Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 07, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Adam Mtiollcr of Portlnnd, prcsi
dent of the Star brcwory, spent Mon
day In Med ford.
.WJufi T i'ln Ttnnpln loft today for
Ctolcniro v b n- she will spend tho
winter with frlonds.
Dolled haul and bacon at Do Voo's.
Austin Corbln of Now York has nr
rlvcd to spend tho autumn on his
Urownboro orchard, Ho reports tho
pafo arrival of Corbln Edgoll in tho
metropolis boforehls departure.
See Davn Wood about that flro tn
s u ran co policy. Office Mall Trlbuno
lloraco Stovona, a veteran nows-
papor'man of Portland, accompnnlos
Attornoy Jcffrlos In his cninpiilRii to
arouso public Interest In tho land
Just arrived n complete stock of
Royal Society Crochet Threads at tb
Handicraft Shop.
Tho funeral services of Harry Krr-y,
who tiled as tho result of tho acci
dental discharge of Ills rifle whllo
hunting deer near his home on Lnko
creek, nro bfilng held this afternoon
from tho Lutheran church of thin
rlty. A largo numbnr of friends, In
eluding city officials attended. Tho
dead was enrctnker of tho city In
take, and was loved for his willing
ness to work. Ho was 292 years old
Monday, and lciyes a wlfo and two
children. Many pooplo from tho Lake
creek district, who knew the victim
for yenrs attended tho last Bad rltos.
Six brothers survlvo tho dead man.
for flour or feed phone Medford
Roller Mills Phono r.07.
James Thomas of Dakorsfluld, Cal.
Ii spending a fow days In tho city at
tending to business mattors,
Tho regular monthly business moot
ing and IMblo study of tho Amoma
class will bo hold Wednesday even
ing Sept. 8th, at tho homo or tho
lonelier, Mrs. K, J. Slowart, 504 W.
Hamilton. All old and now iiiumbors
nro requested to bo present at 8 p. in.
Karl Morgan of Tacomn, Wash.,
Is among tho out of town visitors In
tho city this week.
Weston Camera Shop tor first class
Kodak finishing and Kodak supplies.
Hoy Union of Montague, Cal., Is
a business visitor In tho city today.
"Tho Devil's Daughter" Page Wed-
ncsday and Thursday, 1-14
Frank Furroll attended to business
matters In tho Plioonlx district' Mon
day afternoon.
Crescent City Harbor news Is soon
first' In tho Del Norfo Triplicate, $2
per yoar; $1 six mouths. Subscrlbo
now and got In touch with harbor
dovolopmout. Trlpllcnto, Crescent
City. Cnl. US
Ooorpo Older of Ashlnnd nttondod
to Uuhlu" umMn In thl elty the
(lrt of tho week.
Oct It at Do Voo's.
Jamos Stownrt, tho largest owner
of bees In tho valloy, reports that tho
hopcy harvest this yoar has boon un
usually hoavy. Last wook ho gath
ered about a ton of honoy from his
"Tho Devil's Daughter" Page "Wed
ncsday and Thursday. lit
County Superintendent of Schools
Percy J. WoIIh of Jacksonville, spout
Monday In this city In connection with
tho school exhibit at tho county fair
this wcook.
At tho Medford Cigar Storo, buy n
10c tin of Tuxudo and got a silk
novelty pin cushion. 14ft
,ruau jiiu need any blotters ca
at tho It. II. McCurdy Agency, or tolo
phono Oue-two-tlireo, and wo will
vend you soino. tf
Charles Young has returned from
a bunting trip to the custom part of
tho county,
Tho Deruard Motor Co., received
another oar load of Dodge cars Mon
day, part of which uro already hold.
Tho Dodge Is becoming a vory pop
ular ear In Medford and vicinity.
Will Q. Stool, superintendent of
Crater I.ako park, spent Monday in
Medford nttondlng to business matters.
"Tho Devil's Daughter" Page Wed
nesday and Thursday. Ill
Stato Forost Supervisor J. 11 Kb
erly has returned from u trip of In
spection io tho Iloguo ltlr district
Loganberry shorbct. Tho Shasta.
Small chango waft short In tho bus
iness houbou of the elt Monday, tho
Jwo days closing of tho banks, Inoon
vonjenclng tho morchant to koiiio ox
ton t.
Do Voo Is giving u ay hsnd paint
ed pin cushions with Tuxodo today.
