Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 07, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    l rALlJg?Hjg
,. stain MM,ifcsmEiwwitwigi.hwln.6lni,MMliHW, tHp(i,iiMiliwif-i.nlwxPMii MijwPIBTCPPi n Uh JWCTIlPWOPOInTTlWaWnW'IW'annnnnnlBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnWM
'i:f' ,
, '
ium,iMiu:n r,vi:nv aktkiinooS
Office Mntl Tritium I'ihIiIMk. 2lt-S7-2P
North Fir street, tel phono 76.
-The Democratic Tlmrs, TIih Medford
Mrtll, Tlio Meitfnpl Tribune. The South
trn OriBonln. The AbmIoikI Trlbnn.
I I I I I f !!
Una yer. by mil
rirfn nrilh uv irmll
'Per month, i.vrrpd by crrirr in
Medford, I'iiopiilx Jooksonvllls
, in J Centre! fmrtt -... .SO
SRtuniity "'i. ''y mni. pr ycar z.on
Vwly. pit ywir. . IBI'
Offlalnl Partr of the Pity of Meilfort
aOrflolnl i'MpiT of Jackson County.
Cntricd h sromtl-elass testier t
ilfilford, Ornno'i. unrtur the ot of Mnrcii
Sworn Circulation for 191 1. 2S8.
full Iikispi) wlro ASKOclsted I'ress illi-
Subscribers railing to rccotro
papers promptly, phono Clrcu-
4- tatlon Manngor at 250K-
Mlost anti-saloon Makers tly
JIUtCO loltf (U Wit 111 flplcecllOH.
Mottor to bIIvc tlinn to receive
whon In flylit.
Mlost HltlddliiK nutolBts nllnnntncn
sny mito intoxicated.
1101101 1 &. STDPF
Hand Lnundrytucn ,
llnltlii'ei r v'
dft'uiftWIPfcNW ., fSu
ntny tit homo?"
"WVrft nil nioro rMimfortnlileV' ro
Pllod Jlr. Ciimrux, "Mollmr mid tlio
Klrl lint (o oo in In a willed col
lar nft li verr raHtiJi lUinorotl Uj
lliolr 1m thing tilti." AVneltlnKtoit
Strir. i
Do h griH iiad Imng with
own ui.- Judge
Mit lniHntiiiit
Mr I'rutttgnMi. your mother lias
h liH4ti)i. ' rn't yu htlp hr gt
AgBM No, fathr. I hv to Warn
itiU Uble of food y1um.
Hoe IMiM Cou rem
The witrit wu pretty Hnd con
wluui of lfc fMt.
yh dinar waa frtvetoua ami ror
wntsl. "I'relty Ituigh to h pauued up
her on a uloa day Ilk thla," the
dlper ularvol.
"Vea. air." tha girl j-aturned,
"You arv tiM good looking to ha
dolag tbla work."
The girl ralatd hr hrowa.
llava you var thought of batter
ing your eoadUhw?"
"Oh, yea."
"Ifa awfuly warm to here."
"I'h. huh."
Oout you auffer from ike atutry
Half cloatug her hrtght eyea and
aauiulng a pogalvo air the girl tart
ly repllMl:
"No; ouly from the ht air."
Hlolln'js llurKMln Cuuufer
Cirlft-whatt d guy ralla you the
"light of hla Wfe'-Uolt uutl You
lUlghi be blown ii.
The marriage
naoe re
itama $ an amlnr-
If It I- lorrect t tin the aUera -
esaalh ihe tip In ooimIrk Ift ifc
rn iron
fit l&-rl
ii now .m.i 1 1, re
i i.i ii, . i , ,
'i i in i . i , ii
iraiirnt tun K tu -om
i lis. I 1 ,
A .
J ri
IX Hie ivcciil exposures uinrlt in the eustern press it was
((UU'lusively shown tlmf the )ropMi;aii(l'i against the
nianiiraetnre of iiiunitioiis in America originated with the
Herman embassy and is promoted and financed by the Her
man government. The result of this insidious effort is the
"Krieiids of Peace" convention being held in Chicago.
