Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 02, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Talr ami Warmer Friday.
Max. 70.5; Mln. JH.
Forty-fifth Year.
Dully TVntli Yoar.
NO. V10
m oi
Three Negroes Arreslctl for Slayiny
Physician Confess Mrs. Molir Em
ployed Them to Commit Murder
Woman Arrested for Crime De
nies Complicity in Affair.
pnoviDKN'ci:, n. i., sopt. 2. Ac
cfisod liy licr alleged accomplices
threo negroes Elizabeth Tiffany
lllalr Molir toilay was hold without
ball on tho chnrgo of having Incited
tho murder of her husbnnd, Dr. C.
rrnnklln Molir, n wealthy and weft
l;iiovn )i1i.vhIcI:ui of this city and
Newport Tho nrrnlKiuiiont was at
'I'liii lliree ninle prisoners were
charged willi minder mid also were
held without hail. All four pleaded
mil guilty.
IIIs. Molir qppciucil not lo he the
least hit disturbed. ,
The poliee have enteilained two
po-4 motives joulnusy on the part of
51 r-. Molir toward Mies Kinily (I.
Ititrgnr, the doelot's neerelnry, who
wns his eonipanioii on the ridc thai
ended in his death, mid mi alleged
desiie hy the wife to obtain pnssosj
sinn of her husband's coiiHidomblo
estate before tho culmination of a
counter-suit brought by tho physio
ian in answer to a suit for ftoparntion
instituted hy Mrs. Molir and now
ponding in the supreme poiiH. A few
hours after her husbnnd evpired Mrs.
Molir made application in tho ntuuio
ipal court for her appointment ns
" custodian for hi prop-tty. This wns
Negroes Aluko Confession
IMtOVI PUNCH, It. I., Sopt. 2 Mrs.
Kllalidlh V. .Moltr. wife of Dr. Krniik
lin Molir, who wits fatally shot whllo
on an automobllo trip from this city
to Newport on Tuesday night wan ar
rostod toilay nftor throo nogroos had
signed n written confession snylug
that Mrs. Molir had hired thorn to kill
tho doctor. Tho negroes aro charg
ed with murder. They aro George W.
lloalla. who was driving Dr. Mohr's
car at tho Unto of tho shooting, Cocll
V. Drown, formerly employed ns a
hostlor by Dr. Moltr and llonry Soli
man, half brother of Drown. No spo
clfle chargo has been brought against
Mih. Moltr, who vohomently donlod
the accusation, which nlio character
ized as aliHtird.
Heallfl had been detained by tho
police hIiico tho shooting, ns IiIh ac
count of the affair conflicted with
that given by Miss Kmlly CI. Durger,
tho doctor's assistant, who was In
tho automobllo and was also wound
ed. Oliorod $.10()0 for Crime
Drown was taken Into custody last
night after Ilealls had told tho po
lice that ho and tho hostlor had plot
tod to rob Dr. Molir on tho night of
.the shooting. Tho autlioritlos did not
bollovo tho stories of tho nogiooa and
Drown was subjected to nn examina
tion during which tho pollco say ho
admitted ho was concerned In tho
shooting and that Mrs. Moltr hnd of
fered him 12000 to kill her husband.
Ilealls and tollman, questioned
separately corroborated Drown' story
and tho arrost of Mrs. Molir follow
ed. Drown at first donlod that ho had
any connection with tho affair. Ho
said ho passod ovor tho Nayatt road
whore the shooting occurred, on a
iuotorc)cle, explaining that ho was
on his way to visit a frlond nt River
side, Dotoctlvos who wont to Jtlvor
Mile to invostlgato his story roturnod
with Spollman In custody. Spollman
said that there was n plot against
Dr. Moltr, and whon Drown hoard
Spollman's declaration, ho made a
detailed confession.
(Continued on Page Pour.)
SHANGHAI, t lilna. Sept. 2 LI
Yuen Hong has resigned as vlco pios
lilont of the C'liinoso republic. Tho
lnterprelatlou pluatnl upon his act 1b
that It Is preparatory to the ostab
lUhiiifnt of a inonuri X, which U pop
ularly regarded - tnuaih certain
- -
NIAV YORK, Sept. 2. Tiiir.
