Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 01, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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.MitiHlliy ti'ljMJ j M'BUl
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Mr. and Mrs Trod IlaniebnrK nml
nenhew linvo returned from a two
wookr' outing In the Dentl Indlnn
country Mr. UnrnobnrK roportB deer
nnd JMIl plentiful.
f Trade with .Tonea In tliolr no.wJ'Rro.
tfory fltonj;!rprmrly $Mldd lj)'& C.
fldlp tho Vlf1 thoy npprbointd'yoiir
WWi... . , . , . .l30
f'ira.'Frihl IlatneUnrg wan-called
hofiio from' a d&bmlnK .trip witk.
frloiidB 16 tiro limJMift Of Mfr 'ulster,
vVhoMii very 111, , .
jJnuWn 'jHm., quick1 as Ilgliinirttf.
spi nt'8wom"'n.T r 'Hfl
VfV 1!. FcUgos and wife of Pcftrla,
III.', arrived Tuosdny afternoon for
a two wt'okB' visit with tlio family of
itj n, Palterflon. While Horn they
will visit the Hconlc point of Inior
fRt throughout tlio valley.
" 'Do)od llnm and uncoil at D Voo'ii
UiibboI Ford, tame Wllnon and
Frank Hrown wiro nontoneotl to crv
thrflo your In San Qiiontln prlnoii nt
Auburn, Cl., Monday for atntompt
flffi Co bronk Jail, nnd WlUon and
Drown ware aantonced to throo years
for iJuVlnrj'. fnuklntc rt total or six
y"jTiri( tlio sentenron to run' concur
fontly,, Thoso uro ho men who woro
aire'sled in this dty In July chared
wltli. robbing tlio homo of Mr. Lou
f). Jonm on Itooovelt avonuo, and
tftorwnrdR released for" lack of ovl
ilon co tuid poiiltlvorhlentlflentlon.
Ben Davo Wood nltbut that flro In-
urnuco policy. OfflcoMnll Trlbuno
"ldKH' i
.Jne'lc Cofffion Wft thla niornliiR for
MoClotid. Cnl., whoro ho Iiiih a plilnib
InR coutract.
Jonon Cah Oroeery, tniccoMorif to
FoycH (Jrocory Co., will narry a full
lino of i?rocorlp.i and voKotntiloa.
l'rlren ilnlil. "You all know Joiioh."
MIhb Inn Cnclirnn Iiiih returned
from n vlult with frlenilH In (Irauta
I'anfl. -
Loomo loaf kodak alhuniR, cloth
nnd lenthor covora at Swom'it. 140
MIhh Dolln IJOolc or Wtfmlliiirn, Oro
Kou, who Iiiih been vIbKIiir frlcndx In
IIiIh 'city nnd villloy for tlio Inat two
weoks, lias rctiimcil to hur homo.
For flour or food phono Modfonl
Itollor Mills. 1'linno lJ07.
Al (I. UnriifiH clrciiB will rIiow In
tills olty tomorrow, and a lart;o crowd
b npijrMl. It will ho tho only clrctu
to npopnr In' UiIh city thta unr.
CantaloupMt uiolonn, ponclioa, to-
mntoM.,a full lino of fruit and Rro
corlOB at Jonon Cuslt Orooery. I'hono
"Tho Hyjiocrllos," a photoplay wa
liown nt tho Star theater Tuoiday
nlRht to n largo liouao, it In u pow
iirful film, probably onn of tho moHt
forolblo KontinnH boforo tho public. It
donla with tha hyjioorloloH of llfo. It
will ho repantad an In thU adornoon
When thnt auto whcol cracks and
pops It ni'odg flxliiB. Wo mnko as
olid as now, nt a small nxponso. Wi
ling (JarrlaRO nnd Auto Works.
Tho MtHlford bneobull loam will
journey to Klamath FalU Himilay to
play two Kiimaa In that city Huuday
and Monday. The two teams will ro
turti to this city tho middle of tho
wook, and bvaln a serlMt of numoti for
a ?U00 pitrso durliiK tho county fair.
Wostoiv Qamorn SJiop for first olnss
Kodak flnltfhlnK and Kodak supplies.
MIm I.tialle Mnrabnll wilt leavo
ThnrwlRi for Klumntli Falls wknro
oho will tonah la tho public schools
of that oily tka coming yaar.
OW It nt Do Voa's.
