Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 09, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
I'nlr Tonight, and Friday.
Slav. Hit; Mln. m.n.
Forty-flfta Year.
Dully- Tentii ypnr.
NO. 146
Eight Tliotisaml Prisoners Taken ami
an Entire Army Corps Shattcrcit
Gcrmnns Tryinn, to Break Through
Rich Grain Provinces of Southwes
tern Russia Defeated.
PLTROGRAI), Sept. 0. Tho bril-
linnt victory won by tlio Russian
iiriny iioiir Taiiui)ol is rogtuded here
in (lie nature or a fitting celebration
of the assumption of ehiof. command
(1 tlio Russian nrmiu by L'inpoiw
Nicholas, ami u an omen oC hucoois
In come.
Ah a strictly military event, great
importance is ntlaoliotl to tho victory
by military circles, which point out
that the (lormnns had collected a
inrce on a twenty-inilo front for tlio
undoubted purpose of breaking
through into tho nob gmin provinces
of southwestern RnsMii. With in
lVrior forces the ltus-inns wcto able
In defeat tlio plan, inflicting severe
lnos ninl "shut taring," it in claimed,
an onliio nnay corps.
Tho fact (lint tho Russiuns could
not follow up tho ielory at Tnrno
jiol was iliio entirely to tho super
iority of the Teutonic ailillory, it in
A Sovoro Defeat
LONDON, Sept. !. For the find
time in many week Ihe Russian, ac
cording to their own statement, linve
inflicted a severe defeat on lluir op
ponents. The hnlllo of Tuesday near
Tnruopnl, Movent v miles oust of Lom
lnitr and nonr the flnlicinu fiontier,
while not ooiieliiMve, is rcgnnlcd in
Kiiv'IuiiiI a indicating Ilia I Ihe Rus
sians are rctii'liing the stage where
they are in a position l slrikt back
with effeel.
Tlio KusHione innintain that SOflO
i i-onors, celuivo of the dead nnd
wounded, monsuie tho extent of their
ietniy, and Hint it would linvo been
jnoie pronniiuocd hut for their infer
iority in artillery.
The (Ionium contrr in forcing for
wind slowly by, viituo of sustained
prosntni, hut in tlio north Held Jlnr
hal Von llimleuhiirjr i still unable
to force a passage of the )vinn.
Nlcliolns ICii llonto Soiilli
(I rand lluko Nicholas, removed n
eommander-iii-ehief of tlio. Italian
forces, is toilny on tho way to hi- new
headquarter in tho OauonniK Pend
ing failher developments, the Ru
wiin and Kuriih pros in unable te
fathom jimt what tliiH trmiKtir mu
nilies. It is suggested in some qunr
t.-rs that tho Mbift niav bo n forerun
hit to an hunoiionl Russian diversion
on tli. TurkUh frontier in eotuutclion
wiih the Fninoo-llrilwh attempt t'
ioi't'e the DiiidiiiM'llei-.
1 mraiis of air raid- and uiiil
biv tire on the wtarn trout, tho
ItntUh and French continue to limn
Hi. r flcrm.ii) M-iiiii without,
hiiiii'hiii: iiifiuilrv ultuck.
noi'IJ)JSR, Colo., Sept. 9 Judge
Nell I'. Graham in tho district court
toilny overruled demurrers of tho
state to tbe motion for separate trlali
for five union labor leaders, charged
with the murdor of Pit How Stanetf
during atrlke diaordera In April. 1M.
Norton Montgomery, assistant at
torney general of Colorado, asked
additional thoe to strengthen hta
case. Montgomery was gitea MUtil
Blt. It to file objections.
The ease la that agalast IS. L.
iole. W. T. lltekey. Jack CaaMy,
Joha U'i'onnor aad Joe Poleetio.
ik le i (w rt tarj -treasurer of IM
Iriet IS, I'nlifl Mine WorWtrt of
AlurrliS llu !. K ffrtlur o' llu
Colorado .iw ' il.-r.iilon '( l.a'or
The rnj i- - ' i' d t for pa
ru trt ' ' ' " "" ""' "
tlixi tkai '.
lUtll Ifl lirll
half of i hi? rtrlon- di'i'-nd
f- 4
WASH1XOTOX, Sept. 1).-
nennaiiv'K nolo on tho ahikiin; "
of tho Anibic wna received late
" today nt tho slate lienniliiieut. "
" Officials will not con-idcr it bo-
"" foro toinormw and nrnui;o- "
r menu for its publication will bo "
" made later.
f l Ht H
PARIS, Sept. 9. Thoro was very
violent fighting Inst night In tho Ar
goano roRlon, according to announcc
mont mado thin nftornoon by tlio
French wnr offlco. Tho Or rnmiiH at
tacked tho French linos with groat fo-
loolty hut with oao oxcoiitlon tlicno
llnoH t'vorywhero held fast. Tho
French took hoiiio prlRonors.
