Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 14, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Cloudy Wednesday; threat
ening, aiax. Ol.nj Mln. "45.
Forty-fifth Tear.
Dnlly Tenth Year.
NO. 150
Question of Arbitration Not an Issue,
Says State Department Bern
storff Shown Evidence in Connec
tion With Case and Given Time to
Inform Germany of Position.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14. Tho
Amcrienn government is not yet will
ing to discuss with Germany tho ques
tion of nrbitralion in connection
with tlio sinking of tlio Arabic. It
was stuted today by a high govern
ment official that "tho question of
arbitration ts not in issue."
It was explained authoritatively
that what tho American government
first wants is n disavowal of tho at
tack on tho Arabic. Afterward it
was indicated tho American govern
ment tuny bo willing to arbitrnto the
question of indemnity.
' Situation Still ftrnvo
Count Von Bernstorff, the German
ambassador, has communicated the
viiny of tho American government to
llerliu and it is expected that ho will
receive a reply within the" next week
or ten days. The United Stntes is
disposed to give him full opportunity
to impress upon tho Ucrlin govern
ment the view of President Wilson
as disclosed to him yesterday by Sec
retary Lansing.
While officials rcalio that tho sit
uation is grave, thoy are hopeful that
when Herliu learns of t liu facts in
possession of tho statu department,
the net will bo disavowed. Tho de
partment has given Count Von Ilcrn
stnrf full oppoit unity to communicate
with his government and Secretary
Lansing Ins promised him to afford
every facility for representing tho
Amerionti view.
It was said today that tho am
bassador and the secretary yesterday
discussed entirely tho question of u
KxhiiiIucs llio Evidence
It was learned that tho ambassador
had tho opportunity at the state de
partment to examine carefully n
imi'-M of cwdenco fathered by tho
United States giving in technical do
tail tho position of the Arabic, tho
llritish steamer Dunsloy and the Ger
man submarino up to and including
the tuno tho torpedoes were fired,
which destroyed both vessels.
Tho proof offered is understood to
be eluofly that tho German subma
rino was at right angles to tho Ara
bic when firing tho torpedo and that
the liner could not sec (ho submarine
because, up to tho moment of firing,
it was concealed behind the Duns
ley. These facts now hnvo been
transmitted through diplomatic chan
nels to tho Germnn foreign office and
officials lire- waiting to learn what
effect n study of this cidencc in
llerliu will luivo on tho xint of view
ut tho German government.
LONDON, Sopt. 1 1. Another Ger
man air raid was niado over tho cast
coast ot England last night, but ns
fur as appears thcro wero no casual
"tles and no damage was dono.
A slnglo Zoppclln was tho raiding
air craft, according to tho official an
nouncement, which read
"A Zeppelin visited tho cast const
lust night, liombs were dropped.
Anti-aircraft guns, fixed and mobile,
wcor In action.
"So far as can bo ascertained there
wero no casualties and no damage
was done,
COLUMBIA, S. C, Sept U South
Carolina voters went to the polls to
day to decide whethor state wide pro
hibition should be adopted January
1 or the Keient system of county op
tion retained, fourteen of the forty
tour counties now operate liquor dispensaries
BERLIN, Sept. II. Tho
"" German government, in a nolo ""
"" from tho foreign office to Am-
bussiulor Gerard, delivered at "
" noon today,. inado a qualified ""
"" disclaimer of responsibility
"" for tho sinking of the steam- .
ship Hesperian. On tho faco "
"" of tho evidence this far at ""
"" hnnd, tho government is satis-
fied that the Hesperian was
"" not sunk by n Oennan subma- ""
" riuo.
I 4 l-f-f
NEW YORK, Sept. M.-Tho report
that the Anglo-French financial com
mission contemplated borrowing mil
lions of dollars without collateral of
any sort and solely on government
notes of Great Britain and Franco,
overshadows all other topics in the
financial section today.
Heretofore tho opinion has pre
vailed that Kngland nnd France
would secure tho proposed mammoth
loan by Amoricau securities, dollar
for dollar, or by somo other ncccp
ablo form of collateral. All calcula
tions of American financiers prior to
tho commission's arrival hero had
been based on that assumption.
