Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 03, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Vlce-Prejddcnt E. O. McCormlck or
San Francisco, General TJcket nutl
Passenger Agent Scott and Goncrnl
Frplght Agent Illiymaw of Portland,
nil Southern Pacific officials, arrived
liero Tliursdny, remaining until llto
schcdulo of No. 15 In tho nrtcrnoon,
in company with members of tho
springs commission, Publicity Manag
er Dtiryen and George Kramer, local
agent, tho pnrty lunched at tho depot
hotel and woro afterwards taken for
nn cxtensivo drive over springs terri
tory and park surroundings. Agent
Rosenbnunt brought tho party from
Bedford In nn nutomobllo.
A recent notablo realty transfer is
n finely Improved ranch property in
the vicinity of Evans creek, deeded by
tho Oxford Investment company, of
which F. W. StrcclH of Mcdford,
Stuart Saunders pf Ashland nud E. E.
Rngley of Roguo River aro incorpor
ators, to E. E. Raymond of San Luis
Hoy, California, who with his Bon will
occupy it. Thp tract comprises 1G0
acres. For postofflec facilities it 1h
tributary to Winter. Consideration
was $11,000. Pending removal onto
the property October 1, Mr. nml Mrs.
Raymond aro visiting with Mr. nnd
Mrs. R. J. Edwards, old-timo Kansas
friends, residing on Lnurol street.
.1. W. l.oshor, former resident here,
now of Portlnnd, whoro ho is em
ployed with n Southern Paclfjc brldgo
building crow, and who was seriously
Injured by n fal while at work In tho
vicinity of Oregon City, Is improved
to tho extent of being removed from
the hospital to his homo nt 8C1 Fran
cis nvcnuo; Portlnnd, where 1)0 Is still
nursing n broken nrm nml minor
. W. F. Caldwell, form or Western
Union operator, and wjto broke his
leg sometliho ago, Is on tho convales
cent list nctlng ns director of tourist
movemoptu at thd automobllo camp
grounds In Llthia park.
Dr. W. E. Ulnko and family havo
returned from their outing in Doug
las county accompanied by Mrs. Sinn
Grant. Whllo thero they visited rela
tives at Canyonvllle, where they woro
Joined by tho doctor's brothers, Geo.
of Portland nnd Ed of Corvallls, who
motored south with their families.
Four deer fell beforo tho prowness of
tho three hunters.
Traveling Auditor Coppago of San
Francisco was checking up tickotB
and other supply fcautros in tho local
S. P, passenger pfflces early Jn tho
week. Ho wag nccompauled by his
wlfo who assisted In tho work.
Ilert Hryant, employeo nt tho Nnt,
nnd who accompanied Guy Good and
pnrty on nn outing to tho Dead Ip
dlan locality recently, Is credited with
having shot tho biggest deer securoU
In theso parts 'this season. Ho was
nut popping nt chipmunks In n desul
tory sort of a way when this Particu
lar dcor nppcare.d on tho sceno nnd
wns lnlil low with n 22 rlflo nt short
range. Tho unlntnl drossod 1T.0 lbs.
Tho Siskiyou Nows, published nt
Yrokn, F. Holbrook holng proprietor,
has moved Into a building of Its own,
a brand now llnotypo having been ad
dod to Its cfiulpmont.
W. W. Ussher, local tolophono man
ngor, hns returned from tho exposi
tion at Kan Francisco.
R. X. Rurt of Chicago Is visiting
tho family of his granddaughter, Mrs.
W. E. Fidlor, residing on Fifth utreet.
Willi associates ho In introducing a
novel heating dovlce which Is termed
n "Solsmo-Thernt."
Hlrnm Panfnrd who has been vis
iting bin brother Thomas horo for
sou'ral months past, left on Wednes
day for his hoinp li) San Diego.
E. X. Hrusbwood, living on Iowa
htreet, has returnod nfter n month's
nbsonco Investigating mlnliig pros,
prcts In Slskljou county.
