Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 31, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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THi PfWfl'.n;;...ggg
"" " "S!5S-!i."?','",r
Watil.'i'u-LiJj.ii "
iihuu i i nil, ui' n. i "
-wjy -- -T"rW
Of fleo Mall Trlbuno IlulfillnK. S5-27-S
Nnrtii Kir street, telr-pliune 76.
The Democratic Times. Tho Medford
Mall, TliJ Mclford Trlbuno, Tho Houtli
rn OrcKonlnn, Tho Asliliirul Tribune.
Una year, by mnll ... .IB.U0
One inorttli. by mall '
Ver month, delivered by crrlr tt
MciUnrd, Ilionlx, JuokKiuivltl
nnd Central Point ..-.. .60
rinlunlsy only, by mall, per year S.on
Weekly, pr yonr-... 1.60
Offlcuil Putiar at the City of Mmlforil
OtflaUl Vupor of Jnukfon County,
Kntereil ru iuxwmiiI-oIrkb mm It at
MtximrO. Ornn. umlr lh not of March
I, 1S79.
Hworn Clroulntlon for 1914. 7M.
full iMiaod wlrn Asriocliilri) I'ren (!!
i JIisoiirt iitnl
Bubacrlbora railing to rccolvo
papers promptly, phone Clrcu-
latlun ManaKor at 2C0IL
fr Jt
11' lins bccoiiu'itlic fashion in the jingo press to belittle
. and deride the American army and navy. Yet, tho
army and navy is the costliest part oT onr government.
War preparation and the results of war cost over sixty
eents of every dollar Uncle Sam spends for all purposes.
MM... IT. .:,..! HJ4..4. 1 i. !.. ii.. . . i
i in- i iiuiii oiiiirN mum wjiciii uiwjts iur us army 11110
laivy in proportion to results secured than any other na
tion. Yet we are told by those who have had charge, of
the expenditure, such as ex-President Roosevelt and for
mer Secretary of the NavyMeyer, that onr army and navy
are a joke. '
The cost of militarism has been growing by leaps and
bounds. In 1890 the annual cost Of our navy was $20,000.
000. Jn 1015 it is $M 0,000.000. The miinv expenses have
also made a phenomenal increase. And vet we are told
we make but a pitiful allowing and-cannot defend our- n,r n? ,Snn nuieiseo,
selves. ' H. A. Enprold or Fresno, Cal., has
Why do we pay so much and receive so little? It is be
cause we pay excessive price for equipment and munitions.
The army pays $17.00 for a .'.8-inch shrapnel and manu
factures the same article, at I'Yankfort Jor $7.9-1. Tt pavs
$7 J'or a .'11-second combination fuse that costs $2,912 in the
government arsenal. We have been paying similar ex
tortionate rates upon powder and other 'munitions. Yet
every el tort to remedy this abuse brings widespread erit
various oilier
lions, oi" the central wet.
The SpriiiKH rnmiui'.'dnii ex
perience' hoiiio, vexation) of spirit in
t'untiRction with fustnllinjr improve
ments in tho park. Now tlmt the
Chbiiio project hux been abandoned
ut least for. tho time belli',', opposition
in liciii1; made nnnint the contemplat
ed new Hwiininin;- pool on the plcit
thnt it, will pompete with like ofitture
already cfttnhliRheil fjere. The projoet
will he curried put, however, hiilx for
coiistmetionvwork to he opened Sept.
2. It vrill,"ba n fine mlditlon to the
pnrk system.
Jul) Tozer left oil Stinilit", to visit
indefinitely with hi fori Ilert nt 1'ot
nlpmn, (Tnl. lie
eontingent of Ilotiolulu tcnohcrH ns
iiuiii it mm
CooIiiohs often follow w'llen
people hoth Imvee liol lemper.
One (.iicsk'.' Wlieio Wiw llo Iliui?
(From Log AiiKelcH Tlniea.)
A r.ostl niclnf luiinoh Iniriiuil after
1-oliiK lioaclioil on Catnllnn; tho en
Klnonr wnfl corolied and wifforetl nt
n lonely Hpot. ,
"Tlioro' my lain wife," mid tho man
ns ho rnceil.
"I didn't know yon woro divorced,"
mild hlrt friend at tho dock.
"I'm notl" Hnapped the nnsry ono
HtnrtliiK up fltiiKo.
"Ilul Just tnko n ulant nt that clock."