Tho text of the roport rcadH:
"In tho Artolfl roKlon thoro has
been fighting with hand grenades
nnd rlflo firing between tho trenchoa
In the sectors of Neuvllol and Roclln-
court. Thoro was nlno fairly spirited
cannonading to tho couth ot Arras
and In tho riglon ot Royo.
"In tho Argonno, not far from
Kontnlno Aux ChnrincH, very dlolcnt
fighting took jiluco during last night.
The (oruians ronewud tholr attacks
with groat foroclty. With tho excep
tion, howovor, of a section ot trahch
to tho oast of I.ayon Do Vliiarvillo,
our llnea over whore hold fast. Wo
took soom prisoners and captured a
machine kiiii.
"in the I.orrnluo district In tho for
est of l'arroy, thoro took placo nd
vnaco posts oagagomonts In which
the advnntago rested with us.
"In tho Vosges . thero has heon
flghtliiK with band grouados on the
heights to tho oast of Motxoral.
"About fifty sholls wero thrown
downostorday by Fronoh noroplanos
on tho railroad station at Challorango.
"lnuiuK tho night of September 8,
nno of our dlrlglblo hallooim liom
barded the railroad station and cor
tain factoiles at Nost In tho dojiart-
inetu of tho Somnie."
WASIIINtlTON, Sept. 0. An un
nlyMifi of American iinpoils, i-MU)d
today by the douiiliiicut of coiiiinereo,
IiowihI the h!iio of j;'odi hbipped
into the I nited Stat. iluruu; tho lin
eal year Wo wan lo by JlH.'IIO.tlOO
than the previoii oiii'j trade. To
tal imposts amounted to 1,07 1,'JOO,-
000. DeeroaseH in the iiuportt of
miiiiufacturoe other than food prod
iiiU aeoount for moit of tho reduc
tion. Imports of foodntuffH last
veai", however, tdiowed nu iuereaso of
T I.l,'2tl0,000 over tho piououe yciii-'
Imports of precious stones showed
a j eduction of more than AO per cent
Iroin the prcvimiH year' trade, whilo
ilecivii - wiie marked in trade, in
-ilk, tub.ln ii, -p lit-. ,ilid WHICH,
IIKItl.lN. Sept. 0 -General Friml
rlrh A. J. Von llcrnbardl hux been
osslgaed u a fb-ld connnaiid at bis
own raqueat by Kni)eror Willtain. He
has already left for the front.
(: uT4l Von H-rnl)urdi In one of
ihe i t known military writers of
C rniain In a Imol. enliMiil "t!-r
nam ihmI i!i'i -i War,' wutliu In
I'll.' Ik tor. i ar'i-tl inunv of llu- niHin
H ..' t f I - III , illi'i.tlKIIH
ltf i i . i.. . I . ni I . :S
h r iiniaiiil-r of ib Klfticib arm)
cor. u::-u ivn lets ol liuiiij units
i IS F A
German Airships Approach Heart of
London Eastern Coast Also Raiil
ctl Eiflhty-slx Others Injured
Details of Raitt Forbidden Publica
tion Zeppelin Victims Total 122.
LONDON", Sept.- 0. Twenty per
sons were killed nut! eiuhly-six others
injured in last night'H Znnpelin raid.
Theo figures av kivuii out hero
officially today. Tho Ocniian air
sbipt flew over the eastern counties
of Knijlnnil and tho London district.
The official statement pvos the
following lint of I'liHiinlliet:
Killed Twolxo men, two women
and six children.
Injured seriously Kiisht men, four
women nnd two ohihlro.ii.
Injured Nlij?btly Thirty-eight men,
twenty-three women nnd cloven chil
dren. Ouo soldier was billed and three
were injured. Alt-tho other victims
were civilians..
The attack of hist night brings up
Ihe total of casualties from Zeppelin
raids to TJ2 killed nnd HID injured.
