Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 01, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Cloudy, Threatening weather
Mux. 82.5 i Mln. (SI).
Forty-flfth Ycnr.
Unlly Tenth Yrar.
NO. 339
Germany Gives Oral ami Written As
surance That No More Passenger
Ships Will Be Sunk by Submarines
Without Warninn ami Without
Safety of Lives of Non-Comhatants
WASHINGTON', Sept. 1. --Germany
bus accepted tlie declarations
of tin Vuited State in the subma
rine warfare controversy, Count
HcrusloiTf, tin; Oeimnn nmbnssndor,
today gave oral nnit written assur
ances to Secretary Lansing lliiil mi
mtiri! passenger ships will bo mink
without warning.
After n conference nt tlio stale de
partment Ambassador Von Hern
slortl' sent Secretary Lansing this
I leftist orff's letter
"My Dear Mr. Secretary: Willi lof
orcneo lp our conversation of. 'thi
morning 1 beg to inform you Hint my
iustniutioiiB concerning our answer
to your last Lusitnniu nolo contains
the following passage:
''Liners will not be -Mini; by our
Mibniarines without warning anil
without safely of the lives of Iho
lion-ooinbntnnUi, jit'ovidcd IbnC the
liners do iol try to escape or of fur
"Although I do Know that you do
not wish to discuss (ho LuRitnnin
question fill Ibo Arabic incident has
been definitely ami satisfactorily
settled, 1 desire to inforin voiuof the
above becouso Ihiu policy of my cov
ernment wns decided on before the
Arabic incident oecuricd.
"I have o olfrcejion to your mak
ing any ueo of the above that you
inav wish.
"Very sincerely your,
Forvvnidcd (o I'losldctit
Count Hernstorff's letter was for
m aided to President WiUou as hooii
as il was received at tho slate de
pat tiaent.
No formal cninnieut was nuido at
the White Houso, but on oait.v luuid
in official quarters thero wan evi
dence of gratification that the sub
marine crifcis had passed imd that
Germany had acknowledged tlio jus
tice of tho principles for which Pros
iiltMit ll9ii has been contendinir.
Count Hornstorfl' niinoiincoment
that the policy had been decided up
on before tho sinking of the Arabic
agrees villi statements bv official
iu Horliu nnd with information upon
whioh American official bud been
depending. Soon after the dispatch
of tho last LuHitania note, Provident
Wilfon understood there would ii"t
bo another pitch disaster. The sink
ing of the Arabic, thcrcfoic, camo aw
a double shock.
Stibuiailnn l)cstio)cl
Inasmuch ns it socms to have been
ostuhlUhcd that tho subinariae which
sunk tho Arabio ban been destroyed
liy a Hrilifcli iatrol boat, tho exact
cireunwtiinces mny never bo deter
mined other than by tislunnuy fmai
liritiah and American soured.
Tho German government's sl.ilo
niotit that before the fcinkin of tlie
Arabic the submarine coiuuuwder had
lieou ordered, lo jdnk no moro jms
sonjior ships without warning miij bo
taken as a disavowal of Hint.
The question of reparation for the
Americans who lout their lives on the
Lusitanin, the Arabio and other ships
which hao been turR'dis?d probnblv
(Continued on pa go six)
HOSTON'. Sept. 1. Tlie American
hark Ituth Stuik, owned in tlu city,
wns firwl ukm twice bv Geniiaa
suliUMtriue oil Aiurmtt 3, vIuh l'Ml
milr oil i !- lUui, In-Uud, m
cm ding t the report ot her row
Ilillldir llH, llCl IllIC liHl.1
PAItIS, Sept. 1. Tlio Sor-
blnn government litis Informed
Clrecco that It Intends to comply
: with the rcquoBta ot tho quadru
ple entente concerning tho con
cessions demanded by Hulgnrla,
says an Athens dispatch to tho
jfr )$ 4 4 ! t t J 4 ! ! 4
IIONOIJ'M', T. If., Sept. l.-The
gru(soiiic work of collecting and en
deavoring to identify the victims in
the hull of the submarine F-l today
offered lo the nawil officers and men
engaged in it little hope of huccosk.
Only ono of tho crow of twenty-two
men who perished, that of Ocorgo T.