The deliberations of this body shows vi'vy plainly the
object of the meeting to hamper the national administra
tion by embarrassing it internally in its relations with for
eign governments, and thus to assist one qf the belliger
ents (lerniany at tlie expense of the others the allies.
" Friends of peace" is a misnomer--a namo artfully se
lected to divert suspicion and enlik syhTpathies of the un
1 limiting. These self-apopinted guardians of peace tire not
friends of peace at all but friends of Germany. K'eal
friends of peace will stand behind President Wilson in his
efforts to maintain peace, not make his task harder.
"W it... Hi.'..! 1.. ! II U ...I. I , ,1
w en- uic j-riciiusoi rencc, who cneereii tne an
nouncement that the Germans have torpedoed another
ocean liner, to have, the say, they would stop the improve
ment in the market and ?end it tumbling and create wide
spread depression at home to aid Germanv abroad. They
would make it impossible for a peaceful, unprepared nation
lik the United States to secure supplies abroad when at
tacked by a prepared, warlike nation like Gerninnv.
Xo gathering of "Kricnds of Peace" can do anything
to stop the war in ICurope. They cannot force the allies to
call off their blockade or (Krniany to call off its subma
irnes. All they can do is to embarrass the national gov
ernmentand that is all they are expected to do by the
ambassador of a belligerent nation who is abusing the cour
tesy extended him to secretly stir up trouble in thecountiv
to which he is accredited.
.Along with the German propaganda against the, iile of
munitions to allies goes the secret eampaign Of !. nt met inn
of American munition factories, finaneed .'..,?m the same
nuuiri. miit-i- i m; wjii- iuricu, i w (jury-live, munition lac
tones in the Tinted Slates have been destroyed by explos
ions. Thirly-seveu lives have been sacrificed in the plot to
destroy men and factories making supplies for the allies.
The "Kriends of Peace," ike the dynamiteL'S, arc
uiurujy pawns (oi me uerman ifuiser.
PLACING of cotton on the'eontraband list, instead of
being file "foul, dastardly blow" by Mritain to de
stroy (hoouth and paralyze American commerce, a kin
dred "moral crime" to the torpedoing of the Lusitania, as
depleted by the Portland .'Journal, has nroven thesnlv.-ifion
;.lof the South.
Cotton has jumped in nrice'four dollars a bale since it,
placed on the contraband list. It soared instead of
.ping. '.Phis is because cotton, a contraband of war, is
greasing value to the belligerents. The more Great
nn tries to shu it off fuoin Germanv the more valu
it becomes to Germany. The allies are also anxious
cure it, and there is international competition for th"
jfn nrop. 1 will be bought in (piantitv, stored and
fmd as opportunity permits.
V. P. G. Ilardi'ng, a member of the federal reserve
i, who specializes on the cotton situation, summarizes
situation as follews:
!A.i?ir "I5nl,1w."0ll K'toff on the wrong foot. Thoj l.oann UUcIng
L ii ! . a I"'" n,,!', lUI ,ll. n,"lty "' tronlile that wim eomiiiK and
.rnllj the prce leflecled thlH dUcouraaod mtato of mind. Sulnoqiient
5T.."5. ". " """ '"" l""'i " a Runiiinn vn e. TIMS TI.M12 TllW
T?ittT0,tTq!,?iNU.,TD "A-N,,l1i1'r" 8ITI-ATION WITHOUT All) VltOAl
I lll UUKSIDk. It llllH n Vlllliallle CrOll. It Iiiih llm wnruliiiylnV fu, .111.1
to hold It If the prodmera do not care to noil It and the cotton will he held
or Hold at a Reed price.