" Icon fnnnlios own ono-fifteenth
" of the nssossod land in tho bor- ""
ongh of Miitihattan, according "
t In 11 Blnliniinnl isMlird hero to-
," day by the Society t Lower
Konts and Hedueo on T
Homes. They nic The Astorx,
f ilin ViiiidnrbilU. Ibn lMiitiebnid-
- - .
en, O. 11. Potter properties, J.
P. Morgan, K. II. Van Iiigcii, T
" Wcndols, Goolcts, Klucl, Oerrys, f
Charles V. Hoffman ostnlc, Wil- "
liam 11. II. Mai tin, Kugouo "
" Iloffmnn. ""
LONDON, Sept. 2 -That Great
Dritaln cannot bo a consenting party
to a'sotUomont of tho submarine ques
tion which puts a liner and its pas
sengers Into a class apart from a
merchantman nnd Its crow, Is tho
general attltudo token by tho even
ing nowspapors on tho nolo of Count
Von Dernstorff, tho Gorman nmbassn
dor to tho United Stnts, to secretary
of State Lansing at Washington.
"Wo nckuowleilKO no such distinc
tion," says the Westminster Gnzotto,
"and for full satisfaction of our
clalntK wo can necopt nothing loss
than restahlishmon of the law which
protects all non-conilintuntu, whether
noutrnlri or nationals, whether they
nio traveling on lineis or on ordinary
"Our enso hns been ndmirnbly do
finod by President Wilson both In tho
nolo ho wroto on February 10, whon
Gorntnny hnd given notlco of her In
tontlon to abandon legality and in
tho further notes nftor tho sinking of
tho Lusltnnla. In thoso no dinting
tlon wns mado botweon n llnor nnd
a merchantninn. Wo cannot help
hoping that tho United States will put
In record that It stands by tho wholo
of tho doctrlno so forcibly expounded
In ho president's earlier communi
cations." L
CHICAOO, Pep!. 2. -The yungo of
battle in the ntnte between the Chi
cago Touchers' federation and the
hoard of oducutinii, which hist night
deciccd that tho Toucher' union must
he abandoned, wax taken up today hy
the Chicago Federation of Labor,
with widely it in nf filiated.
Tho toucher' orgunijiliun i said
to havo only '111(1 members out of -10(10
toucher in the oity, and thoo oppos
ed to it declare thut it influence on
the piihlio school system of Chicago
has been "pernicious."
Tho Chicago Federation of Iubir
i expected to miiko n tight before
the mayor, who has exprecd hiuwelf
n opposed to tho toucher' union.
The fight will lie made for the ap
pointment of frfhnol tnihtooK favor-
uhlo to the uniiiii, and, failing in thix,
to )ievent continuation hy the city
council nf the mayor' appointees.
It is regarded a probable alo Hint
the light will ho carried into th
coin!-. t was kii id thut the rule
would dcpiive union toucher of their
legal right to pciioioito.
ltuntu ciii1ih toiln not i tied tli
-tale dt'iMirtincnt that no iktsoii, uh
ti of a country nt war wild puin,
will be nltoWfii to iit ldmsia uuie
he nn obtained iiiitunilisutiun m the
I iiitctl St. iti i iii tlur cimiii
tin- bii.-r An-u-t 1, I'm
mm lose
Under-Sea Terror Which Sank Arahic
Cmtfjlit in Sleel Net and Crew Made
PrisonersWas Latest anil Laru
cst Type and Carried Double Crew
Sti'jinarincs With Trnininy Crews
NBW YOUIC, Sopt. 2.1 An officer
of tho Whlto Star llnor Adriatic,
which arrived from Liverpool today,
declared that tho Gormnn submarine
which sank tho Arabic, had been
caught In n steel net and tho V hont'H
crow were now prisoners in Kngland
lie added thnt within tho past sixty
days tho Drltlsh havo captured not
less than fifty German aubmnrlnes.
Aftor stating positively thnt tte
submarine which torpedoed the Ar
abic has been captured, tho officer
said that ho could not dlscloso thov
placo of capture, nor detail tho cir
cumstances, lie snld, however, that
tho U boat waR of tho latest nnd lar
gest typo In tho Oorntnn navy nnd
thnt the craft" carried n douhlo crew,
lie understood that tho Germans now
manned all of tho large submarines
with nn auxiliary crew for training
Slv survivors of tho Arabic arrived
on tho Adrlntlc. Thoy woro Mrs.
