Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 01, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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-... k .J.
Legions of nnts have been Invading
tlio locality bounded by tlio high ter
raced properties on North Main street
the rrsldeneo of C. W. Nlms neem
Ingly having been nn objective point,
causing much annoynnce. Tlio Insects
mobilized In plntoons. regiments and
divisions, nnd for a tlmo their march
was Irresistible. Finally nnd after
nightfall tlielr rendezvous was deter
mined to be ii hiigo weeping willow
tree In that locality. Following no
ancient tradition that ants abhor any
npn)iaranco of fat from rrlsco to cot
toleno, tho trunk of the treo was
wns greased In n circle n short dis
tance above the ground. Result,
l.snn.OOO nnts find themselves In
tornod, up a tree, during the remain
der of tho war owing to this impussa
blo barrlor. x
W. S. DePcau, Sid Carter, Hutlcr
llolman, Cliff Payne and Ed Hitdfleld
have returned from an automobile
trip to tho Josephine county enves.
They were In the caves G 1-2 hours
nnd secured many views of tho weird
surroundings. Tho temprnturo with-
In was 15 and outside 102, their visit
being timed during the recent hot
spell. Tho speedometer on their
Ford mnehlno registered 05 miles ns
the distance from Ashland to tho
raves. Tho elevation nt tho caves
Is 3500 'feet. Tho party penetrated
tho interior 3.150 fert.
A. l- Douglas of Portland, son
of Itov. W. .T. Douglas, Is a visitor
at the local .Methodist pnrsonnge, ac
companied b yhls wife.' In nn ninn
tour way and cliaporoncd by IiIh
fnther, fortified by grasshoppers nnd
other delectnblo bait, ho will mnko a
number of fishing excursions Into ad
jacent territory during tho vacation
In a recent Chautauqua address nt
Clnrlndn, lown, by W. .1. llryun, the
noted speaker drew comparisons be
tween the rnlntlve expenditures mado
lu behalf of war armament nnd good
roads purposes, and cited ns nn In
ulanco of tho beneficent effects of tho
latter tho substantial Improvements
throughout this territory, being mado
on the Pacific lilghwny, notably the
Ashland-Medford unit of tho system.
Raymond Stoner Is tho new man
ager of the Columbia Cafeteria, nnd
not Raymond Smith, ns recently er
roneously announced lu these col
umns. John W. Opp, mnnnger of tlin Opp
mine near Jacksonville, Is contem
plating moving to Ashland with his
family. The mlno Is now being work
ed extensively, with over 3000 'Ions
6 oro'oii Wo dump.
Mrs. W. C, Manklns of Jacksonville
would like to receive tidings of her
brother, llnrry L. Illght, dead or
allvo. Ho disappeared 232 years ago,
nnd nt that tlmo wns either In Toxns
or Oklahomn.
Sqituw men nro to bo placed under
the ban In Siskiyou county, ns far
m obtaining liquor Is concerned, ac
cording to reports Just received from
Yreka. Stato Senator Shearer of that
district, who expressed nn opinion
favorable to tho squaw man, has been
turned down by California's attorney
general to tho effect that tho lnw
absolutely prohibits the salo of liquor
to white men, married or slnglo,
who associate with Indians.
Carter nnd Hosecrnns are operating
tho Lucky Dutchman mine In tho vl
olnlty of tho Shorty Hopo property,
Majo Carter thinks tho contemplat
ed Installation of reduction works
hero Is Just tho thing for handling
law grndo ores.
In the face of a shy apple crop, It
Is a pleasure to wltnoss an exception
to tho rule nt tho WImer Cove orch
nrds of O. I!., llnrnhlll on tho wont
em outskirts of town. Tils orchard
was the former noted Pellett prop
erty and Is sustaining Its reputation
oven lu a dry season. Tho field of
Spitz is fair and of Newtowns almost
normal, the quality being extra good.
Intensive cultivation nnd abundant
wntor tell the story.
(i. M. Grainger Is exhibiting further
samples of mllomalie, a forage crop,
fully ton foot In height. Theso
stalks wore pulled Aug. 2S,
Tho plnn of O. L. Young and as
sociates to Install reduction works
hero Is meeting with deserved oncour
ngemeut from minors throughout tho
valley. It Is proposed -to utlllzn a
certain unllty of rock used In tho
smelting procoss nsf a resultant for
tlllaer. Tho projeqt. Js. as yot only
on paper, hut It Is bluo paper, with
plans and specifications outllnod sys
tqmntleally. ' .
