ygr-a jm,.iiaa! '. j ' wpga bb&Ubsms 1 rffv tj.'s W-KfyfWipifT' w PAGE TWO MEDITOttl) MAUI TUtBUNK, MHJDFOKJ). OKEOOX, jmrRSDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 191o Zd&ijS lH 1 If M MEDFORD A1AIL TRIBUNE AN INDRPHNDnNT NCWBPAPnn. PUULlSlinu I3VKHT APTKIINOON EXCHIT HUNOAT I1Y THE) MEDKOIW P1UNT1NQ CO. Offlca Mall Tribune Building, 2S-J7-29 North Kir ntrcot; telcphona 76. The Dcmocrntlo Tlmoa, The Mrdford Mull, The MoirorJ Tribune, The Bouth ern 6rcKonlun, The Aaliland Tribune. StmSCRXFTIOM SATXII Jne year, by tnnit... una mourn, uy ram. -15,00 .tu IW mnttth .111 Vnrrwl tlV GAfrlrr 111 Metlfprd. Flionlx, Jackaonvllla ami Central Point JJ Saturday only, by mall, per yrar J.00 Weekly, per year. . - . 10 Official Pnr of tho City of Hertford Official I'nper of Jnckron County. Rntoied Hecoml-clima matter at Mfilford, Orccnn, uudur tbo act of MaraU I, 187. Sworn Circulation for 1914, JJ8K. mil leased wire Aaaoclatad I'rei die patches. Subscribers railing to roceUe papers promptly, phono Clrr.u- latlon Manngor at 2 Ran ,j. 4. .. : HONG KONG KOLUM .Sarv TALENT SHOWS THE WAY CoIIcko bloya often pIiihr examina tions when nolioily IoouIiik Hurry! llinry! Hurry! (From Qulncy, III., Journal) FOIl SAIiR Sovciii million plrjH, (ihenp If taken nt onco. Call mornings. HiiKKoMlfuis for Adorning the I'm lor Table l liny plpn. 1 hrlnr jilpo. 1 totmcro Jar, Il(i burnt nmlcliofl. I ounoea anlio. 1 nli;ar atuiiip. 0 lorn tiownpapors. .1 empty leor bottlOH, Her Kmir Olalo 8traphnnt,'o.r Mailnm, yon art) HtnndliiK on my foot I Female Ditto Hoc partlon, sir. I thought It wan tho foot of tho tniin Ittlng down! In tho llallrooui Mro. druwiiy Thern ro two more or the tliuu ami lltlo Klrta. Mrs. Frumpy What do you mean, my doar? Mr. (Irumuy When thb music xtaitR thay wait for no man I Xot Yet ; Dad Now, my boy, gat to work. - Yovi know tha Aid saying: "Tim world 1 your ttfotor." SonI know Utat, dad, Ihu oystoral ......I, 1 - A,. I 4 - - . "H! I III. uaun lll aHfUOttlUOr, NO I'll Juat root till thoa.Jt,do. hi London QUI flaiit on 1'iii'k llaueh Vuur III Uu doK Jun doesn't kmhi to obey you very wail whan you eullf iUyl' ifolntlyi Wall, you a-a-ow. hit mm really lan't JohnttSi I'rIU Stella's lliirgnln Cnuntoi Jinny pianola ww apo wedded on innrrjaiio IteaMttea laid flooo, II f af- torw-aqla. It'a poor rule that dou'l work VQtli Way. but lf a ntttaii rHlo that l(Mfit't work oar way. If 'I hey PHiitwl tho Whott Sloij (Tk Hue printed In bUek t m l!0er MMr. liowYfir ) Oyor a tktutar.d InvlimtloHi lmv bU9H ImiikhI for the ewiuntiy, In. IHOk; UlH Initio Htlll HtlNMII Imi(n to luii n furnUlifil Hmiliitnt, Mr, HiMipofl. U enloyliiK N vhhuHoii, iih Mm Monnorl. la totalling tho umrtM at Ihv hoiv Mtai lUaeod Ooufldeooo itUnl laat oveiilotf aftfr a brief IIIuoh. l'enu-. U' UIjetwDi w tli pictlelii pliy ilrliju Jli-t holfim( Ums iitnfiiil h mhhmhI !UUlJi5ja .n il 1hiim Ihmiiim tbo I'lerofimiriow iikcup) baa int d llvorod 1titi Hmonnlne T'wiJ Iter rev mnii Hihr HriH ;i uajv uis NHa KWim rNkotllahU tltrowMioMelf no romiKtch Into tliK rolo f JAot at the opera houoo li qvdj)ly?tlat afce Ivll over too bul oejiir rati. The Miieeo flora Slatv and Fannla VWf bvo decldod to aguin )) IhttJr vaokUwi at Veion lit a rtual of fort to liinil m IihmImiihI In. He. lllftllMhV. Flrai Meioiut -iuh aooo Hmlili latolv 8MKUhi MMoi .. Lut : it rN naroao iitw aMr or lotor TTII3 progressive fanners ofTnleiit are o he congratu lated for making the fiiwt practical effort in the val lo,y to secure irrigation, thus solving the problem that