i..nij iiyjjwjW.v.ifvin wijKirwiptlW iW'i I'lP'LiUiilL'w'Ilt1 KSHMa VPKjpm jwg.s . , wan 1 1 win mint u 'ffl r?7PJT "WP I ! I N! ipxge worm rarwonrj 5f7nrr TRrntrNiu, isncwoRD, ot?eciox, TrrrjRsnAY, SEPTEMBTm s, lots IOCAL AND L PERSONAL J 0. McAltlnlor of I.nliO crook wns n Mortfonl vlHltor Tliurmlny. Mrs. Jnmi'H Kcronaw of the Ante lopo wns a Mori ford and Jnrkionvllle vlnltor Tliurwlity NotJro All linrlmr pIiojih elosod all iluy Mniuln, 3o)it, fitli, Lnlior Day. Joo Knlly of the Orlffln crook ills (rlct Is lu Iho city today, ono of tho ninny circus visitor.. Vulr.'tn film,, quick ns lightning. Sold nt Swciu'h. HO Hoe llonmnn of Gold Till! Is In tlio city today ntlendliiB to liiiRlncss innt tcrfl ntid the circus, United linm nnd bncon nl Do Voo's. Attorney U. I Slulkoy nnd family, nnd (lev. Harry K. Tucker and fam ily linve returnol from a short vaca tion spent on Mttlo Dutto. "WliIIo wntllng Attorney Mulkey contracted a Htlff neck. See Dave Wood about that flro In nuranco policy. Office Mall Trlbuno lililK. ltlchnrd Thomas of Montague, C'al., In nuiotiK tho out of town vIhI tont lu the city today, I am motoring to Portland. Have room for two or three Call tip 278-Ij for Information, 140 Mrs. Robert Dow of Jacksonville iient Wednesday In Mod ford vIhIHiik ft lends and relatives. ' I.ooho leaf kodak ntbums, cloth nnd leather rovers nt Swem's. 1 10 Wnltor Drown of this city Is pond Ing his vacation nl San Francisco at tending tho fnlr. For flour or feed phono Medford Tnll..t llll. III.Ahli r.iiT J Vance "I'lnto" CoIvIk, son of .ludRo! William M. CoIvIk. nud woll known In this city, Is one of tho miiHlclans1 with tho At (1. llarnes wild uulmal hIiow. Weston Camera Shop for first class Kodak flnlshtiiR and Kodak supplies, Oct It nt Do Voe's. ItoHR Kline of tho Utile Hutle spent Wcdnosdny lu Medford iittendlnn to business matters. When you need nny blotters cnll nt tho It. It. McCurdy Agency, or tolo phono Ono-two-throo, and wo will send you sonio. tf K. H. Fox of IleddliiK, Cal., Is HpendliiR n few dnyii In tho city nnd Fred Weeks has iclurncd from two weeks vacation trip t Cisco and other California Itemumber you can get most any old tliltiK nt Da Voo's, most any old I time. j William Ottor of Foots creek Is, I spending the day In Mcdfprd attend- j In? to biislnessinntters, J. O. Oerklng, the best all around photographer In southern Oregon. Alwnys reliable. Negatives mado any where tltno or place. Studio 228 Main St. Phono 320-J. i H. F. Oregory of Kugene Ih spend ing the week In tho elty and valley. Forest Fires throughout .Tnekson county are under control today, and no new fires reported. The sky Is as clear ns crjHlal, and but a trace of smoke Is visible. It Is belloved (lint the worst of the danger Is over for this year. Ninety per cent of tho fires of the Inst ten days were due to Inccndlnilsm, nnd tho forentry officials bellovo thoy have this van InllBtn checked, with several fire bugs tinder suspicion in different pnrts of tho county. It will be ono of tho matters coming before the next session of the grand Jury for Inves tigation, flrocerles, cnndles, bakery goods. fruKs, bcIiooI supplies nt Do Voe's. CStiy Conner for Sgobol nnd Day, has sold a ear of Hurtle!! of Schuelte Ilros., for It. 25 f. o. b. Medford. Ah n counter move, the police have taken nil tho pistol shclta away from William tlnttle, who was n victim of local practical Jokers, and made a target of two of them last Sunday night, when they talked about rob bing htm beneath his bedroom win dow. liny wood now before prices go tip. Valley Fuel Cn -lUiOno.Ji;. 