On tho previous night thirteen per
sons wore killed and forty-tluw
I'liM fillnipso of War
LONDON, Sept. (). Tho raid of
ZopH)lins last night is described by
the 1'all Mall (Inctle as "London
ers" first glimpse of the wnr nt close
Tlio Kvoning Standard speak of
the coolness shown everywhere, hut
wains Ihe public against tho "notice
ably wiilespnuid and dangerous dis
position to regard tho affair ns u spe
cie of spectacle."
It xuggOHl thul in addition to tV
Zeppelin, which within limits "is u
terrible iiislriimenf of war," there is
also (lunger from nnti-nircraft guns.
Therefore Ihe public, it says, would
bo well advised to tnko aerial visit
ors niori) iH'rioii-lv I linn it did In-t
Last night's official statement can
cel uing the unship raid staled that
tho Zeppelins "isittul tho eastern
counties and tho Loudon district."
L'tilish newspapers are prohibited
from publishing uimftioiul dotuils
concerning such attneks, hut thd fore
going giinrdod ivfeteucoa indicate
that tho Zeppelins approached tho
heart of the city moro closely than
till pri-iou occasions.
Ooi' I.oiitlon's Heart
CHICAOO, Sept. fl. Tho Daily
News today bases a surmise that the
Zeppelin hiid of last ninhl must have
been over the heart of London mi two
telegrams from n stuff correspondent
at London. The first ivail:: "Dail
News office nnd staff safu," and th
second, "all well."
i'lt is evident," nv the Dailv
News, "that Ihe raid on the I!ntih
capital was effective in or near what
is called 'the heart of London.' The
Daily Newg office there is on Trafal
gar square, not tar fiom such laiid
nuuks as St. Jauics I'alace, West
minster Abbey. I he parliament build
ings and tlii- rh.'irmu Crosr, railroad
PORTLAND, Sspl. 0. Clinrb-.
llcirianlin, keeper at tin- Wilohillgtoe
Park zoo, whs scrioulv injured !
tl.iv in au ojicouiitcr with an Alaska
black bear, llunily an iub of In
body OWttd the tcrllt and cluws of
tbe infuriuUtl oiiimnl. Th flesh wus
stripM4l tram hu bit arm and xt-ulp.
II was ntotrd bv J. L. l'lohusks,
tho nsiuinnt k-cMr. When Ib-rr
iniiHn cntiTed th tit where i lur
itro confined, an annual known
"Tist'' rn-licil him. Ili-riinnnii b--
li-ndei linn-elf Willi a i lull. Iml I In, -.l.initiir.' ii'ri. 'it, I 1 1 . .! llu-
I. I't-H I WM .1 IllllVk Ul 111- I' , t
l '111. t ll HIHIII I III.
latl-v tnvlu prtvat catdul to
tjul.luu m vtsioi )tin.
Italian and French Forces Concen
trate on Border Fear German
Drive to Invade France Violate
Neutrality ns. in Dclijiiim, to Gain
Desperate End.
DKKLIN, Sept. t) (by wireless to
Snvvillc). "According to reliable
private information," says tho Over
seas News agciuiv today, "consider
able forces of Italian troops have
been shifted fiobt tlio Austrian fron
licr to the southwestern frontier of
Svvilxeilauil. The move has attract
ed I ho attoiitiou of the Swiss military
authorities, cspoi-iullv in connection
with Ihe fact thul lhe Krciieh have
concentrated troop; oii tho Swiss
northwestern filiation
"The Italian ineflsuie," continues
tho News ugoucy, "might he intended
us a demonstration, thut Ihe Swiss
forces could ho hemmed in in case a
violation of Svvia. ilerritorv hi the
northwest were attempted. The meas
ures uppeiir ospcoiujlv Hiirnilionnt in
the light of the simultaneous appear
ance in llrilinh newspapers of accus
ation (hat the Swiss jicoplo wore sub
mitting to iiuti-lrilis,n influences ami
that nennan officers were trying to
drag Switzerland into the war by vio
lating Swiss nclitrality, suggesting
ulso that the Swiss government un
der tho pressure of an overwhelming
Gorman force, might order a with
drawal of the Swiss militarv to tho
interior line of tlofeu-e, leaving the
vvny dear for an nimv to niarcl
through and invade Franco.
Insinuation, tho Ovcrsoas Now
agency declares, urchin its belief,
thrown out "to prepare the way foV
r'iciich iiguic'-ioii.''