It was the consensus of finnncinl
opinion thnt tho commission would
find its task irmcndously more dif
ficult than would bo the case wore tho
proposed credit loan secured by col
lateral of American bonds and stock,
ns at first suggested.
Heforo tho commission reached New
York the belief was prevalent in
somo quarters that Europe was vir
tually on her knees to tho United
States, begging for money. Thoso
who held this view arc said to have
awakened with somewhat of a shock
to find thrit tho commission enter
tained no such belief, but maintained
that instead of being masters of the
situntion the American bunkers
would suppliant for favorable terms.
G. 0. P.
Former United States Senator Jon
athan Ilourno is conducting an ex
pensive publicity campaign in favor
of what Iiq calls "republican jm
viplcs." "Wo have no candidate, old man,"
said tho cx-senntor. "Just forget
about candidates and think in terms
of republican principles. That is
what wo nro pulling for. Don't got
mixed up with personalities; it is
just the good, old republican pnrty
that is what 1 um woiklng for now."
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1J. -No re
lief from the excessive heat, whioh
has gripped tho east and south sineo
tho middle of Hist week is promised
by tho weather bureau during the
next HQ hours.
l.'nronsonubly cool weather pre
vails in tho west and temperature
at or below the freoziug jwint are re
ported from many points in the Hooky
.Mountain and plateau region,
Bntuh hteaiiifthip Saint Leonard's,
the iirnt veiel to clear lroin thu
Kirt fur Vladivostok by way of the
Phhumh cawttl raited today for the
Siberww port. Fifteen lomotiw
and ooOO to of lel ruil. ewnprUed
tb vargu, valued at About $576,000,
Jfficial Admission Made That Cabinet
Is Seriously Debating Subject of
Compulsory Enlistment Asquith
Requests Public Debate Cease Un
til Cabinet Reports to Parliament.
LONDON, Sept. 14. Official ad
mission that tho cabinet is seriously
debating tho subject of conscription
was made public for tho first time
in thu Houso of Commons this nltor-
Tho subject was ruined when the
motion for adjournment was made.
It was brought up by both the oppo
nents and advocates of conscription.
Premier Asquith finally arose and
announced :
"This is not a matter which hns
escaped tho attention of the govern
ment. When the government, with
out undue delay, and with the due de
liberation which tho gravity of the
subject demands, has urrived at its
conclusions they will be presented to
the house nnd will then become tho
subject of parliamentary discussion."
Asquith Asks Kllcnco
Tho premier expressed regret that
tho question of tho best way "in
which this country shall maku the
call to bring thu war to a successful
conclusion" had becomo a matter of
public controversy. Ho hoped there
would bo no further debnto uu this
subject for the present.
Tho unusual interest centering in
tho re-opening of parliament was
shown by tho largo attendance today,
but the more important matters
which nro nbsoibing public nttcution
wero postponed until tomorrow. Pre
mier Asquith will then movo a now
vote of credit, and will utilize tho
occasion to givo the country n gen
eral review of tho military and finan
cial situation.
For Airship Ik'fciiso
The question of defenso against
airship raids was brought up in thu
Houso of Commons, an attempt being
inado to interrogate Thomas J. Mo
Nnmara, financial secretary of tho
admiralty. Sir. MeNamiira evaded
discussion of this point by saying it
would bo impro)cr to givo any infor
mation iii regard to what was being
The member who (picstioued Mr.
McNamnra was anxious to know if
tho government at this date was ser
iously considering for tho first time
tho defenso of Imdnn, nnd whether
tho admiralty had studied carefully
tho fctops so successfully taken for
tho protection of Paris from air at
tacks. Beyond saying that ho could
not accept tho proposition that tho
government was not prepared to de
fend London and announcing thnt Ad
miral Sir Percy M. Scot bad already
assumed bis duties, iu charge of the
gunnery defenses of London against
air eraft, Mr. MoNumaru declined jo
bo drawn out.
