Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 13, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    -vik ram
Kir PAfiK frvo
r 1 t 1
2T. He
raff? ' ' ,
" .'Wf.
' EH.'
:rj ,
Jl ....---.. HHHHtwfft-t
Oeortro u. Carpenter and vifo hnvo
lotttriiod from a month's auto lour of
Vanfaln'on and llrltiah Columbia.
Tfcor lirat went to Oearhart, and from
there to Vancouver TmImikI, thonco to
th mainland. Mr. Carpenter reports
the road of tint Motion tb bo oxcol
lout. Removal aale of oriryUiliig In
hU Roods, hair gooda, tollot nrti
Me, At half price for a few day. .Now
York Beauty Parlor 1BI
.Ueftrr Calleghan returned Sunday
fnm n tww daya' trip to bin mining
properly hi Die Blue Lodge dlilrlct.
llollod liaiti and bacon at Do Voo'a.
Andrew JeltUien of tbe nine Ledge
dletrlet Hpenl Saturday and Sunday
in Bedford attending to uuslueaa
SflB Davo Wood about that fJro in
mirnnoo policy. OMen Mull 'frlbuno
Bowmen Jackcon of ICaglo Point
epent Saturday In Medford attending
to nnainera matter.
Per flour or reed plmtio Afodford
Holler Mill. I'hono G07.
the Mrat prm-ll of tbe high acbool
fotiibnll aquad will be held tbla af
ternoon under lb direction of Coach
iftutn. The flrtf. regular Knmo will
bo ployed early In Oetotwr. tCliim
drilled Uie Aahland high mbool tonm
orofal aeaamia, and alwaya turned
out winner. Tha aamo methods
be employed with tbntii will ho used
oh the local aquad no amoklm?, no
.tale liourV and attention (o hmduotiB
until tbe btomoh la over. One of tbo
greateat falllnga of tho Ioen.1 toam
boa been that It never bogau liouvy
work until three daya beforo a gnmo.
Weotnn Camera Bbop tor flrnt class
Kodak flnlahlng and Kodak nupplios.
Qeorge and Med Yllaa have return
od rroiH iHotiih'a auto trip thruiiKli
California to Old Mexltm. Wlillo
awy they visited tlio San Kmnclaco
, fair, fl'lity will leave for Corvnllla
to -outer 0. A. C. In a week or ten
Drs, A. It. and l.ouiae IS. HodKo
dtjnipraetor, have moved to tbo
Stewart building, SIS Unit .Main nl.
Pi0uit H. Bandera for paper haiiR
iua tint, painting. 173
Tho aky la ovaroaat with clouds to
day, and "ibo proapecta aru hrlKht for
I).KAetfrlukle fel Saturday night
USor.iHa oily, but It wna tbo odgoa
of a thunderstorm unuaual for Sop
loBiber In tbla aoctlou Unit ttpnnt
It full foroo weat of .lackeoiivlllo.
A good rain would eliminate nil dan
ger of foreel fire for tbla year, and
Improve bunting conditions. A Unlit
bower fell at neon.
HemetltehlniT done, lOo per yard.
Mrs. llanivH. at Moe'a atnre. 17
Chrla Unttlleb and William ICarhart
aud atlae June Karnttrt have returned
trow a two week hunting trip In
tto Blue oauyon district. They re
port plenty of small game, but no
(Jet It at Do Voe'a.
Soger 8. Bennett returned Batur
day evening from a month's bualnoaa
trip to Klamath Kalla.
Who yu need any blottero cull
t the K. H. MeCurdy Agete', or tele
bJiom Oue-two-three, and wo will
aoad you aoue. tf
The' annual meeting of the Jackson
county pioneers will be held at Ash
land neat Tburnday. September in.
The address of the day will be given
fcy Attorney Kvau Iteames of this
rlty. There util be a picnic dinner,
stales of pluueor ins. and Kvntrul ro
unton of old frlonus. There will ulxo
. be tbe ungual eUctlon of of fleers.
iatgaoberry ahorhot. TbeShaatn.
