Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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1 1 ' PAGE TWO
1 A t t t T-t-f-T-T-----"---""
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II. O. nndcra, n prominent mer
chant of Ashlnnd was In Mcdford yes
Do Voe delivers tho Orcgonlnn to
jou every day or 75c a month.
Tho High nchool Pnrcot8-Ticlior'
clrclo will hold their flrstj meeting of
tho year nt tho high school building
Friday, Sept. 17, at 3 p. m. This Is
nn informal meotlng to plan work
for tho coming year. All patrons of
tho high echool are Invited. '
nipo tomatoes wanted at Iloguo
River Valley Cnnnery.
JIIbs Madeline Pratt, who has been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Hopkins
at tho Snowy Dutle orchard for the
past six months, loaves Friday for
hor'tiomo In New York via tho San
Francisco exposition. Sho will be
greatly missed in social circles whero
oho has become very popular.
Flour at Watfc'ns Feed Storo nt
$1.35 up. Those wlnhlng flour at
thoxo low prices should call soon.
Phono 2G9.
Rosi Kllno of the Little liutto dis
trict Rpcnt AVodiiesdny In Mcdford at
tending to buslnctn matters.
Itctnoval salo of everything In
shell goods, hair goods, toilet nrtl-
clos, nt half prlco for a few days. Now
' ,York Ilcauty Parlors. 1GI
Tho Medford band will bo ono of
tho attractions nt the Hold Hill in
dustrial fair to be hold Friday and
Saturday of this week,
Sparc- ribs and country sausago
IJooth C Public Market Saturday.
V. I. Vawtcr of this city, K. V.
Carter of Aehland, W. C. I.covcr of
Central Point and C. M. Thomas of
Talent left Wednesday jilght for 8a
lom to attend tho land grant confer
ence callod by Governor 'Wltliyeombo.
Pnpor hanger and painter, tinting,
etc. Phono B-H-M (o II. Sandors. 123
Charles Stcnpett of Ashland vlnltoil
Tulnttvcs and attended the old soldiers
reunion jesterday,
Sco Dnvo Wood about that firs In
surance policy. Offcs Mall Tribune
llldg. .
Arthur ingalls of Dunx-uiilr, Cnl.,
In spendlrtg a few days In tho city on"
InjHlnesH matters nml vtliiK friends.
Try ono of thoso big Ice cob) S cent
milkshakes nt Do Voo's.
Walter Iteardnn of A.H"ny Oregon,
In spending tho week In tho city at
tending to buslnPBs mntlers.
For flour or food phono "Moflford
Roller Mills. Phono C07.
. Atiornoy John II, CnrMiiB nttelujeil
to legal matters In Jaclfifonvllln Wcil-
iiesdny nftornnon,
(let jour butter, cggH, milk, cream
and buttermilk at Do Voo's,
V. S. Grout of Ornnts Pass fs
a Hiring tho old soldiers attending tho
rouplon in thin city this week.
Weston Camera Shop for first class
Kodak finishing and Kodak supplies.
Joo Collage, who escaped with John
Austin Hooper, when that daring des
aprado departed Horn tho Ornntn Pass
Jail, pleaded guilty to n statutory
chrago boforo JudKO 1 M. CnlUlns
Wednesday, and was nuntonccd to
from ono to 10 jonrs In tho statu jion
Itrntlary. lly pleading guilty Col
tngo esp;ipcd trial on nn indictment
for aiding Hooper o escape. Tlioro Is
nn doflrilto trdco'nf tho wlioronlioutgl
. of Hooper.
Drs. A. It. and LouIbo K. 1 lodges,
rhlropractors, Jyiva moved to tho
Stewart building', 23f Kant Main st.
Moso Harkdull returned Wodnots
dny afternoon from tut unto trip to
Klnmath lnlln.
George ThoniiUon of risddlng. Cat.,
In spending n Nw days in the rlty nt
tending to business matters.
HumHtltchlng done, )0c per yard.
Mrs. Han'ejs, nt Moo's Btoro. 172
1 0n,K to tho Mndford Imud imrtlr-
Ipallug In the rolnbrntlou of the an
nual Gobi Hill liiduKtrlul fulr Friday
and Saturday, the rogular weekly
progrnm vchedul for Friday nUht nt
the city park will bo Klvon Sundny
nrteruoon InstutKl. according to an nn
iiouiict'iiunit by Louder It. t'urns.