Ashont of ,r,os Angeles, Cab, gun
ner'rf mate, had been positively iilen
tilled, and tho naval ofticcra iu
charge of tho wotk admit ted that
thero was little hope that any more
of (be mixed bones could bo success
fully separated and identified.
It is estimated that about three
days will be required to clear the
shattered hull of the submarine, re
move the bodies and prepare for a
careful investigation into what may
have been the onuses of the accident.
CHICAGO, Sept. 1. Hankers on
their way to atl'iul the annual con
vention of M Ami'iienn Hankers'
association at Seattle, Wash., declar
ed that a return of piopoii(y is lU
"When the bank reserves, which
aro greater now than. they hnvo ever
been iu the history of the count r,
aro distributed, tho nation will enjoy
almost unbelievable prosperity," said
William A. Law of Philadelphia, pres
ident of the association. The olame
of monev on hand is so great that it
cannot liml a outlet,"
AMSTKIMUM, Sept. 1.- Following
tho CNomplo of (lenuauv, the Auntro
Hungarian government now an
nounces, according to tho Frankfur
ter Zeitung, that all Austiians and
Hungarians in neutral countries, par
ticularly iu the Haiti d States, are
mi i mid not to work in factories pro
ducing war materia! ior enemies of
tho dual m.'iiarchy. This newspaper
says that violation of this decree is
punishable by imprisonment of ten
tft twenty cars, and even by capital
DI.lir.lX, Sept. I (l.y Wlleless to
Sayville). A icport was given out
by the Ovcicii Xuwi agency today a crniw of tu allies had met
willi dUnstei ott the (oast of Asia
A Iclcr.ini from Smvina states
that lw li. -1 iK iiuisirn lioiiib.uded
the eitv l Smvri'.i mid lh r..i-t of
the ?'i'! t" It"' -ontli "I tin it , -ays
lilt htu--Lll. "'!" rilisti l"u
di red. Tlie second slop attempted to
:jii to the rest tic, hut pMMIiti'd
l I141K. It altill.r "
, B H A
Submarine Firing Torpedo at Ocean
Liner Destroyed Few Days Later In
British Clean-Up Campaign-
Blame for Attack Will Be Placed
Upon Dead Captain.
WASHINGTON", Sept. 1. Dearin-,'
out repot Is that the Herman submit
rine which sank Hk' Arabic had her
self sunk, slate dopnitmeiit officials
today revealed Hint a report was re
eoived from Ambassador Pauc at
Loudon the day after the sinking ot
the steamer, indicating that a Her
man Milium fine had been destroyed
nenr the seen of tho Arabio disaster.
It was also revealed at the state
department fhat affidavits bad been
received front survivors of the Duns
Icy, (he steamer which was attacked
just before the Arabic wan sunk, pre
sumably by the same submarine. The
affidavits told of peeing u subinu
liue, but said it bore no distinguish
ing marks.
DF.IU.1X, Sept. 1. Tho admiralty
has given out no information con.
corning tho fate of tl.o (lei man sub
marine which sank the Arabic.
Whether such iufotiiinliou is iu its
possession is unknown, as it is (ho
policy of the admiralty to withhold
news of this character. Unofficial
reports that the sttbmurimi has been
sunk nre being circulated widely. It
is said tho craft attempted to tor
pedo tho Dritish Htcnm'er Xiooian,
which arrived at Liverpool from Xew
Orleans on August 2-1, fivo days af
ter the Arabic went down,
According lo this " account, (ho
XicDsiuu escaped and tho submarine,
while iftteinpting to sink her, fell a
victim to a patrol boat.
In Liverpool the icport is current
that (ho submarine has been captur
ed and not sunk.
NI3W YOltIC, Sept. 1 I.loulonant
Commander Henri 0. Van Stoyn ot
tho Dutch navy, was ono of tho ar
rivals today 011 tho stenmor Noordum
from Rotterdam. Ho said ho held a
commission to purchaso an unllmitod
quantity of aeroplanes and hydro
pianos for Holland from Amoilcau
"From observations during tho war
wo hnvo concluded that tho American
aeroplanes mid livdroplanoa aro the
host," said Commander Van Stoyn.