IIROWNSMI.Ln, Tex., Si pi. .
Hnndits wn.hml Sam Robertson, a
prominent citizen of San Kcnito, ciitbt
miles from town last night and lii'cd
about twenty shots at hitu ni ho pass
ed alone; the road in ids aiitomobilo.
One hulhit isissed through his hat, an
other through the seat of tho nui
cbiiio and a lliii'd through the radi
ator, putting tho-machine out of com
mission. Rnhcilson, who was nlone
in the ear, juuiKl into the brush and
o -i pod.
In a search nt .laeul, near whore
the fight with the Mexicans occurred
on tlit l'Ycsiiiih 1 1 not ln-l Thurxilav,
ofticcrs found lhc names of all per
sons suspected n! impbe.ition III the
murder ot ,1 T Simth ami It L Don
aldson. F,
imiHTOL,, Sept 0 - The
Trades' I'nlon lOtiKrosa adopted vir
tually without opposition at todav's
session n resolution prosontod by tho
Hallway Clarke' union, on tho siilijuct
of nicrultlug. Tho congrosa rosolvttd;
"That this coimross, being cou
vlncstt thattho hhum Involved In thu
present Kuropaii war are of truns
ttndat imiKitiure to tbe dumoora
tiaa of tills and other oouutrlea. hero
by roflords Its ontira approval of tho
action of tho parliamentary labor
party In eo-opttratltiK wilth the other
IHdtlleal parties In the national re
cruiting ramus Ik a "
The eottaensus of opinion aa re-
rcnli"! In sirks In support of the
rttwluiiwH iiiui it was net tstrt of
the learning of tiade'a hnIvmIshi that
It Ii the duty of i.iua to turn the oihi'r
ctu-ek to the who smitea lilia.
One ciM.iker x.i i ii (list If, wliea ' ilesr
I. rot I, it liii inaited lit IkIuiii tliA
UriiMi i iw i ninl nt had nut ili-cldd
n i -i i move the ulu u4 woui
rn of (irtiii lirltam wuld have forc
ed it lo do o.
' $10,000 GEMS
Mrs. Elizabeth Nichols Meets Death
nt Hands of Masked Men, Who
Strip Corpse of Jewels Employe
Confesses to Have Played Part in
Crime Strong Box Overlooked.
N'BW YORK, Sept. 9. Ovvncy Ta
las, a KuBslan Finn, for two and ono
half months n hall boy la tho home
of Sirs. Kllzahoth NIgIioIb, tho aged
widow who met death last night nt
the hands of tunqkotl mon who robbed
hor of goniR valued at l 0,000, was
arrested today after ho had confess
ed, tho police asseit, to having played
a part In the crime. Do was formally
charged with murder.
Detectives working on tho caso as
sorted soon after ronchlng tho bouse
that they bollovott tho robhora prob
ably had assistance from nomo ono on
tho premises. Accordingly thoy
HoiiRht tho frlonils of tho hall boy,
found five of thorn In llnrlom nnd
took them to a station homo for In
terrogation. Woman I'ought (Jaiiicljsv
Mrs. N'lehols, In tho opinion of tho
police, resisted the masked burglars
with all tho strongth her sixty joars
permitted. Mr, Lord said today that
a preliminary examination, of tho
body showed that sho hnd dlod of
fright and that, 'notwithstanding tho
cloth drawn tightly around hor nock,
when tho body was found, sho bad not
ben vtrnugled.
With MrH. Nichols lying dond on
tho floor or hor room, tho hall boy,
apparently unconscious from a blow
en the head from a butt of n rovolver
and tho maid bound and gagged la
tho sorvantH quartern, the masked
roldiers looted tho promises. Appar
nitty their first act was to strip tho
diamonds from their victim's flngors.
The oar rings also woro taken. Tho
value of I hose goms was placed today
at about $10,000 by Mrs. Nicholas'
r.ephow, Maltland V. firings.
Silting llov Ovci looked
The key to tho Nichols strong box
which she carried on n string nrnuml
her nock was repoitod missing. Tho
nlrong hox, In a snfo In tho houso,
contained, It was estimated, goniH
worth from JL'RO.OOO to $500,000. At
first It was f on rod tho burglars, know-
lug that she had tho Jewels in tho
unfe, had rifled It, but examination of
tho safe today showed that tho strong
box and lis contents was Intact.