WASHINGTON, Sept. II. -United
Stntcs District Attorney .Marshall of
New York, who will liavo direct
chnrgc of any proceedings taken
against James F. J. Archibald, tho
American newspaperman detained
abroad with Dr. Duinba's munitions
letter to the Austrian government,
had n long conference today with As
sisting Attorney General Wurrrh nnd
A. Ilrucko Uichtski, chief of tha bur
eau of investigation of tho depart
ment of just ice. Mr. Murhall de
nied thut the conference concerned
the possible dotention of Archibald
when he returns to the United Status
from Hollund. Mr. Warren said
that the uaso was disoiibsod only to
the extent thut be told Mr. Marshall
that when tho doptartmont con
cludes its investigation it will for
ward tho foots to his office, and ten
dceido whether thero is ground for
presentment to n fodorul grand jury.
Mr. Marshall's official Mid,
was in connection with pussort
frauds which have been committed in
meat months in New York. ,
f t
OAKLAND, Cul., Sept. II.
" James IL MacDoiiald. who "
"" was for 1 Spears Connecticut
T utfiln ItiitllfC'lt nmiimiutilntinr. "
....- .rv ...... " ""p
"" said at tho convention today ""
" that tho stales of California,
" Orciron anil Washington lead "
" the Union in the mailer of
t muni rnnils.
" "Tho Columbia highway and
llio road over tho Siskiyous in
Otcimn, he said, "inoro than "
" equal the famous roads of Kit-
" rope, as well as tho famous ""
imlimiilpM ilrivit nbiii!' thn llml.
.. ........ ,....H ....... ..w ...
" son. This wonderful road nro-
" grcss has all been made in" tho
"" last ten yoaiV
f 4
t t f4H
SALICM, Ore, Sept. H. Pronounc
ing tho Oregon Sunday closing law
constltutlonnl the stato fliipremo
court today reversed tho decision ot
Circuit Judco It. a. Morrow In tho
enso ot tho Stato against Loleh Nich
ols, arrested In La no county for hoop
ing open a cigar Htaiul on Sunday.
Tho decision upholds tho law In
Its entirety, and mcana that under
tho Rtatutcg It Is lawful to keep open
on the Sabbath duy any business In
stitution save thcatom, drug stores,
physicians offices, livery stables,
moat markets and bakery and un
dertaking establishments.
Tho law which was nsHiillcd on tho
ground that It contravened a section
of tho stnto constitution which pro
vides no law shall bo passed granting
to any citizen or class of citizens priv
ileges which shall not equally bo
long to all citizens, and also on tho
ground that It was in violation ot
tho fourteenth amendment to tho fed
eral constitution.
Tho court held that tho luw had
Its sanction In tho acknowledged
right to provldo for public health,
peaco, wolfaro nnd safety, and that
the only question was tho reasonable
ness of allowing cortaln lines of bus
Inesii to remain opon. Tho defend
ants attack on tho ntatuto was based
upon tho proviso oxomptlng theaters,
drug stores, physicians' offices, livery
stablon, butcher shops, bakeries and
undertaking establishments. Tho
court held that a good reason for this
was that thoators affordod mental di
versions conducive to rest and relax
ation, while tho others mlnlRtorod
to wants more Imperative thau thoso
llllOWNSVILLK, Tor., Sept. 11,
Tho bodies of threo dead Moxlcaus
wero found today at various points
In this section. Two bodies woro
found near ICdlnburg, 2G miles from
tho zona ot yesterday's fight. Tho
Mexicans hud bcon shot.
Tho body of another Mexican today
floated past Ilrownsvillo chained to
a troc.
Thero was no Indication on any ot
teh bodies as to whether tho Mexi
cans had bcon victims of prlvutq ven
geance Toxus rangors working near
Kdlnburg have inado no report of
encountering Mexicans.
It could not be learned whether
tho body of tho Mexican chainod to
tho tree in tho river oatne front tho
Mexican or tho American sldo ot tho
itlo Grande,
CIIItlSTIANA, Kept. IL Two lat
ost exploit ot a (lerman submalno la
the haltlNg ot a Norgowlau ve-siol and
tho selxure of a lirltUit aubjei who
was carried oil prisoner.
mm gains
Courlantl Campaign Proves Costly In
Men and Supplies, Though Endan
gering Rail Connections of Pctro
lirnd Duel of Blu. Guns on West
Front Turks Firing Villages.
