ills cottugo, nud threatened tho
sculptor's llfo Sunday.
Putnam, who Is partly paralyzed
as n result of a recent operation, wat
unable to help himself und but for
tho nppcarauco of n'fellow artist, who
carried him to safety, might havo por
Ishoil. Tho sculptor's workH at tho Tan
amifPaclflc exposition havo won high
commendation, winning tho gold
medal for sculpture.
None of tho bronzes wero destroy
ed, a fow originals being damaged.
Tho flro started from children play
ing with matches In tho grass in tho
lot adjoining,
PARIS, Sopt. 20. -Tho official
statement given out by tho Kronen
war oflco this afternoon describes
great activity on tho part of French,
artillery nt various points along tho
battle lino In Franco.
"A depot of muntlons within tho
enemy's lino near Perthes was blown
up.1' ,
PARIS, Sopt. ?0. Multlplo erup
tions of tho Italian volcanoes are
now occurring, saya 8 dispatch front
Rome, Vesuvius, Aetna and Strom
boll aro nil active a singular phe
nomena novor before recorded.
Noito of tho eruptions, however, is
of a character to cause alarm.
I ,4
K" 5