Dr. Frank C. Davis of Minneapolis,
another passoiiKor, and president of
tho American Modlcal association of
Vienna, declared that food prlros In
Austila have dou'ded In tho past nine
mouths. 1
POUTLAXD, Or, Sept. I. -Charges
said to have been made lo
tho war depaitment by Adjutant Hen
cm! George A. White, (list Ins predo-
cpor in oftico, William 1. Fiiucr,
bad made personal piolit from tin
Kovornmont's purchase of the Clack
ainas rifle range for Iho Oregon na
tional guard and had cmhesfsdetl cov -eminent
fund in connection with the
purchase of the State Id tic n-socia-tion's
club house have fallen Hut in
the face of an investigation bv Colo
nel D. C. hanks, inspector general
of tho United State ainiv.
Colonel Shanks, in summing up the
result of his investigation soverel.v
criticised Oeueral White fur making
accusation w bicli lie could not sub
stantiate. Colonel Shanks says there
1- lui loiilil.itinii of truth to .my ot J
iuw tuai,v3 uiauv u M IOIV.
I-1; tn UltuLUU IILLlU
?il'7 if" $2$"J '
!4x.5j m-v '
PIIOV1DKNTE, 1. I., Sept. l.-Dr.
C. Pranklin .Mjdir of (bis city and
Xewpoit, 1. I., who with MioH Kmily
Hurger of this idly, wus myeturioiisly
shot while seated iiMiis -aulomobilo
on u dark road in Diirriuutou last
nij:ht, died ut 11 hospital today. Miss
Ilcrger wn lcpoited belter, and !t
was bolicvod that her wounds would
not prove fatal.
George W. Heidi, Dr. .Mohr's
chauffeur, is held bv the llariiugton
police, who nro not satislied with his
declaration that he saw no other 1111
tomnhilofl at tho time .Mohr nnd .Miss
Ilergor were shot.
Miss Dorgor today said another car
approached theirs from tho roar and
as it came alongside several shots
were fired at Dr. Mohr and herself.
Itolh wcro wounded iu the head and
shoulder. Miss Merger could give no
explanation for the assault.
Dr. Mohr was a graduate of Johns
Hopkins university and was -IU years
eld. Ho was married twolvo years
ago, but his wife had muci him for
separation nnd ho entered a oountor
suit, Miss Durgerhad been employed
by Dr. Mohr as an office assistant
lor about (luce vcais.
Tho polino started an impiiry into
it repoit (hat tbeie was a conspiracy
against (he ph.vsicmu and his com
piinion. They iiiestioued Florence
Ornish', a maid (inployed iu .Mohr's
office, nnd lutcr it wns said (hat she
bad uiven them a clue upon which to
work. It was iiiiiiMiinccd that Mrs.
Mohr, the widow, also would be
WALLA AVAI.r.X, Wn., Sept. l.
The most threatening flro that has
hurncd Iu Soulliastorn WashinKton
this year Is lieoad control on Knack-
iiian mountain, about 40 mlloa oast
of Walla Walla and Is rapidly nearlng
tlio Wonaha national forests. Hun
dreds of resident In that vlolnlty aro
fighting tho flames hut without avail.
Several homos have boon burnod and
grain Holds on tho mountain havo
boon savod only hecauso tho grain is
too greon to burn. One man Is re
jortcd missing.
LONDON', Sept. 1. Th terms of
settlement of the trouble in tlie
South Wuli t coal fields which were
arranged vst-rdu in London wire
ucccjdej toda bj the luincis.
Chased Through Wildest Part of Big
Bend Country, Mexican Raiders
Arc Surrounded in Box Canyon and
All Shot Down After Pitched Bat
tle Orozco Struck Four Times.
SIICIIUA IlL-ANCA, Toxas, Sept. 1
- The story ot tho twenty four hour
man hunt which ended In tho death ot
(leneral Oiwco In tho Oroon river
canyon, between tho KorIo nnd Lono
soino mountnltiH Monday roads llko
n iago from n border romance. Tho
ehiiHo wns through tho wildest part
of tho Hlg Iieuil country, Twenty
four ranchers, cowboys, custom house
officials nnd troopors of tho Thir
teenth cavalry participated.
Tho news that raiders wore In tho
vicinity spread along tho rural tolo-
phono circuit Sunday noon. Tho
raiders wcro then considered meroly
another party of outlaws who had
thloved during tho last four years.
At tho warning every ranch houso
hecamo tho scono of activity with
preparations to rido to vvhntover
ranch was attacked.