Tlieio Ate Ximo
TeanlmrwVow Tommy, toll mo
whnt n, capital olty l7
Toiumy -A city wliqro thoro nro
no HClio(dH to go to.
Tho siihjeot of tho (IIaciimiIou wan
tho Uiiporfootlon of man. Tho nkop.
Uoul man hold that human Imlnpti
aioii't ) vary wonderful, nftor nil,
mid tho proachor didn't OKreo with
"Hut, 8iiroly," protMtod tho eof
for, 'you iniiKt ndmlt that man Is n
huiiRlud Job? Why, ovou you, lu
your work, must havo notod many
dofootH In tho human organlHiu, and
huro thnucht of bottor physical con
trlrnnuufl," The proHchor niulleil gontly.
' mYun, 1 uv." ho ropllod In cool.
Bftrongtlc toiitw. "you oo, when I
want to shut out anything iIIhiiki-oo-ahlo
front my night I can alway draw
down jny or'clltl to oyer my oyo,
IJfcO (li,!;H)iit unfortuunlel' I hnveu't
y rtniNi (o my mm."
At Sihool
9bi)l TuneUr: Au BMardoU It a
hart tunny tale. Now. Johnny,
write on the blarklNwrd a mlne
eoutfllulug Ikii wurl 'um'Uo(!' "
Pd Ult ! Ivliai Jobuu wretu:
"A rabbit ht four Uma and ono
Slolla') Itmwilii (Vntitor
Mn wke un not fuuiem oftn
mab fortune nut of wetida by
ninnylitg i1-k widow.
OigH0lf ik world dtM-tu't know
how tln ijlkar half geta along and
HCiHiMt dow th other naif,
.Slollll' llHIKolo Couiiti'i'
MiMl guya buy inarrlago llHnaM
nn lh titalalliuMl Mlao - a ouiln of
itolljira down m4 all thvlr wga
t ir,v gatunUy night thfreaftur.
mu tit i'i:
(irnm tlr wapn, U , TI(grph..
Mr. o X. Daw U panflnad to her
iwa ihi acrouut of tin ri'at Injury
ahe miKtatiiMt whn h fell from n
ehatr to th floor Mra. Daw wan
alleiiifiliia to a fl at huud and
atooil uixin ibi iiiulr to reach tlitt In
lcatl litim ii. wan fiirtbar away
thau t rirt aaili-iiMitu and In nn
eadaavot 1.1 r-.i. h him nh (all a a
iwault ol Vciiiniiig o'rlalaartMl. '
taint br lu)ur Mill auun glya bar
tyi Iribr notil.l.. hiu win wjoii b-
CQIUIV '" flu r.-iiMlnl in to be
icismupon theJieadsoi those attempting reformat ion. Sec
retary Daniels' case oilers a concrete example.
ithout doubt much of the talk for increased arma
ment is inspired by the Methlehem Steel company, tho Car
negie company, the Fore River Shipbuilding criinpniiy, the
uiipoiu. rowoer company and otner concerns, .which hone
to reap rich profit, (lain instead of patriotism is back of
me jingo clamor.
If we are going into this war business, the nlodest in
creases proposed in army and navy will not place us on
an even basis with even second-class European nations. In
ease of invtision we will not be much better off with an
army of 200,000 or even .'100,000 than with 100.000. It
would .seem, then, that, the only way to become prepared
for" national defense on an adetpiate scale is to adopt the
Swiss system. Under it 10,000,000 effectivelv armed and
trained men could be put in the field in a few days.
The cost of maintaininir a Swiss soldier is on'c twentr-
eighth of the cost of maintaining a soldier in the United
States, and his effectiveness is probably in the same pro
portion. The Swiss army works only long enough to learn the
job the essentials of the job and when not required, is
busy about private affairs. It is divided into throe classes.
The first is the Anszug, or IL'lite (men from 20 to JI2); the
second, the Laudwehr (men between :r.J and -10), and the
third the IjiiihIsIuimu. or reserve (men between ll mid IR.
During the first year they receive from two to three
months' training, and after that only eleven rtnvs a vear.
Yet this training has made au excellent disciplined a'rmv.
This result is secured because tho training is largeiv
supplementary to preliminary training in schools, rifle
cuius .uKi cinici associations, and only tnose hest fitted are
selected for the militia.