The springs pavilion, 4noV being
erected on tho slto of tho exhibit
building neriMhO dtmot, will bp a sub
stantial structure 18x36 feet, from
.which will he dispensed, various mln
oral waters, now being mobilized
within the city limits. A. Lamb has
(he contract.
Whitney's Hoy Singer, an aggre
gation of Snokane vocalist number
ing 10Q, poaeod through hero on Mon
day bound fur, tho exposition.
J nil a Calkins afforded an object
lesson In Judicial othleti on the oe
rasiun of temporarily providing over
the Carry county clicult court reoont
ly. In an awault and battery caso
In which the abuse of liquor figured
he fined one $on. Terms $2 on spot
c..h, iiaiance pa.ib!o Jiutantcr In
No. 1 fiver try my hand at
I UUU They are till talking
army in Russial
tho event of the aggressor getting
drunk again.
As a reminder taxes become de
linquent Sept. 1, unless the Initial
payment tins been made, In which
event tho period of grace expires Sept.
30. Penalty 10 per cent nnd one per
cent Interest per mouth after April
Tho Ashland cannery la being open
nted Intermittently until the supply
of products Justifies n regular force
on full time. M. C. Mnlugor man
ages the plant which Is owned by Dr.
!' C Swedenburg. It would seem
as though with tho closing of tho Tal
ent plant, tho local Institution would
soon be running over time. Mr. Mn
Ingcr nluo packn nnd ships fruit from
tho old headquarters formerly occu
pied by the Ashlnnd Krult and Pro
duco asKoclatlun. Most of the stuff
goes south instead of north ns in
former years, tho actlvo competition
of the Ynkima section of Washington
having demoralized tho fruit market
In northern centers.
Two Indies, members of n cantpjng
linrly lately returned from the Dead
lndlnn country, nro credited with hav
ing discovered even If they did not
extinguish a forest fire which they
ran across whllo out huckleberrylng.
The blaze was undoubtedly caused by
n lightning stroke. Their names are
Mrs. K. V. Carter and Mrs. J. M.
Wagner. They turned In nn nlnrm,
when Fred w'ngner and others con
stituted themselves nn emergent fire
pntrol and extinguished tho flames In
accordance with methods employed In
the regular service.
Mrs. Trlxlo Jacobs Martin was n
brief visitor In Ashland Inst Sunday,
on her way to resldo at Seattle, after
an absence- of two years lu thoflln
wallan Islands. Sho Is tho daughter
of one of the proprietors of tho old
tlmo Ashland Mills, a flouring plant
which wns conducted by Jacobs &
Virgin, nnd Is well known to a host
of acquaintances hero. Incident to
visiting familiar surroundings, Mrs.
J. It. Casey and daughter Ileleno met
her ut tho depot.
II. II. Lamkln has returned from
superintending harvesting operations
on tho Lnmltln Ilros. wheat ranch of
1000 acres in tho neighborhood of
W. W. Caldwell and family who re
turned to tholr old family surround
ings nt I.odl, Wis., sovoral months
ngo, have come, back to Ashland to
remain Indefinitely, Having sold
theinsolvos out of house nnd homo
hero, they aro on tho lookout for tern
porary quarters pending furthor ar
rangements. Karl Ulrlcli nnd his bride enmo up
to their homo at the Gray ranch last
Thursday. Mr. Ulrlch's sister came
along as far as Mr. Nye's, nnd Chaun
coy Kloroy nnd wlfo wont back to
town In tho car with tho Misses Ul
rlcli. Mrs. I.uther Kast nnd daughter
aro visiting relntlves hero at present.
Carl Itlclinrdson, Uriah Vaughan
and James Peyton are fighting flroo
near Paid mountain. Thorn aro quite
a few fires around and tho air id
very smoky most of tho tlmo. TCono
of tho showers which have fallen in
noarby districts latoly havo et hit
Flounco Hock.
On August 2 1 Ous Dltsworth nnd
Miss Violet Vaughan were mnrrlod
In Medford by Ilev. Hradloy. Misses
Flo Dltsworth and Lucy Larson and
I.uthor Kast accompanied them to
the pursonage. t Later the young cou
ple wont to a hotel to eoapo an Ini
pending charivari und returned to
Flounce Itosk Thursday to mako tholr
homo on the Klncnid- plaeo. Mrs.