Iflm Charley of the Luke oreek dis
trict spent Monday In Medford at
tending to IiuhIiiom mattors.
Take your watch to Johnson, tho
Jewoler, you will receive unusually
good oervleo.
Harry Helms has returned from a
months hunting und fishing trip In
the SUklyoue,
Chris Ulrlch(j pioneer resident pt
Jacksonville, who was Injured by bo
Ing Lurled In a woll cavo-ln a wcok
ago, has recovered from tho shock
and bruises received.
I tako prido In making your watch
keop perrect time. I havo every fa
cility for doing flno watch ropalrlng.
Johnson tho Jowelcr,
Frank Uybco of Jacksonville Bpent
Tuesday morning In Medford nttond-
i inp to biflncss mattors.
Until October 1st Dr. Myrtle S.
Lockwood will limit her office hours
to Monday, Wednesday and Frldny
from 2 to 4:30 p. m. Other hours
by appointment only.
Mrs. A. S. Huh of Itockford, 111.,
motlior of Ilobort W. Iluhl, is spend
ing tho wook In tho city and vnlley
visiting frlonds nnd rotative).
Do Voo dolfvors tho Orcgorilan to
you every day for 75 cents per month,
Attorney George M. Itoberts Is tho
latest Medford citizen to ucqulro a
When bottor lnsuranco is sold
Holmes Tho Inauranco Man will soil
Vorn Vawtcr and wlfo and party of
friends spent Monday plcnlclng on
Iloguo river.
Quick scrvlco for your Kodak fin
ishing. Seo Weston's Camera 8hop.
Mlns Helen Ilagsdalc spent Satur
day and Sunday visiting with friends
and relatives In Grants Pass.
Johnson, at tho nook Store, an
uxport watch ropalror.
Attorney Ilobort a. Smith of
Grants Pass spent Monday afternoon
In Medford attending to business mut
ters, Ashland llthla, Colostln or Siski
you, 10c per bottlo at De Voo's. '
Dr. H. P. Hargravo returned Mon
day evening from n month's vacation
trip in California.
Head tho Portland Oregonlan.
Hob S. Deuel has returned 'from n
two days business nnd pleasure trip
to Klamath Falls.
Merchants' Lunch. 26c. Tho Shasta.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Beth Uullls of Ster
ling nro spondlng tho day In Med
ford nttondlng to business matters.
Ilemombor you can get most any
old thing at Do Voo's, most any old
County Clork G. A. Gnrdnor pt
Jacksonville spent Monday afternoon
in Medford.
J. O, Corking, tho host all around
photograpbor In southorn Oregon,
Always rollablo. Negatives made nny
whoro, tlmo or place Studio 228
Main St Phono 320-.I.
G. T. Ilonrdon of Yreka, Cal., is
spondlng a fow dayfl In tho city and
valley attending to business matters.
Uuy wood now before prices go
up. Valloy Ftiol Co., Phono 70. 1G4
Tho Josophlno county authorities
licllpvo they havo found a cluo to
John Austin Hooper. Tho bank at
Selma, Wash., In tho Yakima valley,
was robbed last Friday, tho bandit
securing f 3f00, and locklug tho cash
ier In tho safe. It was n highly huc
rftit lob, nnd negotiated without a
hitch with tho earmark of Hoopor'n
work all over It,
Tho regular first of tho month
meeting of tho city council will bo
hold this ovonlug. Tho most import
ant matter to bo discussed will bo
tho ordinance calling for n special
election to vote upon tho Modynskl
robondlng plan. Mayor Rmorick will
bo In tho chair for tho first tlmo in
six weeks.
C M. Armstrong and wlfo of Tul
sa, Oklahoma, brother-in-law of Chief
of Pollco Ulttson, arrived Monday for
a visit, on their way homo from tho
10 IB fair. Thoy )ll visit Crator Lake
boforo returning homo.
A. 1). McPlioo of Spoknno, n for
mer momber of tho detective force of
that city, arrived Sunday In thlu city
and loft Monday for Fish Lake, whoro
ho will superintend tho construction
of the Irrigation dam.. '
, , TJft&.4jmvoro jnllml by tho
nllc-. Monday fur being Intoxicated
..ion alcohol, which they mixed with
J whiskey. They were incarcerated un
til thoy wore sober, and then march
oil out of town. They wero so weak
Ihyslrnll) they wore not nvnllublo
even for sweeping alloys.