Tho thlovoB than loft tho promises
without detection. Aftor tho maid,
according to her story told tho police,
had struggled half nn hour, sho frood
horsolf and llhorntod Tnlaa, who also
had boon bound, and tho alarm was
Mrs. Nichols was tho widow of
James Kdwln Nlcaots, founder of tho
wholesale grocery firm of Austin
Nichols and Company. Sho wau re
puted to bo worth about $2,000,000,
and It was known that muuh of this
was Invostod In gems vvhlob sho kopt
In tho houso. Bho was sixty yonra
old and qulto stout. A gonoral alarm
and a description of tho valuables
wero telophoned from pnllco hoad-
quarters to ovory city as far north as
Iluffalo and as far south as Phila
PARIS, Sejit. 9.- Tho Temps also
says that Said Pasha, military gover
nor of Adrlanapole, has been um
monod to Constantinople to bo court
niarllalled for rofiisiuu lo oxoeute or
ders relative to the cession of terri
tory to Hulgnrla along the railroad
Hue to DedeagbnlcM as provided In
the recent agreement lwtwu llulgar-
and Turkey.
"There Is growing unreal in Ooh
stanUnop)." tbe IUpth nil da, "the
Young Turk are growing weary of
German activities Tbe Sbtekli Ul Is
lam has resigned.''
PARIS, Sipt. !) The Ireiieh uu.n
iipliiiiut, L. X. Dniiiu, d w.iw nn
in. hum . I l,i- iniht, Ii.'- equalled I lie', i-ltittii.'e r'-'iud nf lililHI Hie
' I I.I. 'IH I,. I) t-l., li.d l.v Hi.-
CH-nuti iirnan, Uiio laiiiirkotr-!, m
an uluj.Jalie at Joiuiiiiiiattthl, Jul) t),
VJ1 1.
PI'RLIN, Sept. 0. An impor-
taut victory in tho Argonno vvnH
announced today by the wnr of
fice. Preuoh positions1 over a
front of two kilometers (ono ami
ouc-qtiuttcr miles) nnd :i()(l to
fiOO yards deep, were captured.
-- -4
llHULI, Sopt. 0, liy wireless to
Tuckcrlon. A statement given out
by tho Overseas Nows agency, today
quoloa tho Wesor Zoltung of Uromon
nn saying that tho llrltlsb steamship
Southland, sorvlng ns n transport, was
torpedood rccontly In Turkish waters.
Tho nows agonoy says:
"Tho Southland formerly was tho
Hod Star llnor Vadorland. Thoso
steamors flow tho Ilolglau flag up to
tho tlmo of tho occupation ot llel
glum, aiijl thou sailed under tho Am
erican Pag. Now tho .Southland,
which lately was flying tho American
flag, suddenly was changed Into n
llrltlsb transport."
No provlous roport has been mado
concerning tho torpedoing ot tho
Tho nrltlHh govornmont ban mado
no announcement of tho sinking of
another transport In that section fol
lowing tho loss ot tho Itoyal Edward
on August 1 1, Shipping rccordn
show, however, that thu Hod Star
liner Vaderlaud was renamed tho
Southland, being placed under tho
llrltlsb flng, and was cnmmnnilcored
by tho llrltlih govornmont for wnr
purposos last March. Sho Is listed
as being employed In the hospital ser
vice. y
WASHINGTON, Sopt. 0. Porty
ono ships flying tho Nurwoglan flag
havo been lost slnco tho beginning of
tho war In Kuropo and seventy six
sailors havo parlshod, according to n
roport rocolvud ut tho state depart
ment today from the American min
ister ut Christiana.
Thirteen nhlps woro destroyed by
mines, twonty four by. torpudoos,
throe disappeared in tho war zono
and ouo wus crushed by a Gorman
warship, the report iitated. Anothor
ship wus taken as a prize to Ham
SAN FRANCISCO, Supt. 9. Throo
millions moro ot Australian and New
eXabind gold consigned to San Fran
cisco banks arrived horo toiluy aboard
tho steamer Monna from Sldnoy, Aus
tralia und Wellington, N, Z, Tho
greater part ot It was In gold coin
with some bullion.