LONDON, Sept. II. Field Mar
shal Von Hindenburg's offensive near
Dviusk, where the railroad loading
from Viliiu to I'olrogrud hns been
reached, again menaces tho raiHvay
connections with tho Hussion capi
tal. Tho comparative 6(1cccsb in
other sectors, which tho Hussians
have gained in the last fortnight,
however, causes the capital to regard
the latest threat against il with no
great alarm.
llritish opinion is that the Coilrlnnd
campaign of the (Icrmaiis not only is
proving costly in men and supplies,
hut is likely to fail unless tho Kussinu
offensive on tho other extreme of tho
long front can ho stopped soon.
Ily their Intent attack in eastern
Galicia, thu Hussians nro reported to
have penetrated Austro-Gcrmun
trenches in the fuco of an exception
ally heavy artillery fire. To the
north, tho Hussians nro withdrawing
steadily from tho dangerous Niemcn
salient, opposing thu (Icrniaii advance
merely by stubborn rear guard ac
tions. Tho tremendous duel of big guns
still murks operations along tho
l'Vatico-Helgiau and Italian fronts.
L'xeept for occasional attempts to
rush advanced trenches tlicro is Ijt
tlo infantry activity on cither side.
From tho near cast comu reports
that tho Turks are firing villages on
tho Asiatio shore of tho Dardanelles
and it is suggested that thoy are pre
paring to abandon tho straits. It
is ulso reported that tho Turkish
shore batteries on tho Asiatic side
of tho straits Jmvo been almost re
duced to silence!
SAN FHANCISCO, Sept. 1 1. -Mayor
James Holph, Jr., was re
lieved today of tho charges of con
tempt of court in violating uu in
junction forbidding tho opening of
two municipal car lines. Judge flco.
I), CrothcrH, of thu superior C6urt,
dismissed tho notion nftertv month Of
argument by tho attorneys.
Thu cars nro still running by is
siiuuco of mi order sustaining them
in their right to operate
Five members of thu board ot pub.
lie works woro relieved of tho sumo
Thomas A, Cashtu, however, super
intendent of tho enjoined municipal
lines, was hold over for trial upon tho
contempt charge Cashln was In act
lvo charge ot tho operation ot tho
SOUTH IIEX1), Wush., Sept. 11.
An information was filed iu tho su
perior court hero today charging
Kilns I'iorsou, cashier of tho First
international Hank with accepting u
deposit uftor tho institution was in
solvent. Tho bank olotad ita doors
July ID, 1U15, mid tlio information
charged that liurou uoucptcd it $35
deposit July l(i.
LONDON', Hept H A stoamshlp
flying tho slgnali of tho American
Commlttco for tbo Itellof of Hulgluin
has gono ashore. Four members of
her crow aro mlsilng. This Is tho
steamship which was reported yottor
tl) to have bwn luuk.
OtTAYMAS, Mexico, Sept. It.
Hy radio to San Dlcgq, Cal.
Mounted Yaqut Indians forded
tho Ynqul river at Chumcampu-
co, nn Indian vlllago GO miles
from hero today and Invaded
tho landB ot tho IUchardsoh Con-
structlon company, menacing tho
citizens and threatening do-
Btructlon of tho proporly. Tho
nearest air la tho cruiser Chat- 4
tanooga stationed hero.
TOTALS 381,983
LONDON, Sept. 11.-Official an
nouncement wus made today in tho
houso of commons that tho total of
British war casualties up to August
ill was :J81,1)83 officers nnd men
killed, wounded or missing.
Losses of the llritish army during
tlio summer wero somo smaller than
in April nnd Mny. This is probably
accounted for by tho comparative in
action along tho Frnno6-Holgiun
front. It may ho assumed -that tho
heaviest proportion of losses wus at
tho Dardanelles.
Tho last previous statement of tho
total of llritish casualties was made
hy Premier Asmiith on Juno IHh. It
gavo a total of 1'i8,0(I1) up to May 31.
The lofWct from that time, up to
August 'Jl nro therefore shown to
have been 123,011, u daily nvorago of
about. l.'iOU.
Iu tho two months before tho end
of Mny, tho period covered in thu
preceding announcement, tho losses
averaged roughly are about 2000 n
M'oro llritish gold nearly five and
one-half millions of dollars iu sover
eigns, is duo hero tomorrow aboard
tho Oceanic liner Sonoma from Aus
tralian bunkers, Hunks hero to
which it is consigned will liitudlo it
directly to tho mint for ro-uoinugo.