"Kinu'ion er.-tek in tin eonciete
paving kIioiiIiI lie kept'fdlcd'wUh R--phnlt
n moii iiH thd.y'nppeui'. 'IT tin
it) done, nnd there i not tun much
lienvy mIccI tire truffle, concrete
should prove a mot eiidnrin.'r nnd
satisfactory )uVuiiJmi, i.inlly in
climntc mich ns ywtrn," stated (leorxo
AV. I'Mhom, president of tlio Amuricnn
Hoail lluildcm' inwoeiiition, who in
Upcetfcd thi! Pacific highway paviiiK
while eu route to the I'an-Amoiieim,
roud congress to he held it t Hnn Fran
cisco next week.
Concrete Pavement.
"Concrete in much iuvored in III
oast, where it in being generally laid,"
continued Mr. Tillson. "Some of il
laid Hix yearn ni;o in Micliignn is wt ill
in good condition nnd the ninintcn
nni'o cost is very alight. New York
state h now HpcndinyitM second .f.'iU,
000,000 on pined high ways.
"Itoiul building, in the modem
hciiho in practically u new Hcionee,
and much money Iiiik been wiiHted in
experimental work. It in fast getting
on n Kcientifii! ImwiH, however.
Cllnmtlc Condition Coiwldeiiil
"Probably tho most HiitiHi'iictory
higliway pavement laid i wood block
ou iv concrete base, tliu wood being in
uniform nixed blocks nnd ereoHoted.
it jt, however, the most expensive,
ljriok paxing is very mitinfuctory, but
also quid' expensive. Awphnltic con
crete is also iiiito HiitiHi'iictory, onpo
cinlly with cone rote hioxj. In choos
ing tlio typo of pavement, climatic
conditions miibt be coiiNidored.
"Highway progroxx Iuih boon mark
ed from year to year by the uiiiiual
conventions of tlio American Kuad
Jtuililcrs' (iMsociatiou nnd tlio Anicri-
ciiii Higliway association.
t'nion and every prcvuico nnd uouii-t
fry in all America is pushing the 'n
striiclion of Iiighways to the limit of
moans nviiilable. Wliil. icrv eom
moiiwealth lias its own methods of
))i(icctlure, (ho objects soutrht are in
every ciijo the same The loeiing
of the cost of marketing products and
securing uiippiios; tin opening of
t'liiuiiiels of traffic lo permit the tfo
velophu'iit of pew territory, nnd the
enhanceltiont f 'tlio VoIiips of )rop
crly; bettor Kociologicul fonditions;
i'HA" 1 muko np'th lauiii'of nilcau
frtgo .wliidh follow the iinpioveiftent
of the highways.
"Hence tho Pnn-Ainurkiui road
(ntiKrew. which will iiRscmlilo at Qak-
Innd, Cal., September KI-17. A hlrgoS
number of dolcirHt.'s has nlroadv been
appointed, ho that u full nltcndunce
is assured, Kxperts will pi went, and
llcuss tho latest n()d most approved
methods, und those who me seekers
for, information will be abl to find
it on any phase of the highway sub
ject m which he is most interested."
Tho eighth annual Jackson County
Fair will open tomorrow, and close
Saturday night. Tomorrow will bo
entry day. Tho work of Judging tho
exhibits will begin Thursday morn
ing. Tho racing, haseball, and sport
events will begin on that day. Tho
fair, considering conditions, promises
to bo tho most successful in tho his
tory of the county. Tho mnnagoment
lins substituted baseball, a oport
Iloguo rlvor valloy pooplo llko, for
horseraclng, a sport in which thoro
Is no particular internet. However,
there will bo plenty of horso events.
Tho farm, fruit, nnd stock oxblblts
will bo put In sluipo tomorrow. Tho
mnnngomout lui( mndo n npeclal ef
fort this year to Increase tho attract-
Ions nnd dlsplnys, and urges tho unlt-
Not oiilv1"! support of Jackson county. Ash-
in tho mileage of roads improved hus land and Gold 11111 will sond lnrgo
tho advancement hem made. Helton delogntlons, ns a return of Medford
types of roads and streets have been
developed; better methods of con
struction; the more intelligent em
ployment of matetials; more econom
ical administration; more advnutaKu
ouh H.vfitoniH of financing, nil have
contributed to the widening of tho
subject of highway improvement until
1015 finds a ureal r iU-complisliincnt
than any previous since the
movement began.
"Practically every state in
courtesy in supporting their public
Donis I). Mi'Cov mid Lottie M.
