Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 30, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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H 1
ij v Ttnlnnv nf Klnmath Falls Ib
RpondlnK n few days In tho city nnd
valley attending to business matters.
' W. V. Smith loft Sunday nf tor
noon, for Montague, Cal., to nttond
to liiiBltiess matters.
. ..." . AvKOoil Jarm for rent. Apply to
,r I.owU Ulrlch', .Tnchsonvlllc.
i Al ClnrroJtson ha roturnod from a
short trip to Crntor Lalio. , -v,
- For ono wool;, your qho!cp"of any
1 summor hat In tho .fitorfofj HjOpj
' MIbb Lounsbury, fulljliMj'rV.M. At.'do-
. artmont Btoro. ,'.!..?-' ; ' i38
. Judge J. It. Ify'U'iof, ..Tarksonvllle
, ppent frlondB and
attending to business' matters.
Itundolott's millinery stock Is be
Int? moved to Moo &. Co.'s store whoro
will ho displayed early fall ityhw.
llss 110111 Stewart will hn with the
store. "
Jlonry rnl)nghaii anil I I- fHhnr-
lf) IlntnlHon motored to tho.Jllii
i.piIco district Sunday oji mnilii
VulPan film, quick ns HhInlnK
q.iid ni Kwnm'a. 110
., Ottnlol Jupalld of Maraliflolil
niiipnif the put of town visitors
tho oily tills weoh.
Sao DnYn wooii nooui inaijiirn in-
Burnnco pulley. Office Mall Tribune
John Itanium nnd wlfo of Jackson-
vliio havo returned from a vlRlt to
ilin nn. l.Vnnrlnrft fair.
Screen dpori&Medfor'ii Mnlr Co. .
J. H. Kollas niid wWof Wood',
Cal., who hnvo been visiting friends
.nnilj relatives hero for tho past two
' weeks roturnod to t)olr homo Sun
day. !
LooHo 'leaf koduk albums, cloth
nnd leuther covoni at Swem's. HO
Tho First Christian Sunday school
Is planning an afternoon and even
ing plonlo for next Friday. Tho
children will meet In the grovo im
early ns 2 o'clook for games nnd n
good tlmo, nnd at 0:30 a regular old
fOBhlonod basket nuppor will be
served for nil tho innmbors and
frJonb,or. tho hoIiooI. ,,
"velvotilcoroam nt Da'jVoa ,i
'dTmilet' 'Slin'rilons of tho Illuo
liOdgo district spent Saturday In
iModford jittrndlng to business mat
ters. ,.,
' i Gliocp'tn.lyi. ?0 c9ntB lb. Do Voo's.
MJss ' ijlWnboth' Schocnborg has
rqlurned to Yrokn. Cal., nftcr vis
iting friends In this city tho last two
"Tqr flour or focd phono Medford
nobler JHIIs. Phpno 507.
'.II. Chandlor Kgan of this city,
won tho mon's liandlcap at tho goU
toufji'ej' at (Jearhart Saturday, on-tabllKhInwn-uow
record fpr- I""
cou'rao. Kgan was In raro form nnd
wgp, ylth,eiiie.
Whrn-that nuto wheel cracks nnd
pops It needs fixing. Wo mnlto nw
solid nB now, nt a Binall oxiwjnso. IHN
lings Cnrrlnco and Auto Works.
Frank Ilnrrloau, who beat Dud An
doraon twlco nftor thn latler's dlsas
troiiB sessions with Lunch CrosB,
may moot Dud again nt "Frontlor
Days," a wild wost show given by tho
cltUons of "Wnlla Walla.
Weston Cnmorn Shop tor first class
Kodak finishing and Kodak fliipplloa.
Tho. onRlnoijr of northbound train
No. pj rppo'rtod to tho polluo Sunday
night that a man liuil boon killed
near tlio oromilnj! beyond tho south
ern lno of tho ulty llmlt. Ser
geant t Meno nuliwl to tUo'C4nu
lii an auto, and found ft bowlilkord
Individual Klvlnc the name of John
Oreon, Intnot, but badly frlbtonml.
