kebfotto flrarc TRTOnm wroxoRr orecjon, Tuesday, ATjflrsT nT.To'fa ' PXGE THREE . 6 A RETREATING SLAVS LEAVE DES A 1 IN THEIR WAKE HKHMN, rus:. .11 (liy wireless lo .Snyville). Tho" Oversens Xews ngonry totlny siiys: ' "The Hpccint corropiiiulunt of the Vosisnho Ztiilmig of. tho enlurn front gives a ilcieription of -the lnim iiij; of Ihest-Litovsk, picturing the zone jis one of 'glinMly, sonseles ilo Mniction.' Tho entiro spnee bo Iweeu the outer forts iind the eenlor of the town lind been hint wnnte, imtl ruins upon niiitu wero oneoiintereil. The market phiee wns u scene of eliiino. - Tho fnctory ilistriet wns kill e1 with lilnekcned henps of miisonry nml a me! co of nictnl dobris in the ii'iilxt of whieh ernniblin eliiimie.Vh helfheil fortli smoke iiml I'liiine. Tho rnilroml trneks were covered with ruins of ileinolihhcd enrs, while por inliinp eiilutlo wiinilercil iiciuby. The blue iloine of the , priiicipnl chiiich with its Kli'i'iuciiiijr nh ertns wns iloMroycil. The town yewtcrilny shcl tcrcil fiO.tWO inhabitant. "A newspaper dispatch from Pef lornd hiijh that the evacuation of Vilini is JicinsJ continued, thou-fands of people Icavini,' the 'ity. Itefujees from the Kovno district lime reached 'elronidr tell of their homes beinu icdnccd to jinokinr ruins by Ru-ian ViddioiM. Feveri-li energy, the dis pntob slates, is biing tlinplnjeil in the inanufactiire of munition, and slu dents in technical schools have been added to forces woi;hin on munitions production. The question as to whether the Onunns intend an ad vuuee on I'lilrognut, bepunin at the Kcixuro of ij as it naval bane, in be injs' tliseimAgtj, it is added. It is pointed out that llio cipiipmcnt of the (leniiiui aimy in C'oiirland ittr diento preparation for ienitiius on an t'.lcusie kciiIc." SCOn DECLARES L VILLA NE SEEKWG E E WASHINGTON', Aur. 11. The I'aii-Ainerican pence appeal now has been delivered to all military nnd po litical leaders in Mexico. Several lenders in remote sections have jiwt Ia-'cii reached by courier, and to jrivo them time for reply there probnbly will be no meeting of the I'an-Anier-iean conferees until net week. Oenenil Carranza's reply still i$ locking, hut it has been niitlioritat1 ivt'ly declared that the conferees will proeeed, irrespective of his attitude. Major-Oeneral 1 1nli L, Scott, chief of stuff nf the army, confeired with Secretary Lansing today and re ported the result of his conference with General Villa and other northern Mexicans, fleneral Scott said Villa and his ndherents were sincerely anx ious for peace. "(leneral Villa," said General Mot I, "is earnestly desirous for pence in Mexico, nnd he is willina to snerifice nny personal ambitions .mil to climinnte himself if ncccsxury in order to bring it about." I ' WEATHER IN EAST WASHINGTON, Auk. 31. Sum mer's coldest weather una Hprend to day ovor llio northern part of tho country from tho Rocky mountains to the Atluutlc, nnd southwnrd wolt Into tho gulf Httitos. Warmer weather Is In prospect for tomorrow. Lowest loniporaturos ever recorded In Aiir imt wero reported to tho weather bu reau Konerally from tho Ohio valley, Indiana, Illinois, Eastern MtsRotirl and Texas. In tho far west high tem peratures continued. Ni:W VOItIC, Auk 31 Kor 2fl00 pnlil to tho Now York National leaguo club, Munngor UoIiIiikoii of the lliook lyn team procured tho services of Pitcher Itulio Mnrnnard today. It Is said that the Ilrooklyn'club nagimioa tho rosponslhlllty of tho salary and contract