rtWW K.lMMI''Blt 4w 'W nr PAGE FOUR MEDF0RD MjflE TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREO ON, FRTDAY, SEPTEMBER h f I MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDfiPENOKNT NKWHPAl'KIt PUULIHIIKIi KVBIH AKTHIINUON KXOIJIT HUNDAT HY T11H MEDKOIID I'UINTINO CO Office Mall Tribune Building. 35-17-28 North Fir atrcot; telephone 76. The Democratic Times, The Med ford Mall, The Hertford Tribune, The South trn Oregonlan, The Ashland Tribune EUBSGRXPTXOV KATE0 )n year, by mall IB UU )r month by mm I 60 it-liit riMi ii) arrl'r li Mi-dfonl rnouiu jacKsonviii nd Centrul I'olnt . ... 60 Saturday only, by mall, per year 2.0C Weekly, per year 1.C0 Official Paper of the City of Med ford orflclal Paper of Jackson County Entered as second-claaa mtittor at Med ford Oregon under (he act of March I 1879. a worn Circulation for 1914, 2SB8 Fuirienned wire Annnclntnd Vrinn din Hktclie fim. V 4, -t. i HuLk.'.l' ' rn tullli r To rm'OlTB pajwra promptly, phone oircu- latlon Manager at 2i.e HONG KONG KOLUM Illadstlcct nnd Dunn best fortuno tollers. In malllago plartnorslp, man nlln- oameo silent plartnor. t A German Mobilization? (From the Tort Daly, 111., Chronicle) Kay Cain of tho roadmastor'a of fice ot tho I. 0. and John Kcary of tho signal and rond dopartmont, both Irish, attondod Sauerkraut day at AoUloy yesterday. A Htimnn-Xntiiro Onnt. iThoro Is n Lazy Thought which wings Around my head and hums; "Although I llko to work nt thlnga I'm glad whon Sunday comes." A. O. U. In Judgo. A 1'crtlncnt Question. Tho Fond Mother Nlco girls novor put thoinsolvcs forward boforo tho men. Tho WIso Daughtor Thon how do tho mon find out that thoy'ro nlco? War ns tho Uasplmll Van Seoa It, Ilulgarla A good playor all tho managers aro after, but who still waits for hlghor salary. Japan Can play any position nnd makes all tho maangors nervous. Russia A big fellow, but ho slow ho has to mako a homer In ordor to got to first. Ilolglum Tho Innocent npoctntor who was hit by a foul ball. Turkoy A pitcher who looked caBy, but who Is muklng n lot of trouble Undo Sam Tho man who owns lh' pop. peanut and refreshment prlv gp :,1 Wilson Tho umplro In Mexico whoso Judgment goes but who never satisfies anybody. War Correspondents Tho mon who can't get Into tho press Htaud bo causo tho manngors lmvo given all tho seals to tholr friends. Czar Tho manager with loads ot substitutes, but too fow regular play, ors. Waltor Cnmp in Collier's Wcok- ly. A llld for latino (From tho Webb City, Mo., Register.) lloth aro well known having been born, reared and educated In tho public schools of this city. Stella's Ilurgnlu (Vuutcr Many collogo youths would llko to go In for illation managing nn liolrshlp. Many things which "soil llko hot cakes" nro burning shames. At tho lKif Khow A dog show Is a bad plnco to dis cuss secrets too many tull-bcnrors around. Don't try to throw tho bull ho's got a bad blto. Most of tho dogs lmvo enough Irish In them to appreclato n fi loudly pat. Tho only nafo way to lot dog-oat-dog Is to feed 'om w loners. Tho nvorago bonch dog Is Just "too dear for anything'" oxcopt for tho follow with u lot of oinuey lo eparo. Tho show bench Is tho only placo for mother not to worry about liar boy going to tho dogs. As a matter ot fact, n registered fulltbloodcd dog hasn't uiy more blood than a poor mongrel. A watch dog can ulwajra toll n tramp tho timo to go. It you troat a dog right, k may becomo vory much atiuoawl to you ditto if you don't treat him right. j, u, Maicuiu. m INSULTING THE T RESIDENT WILSON has her ambassador to the inter itcrCermg in the internal relations of the nation hy con )iring to cripple legitimate industries, "a flagrant viola sprring tion of diplomatic propriety." Dr. Dumba served notice upon all Austrians employed in factories making supplies for the allies that if they did not quit work they would be guilty of treason and. subject ot twenty years' imprisonment or hanging. In other words the Austrian government, through its envoy, attempts to supercede the United States domestic affairs, declaring country should be ruled by the seas instead of tho American law. Austria furnished money corruption of