Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 30, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
May. 101.5; Mln. no.S; ltd
J In in. 'JO Fnlr, cooler.
Korty-flfth Ycnr.
Dally Tontli Yonr.
German Chancellor Reported to Have
Won Over Emperor to Conciliatory
Course Against Opposition of Von
TlrpHz Officials Return From
Conference on Eastern Front.
IimtLIN, Aus. 20. H '.s under
stood today tliat Germany's courso
with regnnl to thu Arabic caso hns
lie tin decided upon, and that It Is in
lino wllli tho recent conciliatory
statement by Dr. Von Hcthmann
llollwog, tho Germnn chancellor,
which Ik said to hnvo boon opposed
by Admiral Von TIrpltz, who favors
n contlnnnnco of submarlno warfare.
This development followed tho re
turn to Herlln of tho chancellor, Ad
miral Von TIrpltz nnd other partici
pants In tho conferenco with tho
German emperor nt his headquarters
on tho eastern front.
No official statement has been
made regarding tho German decision,
hut thoro seems Reed ground for the
belief that tho government has
adopted tho viewpoint set forth by
the chancellor.
In a statement made by Dr. Von
Dothmann-Hollwcg, tho Gorman Im
perial chancellor, on August 25, he
declared that tho circumstances sur
rounding tho sinking of tho Arabic
had not boon fully cleared up, as no
report regarding It had been re
ceived nnd that It was not even
l;nown whether a mlno or a torepdo
from a German underwater craft
sank tho Arabic, or whether tho liner
might not hnvo Justified by her ac
tions drastic proceedings by tho sub
marine's commander. Tho chan
cellor said:
"Only after all theso circumstances
hnvo bcon cleared up will It bo pos
slblo to Bay whether tho commander
of ono of our submarines went be
vond his Instructions, In which caso
tho Imporlnl government would not
hesltato to give such complete satis
faction to tho United States ns would
conform to tho friendly rolntlons ex
isting between both governments."
VOItThAKl), Aiisr ; Suiifonl
W. Cirrier, wealthy c.iiitrael'ir. is nl-
leged to luw tnfo-.ol tn Deputy
l)ilrict Attorney Robinson m the
county juil hero tntlity hem heu'l
of nn iir-nn ring Hint Im been iv-f-pousible
for lit least firty fire in
virions Pacific coast eilio. A"ocrd
ing to Ilia nllfc'nl confession, lit
j.Inrtetl his scheme of defrauding in
surance companies in l.os Angolo ( n
years ngo.
Currier is quoted us saying: "Well.
I see you have the ovideneo rgtuiit
me, so I'll confess. Tho firo insur
ance companies wore easy meat fo"
Ho is said to hnvo explained that
tho ring would huilil n cheap Ijoiimj
end Mock it with elienp fiiniiturc. tl
wih nn onsy matter to got nny ono
of a niimher of companies to overin
nire the house nnd contents. "Thoy
fairly foll'rivor themselves to pot tho
business," Currier is quoted nn say
ing. The furnituro generally was re
moved be foru tho house was de
stroyed. According to police. Currier's oN
lo-jed eonfoasioii accords with that
made hy Ornnt Ityiwley, another iom-
i her of tho ring", who eoufotaad lnat
The oitios wjioro tho ring operated
ineliido San Fmneisoo, ! Angeles.
Snornmonto, Sim Jose, Stockton and
Jtiohmniid, Cat., null Portland. The
polico holiovo that Seattle Mini other
northwestern cities also hnvo been
operated in.
According to Deputy Diutriat At
torney Robinson, Currier confessed "
the piosence of his foinicr wife, who
divoreod liiui two wosks ago. Siie i
rot being held hv tho polieo, hut liM
cxptessed her willingness to appear
Pb a material witness against him.
Teutons Engaged in Effort to Clear
Last Corner of Galicla Still Held by
Russians New Campaign Planned
as Germans Arc Massing Troops
Near Roumanian Border.
HEIiMX, A Hff. .10. Gorman forces
liavo made a further advuiiee oii-tho
Hussion fortress of Grodno, tho only
ono of their fortified positions near
the German holder which still remains
in their possession. Official nn
nniincemenl was made here today of
tho capture of Idpslr, in northern
Hussion Poland, about twenty miles
to the west of Grodno.