.Mexicans ()mii FIio
The raiders were discovered as they
approached tho I.ovo ranch Sunday
afternoon. Tho Moxlrans galloped
to tho pump station on tho ranch,
whero they wuro surprised by Deputy
Sheriffs It. C. Lovo nnil Will Shock.
Orarco nnd his companions sont a
shower of shots at tho deputies and
made a running fight for liberty.
A posse of ten men organized
qulokly hero nnd galloped to tho Lovo
ranch and thero picked up tho trail
of Lovo and tho deputy shorlff who
clung to tho trail or tho raiders, fir
ing shot for shot until darknoss clos
ed In. As each ranch houso was
passed additions wero nindo to tho
Tho trail at iilnlit ran through tho
Haute mountains over perilous paths
on hlKh rhlKCs. Wlion dawn broko
tho posfo found It still held tho trail
which led noross a plain to tho Orecn
rlvor canyon, In tho High Lonesome
CauiMNl In Hov Canyon
At tho ontranco to tho canyon, tho
posse found n camp flro still glowing
nnd nn advance body was thrown out
to pick up tho Mexicans. Iy 3 o'clock
tho advanco guard roturncd with
nows that tho .Mexicans wcro encamp
ed In a box canyon apparently fool
ing secure from pursuit. Tliolr
horses wero unnaddlcd and hobbled
at somo dlstnnco from tho ramp fire.
Tho posso climbed tho rugged sldoa
of tho mountain until thoy gained a
rldgo around tho canyon and a volley
was poured down upon tho Mexicans.
Ono Mexican was killed and tho
rest dashed for tho protection of
boulders and roturncd tho fire. Tho
posso killed 0110 ot tho remaining four
nt tho next volloy, Ocncrul Orozco
and a companion then attempted to
secure tho shelter of a small draw,
Struck by Four llullets
Orozco's companion was riddled
with bullets as ho stopped from tho
shelter ot his rock. Orozco noarly
galnod tho draw whou bo wns struck
by four bullets.
Tho remaining Moxlcnn for somo
tlmo returned shot for shot from be
hind n bouldor. l'rosontly ho made
a dash to climb tho side ot the can
yon. Ho had ascendod somo dlstanco
when a volley tumbled him doad to
tho rock basin below.
WINNIPHO. Sept. 1. Sid Hod-
mend Itobllnaw, ex-proinlor ut Mani
toba, and throo of his formor col
leagues, J. II. Howden, Dr. II. W.
Montague and O. It. Coldwell, appear
ed In tho olty police court today
ehargod with conspiracy to defraud
the province In connection with the
work on tlio provincial parliament
f H 4
f 4
VIENNA, Sept. I.-Tlio litis-
t sian forticss of Lutsk has been
captured by Teutonic forces, it
" wns officially anuoiinecd today ""
" by the Austrian war office. ""
NEW YOHIC, Sept. 1. English
money, already depreciated to figures
without parallel iu the history of fin
iinee, took another phenomenal drop
today. The pound sterling sold down
within Iho first hour of dcnlinirs to
-fldl, 11 break of 5i cents over
night nnd 11 downward plunge of 11
cents within I wo dnys.
Tho drop caused the gravest nnx
iety as to its possible offeet on Amer
ican exports now nt top figures. Coii
linued nnd unchecked depreciation, it
was thought, would nrieet lens of
thousands of American workmen,
possibly by ullimitlely closing down
factories now supplying (heat Drit
uiu with commodities,
Heforo that could happen, it was
explained, thero would have to be
cancellation or cuilailmeut of foicign
orders to American producers nt
present totalling hundreds of mil
lions of dollars, and great diminution
iu tho aluo of new orders. Doth Iho
latter coiitingeneios weie expected, it
was said, in ouso lurling sjioultl go
much lower.
The immediatn effect of (ho gront
drop since yoslerduy's close wns tho
viitunl paralysis of the foreign e.
ehangu mnikots.
Fear, amounting almost to convie
lion, (hat shilling would go much
lower yet, checked trade nnd hold tho
big factors iu Xew York's inlerna
tiounl money markets apprehensive
nnd awaiting the day's developments.
'Jthero seemed little doubt that buy
cm iu (I rent Dritain will soon refuse
to benr the heavy burden of exchange.
IMTTBnuna. Pn., Sept. I. Harry
IC. Thaw this aftornoon filed a peti
tion Iu common plo.ta court asking a
divorce from Ills wlfo, ICvelyn Neshlt
Thaw, charging misconduct with John
Francis of Now York.