1GI Mi- EiSI. MARY'S OFFERS MANY ADVANTAGES F0RTEA1 IL St. Mary's Academy, Medford 425.000 HORSES T.ni?niilmrrv Mlif'rlml Tho Rhniiffi. A x(tind of circus hangers on ar rived In Medford Wednesday prepar ing to mnko a stand In this city to day, lint woro ordered out of town by tho police. Tnke your watch to Johnson, tho Jowoler, you will receive unusually good sorvlco. Mayor limerick Is slightly Indispos ed by u slight cold due to the change In the weather. I tako prldo In tnnklng your watch keep perfect tltno. I hnvo every fa cility for dolm; ftno watch repairing. Johnson tho Jowoler. J. F. 11 town of Kngle Point Is spending tho day lu Medford on bus iness. Do Voe delivers the Orogonlun to ynit cvory day for "5 cents per month. .100 Hltiit , ui . mimIIIU Ih npimuiMii the day lu Medford attending tho clr; CUB. A. R, nenmes, who has been 111 tho past two days, Is convnlciiclng. Frank llyboe of Jacksonville spent Wednesday afternoon lu Medford at tending to business matters. Vice President N. P. McCormlck of the Southern Pacific, spent Thursday lu Ashland and will visit Medford this evening Tho next regular meeting of the elty council will be hold noxl Tuesdny llll'llt Mnvnr l.'tnnrli'l. ntiiiiulticr lilu valley attending to business matters J oftt Mj. wcoW vncnton T " Tho ilato for the next general prl mnry election In the state of Oregon has been set for May 10, 1910. When bettor lnsuranco Is sold Holmes Tho Insurance Man will noil It. St. Mary's academy will open Tubs day, September 7. Tho public schools will open a week later, September 13 The University of Oregon and the O A. C. will open ten days Inter. Quick service for your Kodak fin ishing. See VVoatou'8 Camera Shop, A. M. Smith of the Midway confec tionery stoi o lias on exhibition a Miliar beet weighing it pounds. It will bo hIiowii at the county fulr. Johnson, nt tho Honk Store, n export watch repairer. UuorHO Older of Hilt, Cal., U upending a few das lu tho city at tending to btislnotui matters. Akhlnnd llthla, Colottln or Siski you. 10c per hottlo at Do Voo's. Ouorgo Watson has returned from a short trip to th 14uglo l'olnttdl-trlet. Classes nt St. Mary's Academy, Medford, OtoMon, will reopen Septum- her 7th. Doth boarders and da) pupils aro roeoIVMl. Full Mill nchool course. Individual attention In pri mary nud grammar grades. Ifrcop Uoniil ndvnntnges In art, music, cblun painting mid modern Immuitaos. K- cellent ooniniorelHl rourse. For Hor tlculara. nddretw SWtor Superior. Thomas Doon of Ormitt Phm spent Tuesday In Medford nttndlnK Iv kua- JnehM matters nud UitlMR friends. Head the Portland OroMlNM. Frank Jennings uf tin .pplct district was n bulne vUliar U th tlty the first of tho wk Merchants' Lunch, Sic. The Shaita, Cioorge Mauillalil uuA lf of ProiiHjpt spent WliittMl niriirt"ii lint svi r In MuddinL telil wutoriuolonii t IV VoV Attorne) U. M. Itoti'flrtH H'nt w mda nfiernoon In Jn"i ui1, UMii-iauiiK Kal bulne. flpnl reading of the ordinance railing for e special election to voto upon the MedyiiHkl proposition to reboud will be rend. A dinner will be given Ilrltlsh Vice Consul McNeil of Collmn, Moxlco, who has been visiting Medford tho past week, by It. II. Parsons at the Uni versity club tonight. Coibln KdgAll or Kuglo Point Is lu the elty today attending to buslnoss matters nnd the circus. Assistant