sooner or later the entire valley must solve the placing of water upon the land. The Talent Farmers' club, by a secret ballot, voted '17 to 2 for the formation of an irrigation distrjot and au thorized the preliminary steps toward its formation. .With the district formed, .these farmers.will be in shape to enter! into negotiations J or the construction ol an irrigation, sys tem, either by developing their available sources them selves or by contract iig for it with companies. Authorities on irrigation and the history of irrigation enterprises prove conclusively that the only practical and equitable wav to secure water is by co-operation through the district plan. All the land affected is. benefitted, and nil should stand its proportion of the cost. To realize its benefits, all the land owners must make use of the water and that is just as it should be. The speculator and holder of idle land must be forced to utilize it or make way for someone that will. it is prolmhle that the solution of the irrigation prob lem for the valley lies in the formation of units. Those dis tricts that need water ami want, water can form districts of tin ir own and secure it. Talent will thus form the first unit. Eventually the various units can unite and form a large district, if deemed advisable. Talent, Iving at the head of the valley, cannot be irri gated by any of the systems under construction. Tor .hould water which can b" utilized for this laud be used on land further down which can be watered fioin other sources. The land in the central portion of the valley can be irrigated from the two Hutte creeks and the storage reservoirs in their sections. The land in the lower valley can be irrigated by pumping from the Rogue. The farmers of each locality affected should lose no time in uniting in their respective localities and forming units of an irrigation system and solve their own problem, inasmuch' us it seems impossible at the present time to unite the entire valley. Co-operation is the keynote to success for ihe farmer, in irrigation as in marketing, and co-operation by local ities in units is" the only practical solution remaining if the entire valley is not ready for co-operation as it does not seem to be. Li CROWD ALLIES 10 FURNISH IN TO SEE BARNES EXPERTSTRATEGiSTS L CIRCUS! TO ASSIST A N 1 1 Vl A RUSSIA "REDEEMING GEORGIA" ADMFKNDMK of the Leo Prank lynching episode has kindly furnished some marked copies of "The .lef fersonian," a weekly paper published in Thomson, Cln., by Tom Watson, once 'famed a populist leader and nominee for the vice-presidency. If this is the kind of mental pabulum Georgians are nourished upon it is no wonder that the Ku Klux Klan and the night-rider ride in triumph to the ghastly glare of human bonhres, that racial prejudice, religious bigotry and abyssmal illiteracy unite to form the commercial chivalry of the cracker. Of all the screeds that abuse the freedom of the press, the .Jeffersonian least deserves admission to the mails. Its columns are divided between Jew-baiting, negropliobia, A. P. A. ism, attacks upon religion in general, foreign missions in particular, assaults upon education and the national government, and shying bricks at every head that appears above the horizon all without a single flashing thread Of wit or brilliance to brighten the fabric of its hopeless literary mediociity. The rape of the law by the lynching of Frank is her alded with approval, "A vigilance committee redeems Georgia," and ex-Governor Slayton is vilified for having commuted Frank's