IiKnnberry shorbot, Tno Shasta.
0. 0. I'rliu of Jiu knomllol is a
buslnottK inllor In the clt tnda.
I tnko irldo in making your watch
koop perfoct time. I havo evory fa.
dllty for doing flno watch repairing
Johnson tho Jonoler,
Henry CuIIukIihii 111 loave Hut
iinlay villi a force of men to begin
duvolnpuiout work on his claims in
tho liluo l.edgt) dlitrlot.
Head tho Portland Orcgoulau
W. H. (Dad) Dunlup mm-it Aed
nvbday alternnou In JunMoiivlllu be
fnru tho board of iMiualUiitlon Mr
Diiulap dldcovoriMt that lie was holuu
avseosud for his hntiMt that buruod
down lust Hprlng. Tim com" Hon
wuu mndd on the roll.
Tuko your a toh to Johnson, tho
JowQlor, you will receive unusually
good service,
A largo audUmcn, IjioIihUhk m.inv
from nut of town attended tli. jires
vntatlon or "The HluHiJiMT-rit" at tlu
Page theater Weduday night witli
Wljljam Far mi m n tb Uudlug role
Jt is ot)0 of the bOjst Hllure of the
year iu this city. It wtl be repeated
(Jet Jt ut DaVoes.
William Altkcn of this city has re
eclved a letter from his father In Kng
fand which " throws tin Interesting
sidelight on conditions in that land
Asldo from tho sight now and then of
A wounded soldier on the street or
tho sound of n foreign tongue spoken
by tho refugees, tho letter says tlioro
is no sign of tho great struggle. Ev
ery movement of thc.troos Is veiled
in secrecy. Englishmen themselves
do not know what is golnp'oti." Tho
oplstlo says that every German in
England is either behind a ntpekado
or under close survcllanco ns n, curb
to tho spy rhenarc. Tho fetter Bays'
that It Is tho general belief that Hip
nllica are preparing for a long war.
and that Kitchener and Joffro do not
intend to start a campaign that will
mean a prodlgnl vasto of human "liven
for tho taking of n minor osltlqu
The "nibbling" policy IsJn full swing,
When better Insurance is sold
Holmes Tho lnsuranco Man will sell
Frank Henry of Mnrshflold is
spending n few days In tho city and
valloy attending to business matters.
Until October lot Dr. Myrtlo S.
Lockuood will limit her offlco hours
to Monday, Wednesday and Frldny
from 2 to 4:30 p. in. Othor hours
by appointment only.
J. K. Peterson of Grants Pais,
county treasurer of Josephine county,
In spending n few days In tho city at
tending tho G. A. It. reunion. '
J, O. Ocrklng, tho best all around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always reliable Negatives made any
where, tlmo or place. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 3 2 O.J.
Mrs. A II. .Miller' and Mrs. John
8. Orth returned Wednesday from
Klamath Falls whero they) wore call
ed by tho denth of Itoscoo Cuntrall.
Jonuson, at tno nook. store, an
export watch ropalrcr.
Vicldr Hanson of 8cott's Valley Is
spondlng a few days In the city at
tending to business matters,
Merchants' Lunch, 26c. The Shasta.
A wavo of athletic Interest has
struck tho high school, and every
able bodied youth In tho Institution
In out nightly practicing football mi
dor tho direction of Coach Klum
From 30 to Of. cnndldatc.i aro nut nt
evory drill. Tlioro will ho threo or
four squads. Tlioro aro sovoral prom
ising looking huskies on tho team,
and as Klum mndo a winner out of
Ashland with less material, he Is ex
pected to repent tho trick in this city.
Tho ban has been plared on cigar
ettes and Into hours. Tno now coach
pl?o announces, that tho first team
jvlll JiajjIckH ncconllpg to .ability,
and'nol sacfal'stiiftis.
7 bars I). C. soap 2 lie; 1.1 IbiJ. Sugar
$1.00; 2 lbs. butler fir.c; U'Ac.kfmnr
$I.r.0, at 8TrJngVsr3:!7 ?QJakdaoT
duo tojjio cnango in tint' weal her
an epidemic of colds Iu holding forth
In tho city.