Margaret Atkinson and hor'snn Ar
thur Atkinson, Mrs. F. C. Allison,
W. Dnthurs, Mrs. M. Chrlstorphcnsou,
nnd John Doherty. .
Nono of teh passengers snw tho tor
pedo which sank tho Arabic. Do
herty said he was In Ills stateroom
when ho heard a shout and stnrted
for tho deck. Deforo ho had gono
far, ho said, ho was shot many feel
Into tho air and landed In tho water.
POUTLAXI), Or., S.-pl. 2.-eports
received he A todav liv the 1'niled
Stntoa district ft.rcciiHter and by pri-
ato lore.try nMNociatieur. iiidicntcd u
material impiovemeut in the forest
lire nit nn t ion in Uremm iih u result
iff favorable weather eonditionn. Tito
fire near Untie Falls, in tho Cruter
national forest, was under control,
according to won! received todav.
Tho several fires limning in the Mt.
Hood region continued to engage
huge forces of moii, lint it in believed
that nil will ho confined to their
present burned area, if the weather
continues favorable. Xuiiteiou
smaller fires in other parts of the
stole arc said to be under control.
I targe forces of fire-lighters me
being kept in the field in Oivgon mid
Washington national fnrols to ex
tinguish the fires still burning and iih
n prccatitioiiury measure, according
to a statement miide todav at the
United Stales forest service head
quarters Itcie,
ST. JOHNS, X. v., S'pt. 2. The
question of prohibition ol the Inptor
trattie is the leading i"Mic today in
the politics of this colony. A vote
will ho taken in November on a pro
hibition bill referred to the peoplu b.v
the last logialuturo.
A theiu would he gieat difficulty
in importing into a territory com
pletaly suriouiided hv water, it is
belioved thnt if prohibition should he
eoino a fact in New Foundlniid tho
wo riil would mo the most complete
demonstration of the wo iking of n
prohibition law ever known. The op
provul of -10 r rent !' tho elector
ate is necesKiiry before the prohibi
tion net tan beeonio a luw.
$90,000,000 IN YEAR
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2. Tho ent
ile tik eobt tU Cnitwl SUte M
prounlly $00,000,000 during the
post year, according to cxtiinutt- of
Ir I'.lvin II Jh!!, tub ml In-iwctnr
..t i jttli
" DlIOWXrtYILI.F., Tow,' Sept.
2. -A detai'hincnt of troop C,
third United Ntutot cm airy, null
n hand of Meican htindiN were
reporteil cuimgcd in a baltle this
" aftenioon eleven mile1" tint III of
Hrownsyille. Cnvaliv nnd in-
fnntry are lieing spnnd out rap-
idlv from I' nil Hrovvn in nn of- ""
" foil to Kurmittid the MoNienns
who set firiito n railroad tret-
lie north of Jure.
B lxghangenT
XKW yOKK, Sept. 2.-Sir Her
bert Holt, prosideut of the Koynl
Maul: of Cuntida, who arrived Itprc
todav from liiVeipoiil on the White
Star liner Adriatic, said the iiiemherK
of (he lltitish' Jimiucinl eoininiH-ion
who are ceniiiff: lo New York to af
fect a readjuHlnieiit of the foreign
exchange Hitunlion, were to have
nailed on the .Adriatic, hut dimmed
their plain ut ho last minute, lie
nthlcd that while ho was not tt lib
erty to state the definite pluns nf
the eonuiiNiioiiers ho believed they
would reach Now York in tho near
"I see no occasion for nhinn in the
I'liitod States over tho sudden drop
in foreign exelinuge, espeeinlly the
Kuglisli pound Sterling," said Sir
Herhoit. "I, mijjlil nny Hint, regnrd
IcM'nf how low Tchan;o fulls, (lrn
(tiitaiu mini have Ihc iiiuiiitious of
war she is ci-uring in this ooi.ulrv."