sentence as a liar and slanderer. Jews are declared a menace to liberty and having bought by ad vertising the nation's horror and commiseration. The A. IJ. C. mediation is pronounced a .Jesuit conspiracy and it "plot of the pope" to tyrannize Mexico. Foreign missions are denounced as "foreign foo'iery" for the benefit of grafter. Higher education is grilled as a luxwy for the rich and so on down the list. And this journalistic vandal of blackguardism L.ia. is of a circulation exceeding oO.tMK) in Georgia! Small won tier Georgia refuses to punish lynchers and bestows upon the oittragcrs of the law a southern cross of the legion of honor a "Georgia redeemed." E. E' I NAMIIMrroN. Sr.t. . The I'lOttom hotiM' nl I 'el it fionw, Haiti, UMtkiiii; the nIIU, hit U'en tukeii over hy i 'iiiojkii o mui im Ititoittl trom the miiu'v -Im Koch'. RAISE SUGAR REET OF lIKItl.lX. Sept. 2, l wireloea to SayvlllH The Oversea aunc twy- "The munlelpiil council elected by the clUaena af l.oiU ta elty of ltus aian Polaud now In the Immla of (he littrmaiui haa lmnUhetl tho llueatun language and only I'nIUh and Oar- TWENTY-TWO POUNDS ," ! oi A. M Mmlth. o 4 iter of the Midway i ult and ceuiecttonory aloio, la ex klhlttpy a 'H pound ayir beat grown b HarrytVuliera mi tb tlere tameh. to wllee weai of toW oity. Mr. taUtk vho la Oum".M fi miliar llh beot autrar culture liming lnvn engaged in the luriukln lor u mimtMr of era. kUt that tli let la the large! be boa evwr iri it l apleodldb attap eU. Th Imvi 4 aruvta oh Inlgatd laud ? $100 Rcwurd, $100 Thr iMrr f IU lr Mill W alMkrd iMta Ikat ikW U al M w iM Amm HmI mrlmi- b Wru aM lu i-ur Ml all lit ium "4 thai i"tn iiaH'o fanna rr 0 lMb MltTt . Ur. lOM iH.tt flu U( J I fnawabi ituiii Wtat tNiul - I iMama rtiiair a iailttnal tn-alia i (lag' fatatah Otr It tltw lalrm.Uj .li . (UfM lf aawi tin- hl4 ana ajucaua aatfam Ikr .i.lrin tUr.lt) il..tn.,lii Oi. r.uA44 i rf tar IU m unl rLiMH tlir iiiuul lrvu . y tHitldiige ui 1h tNMt-liltttt. ii at t altli.tf n tur in iliitf it. i. a rhi Ka rl I . ran In lt ..irall . WM UMt Ikf mttrt Matrrt la. .p t"t att r.- tkat It (alia tu .tit' Ifc I I r I ( i..ilu.u,i.U AaVltraa f J i lit MY IM llr HoU hr nil la-aft" T Taar llaU a I aaaatr 110 I ' aaUMa One ol' the lurne-t crowd ol tin1 venr is in the i-i(v. toilnx to e the Al O. Hump wild miiinul shi, which will jrive two perforiiiniifcx nt tlie hull jinrk. Tlit pnntile win heM llii iiieniitifL: niiil vm worth M'cinif. .Many wlio wntelieil, roeiillei! I lie lrty not iniiiiy yenrx njso xvllcn the Al (1 Flume liow won nolliintr hut n little det: nrnl miiiv nffnii, itml Wondered whul it wonltl he in the noxi' i .venr. One oi; the Kienlest'leiiture :inii'inl net tuiilur nnv lent Is .lmvn hv tlie Al 0. ItnniOK eireus. ll is the ! mined henl net. I'lenl.v of Weiliniils. euin eN, hiMirs mid lions innke up Die ineu iierie. There mo nlo doirs tnnl Slictlnnd pony, iipnii Avhieh Hie eon eoiii w.ih rounded, mid n ilelesnlion of wild went riders. Three or four Imnds mitl two elillirtpen ttiiniili llic iniiHie. The eireus Inw lured n liuao crowd from Ihe country diflrietn, mid eorcs of people nro in tho i'iy fv the event. The sniull hov wn up enrtv to ee the iinlonilinK of the hIiou Tlie weather is idcnl for the oeens. ion, ULRIGH BURIED BY CAVE-IN OF ILL Chris Ulrieh, nj:o (l(i jenra, for Mxly yenrs a lesidenl of Jneksonville, vvus liniicd alive in u well tit his iiouui (u tlie eounly M'tit Wednesday even ini;, tlue to u euve-iu, which huiictl him in six feut of rock, dirt unit wil ier. After I wo lioiir' Inlior