State Supervisor J. II. Kb. erly has returned from a trip to tho Klk creek district. Two Intoxicated wnndererH were placed lu the city liastlle this morn ing, nnd released lu time to goo the circus parade. They hebaved so bad ly that they uero again Ineaicemted KM ward Huff of ICvans creek ts spending the day In the clt attending to bushum matters. Attorney W. I. Vnwter roturned this morning from S.ilem wheie ho attended O-C laud giant eoufeience, and was elected chairman of the per manent committee. A meeting will be held Thursday, September 10 at Salem when it Is piobuble that res olutions will be passed urging cou greits to withhold the land from nv sorves as now contemplated. Upon this date spoooho will bo made by Governor Wlth combo, Senators l.aue and Chambeilaln, ov-Sountor Charlos W. Fulton, roprentatlvo of the Southern Pacific and the forestry ser vlf, snd fUlsons. The object of tbe conference Is to leavo the O-C Rrant lauds opon to settlement In tho fu ture . I. Wilson nud family or Talent are in the city today attending the circus. To I lie parent ill eiir-h of jiii ideal boa rd nig tielmol or ilny cthoid ior ehililfen' or vonnj? ttiri, St, Mur.v't Aenilemy offeiv e.eeplfiuiiil ndnn InyeK. For the ilii.v iiiiil. pleii-iiiit, niry elnwt roonw, iniill elne., -iliun diint ouldoni' ximee fur Kiiiiich iiiii! rei'rention n ml the bet of teni-liins', Mipervision mill diieetiiui enntriliute to eonditioiw iilttio.-t peiTeet. I'or tbe eliilil or voiuig irl who eoiiuw In shnre in the home liTe of (he ii'-ul i'iii.v, eireniiiitiineiw mill Murioundiuc me c(iHillv eiinilueive to physical ntnl inornl well-beiu iim well w to thor ough iutelleetuitl trainini.'. I.n-t venr three opueiuiix, open-nir '-K-C'iiinp ioreliPi were creetei! ntid lioimlers nt the neiiilemy reeeil in the healthful privilege of open-nir leepin,r throughout the school venr. The lejy ulalioiiH of the lioardiuir xehool in- Hiite iudiviiliml cure uml utteution, ntnl ut t lu nmo lime peimit Hitfl'ieienl freedom uml the cultivation of that home spiiit .o diirnhle in a liounlin seltool wliere youii giiK are being tiiiiiied to he efficient uml helpful linmoinnkors or ut IojikI )iotent fni'- lorw in (tie liiippinoHH of hornet. To the Hiipeiior chnmclcr of the iiitelleetuul trnininif given nl Si. Mary's nenilomy, the development of all pupil who remain for even n few mouth ut Hie kcIiooI lienr witne.s. In the higli seliool me offeieil elu4H ieul, scientific, Kugli"li, inoileiu Imi tiuuge, huiiios, tut uml imixie eourmeH. Sowing, eiuliroiilery niul fine needlework are luuglit through out the gruiloN nud high Mehool, l''re ipieut plu.VH uml reeitulH give the pupil-! (minim; in orul explosion uud the uiitee of lienring Hint elmrueter ioi the einivent-lired girl. In the nuii-ie depiirtmeiit, violin uml piano are tuitght neconliny to the mo't approved modern methoiN. Ih xionl reeituN, of wliieli eliorus work uud eiiemhle plnyini: are feature, Miuiuhitc the inteie-t uud train the pupil to gitieeful elocution. lu Hie ail deputtmeiit uie taught nil paiiitiuir, water color-', pnlcl, eliureoiil, pen nud ink nnd china painting. Outdoor kctchim; in u teiiture of the mt woik eiijo,cd liy the pupil of the grade-, for not the IciiM of the work ol both music cud iirt derailment i done in the regu lar high M'luml nud grade cMMoroom where the t rnined toucher of theM' department tench the nit and muie of tho neluiol eurHeuflini. Tin nuneieiiil eniitue, mi