Says Captain T. 11 Alolt, IT. S. A., who spent some time
in Switzerland studying the Swiss system for our war de
partment, in his repert:
The nroaroH) of trnluliiir of tlm tu-ia miiuin u nvn.. i,n .,... ..
theory and fact of thnt lu operation with our mllltln. Oood porformanco
In the Held boliiK thu whole ond and object of military Instruction and tho
tlmo IioIiik hort, the Swh bORln. nud wo may Hay end, their touchlnu In
tho upon country. Tho recruit In tntiKlit to march correctly In column,
form 1iio and march In line, but thoHti exorcise nro matin an Incident or
KOiiK' to mid co'iiluK from 'work.' Tho real biiHlneiiH of IiIh lire, ho learnH.
I lo march Ma-ulUy under a heavy pack, ahoot straight, tako cover, nud
Obey IiIh aquad .eader.
Aftor three wcoU tlum apont, the recruit puta In a week at battalion
oxtrclsot with lonKer mnrchea nud two nlKhts In blvouna with outpost
duty nt nlfiht, 'ollowed by oxorclBCH nil thn forenoon mid a march homo
lu the evening. The fifth mid sixth wcokH cnllro are apont on a Ioiik
match In rough country, whero tho battalion acta ror tho moat part ax ir li
tho prcaonco of au enomy, itinniiiivorlng by day, oRtabllHliliiR outposts at
night and condttctliiR combat oxorclnea with ball cartridge (00 per man.)
The Swiss army is ollieered Irom the ranks. Promo
tion is by merit, 'after examination and probationary ser
vice in the guide. Officers who show a hutlc of military
ability are passed into the. reserve oorps. The permanent
personnel consists of only 200 officers, known as ' instruc
tors" of three classes, ,(en are assigned to the branch that
previous training best lit them for.
To adopt the Swiss system the United States must (1 '
abolish the standing army; (2) turn its army officers into
instructors": (',)) prepare the youth for service of tho
land by prixes and free rifle for shooting and adopt com
pulsory education up to the age of l." or 1(1 years; (I) com
pel i'ivy able bodied man to serve in the militia until he
hati au elementary training and then release him back into
the general body of citizenship with a few days of training
each year: (5) provide for insurance against accident while
he is in the service of the militia; (i) pay him his expenses
while on duty. (7) exact a noil tax from those incanaci-
titted from service ami an income tax from the wealthy;
(S) provide free training schools for those who wish to
become officers, and provide that any man who enters the
army can reach the highest grade by merit.
if we uiiiMt have some form of 'militarism, let us copy
that of the Swisw, where the army belongs to the people
and not the people to the army, it will be more efficient
and less costly,
eaimjutiin" " i"i ii
tlltt fly fOI ' M on
would. (Jiid ! i
and condition .
eraj. Upside- '
BOII1P post IU
i 1'iioiU mi Bwat
"i n tli'l tiila m
in tin moi Id
. .itlli' ill id n,.
.in 'ijllltr
ill- Win. St'liiniiiilotiVI mid iLiu-Ii-ler
Kliiilirih Uft t Iii-ii Itiinii- in
Saermiu'iiiii, iii-r a tit here tor
Iho M( three mPli wUl Mr.. Klua-Im-iIi
Van Saul.
Mi Maltall Van .Vie Uft tlw last
oi' the weak for Winteir, Cart., wlitMro
li- will bt am4u'til im that Iuwh'k
I.mii. Vuviiit of the tteord affluo,
'- a llarabrook visitor laat l-ultv
.mil Nntii4my.
it'ie' eiiiipuicut, wi'iit Mtiith Sntutv
ilu uitetiioiDi, Thus titled oll'ieiul is
president of thnt ii)onilJon with
hoadiiuaitoi-ft nt Totuuto. l'roiue of
Ituituvr. mid to the effect Hint man.
ngeiuent ot tho Klile eulV, tho iliniiu
uiuiev to Ahhlnml holel, will ln re.
Iii)ipiihed hv ilr. U J. Urn. Stpt.
'I'wirli waok" lm hwoa et hy Iho
novuniof't. priilaw4iiUon for the Aug,
a0-Sjt. t iwriod. Tka aibHonUwit it.
to buy tlie fruit hy Uio box nail to
Mt, enu aud ptvvrv uu) otkarwiati
hr WjiiiMi iln..k.iiair' urlvatoi "" S8MI MNair iftunutl home
fa i, "Uauphiti," uf (In- laiuuhun la-uu w,moa 'n" ' fwr month.' tny
hcen hero of lpi'te renewinp the ao
(iinintnnee oT jiis old friend, Y.