lie was ichmiciI, suri'ciiiis oulv fiom minor liniifcs uud the shock. Ulriiili lowered hiin-olf into the well to M'cuie hucket- tluit had fallen into the water. His wife was swtistinjr. ririch liixt attempted to rnixc himself liy menus of the rope, nnd fuilintr, tried to eniwl up tho Miles. This loos ened Ihe rocks, nnd the dehris piled upon him. At lirt he was complete Iji' liurieil, rock covormjr his licnd. F0YES GROCERY STORE HAS CHANGED HANDS IUIHUX, Sept. 2 h witelo- to Titekertonj. The Oennnn uilnurnll.v made pnhlie totinv fui'tJier iletnil ol the nnvul eus:iienicnt on August 17 off the Jutland cnruM, in which n xninll Jlriliah eniic and n I Jrit ili destroyer are nid to hne been sunk by (lenniin tonioito bout. Tlii state titviit, Ihe ( versus Xews neiiey says, wan elicited by Ihe hhCrtioii of the German nmbnasiidnr til Iluehaie-t that tin; IlritNi olTielnl lepoit of the incident waft nu invention. "The llritih hips weie surprised hy the ntlflek or Herman torpetlo hontf," Ihe mlmirnlty snys. "A enii ier beloupin to tho Aurora class fiuik within four miuules after hein' hit by n toreilo." The I.okttl Aneijjer lea i lis from 1'iiijp. that IVnnee and lJuilnnd lire ready lo uit ltuia bv dctnilinx expel t strateuists to the headiiiaiters of flniutl Duke Nicholas, to replace incapable UitMnn stuff officers. II ts pla lined also In ctnhlih a Frniieo British utlvisoiv board of finaneial experts to iisit the ltusinn finance minister. MEET ON FRIDAY A joint meotinjr of the Parent-. Teacher circles ol the city will be held in the auditorium of the Inh school Friday afternoon nt .1 o'clock. An interesting program has been nr ranged ami it is hoped that all inter ested in tho hcIiooIs will he present. The program follows; I'inno duet, Jliss Vroman nnd Mr. Vint Seoyoe; talk, Mrs I). I'cmxi ot Ashlaiitt; oeal solo, Mis.s .Tlieiss; talk, .Mr. Hillis, supenntendent of sehooln; violin solo, Riley l).iis. Tho Koyoa Orocery company has boon mild to Mr. nnd Mm. 11. II, Jones fornieily of tho public market who take charRO today. Thoy will put In , an up-to-dnto stool; of grocorlea They will oUo carry ovorythlni; In th- vckc tablo and fruit lino and will he pleased to see both their former cus tomer and those of tho Rrocerj. (loo. T. I'oyoa hna been horo about throo yoars In the grocery IiurIiimr anil has alwaj'a been a Reed booster for the city and valley. Ho has not decided whether he will remain in Mod ford or not, hut wIhIicr to thank tho public for It" natronae. I Don't Get Wet v and carry around a load oi water ana a coiu. Tower's Fish Ilrand Reflex Slicker t qi no sheds every drop. Easy fitting and stronir at every rtntnt Uvfrt.-V,..- a tuiiaaa in . ao4Jk.r . stop every drop 11U11I IUIlllUI)i Iti at the front. !bs Protector Hat. 7S cenlt Satisfaction Guaranteed rOWEftlS' A Snd for catalog oaal A. J. TOWER CO. ? ,7T! a Jl v VI :V' r Y-Oi VWKiA frElBaW ji i ii iwf r 1 ilTriHaflMiiiaii- vW"r AX -i J- -A ukfr Tires 30x3- ' Also 30x3 With Three More Extras . Note tliat tlie Goodyear lias for years held the Icadintf place. It has proved its supremacy lo hundreds of thousands. Jo other tire has ever on so many users. Even the 30x3 size is a four-ply tire. And the All-Weather tread on it is made double-thick. 