General Vuii Kichhoin has defeated
th'o Kusuii)tt in if hattlo east of the
Nicmeji, nnrtlienst of the fortress of
Olitn, receiitlTftaken by the Germans,
(Jopluring ltiQQ' prisoners and seven
cannon. '
Tiio defeat hy Field Marshal Von
Mnokensen'a troops of Ktissinn forces
which made n stand south of Kor
hrin, while rel renting in tlio marsliy
districts east, of Hrest-l.itovsk is re
ported. Clearing Gnllcln
LONDON, Aug. ao. Ueports from
tho eastern front indicato that the
Austrians and Germans nro engaged
in nn effort to clear tho last corner
of Onliein Mill held hy their oppon
ents, have excited great interest here.
Tho Russian lines' on the upper ling
nnd tho Zlota Lipa have been pierc
ed, lint it is not yet clear how mori
ons ii resistance is being ofl'ere'd to
the vast enveloping movement from
the south.
Having lost llrest-T.ilovsk, Grand
Duke Nicholas cannot afford to hold
tho river positions in tho south in the
face of an important movement, for
to do so would ondnnger his nrtnios.
The opinion is ventured hy some Eng
lish critics that this latest move may
conclude for thu preheat tho gront
offensive effort ngaiut the Russians,
which has been in progress sinoo Mny,
nnd that oneo Austrian soil is clear
ed of tho invaders n new campaign
may. ho undertaken hy the Teutonic
forces this titno in the near east. In
siippoit of this theory is cited I ho
report that tho central powers nro
massing troops near Hie icoumauiau
Artillery on West Front.
Tho week-end witnesses report al
most continuous activity on the part
of the artillery (if the allies all the
way from the North "en to tho Vos.
go. There nro no indications, how
iver, Hint this expenditure of big gun
ammunition is being followed hy in
fantry attacks.
Gcrniun trendies nl several points
in the Aivoiiiio legion were seriously
damaged l.tto on Sunday by tho ex-
ploiiou of mines and the pounding of
the French artillerv, according to to-
nay oiiicini repon irom raris.
HOOD Itn I'M, Or., Aug. 30. - Af
ter a night ,of terror, in which every
innn in the community battled to sae
his home in the face of a fifty-milo-an-hoiir
wind, the forest fires in the
vicinity of Hood Rover woro reported
today to be under control on both
sides' of tho Columbia river.
The most ahuming of the several
fires developed on the north bank of
the Columbia, in the Underwood dis
trict of Skninniiin county. Fanned by
the wind, tho flames leaped through
the tree tops and lirobrands iveic
hurtled ovorhend for sooral miles.
Ranch houne and buildings at Hood
mid Underwood stations, on the North
Dank road, were threotoned but Un
wind died down in timo fur tho o.x
liniitcil fire fighter to check the
SURANVILLR. Cal.. Aug. 10. T.
A. Roiehorry, for year registrar t
tlia United Stutt land otfieo hero,
wos fitriukeu with npooloxy whilb
eliwbiuif Mount Laan otenlay in
enminy with his rfiiiifhter ami
niece, and died almost in.tnnfly.
Abnormally Low Temperatures Over
Upper Mississippi and Lower Mis
souri River Valleys Com and
Vegetables Hit Cold Wave Comes
From Canadian Northwest.
mnlly low temperatures prevailed to
day over tho upper Mississippi ami
lower Missouri River valleys and tho
I'pper lake regions. In somo places
the weather bureau reported today
tho thermometer showed tempera
tures which made recouls for the
month of August. Frosls were re
ported in ninny places. lr. some in
stances they were heavy and caused
considerable damage to crops.
Over almost nil of tho sections
mentioned the temperatures were
from 10 to 'Jit degrees belinv the sea
son's average. The cold caino down
from tho ('unadian northwest and
will spread tonight eastwnid, rencii
ing the Atlantic stales tomorrow.
Frost wirt predicted ns probable to
night in Michigan and northern and
central Indiana and Ohio.
Ice In oiihi'm Town
WATERLOO, la., Aug. 110. Heavy
frosts, in borne instances tnking the
form of ice, were reported in this sec
tion last night. Tho government ther
mometer here registered III above. All
tender vegetation, including melons,
late potatoes and some sweet corn, is
said to have Ik en damaged. Field
corn probably escaped serious dam
age in this county, but reports from
the northern Iowa counties vmi that
this cereal suffered more serious,
Corn lladly Damaged
EAU CLAIRE, Wis., Aug. 30.