Major Sir Sum Hughes,
Canadian tnim-lcr of intlttia and de
fense, nnd Sir Kobcit llorden, prem
ier of Cuinda, were nNo pa-'cngeiH,'
DNNVKIt Sept. 2.- Advised of the
rontontH of the opinion of Attorney
(lenornl Fred Farrar as to Its legal
authority to compel wltnossos to ans
wer ucstlotiH, tho military court was
proparcd nt noon to Issue body at
tachments for certain wltnossos, and
to subpoena soveral othors. Tito
court Is investigating chargcB against
cortaln officers of tho Colorado Na
tional Cltinrd,
Tho attorney general promised to
make public his opinion souio tlmo
Lieutenant Colonel Kdvvnrd J.
Houghton, member of tho court, ro
colved a telegram from Washington,
signed by Acting Attorney Cleueral
Davis, stating that C. I). Klllott, form
er adjutant general of West Virginia
nnd Kohort Carruthors, nllas It. W.
Coatos, had no connection with tho
department of justlco, Houghton
sent a iiiohsuko of Inquiry yostorday
as a rosult of published reports that
federal representatives woro Investi
gating the Colorado National (lunrd.
SAX I'ltAXt ISCO, Sept. 2. Will
iam llowaul T.ilt, who turned the
lirat Hpadelnl of dirt on the site ot
tho Panama-Pueitio exposition, wii-
honored today in "Tuft (!" cere
inonioH at tbu exponltiou.
Mr. Tuft's uddi'osg on preimred
nn was the principal event on a
program which inehuled a review ut
coast artillery at tho Presidio of Sun
Fmncisco, u levievv of imiubers of the
huwness inen's trnluing enmp and the
presentation of a silwr Iowm.; up
to Mr. Tuft ut the e.po-ition.
Mr. Tuft, us ai It of the i Ti nionii
will ) dm it u vomer iiduwi.,1 tuc u
'C.ll" ( Id.. .........I 11.
will 11 c the NiiHio Biltor si4u With
which be bioke iroiuul for the ex
position four vcur iu wluli- pri i-
dent jI Hit Ltiilvd Stjti-,.
A 1
Pound Stcrlinn Goes Up as Fast as
It Went Down Other Foreign
Moneys Also on Way to Holier
Levels Great Britain Awakes to
Gravity of Situation.
XKW YOKK, Sept. 2. The F.nglish
pound sterling oliinlit,! up (ho ladder
of nsceii'ding vnliuw im rapidly and
dramtiticiilly todav as it had plunged
downwnrd during the week. Within
the first two hours of trading it wns
only one point under where it rested
at the close of tho market lnl Sat
Willi nn opening iiuolalion of
f I ..VS. a gain over night of I cents,
sterling rose in vnlu" during Hie fore
noon till it touched $1.(11), 10 cents
nhnve yesterday's olrome deprecia
tion. Then it went down to $ I fill,
where Hie market, though erratic and
soinewltnt pulled hy its rnpid lluc
luutioiiH, wns easier than ut nny time
during tho week.
The swift upwind eotirxe wns inter
preted us meaning that (heat lliitain
hud a wakened to tho extreme gravity
of the situation nnd that Loudon
bankers had determined thut sterling
should no longer ho the football of
finance in relations between the two
countt ios.
Other foreign moneys joined the
pounds slot hug today on its way to
higher lovels. Franes woro quoted nt
.1.118. 11 cents better than yesterday;
liios touched (1.-I8, a ((cent improve
meul, and roichsmniks went up nn
eighth of a cent to m,
LONDON," Sep!. 2. AiiteiiMin e--clinngo
moved up It) cents during the
morning. The rapid lluclu.itious
which marked Hum uiltmunl advance
wete due ptineipally to tho large
amount of at nek brought out hy yes
terduy'H low level.
There wns a wide opening nt a
range of 1..12 to -lil, with few buy-
(is. Tho amount of dollar offerings
became ko largo that huyorfl ubstuiuei
Iroui operating, ho Hint only sellers
were in tho market. Tho cable trun
fer tale was forced up to l.'J'J before
The shorts iiiunodintely covered
ami brought down the rule to I..V).(ill.
The iifiikel was o.lreiuelv erratic,
however, ut tunc-.