labor leaders, .tltcmpls to supercede American law in America by Aus trian law, because the United States has followed historic precedent and permitted the shipment of supplies o bel ligerents regardless of nationality. Not Dr. Dumba, but Austria, is to blame if the envov was merely carrying out instructions of bin g""nimenf. as ho asserts. IIis recall mav by making him the ''goat" and prevnif ;i veiious breach between the nations, but it docs not evusco) pn Ilia to Aus trian arrogance. But Dr. Dumba's admitted activities nn not a bit more reasonable than the actions of the Ocmum embassy in in terfering in the domestic relations of the United States by conducting an extensive pro-German propaganda in en deavoring to influence by corruption public opinion, in as sailing the American government, in destroying munition factories, financing strikes, crippling industry, creating discord and fomenting disloyalty among naturalized Amer icans. The only difference is that, while all trails lead to tho Gorman embassy, Bernsdorff has not yet been ''caught with the goods" as was Dumba. The war-mad monavchs of Europe seem to think their divine right to rule extends over the world and that Amer ican citizens arc their serfs and the United States a vassal. Otherwise they would not attempt to dictate the policy l i r i ucsireu in a lorcign nniion. The actions of both Austria and Germany constitute an invasion of American rights and an insult to the nation. "Germany over all" docs not yet include the United Stales FREEDOM OF THE AMONG the peace proposals offered by Germany is the. follewing: An Intornntlonnl agrcomont on tho freedom of tho scnB guaranteeing prlvato property at soa immuno from attack by naval forces. Freedom of the sea sounds fine, but freedom of the land is a great deal more important. Only comparatively few live on the sea, while hundreds of millions inhabit the land. The freedom of the hundreds of millions to the land they utilize is of far more concern to humanity than tho freedom of the sea. It would be a fine thing ucrmanv to have tho world guarantee its freedom on the sea while it overran the land with its armies the ships of its private citizens maintaining its commerce and feed ing it. When tho land is free from invasion by the conqueror, when it becomes impossible to seize and dismember a Pol and, to grab and tyrannize a Finland, to devastato and an nox a Belgium, to invade and destioy a Transvaal republic, it will bo timo to talk freedom of tho sea. But evan freedom from invading tyranny docs not spell freedom of the land. The land of Hungary, of Galicia, of many other European countries is in the hands of an in finilosmal portion of tho population owned by tho crown or a worthless parasite nobility, liven in our own country land monopoly and the withdrawal of land from use is one of Jjic fundamental causes of tho povertv of the masses. OF WASHINGTON, Sopt. 10. A Blip- plomentnry analysis of crop conditions In tho United States on Sopt. 1, an nounced today by tho dopartmeut of agrlculturo Indicated a slight im provement in prospects during tho last month. Tho composlto condi tion of nil crops was C.5 per cent above their ten joar nvorago, com pared with a condition of 3.S per cont nbovo that nvorago on August 1. KILLED BY 01 BOMBS (IKNnVA, Kept. 10. Two French aviators wore killed nt Deymgen, Al bftco, wltni their macliiuo (struck barbed wire entanglement nu thoy wore making u landing, etuibing the e.ploion of linuiltH aboard the novo plane. They hail been foreed to le boeml lieeatuM of motor trouble. The airman were buried by tho Germans with miliiaiv honor. IM'tillUltllA.V AUTO aU CO. Timo TuWo Loavo Medford daily except Sun day for Ashland Talent and Phoonlx at S n. lu., 1.18. ISO and 5:15 nnd 10:15 p. m. (Satunlay at 11:16 p. in.) Sunday loavo at S.00 and 11:00 a. in., 1:00, 5:00 and 9 30 p. m. Loavo Askland daily except Sunday at 9:00 a. m , 12 50. S 30. 4:30 and 7:00 p, in, and Sunday at 10 00 a. , IX noon, 4:00, 0 and 10:30 p. m. UNITED STATES requested Austria to recall United States, Dr. Dumba, for government in the conduct of that Austrian subjects in tins the will of the monarch across for the use by Dr. Dumba, for for the inciting ot strikes and offer a wnv out f the tanin . SEA AND LAND for a military-mad nation like ALIIAXY, N. Y Sept. 10.