Tho Sons of Veterans nro requested
turned from an auto trip to lCastcrn
canij' grounds Thursdny evening nt
Attorney G. II, Roberts attended
to legal matters in tho county voat
Wednesday afternoon.
11. N Hill or Oregon City is among
the out or town visitors in tho city
this weok.
T A. Flfor, aHuolstaiit cashlor of
tho Jackson county bank. Is suffering
from the efforts or a carbuncle on tho
back of tho neck.
J. H. Graham, manager of tho
Sterling store at ABliland was Iu Mod
ford Wodnosdny. Mr. Graham will
havo a closing oilt ealo'of tho entire
stock beginning Sept. 17. This stock
Includes ladles' ready-to-wear and
According to A. C. Allon who ro
oently returned from an auto trip
to Kastern Oregon and Portland,
tourists aro being sent ovor the F.ant
urn Oregon route dosplto proMou de
nials by Portland organtiatlous Mr
Allen said he mot but ono uutolst on
his trip who had not been tnstrurt
tl thualy Mail) nro ent otr the
Mceuilo pass road One trip over
this road Mr. Allon declares, is
enough. Iu ItuHtern Oregon the road
has threo numon. In the northern part
It U called Washington IiIkIihio, in
th? cantor Lincoln highway, and in
ttie south I'atillr highway.
I'Olt gAUt'ltoiiouii''' toe rwiiReV
six holes, wool or coal, in good
rondltign C K Suuiuboii, 5? N
Orange, between o and 7 o'clock
Light houtekeepIiiK
ho ii tb Central ae l.Vj
Smokers of
Turkish Trophies
Citfurettea fifteen years ago
are smokers of
Turkish Trophies
Cigarettea today I
enifOTton Qfrttoh tbUMf
W S Hani u hi of Jacksonville who
has been enmped at Crescent City and
nan reported lost is tfxpected to re
turn to Mcdford tho end of tho week.
Considerable local interest is be
ing manifested among basoball fans
in the races for tho pennant in Amer
ican and National league. Dotrolt
gained a full game Wednesday on
Hoston, and is now within striking
distance In the American league bat
tle Philadelphia' JcaU the National
leagun, 'vith Uoston and I)ropkl(.;tr
Bea-rbwyac'tiallfifmll ibtth In pecohd
nlnce Uoth the races are closV.- r
. . . . . .. - . k - .
Charles Simmons of tho'., FaJmcx
Gulch district spent Wednesday Jn
Medford nttcAulitu business mat
Medford attaiulluf; .lo business mi
nt' the Sldrllng mliib
,Thn 'lri'jjr;ci( th,q .'NJprfl. ;hnVnrH
fwjigon, n fncjl $10;W$jnodfty by
i'ollce Judge Chqrles Gayfqr sjiocd
Ing on the streets. This irf the begin
ning of a police campaign against
rcckloss driving.
Miss Alice Katon or Itlddlo is
spending a few days in tho city and
nlley visiting frionds and relatives.
Kd Miller, George Watson and W.
IL Thompson havo left for n two
weeks' doer hunting trip In the north
cm part of the county.
At W. Walker, agent for the P,rls
coe, Jeffery, Klnsol nnd Packard auto
mobiles, has purchased tho Valley
garage from I. Green. 'Tho deal was
made Tuesday. Mr. WalHer plans 16
put In n largo lino of,auto supplies
find conduct tho "arag'o in conncctlpn
with tho soiling of tho various auto
mobiles he represents A yoar.igo
Mr iVnyccr owned the Nnsh-lfvoxy
stnbJe&jLAfter selling Ihe stnido ho
went Into tho nutomobllo ImalnqRH.
Ills biujincss has Increased rapidly.
Ho anticipates a big salo for cars in
tho valloy this fall. " '' '
James Wooden of Ilond, Oregon, is
spondlng a few dnys In tho city and
valley nttcndlng to business mailers.
Attorney Gun Newbury has return
ed from Grants Pass whero ho con
ducted two civil suits before tho cir
cuit court.
Uy A. C. Uowlctt
'Hie l'mifie & Knvteni nnlin
i'onimiiv departed Iioin tlieir legti-lar-eli;trlni
IiiHfTTlilit nnd run IhOlf
piotor enr iiji tjillutlu F.illfc Cor w
lmriwSrr lKiii?'ontKihju'j(fV. ('.
ilnwTiiy up. Jtiiiideitiind'tliKt he
Iiiih nn iuterc-t iu u tract of timber
liiid in that legion.