John Mattern, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Mattern, canto homo on Wed
nesday from tho Highland mlno over
beyond Yreka, for a vacation spell, bo
Ing threatened with serious Illness,
Mrs. Ellen Wagner, acocmpanled
by hor granddaughter, Hesslo Wag
ner, returned homo on Thursday after
n thrco months' absence vIMtlng rela
Uvea In Jowa and other portions of
tho contral west. On tho hontoward
trip they visited the expositions both
at San Diego and San Francisco.
Mrs. M. G. Lawrence, wlfo of tho
proporiutor of Iltiokborn Lodge which
Ideal property Is locatod In the vjcln
lt of Tolmau Springs, southeast of
Ahland In credited with having sus
tained family traditions In tho expert
use of the riflo by shooting a flue
Traveling Inspector Newell of Port
land was here early Jn the week at
tending to official dutlos in connec
tion wjth Southorn Pacific matters.
The McWIIIIams and Peck families
motorod Inst Tuesday to tho vicinity
of tho fish hatohory at tho mouth of
Hlk creek, also visiting the Tucker
ranch, Mcl.eod brldgo and other lo
oalltlM. They witnessed the effects
of bavernl foroat flrea, and in places
the heavy trees whleh had fallen
nerow; the roadwa) had beon sawed
through by tho fire patrol In ordor
that vehielo might paaa.
Frd T)lr, of Corning. Cul., son-In-law
of W. A. Patriok. has been
visiting horo recently.
All ffatk fnniAi vnd naap autMiAhfji
to the local union stowkyard navel
" " : , '
?'"? m!iTr .h'r rr""y
on L.bor Day Tha z my rule.
moat remarkable Bihlrg trip7
boon greatly improved by tho appli
cation of sovoral now coats of white
wash throughout, making them take
on n subdued nnd spotless wlilto np
pcaranco instead of tho pronounced
red light cffecjB of former ycnrBt
Mrs, A, L. Harvey, residing on B
street, hns returned front a Visit yvtlt
hor daughter nt Klnmnth Falls, who
Is tho wife of Nate Ottcrbcln, nn edi
tor and publisher of ono of tho pa
pers In that enterprising town.,
W. G. Prescott, local fruitgrower,
also Albert Johnson, of tho Seven
Oaks orchards, havo lately been pend
ing some extra flno peaches to be ex
hibited In the Oregon building at tho
San Francisco exposition. In tho con
signment were magnificent speci
mens of 28 Globe and 32 Elborta
packs respectively.
Fishing Is good even on Ashland
lawns, Irrigation ponstockB furnishing
tho supply. On Wednesday, CW.
Xlms, with tho nsslstnnco of n plum
ber, landed a flno flvo Inch trout from
n vnlvo fixture of his premises, 125
North Main street. A monkoy wrench
Instead of a reel did tho business.
Stockholders of tho Grnnlto City
hospital hold their annual meeting
hero Sept. 9.
If rigid government rules will ad
mit of It, n parcel post exhibit will ho
mado at tho forthcoming county fair
at Mcdford ns a timely educational
feature, n number of second rato
poKtmnstcrH having becomo interested
in tho project.
Col. Goethals, of Panama cnntrl
fauto, passed through Ashland on
Thursday bound for San Francisco.
Motor cars benring Florida pen
nants, recently camped hero, covering
a dlstnnco which 1h nbuut tho limit
of any appearing on locnl grounds
this season.
F. M, Anderson,, n brother of Mrs.
J. M. Wagner nnd a former wolf
known resident hero, arrived this
week for a visit with rolatlvcs, ac
companied Ty his wife. For somctlmo
past they hnve been touring vnrlouH
northern sectlonn of South America
on a httslneHS mission hr well as for
pleasure. At ono tlmo Mr, Anderson
wns connected with tho Southern Pa
cific iih a geological expert In that cor
porations oil development work
throughout California. The family
homo Is nt Berkeley.