Tremendous damage to crops by frost
is reported from a wide area in this
vicinity, particularly at Rice Lake.
Tho corn crop, which was only (10 per
cent grown, was seriously damaged.
Potatoos also suffered heavy dam
age. i
KANSAS CITV, Aug, .TO. Unoffi
cial reports from Atchison, Kmporla,
and function City, Kansas, Indicated
that light frosts prevailed nt thoso
places early today.
In Kansas City tho mercury
dropped to 4(1. S which was within .3
of n degree of tho lowest August rec
ord, established August 24, 1891.
Oklahoma City reported a tempera
ture of 4S Dallas, 00, and Tulsa 50,
a now low record for August.
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. IK). -Reports
of light froslu in Northern and West
ern seel ions of Nohriixku were receiv
ed by tho local weather bureau this
morning. Tho low places were ehietlv
affected, but no damage to tho com
crop is feared. Small garden track
was slightly injured.
CHICAGO, Aug. .'lO.-tOvercoatrt
dud fiiniftco fires wore popular hero
today with tho temperature register
ing 47 degrees.
Only twice boforo in the history of
the local weather bureau has tho mer
cury dropped so low in August. This
was in 1872 and again in 1887.
WAUSAU. Wis., Aug. 30. Dam
ago estimated at betweon $'JOO,000
and $300,000 was caused to tho lato
potatoes and garden truck through
out Marathon comity last night by a
killing frost. Tho corn crop also
suffered heavy losses. v
NEW YORK'. Aul'. HO. -Enul.i mi's
$ 15.000.000 shipment of cold and so-
eiirititos, which reached hero eter
day from Hnlifa.v, produced virtually
no effect whatever today on foreign
exchange rules. Pound sterling were
quoted at $1.02, only ono-eighth
of n cent aboyo the lowest value oor
recorded here, which win reaehwl ld
Prunes alio woro weaker, today'
nuotutioii of .ffi.0UV4 buiutr ono otmt
lower than Saturday's olose.
ADM., voh TIC PIT?:
Gross Admiral Von Tlrplt. in the uniform of a OYriimn ndmlral. Ho
is blamed for violation of the Gci'iimn government's order (41 coo so (oi-hsI.
olng itavsengei liners vtlllmut notice
fttihiimrluo coptnlns as directed, anil
His Hillry l.s opitoscd lo thai of tlio German eliaiicclloi' and foixdgu office.
NEW YORK', Air,'. HO. Forly-lw-tons
of gold, worth nenrlv 20,000,-
000, and securities allied close to
!f2ft,000,(lO(l were in tho vaulU of Ihe
Uniled States Hiib-lreaury today lo
help pay for Great Hnliiin' huge pur
chases of war iiimiit ioiiw. llio vnin
and securities armed ydstordny from
London via Halifax cumdgnnd to. I. P.
Morgan & Co., purcliiwiiMj agent for
the Hritigh govornment.
Tho gold wns American piiIii which
liau been shippisl to England in years
of trade indebtednci-s by this coun
try nnd the securities woro all Amer
ican issues. This shipment, it is es
timated, brings the grand lota of
gold and eollatoral sent horo through
Canada lo $172,70(1,000 shfeo the be
ginning of the war. Daring tho mime
period, however, about $00,000,001)
lias boon sent by New York to the no
count of the Hank of England at Ot
tawa, but it won during th'o early part
of the war, siiieo when tho balance of
trade has shifted to this country.
Twonty million dollars of English
sold nnd A2ft.000.n00 in American
htowks and bonds hastily shipped to j
Now York by Great Britain to stem
tho downward course of tho jmiiiiu'
sterling toward new depths of dopre-
I'liuion, inncii 10 iifcniiipiiau mo iuh
today, and a new low valuation cu'
$l.oi3i was lactd on the English
pound, in tho tuvii of (lie big gold
This is Q.'V, cents loss tliwn thu
normn) value of tho poiing in this
mnikoj and establishes a new low rec
ord for the fouilh noeutio busi
news duy.
11END, Or.. Aug. 3t). A laen for
est tiro were burning 011 all m1m of
Rend today. AH eor woall uivuw,
but a strong wind is 14owiiuf nnd
InrfiD giuig of weii are ruip.Dved J"
uu ciuluiuor to oxtiuyiiUh I hum.