This Is BaptMtibar 1st. and lu old
olal outllni of lite straw Uut aaaaoii.
Wtiln you htm any blottera call
nt tho It. II. MdOunly Aieney, or talo
j'lliono Ono-two'threa, and o will
tfond you soma. tf
MtM May ltekna has roturuwl
frciH'l a two woaks visit to tht iau
Frasclaco fair.
l.oBfliiborry sherbet. Tho BhnatA.
Jamea Foater of Yrakn, Oul., la
rHllus a faw days Ih tba elty at
taudluc tv bvalttatt miliars.
Jeuea wants your hatter and ckis.
Mr. Partner. IMjii'I forget tut place,
ft. 0. 61U aaud. u'
KUward Tut tie of the 8ttaiiiimut
dlatrlct la speudiug the week la Wed
frd oa baslneaa.
Take yoHr watcb to JnUnsen, tha
JOwaler. you will reaalvo muisually
Btod serrlea.
The Water I 'sera' aaaorladou has
moved its of i lews from the Uarnett
Cnre imlidliig to the ltWt Natlpual
I take yrlde la waking your wntah
keau iiarfMt ttaaa. kv ovary fa
cility for doing flee alh rnlrlug.
Jokuaen the Jewalar.
count) ( It-rk r. a. Qartiter siel
Tueiula In M-il'ord ntteadlttg to uffl
rtl liii.iio
ttf Vo' ,tlli
you fT lo
the Om-KobUh to
it uu n-r niunth
JaUin w ii
l I
on H It, own
aj; Qt ttl ' n iiiHk
"in-ill I'tii'iiU) III
til llllVIUl Hb
Whnn tteiter laauranre
llulinoa" The lu.Hrunro Mao
la solU
win sell
C. H, Thompson nnd wlfo of Waldo
spent Ti'endny In Mudford nttenilliiK
to biinlnc3 innttcrH nnd vlsltlnt?
Quick Borvlco for your Kodak fin
IshlriE. Seo Wcston'H Camera Shop.
The Hu2zard mine ort Hlk crrol't has
been leaflcd to Paul Wright of thin
city, and work will commotico at
onco upon tho driving of a 1500 foot
tunnol on tho pant fllde, BOO feet be
low tho Biirface, In ah effort t6 strike
the mnln body of ore
Johnjon, nt tho nook Store, an
export watch repairer. '
nogs of the city can he unmuz
?.kn todny, nceordlfiR 16' the city ordi
nance, nnd the ofdor Ih wolcoiiio.
Some of the boMt ortnlnoa flrjont tho
Biimmor In thqrotinlry owlni; th tho
tinwIIIInrnmiB Of their owners to kedp
n nftuale on them,
Ashlnnd llthln. OoleHtln or Siski
you, 10c per bottlo at Do Vwj's.
Tho rounty court held Its roKUlnr
sniifllon this mornlnK nt Jacksonville,
tho principal work holng that of
auditing blllB, and llstenlnK to nppll
eatlonB for road Improvomont.
The H. ft C grocery Htoro will no
longnr he called that "IiIkIi priced
fltoro," for JonoB Is Koln to mnko It
ono of tho chenpeHt planes In town"
to trade. Call and sco for yournelf.
A. A. Croft of Agate in In the city
today nttendlnit to liuBliiesx malterfl
and visiting friends.
ClnBsns at St, Mnry'a Academy,
.Alqdtord, Orenon, will reopen Heptmn-
her 7th. Doth hoarders and day
pupils am received. Full high school
courso. Individual attention In pri
mary and grathmar grados. Kxcop-
tlonnl advantages In art, mimic, clilnn
painting nnd modern lauguageH. ISx
oellcht commorclal courso. For par
tlculars, nddresB Sister Huporlor.
Dr. J. F. Keddy of OrnntH 1'nHB at
tended to luiHlnosB mntterH In UiIh
olty Tuesday afternoon.
Head tho I'ortlnnd Orogonlnn.
The WIInoii noconil hnnd Btoro was
entered Tuesday afternoon by bur
glars nnd goods valued at $11! Ktuleu.
The police have no clues.
Merchants' Imnch. 2Cc, Tho HhnBta.
Itayinoud Whiting of Salem Is
among the out or town visitors In tho
city this week.
Koiiidinbor you can gel most nuy
old thing nt Do Voo's, most any old
ChnrloH ThomilH or (lold Hill spent
Tuosdny afternoon In Medford ut
tondlng to, business mnttern.