Mrs. Emma Jack and her Rlster,
Mrs. Ferguson, loft for tho Josoplilno
county caves Thursday morning in
their now Ford, lly Npeclal invita
tion Rev. A. R. Rlitckstono and wlfo
accompanied them on thu outing,
tho pastor acting In tho capacity of
unlicensed chauffeur.
A movement having for Its object
tho tendering of a reception to tho
school board and teachers of tho Ash
land district Is under way. Rev, It,
W. Farquhar, pastor of tho Congre
gational church taking tho initiative
In tho matter. The ditto proposed
Is on or about Sopt. 10.
By A. C, ITowiett
fl. K. Kmtan of I'rinuyjlle wus
here looking over tho count! in tltN
Willium Jleokatlimn of Ynkimit,
Witxh., was ninonjj tlio cullers latt
Thursday, and on Friday wont up to
Thouina Karjow'a mid liitnUy went up
to bin pld Jiome on Hlk creek.
Dr. Kmmons n'nd Mr. Kidd, both
of Mcdford, pnM through lien1 on
their way to Crater Lake Itibt Fri
day. Luut Katnnlay C. II. Willium unit
family wgre here for dinner and thi)
wy tho trwvoliiifr aaleoweii (meie.
Utile hero one would hu led to tfiink
that our iiimhIiiiiiU ere iloiux on
MilerHhlo buiBMi.
On Sunday W. i)t Htuuiititu oud
family, nwUng uf Mr. ud Mr.
HuwMton, their kon, aitruol L.
Mum ,Iililrd lluiwlutu ami her
tr, Mi Junt, were hpr fur din
iter. Ttiev wtrf prtiumie; to tvturn
tv thetr home, i cnt tb ladte m
h" J lwy go fishing
Want to hear about my
No. 2-1 wm
hug aea bam on
the family were, nnd Mr. II. said
that hIic could not think of leaving
r'uglo Point without taking' a ineii) at
Jho sttjtnyside and meeting the nit
tlior of tins Kaglets, us she had lieen
in thu Iiuliit of renditiK them in her
homo iii Sun Jpbo, Oil., for hovernl
yearM. Tito three Indies stinted on
Tuesdiiy evening- on tlio S. I., tti'
coi))ianicd Ijy Mrs. JL A. Whitman
ond oon. Mr. Whitman is tlio fote
mint on Mr. Iliiinilton'.s fnrm nnd or
chard, and (luring his wife's absence
lie, Mr. Hamilton nml liis sou nre
Inking their jneajs nt tho Kunuyside.
In addition to the Hamilton family
wo had nbout twenty transients here
for dinner, some of )tom woro
strangers, hut nmoitjr litem were H.
L. Burdic, who lias been hityip up
nnotlier carload of Iios for shipment
to tlie California market. Walter
Woods lias hren nsMhtuig him in
milking his purchases. They rejioit
that ijiey littve succeeded in seeurinj,'
sixteen porkers from Ktigene IJel?
lows, thirty-fio from L. I). Tucker,
of lirowusboro nnd ILj from J. W.
Wakefield of Mcdford.
Mre. John Aslipolu of Mcdford has
been visiting her son, Roy, unit fam
ily tlio past few days.
fleorgo Cliildrctli onnio out from
M'edfonl Mondny to visit his brother,
Wesley h. Cliildrctli.
W. L. ChUdrcth has mined his
supply of undertaking moods fiom the
Aslmolc building into n house just
below the mill, nud Roy Aslipole has
moved Jiis stock of hurdunre ami
dishes into his own building on Main
One of tlio liariis on the place
known us the I'nrtou or Joe Ruder
place, took fire Sunday night- about
11 o'clock and burned to the ground.
I understand that there was about
fifteen or twenty tons of hay in the
hum ut the time. Tin property had
changed hands it short time before
and is now owned by F. (1. Mutliisoii
I havo not learned about the insur
ance or whether it was insured or
not. I uiidcn-tnud Hint there was
(jiiitc it lot of fa lining implements
stored in tho hum. I believe that
there was no one on the place when
it burned.