PARIS, Sept. 2. Four Turkish
transports have been torpedoed by
llritish submarines,
Announcement to this effect was
uinilo hero today officially ns follews:
"In tho Dardauollos tho lost woel:
of Afigust has been calm throughout
on tho southern front. In tho north
om '.olio Drltlslt troops delivered sue-
cossfu! attacks which put thorn In
possession of a hillock to tho wbt of
Duviik Anufaitii, which had boon
"To tho transport sunk on tho
20th of August by ono of our nvlators
In tho nnohorngo at Aobashltlutan, It
Is nocossnry to mid four transports
torpedoed by Drltlsh submarines, two
of thorn at tho sama point, and two
othors botweon (iulllpoll and Nagara.
"Tho gnus of the battleships havo
hit sovorul vessels anchored Jn tho
CIHCAHO, Sept. 2.-(lucugo de
leetiveH who huvtt been working on
eeitnin auglci. of the luv-tcrioiis mur
der of tin- Ifev. 1.. tinned A. II. K.V
'IT nf Tollc-toli ten d.iv- lisjn, lVOft-
d icsultn tod. iv thut ilu'v iiavo been
iillldlli lo ibl.ilitiute the llliory tllllt
k.iW'r' iin (ii riiniii ui'tivitii -i pro
Noted a inotivc lor Hie iii ii r Tltey
l.i.W lliellli.- t.i tlit bvluil' tlmt tho
.lime grew out f foreilo-urt' iihi-icidiii'.'-i
-..lid tu liie liei 'i In nu bv
K.i -ii u . rtam pi"p.rij
nnULIX, Sept. 2. The Ovor-
seas KevvH ngeney nnnouiteed ""
" teday:
"A inessnge from Iterno snys
that Sweden bus submitted to ""
"" the Swiss goveintnent a pi-oposal ""
"" that steps ho taken to liriujj
neutral oountrios together moio ""
closely hy menus of mutual dip- ""
loinalio interchnnges. Switzer-
" laud agreed roadilv to this pio- ""
f -f
LONDON', Sept. 2. The llritish
public has been grcallv eheeved by
the version of the lecent hcavv light
ing ut the Dardanelles contained in
tho official report reeeived'hist night
I rout Ooucrnl Sir Inn Hamilton, tho
llritish oommnnder-iu-ehief. This
leport hits been nwnited eagerly, in
view of tho assertions of Constnuti
uoile that (ho ullies hnd been repuls-
.oil with lionvy losses.
Sir Inn claims Hint his forces op
erating on the northern section of tli
lino captured mi important point com
manding tho Duvuk Anafartu valley
to the east and ninth, us well ns mak
ing nn appreciable gain along the
Australasian fiout.
Tito ItussiniiH uro developing unox
pci'tffd strength fu tho north, wltero
they stale they are not only holdim."
Field Mnrshul Von Hiudeuhui-g, but
luive pniiied a point nenr Vilnn. Other
cliiingcs have been' made in tho Kus
sian command, the nnst impoitaut
being the retuin of Oeueml ltussky In
the lendoiHhip of tho northern army.
Dei liu wireless reports, which usu
ally are a day or two in nilvnncu of
the Petrogmd official communica
tions, announce a reversal in tho flal
ieiuii Nituatioii as tho icstill of u vic
torious assault on tho Hitxsiuus- uoilh
of Seborovv.
Oeimiiu forces nttuckiuGT tho Itus
siau fortress- of Orodno luivo taken
the outer forts of the stronghold, it
was oltieially nnnouiteed hy Herman
army heaihpiaiteis todav.
DAItr, Italy, Sept. 2 Wight Al
banians woro scntcncod to long torma
In pilsou todu for having commun
icated with Austria by carrier
plgt'ous, Tho men Involved aro Cap
tain Mustnpha of tho Albanian bark
llullu Sutarlun, who was sontoucod
to twenty yours, nnd seven inouibcrs
of his crow, condemned to sorvo ten
years each.
Whon tho vossol was sonrchod by
the Italian authoiltlos a nuiubor ot
ompty potrolount tans nnd a consld
orablo sum of gold woro found. Tho
man woro plnced on trial boforo a
naval court martial nnd It was alleg
ed that tho money hnd boon received
from Austria In pnviuent for contra
band and for Intelligence forwarded
by carrier pigeons.
