"mnfnn pimiiipnuipi 5&2!2ffLL rsr.' jtk H flflff msrini-.'.i- - "'fPf 1!! f. ",'! "'fr'ft" eHjK tf-JBUwSi -- " ;v.WTfjBwa"v f .!', J. 1 if ) T P"atr rr ;s hi !: r t th w 1 4 ru it PA'flE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDEPENDENT NEW8PAPKII I'UIJLISHKI) BVKKT AITCflNOON RXCEPT SUNDAY HY TUB MEDFOUP PtUNTtNO CO. Office Mall Tribune Mulldlnp, it-n-it North Kir utrcet, telephone 75. The Pemoorutlo Time. The MUord Mall, Tho Mcilforil Tribune, The South ern OreKnlan. The Anhlmid Tribune. BUDHCRrPTIOK KATE I tint vmf. bv mall- .. . ,. it" re? mmah.' ueiiv'fro.'i h" ciVrkr TS and Control Point .Mj nmururcy umy, ny ninn. jur imr J Weekly, per year -uv official imimt of me city of M.iford (Jfflclul J'apnr of Jackson County. rSntMiixi hm pftrtnlilitMa matter At &lirord, OrtK'"'- "nur tlii act uf Maroh I, 1879. Hworn Circulation for 1911. 2C8. ' Pull lenaed wire Aannnluttd l'rtu dta patclioa. V Bubicrlbers ralllnt to recolre papers promptly, phone Ctrcu- lutlon Manager at 2C0R. JJ-t -JJ-J - - - HONG KONG KOLUM mw Tluxlcnb illlvors Hliould lio nt front clmrKi'H ho heavy .Muuy iloople look liost whoa lookoo Tor slojiiohoily who owo them nionoy. Wo Am S''ii I mot n resolution kooiI, Ar pnro nml white ns henven; I nHl((I, "How ninny may you ho?" It answered, "Wo nro huvoii," "9110 lirotlior went to n unloon And ncvor moro wns booh, And onn who lind a llttlu gumo l.les In tho churchyard Bfluon." "Ono lirotlior ran n llttlo hill; I novor ww hint more. jXiiuthor', who got iii too Into, 1 kno.liiiH gonu hoforo." "Then atlll nnothor cussod n hit And, vaulshod from our kozo, WhMo ono n Wall titroot flor took ,j And walki no moro them ways." " 'Thon you nlono nro loft I cried. M'Tho roflt liavo gono to lioavvn!' Hut Ht 111 tha roaolutlon wopt Anil ntmworoil, Wo nrb novoii!" JiiiIko. Her (iiiM Hmltr Whj- did Wagner ronipoKo auoh terribly loud innslo? Cortt PurlmiNi hU wlfo watt doaf and ho did It to annoy her! Youkorn HtnUwumn. . Xovi'i- os I.ndi' (to bnjmnr) My jcod wan, do yon ovor taho a bnthT Uomwr N'o mum I novr takes nuythiiiR largor tha tin ttler tOH pot. CiiiIoin TlihiKh III tho Vohm Holt Qf lllhtilliiK euiod a r.iiinert Imt womail'a rliouwatlaiH and did $1000 dawntf to her hoinr. In OKIqpbo h wlfu loekvd lior hua band unto keep him hWo Thon lit Jhiii)hI (r9U th window ami broko iHitk htc lam. Palling from an auto baa rtatorod tho honrlug or au ludUna wan. for many Tmn alone deaf. KtolluV Itiiigiilii C.iiiiiIdc Ah (iptituiat Ii tht kuv who imlnta out tho atlvr IIhIM at th rtoud and ihtui boriowt your umWhIU to go taojMU wlUi. ' ' ,H DUiolHP on tbr vllU gron now. adayp bM tUMtutrald titto dodglajt uiotar win on rha ctt aaphalt. Tho Itnll mill Hi Oi'imui One day at OrM nd Uoll fall out. High volt tottwwed. "Yon oHly ilajg wM yy'r tallttd." aald tlie orgua NOUdlr. The Uell ealwlr aliiiwltii Ha WlWbltM. 'While ," puraiMd the 6rH. "will be blowett flrat." Instant 1 teller f'bollv (to ahoiMnMl - $f w -rould ou Uk that ello tie with jhe pink imtn oat v( the bow wla- jtlow for tar' flboii',. n Ortt m ,h. rieeaed ta ' a ihiat i. .1 r i ae window tmir .ir oll i"t.. ueilr. . Tbe ..tint) ! we evert time B " Tf. l . ) i , oiilng htltlan THE LANDSCHAFT DEA XX (Jerinany Hie land owners oi' a districtoan unite and create a'landseliaiV The landsehaft has authority to issue debentures and extend credits, under government Hipervision. thus solving the rural credit problem. The landsehaft idea is' a step further in co-operative fanning. Money is secured bv pledging the property of the district as security,' under ! anv individual could secure .seolllcd to 111(1 IVUllIll I lUCiniKM'S at H)W 1'JltcS ill lollg 1 11110. ii , jl