R. 1. Ciirnclitift of Ashland was
dijinjj business in our town Monday
and spent tho night at tlio Suiinyside.
Ilert Iliginholhaui of Flounce Rock
was among the guests Sunday uii.'ht.
Kenneth 0. Hook, a lirotliur-jn-liiw
of R. A. Whitman, is itmoin; the
boarders nt the S. S. hotel during the
absence of his sister.
T. W Osgood ami tS, K. .Mountain
were with us Tuesday for dinner, nnd
so were y. 1J, Root, the Fruit and
Produce association's mint, and .1. .1.
MeMnhon of Ashland was here with
Mr. Hurdie npd Walter Wood Tues
day. Tuesday afternoon thice of the
seven Hstoru known us tho I'orrv i
tcrs, to-wtt: Mr. Lihbie Wlietter,
Mrs. Nellie Simpson of Spokane,
Wash,, and Harriet Allep nt Seattle
Wash,, arrived here to visit their
mother, Mrs. F. M, Stcnuit, sinters
and brother, Mrs. Nettie drover, Alt's.
Lottie MoQuoid, Mr. Delia Nichols,
Mrs. Kiomu. Seine of Oakland, Cul.,
who has beep here for several days,
niid William I'em of KutU Fulls. Tu.
fight children aim to haves a family
reunion once each vein, nnd they al
ways have a !ond lime, and J heard
Mr. Howlett sav something nbout
(hem uniting her to givo u quiltiu?
party whilo thev were all hero to
gether, iii she generally does,' and I
suppose (hut she will, for she is about
as youii nh any of thoin.
Notice Is hereby given that tho
undersigned wl apply to tho city
pflpnoll of the city of Medford, Ore
gou, at Its next regular meeting, Sop
tomber 7th, 1'Jlfi, for a llcenso to
soil malt, vinous and splritoun li
quors at bis placet of business, No.
63 N. Front street, Medfyrd. Oregon,
to UotoiHber 31st, 1915,
Dated August SSrd, 191S.
(Ming In a gulf. Suddenly 1 fciURht
my hnokl I toswd It high in the alrl
Reportod by Jackson County Ab
tract Co., Sixth nnd Fir 8t.
Don Cameron vs. T. I). Jones, af
fidavit. ,
W. G. Muyficld ct px toO. R. Chaf
fee, suit to foreclose contract.
duiirditi'iisltip of A. MeN. ljnirisoii,
iueompetept, petition, Inpid.
Kstiitcul' Daniel Wl'etstone, eitit
lion. Kstntc of Jean Orr, order of publi
cation of notice of scttlcincnt of final
Kstnte of Tlieo. Cameron, order
apjxiintiiig day for final f,et lenient.
ReaJ ICslate Tnuisfei-s
i. L. Webster et u. to Jtek
son county, strip of Injuj it)
sec. .-:)7-1W. . . ..' $ 1
J. W. Diamond to l W. Palm
et ux, loUs in Palm's Second
addition, Mcdford . .... 1,000
Paul dondwyn to J. L. Heljns,
part of Jot tl and lid 7, block
, Fairmotint addition, Mcd
ford ... . 10
J. W., Andrews et ii x tji Jik;1;
8oii comity, stiip of upi) in
sec. d-:i7-l.W. . 1
School District No. UO lo
I Jnckstm ciniiitv. strin ill' land
in see. r-:i7-lV. . .. .y M
J. S. Vilns et itv to Jaeksoit
county, strip of bind in sec.
fi.7-lW. - - .- 'l
I!N L. (lutes et u.v to JitokHoii
county, strip of laud in sec.
I-:I7-1W. r. 1
Julia L. LawVcneo et vir to
.Arnry M. Stiekbind, lt 10,
block 1, Hunkur Hill addi
tion, Mcdford .'iOO
J. W. Mitchell et nl to Jiiokson
county, s(iii of bind in see.
fi-:i7-IW. 1
FO R "RENT -Furnished rooms, a 0 i
South Cent ml. IS 3
ilOA it A N?MMKhM Vso La u rel HI?