' '
nnd Is reported not (o have Instructed
lieucu blamed for (ho Amble Ions,
MiW Yoitic. Aug. no. n. V.
Hindi, receiver of tho Missouri I'u
(Klc and ft. I.011I3 and Iron Moun
tain and Southern railroads, an
nounced todny after a conferenco
With FVdornl Judge Adams, that ho
hud been directed to tuko no action
towurd (laying Interest dun Koptum
her 1 011 any of tho outstanding
bond. Interest duo Juno 1, last, on
unoxlendcd notes and principal nnd
I nt 01 out on all cipilpmout notes, when
duo, will bo paid, Mr. Hush suld.
Tho bonds on which Intorost will
not ho paid In September, nro the
first and tho second refunding mort
gago and sinking fund, the Interest
amounting to about ?7C0,000; tho
40 year gold loan 4'fl, tho Intorost
amounting to about $7417,000 and
tho collateral bonds of 1917, on
which tho Interest is approximately
f.1(!0,000; n total interest default of
about $1,805,000.
United .Slate suliiiiiiriiu' 1'
10. Tl
1, lo'-t O!
hero Mnroh '2(1 and raised to witlu
six foot of the surface yonterday in
(or month of work, may ho put i
dry dock lst today. Navy ofiieial
conferred today with dock official
in an effort to make such uu 111 range
iiitnt. Other vessels, it whs said, huA
hem granted us of tho dry douk un
til tomoiroH.
No aimouneoiueiit has boon miulo of
Iho jirolmblo osuie of tlis sinking of
the submarine, nor hnvo any of the
bodie of the twenty-two men on
' lip.
Record Increase In Ships of Ameri
can Registry Nation Prcssiny
Close on France anil Norway as a
Marine Nation British Tonnaoe
Still Tcnfolil Greater.
Ainerican flag now floats over more
ships in tho foreign trade than nt any
other time sineo 13(13, nnd the United
Slatei is pressing close on Franco
and Norway as 11 murine nation.
Figures nuuto public todav by tho
department of commerce show'n. rec
ord increase in American shipping for
Ihe year ended Juno III). On tljat date
I hero were registered in the -foreign
trade 2708 ships, totalling l,atJl',77.1
groHR tons, nn inerense of fl(J!J hliip1
nnd 7.17,023 tons for Iho yonr.
Practically nil the rnerwises nro
duo lo tho new American registry law.
Assistant Secretary Sweet of the de
partment of commerce, said in n
statement tedny:
"This is about triple tho iuerenso
in registered tonnage for nny prev
ious year in Ainerionn history, Our
registered tonuago is now much
greater than nt nny time since 180.1,
when wo had 2,020,1 II gross tons in
foreign trailc. It is mny (imesmore
efficient, however, uh tho steam ton
nngo now amounts to 1,27.1,0(57 gross
tons, while in 1801 it amouiiled to
only 13:1,21.1 tons.
"The increase from (he ship regis
try net of August 18, 1011, to Juno
13, Ifllfi, wns so rapid Hint lonnngo
under Iho American flag now employ.
ed in foreign trade is' nearly equal to
such lonnngo under (ho French or
Norwegian flag. PrilUh toTitiaJfe", of
course, is moro than tenfold
HEItLIN, Aug. 30. Tho Gorman
official statement today follows;
"Thoro are no special Incidents to
report from tho western theater of
"Eastorn Ihontor, nrmy group of
Field Marshal Von Hlndenburg: I1T0
troops of General Von Ilezolor are
stationed in tho region 'surrounding
tho brldgohoad south of Frlcdrlch
Htadt. In an engagement cast of
tho lomeu tho nrmy of Genera! Von
Klohhorn reached a point northeast
of Ollta, An additional 1C00 priso
ners and sovon cannon woro cap.
turod, In tho direction of Grodno
tho town of Llpsk, on tho ltobr river,
was taken by storm and tho enemy
forced to surrender. Tho "WJdru, n
tributary of tho Sukollcn, was crossed
hy our troops, h'l'o eastern border
of thu forest directly oast of Ililay
stok has bcon reached at sovornl
"Army group of 1'rlnco Leopeld: In
tho Illlooblozh forest fighting goes on
for possession of the crossing over
tho Upper arow. Gorman and Aus-tro-IIungarlan
troops undor Gonoral
Von Koyrsch drovo tho enemy out of
his position at Suchodol, on tlio east
ern border of tho forest, and at
ftzoroszowo and aro now closely pur
suing him.
