,llWW'v", page FOUR MEDFORD, KOJE .TRIBUNE, , afEDFORD. ,,QftflaONt,;WED2sTESDAT, AUatTRT 25, 1915 iarSiOI'"' l: Y if ' tal to MO." I i s Y . MEDFtiftti MAIL TftlBtJNB AN INDRPBNDRNT NBWflPAPElV PuuMHiiicrj nvicnr aktehnoon EXCEPT HUNDAY HY THK MKDKOnD P1UNTIKO CO. Sthwf'M North The Democrntlo Times, The Medford Mull, The Medford Trlbunn, The Houth cm OrcBOtilnn, Th Anhland Tribune. HUBS0B1PTIOW KATE On year, by mall -. ., ;S.O0 One month, by ittnll... .. to Per month, delivered by carrier Jn t Ail s.t IttifckHl TsiilfaAMitMa 8.?SrVCy,y.,;rm,aT7r5eTm?r & vekiy, p.r year i.eo Offlclnl Puber of the Cltv of Medford ' Offlclul I'ujier of Jackson County. Rntered a accund-elaiia matter at Medfnrd, Orncon, under the act of March t, 1S7. Hviorri Circulation fur 1914. 288'. Full leaved wlro Aimorluted Vtetn die patclirn, 33S& Babgcrlbers ratling to recclro papers promptly, phone Clreu- 4 4 Intlon Manager t 2D OH. ' HONG KONG KOLUM Home noldlor Hlinot rlflo like, llifht- nliiB 'itlovtT hltoo In mhiio place twlco, . I'looplo who mako lilcnvy ronVdr- nation maybcBo dlop too mlany ro marks. r , A.WiiriiliiK Ilo thankful,, son, for jour small lot, And, sonny, do not Icicle, For Ibtft of -tilings you haven't got Would only malco ou nick. Kvon Mnml l'nt through with you, Laura; your father Hoops n pawn shop. l.njirn And I'm through with you Maudj 'I Bnw yoir fothor coming out of It. "Lost In tho Desort" with Mary I'lckford (a hapjiy death), "Why nirU I.eavo Home" with Arthur Johnson. (Kvor sco lilin?) "Tho Itlrth of a Nation" assisted hy'Kddln Foy (Iio'h doing IiIh Bhoro) On tlio IMiono "Hullo! Is this MlSH lllIRK?" "Yts," This Is Mr. (luhh talMnK." "Oh, yos," 'Wly rooiutnatn and inysolf thought thai you and Miss KoI las might want to go tA tho innvloH with us this ovtuilng." "Wh) wo had somothlng hold tho wlro Just n minute." (Wliut ho thought (hoy Mild) "Say, Annlo, this hnndsomo Mr (luhh wautH to tako us to tho mov Ion, Don't you think wo had bnttor 1 1 roa ; IIiIk thoator dato and go with lilni? IId'h ho fasrluatlng!" "Why, job .rd much rathor go with him." (What tlioy really miI.I) "Annlo, this mutt (luhh wants to lake us to tho movlos. Do ou think wo had letter nrtopt or tako a ohanco onsoino ono olso? It's rathor Into." "Oh. I 8iilion wo iiih)' us woll do HOIUOthlllg."- y. (luhli -wo'll ho dollMllI- Mfohlgnn Oarsoyl". StullnV llaigalii (Viiiutci' Toll a man tJioro arc !IT0.1Gn,t8n glars In tho hnnveiis hu'll Uollovo you gi))l him wlion a ebtilr is wot with IMijit and ho won't. . $rr"tu '8 "loro of a straiujor nmn fiction to soiuo psople. M tho Cli-ciu A'What wus tho row In the ldel'n fihow this tnornlng. ltll'" "Tho two'hoaded msn (urrl! with hlniHolf as to wlilrh fseo attuiiU got shnvod first!1' mm, til 'wffS 4It Mi Kcj UIn Woiil Ilrldo Tom, didn't J'Vi ow to vlco up smoking on our wuddlni day? TomYes. I did. Hrlilo-Hut ou aro smoking now Tom Ye, hut I didn't siuoko on our wedding do did 1 pfjtfisS All theT cfAsifiM WIndlers' THE .Portland nowspapei-s arc filled with holy in diimation over the .swindle! nernefrahvl hv tho WntCH Cashier company of Portland b whieh the public -was inuletecl to the dollars, and as a result of six officials of the concern the mails to defraud, with a years' imprisonment. i L ?' f ,0.(l, behavior, the prison term will -bb shortened to about oifflitfcii months each, or lOStinonflis' incaivera- tion for stealing $'(,500,000, j or cacn Jiioniu jii prison, jicii Jiaveuueen sentenced J or seven yours' imprisonment for stealing a loaf of bread, and on the other hand, men who stole several hundred mil lions in wrecking the New Jfaven and Rock Island railroad sysfoms are not punished at all yet we prate about the equality before the law. It is not the feature of inadequate punishment, how ever, whjch arouses the Portland newspapers. Nor does it seem to be the audacity of the swindlers in working the age-old gold brick game under their noses, ft seems rather to be the fa't that the bunko artists