The acjiool district of Jekaoutlle
la eonatdoftng the advtaaUlllty of
paying tty fares of aludenls from that
Sty enrolled In the Medford high
boot. Toe Tulout acbool board
paye the fare of atadeuts at tending
the AsMuud high echool.
Jlo Voe deUvera tho Oregonlan to
BJrou ovory day for 71 ceutt per utautb.
I. L; Lane of Yreka, Cul.. la speMd
tag a fo daye tu the ttty and val
ley attending to business wait ere and
lUlag frtaada.
faho your wateh to joMaeeu, the
Jwbf, yo will iweehu mwanallr
good aorvtoa.
I.Uke iteuol left Sunday for Chi.
ease, kitor to ent.'r on his sophomore
r at Culver Mlllurr academy.
I take pride la ataaiaj your wateh
keep perfect time. 1 have ovary fa.
rinty for doing fine watejb ronMtrlng.
Johnson the Jearelsr.
m "S Vligjnls t'eeiuaa of OoJd Hill
IhimI (riefipi and relativea In hl
tit rfuMrdfv and Runday.
I i. Hi
In Mum
Mr to
Oetober 1st Dr. Myrtle B.
Mill limit her offteo hejura
, Wednesday and Friday
4 M p. at. Other haw re
Mint unlv e i
i l,ou I'lrlrli of Jack
Ulaj In Medford vU
Jin, fi '
J. "
ykoiogrs' '
Ai.'1 reli
Main It. Phone
ii1 eee U
wtkera OregB
eMate May.
. -- j;.M mi
A number of Medford etudenta,
Kraduatoti of the IiIkIi bcIiooI will en
ter the California State Normal
school at San Jobc, Cnl.
lien Lnmpman, Editor of the floltl
Hill News, with I'ostmafltor II. I).
Hoed, flpent Satunfay nftornoon in
Medford ntlondlng tho county fair.
When better lnnurnnco is sold
llolmos Tho Insurance Man will noil
A bulldog belonging to O. h. David
son, lost sluco J'inu (!t In- was found
Krldny. Ho had nirnyed to tbe coun
try. Johnson, nt tho Book Store, an
oxport watch ropalror.
Tho Mod ford bisoball toam cloned
Uh season Sunday at the fair RroundH
with ii 15 In 2 victory over Jtoso
burg. Cornell of Grants I'nsd pltclH
ml for Medford, nnd llnrgreavos nnd
Medley for Itosoburg. Tho visitors
woro off form, and tho contest wan
full of orrorn and hitting. A mnall
crowd braved tho weather to sco tho
contest. During the Hoason, tbe most
successful In tho last five yours, Med
ford won 10 nnd lost 10. It won ton
straight victories nt the start,
Ashland llthln, Colcstln or Siski
you, 10c por bottlo nt Do Voo's.
Mrs. A. S. Uuhl of Itockford, 111.,
who has been visiting her hou Hob
ort W. Uuhl, of tho Morning Sun, loft
Sunilny for Han Frunclsco wbcru hIio
will nttond tho 10ir. fair before ro
turnlng to her homo.
Head tho Portland Orogonlnn,
The police dimlro to warn aulolstH
that It Is risky to lonvo robos, over
coats, and olbor nrtlolos In machluen
at this soaton. The wonthor Is chilly
at nlgbts, and wnnderors are prone to
lake apparel. Tho wnmlng is Issued
to prevent a ropotltlon of potty thiev
ing that Iiuh occurred In previous
Merchants' Lunch, tific. Tbo BhnBta.
Kdwai;d Smith of Dorrls, Cnl., Is
spending n few days In tlio city nnd
valley attending (o bustnnsH matters.
Word was rocelvod In this city this
morning that lloscon Cantrall died
at Klninntb Falls at 1 o'clock this
morning. No particulars as to tho
cause of death woro given. Two
sisters living In this city, Mrs. John
S. Orth nnd Mrs. A. II. Miller loft
tills morning for Klamath Falls. He
Is a brother of Miles Cantrall of tho
Applegate. Deceased was horn nnd
raised on tbo Applcgnte. Ho Is well
known In this cltv nnd county.