-The strike on the United Traction com pany lines which has tied up nil eity traffic in Albany, Troy, Cohoes, Wn tervliet and Green Island since Mon. day, waa bottled early today. Cars resumed operations on nil linen. Tho disputed point whether tho agreement between the company and itH employed permits tho discipline of motonuon nnd conductors by either the gonoral superintendent or division superintendents will ho decided by n board of nrbitration on October 1. ENTENTE HAS REJECTED OFFER OF SERBIA SOFIA, Sept. 10. It has bocomo known horo that Serbia's reply to tho entento poworB regarding Uulgarla's claim on Serbia Is unsatisfactory to tho entente powers. Although it is alleged that Serbia granted tho do mands ot Ilulgarla tho Serbian noto proposes a modus vlvendl for currying out a sottlomont which it is folt by tho ontonto govnrnmonts, Ilulgarla would not accept. Tho entente vow era, thoroforo, It Is reported, havo re. forred baok Serbia's reply, Meauuhllo tho Ilulgarlan govern ment Is said not to havo boon inform- od officially of tho altiiatlon. ST IIKMCVS llAl.r,, l'OIU'iaXI), OltKCO.V l)lacean HoiinltiiE ana Day School for girls under tho oaro ot Tho Sis tors of St John Haptlst Forty-Sov- c-nth j oar begins Sept. 15 For cat- I0,0BU0 l,Jrt, T0 SUter Superior. DISTRICT PLAN HR BIN OPERATION IN STATE DY O. IiAimUAAIlD, Irrigation Engineer In Oregon Voter. Tho Irrigation district Is nn out growth of tho municipal Idea, nnd when fully organized, constitutes a legal subdivision of tho stato with full power of self government and ontrol In all mattors which pertain to Irrigation, power nnd domestic water supply and other general purposes. ) Judicial construction nnd as in terpreted by tho courts, these dis tricts aro now hold to bo municipal corporations and are treated In a similar manner with school districts, Incorporated towns, counties nnd other public municipal corporations. The legnl authorities on water rights and Irrigation pbscrvo and maintain that tho Irrigation District Laws aro now promulgated nnd in actual use, aro, in theory, tho most perfect of tho Irrigation laws In com mon practice Gaining in Favor Tho irrigation district Idea has been gaining In favor for tho past fow years, principally on account ot tho falluro ot tho Carey Act and loss of confldcnco In prlvato Irriga tion enterprises by tho investing pub lic. Tho district laws havo boon modi fied nnd Improved to Includo tho fundamental principles ot law, such as ( 1 ) Providing of security for tho necessary construction nnd mainte nance ot a project; and, (2) For tho management, through cortnln legnl clmnnols ot tho muni cipal corporation. Thorough Investigation No project, howovor, will bo n suc cess unless It Is considered nnd In vestigated from not only nn engi neering nnd financial standpoint, but tho agricultural possibilities must also rccclvo duo consideration. Tho engineering difficulties and rouulro monts tokothcr with tho construc tion and mnlntonnnco cost must bo vory closely Invcttlgacd, and tho char acter ot tho land, tho sourco of water supply nnd quantity, tho valuo of tho land nnd tho form ot tltlo under which It is held must bo considered ns well. Operating i:pciiMs After n project has been success fully constructed nnd placed In oper ation, tho actual management of tho system, tho Interost on tho bonds nnd nil other acual expenses nro paid by annual assessments which nro pro rntcd to tho land ownors according to tho benefits received. Tho district officials aro given nmulo power to carry out nil tho purpoits for which thoy woro orgnnlzcd; nnl In tho fail ure of tho district officials to collect tho necessary assessments, tho propor county officials must perform tho neglected duty. In this manner tho bondholder or Investor Is absolutely suro of his in terest when due, especially when tho lnnds within tho district nro held In prlvato ownership and owned Ju small tracts. Plan n Sound One Tho general plan nnd theory of the irrigation district law is n sound