PARIS. Sept. 2 Tho Athons cor
respondent of tho 1 lavas agency Rays
a final agreement has been signed
by tlit) entente powers and Clreoce by
which Clreee agrees to tnku tho
fctilotont measure for tho suppression
ot trade In contraband, nnd tho on
tente nations consent to tho froo ex
portation of tobaeco and raisins on
tha bails of export statistic and tho
Importation from the llritish colonies
on all Hoods o.xclutlvely norvd for
Individual oonsiiuiptlon in Uro we.
The Hearth by allied warships of
i; shipit Will ceuse lintnodiululj,
Cardinal Presents President Wilson
with Communication From Pops
BenedictThinks Time Propitious
to Inaugurate New El fort to End
European War.
WASHINGTON; Sepl. 2,-rnrdinnl
Oibbons today presented to President
Wilson n message from Pope Rcne
diet regarding pence in Kurnpc. Lnter
ho snw Sccietnry J,niisiitr on tho
aino subject.
After his conference nt the Whito
House the cardinnl nniiouneod (hat ho
hnd discussed I ho possibilities oE
peace with the president. Ho said ho
could not rovcnl tho contents of tho
pope's messngo nt this time.
New Vcnco Lffnrt
Cardinnl flibboni declared thnt tho
settlement of the submarine issue be
tween tho United States and Germany
had grently nided tho cnuso of penea
nnd hnd plnced tho United Stntcs in
nn ndvnnlngcous position to ho oC
service in bringing lo nn end the con
flict nhrond. Ho said ho hnd. in
formed tho president flint ho believed,
litis to ho true. Whilo tho cardinnl
could not go into .details rcprnrdini;
his messngo from tho popo, it wns in
dicated thut it wns in tho nnttiro of n
suggestion thnt neutral powers join
with tho Vatican in milking further
efforts to restore pence. Tho enr
dinnl snid thut tho plnn in mind wni
along tho penem! lines of recent piih
lio discussion of the question in news
papers. After leaving tho president, Ih'o
onrdinnl, his fnco wreqthed in hmiles,
greeted inquirers nnd without being5
questioned snid thnt ho hnd discussed
pence with tho president.
Message From 1ok
In ntiHWor to inquiries ho Raid ho
hnd brought lo tho president n ino-'s-ngo
from tho popo. Ho ndded that ho
wnnlod to tnllc wilh Rccrolnn Lnns
ing on iienco nnd go over the snino
detuils he hnd with President Wilson.
Tho cardinnl laid emphnsis on his
holief thnt tho lessmiiiq: of tension
between (ho Uniled States nnd Ger
many would havo much (o do with
tho possibilities of restoring pence.
It was indicated (lint tho bnsis for
his belief wns n suggestion thnt it
might ho possihlo to get nn ngrcemont
hclvveon (lonnnny nnd Gi-ent Hritnin
for guaranteeing the freedom of tho
seas nnd in thnt way to stnrt n dis
cussion of pence lerms. The cardinal
indicated broadly that he belioved no
gotiutions soon would ho under way
jo end tho war. Ho indicated that
further dovolopmenls might hecomo
known soon.
After leavinp (ho Whito House tho
cardinal walked lo tho stale depart
ment to see Secretary Lansing.
NF.W YORK, Sept. 2. -A confer
ence lust night between Dr. A. D.
Chambers, chief elieitiNt of tho Dn
Pont do Xomours Pnvyder company,
mid Dr. Thomas H. Norton, who is
conducting nu investigation of tho
dotulf situation here for tho do
imrtment of coiumerce, guvo rise to
u repoit today that tho pov.der cotn
pi.ny will place its immense chemical
producing resources nt tho disposal
of American dyer, Tho company is
now a Inrec user of benzol nnd "tol
uol, both of wliu h nro employed in
the iiinnufneture of dye-stuffs.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2.S(n(o
department dispatches todny report a.
rovolt of Carrauzft gnrrihons at Fron
tera and San Juan Hautistn. Tim
govornor nnd soma other officials es
euped to Yora Cruz.
The lntor-Oooanic rnilroml, from
Yeru Criir. to Mexico Cilj was cut on
Augui -28, hut the mum lino remains