Vaughn and Mrs. Nichols had pre
pared a fine aupiwr for tho nowly
weds, at which the Vaughan and
Dltsworth families were present.
Saturday night some of the child
ren of the neighborhood lml by Frank
Dltsttortu and Dee Illancbard pro
ceeded to mui-e a loud and Joyful
dog training? duets
of It In the German
Ke. 2-We,wer hard
- I VC - "
s J w4
noise around tho houso of Ous and
Violet Dltsworth. The besiegers woro
treated with more kindness thnn they
deserved ns they were Invited In nnd
treated' to peaches, nuts, candy nnd
oranges. All scorned to enjoy their
reception so well thnt they remained
until u Into hour laughing and chaff
ing. Miss Margery ICrsklne spent Satur
day night and Sunday with Pearl
Tho Phlpps nnd Von der Ilollen
families havo gono to Huckleberry
Mr. anil Mrs. ninnchnrd went to
Derby Monday and returned Tuesdny.
Mrs. Sainh P. AdaniB Is visiting
with friends lu Medford at the pres
ent time. ,
Mr. Peyton's family went over to
eat watermelons nt tho Dawsons'
Thursdny evening.
A young Mr. Applegnto who was
traveling through the country on n
blcyclo wns taken seriously III with
something resembling ptomnlno pois
oning. Ho Is now nt tho home of Mr.
nnd Mrs. J. 1 Dltsworth where lie
has tho best of earn nnd attention.
A doctor was called Sunday evening
but we have not yet heard his opinion
of the caso.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dlanchnrd started to
Uesslu Hock Monday morning to pick
Nelson Nye nnd family nnd Miss
Margery Krsklno expect to start to
huckleborry mountain Wednesday.
Ono of tho McDonald boys of Troll
visited at Mr, Peyton's Sunday und
attended Sunday school.
Mr. Mansfield's family woro plcnlc
Ing on Middle Fork Sunday.
jMrs. Hollenbenk Is transacting bus
Inoss in .Medford.
Charlcc Manning took dinner Fri
day with Ous nnd Violet Dltsworth.
Mrs. Win. McLeod Is now In tho
Sacred Heart hospital Medford ro
covering from an operation which sho
underwent last week. Sho Is get
ting along nicely nnd tho doctor says
sho will bo stronger than over upon
her recovery. Miss 131slo Toncy Is
looking after the McLeod children nt
Reported by Jackson County Ab
tract Co., Blith and Fir Ht.
Kenneth II. Harnett v. O. II. Cliuf
fee, motion nml demurrer filed.
Mnrv V. Je et nl vs. I'', fl. Mntlii
s in, nnswer filed.
I'liiirloH Dodge v. O. V. Wool, no
tice of oroxh-ujMieul.
Soymniif II. Hull v. V. .1. Hur
bulge, niiswer filed.
Helle Niekell et nl v. .Iomo W.
Wilson et nl., Ml it In t'oieeoio limit-
In tlio mntler of the eat.ilo of Dan
iel Whetstone, petition nud order
In the Hinder' of the opinio of
Lydiu M. Amy, decwined, inventory
und nppniinemoiit tiled.
In tho mutter of the oMntc of
Henry .Mulr, ducoiisctl, nnawiir of
guiirriiniiK ml litem filed.
Ileal Kstittd Tidiisfeis
Iiuller & Co. to ('.
F. Onrou rl u x, lot in bleak
A, Boulovnnl addition, Ash
land . .. . . $ 10
Robert Ahwortlt to L. I'.
WiiIIhco ot u.v, lot 1, blftfk
1, (Tniy'a addition, .Medford 10
Hngloy CnnniHg Co. Ui JI. I
Alfnn et nl., nil it laiwU . 1
Mildnwl I'UlMitt to Hnle I'iano
Hoiiko, lot '2, block .V Cen
tral l'olnt 10
Isabella KoM'lev ot vir to Oen.