Oreun.Uihl tyjrjount Mwgo tjiat he
was aluiiiilng on the tloti. wjmn he
wut awRkoned, Junt In Umu to roll
out Of tlMimor. This was what the
...,i -, wrunt Mmmo do-
llvorod a loeiure to (U man. with
the coniuiojit that tho country we
i.ra!.. that sleeiiliiK on the
tlHS of a railroad truck was nut nw-w-
The BtlVnite sale for tho moving
picture iirMMitntlon of "The Hypo.
crltes." dmu1 tWs inorulng with
r i .
ruitli at tho Star Theater, wnre tn
film will b show u Tuesday uil
'" ' ' " .. ..'... . ....
wminiMilir. Tlu uttractlou Mt the
PnBt iBik1' r 'H'"8 ('ll,1'
Ju "A WQinnV.' Arew n fro orowil.
' 'P ni? Jlormnn of nnmt Pw lt
jatilrnuj''Jf!i MUfotO 'U"ndit to
buil'tiJf uiptrjL H f
' When you nowl any U'tteni ell
nt tho It. II. Mit'ujdy Aganey, or Ultf
ftihono Ono-lwo-tlite, and wo ivlll
fT. fenTmmf .Uiovaf liars
,ofJ.0JroKonind A uiR!iunJbtlIl! il,
aro uwU to lm poaches, miui !
oisoun thaw. TU utwUi 'Hj
4vp t)tut U tU ritd yi'- j
4.ounbftrry sbarbet Tho Shasta (
. . .. 1. ..!...... ,.t III,'
..... .. lk...,l.. u.....kl, llllil tOAtl
fruit cirsoid frow the Kou rlvwr
valley sro beln llrl In Cbllo
In snhi mill on lK nl lht dai ters.
This I- the bt tunc ever made b j JmHim " (r P'"1
th, rou.l ... the MIWV of Hull I tali k hfl t f lh ;
Tske your watch to Johnson, the l.unl . kfltvta r at tb OWMiMWlwl
Jewticr. Sou will ru.!Y unmumUr ."'' tt tAy. WHk h w
BoodBdv!oo. I WW J lM th Mr,,M-
Forest Supervisor Martin h. Krlck-
son has returned from a trip to tho
Bouthprn part of tho county.
FroBb roaatcil peanuta at Do Voo's.
Thn flro department this mornlnK
sluiced out tho alloy hook of the (lip
hall, ns a sanitary measure. Tiie
stench was bo heavy that thn fire
men could not Bleep In comrort.
I tako prldo In matting your watch
keep perfect tlmo. I havo every fa
cility for doing fine watch repairing.
Johrnipn tho Jeweler. ,
Carl Y. Tcngwuld spent a few
hours Sunday afternoon In Ashland
visiting friends.
Do Voo carries tho best lino of
'flYo.fent cigars Jn tho city. ,,
, Kv.'w. Tilng Ih confined to bis home
on feast Main street with an attatilc
of rheumatism.
Society women aro using typo
writers for formal and Informal cor
respondence. Thoy use the Corona.
Medford Hook Store.
Karl Huntley, formorly n resident
of Medfoid, now of Los Angoles, Irt
making n wooh'B visit with frlondB In
tho valley.
When bottur Insurance Ifl cold
Holmoa Tho limuraneo Man will Bell
Jack Merrill has returned from a
fortnight's visit at Seaside.
CIohboh at St. Mary'B Academy,
Medford, Oregon, will reopen Sep-
tmiibor 7th. Uolh boarders and day
pupils are am reclevcd. ImiII lilgn
- school course. Jiullvlduat attention
uiiuUP .... .... ---
In primary and grnmmar grades, hx
ronilnnnl ndvanlnces In art, music,
china painting and modern languages.
Kxcollont commercial course. For
linrHcularfl. addriHB Sister fluporlor
Walton Jlowne.Sprngue Unlgel and
C. S, Npwliall hiivo rotumed from a
triu to tho mouth of the llogue.
They stato that for 110 iiiIIoh from
the mouth, tho rivor 1b literally lined
with nets which nearly Intorsuot and
that It Ih a miracle If any fish get
Quick sorvlco for your Kodak fin
ishing. Sco Weston's Camera Shop.