Morgan, both of Tolo, were married
at .Jacksonville Saturday, September
I, nnd have ntnc to Sun Francisco for
u two weeks' honcMiioon at the fair.
iThev will he at home to their friends
H",,iit Tolo nfter S tember lit).
Klamath Fulls clinched their bin
(o 'tlio (imnteur champion-hip ot
southern 'Ort'Kon-mid northern ( a't
fornin by defeating Medford liv the
scores of 10 to 1 and 0 to 8 respect
ively,. on Sunday'' and Monday it
Klamnlh ' Falls'. ' Castor opopod
Uigsby in the first game nnd after J
fine slait blow up in tho fourth and
allowed the champions to seoie a
btiiiuh of tallies that sewed up th '
eontPHt. Higsby vvns invincible, as
line been the case in ovvry gnme he
has twirled this year. The former lT.
of (). star held the strong home dub
lo five widely scattered hits that pr
liici'd one run. Itnd umpiring against
Medford Jielpcd to ndd to tlio game
much of its oiie-sidcdnoss. ,
Tn tho pccond trame, with Johnny
Welsh hurling for (hem, Medford
looked like a wire winner. Widsh held
the fast Falls' team at his mercy un
til the eighlh, when he wenkeucd and,
cotijilcd with faulty support, allowed
his opponents enough tallies to tie the
count 8 mid 8. WeNh blanked the
Falls boys in the ninth, but in the
tenth they put over tiio deciding run
on a had heave to third mid an error
by Mclntyrj.
Peterson worked for Klamath
against Welsh und wax knocked all
over the lot, filially retiring in the
seventh nfter the locals had scored
eight num. Cook replnceij him and
did good work.
Kosoburg will play here beginning
Thursday at tho fair grounds, having
a four-game series with lhe local
team. The visitors will have the best
club Keen here this M'Hhon. tmd the
funs nre sure to seo sonm fast base
ball. Higbliy will pilch one of the game
for Jfcdford.
$100 Reward, $100
Tho rml'M of tbU jwit wtll I- tlax-i la
1lrn tint tlii-rr It Rt (( unv iln'mlnl illamvi
that (lenre lint Imvii able In imrn In nil III
tcr, anil tint l I'nlnrrll. Hall' fntarrli Cur
l ihH only lxmllltr rurr imiw knutm to lhe mJ'
I on I fratrrnltr. Catirrli U'lnz pmtllMtKni.i
clltoaro, ti-ulr,M a nwalltiitlnnal Irratiui'iit.
Ilalla Catarrh I'ure It takrn Imirnalli a.-llutf
illrwtl iitnn lh liloixl at"l 'ii h utrfnroa of
tlw ;)). Iliuri'l.jr J.'.ir.ii g i . fwiuitatl. 11
of tin- ilU.nn', ami II"C tlir i ail. tit tmt(tti
liT liulldlntr m I In- piui-tliutl'.ii ami lllu )i
tnn In IaIiirT Ita n-i.ra, lln' rsirlrtini Imit
n imirh falili In II, eiirallui ! urn Hint tlHgr
Rr Onr llninlnil Hollar it n i Ti.w Ibat It
(alia tn run'. H. ml f'T Ut I. Iltnolilala.
AiUrraa 1". J. II1KNKV i. CO , T.lJo. O.
h.ilil h ill IH-uu-lat 7-"'
TaV.i Haifa la lull I'llla t-r r-mtlpallon.
- . i
KiMiKMiin iti:oiMK.i).vrinK
lOlt OP.ATOHV tu.ciii:i
To Whom It May ('eiicurn:
It Is a pleasure to recommend Mrs
Uvneltti Hovlous to your attention
Hho Is n graduate of this school and
on Jn whom wo hsvo thri utmost con
fidence. She Is n welt brod, woman
ly uomiiu, of high Ideals. Intelligent
and w(h oxcellont tasts. bhe Is
nal taught nnd vvoll adapted to her
cliOKon line of work. She Is a good
reader, natural, sliuple. sincere and
offwittvH. sito will rnd what an au
dience will ho tUa,d to hour and which
will uplift m well as ontortaln. 1
tinllirve k will prove au xoollout In
structor. AGNUS LAW,
lin School of Oratory, Nortlnve!
rn lulvurslty, Chicago. July 10,
g W
i i
1.0KTVluablr PoinUr 'dog. white
with tail spots. NkiiumI Queonle
Fiodar uotify Uiuls I'lrlcfc, Jsck
tjtm villi. Ora. lib
WANTWJ AulomoWlo. liRUt road
stor itreferrml; must bo burgnln for
rash L. S (Home, Koute 3 Ho
57, Medford. Ore.