mio- eeiffully intituled lnt . year, in elude peiimHiifliip, eommereiul law, cnuuucrciul antluuetie, htenographv, Ixpewritiiifc, bookkeeping1 uud eorre poudeueo. Pupil who take the eui iiiereiul eoutve receive spoeinl trinn iug in grammar, pelling uml l'.imlih eompoitioii. STEIS RESIGNS AS SECRETARY OF CLUB "i ,, ? " , - , : t & 'f ' rfsssHsb ..TssssHssBssk. A t LtBir PTBTaisrff IwiM L'J sJslsMstrMHsliMlliMsMiinJliBMI lllsinrHrii e3p ' wffSsiKirHsdBs Hn ttWttttUK IIEV U?BisssiHssHBsB yflsssssssssssF mHH "'WtFBKIBBtmE4 'UuMisVsliiPssHH3sWisssssssssssH . --. mr iVfisjsii.xifcimiiiiiiiii ISave The Baby i Use the reliable HORLICKS ORIGINAL ran i. J "If WASHINflTOK, Sept. '.'. To date i IYI a 8 X 6 U GOT 1 1 K SHIPPED WAR Z ONE GERMANY CALLS ISPACKMAN MOUNTAIN Vi.OOl) lior-es nnd mule hne I uen i Upbuilds every part of the body efficiently. ..pped out of the l-nilcd Stnt'e lor, Endorsed by thoussnds of PhysW-nj the Kiiropcan belligerent. I'uie hnse etrhan quacr of a century I ol the nniniuU Im been n lug boon , ConvenIent( no cooWn(T nor add,onat Jul the ninrket for mediuin ebii mllkrequlred. Simply dlsjolvcln water, 'liort-e. ; Agrees when other foods often fall. ) (lovernincnt expert" find thht '" Sample free, HORLICK'S, Racine, Wit. tlew high-bred horos lime been ex- 4F"No Substitute is"lustaaGood" ported, with the reult Hint price for 8 at. HORLICK'S, tho Original ordinary o)iuno iiimo inrini. , , Iot or the liorsox have cone to iKnghind. hut ninny liipmeutH lime 'been niiide to Friiiicc'nnil some to It - nl. (Iooniment olTieinl cMimufe that tliere nro today npproxumiteh Jl.nntl.OOO lires nnd l,()0t),(iuii mules in tliio country. NEGRO PROMISED $5000 (Continue from Page One). IlKltUN, Sept. 2, b wireless to Sayvllle The managers of the Helch bnnk have Issued a formal call Por stibscrlfitlons to the new wnr lonn. Tho nownjinper8 point out editorially WAU.A WAI,I.A, Wn., Sept. 2. Tho fire on Spnekmnu mountain which yoiterday threatened to got bo yond control and Into the Wcnnha that gretat advantages aro offored to! for,M,t rei!rve. Is reported today to Investors who are able to obtain with lmvn ,,con ,"iroiioa liy lmcknriiy?. their savings nlnn )ear tmpeital bonds paying flvo por cent. The loan has several new fentures. The Issue will bo confined to bonds, no troasury notes being sold. More over, It will bo poHBlblo for tho first time to purchase these bunds nt post-offices. SEEK 10 STABILIZE E About 200 ncrcs hnvo been burned over nnd three fnrm 'houses destroy ed. lu tho Wenahn forest there aro no firos at all, Supervisor J. M. Schmitz reports, this season having been tho best ever experienced hero nro re gards fires. According to Hrown's story ns giv en out by the police, Mrs. Mohr pro- II posed several weeks ngo that ho KIH t j Dr. Mhr, promising to pay him $'i,000 i 'nine days after' the killing wns nc- eompllshod. Ho said he asked Spell- man .to help him out nnd brought his I half brother up Jo tnlk tho matter! over with Mrs. Slohr. Heulls vast present nt this Interview by request of Mrs. Mohr, Drown snld. Spellmnn wns to recelvo J'fiOO nnd Drown nnd llenlla $2000 each. The arrangements for the shooting wero carried out In detail, according to the confession At a designated spot on tho Xnyntt road I (culls stall ed tho engine or tho automobile and Drown and Spcllmau, who hnd ap proached on motorcycles, crept up through tho bushes and fired ut tho occupants of the car. Drown said he shot