i ,,, . , f III In I lllilljrilll' Llll' till IlllT nil 'The sinking fund established . . ..... iij wer jopiij iite uiMiiri iHuiMtwiiicM. iinri',veiii ihiii esutu lishes a capital to do business upon.fyj!ll?j'oJiiof benefit, however, is the organization of tiVpurc1)jsiiig and selling power. In the United Sfatos'our social 'evolution lias not yet reached the stage where the value of community co-operation is utilized and the need of fho state and nation lending its credit and supervision to the district realized, but the pressures!' economic conditions is rapidly forcing its con sideration. Fai iners cannot continue to pay the high rates of interest demanded, and the adoption of the landsehaft idea offers a practical solution. Tt is our own fault if we do not help ourselves, for in Oregon the law-making is in the hands of the people. We have, however, long realized the need of community and district co-operation along certain lines, among them in securing irrigation, and laws are in effect authorizing the establishment of irrigation districts. The district can find money on easy terms for securing water, where an in dividual or corpoiation would fail. The opposition to the district comes from those who do not. realize the neccssit' of co-operation and the part it plays in modernized agriculture, and who fail to grasp the essential fact that what benefits one land Owner in thr district benefits all, and that rests upon theprosperity of welfare ol an isolated Jew. Tile community of interests established by the district- welds the locality into unity and creates a solidarity ol interest.?. There is no reason why an irrigation district, successfully accomplishing its initial purposes, should not secure additional legislation sufficient to extend its pow ers into those ot the landsehatt, with authority to .issue debentures for other purposes than irrigation and extend credit to members under state supervision. The great advantage of the irrigation district plan over any other is that tho water-users themselves own and op erate the system and manage it to protect their mutual interests. The progressive farmers of Talent are the first in the valley to recognize this fact, and their example should be followed bv the formation of other districts. Co-operation is the keynote to modern industrial sun cess and nowhere is it more essential than in agriculture. The need of marketing associations, of buying associa tions, are everywhere admitted. The identity of interests makes the Rogue U'ivor valley a favorable field for it, and its lack is responsible for most of the valley's adversity. The producers can and should, by co-operation, care for their commercial, industrial and financial necessities. CARRANZA FORCES AN C1P l.OS ANoni.i:S, Boat 3 1'ntiFPii Kom arriving nhonrd tho atuamcr l'rlnco Albert from Toiiolohnmno and Mazntlnn, Mexican went coast porta, rpnorted today that 15,000 Cnrranxa tro'opH woro bolng roncontrntod nt N'avnjon, under coiniuand of fienernl Dloguoz for a movement ilnnncd to drive all Villa adheronta out of tho atatea of Slualon and Sunorn. They aleo reiKirlml that Curranan nartUaiiM had lOKalnod the clO' and territory of Toilo after a da'a battle with Villa troojia tinder Oeneral Hafael HuMna- Thla Iwttle waa atubltornly fought by both aide. Aecordlug to aaeuger a large amount of bullion lnu been taken from mltioa In that vlrlnity now being operated b) Curranaa follow era. HOWELLS SELL AT $1.75 PER F. 0. B. MEDFORD A car load ot Howell pear a belong ing to Clarence Hoxl. Young and Hall aud J. S. Vllaa ytntterda aold la the middle weat for H T5 iht bo f o. b. .Medfonl. The fntlt waa aold through lite Itugue Hlver Fruit and Produce aaoelatioM. The uaaoetaUon alao an houuam tbe gale of a oar load of Bartleit ieHr from tbe Hear Creek orchard at a price of ft 2'. f o 1 Metlford Tlieae price are ouadered good IXTHItlMtlJA.V .mxi tU CO. 