"Oorimui) ant: AtiHtrin tal.e only nliout a.Oiio.ono halo a year as tholr
aharo of our southern pioduct; only aliout one-fifth of the total crop,
o tliu luterfereucii with tliU Mile Hlioiild NOT ho roKarded iih thn dominant
rector lit the munition! There will ho an Incienned demand for notion an n
romilt of tlie iniinufncturliiK of cotton Into IiIkIi exploilves. Sinoholoiw now.
dci cannot he made without cotton.
''Anil hla cotton, be It remembered, In (IONIC! it hiw aonc MUlekUv, too.
It In not like the cotton which la made Into a nhlrt and taken year or two
to wear out. It In exploded Into tfaxon and coaim to be. Another miiinly
muat come along to take Ita place.
"1 uiit not mire how much cotton h aluit away ilurlug the pronent war.
hut I have aoen It estimated at a rate of about a million and half to two
million bale a year. 1'rohably the ooimninptlou for tliU iiurpoiie ta Jn
enmnlnK coiutnntly.
"The big auiiply, however, la iiiilrMl by American factnrien; we neeil
It for our Mpludltw and the Itrltlah need It and the French need It. and the
Hrltlah order In council which niokoa it routrabaud doe not interfere with
Hh Mhlpmeut to the nlll unl the naval operatlonx of Ckiiiihih can Inter
cept It "
I.ON'DON', Sept. 7. Tlu C utuil i'iH i , t,l lis. 1( s,,,,. 7.
Ke ... the Ha1riM.11 Line steam- iA IIHll(ll(.r r mxvU.rjOUl. ,,. ,m tk.,
ahin Uietator wa mink mvertil Umj' ,, , ,. , ., m , .
m and tor cow f frtv.wo were , ,,H' ttf ow " Toi
laHihMl without oesiiklths. Thew 1-1
no confirmation of thi ivrt.
leilfoiil a (iihuI Town
Medfonl la a mighty good tnwu,
worthy of the heet of ererythltig.
That 'a why we have Joined the Atnr
lea a Drug and I'reea asMMttatlun and
offer to our people the Merltol llao
of preparation, made by tlio aaaorlu
tloa and old only through Ita mem
tora. There la nothing like theee
goodK guaranteed In eeery wu. We
waul Medford eopte to have the beat
there In. m, e offer yon thla line.
Aafc to aee Xlerltot gooda. Ilnaklna'
MM store, local aganU.
Nollee a Hert give thai tho nn-
demtgnetf II apply tn the afty en-
eil at lie meeting to be held MenUnt-
ftf Hit. liu for n ItatMo to gall
wait, aplrltnti uud vlnooa Hqiwra In
tbaa a galloa an Ita
U.. of
an Went Mala street.
, II ..I
-4- until January tat.
Mirtri. MKiirnitli
,,ulWy hew, mrolviwr several f
thoueand tlullat' loss, nud letter
threalenliH? death lo varlonx offteur
of the eoHlfMMy were evirfained lut
nitlit hy uilpKed eoufeeoioti of
AJolpli KlgAH, nfpil l that he was
o1el rcWnaU40.
Ihe hoy is the hum of Prank K!
irau, poliee eoMtntiaMoner and one ot
th chief ol fuels of the tehtlioiie
iAgiMn,,v. Tto Utgnu home wa out
f the huiktinir againl vhhh one of
the tneendiarr otlenipi was utaot.
The iu due ot the hoy, who hn al
way iMiruc n iikmI rtpututiou, has
not heen iuede -lenr.
'II mo 'hildo
Leare Medford dally oxeept Sun
day for Ashland. Talent and Phoenix
nt fc a. in . 1 II. Jt 30 and & is and
le:U p. ni. (atnrday at 11:11 n.