Wntsou mnl viititir relntives in the
Talent-Phoenix neighborhood. He in
prominently identified with insuntnno,
vinoynrd mul stock interests ii the
Hmj. Jouquin vnlloy region.
Dorcy Norris, seeretury of the
Commercial club with his family, have
temporarily vnented the fntnilr dom
icile on Ornnito street ilurinfr the pii'V
nlcnt hot wpell, nnd have pitched their
tents up in the midst of emiyon snr
innniliii.u's uhore the linlevon vacation
porioil i-nii be. piisscd to best ndviin
tiiKC S. A. ,Mcflnveni, the new princi
pal of the' Haul Side school's, nrmert
tho hist of" tho week fiom Ktigcuu t
tnko tip his work heie bejjinniiij: Sept.
Hilly llri-xpH, who hns been Mndy.
iiift law in hin father's office for some
time past, (onves early iie-xt mouth
to tnko u i a regular eoure in the law
department of the I'niveity of Vnl
parniso, Iudimiu. His sister. Miss
Xoljio, will neeompmiy him mid will
cither enter the school of onitoiv
connected with the nuic institution ot
join tho law classes nlmi with her
A third system in the jitney ser
vice, effective August '2(1, has heei'
installed bet ween Ashlnud nud Cen
tral Point, known ns the "Lewis Aufo
Line." Leave Ashland 7 :.l). 8:10 mpl
11 a. m., mnl .', :i:J0, ll:.'10. 8 nud
10 p. m. Sundiiy schedule siime us
week days. Pares rnnpo tihont tho
same. Cars st6p anywhere on signal.
Local stations me ut Crowson's, Itofe
Pros., Hotel , Divkoii nnd Ashland
Hotel. Ford citrs niv used exclusively
mi this line.
C. S. Davis has moved with his
f until v nnd two fjriiiulehildron into
ttho Tozer domicile, 71 Laurel street.
A granddaughter, Miss Hael Dalell.
will teach the fortheoinlni' term of
school in the .Steiliuu' district near
.Im'ksonvilte. fi. Davis nmniilnctiires
"crispeltes." His family has in its
possession u parrot .18 years old.
"Poll j, want a orispettef"
Mrs. Sinn (Irmit uccoiupauied Dr.
K. W. llluko mid family on their nttto
mobile tour to Cunyonville.
Pipe lines for tho spiinns conduits
have reached town, on n direct shoot
up "C street, thence ninkinK nn utijrle
aloiifr First avenue nnd past the First
National hank to the trenches ulreadv
du- from the Chautiiiiqua rounds o
the. chatviiiK station. Workmen find
some difficult labor while outline,
through pacd street inlei-seetious,
mid have been workiii-- nil-hi nud tlnv
to exjiedite the job. The sinfI trenoh
will ueenmmndate not only the wood
pipe for the sulphur conduit hut nlso
the metal ones for the various other
"prinir water.
Tho local exhibit huildini; is liciuj!
moved lo mukc, room for the mineral
spring fountniii which will be placed
on- its tonucr site. The display will.
now be housed ut the snme headquar
ters only mou'rt to the south of their
fanner hitte on the edjro of the tiijiia
ture nark in thiit locality, al'ftiriliiit!
a pioro shadv sp'd, 1'he spijnj-s in
stead of (he rnilwuy commission will
effect the removal.
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. .1, Fnrinw tetiini
ed Friday front n trip to Southeiu
Cnlifornia which extended ns fur as"
Santa ('run, that phiee linviuif been
their winter r-.iilunee for some venis
past. Thev left their son Klhert nt
Suit Francisco to visit for u longer
time at the expositujn, Kd ivport
that it seems uond .to see Ashlnud
creek mul the (jreen p;rass lterenlinutK
by wny of conlrnst to the dust mid
drouth of southern climes,
Leslie Kne left for his home nt
North Yakima on Friday, after a visit
with relntives here inid ut San Fruit-einco.
It trmispires that the ivcetn emer
gout of JJovs 1', K. ljamniond,
pf Trinity Episi-opjil ejiuroh, to Pori
Innd, was lor the purpose of otlteiat
inj; ut the tiiarriajje of fleorjje Lee
UanliiiK of Oretron City, mpl Mis
Ilitluiio Fertvr of JsYy York.