L. buearly, land in trr. !JV-37-2W.
W. Dnri et us ( IW:' V
lliblmrd, lot in blink ,
Ilail' Hdditiim, Medldd l.Ollli
H'-nry linn, ihi- it u In I..
pViYftS3i Pft
.' x.n i . "SkBiBai --,j-'
prcascd-the Ruiilan ahtlU were falling all about. I Urttd out w Ith my dachshund'
mbmT- JjmKaTTr
' No. 3-In-thla manner we bridged tlie jrulley s ami mountain p."cs
Kiumit Humphrey, trustor-,
lots 18 und 111, block '-'.
Kenwood uililition, Modfoiil
W. H. Ham et u.y to J. R Jen
kins, Inml in see. HIMHM K.
J. O. IfuneSon et u.x to Henry
W. I lend, luilil in sec. U-U7-
av .. ...
Notlro Is hereby given that tho
undersigned will apply to tho city
council of the city of Medford, Ore
gon, nt its next regular meeting, Sep
tember 7th, 1315, for n llcenso to
sell malt, vinous nnd splrltous li
quors at his place of business, No,
03 N. Front street, Medford, Oregon,
to December 3 1st, 1115.
Dated August 23rd, 191C.
FOIt ItKNT FllcmS7li:i ItOOMH
FOIt'TtRNT Fu"rnlshca"room8r20H
South Central. 153
FOK HUNT C-room modern house,
close In. Cheap to right party.
Phono I'J'JrY. 139
FOH HUNT G room niodorn bunga
low, nice luwu, plenty sbado, good
location, wntor free. N20 West
12th. ' HO
FOIt HUNT A-l bungalow Phone
FOH HUNT Modern 0 room bunga
low, close In,' cheap. Phono 13-X.
'FOH HUNT Four room flat or
house, furnished or unfurnished,
730 W. 11th, 723-Y.
FOH RUNT 5-room modern houso,
hard-wood floors, full cement base
ment. Phono 370W.
FOH HUNT Modern C-room houso,
1021 West 10th St., (10, water
paid. Henuett Investment Co.
FOH HUNT Closo In C room houso
with sleeping porch, modern
plumbing, electric lights, cement
sidewalk, garage, on paved street.
Hunt reasonable, Inquiro of II. C.
Stoddard, Medford, Oregon. tf
FOH RUNT Open cigar und nows
stand, first cluss fixtures. Rent
low. Seo J. C. Ui own, Sparta
FOH RUNT Housekeeping rooma
with gas nnd bath. 315 North
Hartlott phono 0G8-H.
FO RBA L K "uxVrn fancy KlborU
peuchos. A. W. Stone.
FOH SALIC--Cr. II. P.ll-cyllnder 1010
Pierce Arrow automobile. Alfred
S. V. Cariionter, 203 First Nation
ul Hank Uldg. HOt
FOH SAI.K Ouo oyllndor Reo cur In
first class condition, new tires.
Prlco $7i. Will take part cash or
will trade for good cow, Phono
FOH SALU Mfalfa liny. $10.00 ppr
ton. W. H Lamb, phono fi-F2.
FOH SALIJ -Polo mountain buggy,
good as now. Palmer Investment
Co,, Modoc Orchurd. '
FOH SALU -2-seatcd Vollo hack with
pole. PhonoCfi2.I.
FOH SALU Four room modorn
house, furnished; also good pay
ing business, on Main street. Al
together cheap. Call at :i03 Kast
Main streit 112
Attention !
Two American v4iorator, com
plete ith furnaces, trays, etc., coot
$1 100, cash prlco only $410 for both.
Here : an excellent opportunity for
you to make some money on your
crop by doing your poaches, apples,
Two or tlneo of you could band
togother to very good advantage
Immediate action nuceaiary.
Baglcy Canning Co.
&? AZkL- am -.
NaagresS3i? z1Mm2m
untU we Mrivl behind the hutr' .
FOR SAL1? flood Jersey cow, fresh
soon, $-10. Sows and pigs cheap.
W. 12. llryson, Griffin creek. 130
FOH SALU Stock hogs, plga, brood
sows. Phono 10x.x3, Ulden Ilros,.
Contrnl Point, 1 13
FOH SALU Fine Jersey cow worth
$75 nt $00. P. K. Wynkoop place,
1 mile east of Country club. 140
TOR SaTu Stack hogs, all kinds.
0. Allder, Ross l.aue. 140
FOR ALu"Chenp, right extra good
young work mures, well broke, two
nets ot heavy Work harness. Vln
hou's barn, North Riverside uvc
nuo. IRC
FOH SALU 1C0 ncres fnrm fenced,
small house, burn nnd out build
ings, family oi chard, two springs
120 ncres lu cultivation, $25 per
ncfo, tnke part trade. Call or ad
dress 325 K. Jackson St., Medford.