Innday leave at 1:00 and
i - . I:. ev and p. at. 1
Lsmv Aehland dally eieed taaday 1
at : a, , !!:. I. so. l: and
T oa p. ui and Sunday at ta 00 a
'--" ' ... jxS(jXt)?)P
rUKWIflllNbirUUM: lYItlHUU Ur 5ALt Mh rtlKUbKHU
PARIS, Nujit. 7 Imc. Caruii lid
Vunirt, wifo of' tlie ik'lpati niuiiitc
of justice, w'lid" wiii rclcnicd Iat
week fniin n OViumi jjiUihi lo which
hc yt soiilcitpeil for tliroe inoiithi,
for pdrre)iiii(iln.j with her liitehainl,
cnimiifeil toilny with Hie IJitel oorV
icsponilent of ihe Pnrii Iariicn, who
told'hcr "lie vrft preatly ndinircd hy
t IlC WiilllCIl of rYilliee,
"It is why nhc liuw, not how one
lives, that unit tor-. J could tint hove
hOlihU'il othcnvHe llian I luixe, and
lite (IcrnmiiH lCiitlsieil it, for if tlie.v
hail permitted fnv relitrn to HnmoU
I would nol have inoditied my wav of
livinc Tliat was why they pro-
liouiiccd the .si'iit"iic;' lmiiiHliin inej
from my own eonntry. It wan a sim
ple admiiii'traiie ilcci-inn without
any fornj of trial.''
Jlnie. I)e Winn t declared she wit
freed only tit tlie expiration of the
(erin to whielifdie wuh Mjiiteiiced at
Ilnwsols, nlili6uli (lie arinounccnicnt
Was mndu (lint lie wan pardoned in
di'i'eiriiCo to n ixvpicst of the hiiij: of
Lipain. , -
Aline. Do Wirait nerled lie whm
hIiowii no npueial courtesies, Imt wa
iinprisoned in an ordinary penitenti
ary and i rented exactly lilie other
lirisoiU'ii, common law ol'lenders ex
cept that Hit (jcrinnns alwny- ad
dressed her an "winr excellency,"
IIUOWNSVII.I.i:. Sejit. 7. Tho ttn
URiial Influx or MeslcanH front Matn
moras to the American uldo here last
Saturday whim the fighting across
tho International lino at CavazoH
croHsliiR waH at Its height, Ktlll jiuz
zIch Hoittn of the authorities. About
lino .MexloaiiR came to Urown.svlllo
that day agalmit tho normal Influx
of :I00 pur day. While many of thoiio
.Mexicans returned to tho other id do
not all have boon accounted for.
For Home tjme tho American au
thorities liavo aiippoBod that Mexicans
engaged In the bandit rnlds In spread
ing the propiiKanda of the Plnn of
San Diego have been coming Into this
country by pnasing an .Mexicans en
gaged In ordinary ImiMiiohs or travel.
To the Kditer:
l'ttbllr drinking fountains Installed
by the city, ate placed at coincident
heights nud at roadlly uccoHHlhle
placoa, for Ihe purpose of obtaining
a good, wholesome drink of running
water. Hy their very nature, they
should continue to stay sanitary. Hut
this, or late, cannot long remain, If
certain conditions are not rectified,
Hy this I mean the hahlt or nn Indi
vidual's coming up to the fountain,
rinsing and cleansing his mouth or
foreign objects, near to or directly
over the drlaklng Jet. It may not In
all castm serve to Infect the fratno
or tho fountain, hut it Is decidudly
orrenslvo Tor a woman or any person,
for a' that, of iood habits, to ap
proach and drlnfe at the an mo foun
tain ImmedlMttdy after.
Then there la tho habit of several
persons, talking business or other
wise, of leaning against tho fountain,
speaking or those built or brick as
the one 011 the .Medford National bank
corner. The clothing of those' por
xons inav b scrupulously dean and
again it may not. it is disagreeable.