- 'Ittf iu)sitin of jiiijioitijl hunk ex
aminer for the northern Oregon and
soaehtrn Wushiuiton diolriel. teeent-
Jv VHiatthl b Lloyd Mttlit. of this city,
ha, been filled tompomrily hv the ap
pujutiuout of J. M. l.o-an of Lapea,.
tar, Pa.
The S. P Co. wH.1 i$eot a now
tQiindhouke at Marxhfleld.
Mrd. Lynn Smith mid .Miss Dorothy
Smitli arrived home Inst Saturday
from, ii teq days' visit ut. Seitttlu and
other northern puints.
Miss Viola Myers of Itotto Ifiver
hits spent tho iinst week with friends
nnd fanner schoolmates in. flold Hill.
Perry Hulburt nrrived Friday eve
in1? lust from Aulnint, Cal., for mi
o.xcuded visjt lerc. He savs .frs.
IItll)ii;t ,is cjjiM'e.ted nliipit.ihe Tirst
of 'next month.
Mirs Altn Htnith of Portland nintle
a short visit -with her Hunt, Mrs. S5.
T. Hodges. She arrived lust .Sunday
evening on her return trip front Ijio
fair, depnrtii)g Monday morning for
her home.
Miss Hcssie Xewtnn, who hns beqii
sKnding part of her summer vniia,-
tion from the O. A. C. in Gold Hill,
left for a visit with her brother and
sistor ut Oakland, Cal., nnd the fair,
From them she will tnke lio-il to Port
land, thence fo Corvnllis in time to
resume her studies.
.John IJowmnu mnde his mother and
sister a short visit and attended the
first plensure pavilion dnnee. He re
lumed to Weed, Cal., where ho is
employed, Thursday afternoon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. .. W. Herron nnd
Miss Pierey Herron returned to flolil
Hill 'luesday, nftor a week's visit nt
the exposition and central California
.Miss Florence Whnrlon of this city,
neeompnnied Miss Mnry K. Young to
her home nt Ashland on the return
from her regular weekly triii to local
piiiiin pupils. Miss Wlinrton will be
the guest of Miss Young for prob
nbly a week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John 11. Ilnmmer-dcv
nnd son, Dale, returned from Ormits
Pass Tuesday. From here they lett
Wednesday, accompanied by .lnmes
Chishnlm, for mi extended hunting
mid fishing trip nt the mountain
home of Kiley Hninmersley at Wil
low Flpt, on upper Kvnns creek.
Mrst Sum MeCleiidoii, wio hns
been visiting nt lluckles, Or., with
Mr. mid Mrs. Andy Jennings for
some time, nuloed home Tuesday.
She. was neoninpttipd by Mr. nud
.Airs. Jennings, who spent Ve(lnesdny
and Thursday wjth friepds and rel-
M. S. Johnson moved his house
hold goods from the McClendon
house to his own teeently complelrd
rosidence on Fifth avenue, the middle
of the week.
Oeorge lver.on went to Central
Point last Saturday, where he con
ferred with I(cv. John C. Stille on
mutters of county Sunday school in
terest. He returned homo Monday
C. P. Knslcy, nt one time S. P.
agent tn this pluce. arrived Wednes
day morning to act as relief ucent
until the office is again "hid -in."
Iloyd, recent agent, necoinpanied hy
bin family, left fast Sunday after
noon for Oklahoma, and other south
ern states on n vacation, after wliiijh
he will return to hj employment fo.
the F.spee, hut will be trnisfcrred to
Ifnlsey, Or., his former home. Dur
ing tho time between Mr. Ppyd's
leaving mnl the urrivnl of Mr. Fas-,
ley the local office was umer tin;
supervision of It, Froinui.
"Doc" M. 1). .Powers, mid Spriiguo
Itiegel Forded it tq tho coast coun
try via the Chetco district. They
ale expected home from their vaca
tion, loaded down with game, in
about n week.
Porn To Mr. nnd Mrs. H. K. Dnr
ling, Thursilny, August L'd, n six nnd
one-half pound daughter. .fis. Dar
ling was formerly Miss Anna Tattle,
ut oi)c time a member of the local
high school fuculty.
P. Lnugdell nnd family are again
at limnn in the IJufl iuld home after
nn extended visit, to Marhfjcld and
Uaudoii. Front there thev went by
water to the exposition nt Frisco, re
turning by mil.