which tho player had with tho New York club. Tho contrnct, according to Seorotnry l"otor, Is hlnd liiK until tho clo80 of noxt year's plnyliiK season. PARIS, Auk. 31. France Is pro palnB for next winter's campaign. An official noto Issued hero today de scribes a visit to tho front by Alex andre MlUerand, minister of war. M. Mlllcrnnd discussed moasures neces sary for tho- winter campaign with tho commanders at varolus points, e'speclaly In tho Vosges and Alsace. A ltellalilo Tonic Many of tho people around hero know a Reed deal ahout this splendid remedy; to those who do not, wo wish to say that Meiilol Tonic Digestive, flesh builder and nerve tonic wo have' over seen. For peoplo In poor health, weak, run down nnd played out, those i not as strong and vigorous ns they should he, wo recommend this tonic. Price $1. Solo ngonts JIasklus' Drug Store XOTICK. Notlco Is horoby given that tho undersigned will apply u the city council of tho city of Med ford, 'Ore gon, at Its noxt regular meeting, Sep tember 7th, 10 1.1, for a license to sell malt, vinous and splritoiis II ipiors at his place of business, No, U3 N. Front stieet, Medford, Orogon, to December 31st, 1015. Dated August 23rd, lOlfi. D. S. HADCLIFF. m I SON FOR CANNERY INC E E REOPENED A . . - - 4 All Wash Dresses Divided in Two Big Lots $1.29 and $3.75 GOLD BEACH, Ore, Aug 31 -The season Just closed was tho big gest flshtiiK season known on Jtogue river since tho reopening of tho river to commercial finding, in spite of the fact thnt there was a so-calleil fish ing war. Tho Wcdderburn Trading company operating tho MaClcay cstato of Port land, packed alio lit 12,000 cases of salmon, which is the largest pack for many yearn past. Tho fishermen have nil mado money nnd Gold Beach and Wcdderburn, tho Hoguo river towns, nro now enjoying an unusual prosperity, duo largely to tho ftshlng and the sale of the wool clip and mut ton nnd cattle. George D. Wood, one of the owners of tho Curry County bank nt Gold Beach, Is authority for tho statement that thei'o Is moro money per capita on Uogeu river than any other point on tho roust. Tho pay roll of tho Macleay rom pany has been very lnrge, nnd Mr Wood says that this hns heon an Im portant factor In tho present pros perity of the plnce. Tho season Is now closed until the I Ith of September From that time on until November 202 salmon enn be caught and packed, hut the fall fish are Inferior to those caught dur ing the senson Jutat closed. However, sevoral thousand cases of tho fall fish will ho packed and sold as such. Tho controversy between tho two fishing companies has attracted tho attention of the peoplo nil over south western Oregon. There has been no actual righting or serious clashes, but the matter has been entirely ono of a business nature, ami finally found its way Into the courts. 1 7J T AUGUST EXPERIENCED CHICAGO, Aug. 31 Today mnrks the passing of tho coldest, wettest nnd most unreasonable August Chi cago has ever experienced. Juno and July woro In tho same category. July temperatures woro threo degress bo low normal; Juno wns 2.5 degrees, and August 4.4 degrees under tho average. In summer, according to tho wenth er bureau, thuro is unusually high burowetrle pressure against tho Ber mudas, sending wnrm southerly winds toward Chicago. This year the lilgh prossuro has been mostly In Canada and ns n rosult Chicago has had In ordinary cold Veather. O. A. C. K.M'KIIT STOCK .H'WJU KOI1 JACKSON COr.VTV FAIH Tho Oregon Agrlculural