In no small degree to request certain
men to move aside, and either drink
amid JoatiiiK and clouds of smoke, or
to do without n drink nt that foun
tain. lit the Interest of the whole com
munity. IndlMdually and collective
ly, au observation of those conditions
and a careful endeavor upon the part
of the clttetw to prevent them, will
Hill 11 iu Kive mo puuiic a ItrillK Of
cool, clear, miming water In an un
disturbed maimer 1,' (' F
Woman's lleauty u Seeivt
It all lies iu the onro she in stow a
lupou herself and In keeping at 11
those drad 1 Is poeullar to her s x
The Hashing , the ulaetic a
the clear -ointdt)Kion never ,1. t'
pan organic trouble.- The dlst-i s
ed egpreaaioii. ilaaeltude. hea lathes
and mental depression Rre ..n). , (,
tell tale s. mrioms. Worn 11 -. rt 1
Med should take l.wllu K I'uikh , ., s
Vegtibt l'oniiouHd, that .-1.. n
rniel niadi' from routs un.l
and 1 stote hesllli to .1 i.nn.,.1
John A. Perl
t.ady Asatsiant
t h luiri'Mtrr
PIioihm M. (7 ami 17-J'J j
'The mei'tio ul fruit aiielliiieers
in New York Int May may prove to
he of Importance in the mdu-trml
hJHturv of the tinted Stati"," de
clare Arthur M. (loury, forinerly
.Med find, wliti will leelilte upnu th
fruit mnrkutiinf flvntouir. of the eht-
uin cities at Medl'ovd in the near fu
ll! re.
"The fact that practically ajl 'the
fruit from Hie I'neilje cortnl, flielud
inir the eherriea, jtur ami prune of
lite itrlhwet, hilt e.'ceptfu npp1t,
uoiinttmcd in the tnrjff ekrn Oitk"-,
hie ilow sold at itiieUoiw llulteati' the
tieineudiiUK M'ale wlfiph nuelioii !!
iiifr hit already nttuiued in the l'nit
ed Slate.
"V. K. .McKlheny, Jr., pii'.-idmit of
Ihe Aineriean Fiiilt .; 1'i'oilueP Auc
tion nxHicialinu, heliovcs tluil if the
tuietion compatiias, in-tmid of dimp
ly tokiujr the 1mioTiioh4. tlfitt lln5 joh
het,' and receivers litrncd over to
tliciu, hud uilNOilised the merit h'
their yleni innoii? th i-oweN Hint
tlie jnhher and receive. s would now
Inniin ovpr $100,0(10,001) worth
of Inmine-s (o the iiuftinneer of the
eounlry. Sixty to seventy million
dollar' worth of fruit i now old at
auction innuiilly in the difl'ciont larue
e-terii eitiei.
"Apple fioin the rutted States ex
ported lo Knplnnll and flonnnnx are
old at aiietiiui. Some ot the larg"
reeeiimg apple jobber of thi cnuu
try who profes to linir o hll'e con-
I'ideni'i in Ihe public xfile ol .ipples,
sell apples at auction ahioail. The
flame jobber noil funev urnime,
cheriie and other fruit llimuli nuelioii-
in Ihi country.
"Tin auction .ti'in lia not
broiifiht resitllH to the apple grower
so far, hceause they have nia'de it a
diunpiiijr jjioiiml for apples that have
heenme defoclivo.
"If applet, in tlieir prime were sys
tematically xiipplicd Ihe auctions
ihoio i every ronmiii lo helieie the
imrlliwosl urower would attain the
same result that he tceeiie from Ihe
use of auctions ahroaii."
WASHINGTON, s,,.t '7. I're-i
dent Wilson ha declined to nllo"
democrat in New J.rey, hi home
tale, to indorse him for nnnthci
term, hecnuo he feel- it niijht seep,
a though he weie tnkin nduiutiuj
of the ii.teineliomil Mtnution to .u.
'ome personal aili.uitnge.
Ponce de Leon Failed;
His Prize Is Found
Ponco do l.eon, the iliirlnu extilor
er. searched among tin swamps of
Florida for the Fountain or Youth,
which tho Indians said would restore
power and make people oung. He
did not rind It.
Thousands or chronic Intestlnnl.
bowel ind stomach sufferers have
written lo (Too II. Mar. IM Whiting
St., Chicago, In ipiest or health. They
have fonnd It. Ills leiuedy. composed
ot honllng vegetable oils from France,
has Indeed given them hack tho
health or youth.