Dr. Mohr and Spellmnn woumb'd MIsh (turgor. After the shooting Drown nud Spellman went bark to tho motorcycles. They threw the revol vers Into n brook. PPTiNijiFjjjflH Fes blur when reading? If so; Glnsscs aro needed to overcomo tho strain - let mo help you. no iikops usiid DR. RICKfcRT FjoMgltl Specialist Medford Oregon PARIS, Sept. r The French and Dritlsh delegates who aro to go to Now York to confer with American ban kern on tho abnormal exchange trailing a band of Mexican raiders,! Fine Help for imOWNSVIIXF, Texas, Sept. 2. ' f"..l-l IA1LBM United States troops today woro f CAUCUldlll IWllElcId U on eitcrnal remedr uccciufully til women Anivrlnnii luinl.-,ri niH-iiiwn umtiti nnf. rnilroml I rendu 14 nilli jiorth of eerrwliere for R ceneratlun. It M ciillwl flclent to stabilize measuroably the ' Drovnsvlllo shortly nfter midnight exchange market a -.I...I.1.. .t.t situation, probably will propose that who set fire to and partly burned a knmTn ,' ,i.c,i nud U wild la all drur "Matlier's Friend It Is understood I Special troop trains from Drowns-' It u applied externally, uejtn ntami , that Ainerlcnn securities will bo of-vlllo, Hnrllngeji nnd San Henlto woro' nnj pliant, 'exp.i.loii -om without traln. fered as n gunriinteo nnd that tho hurried to tho scene nbout 2 o'clock' IJ" '""', ' relienl of ten.ion ami proceeds or tho loan will be used In this morning. Deports nt 10 o clock ,ct a umtc or "Motlirm KriciMi" i.kI- settlement of bills for Ainerlcnn ex- said tho Mexicans had not been over-! f'1' ','V dniwuta i-olier- jvii; tr I I , . I tuluitUe NHik, will fr-r liy lirmlllcM Itec-ii- I Itorts now due. I taken. tutor r m 'wi, im,i- ih.mi n-. I VELVET ICE CREAM Alwnys plenties tho young and tho old. Just tho desert for these hot days. It's pure, wholcsomo nnd re freshing. Prompt doltvcry on nil Ico cream and butter orders. FRESH MILK AND CREAM AT FACTORY The White Velvet Ice Cream Co. Phono 431 32 S. CSt. !!!-m!2mII NEW FALL GOODS t T ? ? T ? ? ? NICW YOltK, Sept. .- Thlrty-flvo survivors nt tho lluor Arabic arrlv-' od luue tnda on the Anieilcan liner St Paul f i ojn l.lvertiool. TOO li-VrH U UliANSlKT. KO It It K N T --Pa rtly 7ii r ii Wli ett ". -room houte t IT Wot lltli. Komi to cat ton shad yanl. 1 I V. W, Mrccl, lor the pat tnn .onr eeretarv of Hie Midtoid t'om mereinl elub, Fiiilny sent in hi les ifimti(Hi in onlur to devote hi en.-r-yie to lookinjf nflei' piopeitv niter el hi Hie mi I ley. A meeting of the iliieetoiN of the eluli h.i been called for Fnda alter noon to elei't a nis'Cor to Mr. St reft fur Hie heliim-c of tin veqr. i ' SPHt'lAI, NOTICHTO .MKDI'OltD I'OI.KS W wish to announce wo are e.x elusive Medford agents for tho alm plt mixture of buekthoiii Imrk. iibier lu, etc.. known ns Adler-l-ka. This reiuod, ued succewiriilly for apin-u-dlcllU. is the uioat TllOltOUdll bow el cUausor wo er sold. It U so powerful that ON'K SPOONFUL n Hove almost ANY CASIS of ooustl iwttoit, sour or Kiusy stomach. Ad-tttr-1-ka never Krlie, In m(o to use and tl INSTWT action is surpiistiiK 1. It H.ihkluM. HriiKkiat 6 LOUT -BtwHn Mwlford and Dei'v suit cum. Iteward will he pnld U tt Walnon, SIJ ii i-ape Si Medimd it' ... C -. - m ,'W(MVTVW--ji '.m.u UMV 1 , JJLIB' b- i V Y ? ? ? V ? ? T ? t t Y Y Y t Y EVERY DEPARTMENT SHOWINa NEW FALL GOODS, JUST THE KIND OF GOODS YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. AS USUAL, WE HAVE PAID PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO BUY A