Miss Muruucrilo Wharton returned
to her home on Thursday, having been
visiting Miss Helen F.llis at Orants
Pas for about ten tlas.
Curtis Miller, who has spent the
vnst forlnisht at the sulphur sntincs
on Snnline creek, returned to his
i itncli home in .Sams Valley Thurs
day. i ,-
Last Snndny the local hall team
proved themselves worthy of playing
with tho he,st teapis of the valley. In
a wniinly con,tepJed. game with
Grant's Pass Iho Gold Hill boys came
(ut victors with a score of 7 to 11.
. tlie end of the nin,th inning the
seoru stood C to fi, hut in the tenth
tho local boys run in two scores, while
the visiting team made but one tally,
giving Gold Hill the game. The bat
teries were: Grants Pnsjs, Fry and
Smith; Gold Hill, Foley and Force.
Fry shuck out eleven and Foley fif
teen men.
Miss Vera Davidson hns been
elected to fill the vacancy made" by
the recent resignation of Miss Edna
Proctor, tcnehcr of the third and
fourth giadcs in tho lornl school".
IL Van Hovcnburg had n queer ex
perjeneo on his ranch in Sains Val
ley Tluirsdny. Ho drove into lis
corral nud began unhitching tjio
loam. Then blank anil tho next
thing lie knew ho was on the ground
with a hump the siyo'of n hall nn his
bend, u broken bono in hit foot and
numerous other bruises and Iho
horses gope. The most feasible the
ory is that, several hogs which were
rooting nearby senicd thu hnrso.
these, upsetting nud injuring him. Dr.
)!. C. Kolsey was ut once culled nud
ho is now doing nswcll as could be
Mi. M. IL Pice and her mother,
Ms. F. J. Mclntyrc, were nt tho hit
ter's home in this city Saturday
night. They bail been to Ashland to
the funeral of Mrs. .Mclntyro's jon,
lames W. Gilmore, who was killed in
un auto accident near Podding nn
Wednesday of last week. They left
Sunday morning, Airs. Pice for
Piooklyn, Or., where "he is in the
employ of the S, P., and Mrs. Mcln
tyrc for Piddle, where she spent the
day with another son before return
ing to Senside, Or., whero she mid
MV. Mclntyrc havo been enjoying the
ocean breezes for poveral mouths.
L. Simmons nrrived Tuesdny to ns
Mime the position of local signul man
of the S. P., recently held hv 0enr
linker. Mr. Simmons' family are ex
pected to arrive the first of next
It is unnecessary lo write up to
any extent the first pleasure pavilion
dance given in Gold Hill Inst Satur
day, ns every one who attended (nnd
they were pinny) is mite to tell their
friends. It wns such a success that
uuother will he given Saturday, the
'28th. The music will be the r.rini' im
nt the last one Don Colvig of Med
ford, pianist, mid Harry Porter, lo
cal trap drummer. This is an inno
vation in dance music, hut was de
clared u Hiiccftis bv nil who "tripped
ip light fuutnstic'' last Saturday
Judge C. C. Gall it again in our
midst, while visiting fpr it few day.
Iri.s daughter, Mrs. S.T. I lodges nnd
The largo oven recently ordcted
from Portland hy the Greater Gold
Hill clul), especially for the annual
sjilmon bake, arrived jhe first put
qf-tlto week nnd nrrnngvinenls foe its
installation pre being made. Owing
to t!u sue of the crowd ut the lut
iudiiHtrial fair, with the promises of
a larger one this full, no oven in town
(with the possible inception of th
bakery oven) could he foippl large
ST. LOl'IS, Aug 31. Fifty hnnd
bills calling on Herman and Irish
"patriots" In America to help end
the Kuropenn war by dynamiting am
munition factories and railroads were
turned over to tho postmaster horo
today by CI. A. llochn, editor of a
labor paper.
Tho hand bills were wrappod up In
copies pf tho Hanover Anzclper, nnd
postmarked Ulouiberf, a small town
near Hanover,
Postal authorities here do not tako
tho hand bills seriously. ,Th,o hand
bllsl contain protended offers of
$100 to $10,000 to tho "pntrlot who
will help us nnnlhllnto our onemy."