Why surfer from Indigestion, gnsos
on the atoinnrh. fainting spoils, tor
pid liver, constipation and all the
evils of a dlsordt-red stomach- when
there is permanent relief bore?
Mayr's Wonderful Hemedv u sold by
leading druggists everywhere with
the positive understanding that your
iliiiilDj will ic ici'inhd Without ques
tion or ijuliiiile 11 c)F liott'o lall.s to
give oi .i''oiit' ' aclliin
TOJth llMi
.,r, ,.v
1 . i' - t 1
4 tttkfhl .
. i 1
lit. i
Ntt HI'OI'S 1
-' l
HKan BLBafa wtritaaaannn
naaaaaaaaW gggnaaaaaaal
I )I-Slgll .SNtiUst
Xti-ilford - tlr.jun
Bi:iil.l, .Sept. 7, M.i N.iWille.
The Over-en- NeUs iiircln V report
that n panic wa eiiued in l'ctrnirnid
ycstenlny hy rumor tliat the Russian
llaliie pilrt of Vftn hnd heen cap
tured. "The I.ohol Anseiuter pnhliuhe pri
rnte tlerrtin from Stnchltohn," ay
the new aBcney, "tnliitt that the
IfiiHsinii eiipitnl wa thrown into cott
fiiHinn hy lejiort that tlu jMisilion
on the Dvlna line had bceirenptiired.
Hint lluaainit nntiie had heen de
triiynd, that Itiirii hnd heen taken
And thai Ihe Ocrmntt jiUniiee upon
Ihe eapitnl wuiild ho no IotfifoHinni-IK-red.
Immense cnitti'i nthered in
front of the newspaper olTico. There
wni K'ent excitement nitil ninny nr
roftt. wore inade.
"Townrd' ((eniifir the uowapnper
publiHluM extra edition contuiuiii'4
ofrioinl deniulH of thoe rumor ami
""iiyinjf thai the I5iiian deftni.e
poilinii were t!ll intact. Hnwowr,
the ptcin of pieiie al tlie eapitnl mil
report of Ktnpfror ieholas' trip t"
the float are onl, .1 prct.'itso to ci'
Ihe retnowil pi the cnipcror' rei
deuce to the interim."
Stovfl Polish"
Should Use
"T'S , different from
others bcc. m ,c nou i.iro
Is taken In tho n..sln'?,
and the tnaterl.iH u ,cd are of '
I higher grade.
Black Silk
Stove Polish I
MftkAsahrn'bnKii:fYtwN,ih thnt tlfca
nut nib ott or tlu-1 ii(,nnJt ian1 Jnol.-stn
lour tlmrA C. 1 irrr iu or. nary Move I
po'.lih. Vr en Haiplo ctovrj nnU sold
oyi iruwaroiiiiu;i lit, ceuicrs.
in vm tuKwairuu. u gunyourrjOaTovr.
I VlMir fkririUT a
H yet
hi Lr
iloH'l Hnd it In boa
te uetlfh tm t.vr j
uMii ywiir itoniir I mitterl prto
t tC ual
iiititnri il ta r '1 rnl
Ft ml jfur
llitt VV IntiMt iit 1Ij K . il't f-tmrM'utinb.
Multf In liukl ur )te on quality.
Black Silk Stovo Polish Works
Sterl.inr, tll.nnli
Uw PUck tlik Alr-Orylnc Iron Knama nn
vrmif n ,i t 1 j. ' - 1 ittrff t niiti ii-
LfOUH SiU Matelp. irrr 'i r -kti f
jtn3fKti vuiurif oiicumiocucaj.j
st-eiwta .j
ant ipvui upnnti in uu irw
Ton.w .wo wuhmwdav
What would you do with $10,000?
There's a good chance to get that
much if you see
The Diamond
from the Sky
Remember, Ke stone Comedies are
ei funny. We are showing one to
da, and also another 2-reel festuro,
1 The Children of the Sea
jln connection with thefantoua serial
i uiamomi from tne sgy."