'lime Tulilo Leave Med ford dally oxeogt Sun liny for Aabland. Taleat and 1'heauU at a. m, 1 : IS. 3:00 aud 5:16 ami 10:15 p, m. (Saturday at 11: it p w ) Sunday leave at J 00 aud 11:00 a. ut.. 1:00. 1:00 aud 90 p. m. KjMve AabUHd Uall- except Sunday at 9:00 a. nv. 11:10. S JO. 4:10 and littfi ji. w. and Sunday at 10.00 n m . H ne. 4 00. (I and lUtlO p. m. John A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Aatutani UN H. H.-tHTI.inT I'lu.uea M 17 and 47-JU AeiltJlanm Honloa (Vrua r MEDFORD MATTJ TRIBUNE, more Javorable terms than funds. It reloans the funds thus improvement out of receipts fj'om the.far- i V ' i. ti it the prosperity of the district all within it, and not upon the FOR GULF COASI WASIUNOTON', Sent :i- Two Wont Indian storing nro headed for Ameri can coimti. Hurricane warnlnga hnvo been ordered on tho gulf. Tho more pronounced disturbance wait in the tiulf of Mn.lco thla morn ing headed northwestward. Weather bureau official xaid tt would Ktrlko the gulf coast tonight or Saturday morning aomowhere between Cedar Keys and New Orlonnt. The aecond atoriu. about which very little l known, 1st In the vicinity of the Ilermudae. where the jireasure ruiiiwIiiH abnormnlly lower. That utoriii niMmreutly la moving In a north eat direction toward the Car olina and the Virginia cupen FRENCH GRAFTER COMMITS SUICIDE TO AVOID ARREST 1'AHIS. Sept 3--Ouo of the gov. erHtnent official Involved In army fraud In connection with the pur- 'ehaae of munitlena eoHimltttHl suicide eaterda to avoid arroat. Warrants tor other peraonu In complicity with ethuleal agent or the nrmv and na) have 1een lued STAR Theate TODAY Houses of Glass IY KDWIN' (lL; , Tblg ta MeM-i No. f eg the Story Serte -a ho ly8?" Theee "Wte I'm.- atffp ae 9U worth jrr tha). .w rag aoeer eea oe. twrt '. HURRICANE HEADED MHUNO MOKJVAT It. I'. A. MASON A l'.iraiiii'iul Sr. ial afEDFORD. ORFCION, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER. 3. CHINESE FINANCE jfk jk STEAMER LINE TO fc . ffifSBv nniiiii-ii nniniT 4ojsm- '?J ' lEKfflW- m mum unmm mr; ik w&b. SAN I'UANClfeCO, Sepf. 3. An- nouncemont that $5,000,000 had been subscribed atuThalf n million Rot aside ... subject toiliiRtant call toward the fin ancing of n now Chinese-American tmns-I'aclfic steamship company was made hcor todny-on authorlty'of John U. Mc.Vnh, attorney for tho Chinese .Six companies. ;, Since tho arrival here of Dr. Well ington Koo, China's first minister to Mexico, who stated on reachlng-thls port that contrnot for the financing of tho line had been signed, those in terested horo have been working quietly but rapidly toward putting the big project Into actual operation. The Chinese, McNah says, expect to hogln with vossols adapted to the pe culiar conditions of their Oriental trade that Is, they will hnvo limited cabin facilities and great etorage and freight capacities. Later, according to Atjornoy Mc Nah, tho Chinese hope to have several first-class vessels equipped to handle the best tourist travel In the world. If the Chinese cannot puirhase their ships, they will have them built. L WASHINGTON'. Sept. I. I'mof tlint the entire pii ' nt muni Aiin'iiciin li:itllislii fleet, m.xle up ol' I'Our ili vjm'(iiih of live hip eueli, uuil u tl'iK ship, n total of (went -one. eouhl lie paHM-il through the I'linumii eauul-iu one day ha been afforded by the bundling' of the nimil neademy prae tiee Ho.uadmu in the ouuiil locks on its way