one, nnd whorover thoy havo been tested, thoy havo been upheld by tho courts In almost al Icssontlal features. Tho bonds issued by tho districts aro also sound ns security, and not open to quostiou whoro tho regularity and validity ot tho acts ot tho district and tho Issuo ot tho bonds havo bcou confirmed by tho courts, under pro ceedings brought for that purpose Tho Irrigation district laws ot Ore gon and Washington nro now so mod (fled that they nro satisfactory to tho officials ot tho reclamation eor vlco nnd tho dopartmon of tho in erlor, who, nt tho present time, nro willing to accept district .bonds in certain localities in payment for water from government rcsorvoirs built with govornmont funds. On ncount of their splendid fp curity, tho prices for which district bonds may bo sold havo boon limited by law to nlnoty por cent of tholr par value, but on projects which havo boon constructed and aro now in op. oration, tho bonds nro negotiated at a flguro vory nonr par. Oaivy Ait l'wjerts Thero aro several foatures pre sented by tho Irrigation district laws which are more favornblo to tho suo cossful operation ot tho farmor than thoso under projeots built by prlvato corporations, under tho Carey Act. or b) the United States reclamation son Ice. l'roldd the Intorost or assess ments on the Uud nro paid when' due. no residence or cultivation limi tations are liupored; lands u a rule, art) held In prhnte ownership, so tho John A. Perl UNDEETAKEB Lady Assistant K 8, 1UUTI.KTT Phone. M 47 and 41-33 AmhuUneo Scrvioa Ooroa?r HEIRESS TO MILLIONS TO BE FALL BRIDE MWTJCKZSX n V N, Tf - V Alkie, dd-atgr Jlisa Alieo Cudnhy, Rrnntldntmlitor of tho Into Michael Cudnliv, million uiro pork pucker, is to be mi nutumu bride. Her murriago to Vnugliun Spanieling will bo one of the bocial events of the Into fall. success of tho project is not depend ent on tho salo ot tho land; tho cost of tho water is pro rated according to tho benefits received; nnd, in con trast to tho projects built under pri vate enterprises or under tho Carey Act, tho cost of tho irrigation sys tem need not bo paid until aftor tho expiration of at least ton years, pro vided tho Interest Is paid when duo. Tho irrigation district laws nro vory similar to thoso governing tho drnlnngo district of tho nouthorn states along tho Mississippi river. Tho bonds Issued by thoso drain ago districts havo a ready market In tho financial circles of tho east, and nro easily Bold above par. This condition should also exist with tho irrigation district bonds after tholr worthlnows lias bcon dem onstrated nnd tho irrigation businoss placed on tho substantial footing which it dosorvos. Under certain conditions it would npepar feasible nnd nttrnctlvo for lnrgo contractors to build Irrigation district projects and accept bonds ns payment. Whon tho nssosscd valuation of tho district closely approximates tho amount ot tho bond Issuo, it would scorn that thoro should bo no gront difficulty for n largo contractor to hypothocato tho bonds with his bank or financial Institution, ns collateral, to securo sufficient funds to carry on tho work. This would npponr nil tho moro ronBonnblo nt tho present timo, when It Is consldorod that largo contract ors havo plants, consisting of mach inery and equipment, as well ns n lnrgo nmountof stock, lying idlo which could bo brought to nn earning basis In placo of n charge, Kurthormoro, when tho proposed works havo boon estimated on u consorvatlvo basis, It Is believed that a comparatively small proportion ot the par valuo of the bonds would bo sufficient to build tho projoct whon such ltoms ns discount on tho bonds, contractor's profit, contingencies, plant charge, etc., nro eliminated from tho amounts nocossnry for con struction, nnd whon theso items aro fully provided for to tho contractor . In tho final payment, with bonds. Star Theatre Spit Ball Sadie Ono hundred laughs in ono thousand Feet Pathe News No. 61 Showing tho I.nto War News nnd Othor Lato Kvents Sovonth Drama of WHO PAYS? Thero will bo no advance In tho nd mlsslon Sunday and Monday, 5 and lee jl I M JfV NOW PLAYING jj Jm 11 LflLI to wk T'' 1 Uitli Wilder ef t!i fl yflNBJI B u M -1 