FOH SALU CO ncrcn land, fine, deep
soil, deeded water right, 7 room
house, electric lighted, modern,
4Cx3C barn, fenced Page wire, ,40
ncres lu alfalfa, corn, sugar beets
nnd small garden truck, 20 acres
lu pears, Hartlott and D'AujOu,
small peach orchard, team horses,
cow, farm Implements and all crop
goe,H with place. For prlco und
particulars, address Dox 55, R. F.
D, No. 2, L. M. C. Central Point,
Ore, i
klndn of property for salo or 6x
chango. Oold Rny Realty Co. '
FOH SALK Farm land, fruit Innd,
timber land, laud from $5.00 per
acre upwnrdn on long tlmo. Cold
Ray Realty Co. '
FOH SA LU Wyown'iiicu, 80 ucres,
finely improved Roguo River Val
ley Innd, 3'j mile north Unglo
Point. Seo or address owners, W.
II. Crnudull on the plac,o, or J. T,
Carpontor, 346 N. Unrtlott, Med
ford, no agents. 150
FOR SALU Buy Ashland property
whllo prices aro attractive. Wo havo
for quick salo in center ot town
und best resldonco district, on
Sherman street, ono block from
school, 3 blocks from public libra
ry, three lots, each GO foot front
by 117 deep, covered with fruit,
and 5-room houso plastered, bath,
lights, foundation, splendid chauco
to build 2 now small bungalos for
rent to railroad mon, on other two
lots. Can soil whole property for
$1760, with $G50 cash. This is
worth at least $2500, nnd Is grow
ing In value, Also flno 8-room
houho, modorn, with bath, lights,
turnnco, etc., on best resldonco dis
trict on boulevard, and 50-foot lot,
especially fine location. Prlco
$4760. Hodgson-Whltmoro & Heed,
Cor, Oak und Main Sts, Ashland,
Ore. 140
I-X)R lC.tmA.tJli
TO THAI)U--Uqulty in property for
Htoc-K cattle, prcreriou. jiox w.,
Mali Tribune. 111
UXCIIA.VOUUwi acies tliouinn'il
dollar hog feiiclng, 10 dollars acre,
llox 10, Mall Tribune ISO
FOH UXCIIANOU Will trade nn
oqulty In 40 nrroa of good farm
ing land for an equity. In n dwell
ing In Medford. No money ro
qulied. See E. S. Tinny. 210 Car-liett-Coioy
Hldg. 18S
TAKEN UP At Kaiser's plaoo on
Riverside, 3 sows and 13 pigs,
marked with crop on right, two
splits under bit In left. Owner nan
talco samn by paying ad and feed
bill. L. R. Houssum; 139
Somo fine small ranches In south
ern California aro offored In ex
change for stock or grain ranches In
this valley.
A stock of goods, hardware nnd
furniture in good part of tho Wil
lamette valley la Offered for it eleur
stock or grain ranch, $8000.00.
A very fine rosldouce in Los Au
geloa. Will exchange for a pear
orchard. Vaulo $26,000.00.
Bomo flno bargains In good clone
In ranches. Look them over.
I 1 s evK
nn -tnMR np tiif
Mis. W. T. York.
-120 Laurel St.
eral hnusowork; smnll family.
Call 330 South Fir St. 130
WANTUD Capable boy wants to
work for board and room while nt
toiullng hrhool. Call 1SS. 141
WANTUD -Small car In good repair.
Phono C70-M. 130
i WANTUD Hy elderly couple, nicely
i furnished bungalow or cottage for
i tho winter. Will take best of
rare. Prefer the west Hide. Ad
dress 11., rare Mull Tribune.
WANTUD Peaches to dry at pruno
drier uy ueo. ii. young. mono
7-F4, R. F. D. No. 1, box 12, Med
ford. 13U
WANTUD Stock hogs, weight nbout
100 lbs. Phono 5U7-J3. 130
WANTED Largo knitting mill In
vites correspondence- from women
desirous ot earning money, part or
full tlmo. (food pay. Uxpcrlcnco
unnecessary. International Mills,
Inc., Norrltnw "n son
I s.