4 t-eetliuUJ. lV'drrvv Uu owner-
oj' one iil'inr te"l oieluinU, m
leturnefl to Ills pliiee. lie has been
.ifpiliiiji the hiimiiicr iu Suit L.iKe
Citj' wlieie 'he jui some inteiCKU.
Il wile lemuuieil in Suit Lake ( it
wink lie vHino hero to look alter lu
oiehurd. It. I-. Ituidic, (lie Iiotr hu.Mr ot
Anliluiid wuo hero the fimt nt the
week to recoivo iiuotliur lot of IS hos
that l. M. Wuleli lirouglit in, lie nl-o
rueeived a nice liunnli of beef cattle
Unit Hurt Iligiubotlium nnd Kd llol
leiiliiek In ought in from the li oj-jk-i-I
.Mie. J. I.. ItoMui taoii mid her -on,
Klmer, yiive a hirlliday itnt,v lnt
Satin du mght, a th mother mil
miii hud their birthday ciiino iu the
HHine week, sud united in about nil
ut' their lutiyhhoiv. Knriy iu the
..uyxJiiuiflliu hutniu to MilhwUund in
lit t tiine jJmth wre!7 flulv and
4huijilj4n iJui: KfAty'"
nig lee fifi'in. -aiiiiwii in . ii , ami
koiiIiiiuihI the wport until fi I . t . h mr
Omi it din iiiiarilci- wbu i thi'ix
iMiii ' limiie nbiiiit 1 tin t )m k hi tin
The Hsw Baby' npcUnt mnlhr Ihonlit lute nl
haml a Iwttlr of "Mnllwr's 1-rlriKl" It n
niipllpil otr ttx- muwlc. mlir ttn-m ilrunc
ttirr rxnami uilli)ut undur train. P4ui I
rHIM iinuwi I nrrrromr aiM th fki i
thlit prrtrl fliut m-iu Hid ollirr lit
fnU mi ouhqviii vhtrr M liter Krii'l" 1
hvn hlrrlfl Writf t r h ilimlV IkxW
Mat fr 1 1 Pi f'.t . Mor Oi, lt
l.mar III t M t"ii
It Ii n iil mm t -nt t Information anrt
woiKlfr'u' It Urn frvm ct trfi p tirr t i
writ thr. i jti II 1 I i I n di r r
full to 'Molbtr lit i, hiii if a I ilrut
1 s 'a i I na' o ric j rci t re
I Ii t t c' T lr n w i 1 ue w i' i ii
i r x hi i
' Nl) iitir y l .-Li)
i:)eslght Specialist
MeJtorJ, . Oregoa
ssssssn-rivHFv AissnBasssssssl
iiKinnnj:, mnl reltietdiitU beiiu t
Oit,jM.'re.wiKhimr the mijiJier iiiul wn
the return of Tunny Imppv birllujuy".
1 hied lo get it lit of Ihe names of
thoM- who were in nltemlnnri' liub'the
Iflilv tHi'inl to nl'.om I entrust il the
task, jierhnps tlioiighl llmt there
would be too ninny tor one letter,
Our phti-iiMlhv ('. K. U$l jutil
wire I'lime iti-ln-i Kjii1uv mxlit and
they bn.iuiht in Jli-n. 1. F. i'foifler
of AlrhfoVii nutlIior two Ohildien. Mr.
l'feiffer- Iiiik been iuiiliiWil jm rook
in tlit'l)ll,"'"tli Itotql at Fort Kl.iln
nlli during tho hummer ami hn ife
MfflN 1,p,.ii hft fiHtJSlnTit.-"" ,
I.nt iyibnlay Cljilt'.t'onnHek (nr-
mt'rly of- ilji'" J'urU( hi fifljier hud
n sawmill on fTe sQutli.sidt' of Iloiind
top and Chile worTseil in Hie mill, 'lie
emne out Sniuhhiy to to iid to hi-,
old home nnd Untie FitlN. He look
dinner hero nnd' renewed old ne
(iiainlanc? with sexentl of the old
tiiniTH. lie (tniiie fiom Satitit Bur
barn, Cnl.