Tho petition is very brlof, cover
ing less than ono typewritten jingo.
In It Thaw nllogea that his wlfo was
guilty of misconduct with Francis at
Number 31 West 31st stroot, New
York, In Docoml'or, 1000, and Jan
uary, 1010, and nt various other
places and times. Thaw ulso declares
sho dosortod hi m In July, 1000. Tho
petition contains nothing to throw
light on the Idontlty of Francis other
than to glvo his name.
gotiations aro ponding for tho sate ot
tho remaining seven vessels ot tho
I'aelflu Mall Steamship company, It
was stated today by A. F. Froy, as
sistant to tho general manager, Mr.
Froy said tho sulu might bo made In
11 few days.
Fivo largo vossols In tho trans-Pa-clflo
trado wore sold a mouth ago and
throo smaller vossels slnco then. Tho
seven vossols lnvolvod In tho pres
ent deal aro the City of I'ara, Poru
San Joso, Ponnsylvanhi, Now port, Sail
Juan and Axotoc, all under the Anter
kau flag, running to Moxlcau and
Central American ports.
German Review of Campaign States
300,000 Russians Killed or Wound
ed Since May 2Drlvcn Out of
Galicla, Poland, Courland'and Lith
uania -Twelve Fortresses Taken.
Berlin, via wirelcsi lo Sayville,
Sept. L An official revlovy of tho
caslom campaign as given out hero
today by tho OverscaH News agency
ctiiuntp8 that smco May 2 tho litis
sinus have lost nt least 1100,000 men
iu killed or wounded, nnd 1,100,000
men captured by Iho Germans.
Tho announcement from tho Over
seas ngonoy is as follews:
"General army hcndqunrlors pub
lishes n review of (ho results of of
fciivivo movements iu Poland nnd
Itussia since May 2, beginning with
the hnltlo nt Gorlice. Army head
quarters estimates tho strength of tho
Russian troops which wcro (hen di
rectly engaged in that region was
about 1,100,000. In the fighting sineo
May 2, 1,100,000 hnvo been captured
and a minimum of ,'100,000 wounded or
killed. This in n very conservative
estimate. Tho actual figures nra
surely much higher because tho Rus
sians saved nrllllery by recklessly
sacrificing their infantry. It is thus
evident that Ihe armies which wero
fit-lit attacked at the beginning of the
Austro-Germftn offensive movement
have been annihilated and their losses
mndo up by withdrawing troops from
other rogions, especially forces which
wcro ready to invado Turkey.
''Garrisons of half-drilled men vero
hurriedly transported (0 tho front
from interior forlrcsscs. All efforts
of tho ltiiRsiuns wero fruitless, how
ever. They wero driven out of Gnl
leiu, rolnud, Courlnnd and Lithu
ania. They wero rolled baekwnrd in
two separate groups. Twclvo fort
1 esses, nmong them four largo and
modem ones, which formed tho Itus
hian outer and inner lines of de
fense, nro in tho hands of tho Ger
mans and Aii.striiiiiH. This is tho re
sult of 11 cainpaigu of less than four
V.h PASO, Tex., Sept. 1. Authori
tative reports today indicated that
Guatnmala is about to bo drawn into
tlio Mexican revolutionary vortex.
Those ndvices stated that in return
for tho participation of Giiatamala
in tho A H C penco conference Gnat-
nmabin revolutionists lnivn Iwnn nor.
mil ted to organize and havo been
furnished 2000 rifles by Chief Cnr
rauza. El
LONDON, Sept. 1.- Too stock
murkot was quiet. The chief inter
est wns iu tho Atnoiicau section,
whero the low rato of o.xolmngo
brought out further sloe!; offerings,
which wero well absorbed at gradu
ally rising iiiices. Canadian Pneifio,
Krio, U, S. Steel and Union I'ncifia
were the most aotivo issues, llouda
shaied in tho improvement nnd tho
market olood firm. In other direc
tions the war loan was tho only ac
tive stock.
NUW YOltK, Sept. L All tho
Orthodox Jewish synagogues through
out tlio Uuiled States wero notified
today that Sunday, September !, had
been set apart as n day of fasting
and prayer. Tho proclamation re
vives the old Jewish custom of es
tablishing a time to fast uml pray ou
uccguut of national tnbututum.