Lyle Dlgsbee, formei pitcher with
(ho Klnninth Falls team will pitch
for Medford against his former play
mates next Sunday and Monday. Dlgs
boo Is nt outs with tho Klamntli
team, Tim local team will Journey
to Klntnnth Falls next Saturday re
turning Tuesday With tho Klamath
Falls lean for u KOtles of games dur
ing fair week. Johnny Welch, a
former Unlvorslty of Oregon star
will also purfornt for Medford. Cas
tor will pitch ono or tho games.
Much local Interest Is being mani
fested In tho games.
Wanted. Wo havo Imiiillros to
rent poultry ranches. Flvo and 10
ncro tracts with Improvements, what
liavo you to offer. Medford Poultry
& KgB Co. 1 8
Thomas Ityan of tho Whiskey Peak
district la spending n few days In
tho city attending tQ ibuslncss mat
Johnson, nt tho nook Store, an
export watch ropalror.
Classes at St. Mary's Academy,
Medford, Oregon, will reopen Septem-
hnr 7th. Iloth boardors and day
pupils are received. Full high suhool
courso. Individual attention In pri
mary and grammar grndun. Kxeep
tlonal advantages In art, inutile, china,
painting nnd modem lungungoH. Kx
iiollont commercial course 'For par
ticulars, address Sister Superior.
Drink Colro Kola, Kirst tor
Thirst." Flvo cenlH pt your favor
ite fountain.
Tho ll.-H. MqCurdy ,Vjono' offora
tho very host Insurnnco protection at
the same cost you will pay for uncer
tain protection. Offices lit Sparta
building. 1,7
Morchnnts' Lunch, 2Dc. Tho 8heta.
Coach Kin in or the high suhool
football team has Iwmod u call for
candidate for thn team to be rpmly
for practise, Monday, Heptombor 1.
Tim s'luad will le ilrllled wltli Home
)leiu line year, ami uu ivhhh ""-
d faiuwl tor jnoir riniuiu ui -
Invoked front th Jump. During tlm
unm nun .. . --
Of the AeUland football toam, tho
mouibem niwrvod regulnr hours,
unit eHoieti n iiiNurPiiua. ! ""-
lain! team war generally vieiiirimi.
aud ttlwi. iJ o' eltowlag if
ii,.iiii,ul. t'tti Ooiuui will be In
Ht iurlorlmok to tak me
. .. ,. H-. liul,kiiii nau u ufll
iwi wt uui -- -" -
niil M iioi
i r n.i In,. Ilm Iim nil nrnlltul
P,h.otogrlbur in southorn Oregon.
Alwu'4 rellnplo, Negatives piado nny
wluirfl, tlino, or 0Ut1 Studio a8
,Uln St. Phono 3'JO'J.
34 Us Flo Tihoinitcrau of JanksonvllU
PViU Sutyrdaj lu Mwdfgid Msltjus
Ow Jour butiar, ogc. ojeain. milk
dns Uutte mlU -nt llrt Voo's
.iw jwi ui mosa
mllh sbaloj aj 1Vqo;sT
Wwara Saatry ot JUalitlHg. Cl.3owularls. The are the rMit oi
to .ndln a fw tU Im city
SHd vU) MttMlllK to Uww
Samples of corn grown on tho r
... . --.......1.. tlw.
11. w 1'inney piace, ion i' "
John IJelllnger place, aru on display, i
nnil will run f.O uiibIioIs to the a' ro.
'Spme of tie corn will bo shown at
the county fair. i
Senator H, Von dor Hellen of wel
len was a Medford visitor Monday.
Joe C. IJrown and family wore
Sunday guests of V. K. Isnaos at thn
latlor'a lodgo on Hogue river.
William AuBtln of Grants Pass
spent Sunday In Medford visiting
friends and relatives.
For ability, durability and .port
ability In a typewriter, buy a Corona, ,
Medford Hook Store.
Peter Hteenstrup. formorly of!
Medford, writes that he Is comlnR to
the valley I he first of next weak and
bring tho president or tho Hupino
bllo Auto company for a visit to Cra
tor I.nke.
Mr. nml Mrs. John T. Scantling of
Trinidad, Colorado, aro In the city
vlHlting their daughter, Mrs. John II.