It. N. Ilglttf itnd'C. II. Wjllion of
Ahluud were mnnuf the callcrx Hnt
urdnv for dinnor.
II. U. Smith, II. 1. Youiifr nnd M.
K. Wool, nil interested in the fruit-grower-
nf-ciullon of Medford,
ealled Stinltiv for dinner on Iheir w'nv
iijr the eountry. 11)1 if k Abbott sand
Wife were ninonirf thevnllorh Sunday
for dinner. ,
Willium Wliithinu, one of our bnr
hei Iiiik movel iuio tlie-'Jumes Hinet
Jiinios Veflul rone uf our profii!
ng 5 Auitfr uiiin lio'lfun norked pis'
wnv Ulroil"h.(he,hui jliuol ot Cen
tral ,1'ojut, Htoppcd here for dinner
Mo'iuiuv on Ids wriy to Corvnlljjj t
enter us n t-tudent. Sueli lioyr ns
that will make their mark iu (he
world. ';v'"
It. Klum mid his two n-Hihtinitf
pas-ed through our town Tuesday.
They were pulting up Mjjnbonrtls
uloiij,' the mule to Crater Lake nnd
iimoiiL' other thing he did wn to
put up u siii right iu the miiltlTl of
the city ol Knule Point with tho
p'Uiitei poinlin,' iu it uortheilv di
riVlioK tli'ilirmiu'l IJuJile 1'oint onc
ipinrtommle jiud jummber of us .who IfvinVlfoni ll) lo 10 yejr,
UijiuhIiI tliati'o w'eh'l liviiiir in lie
town, mid jwiyiiiK ur tnxeijind ot
liiji inegiillyrir the Mgii be'huel; 'all
thoe j en i uud.junt leu Hied tliul. we
Kcfa UOt ju IJiVtown nt ul). Ilul,
pujjiip llie fiux who drew up Hie
plan of tlu runic pud the liimi who
had life I'ihitiftci t make nnd yut,
Mi Hie Mgifs.dM not know ns much
New bhipmiuit,jf tho latost
jail novelties just received,
(i.llai and I 'off Sets, dain-
t toitlus of color, avy
nttnutivf 50c and 29
.Air. and .M. J. tlrittHtm of A-h-latjd
nrctiQirVsr' ttfTir on, VAK.
V,K. nriiron he Abe ttfau
jitifre oif Hiignij'riverr
jibout the lioiiudiilir- of mf tow'n ns
they might, hut that i4 the way our
tax irioney jriioi for Mieli i?i ns
that' must Iinve eo-t tlio tamer-
nt lenM 1..)0 or ."r'J pieee Inside
the evpeiHje of -ettm the pos, etc.
Jh-s Mne Wil-on is spendiu; n
few luys iuitin the Itolicton fam
ily, ubout four pules notth of lieie.
W. H. MiI)onald of Medford, heut
TiuiMiuy night with us. He had been
up' to Klk creek Hting bin parents.
V. V. Dalev ! an, add in thi
ifwue of the Dailv .Mail Trihuue of
fifrin; liny for sale. " '
' WASHINGTON, Sept. Id. Secre
tary Lansing 'nlndo It plain to inq'ulr
ortf today that no violations of domes
tic or international law were involved
in tho proposed flotation by the allies
of a largo loan In this country.
Tho secretary explained that tho
attitude of tho Washington govern
ment hnd long ago been nnnounccd;
that its expression ot disapproval ot
loans ns "Inconsistent with tho spirit
of neutrality" has been occasioned
by a direct request for ndvlco by
American bankers, concerning loans
In general, nnd that tho administra
tion voiced Its opposition chiefly to
loans by popular subscription or thoso
which would take large aunis of gold
from tho'Unltcd States.
So far ns state department officials
nro able to observe, however, tho new
loan Is essentially what Is known ns n
"credit loan" to pay for obligations
Incurred, or about to bo incurred, for
tho purchase ot supplies. Such a loan
Is viewed ns a private commercial
transaction, not differing from tho
trarflc In contraband or other wnr
supplies, over Which n neutral gov
ernment is not obligated to exercise
any control.