Frank Johnson hits returned to his
home In the Steamboat district after
spending a couple of days In this city.
Hon Collins of Jncksonvlllo spent
Saturday In this city attending to
business mutters.
Wilbur Scott of Oregon City Is among
tho out of town visitors In tho city
this week.
Mose lliirkiliill left this nftornoon
on a abort business trip to tho Little
Applcgnte district.
Marlon I'ottor of (1 rants Pnw spont
Sunday In M ml ford visiting frlouds
aud relativea.
William Fnusheror Cold Hill spent
Sunday In .Medford.
Itomombnr you can got moat any
old tl
thing at Do Voe's, most any old
Henry Cnlhighun. owner of tho St.
Allmu group of rlnlms In tbo Ulue
l.edgo district, announces that bo will
begin work at once on tbe develop
ment of bis claims adjoining (bo Illue
Ledge mine, and located upon the
aamo rich copper lodge. Ho has
about 85 feet of tunneling to do.
before aiming tbo main vein. Tbo
It. Albans group la considered one
of the most promising copper hold
lugs In that district.
I .a-1 Wi'diie-iliix infill ti mt'i'hiu
wns held nt I lie (hit fill creek m'IkmiI
liomo tu formulate pUun for Uupo
iug lb (Jrif riu creek routl. 'tlie roud
hum In en bndlv rut to pieces in cv-
ml itiueek by tbe heuv.v buuliug nnd
hecuiniiui iniHixubU for heuvv
It wtu dwidtnl to ein'iilale a peti
litui lor tlouatioii of Iwbor from I be
fiiruM'rM ami to then (wtitiou the
county eoirt lo UtJti with the uoik.
lKXIHlt'KSO.N'--Vuuee II. Ii
diieVHim ,it Itrowusville, f)l'., Huudnx,
KetiiiilMr U. illli. ageil U7 yeai-.
P iiioii'br n nd 14 da). Tie body b
!! bis;Hsi to lbi rtlv for the hi-:
d rite-. Tbe iiomwmI oeruceo iU
he bel hi Phuenix fmni lb !reb
teriea eburrii t'u. iftrnoM (Mon
du) at MW .'eloek. tha Iter. Car
Mm ol'tiewtiiiu liilcrtnwnt fhoiii
ceoieterv. Jb-etiiM-d im one of I be
ohjeot ihoikhiv of MHtjWrn OreutMi
and is wour. d hv a boot wf fru-iid
amiil tnatlaatit ,m. bIm liv.ksst aha" lltiaei
-'- .. .......
ar on l. crieg rmu-h. miu,
nt M.df-rd.
nwe- mn p n - i mi .
'VOIl UX'l'IC '11) CUcASSlIM.
eaaiii- -- rfwe H0 a- sR
WAKTtU- Kabree' kalgsr
Nurail RgktHg 1.
WAKT41U -et re4
iw .. ... ivaa Will bin
J. Mall Tubuu.
Tlie fruit uecl4t1lkoM nl tin ,lnck
aoii county fair uoro worf by K. (
W!right, fleeonling to tbe jWanl of
tbe judges iniiite public Katiirdny.
The 'inlze ror the best tier display
Wat won'hy Slater Jolineoi. His en
Iry was Yellow Ndiwlowns Touvelle
iSr IIhitIh won first prize for Jonnth
nns. The prize for , Wlnosnp uml
Spilzenbergis wim won bv Colonel If.
('. Wiihlihiirii of Tulile ' Hock. The
bc-d lliree-plule display wan won by
the tllihee orchards, unit the best sin
gle plate display by K. ('. Fritsche.
The fruit thi your uiih of unusual
Oxcellence and tplulity,
Tlie iiwarilrt wore uh follow :
Qenornl display, all kinds, K. C.
Wright, first.
Ilos display applos Yellow New
towns, Slator Johnson, first; Ton
Voile A Harris, second.