Including tomorrow's shipment tho
total of Ilrilish money rccciwd here
from Australia and Now Zealand
since Juno 110 approximates $20,000,
000. Kurly next mouth .fS.OOO.OOO
is expected.
M. Cottingham, proprietor of a hotel
hero, an old resident and wealthy,
went to thu lonidunce of Mi-s. Avis
Dounhiio, aged tiT, early thin moiuing,
shot her twice through thu lungs and
was ariOHled bv a imlicitinim. who
heard tho shots. Cottingham was
taken to tho police station in his own
automobile, Tho woman was sent to
a honpjtal, where physicians said she
could not l ceo ver.
rillCAUO, Sofit. 1 1 Tho thor
iiiomotor hero today rogtstorad 80
dugrooH. This Is exceptional as mark
ing tho first hot Bimll of tbo year
In Chloago.
All summer the olty waltod for tho
usual hot period, but tho boat never
boon me opproMlvn ami never lusted
more than a duy without ruin or cold.
Today was tho third oouseoutlvo
warm day and thus tt la mUI to cu
ubljih a mwD'a rewrd,
Austrian Ambassador Requests Leave
of Absence From Home Govern
ment to Make Personal Report
Surprised By Unauthorized Publi
cation of Private Message.
LENOX, Miss., Sept. 14. Tlio
Austro-irungnrian ambassador, Dr.
Constantin T. Dutnhn, today nn
nounecd that ho had requested his
foreign offico to recall him on lenvo
of nbsenco in order that ho might
mnko a personal report on tho situa
tion in tho United Stales which re
sulted in a request by tho United
States government for his recall.
In authorizing tho Associated
Press to mu'ko tho announcement Dr.
Dumha expressed indignation that the
text of his messago to tho Auslro
Iluugnrinn minister of foreign nf fairs,
Huron Von Unrian nlrcndy hud be
como public without his consent or
Dunilm Indignant
In viow of "tho situation," ho
said, ho probably would not mnko
public a Btntcment hut would, how
ever, have something to sny through
tha Austrian press when ho reached
Vienna. Ho declared ho had com
municated with his government in tho
only wny open to him nnd was much
embarrassed because his messago wai
known in this country boforo it
reached I ho only person for whom it
was intended.
Dr. Dumba added thnt ho could not
tell exnetly when ho would leave, but
preparations for stenship accommo
dations wore now being inado through
New York agents. Mrs. Dumbu will
lenvo Lenox tomorrow for Washing
ton, wliero slio plans to stay about n
week. Then slio will rejoin tho am
bassador nt New York. nnd they will
sail as soon as ossible. Passngo
will obtained on u Dutch or Norwegian
Messago Is Sent
"I may say," said Dr. Diimbn,
"that I havo sent this messago to
our minister for foreign affairs:
'"I beg your excellency to rccnli
mo on leave of absenco for personal
"This was u purely official mes
sago and now for the first- limo I
authorizo its publication. It wns scut
from tho cmbnssy by tho only mcniiH
which I iiad to communicnto with my
government and to my astonishment
it lias becomo public, though not
through thu Associated Press, to
whom I had planned to givo n formal
statement when I was prepared to do
Persistent reports of u plot to fo
ment mi uprising among tho Mexican
residents of Tucson, Ariz., uuxt
Thursday, Mexican Independence
day, rosullcd. in an order today of
two troops of cavalry from this poHt.
Tho tioops will arrive at Tucson to
morrow under commuud of Major
Hryam on u "practice match."
Thoy woro ordered to tho city af
ter a visit hero or Acting linjor A. C.
Arrangements to station a large
number ot armed men ut the armory,
water works and other publio utility
pluntH woro made at n mass meeting
of citizens. A third of tho 20,000
residents of Tucson tiro Mexiouna.
CLEVELAND, Sept. II.- Dele
gutui to the convention of the Mus
tr IIor.o Shoetx National Protec
tive ansooiation, in suasion hero to
day, deolared tin tho bard pave
ment titcd on nutomobilo road wus
helping their busine. Thoy sav h
horde's shoe now aro wearing only,
pjio.foiirth a lung an formerly.