4 Added Size This year we've increased our bmall-tiro size. We have added 20 per cent lo the air capacity the factor which carries tho load. We have added 30 per cent to the side-w all rubber just above the bead. That's where constant flexintf breaks so many tires. And we've made new molds because n new desijn has shown in creased endurance. $317,000 Extra These three new extras will this year cost us $317,000. They will save our users ten times that or more. No like capacity was ever be- foro embodied in u Mnoll-size tire. Yet this year we made another big price reduction. Get these new extras when you next buy tires. See for your self what they add to your mile uge. Don't take smuller, thinner tires when Goodyears olTer these things. iYEAR AKBON.OMIO TIRES j&ms liOODc fjitt?& W n ds If' A "vA V !il M$& 4 With Extra Capncity t u -ati'ffj!. ? yfWfimi KTYyv lniBKmk, ggrBBaBoT - ?iV iiWsC J -zBit-Zz&S Goodyear Service Stations Tires in Stock MEDFORD ASHLAND ,Crntcr Lake Motor Car Co.- Ashcraft Bros. V. L. Camp THE MEDFORD CONSERVATORY Of Music, Oratory, Expression, Public Speaking land Physical Training ()Kns Sept. (I In Mfilfortt L'oinincirlal College Itulltliitg, Mrs. I.vnette llovlous and MIh Iwutell Swindler, itraduatOB of the .vorthetern l'nlfistt of thh .u-o 111, ind Cornell I'nlver Httv. will bo In charge, TcrniH reasonable, Call Colli rr Ofilcc 0 v m to 12 M , and 1 to j o. m or phone nmCHESTER S PILLS WTy "lilt; IIIAIIU.MI niiAnuu PI A? & ixi-il Aik;Mrnraiii.iMi hlcb..trrallain4TlranJ I'l.Ula II, J l (laid nrutlt..V t. at. it rl attti Ulu Kiua, V Ml - .1. .. Alt. H.r .r i llrairl.l. A .WI'UI.I ll K.Tm a 1I1A1IIIM OKA.MI I'lLUi. I Blk y,.itkauUnl.S"nt.AI-Mkuu,l. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS WERWUCRE THE PAGE Medford's Leading Theater Cool Co m fin table, Well Ventilated. STAR er Today Only Marguerite Clark Mary PUkrord'- Only Hlval tu a four part iiicturiMitlon of tlraee l.i lttftaiin Turnips eolidiralwl roiiiautii coined) "Gretna Green" AulmaUd Wtiokly. NO HVNCK I.N' ritlOKR Tt)H ilIV LAST TI.MK TOMCIIIT Marie Corolll'a Maalorwork "Wormwood" powerful (ilcturlrntioii In . pnrts. Superb Cast of llroatlwa Uiamatlc Stara .Splendid AoIIiik and Wonderful Settings lleO-toi-Soll Wttokly 5-ie-Ue Sl'lICI Ala A.N01.'CI.M IC.NT Woil nuawlay aud Tluirtda, SeoteiHbor s and !. Theila H.ua In THE ll fl S Hl i till Ii NEW APPLE CIDER Pure and sweet. All bad parts and w turns cut out. J IniTd sorted and washed. AKKOLrYKLYCLKAN Ife ohm A. Perl UNDERTAKER I, arty AiUatant SS K. lliMtTMITT I'lmne M 17 ami I7J2 Deep Well Drilling Oil. ttoa. atMt wotor walra. It. IS. 1 Mm!i to li0 toot. For priooa oca J. KTIlVltNS, :x Nvi'a Ciotral I FOR MOItU TI1N ii QUARTER ot a CENTURY . '.an, I..- maintained a, tiaia. toi luloai rrlaltoni .ii, unlit at larg- IVihuim It la or fat'. itf.it hvr a liaiiV ou " aatfh mad, ti i .i .iltig aeo unt with I Itla lnni rta't ..Ii sour iilonfv mm nun. mom. I OVER ievCABSUNOCnONf MANAGEMENT Ignpnragaysa-g M -Jib Panama-Pacific Exposition "' Is the Most Wonderful Tlie Most Beautiful The Most Important in History It la artlalle, It la aymelrlial. It la world whlft, It la cQiaploto. i Only throo wontha more will It bo onenod. No lutolll taut person own afford to inlaa the opportmiUy of vUltliiK tltla exiioiltinu. . ' Low Round Trip Fares to San Francisco f.t - rrr on ul ilall) frow aj pgfnu ;, , , If n aatowolata a trio 11 you t-aiuernm m nao ttirootieu HI llnj at Sau I'l-anclsco ' ,i, Jsl ' ' awl . a p III lJI)i III I.IM, .llKllu a4 1 4aya at Bl Paso are aliowod on all tlekoia to tho Kaat raattias over tho fcM SOUTHERN PACIFIC a . It or ooaraat Agont outlioo a trio for yo Our fol4oro Warat4 Sotoa" a ad Caltfomla Kinoahinaa" will ho of toioroot Tooy ara froo. '"" lohn l. S.ut 0nwi liftKiujor AapHt, lianlnmi, Qruii. - ugi Auiltjlaorx Kf-rtliw CViruajr