CLASS OF GOODS THAT WE DO NOT HESITATE TO RECOMMEND TO OUR CUSTOMERS. POOR GOODS ARE EXPENSIVE AT ANY PRICE. FINDINGS AND MAKING COST JUST AS MUCH ON CHEAP MATERIAL AS ON THE BETTER GRADES. WE THEREFORE SUGGEST THAT YOU EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND PRICES BEFORE BUYING. SERVICE OF EXPERIENCED SALESPEOPLE ALWAYS WILLING TO HELP YOU WHEREVER POSSIBLE. Muslin Underwear A specuil drive to dose out till odds and ends left over from sitniiner salt's, inelud iii"; Night owns, Combination, Princess Slijj.s, Skirts, Drawers, etc., sueh will he placed in center aisle at a DISCOUNT OF J New Fall Cloakings Ki-indi Ml Wool Cloaking and Suitings, the assortment is larger than elsewhere and ou can find about any color, weight or st 1c you are looking for. Prices range Ironi, per yard S1.75 to $3.50 CHIFFON BROADCLOTH ." 1-inch -ChiiTon Hroaddoth, litis a firm body, very smooth, glassy finish, comes in all new shades nud guaranteed to be an exceptional good value, price, per vard, nt S2.25 CREPE DE CHINE 10-inch All-Silk Crepe de Chine, complete fall line, all new evening shades included, price, per yard $1.1?) CHIFFON TAFFETA .'W-in.h (hiaranteed ChiiTon Taffeta, the same grade we have sold for over two years, and do not hesitate to recommend, comes in till shades, price, yard $1.50 JU5-in. Heavy White Outing Flannel, WfrL I S III ft W special price. 121 r rQU THADK ICMUlt) lu I li T IIMtM kUM, twtk aud tltibi toi lrk. Hov W , Mall TriUuu- : i rOlt tJAI.K -Ctutp, r tiaile lor nl wood. :'e KiJr "S'iltrv feneliiL al' i'ii tl- . t Uremia- i " 11.. I i nerval lu -. .1 I'.nnu li I' ' 'llallMt Iiiimi.i-- 5 1 " i. 1 1 " b i ! u t I r ou arc looking lor muui Mini .... iiiv.-.IIumIi' Ihii Ui'v " U,m i i t'llllC I l , Smokers of Turkish Trophies CljnircttcB Uftrcn r-ar j;o aro umokcra of Turkish Trophies Cigarettes today l Jll-in. Standard Percale, niostlv dark eoloi-s, special at ! 10 .' TO CLOSE SPECIAL One assortment Ladies' White Waists, values up to :.."0, special price J)Sc CAPE GLOVE SPECIAL We offer a speeinl good Vale Cape Clove, extra well made and Willi's nice and soft, regular $1..'KJ grade, fWonK . ' 9S LADIES' SILK HOSE Ladies' ,1I Pure Silk Thread Moot 1 To.se, with double lisle heel and toe, elastic gar ter top and French shaped, conies in all light, ttud dark shades and guaranteed to wear, price, per pair 50 SCHOOL HOSIERY 777 Children's 1-1 Uibbed Hose, made from long combed cotton tmd has four thread heel and toe, eery pair guaran teed to wear or replaced, pair ' ...25f; ECONOMY STOCKINGS Ladies', Children's and Infants' Hose, made from fine soft cotton, double heel and toe, 2 pahs for 1S5 NOTION SPECIALS . ; ! ." Silk Hair Nets, with ehtstic, l,or,....;M;. !()' 3 dozen good Safety Pins. :$ st.es?for..:.i: 5 1 roll -l-yd. fine Cotton Tape, I,', to 1 in., for 7 spools .J. ..v. P. Coats' Cotton Thread for.. . 25c D pairs Cambric Dve Shields for 25r 3 pairs Children's Hose Supporters for........ 25 Assorted si.es Utility Shears, each 15 2 boxes Invisible Hairpins for 5a 6-yard piece Hias Cotton Tape, Xos. 1 to S,"w. 5c All-Silk Seam Miudinu. nei bolt ' V id. ..tit., m... :...i ...... i... -. .. .;. At'v ViV ; M.1U x "',i v oiiou, alt stKeej e aiways aim to keep on hand a of Xotinus. 1(IA complfti line Medford's Exclusive Dry Goods Store Jioe & ffa: Medford's Exclusive Dry Goods Store A' ? T : f T Y f V t ? t y ? f y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y V t ' !