RoSSed in Fresh Cigarettes
the World Over
"Bull" Durham introduced a distinctive form of tobacco enjoy
ment to discriminating smokers throughout the world popularized
the present smart fashion and now universally accepted custom of
rolling one's own cigarettes with this pure, mellow tobacco, to meet
individual requirements of taste that can be satisfied in no other way.
age of "papart"
with tacf 5c tack.
Bull Durham
The millions of "Bull" Durham smokers are men of wide tobacco
experience. They have used tobacco in many forms. They prefer
"Bull" Durham in fresh, hand-made cigarettes
above all because of the supreme tobacco
satisfaction and wholesome, lasting enjoyment
insured by "rolling their own."
"Bull" Durham is distinguished from all
other tobaccos by its wonderfully pleasant,
unique aroma. This fresh fragrance is combined
in "Bull" Durham cigarettes with the most
delightful mildness, mellowness and smooth
ness a smoke of unusual character.
C IC T n Illustrated Booklet, showing correct
way to "Roll Your Own" Cigarettes,
nnd a nntkmt of cicarctte naners. will
both be mailed, free, to nny address in U, S. on request.
Address "Bull" Durhnm, Durham, N, C.
WKyenMf' B LT'yiff '.' y.L??T'' 9
(. Tillll-iflllllllT- -inf
Higkei Exposiiioii Honors
HiRhcst in lubricatinR cfTiciency litRh
cst among the many oils competinR
a triumph for lubricating oil made from
asphalt-base crude.
ihc Standard 'Oil 'ov Noiqr Cars
The Jury of Awards at San Fran
cisco and San Dierjo awarded Zoro-
lene the p.o!d medal in recoenmon
of its superiority.
Two New Fall Style Boots
orilVI I,1 Vfl 1 ic .1 (riMlllilK' FfClU'll
Bronze Kid, in button, Louis Mf
hod, plain too with cloth top M
4,. ,,.ii &r J
nf iiiiui ii.
STYLI3 NO. 2 represents the latest
S-ineh tojj lace hoot, patent j
quarters, leather Louis heel, I
(liainoud tip with black
cloth lops, a beauty, sizes
21. to 7, A A to J).
n . s. -iri b
siun or
"A Fit or No Sale"
7T or
:..j 31DC3
"GOOD SHOES" Built Our Business
post office
AnnoiincoH Kiill Tonn IICKlnnliiK Mondny, Soiitombcr 13.
' Spi'diilM In Toiicli nnd Tcclmlo
A toRcbcr wlili mi OHtnbllsbcd rctnitntlon.
Koom 101 l'nrnct-l'orey lliilldliiK.
Pliono 72
Fifteen yen re oxporlouco Jn opera ami public Ringing.
Mrs. Guy Childere, Accompanist
Siudio. Iioom 1, Commercial College Bldg.
Slxbt rcmlliiB nml proparntory work for young peoplo from 10
to 15 years in clnisos ot four.
Notice to Parents
Tlic condition- iiriiur.v in buying m-IiooI hooks make it impera
tive tbut wo cell tor ciirli only. School hook will not bo oharp'd
lo Miivime. Thin iili to oil our renmlnr oiikttHiiois having open
Hcoounti. with iih for other gowls. Ilon do not Mind nolox with
Hi' children kiiur for crwlit, nh wc cHiiiiot dovihto from tiic rule.
Tlioo winhinjf to iHirchufco book tiii wcok, Iliyruhv avoidin
(1h ruh next wvak, will fiud tho lUt f liwk. nuodod for ouch
irrudo whHhud in lh MMr dniiuf the vvot-k. Wo aUo have the
lift and vnn uty the roo,HirtiMent for euch jjrudc.
WcdM Book sSfoto,
27 CENTS 27
Will buy the famous
. gVEMEAPXMSparkPhig
These plugs have always sold ',. dollar, but as
with mot.dollar plugs, we fiud Umt they should sell
for far law than they aro lmirkud, as in this easo
we can make aui honest profit, and sell it to you for
27 CENTS. To pay moro-thjui we are asking is
' Well" you know what Shopman said
about war?
Medford Electric Co. Main Stivet
j. lHW ejmj