H!UESb D. W. Griffith's jg ln'Pnl nir mhiion nou.Mt m k r 1 1 1 1 ' GIGXNTIC S1'IT'TCI l SPALDING FATHER OF BASEBALL, IS rmrAQO. Sort in A. O. Spald ing, who died in San Diego, Cal., Inst night, gave up a $3 a week jou in a grocery to becomo Identified with basoball and was porhaps hotter known to the sport thnn nny othor man. To vetorans of tho game ho wns known as tho "fathor of bnso- ball." Ho became famous ns n pitcher, one of tho first to uso tho iinilnrhnml delivery, nnd lator be came mannger of clubs. Mr. Spald ing always used his lnfluonco to plnco the gamo on a higher piano. With his pnronts ho moved from Ilron, 111., his birth place, to nock ford, In 18C3. Ho soon learned ho could mako money ploying ball nnd Joined the Korost City club of Hock ford which mado a roputntlon for it self when it dofented tho National club of Washington in 1SC7. Kour yoars "Jntor Mr. Spalding Joined tho famous Hoston lied Stock ings nnd pitched tho club to ponnnnt victory In tho racoB ot tho Jsntlonni Professional association in 1872-73-71-75. Ills longost connection with nctivo basoball playing was with tho Chicago club which ho Joined In 187C. Ho was successively Its manngor, nee rotary and proaldont until 1891. For years holiad cherished tho Idoa that tho sport might bo popularized in Kngland nnd In the wlnlor of 1S71 nftor tho tour ot tho famotiB Ilnltl moro Orlolos ho wont to Kuropo. Kvorywhoro ho was rocolvod enthus iastically. In 1SS8 nnd 1SS9 ho mnnngod tho first world tour of tho Chicago nnd All-Amorlcnu llasoball teams. In 1875 Mr. Spalding became Inter ested In tho manufacture of sporting goods nnd started u small shop in Now llnvon, Conn., with a capllnl ot only $SO0. Tho business grow nnd formed the nucleus around which the present houso ot Spalding wns built. "00-y! HyCorn-n!" H-m, Use ' Gels-It1 Thon You'll Havo No Corns to Bump I Your Corns Will Como "Clean Off," Quickl DM you over see ft corn jwl off nftor yoii'vo wel "(Jetn-K" on ill Well, ItH a m ntir-ni lure for your lift I And you hardly do u thliiK to It 'Sir Corn Hummed Aeulnl Lo acti-It, Corns tauuur- ir Put n IlttIo"ncts-It"on. It dries nt one. Tlieru'M nothinw to M li 1'ut uliom and utorkttt) i on rittlit uwr It No Iwln, no(u-. -cOioura fiuniit;m, "(iu f'nrwr hurts tin1 trui Hi li.u t rinnku toofltore. l()oo lifUOlrlt-ditlnio'ltiMTy tlilim oUn fur corns, you will Im much more nirprlM'd to m o how quickly mid co.lly your corn nnd cullum il como rlKht oil with "di'ta-U." Quit llinplnn nnd wrinkling tin your faro villi corn vrliiklt'n. Try lulu-It" tonlnlit on Hint rem, cullim. vnrt or buuluu, nnd jon'll lie Kind jou mid Dili. Uttf-ll" U Hold in- All druBKlils. I5f a liottlc, or Mont dtreit by K. Lawrence l o..('IiIcuko.' MOTORISTS Do you know tho KOADS of OREGON CALIFORNIA WASHINGTON and BRITISH COLUMBIA Thoy -are nil in tho now ROAD BOOK You should havo one. CRATER LAKE MOTOR CAR CO DEADI N CALIFORNIA L jfesj 111 11 v-??3l22- THE PAGE Mcdfortl's Leading Theater Cool, Comfortable, Well Ventilated. IIIIDAV AM) SATLHIUY Edison Tin co Act Vcnturo The King of the Wire Featuring Pat O'Malloy and Olndya Hulotto In a Thrilling nnd Tonso Story of n Tight Hope Walker With Unusual Interest. , Illograph Drama The Last Drop of Water FK.vmuxo niiANTiii: swi:i:t Kssanny Drama THE QUITTER Vllngraph Comedy His Fairy Godmother With Wolly Van nnd Nltra Frazcr ri()-l."c 10U WATCHES AND Watch Repairing si:i: MARTIN J. REDDY .ii;vi;l,i:h Nen Locution, U1U K. Main 1'liono Hi for Correct Tlino UNION FEED AND LIVERY STABLE PULL EQUIPPED LIVERY STABLE AMBULANCE SERVICE 112 South Riverside Phono l,r)0 GAUNYAW & BOSTWICK Proprietor TON'! m shop PiK J.,nat Main Street Medford Tho Only Exclusive Commercial Photographers in Southern Oregon Negatives Made any timo or place by appointment Phono 147-J We'll do tho rest E. D. WESTON. Prop. HOTEL MANX Poell St. at O'FhkH SAN FRANCISCO Ileadquartprt for Calfjr iian while Mutiny tlicl x,-- lion. f'ur r'nimlioui Inl.ln. I flM0 Iff! '1 . f1l.1 l.rtn.. lib. i liiX ,cUuIalUwl'la ,-vi ii jou. n!f No Rabe in Rales www -- ....i.i. i r wg S1.50 Per Day Up Vl WES CAME m tis i t H Man.yjtn.ciit Sit ' ' -"- '- tl "l L?5r wl . J. rCLE ft.ut