Mrs. W. T. York. Ha
FOR RENT"-"pp?tly"tiin
hoiiso at M7 West 11 th; good lo
cation; shady yard. 145
FOR RENT Nowly tinted small,
modern, furnished bungalow, 421
Jay street, cor So. Oukdnlo nnd
11th streets. 143
FOR RENT Nowly tinted ntnnll,
modern, furnished bungalow. 142
i -
FOR RENT 5-room modern houso,
lioru-woou floors, mil cement uaso
inent. Phono 370W.
FOR RENT A-l bungalow Phono
FOR RENT Four room flat or
house, furnished or unfurnished,
730 W. 11th, 723-V.
FOR RENT Modern 5-rooin houso,
1021 West 10th St., 10, water
paid. Ronnott investment Co,
FOR RENT Closo In 5 room houso
with sleeping porch, modern
plumbing, electric lights, comont
sldowalk, garago, on payed titrcot.
Ront reasonable. Inuulro of II, C.
Stoddard, Mcdford, Oregon. tf
Attention !
Two American evaporators, com
ploto with furnaces, trays, etc., cost
11400, cash prlco only $450 for bqth,
Horo lc an excellent opportunity for
you to makn somo money on your
orop by doing jour poacbos, apples,
Two or throo of you could band
togother to very good advantage
Immediate action necessary.
Bagley Canning Co.
.r-r- -
- --w .. i i -r-E i
SSow "!
No 3- Bmackl il flew directly into the mouth of a.
pelican (lying ovrrlievll However. I clung to
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms
with gns and bath. IU5 North
Rartlett phono CDS-R.
FOR RE.T Open clgnr and news
stnnd, first class fixtures. Rent
low. Sco J. C. Rrown, Spnrtn
FOR .SAI.l'.--MISj;i'.l.T,AMCOUS
FOR SALE iTnl r i ntoroa t" J n "good
paying well established business,
il'.'OO tp $lu00 cash rcqttliud. If
you aro looking for something good
investlgnto this. Ilpx CO, Mall Tri
bune. 142
FOR SALE Good plump sood ryo.
Chas. Nullum, It. F. D. No. '1. 142
FOR SALE Extra fancy Elborta
peaches. A, W. Stone.
FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, 10,00 por
ton. W. It. Lamb, phono 5-F2,
FOR SALE Polo mountain buggy,
good ub now. Palmer Investment
Co., Modoc Orchard.
FOR SALE 2-soatcd Vollo hack with
pole. Phono cr2-J.
FOR SALE (50 acres land, flno, deop
soil, deeded wnter right, 7 room
hotino, electric lighted, modorn,
4Gx3(j barn, fenced Page wire, 40
acres In alfalfa, corn, sugar beets
and small garden truck, 20 acres
In pears, Rartlett and D'AnJott,
small peach orchard, team horses,
cow, farm Imploinonts and all crop
goon with place. For prlcq nnd
particulars, address Ilox 55, R. F.
I), No. 2, L. M. C. Central Point,
klifds of property for nnlo or ex
change. Gold Ray Realty Co,
FOR SALE Farm land, fruit land,
timber lund, land from $5.00 por
ncro upwards on long time. Gold
Roy Realty Co.
FOR SALE -Wyowa Plnco, SO ncrca,
finely Improved Rnguo River Vnl
ley InndA .Tj miles north Englo
Point. Sco or uddrosH owners, W.
H, Crandall on tho pluco, or J. T.
Carpenter, 345 N. Rartlett, Mcd
ford, no ugents, 150
FOR SALE Iluy Ashland property
whllo prices nro attractive Wo havo
for quick snlo In contor of town
nud best renldcuco district, on
Sherman street, ono block from
school, 3 blocks from public libra
ry, three lots, nch 00 foot front
y 117 deop, covered wiui mm,
and 5-roopt houso plastered, bath,
lights, foundation, splendid chnnco
to build 2 new small bungnlos for
rent to railroad men, on other two
lots. Can sell wholo proporty for
$1750, with R50 cash. ThU is
worth at least $2500, and is grow.