were not smooth 'enough to get away with it without being caught. As n matter of fact, cvovy Portland newspaper aided and abetted the swindle, indeed, were the main agents in its promotion, and it was mainly through the Portland ncwsimpei-s that the fraud was successfully worked. With out the newspaper campaign, the irrcat success that crowned the efforts of the wild-catters in separating the gullible from their hard-earned savings would have been impossible. ICvery one of these virtuous oracles that now raises its voice in righteous wrath against the Cashier company eagerly sought its business and made special rates to lend its columns to become a party to (he deception of (he pub lic. ICvery paper carried its full-page glaring announce ments of a fabulous fortune foi- the suckers. Each sheet printed the false statements in prominent position and lent its influence to-cheat its readers. A little uiyestigutipn would have established the fact that the CasUior conipa'iYv was coneeived in iniquitv and conducted us a fake. Inquiry at the patent office would liaVC .SUO'itfn flic i'Oiimiiiu iinrl nn ii.iI.n4u l'in-nL.i;,r,.i., oplV management would have revealed the outrageous polling contracts by which the money taken in went into the Dockets of the officialsbut none of the miners was jfuifficiently interested to let, the interest of its readers out weigh the cash considerations of the concern for adver tising. All papers, mostly unwittingly, publish more or less fraudulent, advertising, but here was an instance where the Portland press knowingly took iho money of swindlers in l lofenl institution, and heartily co-opcratd in conducting . bunko game upon their own readers, even reluctanth printing the truth when the collapse came, in an effort to pjliield "good advertisers" and assist them in their effort to repeat the performance in a virgin field in the east. 'Use journalistic prostitutes who assisted in the perpe tration of the Cashier fraud, having pocketed their portion of the profits of the swindle, were part and parcel of the conspiracy to defraud and should be punished along with the rest of (he conspirators. Manley Reports on I'ithh nhstrart of first section of report of Ilasll M, Manly, nccoptod hy United Status Commission on In dustrial Itolatloiis and adopted hy CommlsHlo'ucrH WhIhIi, I.euuon, O'Conntdl and, Oarrotsou; Unjust DMilliiitlon of Wcolth Tho enactment of an Inhorltanco lax po grcded that while making gen erous provision for tho support of dependents and tho education of minor children, It shall leave no largo accumulation of wealth to punt) Into hands which had no sharo In Its pro ductlon. Tho rovqnuo from this tax to ho remu ved hy the fuloiul gov ernment for three principal pur pur eose: 1. Tho extension of educatien: 2. The development of, other Im portant Kocltil xnrvlco which should propei ly ho performed hy tho nation which are discussed in detail cite wheio. 3. Development In co-operation with states and municipalities of groat constructive works, such as road hulldlng, Irrigation and re forestation, which would mutoi tally Increase the offlolmu'y and welfare or the entire nation. There Is no legislation which could be imsvod hy coiiKroHs, tho Immediate slid ultimate offeots of which would lie more salutary or would more great)) annt In tempering the existing- splilt of unrest. l'iHiuplo)iuont and Denial of Opimr limit) to Kuril it l.ltlug Chi tain mmuuios for dealing with (hone loiidttlous which it re iIkoukoi1 olMwItoro lu the irit need to ho IHia)td forward with all possible hlHor, but It may lie confidently pre dicted tliHt tho uueiupln)ment situa tion will tiot Vie upprtolubly rolloved until irest sdvuurtw have been made " r,"v'l of tlio two prlnio oUHw unjet dutrlbutlon of wonIIIi and iHuuoiHillsattoH uf land and nt itrtil rwHiuroM. Th mbM direct methods of dealing witlt tbo IntHiualtt) or weHh have ulroMdy hd biiwfly dtMUtewl and will bo tH)Hltftted lewltr lu the rtHwrt. With itwHoct to the land iluuctUin, httwover. the felkiwittg wlr suMeetloMa aro dltwlltetl: 1 VlROtotiM and uureleullng pro kerutlou to regain all land, wnt.r tunc ol n million and a half which, after a six weeks' trial, have been convicted for using maximum punishment of two ' ?' i ' ' an average reward of -4513,975 Industrial Unrest power and mineral rights, sccurod from tho government hy fraud. 