Certain factories nnd railroads
wcro designated In tho hnnd bills for
AMSTERDAM. Aug. .ll.-r-A tele
gram received hero from Mausbndo
says allied avintoi last Saturday de
stroyed a large building ut Ghent,
Belgium, used by the Germans for
housing nireralt.
Built and Strengthened
By Whole Wheat Diet
Hull! and Strengthened Hy Whole.
Wheat Diet.
Thero Is Just ono perfectly bal
anced ready-to-serve Ilreakfast Food
that's "KOItCIC" mndo from wholo
In "FOItCI-:" wo got gluten tho
flesh building element as well as
all other nutriments which aro con
centrated In n grain ot wheat.
Theso valilablo elements do not ex
ist In cereal foods mado from corn,
oats or rice which are largely mndo
of starch and which lack tho ele
ments which go to build bono and
Pin your faith to whole wheat,
and you will bo right. No other ar
ticle of diet Is so well able to provo
Its value In n brief period ns wholo
wheat In tho form of "FOHCF."
Usually a week's trial affords con
vincing proof of Its merits.
"FOItCE" soIych trio food prqblom
for hot wonthor. When wo say
"problem," wo mean It literally, bo-
causo It Is often a problem In sum
mer to know Just what to servo, es
pecially where ther aro children, or
dellcuto nilults. Sick or well,- you
will find that ' FOItCir exnetly fills
the bill. All grocors.
Today Ann Wednesday
$100 Reward, $100
Tb rjidrn of Ibli rIT "III tu iImM f
irtru iiki lurrr it if
Ibat tclrucsj bat tx-ril i
atagtj, and Ibat l.l'alarrli
f. our drrailri) itlataM)
lu mra In all tia
liana .'alarm Dirt)
l Ibf otilr pualllir run Dow kuowu U Ih.t mod
teal (ratrratlr.
ilUri.i-, rcqulrn
Plans ar ready fot a $1.000
wliou) liullillntT at Ueaverton.
SIimiihcJi fciiffoiers! , Itcail 'Mils,
So many stomach sufferers have
been benefited by a slniplo prescrip
tion of vegetable oils which cured a
Chicago druggist of chronic stomach,
liver and intestinal trouble of yoar.s'
standing that wo want ou surely to
try this remedy. It U known as
Majr's Wonderful Itemedy. Oni
doso will convince you. It usually
gives complete and permanent re
sults even lu tho most stubborn
cases. One do.w will convince you
payr's Wonderful Itemedy Is sold by
leading druggists uverywhoro with
the positive understanding that your
money will bo refunded without ques
tion or quibble If ONR bottlo rails
lo give ou absolute satisfaction
leal (ratrrallr. Catarrh twlng euiiatltuttoiul
Ultri.i-, rcqulrn u cui.llutluual Irraturiil.
Ilall'a Catarrh Cur la lakrn luti-rnallr. acllnc
llrrcllr upon tho blood and mui-oiu aurtarra ot
tbo .j.lrm. tbrrtbr dratrorlns tb roundallun
ot tb OUraw, and slf ! lb iallbl alrrniilb
bj- Lull Jinx up lb rcuttllutlob and aUIICK ua
lure lu delni: Ita work, lie rroerltlnra bavo
a., much faltb In In ruratltn .irrr Ibat tbrr
crTt-r Oo lliiulrr-l sllar (r any raao lliat It
fatli to curt- SvnJ (or lit of U'lliiulal,
Addrraa V J. CIIKNKV & CO., Tulrdo. O.
Sold It all DrucaUla, TJc
Taka II. Ua ttisllr 1111 for ronttlpatlon.
Medfortt's Leading Theater
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant
I'houea M. 47 anU 47-Ja
inbjUuc) Grtinrioa
KiilikerliiM'Uer .Stat rtutiiro
The Tides of Time
Threo Parts
Featuring the l'nmous Hroadwuy Star
Anita Stetvurt and l'-nlo Wllllmus
In the Serial Ileiuitlful
Kighth Chapter Two Parts
Kulem Comedy
Matinee 2 nnd 3:30 p.m.
Night 7, 8:30 and 10 p.m.
PRICES 15c and 25c
Oorsc Corel)!.
Wednesday and Thursday
From the famous novel ky Marie
Always pleases tho young and the
old. Just the desert for these hot
days, it's pure, wholesome and re
freshing. Prompt delivery on all lco cream
ami blatter orders.
The White Velvet
Ice Cream Co.
Phone 4S1 , 32 S. C St.