Today's shipment to this port
brings the total of gold brought In
from Australia and New fyialuud
bankers within the laat SO .days, to
$$.000,000. Nearly all ot it has boon
couslgued to tbe Anglo and I,ondon
Parls National bunk and tho Ounudlsu
Hauk of Commorce.
lXlUANAPOLIS, Sejit. 9. -Governor
Kjiuiuel If. Ral-tun has buttled n
(H-oHbuiuitiou designating Uetober 7
a -i Ifiley day and urging the peafil of
the Mute lo nrt Hidde tbe dsv to lioimr
Juim i NMiili-imib RiIin. the Hii-t,
tvliuln llnvi'l-llur lilll Imii 1 ill ''Indi
iu ll. oat btfluitU t-tttSrii. ' ibr.
Hdev will be (Hi cur old m Ooto
br 7.
R -0
President Will Call Attention lo Vi
enna Foreign Office to Envoy's Ac
tivity in United States Passport
for American Correspondent As
sisting Austrians Cancelled.
WASHINGTON", Sopt. n. Miles
the Austrian government itself takes
some Ktep in tho caso of Dr. Constan
tin Dtunbn, its nmbassndor hero, thn
diplomatic incident growing nut of tho
disclosure of tlio ambassador's con
nection with plans for hnmporing
manufnclureiN of. wnr munitions in
tho United Statea probably will bo
called to tho nttontion of tho Vienna
foreign office.
Further developments in tho caso
today nwnitcd receipt of certain doc
umentary ovidonco which President
Wilson nnd Secretary Lansing; nro
expecting from London.
Thoso closest to tho president de
scribe his nttiludo as being very ro
luetnut to tnko initial action nnd hop
ing Hint tho situation would bo reliev
ed by tho nction of tho nmbassndor
himself or his government. It has
boon reported that tho nnibassndor
contcmplntctl taking a vacation to nt
tend to persona! business nt home.
That might sntisfy tho needs of dip
lomacy, 1
WASHINGTON. Sopt. 0. Secre
tary Lansing has cancelled tho pass
ports ot James P. J. Archibald, tlio
American correspondent, upon whom
llrltlsb secret servlco men found com
munications from Dr. 1 CoiiBtantlu
Dumba, tho Auslro-Hungarlan am
bassador, to hln.forolgn offlco on tho
subject-of fomenting ntrllcoa In Am
erican munitions plants. Archibald
now Is at Rotterdam nnd American
Minister Vun Dykn has boon Instruct
ed to lsauo nn omergoncy passport to
permit his return to tho United States
when tho department of Justlco prob
ablly will bo called 011 to decldo If ho
bus vlolatod any law of tho United
States la acting ns messenger for ono
ot tho European bolllgerents.
Cancellation Is tho first official
action in n diplomatic situation which
It has boon suggested might possibly
oxtoud so far aa to cause tho depar
ture of Dr. Dumba from this coun
try. American govornmont officials aro
amazott nt tho disclosures which fol
lowed Archibald's dctontlon nt Fal
mouth and woro particularly annoyed
that nn American passport bad been
usod to carry what practically
amounts to military information.
Dr. Dumba has mado his explana
tions to Socrctary Lansing, saying tho
only instructions from his govorn
mont woro to glvn widest publicity to
tho docreo announcing enforcomont of
tho Austro-Hungarlau ponal codo
against subjects engaged In tho man
ufacture of war munitions for their
con n try's onomles. He contended bo
was fully within his rights In warning
his countrymen.
This government's decision, It In
understood, will not bo reached until
moro documentary ovidonco cornea
from Loudon.
ISRISTOL, Lil.iiid, ISopt. 0 (-l;30
p. 111. Amid upn .uioik appluusirnnd
coufiiMou i'iiii-ei by nil iiiHUtont dole
gttto demanding the right to question
him, IJaud Lloyd-George, tho Hritibh
minister of munitions, nddnwM'd n
packed hall C trade unionists here
striking the koynotu of bis speech
with the tle'-biruUou that tho war bail
1 evolved itself into a ooufliot botvveen,
the mechanic in tho oontuuding na
tions. "With vou," .-aid tho minister, "vie
torjr ie ihmiiviI. Without you out
flaw is lost.
" Miiio herQ ag, tlifl greHtoel om
plovor f lnlior In tliis oountry. You
jut-ed reeolutbua yoetorday pledging
vnir-.elvM to KMiet the guvernmeuf In
u iueeeeil nrooeetitmn of (ho war,
and I am in bolmlf of the irovernuK-ni
t tako you at jour word.''
' '
fit "