.lonntbnn, Ton Vcjlu & Harris, sec
ond. Throo pinto displays First, llla
hco orchards, first; Uonr Crook or
chard, second.
Single plntes Nowtownn, K. C.
Fritsche, Hist; Hear Creek orchards,
Joniithah, C, M. Parker, first; Don
Hilton, second.
SplUonliorgs, first, It. C. Wash
burn; Roy 10. Wilson, second.
Wlnesnp, It. C Wnshburn, first;
second, Hen Hilton.
Hnhlwln, second, A. N. Wright.
Hen Davis, first, D. M. Lowe.
Crab, first, A. N. Wright; second,
J. A. Vosterlund.
Seedling, first, W. C. Mooro; sec
ond, lOrnest Webb.
Delicious, first, D. M. Lowo.
Kings, first, A. N. Wright.
Winter Ilnnnnn, first, Ocorgo
Scott; second, C. 11, Iloyd.
Ccneral dlspln pears, commercial
pack first, Ton Velio &. Harris; sec
ond, Vv J. llartzell.
Ilox display Conilre, first, C. K.
Iloyd; second, Dear Creok orchards.
Ilartlott, first, N. J. Oarrctt, sec
ond, Hoar Creek orchard.
Anjou, first, C. It. Iloyd; second,
Hear Creok orchard.
Ilosc, first, W. H. Drayton; second,
Hear Creok orchard."
Winter Nolls, first, Ton Velio &
Ilnrrls; second, Hoar Creek orchard.
Howell, first, C. it. Iloyd. second,
Uonr Creek orchard.
(Malrgeau, flrt, II. It. Wood; soc
ond, Hoar Creek orchard.
Three plalo display First, Uonr
Creok orcbnrd; second Illabeo or
chnrd. Single platos Cornice, first, C. It.
Iloyd; second, Hear Creek orchards.
Ilartlott, first, IC. II. Hunt; second,
A. 1 Whitney.
Anjou, first, Hoar Creek orchard;
second. Ifi. C. Frlteehe.
Hose, first, Hpton lirog.; second,
Hoar Creek orohnrd.
Winter Nells, first, Mldvulo or
chard; second, .1. A. Wosterlund.
Howell, first, C. It. Iloyd; socond,
C. A. Myers.
Clalrgeau, firat. Carl Magerle; sec
ond. 11. K. Wood.
Hourro Busier. flrt, Upton Hroe.;
second, Peter Ifiutolo.
Idaho, riret, J. A. Weatcrluiid.
Flemish lloituty, firat. Hear Crook
Seckel, first. J. L. Demmcr: second,
11. It. Wood.
Lnrgoet pear, first. Hoar Creek or
chard; aeeoHd, J. A. Woaterluiu!.
Display iwaelio. commorclRl pack.
first, C. It. Iloyd; soeoud, ltoaalis
Three plain display, firat, ltoaalis
ranch; seoond, A. N. Wright.
ICingle platoa Karly Cniwford,
first, lloldrldge & Sons; aecond, J. C.
Ule fVawfore". first, Mlea Mary
Orr; seooud Ifi. II. Hunt.
Lemon Cllug. aecnud, 1'. L. Aeb
orart. Klberta, flrsti A. N. Wright; sec
end, Ueo. Alfnrt)
OrsiiKc Cling, riist. Ifi.' S. Illtalur.
Sbla. second. A N Wilgbt.
Wheatland, f lrt. t' M. Parker;
kccond A II Ciliioun
Sniotk. Nccoiid V rUlit
I have moved uiy
Shoe Repairing
arrosa the street from m old hxa
lion ou Houih Central and mii,i ,
e leaned to e i: old umhim i
!(,ose ueedtna !' icpmiuik.
MKlie lite Hht lletl U'sil
(lolden Cling, first, A. II. Calhoun;
second, A. N. Wright.
Muir, firat, C. It. Iloyd; socond, A.
N. Wright.
Seedling, second, N. S. Ilonnott.