If oue nover aeen one start now.
D WMK is coming aoon.
Ahvavg pleases the young and the
oM Just the desert for these hot
il" It's pure, wholesome and re
fri'sl.nig. Prompt delivery on alt lea areata
and butter orders.
The White Velvet
Ice Cream Co.
Phon.. -IS! :. a l" St
This hotiiMiintto rough syruti Is now
tiK'd in tutu c liniiiis tliatt any other coiigh
ictnedi. its promptness, cilne 11 ml ccr
tuilit in i'iiiiiiii'iinu dlstrcsftiiK cetigliH,
ilie.-l and tin uiit enldn, Is 1 cully remark
able. o ciiti lU'tuallv fed it taku luild.
A dav's me v ill usually ovci conic tlio
urdinury yough rcln-ie ocn wlioopini;
lough iniiikli. splendid, too, for brpn.
riiti., spiiMuudic ciuup, bruucbial astlinni
and winter cough.
(ict front any druggist 2& ounces, of
Pinex (30 cents worth i, iour It iu apltil
Ixittluatul till the bottle with plain gntntc
luted sugar syrup. 'I his gives you at n
cost of only cent a full pint of bettor
cough evi lip tlinn Mm could buy lor $U,IO.
'Jakes but a few minutes to pruparc. 1-nil
tiircciiun w
ncicr spoil.
directions with l'litcv. Tastes
Y1111 will he tdeasntitlv surnrtscd lioe
(ptickly it Ioom'Iik div, lioitrsu or tight
loiighi, and IichIs the inllanied mem
brines In a painful cough. It alio st()m
the formation of phlegm In the throat
and bronchial tilb'e , thus ending tuft per
sistent loose cough. ,
l'inex is a tuot valuntilc conccnlratcd
rnniiioiind of gctiiiiite Nnrwnv pine ex
tract, rich iu giiautrol, which is W heal
ing to the iiifinbriiiies.
To mold ilisii))(intiitent, bo suro and
ask vonr drugget for '"IVi ounces Pinex,"
and don't accept anything else.
A guarantee of absolute satisfaction,
or money promptly icfundcd, goes with
this preparation. Tlio I'iucx Co., Ft.
Wayne, I ml. 1
Mcdford's. Lcatllrfjf Theater
Cool, Comfortable, Well Ventilated.
YItagraph-Ilrondwny Star Konturo
Throe Parts ' '
Keatiiiiiig Doiothy ICelly and William
Anita Stewart and Uarle Williams
Iu the .Serial Beautiful
Chapter Nine Two Parts
The continued story In chnptors
written by the best authors, enacted
by tho clevorost people, produced hy
tho brainiest director. Ilegln now to
enjoy this story.
The Winning Wash
A Kalem comedy that would niako
a Sphfux laugh.
5-10-15 CENTS
Thwla llnt-.i Iu "TIIK DKVIIS
No advertising films shown nt thla
Deep Well Drilling
Oil. gas, and water wells, 12, 13,
11-inch to 1500 feet. For ljrlcos sco
23s North Central
208 East Main Street
Medford .
The Only Exclusive
Commercial Photographers
iu Southern Oregon ;
Negatives Mndu any time or
place by appointment
Phone 147-J x
We'll do the rest -
B. D. WESTON. Prop.
Pcwell . .,: OTarrell
Hi ; Jtm for 'j;in.
1 ' - ' ' 11 ihvi: 10.
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ui i. ..mi. ! .,u, !'o!,!,
f,n" h iihl.liv
I .UUt.. .1. II.IWI. Iijou,
No Rahk' in Rates
U.30 Prr Day t
Mi roics.l
m TV
IfLiS ?!5?8irM
f . . m jittl)
Hi"" .
luted S I'lem'.. 1 l'
tu , IS aooa. I nn, ti and lo uO ji tu
Auitulmiro Service