.1. O. Oorklng, tho best all around
photographer In southern Orogon.
Alwnys rollahle. Negatives mado any
whoro, tlmo or plnco. Studio 228
Mnln St. Phono 320-J.
Forest Supervisor Martin Ij. Krlrk-
lon will return this nftornoon from
llutte Falls, whoro ho has had charge
of forest flro fighting oporntlous tho
Inst wook.
(Irocorlos, candles, bakery goods,
fruits, school supplies at Do Voo's.
Attorney H. It. McCabe nttendod
to legal mutters In tho county seat
Jackson County fair premium lists
cnu bo had at any of tho stores,
banks, hotels or nt tho Commercial
oluh. (lot onn today, 'mako an ex
hibit nnd pull down tho prizes.
Mrs. I. T. (Inlllgar or this city Is
visiting tho Han Francisco Mir.
I!ii wood now before prlciw go
Up. Valley Fuel Co., Phono 70. Il
Milton Kchuelmrd and Kdlsou Mar
shall loft this afternoon on a two
weeks trip by wagon lo Crntor Lake
nnd Klamath county,
lllard Campbell today purchased
a I jig Dodge roadster, tho first ear
of this typo to bo sold In tho vulloy
this ) ear.
Tha highest temperature tor Tues
day was Si dogroos. nnd Tuosdny
ulght waa the colleat In weeks.
'in Harding of Houoburg Is among
the UHt of town visitors In tho city
this woek.
Cold watermelons at Do Voo's.
Judge W. M. Colvlg wilt celebrate
hi seventieth birthday Thursday and
la receiving the congratulations of
many friends.
Mr Hiialiieas Mail' You tulk about
helping jour elty and claim to bo a
booster for Medford an'd the valley,
but honest Injun now have )oii tmhl
'Uu won! to kelp Uoost for tho Jack
sou Couut) fair at Mudford, Soptoiik-
bcr ) lo 1 1 suit If not wliyT It's
a good iliiiia for the whole county,
the utu In eksrge work hard to make
It a succeea, have dr()MitHl "fUotl
homo ract-s" toioa of )h talk about
and have iit on ball gauiea. relay
races, tic , lo tr ami please you and
yet Mm do or anthlng to help.
Don'i ya.i itilnk It a tlwa for you
to commence anal oooat for tke fair
now. You ou)y Hat eight iluya hut
CM do a lot of good by telllHg your
aatouiers and friends ubout it. It'a
9 t you Will you WetpT
ion WT If) tlTNHtFT.
WTKIi To borrow 9a), g4
iiiar ifiti i .tai- Mem Itv: will pay
i o
pi r i , in ilv iiiiniUw
FOR KI.K (l(Md
Ch.ts Niimsii, It
iiluiop seed
r n o i
A cpcoinl meeting of the Tnlent
I'linnum' i-lul) was lieti nt Talent eitv
hall Tuoadny, Aitffitnt ;ll, for'the pur
jote of disciminK wliut'futitii-onre
to tnhft relntivo to pro-runna: inijm
tion. All committee uppoiutcd at prior
iru'ctlngi mnile full nioil. ('. ,M.
Tlioinu on water I'iliiiKM' ilml l,
Ilomton on neriiijfc.
A nenenil diMeuemon took iluee.
Mr. TliomiiB innilo an e.illett cvplan
ntiiin of the dNtliet pliln. Motion
then piovniloil that pieliininnry Nteps
lio taken townrd forminje nn irriga
tion diitriet nml thai tlie ballot be
tuade secret.
Tlio result wim unntiiinoua in fn
vor oT Hie district pint).
The following- committee wn then
nppeiuted: ('. .M. Tliomns. chairman,
.Ionium I'ntterson, I'. ('. (lardncr, II.
S. I.vuch, W. Heeion.
The will report at an curly 'late.