"Army group of Field Marshal
Von MackeuBen: In ordor to render
posslblo tho retreat of their roar
guard division through tho marsh
LOS ANGIXF.S, Aug. .10. - Wilh a
tenipornluro of 07 degrees at 11
o'clock, tho woathor sot a new hot
record for the year today. Tho
woathor bureau prudletod a continu
ance of tho warm wave vvliieh begun
last l'tiduy.
NO. 137
. . Kl
Three Men Reported Misslnrj Front
Kancs Creek Firc-Fluhters and
May Have Been Overcome by tho
Flames Innumerable Fires Cover
Hills. ,
Three men nro reported to bo miss
ing nnd unaccounted for in tho firo
tighting operatioiiR on Knnes creek
George V. St'ovcnu'of Tolo reported
tho news lo ho' : Cnlifornin-Oreon
Power company this morning. It(,i3
feared-lhat tlio missing men hnve lost
their live, through becoming suffo
cated by tho heat and hmoko. Ntjno
of throb fbrcplry service dcpnrttnanjf
Iwith nieli tu lio field could oonfiii
tho rumor. j.
Situation Is Sertoli jj'
Th6' forc f'ro situation in Jntjk;
non county todny tho most serious
sinco tho cfltahlishmcnt ot'forcst pro
tection in this section is ns follows,
according to reports from tho nation
al forestry sorvico, tho stnto forestry
sorvieo nnd tho Jackson ounty Pa
trol associatien:
Fires aro burning over approxi
mately 5000 acres in Jackson coun
ty, n very conservative estimate.
The principal fires nro on Elk
creek, in tho Ilulto Falls district and
near Trail. In theso sections HTo
flames hnvo spread into (ho national
forest reserve, nnd somo of the most
nl1111hlo timber in Jackson county is
being destroyed or imperilled.
Itiitto Falls KndAiigoml
Tho homo of Fred Sturgis, on Elk
creek, wns destroyed Saturday, nnd
Saturday tho town of Hutto Falls
wns endangorcd, (ho flames reaching;
withhrohcnnilo of'tho cilyT Tho cn
(iro population turned out to fight tho
Tho principal firo in tho Butte
Falls district is ragiug ten miles cast
of Hullo Falls.
Fires woro reported this afternoon
from tho miildlo and south fork of
the Roguo river. FiroH nro burning
on Pry crock, Kancs creek and near
Woodruff MendowH.
Farm Hoiiscm Kmliuigcred
A brush firo on Galls creek, still
in the scrub timber, threntcus tho
homos of a inimbor of ranchers. Prep
arations for back-firing nro under
way nnd will bo sot in motion this af
ternoon, Two sections of land on tho Aimlo.
pnto nro abhuo, ono near Mulo Hill,
Ytntkins and 111 tho Steamboat dis
trict. Hcsides those, n dozen ineii)-
leiit blazes nro under way.
In tho neighborhood of 200 fire
fighters nro on tho lino fighting tho
flnmos, Moro will be scut out this
A brisk wind hlowine in tho hilt
district further increases tho firo
At 1 o'elonk this afternoon It was
reported lo the fedora! forest sorvico
mat a firo had broken out In Iho Sis
kiyotis and on tho Klamath river.
Sturgis Imm Home
Practically ovcrv wooded district
of Jackson county is ablaze or threat.
cued wilh firo today, with the dan
ger jnorensiug hourly, ns Iho result,
of a brisk wind that followed in tho
wako of u moderation of tho tomper
i,, it ! v
la tho Klk crook district, whero
stato forestry sorvico has been fight
ing tho flames for tho last wook, ton
now flros liroko out this morning.
Incondlarlsm is slven as tho cause.
Stato Forester J. II, Kborly loft this
afternoon to tako chargo ot tho firo
fighting. In this firo last weok,
Fred Sturgis lost his homo. Ho was
away with tho firo fighters, when tho
flumes approached. Ills houso ana
(Continued on page two.)
SE.VTTr.E, Aug. 30. Tho Seattle
Evening Sun, which, aftor suspension
of several months resumed publico
tion four months ngo, tlio employes
having obtained possession of tho
plant by menus of labor claims?, again
censed publication today and n trus
tee was appoiatod to wind up the af
fairs, of tho paper.