to ami from the I'uiinina-I'a-eific exposition. Tho s(uadt'ou, composed of the hnttleships Mihsouri, Ohio nml Wis cousin, the largest warship which liuvo so far used tlie'eanal, wore put through the lock-, ut Pedro Miguel find Mint floret, the Missouri uiu' Ohio siinultaneoiwlv in parallel, with the Wiscon-iiii fliit'etlv n the rear. " I've been smoking too much!" It' doubtful if you ever heard a Falima stnoktr say that Of coutse, you can't tall until you try thm whelhtr Fatlma will tasta a good to you oa thy do to uioaf uian. Out one thing you can b ' euro of Kalimas will navtr give you any man "afttr Usllng." Tha pur Fatlma blend la famout for being cool and friendly to tho throat and tonguo. Fatimas are the moat SUNSIULE cigarette you can smoke. Today's tha day you should try them. JfeftXlJfyiuOZSovnCU HwTurldsh Blend Ggaiette B 2Q for W THE PAGE Medford's Lcadins Theater Cool t'omfortablo, WeJI Ventilated. :. Part Vll.iRraph-llroadwaj Star Kent tiro The Tigress With Julia Swnvno fiordon. Leo IelHiiev and Others Kn.i t'omedj -Drama The Cave onThunderdoud A Kaniou TikIi ator- by Mar Hob 'n. Uhlnohart Vitaaiaph Coiued) The Serpentjs Tooth Wglly an aad Nltra Prater H'o AU a Hlg Sbow at the Tage iv Iteot of PkiniM u Ku'i-y Miot & If- IU CtlV. 1i..,u Barmla TIIKKW CANA AN A ALL WARSH PS IN DAY WMSMA r ut-i bhhBs:- m miimam. 1 .kiwi j.,it mi 1 vyyjmmw jkWvtiJ JKmiJmwmwi aVaVawSf BBaTiBKBaf The Judge Says '' - Pul a package of those real corn flake.'?' tho.se New Post Toasties on trial lieside a package of any other eoni Hakes on the market. The jury will hrnitf in a verdiet of "jruilty" ijuilty l" bei'm? the finest eorn flakes eyor made. The Xew Post Toasties are erisp tind appeti. iiitf, with a true corn flaver: and thoy don't mush down when milk or cream is added. TJni here's the real test. Take a handful, fresh from the package, and eat them without cream or milk. .Mighty good, aren't they? Notice thcvlittlo "puffs" on each flake a dis tinguishing characteristic resulting from the new method of Cookiiig and toasting, which also brings out and enhances the wonderful,' true corn flavor. Your grocer has the New Post Toasties. Try them and bring in your verdict "Delicious" POOR OR INFERIOR BUTTER WILL MAKE THE BEST BREAD 'DISTASTEFUL Therefore Insist on Your GrQcer Giving You Gold Seal Butter It costs no moro and you WW Jackson County Creamery 3SSl0BjZ .An Jivciai- cost ot two it uts a mile jmi vides lor operating and maintaining a Ford etir. Ami " Ford After .Service for FoVd Ownei-s" assures the continuous ust' of your !. In every contingency there's ,n Ford donler near by, with a eomnjetu stock of parts. Tur Cm $44. RM)mhjI HH, Towb Car i!A. faapotH $TH, S4n It75; f. o. fc. Detroit with ll fajtiioit. tla dihuiay and W at C. E. GATES it ' 1015 always get THE BEST a & Wxff ' it uakrx'ymek September 8 tO 1 1 MEDFORD JACKSON COUNTY FAIR ', Z;ifWi to LIBERAL PREMIUMS on products of orchard, farm, garden', home, shop, stock, poultry, etc. PLENTY MUSIC Hig Dahlia show and display other flowers. CHILDREN'S EXHIBITS of everything grown and made by children of ci(y and count rv. A " '1'Jt-. - .. FREE ATTRACTIONS nALLCA.MlO Thursday, Vriday and Sat urday at 1 ::) p. m. for pur.se of H)0, between Aledford and ltoseburg. UF1.AY l?ACK lun 'J'i. miles each day, changing hoises every half mile, for purse of '250. Also Running and Har ness Races for countv horses - Hitch-up Races, Buggy itaces, mule Kaces and Other Amusements. OyKADMlSSrOXTOAUi Xo chai-ge for autos, ve hicles or grand stand. School children admit tt-il free Fridav. W WsWwMw j i " ' " - '.m r:' .TlWwW&rJ' -i.Vi .WV 11 V J h B II l' i.i I' UMMMIMaUMmiMHUMlMII S