Mr. mid Mr. Henllev hnc itn-noiini-ed
the mnrrhige of their daugh
ters MixM'M Ola nml Nolo llcutlcy to
MotHrs. .Imni'H l'oole and Stncey
ilnycH, to take place Monday, the tllli
of Heptemher. .Mr. Stncey Ilnye-i,
who in now cmploed ou tlio Ashland
unto line, is well known in this part of
(lie country, e-pecially in and about
Central Point, Mhere he npent (he
.'renter purl of Ins boyhood. He
and Mm Xolu will inula' their homo
in AsIiIiuhI niter murrini;e. .1niiiu-
l'oole. oriuiiinllv from Iuuisiih, Iiiih
tecently hecii lelcused from duty with
uu army camp at Vancouver and will
mnko hiri home nt Tulsiit for the
present. The double iiiiirrinvc is uu
HiiiiHiiiil occurrence, lis the irls arc
twiim mid will he married mi llieir
llllli birthday. The hridoM-to-bc
have many friends ubout TuK'iit who
wish tliem a Ioiik "lid happy married
The young- people of the M. K.
church minoiiuco a wutenuelmi social
nt the church parlors. Tlitiiviluy evening-,
September 12. The proceeds are
lo go toward paying for the new
The rosldontfl or
chilly who recently
Oregon building, P,
Medford and vl
reglstercd nt the
P. I. uro as fol-
Mr. W. II. Mltcholl, Jacksonville.
Mr. nnd Mrs. (luy It. Harper, Jack
sonville. J. II. Cochran, Medlord.
Horace I, Ilromley, Mod ford.
Mrs. A. A. Schuhard, Medford,
Muriel Schuhnrd, Mudfonl.
Knrl Schuchuid, Medford.
Amy Wilson. Modfonl.
Mrs. II. Swalnsou, Medford.
ltalph K. Pierco, Modfonl.
C. Ii. (lutes, Modfonl.
Andrew llenm, Phoenix.
W. It. Veo, Talent.
Clarence .loffory. Talent.
Mi's. M. M. Ah runs, Medford.
Albert Hopplu, Medford.
. Hoe Fisher, Medford.
flleuu O. Taylor, Medford.
C. V. Strang, Medford.
Hoy Wonmck. Medford.
hi. It Peterson, Medford.
Fiod W. Weeks, Medford
Mra. Ktlyth Orr, Modfonl.
Mae Pickens, Medford.
I,. M. ltuudlett, MHiirurd.
Ileth Stewart, Medford.
Mrs. II II. Ne, Medford,
I'. K Ulllesule, Modfonl.
Noll &. Ilearn, Phoenix.
Mnble lltmrn, Phoenix.
llerthold Hearu, Phoenix.
Mrs. I,. A, Iteamea. Phoenix.
Mrs. (I II. Kcobey, Phoenix.
l.oulso T. Jones, Jacksonville.
Irene llnrllett, Medford.
Mrs. X Wing. Medford.
Fern Wing. Modfonl.
Chits l'aborly, Jaeksonlllo.
Mrs. V. Ilursell, Medford.
Jotiophluo Coruult, Central Point.
Mrs. F. C. Heliuer, Talent.
Andrew Ilarvoy Pearl, Medford.
Lottie M. Howard, Medford.
U. W. Howard. Mtalford.
Mar II. Hamlin. Medford.
Uarl I'lrlfh. Modfonl.
I roue I'lrtoh, MotUoM.
Nlfk Kltan MAUonl.
Clura Ktwe. M ml ford.
Floreaco KIhsuIiI. Caatral Pa4gt.
M JoaapMga ICtaefcW. Central
Polat ,
Mr and Mra. Joaaou MartU, Jack
aauvllle. HeUa llrowB. Medford.
Walter U. lroH. Madlwrd.
II. Ilumpatajr. MadfoMl.
M. W 1 avMfjd. UedtBttl.
Mias Helm IVaiao. Medford.
Mr and Mrs M J Kraklae. Moil
foid Mi ' T f il'igai. Medfoid
August wni flic hottc-t month since
the estnblfillnionl of a weather bu
redu In thfc filtj'. Hut .02 of an inch
hf ruin Tell linrinsr the month. From
lHlli until the 'illtli the tempprn-
tu re dropped no lower than 0. ami
roso as high its Kill tieureo". Theio
wn one thunder -dorm duriiifr the
Seasonal vninfTill i comouted from
September 1 mid the total for the
yenr endiiifr August ,'ll wna 12.81
inches, nguinst an average since 1880
of 20.1'J inehe's, u seasonal deftoleiKfV
of i;i.'J8 inchefl, the dryevt yeor et
recorded in t,he vnlley.a
The temperature ly tlnys wn1- us
Date. Max. Mln.