KngUsh, Rlilt Minnesota avenue. Thoy
will remain a couplo of months.
sw wmp MEN
OIlKCON. Tonight fair, not so
worm east portion; Tuesday fair, not
ro warm except near tho const; west
erly winds.
This Is the promise held out by tho
weather bureau not cooler, but "not
so warm." That Is, instead of reach
ing 10. 'I as It did Saturday or 101 M..
as It did Sunday, tho thermometer
may not climb above DO. Monday
saw a decided moderation.
Tho present hot spell Is tho longest
on record, Just as tho present drouth
In tho longost recorded. To ndd to
the unpleasantness of thn situation,
the nlr Ib muggy with smoko from
forest fires the sun looks like u red
ball In the sky, and whntover breezo
that stirs Is u hot one.
Tho nights, however, nro fairly
cool, allowing a -drop of from 40 to
50 degrees, nnd tho light percentage
of humidity, makes tho heat bear-
ablo and non-productive of prostra
Medford split oven In a double
header with Yroka yesterday at
Yreka, by tho scoro of :i-l and 10-1.
Medford with Foley pitching won
tho first nnd Yreka, with Iilgsby
pitching won the second. Caster
pitched tho first threo Innings of the
second gamo for Medford and l!l
runs woro made off him. Coleinnu
replaced him.
Next Sunday the locals go to Klnni
nth Falls whoro a two gnmo sorloa
will bo played. On this trip a
number ,of supporters hnvo planned
to accompany the team. Iilgsby,
formerly of the Falls team will do
hurling duties for Medford.
( Contlntioci trom pAgo ono)
barn, and 00 tons of hay weio
burned. The fire fighters arrived
In time to mivo his fence.
Federal Forest Supervisor Martin
I,. Hrlukson loft this morning for
Ilutto Falls, to lake chamo of the
fire In the Crater atlonal reserve ten
miles r i oin Ilutto Falls. A force of
25 mn went with him. Thirty are
already on tho Job. Another Ho men
will be sent out this utternoon. The
fire that threatened Ilutto Falls 8iin
da broke out ufroHh, uftor being
placed under control.
Ulght or ton firos are burning
near Trail, all laid to firebugs. Some
of tho most valuable timber In the
county Is monuoiid lu this suction.
Thoy are all under control.
Tlm fire on Calls creek cover the
until o side or a mountain, and a trail
has boon cut through the timber at
tho top .or the mountain to niowut
Its further spiead. In the backfir
ing pronto to be sturtad HU after
noon Uio homos aud fluids or a doxon
ranchers will h threatened.
Darned leave from the scores of
fires burning near this city fell In
the hnslnoJW district Sunday ulght.
and the nlr was heavy with tho scent
of siuuko. The sky Is still black
with smoke.
Work of FirohuiUi
Fir Is reported to hno swept the
JMbtfUi'tudn hill btweii Derby and (
ilutto Falls. Anutlior bias Is sain
to have yndauaewd the Mcl.ood
star oil thtt Upper Itoguo. Hrush
PMd scrub timber fire re raging on
Mttth altM of lb Itogue near the
UAriin brttltb.
6 Tj Trail rrk. Hutto iall audi
1 AlHwat ftrs ar blamed upon iu-
H(0MtuiM auniHs iu n iu "".w
bias, as many sa 5 Ure have
brkaH out altuultanmnisly lu th
mw district. Other blas ar due
totb arloasni l buntars aadj
ampers. aad la mm Inslsuowi. to
rauebaf trttsgrtai touuk aail ltUag
Hi flaniua vt byoil ooutrol.
" Aril y . JJHbllHI1
fa.??!. - m;j(9mmm mnm
Mary Nash, th" ct 'le Droad
way star well known for hr work
in "Tho Lure" at the Maxlno Klllott
theater anil in "The Woman" nt the
Itopubllc Theater appears at the
Page Monday and Tuesday In a three
uct Knlokurboeker star feature
-The Tit'es of Times," an intensely
Interesting drama of modern tlmos.
The story Is founded on J'oo's "The
Conqueror Worm" and Shakespeare's
' Seven Ages" both of which are
used to enforce the dramatic elements
of the theme.
Co-onerntlon of Congressman W.