Ing In value. Also flno 8-roout
houso, modern, with bath, lights,
furnace, etc., on best residence dis
trict on boulevard, and 50-foot lot,
especially flno location, Price
$4750. Hodgson-Whltmoro & Reed,
Cor, Oak and Main Sts, Ashland,
Oro. 14C
FOR SALE Four room modorn
houso, furnished; also good pay
ing IiuhIiiosh, on Main stroot. Al
together cheap. Call at 303 East
Main street. , 142
LOST Retweeu Medford nnd Porby,
suit case. Reward will no paid. n.
B. Watson, 313 S. Orapo St., Med
ford. 141
A very flno twelvo room house In
tho good rosldonro district of Los An
geles In exchange ut $25,000 for a
pear orchard.
Tha host 120 aero ranch In tho val
ley, Irrigation rights all paid up; ex
cellent for any kind of farming, un
equalled as a sugar beet farm. This
Ih offotod at much )os than Its reul
200 acroti at $125 an aoro, right In
tho valley, no bettor land any whore.
Irrigation rights paid up. 150 acres
In cultivation, balance level pasture.
A few furnished houses for rent.
"T .
NN W the
sV V
my roj
FOR SALE Good milch cow and six
good shoats. Impilro nt Scars'
ranch, adjoining tho 101 ranch, or
nt Fnber & McUonnld'a store, Cen
tral Point. 142
FOR SALESniall gentln nmro, with
harness nnd bugg, ?4G.00, HI (I
E. Utli St. 142
F.OR SALE Stock hogs, pigs, brood
sows. Phono lUxxU, Eldcn Rron..
Central Point. 143
FOR SALE Cheap, eight extra good
young work mores, well broke, two
sots of heavy work hnrnoss. Vln
soti'a barn, North Rlvorsldo nvc
nuo. 15G
WANTED Capoblo boy wants to
work for board nud room whllo at
tending school. Call 188. 141
WANTED To rent u grain anu ptock
farm. Address J, J. King, Mcd
ford, Oregon, 142
WANTED Hy ejdorly couple, nicely
furnished bungalow or cottugo for
tho winter. Will tako best of
raro. Prcfor tho west sldo. Ad
dress 11., carp Mall Trlbttno.
WANTED Largo knitting mill In
vites correspondence from womon
desirous of earning money, part or
fill) tlmo. Good pny. Exporlonco
unnecessary. International Mills,
Inc., Norrlstown, Pa. 200
WANTED TO RUY 20 tono of
straw; nlso 20 tons of hny. Vin
son's Feed Hani, N, Rlvorsldo Avo.
WANTED To borrow $300, good
clear real estnto security; will pay
10 per cent nix months. Phono
295. 141
i ', i -s
FOR EAtmAmilt
FOItTltADi: Equity In T'iirtn
room house, bath and lights for
stock. Hox W Mall Tribune. 144
TO TRADE Equity In property for
atock cattlo, preferred. Uox W
Mall Tribune. 144
AttornoyB-at-Law, Rooms 3 and
0, Mcdford National Ilanlc bldg.
A. E. REAME8, LAWYER Gamett-
Corey bldg.
Wm. M. Colvlg, George M. Robort
Medford National Dank Uulldlm
Attorneya nt Law. Jackson Coun
ty Hank Ilulldlng.
Auto riMppriM
aro oporatlng the largest, oldest
and best equipped plant In the Pa
cific northwest. Ifso our spring
when others fall. Bold under guar
antee. 26 North FlttoenU fit,,
Portland, Ore.
Qtrnett-Corey Illdg,, salt III
Undford Ore. Phone 85 B.
llecauso my stock in trado la to
havo optioned at tho lowest cash
prlco tho boat buy In this county.
I have been on tno ground look
ing out for you for tho past flvo
years. Nearly everyday I have In
vestigated so mo "good thlug." I have
eliminated everything oxcopt those
deals which I urn convinced will i$
ture me satisfied customers.