1 ....WMtM..... '" f2
2 ..: '..tUg,... 92 Ti8
3 .i... SO 48
4 .rTffo . 88 49
'.'...............-4... at no
o ...mJ... 7 nt
7 iw2. 8 B"n
8 i.'J.... 90 i " H3
aaraM '
io i.... t)0 5r,
11 ....... 89 154
12 .JL. 87 nt
13 .... 89 fi4
14 r 89 G4
IS .. 90 Til
1U ....,.... oJ Ilo
1 I...I.H H.HMlMlli J'l O.I
is. 98 r.:i
1 JtMtMMWan 1 Ull '
2 o i o i' r, n
t an C7
eeeeaeeel "" it
U...seaeeaeeteal I vW
24 - 97 CO
21. 9f? r.s
2f. 98 r8
27 101 57
28 10.1 57
29 101 59
HO .. 88 G3
21 82 f.!l
Xo new fires were reported to theiwoik lonight. J4"everl hrtiith firui
forestry offices lliis niorniiiir, and the 'are mirniutf in the northern purl of
forest fire situation throughout the counlv. The only danger is from
luckson county is now under control.
Most of tho men engaged hi Ic'htint;
the flames relumed tliinoruintr, inn!
tho remainder wil he through their
Post Toasties
(i Are the first and only corn flakes that are
"good to eat" without milk, cream orsugar
Try some fresh from the packnge, and at once you get a wonderful
true corn flavor vastly different from that of the ordinary "corn flakes"
you may have had.
Notice the little pearl-like "puffs" on each flake characteristic
that is distinctive; also that when the cream or milk is added they dgn't
mush down, but keep -their body and appetising crijpnoas.
There's a Royal Treat in every package of
New Post Toasties
---from your grocer
SltlPTKAI 13101? 1, 1315
J. Oliver of London, Knulnnd, rep
resenting l)i(n Wnille & Co., Lid., one
of llie Ihrsent I'nrll Importing; eon
cernd in tlio world, is in tlio city lifts
week iutpeclint fruit conditions nnd
conferring with lonjl iiicliimlf.sls on
the "ule of their crops.
"TlKt apple orop in the llogue
River vjilley is jrooil what ifioro ia
of it," said Mr. Oliver tins afternoon,
"nnd Hit growers will receive n good
price. There will be a heavy ilomutul
for apples in England nnd the cdn
lincnt. I liue been in the principal
apple-growini: center' of America,
and I lie crop is pint average. The
npplc ctop in thw vullev I allowing
llie effeds of the lnek of Irrljflftion.
Some of the glowers huve been hit
hard by the drouth. Some of tlio lo
eal crop- I have inspected am firt
olass; others are not."
Asked regnrdinif the urortt wnr, Mr.
Oliver fiiid thnt I'.iiIiiiiiI wits more
comment tiinn over.
"Ku'ulnnd is not beaatiii: hIic iiiiiv
not win the war, hut she will not los
it. I have mmhi with the colore, For
eleven mouths lie bus lieeii drillinu:,
My peixonnl etimnto i tlmt Il.fiOO,
(100 men are in nruis today anxious to
o lo the front. NOulv Uio wurolficf
knows how mnnv men htivu enlined.
They lire will to France for a lomr
period, witliin lieuriutr of the Mnuids
of battle. The men who ure htildin
the first lino tienehes niv the vet
erans of the regular army, seasoned
fighters. The creen men uro held
back. People ask me why Hnglaud
does not launch u great offensive
Kitchener has charge of Hint. Tlio
world cnu rest assured Hint England
will never stop until every wmng linn
hecn righted and Gcnnuny brought to
her senses.
"The KnglMi people do not know
wlinl it N lo hale. Thev bear no
mnliee toward any nntion. They weep
lo neo llieir hoys u'o to wnr, bill I hey
linvo to ire. It dikes tin KngliHlmmu
a long time to get .starled, uud hciec
iik lonij to stop."
Mr. Oliver will spend a few dn.M
louircr in the valley before Ic.iving for
I alifornia, and from there will go to
L North VHkium. Hood llivt-i nnd W'cu
!alchc. !a luuh wind funning the dying timbers
into life. The in xli ration in the
weather with the cool nights dinnn
wh the ioicst fire danger.