Plate display Prunos Italian, first
lloldrldgo & Sons; second, .Mrs. N..S.
Petite, first, Stephen Nye; second,
Wosterlund .orchard.
' Silver, first, A. N. Wright; second,
lloldrldge & Sons,
Hungarian, first, It. C. Washburn;
second, W. C. Mooro.
llmdahaw, first, A. 1. Wbltnoy.
Hluc Demon, rirst, T. J. Malmgron.
Plato display Phinis Kelsoy, first,
J. A. Weijtorlund; socond, Wosterlund
Satatitnn, tlrst, W. V. Hnrnuma'eo
ond, Harry Hartlo. . .
Yellow, Bgg, first, J. A. Wostor
lunil; Bccohd, Sam Colbert.
Damson, first, Potor KnsoII; sec
ond A. J Whitney.
Plato display Nuts Ifingllsh wal
nuts, second, (1. A. Morse.
Almonds, soft sholl, first, llol
drldgo & Sons; second, D. M. Lowe.
Almonds, bard shall, first, Woster
lund orchard; second, Sam Colbert.
Hlaok wninuts. first, C. M. Parker;
socond, Q. A. Morse.
Crapes, basket display, tlrst, Potor
Hnsolo; second, Amolla Knsolo.
Crapes, fivo pinto display, first,
W. J. llnrtzoll; socond, Petor Kn
Single platos Swcotwntor, first
II. K. Hoyden; second, It. C. Wash
MIrsIoii, first, II. K. Hoyden; soc
ond, Monitor orchards.
Tokay, first, Hay Colby.
Largost bunch, firat, Vernon Colby.
Nccturiiios, first, C. M. Parker, roc
ond, J. Q. Mnrtln.
QnlucoM, first Ton Velio & Harris
socond, J. L. Dcimnor.
Figs, first, I). M. Lowo.
Mils Dcnn Zclinn Schauinberg ar
rived at the home of her parent, Mr.
and Mr. 1 .1. Kclimimhcr, near Uuhl
Hill, for mi extfiided vWl. She
weiglied jmt eight nnd oue-liulf
.Mrs. .Myrtle Day uml her mother,
.Airs. X. K. Illnekburii, huvu been nl
the Friieo cNpositlou the jHit-L weuk
enjoying fhe sighlH.
Minn Florence Wharton i Hie
Hiut of AIiIiiik1 fneiiiiH, having left
here .Moiiduy moining for im extend
ed vii-it.
(leorge fveivon wmk in .Mcilt'onl nnd
AmIiIhiuI Innt Siilurday mid Suiiiliiy.
M. S. .lohiison, Harry Treehnm,
Kieliard .Morolock tulil (Veil ,lohuon
huve been trailing the "hounding
biicki" in the vicinity of Willow Hal,
on upper F.viuis creek.
Miss Yirgio Heoinun -Miit several
tlayu um tluj gueet of Mm. Carl Yon
tier llellen nt Eagle Point tbe fiit
of the week.
Jlrn. 1". Zuiiii wn a li!i-ini vis.
itor nt Ahlinl Moiidax.
( . ('. (lull left Monday niotiiiiiu for
Ashland, where he will
Many Kinds of Rheumatism
One Sure Mode of Treatment
Authorities Say Don't Use Liniments. Treat
It Through the Blood. You Can't Rub It Out!
Whether your trouble is Sclntlcn,
Lumbago or tbo dreaded Articular
itheumatlsm, tlie answer is the same.
Voti must treat It through the blood.
That if tho only way to rid the sys
tem of uric ncld, purify tho blood nnd
revitalise tho nerves. If Ihe blood Is
freed from impurities, Itheumatlsm
must go. This in short Is the exact
kiiowledgo gained by the research lab
oratories of the S. S. S. Co., in Atlan
ta. There tents huvo been innde for
llfty years. They know what llheu
niatlsiu Is. Ther know thnt S. S. S.,
Iho remarkable blood tonic, vhlch
Announces Fall Term llcginulug Monday, September II.