13. Humphreys of Washington for the
Groscont City harbor appropriation,
Is promised In a lettor received by
Heglunld II. Parsons us follews:
.Seattle, Aug. 2fj, liur..
Mr. Heglunld II. Parsons,
Medford, Oregon.
My dear Mr. Parsens:
1 am In receipt of your letter In
regard to tho Improvomont of Cres
cent City harbor. I havo always
taken n great lntorost In tho Im
.proveuiont of tho Pacific coast, aud
cpecl-illy of tho smallor harbors and
I can nssiiro joii that when tho
time ejmou for tho consideration of
this project, I will tnko It up, and
that i-y flymi'nthles will bo with you,
and. i nlorti I nui clearly satisfied
that the appioprlatlou ought not to.
be miu'o, you will have my most,
active assistance.
SIiiCHHiy yours,
(signed) W 13. lll'.MPHII3S.
i fiiiMrfit itf i mi iJnT i "mHBWFiB
1 1 i't 'ri.nipfcii.if ujiBsHBWiMKBiWIL-jnMjiiiliM
sm-hjxri.? tZrJT2iVttr2y&'.t& Sr-VL
A Fresli Moraegy a Fresh Mount
- and a FresSiRo!!ed Cigarette
there's a combination to kindle a man'3 spirits with the pure joy of
living! The delicious freshness of "Bull" Durham hand-made ciga
rettes appeals to the countless thousands of smart, active, sport-loving,
health-loving American men gives added zest and exhilaration to
their enjoyment. It is quite the fashion to "roll your own" in any
company, upon any occasion, with this famously good, pure tobacco.
T :ll:n C VT
Durham means much more than a particular
tobacco it stands for a, distinctive form of
tobacco enjoyment, incomparably attractive,
delightful, satisfying. No other tobacco has that
wonderful, original, unique fragrance of "Bull"
Duiham. No other cigarettes nave the same
delicious smoothness, freshness and mellow
sweet flavor of "Bull" Durham hand -made
cigarettes. You can only appreciate this when
you learn to "roll your own".
D-i &U B
l ivnv In 'Rnll
n .',t. nn
be mailtsd. free, to any address in U. S. on request.
Addioaa Bull" Durham, Durrmm, N. C
n ta Stewart nnd Parle Williams
arc f how n In the eighth chapter of
Tho Goddess." This serial has
reached a point whoro it, Is of In
terest to every one and any ono who
has not seen the first chapters will
enjoy it Just as much us those fol
lowing tho story.
A Kalom romeily completes this
Mr, Truo, tho organist it tho Page
Just leturned troui San Francisco
vlth u largo supply or new popular
and classical music.
F. S. Uramwell, for nearly u year
assistant manager of Hotel Oregon,
tins placed his resignation In tho
hnndB of Manngor Dickinson. Mr.
ilramwoll finds that the building of
lialf-nilliloii dollar sugar refineries
nnd carrjlng on tho negotiations
leading up lo the plnco whoro us
Burances aro posltlvo that tho acro
ago of hoots will bo planted nnd tho
cortnln loyalty of tho pooplo of tho
floguo river vnljoy is assured, menns
too much for a man to carry and do
Justlco to his duties in u metropoli
tan hotel; honco the resignation.
Mr. Ilrninwell has scored a triumph
in tho number and character of tlm
italwart friends made for himself
and hlfl hotol and ho leaves wlli ro
crot of those as woll as of Manngor
lieklnson nnd tho official family of
tho hotel. Not th wost Hotel News.
W. W. Watson of Ashland was
Medford visitor Monday.
- .r.rl omr.l-i-! llirrvurelnnh lVir wnrlrl "Rull"
" An Illustrated Booklet showinn correct
YnurOivn Cicnrrttri nnrl
nF imnrrtHA nnnMr, void rirxth
r mama im 'wiswoa.n.