college hns agreed to send K. B. Fritts, ono of their experts, hero to Judge the stock at tho Jackson County fair, September 8 to 10. This Insures a thorough Judging of everything In the stock Uno nnd will ho nn induce- 14 t : .X. Y V t t . ? f ? ? t ? ? f f ? V T ? ? ! & Worth to $2.50 1 1 's tmr final denn-up on till Sum nior Drosses, jinncntH thnt-you would pay twice ns nuicli for ear lier in the season, niatqrials are lawns. irhiehnins. crepes and tho like, suitable for morning wuar SPECIAL ?1.2J) Worth to $12.50 These include all of the better lot, in the later summer styles, neat patterns in voiles, Swisses, piques and crepes, most all sizes and ahout. 25 dresses remain to choose from SPrcCIAI,$3.75 One lol of "Waists, worth to $1.")0, at One lol of Waists, worth to $2.00, at One lot of Waists, worth to sjar0, at 89e .$1.25 .$1.98 "KOVERALLS" for Boys and Girls, Three Colors, Ages up to 8 years, at 75c SHEETS A good quality hemstitched Sheet, comes 72.)0 size, and runs I rue to measure, a vovy sightly sheet nnd one that, will stand hard usage Sheets, special 4f) Cases, special 15 FANCY RIBBONS ' We were fortunate in securing n big lot of these Fancy Printed and Flowered Ribbons, 'I to fi in. wide, suitable for sashes, hair bows nnd fancy work, worth to AT 19c GUARANTEED HOSE We have added to our Hosiery department, the popular "Wjm (lerhose," comes in both .ladies' or children's sizes and is guaran teed to give absolute satisfaction, AT 15 PAIR j Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy .lust received a big shipment of these new fall fabrics direct from the mill, blue serges, poplins, granite clollis, shepherd checks nnd mixtures, all-wool materials and guaranteed not to fade PmnSIJ IH 5& 98 up to $1.95 Silks The Newest Shown Taffetas in nil" the most worn colors for both street and evening, with :i big .selec tion of black Crepe do Chines, Pussy Wil low Taffetas nnd Clros do Londres, n new silk this senson PRICED AT 9St $1.25, $1.50 to $2 New Collars and Vestees Such ns nro being worn with sep arate dresses, Puritan and Qua ker styles, some with laeo edges, others are blue, pink, lavender trimmed AT JiStf, 59, 75c, $1 .00 IP P I J Suits-Priced $15.00 to $35.00 Tust received, plain serges and mixtures in the popular Norfolk styles at- these prices, also a number of the better grade suits direct from the style, shops of Now York. Coats-Priced $6.50 to $25.00 V ? t t t r r r r r y y t t T T y t y y Corduroys in blue, green, brown and gray, with guaranteed sol salin linings, belted A effects, othci-s are fur trimmed; also a good selection of rough mixtures. OCTOBER PATTERNS AND BOOKS The new Ladies' Home Journal pat terns have arrived, together with the new fall fashion books ALWAYS 10 and 15tf THE MAY CO. Drug Sundries at Dep't Store Prices Everyday necessities that should be iii the home, all standard goods that are known the World over, and nil are ar a saxing. y To t t y t y r y ment for the peojdo to hIiow their stock nnd find out juxt whnt they have. fN'n:mntu. auto oak co. Time 'I'alilo I.cavo Medford dully oxcopt Sun day for Ashland, Talent and Phoenix at 8 n. in., l:t.ri, .'