A I'l'
. . . I .
v -
Ilecauso my stock, in trado U to
have optlonod ut tho lowest cash
prlco tho boat buy lu this county.
I havo bocu on tno ground look
lug out for you for tho past flvo
years. Nearly ovoryday I havn In
vestigated some "good thing." 1 have
eliminated ovor) thing oxcopt those
deal which I tun convinced will &
iuio me satisfied customers.
In a low hours tlmo I can glvo you
tho benefit of this research. It Is my
business to show you ovor tho county
nud Introduce you to tho possibilities
und opportunities here. Sou Med
ford first and
1()U West Alain Htrwt
F. (t
Collection.! nnd Report
collected Boino accounts 14 year a
old. Wo know how to got tho
money. Tho Uullock Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Has--klua'
Hldg., 21G K. Main St.
DR. A. R. HUDQEB. Dr. IvOUlso B.
Hedges Mochano-Thoraplsts, Ohlro
practors, Hpondylothoriplstu. Those
systems. Including dietetics, cura
tive gymnastics, hydro-theraphy.
etc., produce results In both acute
and chronic diseases. Consulta
tion freo. Ovor Deuel & Co., cor
ner Main mid Unrtlo'.t. Hours 9
a. m. to G p. m. Othor hours by
appointment. Phone 17U.
DK: It. J. LOOICWOOD,, Chiropractor,
nerve specialist Rooms 20.1-204-205.
Oarnolt-Corey bldg. Vapor
baths und Bclontlfic massago gUen;
noodlo spray, head nnd shoulder
ihowor In connection; advice In
dlotettcs, medical gymnastics,
bydropthernpy. Lady attendant.
Phone, office 643, restdonce 511-R.
Knglnecr anal Contractor
FRED N. CUMMINQS Engineer and
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Uldg.
Surveys, estimates. Irrigation,
dralnago, orchard and land Im
Oar iftg
HUAOU Oet your premise
loanod up for the summer. Call
on tho city garbage wugoni for
good service. Phono 274-u r.
T. Allen.
Instruction la Mnsle
401. Qarnutt-Corey Dldg. Fred AL
ton Halght Plnno, Mrs. Florence
Halllday Halght, voice. Phone
72. ,
X'hyetilciatu u trurgeoai
111. P. O. OARLOW, DR. EVA
physicians, 410-417 C-arneU-Corsy
bldg,, phono 1036-L. lUsldenet
20 South Luurel St.
HI. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physlclauB, 303 Qarnett-Corey
building. Phono U04-M.
t. J. J. EMMENB Physlclaa aid
surgoou. Practlco ltmltod to oye,
ear, uoao and throat Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasies sup
plied. Oculist and Aurist tor S. P.
It. R. Co. Offices M. F. & H. Co,
Uldg., opposite P. O. Phone G07.
U. I'ICKliL, M. D. Office Jack
on County Dank bldg. Offlca
phone 43-R; rnbldonco phone 68-R,
I. II. W. CLANCY Physician aad
surgeon. Phonea, otflco 30, rel
denco 724-J. Office hours 10 t
112, 2 to 6.
Physicians and surgeons. Office
300-310-311, M. F. & II. Hldg.
Phonos resldonco, 814-J2; office,
It. MARTIN C. 11ARHKR rhysl.
clan mid siiigcon. Office Palm
block, opposite Nash Hotel, lloura
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
Eye, ear, noso ami throat, office
228 East Main; resldonco 1,121
East Main; office hours t a. in. to
12 m.; 1:30 to 0 p. m. Telophonea
Office, 303; ; residence, 203-J2.
Printer anO rublibtiers
beat equipped printing office la
aoutkoru Oregon; book binding,
loose loaf ledgers, billing systems;
etc. Portland price. 37 Norta
'lr Ut.
- -f t-ri-ajr' s:i ,, , , " I
' Transtcw
Off led 42 North Front St. Phoae
315. Prices right. Hervlce guar-'
TwiiltcH h! Muppllevt.
Now llemluKton. Smith Premier
and Monarch typewriting, adding
und subtracting mucluos, rebuilt
ihttclitnca for cash or easy pay
ments. Machines for rent, rlbbou
and supplies of all kinds, simple r
pafra froe ot cburgo, Roger ii
Hennott. In Oi)tr t DkM
938-11, or r ul'mor Piano Place,