, Tie v'r iimrsmnnliii of William
J?,tt!.'. colored ortcr t the Iiti-
broth -r-' Imrtiw hoi, prwented :
IrjiaeiW f'r it eonmle . of wuct.cnl
loki-n. S.m.lsy nifit. Wfy iftiknow.i
im- -topiHt ni rue wmuv t ""
Ik'- lifilriHim in j lirH&ffl. o Soui'i
,1'ejlU'U street nnfl bteMj . "IU
,h,M cultintf lli'SojrejHri(l.rlibin!r
:,un. lie likened to tiiplr iiliivf tf
len or jil'teen jiiiinitw , P?l l,,,,n
biuhlv eviteil. Dred tmi.Xbo Irom
1 l,i- ov- Jiin.ti.r. Tin- fnet'tlint lie wn
lUnliIf. to Jut the open window mwd
miiirv to the two
This morniiiK Mnttle culled upon
Chief of Police llittson nnd an
nounced that he htiil killed u mini
Hnttl." snvs that nftwr lie Jiied lb
.liits he uw a mini full in the franleii.
Id. .lid not slccii nil niulit for Worr
over whin Ih believed to lie n inuii
eniliiii;. Tin- police iiiypHtmntcil llu
loom nml fouinl whoro the two bul
lets Imtl struck m the window cith
fnjf. Hnllle nkwl Alex. AiihIIii, hi
liuidloril, to call Hi police. This Aus
tin would not do, bill testified that lie
hoard the men Inlkimjt outside Hat
lie's window.
Ihittle for months hn. been llio
Inilt of jokei-M. Cliiot JliluV.n iin
noiuifoil thlf nflomoon llihl ns i re
sult of Hie Sitmlnv irlit wITuir nnv
one, no innller who, would be nrresl
led iwnl lined under llu puh'i
'jiilinunoo, if unulit
ooloreil mini.
Jlutlle elniiim Hint Hie two men
(ulliinir near hit window hhw liim bus
a ticket from n movie diow ami Hint
lliey iiieiilioiiod lliis fuel while talk
inj,'. Ue liml tibnul fill in hi- loom.
Frnnk Thomas of Ashland spoilt
Sunday In Medford visiting friends
and rclntlves. .
FOIt HICNT Open etitar and news
stand, first class fixtures. Kent
low. So J. C. Ilrown, Spartu
FOIt ICXCHANflE Will trado nn
oqiilty In 10 acres of good farm
liig land for an equity In n dwell
ing In Medford. No money ro
(pilroil. See 13. S. Tumy, 210 Onr-nott-Cort)
Hldg. LIS
brand of smoking
A$nfor FREE pack'
ag of "paptri"
with tach Se tack
iiii mil
fiZg 1
WHUUeauffmm'f i ry kii i jtajtMtuamamiiaa
The Price She Paid for Lydia
pound Which Brought
Good Health.
.. ,. nt V.n.)nnnlviinnntten
did when tho tiocior
was treating me. I
don't suffer any
bearing flown pains
well. I cannot sny
Pinkhnm'fl Vegeta
bla Compound nnd
Liver J'ilis no uicy
havo done bo much I nin pnioV-
tmr crnl health now nnd owe it nil to
vour remedies. I tako p casuro in tell
ing my frlendi and nclghlxm i about
them "-Mrs. MArrtn Halhy, D01 Col
quhono Street, Danville, Va.
No woman Buffering from any form
of female troubles should lose hope un
til she lias given Lydia E. Pinklmm'B
rt 1 . Ih 4m! til
Vegetable uompuunu u iu iu
ingredients of which are derived
from native rooi3 uu . .-
. . nTiul t,i tin n ITinst Vlllllll-
blo tonic and invlgorator of tho fo-
mnie organism, numui .u,n..w
bear willing testimony to tho wonderful
virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
If you havo the slightest doulit
Hint Ijydla J2.PInklianr.H Vogeta
blCoiuiuiidwlllIn'Iyoii,vrIto to I,ydla 13.lkInklnniiSIedlcliioCo.
(coi.llduntlil)Iiynii,Iii,N for ad
vice. Your luttiT will b opened,
rend and answered ly a woman,
aud held lu striet conildeuee.
. . or . .
We Pay Cash
Ft 0111 (ho
suitable for a
ouiik girl, up
to the I-Altfli:
Hit I M.I A NT
Cii:M of 2Va IC.
worn by gen
tlemen we havo
Till: JKWHIiKH 21S H. Main St.
112 South Riverside
Phone 150