In a fow hours tlmo I can glvp you
tho benefit of this research- (t Is my
business to show you over the county
and Introduce you to tho possibilities
and opportunities here. Bee Med
ford first and
10'J West Mula Street
(ArthV Not -Old Nick
Nimble refused to tell of the
Windup of thU adventure as
It reallr hatmnill 7r,.v
sketch wilt trl. if ,!
ttraishtWeui) ' "
Collection nnd Report
collected some accounts 14 yean
old. Wo know how to got tha
money. Tho Rullock Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Hat
kins' Dldg., 210 E. Main St.
DR. A. It. IIEDOES, Dr, Loulso M.
iiodgcs Mociinno-TlioraplBtB, Chiro
practors, Spondylothoraplsts. These
systems, Including dlototlcs, cura
tive gymnastics, hydro-theraphy,
etc.. produce rwulta In both acute
and chronic diseases. Consulta
tion free. Over Deuel & Co., cor
cor Main nnd Rartlett. Hours f
a. m. to 6 p. m. Other hours by
appointment. Phono 170.
DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor,
nerve spoclnllst Room 203-204
206. Garnctt-Coroy bldg. Vapor
baths and sclontttio massage given;
neodle spray, lioad nnd shouldar
ahowpr In connection; advice la
dietetics, medical gymnastics,
hydroptherapy. Lady attendant.
Phone, office 543, residence 611-K.
tBgRcr nnd Costractor
FRED N. CUmiTNaEnglncoraHS
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Dldg.
Surveys, estimates, Irrigation,
drainage, orchard and land Im
provement. Gai-imk
GARBAGE Get your premises
cleaned up for the summer, Call
on tho city garbage wagon foi
good sorvlco. Phone 274-L. T,
Y, Alien.
Instruction la Mart
401, Oarnett-Corey Dldg. Fred Al
ton llalght Piano, Mrs. Florenee
Halllday Halgbt, voice. Phoae
Notary Fuotio
HELEN N, YOC1CEY Notary pub
lic, nrlng your work to me at tna
sign of the Mall Tribune.
riiyefllcmju mm erargeeMi
physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Corey
bldg., phone 1030-L. iUsldenet
20 South Laurel Bt.
DR. W. W. HOWARD OfUopataU
physicians, 303 Qarnett-Uoxey
bulldlug. Phono UQ4-M.
DR. J. J. EMMENB Physician aa
surgoon, Practlco limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat. Eyes sclen
tlflcally tested and glaife iuim
piled. Oculist and Aurlat for 8. P.
R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & H. Co,
Rldg., opposite P. P. Phone 667.
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician aa
surgoon. Pboiics. office 36, rest
dence 721-J. Office hours 10 tf
12, 2 to 5.
Physicians and Burgeons. Offlee
30P-310-311, M, F. & 11. Illdg.
Phones residence, 814-J2; office,
clan and surgoon, Offlcq Pain
block, opposlto Nash Hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J.
Eye, oar, noso and throat, office
228 East Main; rcsldonco 1121
East Main; officu hours 9 a. m. to
12 in.; 1:30 to 6 p. m. Telephone!
Office, 303; jrcbldonco, S03-J2.
Printers nnQ I'uliUHliera
best equlppod printing 'office lis
southorn Orogon; boo): binding,
loose leaf ledgers, billing system,
etc. Portland price. 27 NortS
rtr Kt.
Office 42 North Front St. Fhon
316. Prices right. Berrlee guar
anteed Typewriters unit NHPplles.
Now RomlnBlon, Smith l'towt
nnd Monarch typewriting, adding
and subtracting machines, rebuilt
machines for cash or easy Py
ments. Machines for rent, rlbbea
and suppll-efl of all klads, alwpte re
pairs fre of uarg, Reger
Boanett, 10 Oulno Rtr. vlKHH
p38-U,prFlm9rP9PJfee1 j