Only in tho ovent that tho matter
is directly brought to tho attention ot
tho Washington government for nd
vlco is there likely to bo any formal
expression of opinion in tho present
oiniil - 'Olll) DHUGGIST
pli:.sics cust().mi:ils
I. U. Hnsklns reports customers
greatly pleased with the QUICK act
Ion of simple buckthorn bnrk, glcer
lne, etc., an mixed In Adlor-l-ka, This
slmplo remedy drains t)io old foul
tnnttor from th? .bowels so.THOit
lieves almost ANY CASK of consti
pation, sour or rjussy stomach. It is
go powerful that It is used succosu
fully In appendicitis. Adlor-l-ka never
rlpos nnd tho IN3TANT action Is surprising
Attractive Prices Friday and Saturday
on New Fall Merchandise
. 7
Tho now Suits mid t'oiit&im' now rcudy for your inspection anil approval. StvU'.s
wer'o novur nioro intorf.stinp; tnul Mtrit'dlhan thoso of tho piosout, geasgu. . Vitjjt 'our
suit dopartinont and st?o tho now arrivals in Suits and Coats now on displav.
Coats $15.00 to $
.10-inch Silk and Wool Poplins,
all colors 9S
UG-iiich Silk 'IWfotiiH $1.50
;(winch Poau Do Soio . .. $1.50
Double Stamps Friday and Sat
Conio in all tho now shades, f to
G inches wide usually sold for J5o
yard, special Friday and Saium
! ranches-wide, -daintv t'lontl-mid-
iouvi!Jjiional patterns, light and
Hpo'iuvVrll, yju'd ::...:.0c
Now and latest fall hhades,
suitable for Skirts, Suits
and Coats, beautiful for
tho new fall creations. See
the in. Spetial ibis sale
at 75c? and 9S
To Small -Tire Users
Sizes 30x3& and 30x3
Extra Size -so combats sucli brcuks.
Tli year we ore building . .Tl,csc "rffSrf
our small-sizc lircs larger limn 13 or us W17.000.
any rival. We have added T?1 Goodyear prices were
20 lo the air capacity. And ll"3 yat cnormoubly reduced,
that is what carries llie load. Added to Tills
-Large lires ns you know These new cxlrns are added
last lopger flion small l.res, lol,e,rcsXv,ic,h0Jloppace.
used uhdcr.likc conditions, bo p, . ,. i,onr ,nr;, r.nn.l.
.1 . .
tuts extra size means extra
mileage for you.
Extra Strength
We have added 30?Mo ihr
rubber in ihe side yz. jubt
nbovc the rim. That's where
constant flexing breaks so
many tires.
V e h n v c
made new molds
for the small-sizc
tires, adopting n
With 20 More Capacity
Goodyear Service Stations
Tires in Stock
- 15.00
Friday and Saturday
Fifty dozen Ladies' Mlack IIom
12c. These are regular 20c val
ues, double spliced heel, seam
less, full fashioned.
Fifty dozen Glen's Socles 12.
These lloiso conic in black and
tan, last colors, extra value.
Double Stamps
TONS Daiuty Muttons for waists? as
'well as all the latest in niodfym
and largo for coats and suits.
Nice, nobby stvlos.
gjrls, made
Sea IshiiHi
..seamlcjia, uxiXH high
heals .and double tows .
Notion Specials For Fri-
day and Saturday
2 cards 5c Buttons . 5c"
2 doz. .le Snaps 5-j'
2 cards I looks and K es 5
7 .spools Thread 25?
Basting Thread, spool 3c
")c Hair Nets at St?
year tirca iavn oultolil tiny other.
" """! "" ......, .'"
These smull-.suo tirca ol Liood-
r maLc ore njwnjs four-ply
s. "' Tlieir nnli-sl.n) Ircad'-
llie Goodyear AHAVcallur ii
nlunj.n doublc-tlurk.
Now wc odd thtrc more ex
Iras, lo give oti plil mom imjo
age, Jer' i-n'u ep nnJ Irhs'lrouble,
ihe rich I est tire
.nine iu the world
now lies in these
Goodyear tires.
You can't bo fair
to yourself and
not get tlicm.
Crater Lake Motor Car Co.
Ashcraft Bros.'
F. L.'Camp
ill $
s 3tNiv;?frfc ?
.$7.50 to $U5.00
of oxt
laHn i