!:00 and Gil ft nnd 10: K, p. in. (Saturday nt ll:1fi p. in.) Sunday leave at S;00 and 11:00 n, in,, 1:00, COO and 0:30 p, in. Leavo Ashland dully except Sunday at 9:00 a. in., 1250, 2:30, 4:30 and 7:00 p, in, and Sunday nt 10:00 a, in., 12 noon, 4:00, C and 10:30 p. m, auto si:itvici: rnoM kaoms I'OI.NT TO MKMKOItl) AND HACK Tho underslKiied will leavo Frank Lewis confectionery overy day ex copt Sunday for Medford with his auto at 1 o'clock p. iu arriving nt 2 p. in. Lcnvo NohIi hotel, Medford, at 5 p. in., nrrlvo at ICukIo Point at G o, in. A purt of the traffic Is solicit' od. S. II. HAUNISH, UurIo Point. Ctri COl'XTV COUHT I'ltOCKKIUNOS. (Continued from Vcstorday.) Jennie Joiioh Idu Hello Klum Dollie I.ove , Aniundn McNIel .... Stella Nelson , Mary K. Payne , Kiiiinn Paulson Catherine K. Silver l.uiiru 1. Stewart ... Mary J, Torey 10.00 2C.0O 32.G0 20.00 10.00 17.50 2H.00 an. oo 25.00 Total $530.00 Colli"! IIOUM KHIIS'.H M B Alibotl. BiipplleH . $ 1.15 Cullfomla-Oregon Power Co., llBhtH 2.12 IloKiio Ulvor Valley it. It. Co.. freight on Hiipplles 50 Tnylor-WllllaniH Co., ouppllcH 2.00 J. W. Wilson, denning court room 0.00 Total ,. 1U7 Jnll I'H'nso r IVed J. l-'lck, mippllcM 8.75 Mrs. Jnuo Johnson, wuhIiIhk for Jull 11.70 Cullfornln-Oronon Power Co., IlKbtH 7.55 Jlrs. Auk- I. SliiKler, board of prisoners 87.03 (Continued on Puro 5). BACK UP YOUR TALK BY ACTION j By Buying at Home and Thereby Helping the Present Payrolls, and Assisting in Building New Ones " THESE GOODS ARE MADE IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY-KEEP THE MONEY AT HOME Medford Concrete Construction Co. Inc. Sewer Pipe Culverts Drain Tile Irrigation Pipe Valves and Gates Lawn Rollers Concrete Sand Brick Sand Plaster Sand Gravel and Crushed Rock Investigate our products. You can't go wromj if you use them. Plans and Estimates Furnished Free on your Irriga tion, Drainage and Road Construction Work. Cement for sale at Warehouse or Factory Office and Warehouse; R. R. bet. Main and Sixth. Factery: N. Riverside Ave. C. J. SEMON, Manager Sash and Window Trim of the most approved donlgn U ono of our spccialtlog. We havo an oyo for tho ladles and wo know what pleasei them inoet In this lino. Leave It to tho women folk nnd they'll seloct from our donlgna. U'o Set Wind Shields MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO. 4lfl lj " II K For GALVANIZED TANKS OIL AND WATER and TJIRIOATINO PIPE Go to J. A. SMITH 128 N. Grape St. Telephone 890 Summer Requisites Window Screens Door Screens Porch Swings Lawn Scats lEN YOUR HOME Cedar Chests If they are made hy us they are right and will please. I llilSffll "War iLyfflllnBLjBJ LIT U55CH Home of Pacific Cedar Chest 113 SOUTH HOLLY Medford Iron Works E. 0. Trowbridge, Prop. General" Foundry and Machine Works Phone 401; "Res. Phone 5031 Pacific Furniture & Fixture Factory Ask Your Grocer and Butcher They Are Home Crown ron ROOLC RIVCR.9 A&ANOI fcbXUZ- k . R ", ft W '.v tt raf) . rrx-vvroy. STs -V.i.RT5r)' vvxii- ' -v t'.'Z.v.A'iiai f l( IL JODAMnlJ iMJ v zy ACORr- J DDAM Ck' v"" Jk "XJ"fc v rf SlrTHv0 O' o They're the Best Ever Ask Your (Irocor Eor and insist on Having "Rogue Spray" High Patent Flour" Made in Medford From Rogue River Valley Blue Stem Wheat Our other products are Home Marvel Flour, Clraham, Whole Wheat nnd Hot (Wco .Flour, Hrcnkfnst Gorm, Rolled Parley, Bran and Shorts. Patronize homo industry and get the best. Everything guaranteed. Medford Roller Mills H. A. Nordwick, Prop. Phone 507 USE THE PRODUCTS OF Rogue River Valley Cannery The Oest Made Help Home Industry. Try loganberry Juice and Sherbets at the fountains and Ice cream parlors. Patronize tho institution that maintains tho Largest Payroll in Medford. The Medford Printing Co. Tho Bet Equipped Job Plant in Oregon outside of Portland. KrJnMMaZlS'Pn