SHt'lulhtt in Touch nnd Teclnilc
A toMcbor with an oetnbllahed reputation.
Itoum 401 Cnriic't-Corey lluildlng.
ALL FOR $1.30
1 III. Verv Heat Coffee, v.ilue f ,4
1 l.adi DredalMg Table ('oiHitiuatloB. value a. 35
1 aliulle Coupon for 42 piece China IXnnet itet KHBX
Tli.' .ttiove coinlilnsilon ionMs of 11 hlh gr.ulo toilet uitkles, hi fol-
1 lM.
1...1 t
i u!
io Hmpres Face Powder. I I
hi (e Per! .inn'. 1 I'tti
i ' II. till ' M l I I I'M 1
Ml I M I ' II'" l
'.' II
v!,o r
ilnugliler, iln. William .Meyci', and
family for nome time.
Mr. uml Mrs. T. J. O'llnm or (Vn
trnl Point motored 'over hint Sum1u
and vinited their iliiiiKlitur, Mi'- M
I). Itowem, nnd fnmily.
I'.rofestor M. nnd Donald S. Aor
arrived on trnin No. nil Momlm
Inoriiiiig fiom KoHcburg. Uoy h.i
llPUh nt t'oipillle, where he Iiih had
cinnlovmont in u nrintiiiL.' office foi
joVcr two ydtit. . W loft the latter
part off.tjlio week, for Hngci, l''i'c
ho will iiltcnfl the UirtvOi-Mly of Or
egon nfter u visjt with bin mother,
Mr. Mae Aerr. Don lhn returned
to continue his high school ooiir-e.
; Mix. Oeoi-jre l'enmnu left for I'oit
Inud, V'bero she will visit rohitixcn
WIuCf(1.Y night.
II. II. JiUttipuini) of Hillbilly ranch,
near Asbestos, visifed his sou, r'ditor
Hen H. Liunpinaii, Wednesday and
J. K, Davlilnon nnd Henry Miller,
who huve been on a prospecting trip
in io tho Applegnlo district, returned
MoxiliimoH K. Kehkopf, Drown, Al
len uml Cleveland, all of Uniutn I'um-,
nutoed up from Uriint' Pups Moiiduy
on busineis.
Mr. Sophia Wildon of Portland
sto)psd off for n visit with Mr. W.
). Tliompxoii on her way home from
the exposition.
-Mr. nnd Mrs. ,1. M. Ilornheck de
parted Thtirsdny for Itorebuig, wheie
Mr. llondiech will open u shoe shop
near tlie tl. A. If. home. Mr. Ilorn
heek, tin old velernn, hns he-.Mi as
sured of Iho "old boyV" work.
School opened Mondny for the lo
cnl jmpiU, hut ufter u brief meeting
they adjoin ned till Iho following day.
The school was aUo dismissed nil
Friilny (lint those of Iho pupils might
attend Iho eounly fnir nt .Medford.
Itev. II. ,1. Van Kowson, dislricl su
perinleiiileiil of Ihe M. Ifi. church, wn
in ton ii Thursduy to hold the fourth
quilt terly conference.
Mrs. Fred Kiedol, iiccompunied by
her two sous, Clmi'los and l-'ninl;, nu
toed from llosehurj.', nrriving here on
Thursduy afteinoon, nnd will remain
for several dn.s the giiod of former
neighbors mid friends.
it. L. Fleming of Klumnth Fulls
wus visitinpr his brother, Silns Klem
ing, ii ii il fnmily the piiht week.
Ifi. R Yules,' foinierly ehomist at
tho Hriideu mine, uml his mother,
left' Tuesday .evening for Portland.
They will Inter -jo lo Salt l,uko City,
whero Mr. Yules lie- a position
Mit. Louis Vnllel of Seattle nr
rivcil I-'iidny of hist week uml is
mukitiu n isit of loiitticrn Uivunn for
her health.