SAN' FIlANClSt O, Sept. 1. 'J'1'"
law pissed by the last legislature re
iiring imported egjt to be labeled
waa deelnwd uucoiiMituUoiial todn"
by Judge (leorgc A. 'Sliiflovant in the
superior cuuil. The law was declar
ed to interfeie unduly with inleis'.itc
end foreign c intinerce and In icstru t
innreusonniiiv tne nani m imohhi-
The Inw wn pi-scd at the hist leg
iliftlve Honsion ns the reauit of agi
tation inraiiist Chinese eggs. Such
(liirtiilities of emrs, it nt said, were
shipped here frottvChinn llitit the egjr
rindustrv in Cnlifiniiiii wus threaten
ed. Hensons of sanitation alo were
ndvimeed in fnvor of the law.
Its elfci't ou Cnnmlinii egg and its
alleged violation of Ciuindiun trealv
riirlits were t ilcd bv the lflcnc as
evidences of tbf law's unconstitu
tioiuilitv. Th" Rogue Tfiver Fruit o; I'n.ducc
ns-oeinlion sold today three enr of
very tine Hear deck Kartlctls fo
S. Roenberg. One at New ork
uiietioii avernged ipli.Ol, the highest
auction price on Rogue river llnit
letls delivered; one ut ."Molfi f. o. Ii.
M"edfortl, private Halo; one at .il,lli
f. o. b. Mcdfoid. jirivale sale.
Tuesday ii ear of Hear Creek Hail
letts, shipjicd by llie ussociulioii,
brought $1.88, New York nuctioii.
A car from Phoenix consigned to
Sgobol & liny brought if 1.70 nt unc
tion Tiiesdnv.
Wednesday a car of I'totliills
Hi rt! Its coiisi i . iic ids, Kim
bull I'oi'c, lii'iiiilit fl.'.ll! tit iiue
A special farm premium or $10
for lnat prise and $20 for second for
the best Kcuernl display of farm pro
ducts from any farm or orchard dp
trlct Is onn of tho splondld attractive
features of tho Jackson County fair,
Hoptembor ii to 1 1. This should bring
out a number or excellent dlspluv ,
more than last year, and Is an an d
so a district can go together nnd com
pote for the prises as well as Individ
45 lo 55 TESTIFY
To theMcrit of Lydia E.PinIc
ham's Vegetable Com
pound during Change
of Life.
Westbrook, Me. " I was pasalng
through the Change ' f Life imd had
pains in my uncle
nnd side nnd was so
weak I could hardly
do my housework.
I havu taken Lydia
E. Pinkhnm's Vege
table Compound nnd
it has done me a lot
of good. I will re
commend your med
Icino to my friondfl
and give you permis
sion to publish my
testimonial." Mrs. Lawrencb Mar
tin, 12 King , Westbrook, Maine.
Mnnston, Wis. "At tho Change of
Life I suffered with pains In my back
and loins until I could not stand. I also
had night-sweats so thnt tho Eheeta
would bo wet. 1 tried otlicr medicine
but got no reliof. After taking one bot
tle of Lydia E. Plnkhnm'u Vcgctnblo
Compound I began to Improvo and I
continued lU use for six months. Tho
pains left me, the night-sweats nnd hot
flashes grew less, and In ono year I was
n different woman. I know I have to
thank you for my continued good health
ever since." - Mrs. M. J. BltoWNELL,
Mnnston, Wis.
The success of Lydia E. Pinkhnm's
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
nnd herbs, is unparalleled In such Cases.
If you wnnt .special advice write to
Itfdln L'. rinkham Jledlcluo Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter it 111
be opened, rend and niuvfcred by u
nuuiuu, and held lu strict cuulldcucc,
sr iii:m:.vs iiimi, I'oiitlaxi),
Diocesan Hoarding und Day School
ror girls under tlio enro of Tho Sis
ters of Ht. John Ilaptlst, Forty-Seventh
year begins Sept. 15. For cat
aloguo address, Tho .Sister Superior.
Deep Well Drilling
Oil, gas, and water wells, IS, in,
1 1-Inch to 1500 feet. For jiiIcob eo
2i:s North Central
From tho
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jouim Klrl, up
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nitn.i.i NT
oi.i or i k.
vvo -a by gen
tb men we linvo
Tin: .iicvnu:u
212 R. Main St.
Do you know the
They mv nil in tho now
You should have ono. '
kl a iff.
UOrf East .Ma m Street
Tho Only Kxclusivo
Gonudorrinl Photographora
to Southern Orogon
tfdgaUTos Madu any time o
plane hy appointment
Phona 147-J
We'll do the rest
E. D. WESTON, Prop.