VA. PASO, Tex., Sept. III. John
l.oweubnick, the American cattleman,
held for ransom by guppood Salaiar
men south of llnehitn, X. M last
week, ami who escaped fiom bis
guard)-, .iriivcil here todav.
'With Medford Trnflo Is MedfonKMarte
they originated, will relieve you of
Itlieiimatlsm. Take S. S. S. today.
The conipleto recovery of thousands
of sufferers by the use of S. S. S. is
posit I vo proof thnt yhu can be re
lieved. S. S. S. Is a blood tonic
n purlller that restores tho blood,
revitalise it, cleanses it, makes it
pure as it wifs beforo It becamo
poisoned with Impurities. S. S. S.
gives it strength to drive out these
Impurities the uric ncld and organic
poison and with it tho ithotimatlsm.
liet S. S. S. at your druggist's. If
you need speclul ndrlce, wrlto to S. S.
S. Co., Atlanta, Ou.
Phone 7!
o I'rinerxs UN un Pouder. 1 bottle
tl'l 1.
1 'lOMl.
M ilro SliamiMto.
,'i Mi
I. i
t'lHKle Soap, 1
" It l' CI'N'T
. Jack-
I Insist on This Label
11 mmmmmsmfimmAMMmM
ii '
M ,m r.ltt rotihnri
bear lihtlj tlut were
fi.rmerly put on better
good some manufact
urer and some jobber
cantint meet keen com-
l-ply gunrnnlecd a yenra
2-ply gunrnnlced 10 yenr
3-ply guaranteed 15 yenr
K'r.1!!'-. aI.I..UU
tfieuniesVlltUeoTarrinhiliw ,w.thcha.alforr,uiii-wieer.uiii..
r.Mtn.gJ i.roducls ore otd by our ll .lode. He elite you get tlie label.
General Roofing Manufacturing Company
II ur. Uirgul mitii'fti l"rtr vf .Win; nmt llnlliltmj IMyrr
Ll Ciaciaatli MuMipum Mommr ji
Give your hoy all Hie. bread lie wauls and he'll go
lo sclioof with eleai' mind and sound body.
There is more body energy in a " loaf of properly
made bread Ihan in any other food Dc worlh.
KntimdiMijiivNlMnirs IMNOAI).
flood (o Ihe las! crumb.
Nurmi Baking Co.
.Makers of lniternut and Pan-Dandv Uread.
Try our Doughnuts. They are friotl in pure lard.
Low Round
K? P
to ho held at
Gold Hill, September 17 and 18
Tlukota will ho void Suptuiuuor
for roturn until Septomher ip,
(llondale to Aahland Inoliiilvo.
Full pnrtlculara, farea, train aeliwl
ulva, etc from nearest aaont.
dohn .M. Scot I, (I'fiienil 1'aivi.cuKer .cnt, I'tutlaiid, Oivkoii.
Is the i-ijjhl sjiread for nmnv a fJiii' food, (lold Seal
is the -Medford made butler, churned fresh every day
foi- the people of .Medrord and the valley, who must
have quality butter, tlold Heal is sweet, Miolesoim
and chock-full of fine flavor. It's made from onh
pasteurised ereiuu. It is pHitecJed by the patented
package that wards off liuiuun contact, Unit keep
out dust and prevent its contents from absorbing
fuud flu voi-s in the refvigei-alor.
You 11 get your woney's worth hi Gold eul Juitter.
You'll gel t (jiuUUy ytm lilw md youll waul Ci.ld
Seal Uutier rvimlnriy.
Jackson County Creamery
when you buy roofing 8
Ccrajn-tccJUoofiii 1
made good on the rogf f ,t
nnnyycar. I'-wryfiMi
tulleif H ofluc tnmlc in I
J.nUcil H'iIchiiihI Cue i
Jlv rcnwu uf imr lri't
end ril ll af p.lcr, that re f .
nine weenu ninkellielii t
! i-
Youngsters grow
strong and
healthy with
plenty of
Trip Fares'
tl, IT, 18 ami will ho H""d
fruiu all .Muln I.Iuo Stationa
J Jo-1.