1!. A general revision of our land laws, ho as to apply to nil future land grants the doctrlno of "superior use," ns In the cano of water rights In California, and provision for for folturo lu case of actual non-use. In Its standout form the doctrine of "superior use" Implies niorely that at tho time of making the lease the pur pose for which tho laud will lie used must ho taken Into consideration, and the use which Is of great soolnl vuluo whull he given preference, :t. The forcing of all unused land Into uso hy making the tax on non productho the same as on productlvo laud of the same kind, and exempting all Improvements. Tho unemployed have nptly heon called "the hIiI('.ii Hands beneath the stato." Surely there Ih no con dition which more Immediately de mands the attention of congress than that of uuemplo.Miieut, which Is an nually ditvlng hundreds of thousands o( otherwlMe productive citizens Into poveity and hitter despair, sapping the vor haslH of our national effic iency, and KormliiMtliiK the heeds of i evolution Denial of .lusi With full recognition of the grav ity of the suggestions It noems neces sary to urge tho commlsNlon to make tho following recommendations 1. That congress should forth with Initiate nn amendment to the constitution providing In specific terms for the protection of the per sonal rights of eeiv person In the I'nlted States from encroachment hy the fwleral and state governments mitt hy private Individual, assncla- .VI uiauvs ii.UiTi. rouTuwn. OltKOON Diocesan Hoarding and Day School for girls under the oaro of Tho Sis- tors of St John llaptut Korty-Sev-onth year begins Sept. 15 Tor cat alogue address. Tho Sister Sup?ilor. John A. Peri UNDERTAKER Lady Assistant XH H, llAU'li.iriT Phone M. -17 aud J7-JU AautuUuco tiortloa Ooroaer UWs" and WrT?oratlons. The" princi pal rights which fthouhl ho thus spe cifically protected b) tho power of the federal government are tho priv ilege of tho writ of habeoR corpus, tho right to Jury trial, frco speech, peaceful aflsombtngOjfto keep nn'd hear arms, to he free from unreasonable searches nnd BcIzurOs, to speedy pub lic trial, to freedom from excessive ball, and from cruql nnd unusual pun ishments. ,, 2, That congress Immediately en-, act by stdtuto or, If deemolfiieces'sary, Initiate n constitutional amendment specifically prohibiting the courts from declaring legislative acts , un constitutional. 3. That congress enact that In all federal cases whore tho trial is hy Jury, all qualified voters lu tho district shall bti Included In tho list from which Jurors aro selected nnd that they shall bo drawn by tho uso of n wheel or other device designed to promote ahsoluto Impartiality. I. That congress should dras tically regulate or prohibit private detective agencies nnd private em ployment agencies doing business In mora than ono state, employed by u company doing nn Interstate business, or using tho malls In connection with their business. Such regulation, if It Is feasible, bIioiiIiI Includo particu larly thd limitation of their activities to tho bona fide functions of detect ing crime, nnd adequate provision should ho made for tho rigid super vision of their organization nnd peri sonnel. B. Thnt, the militia of the several states being subject to regulation hy congress, carefully drawn rules for their personnel, organization nnd con duct In tho field should he drawn up to lusuro their Impartiality during In dustrial disputes. 'Denial of tho Wght nnd OpKrtiinl(y to Kornt Kffecflvo Orgnnljttlotii 1, Incorporation nmong the rights guaranteed by tho constitutloii of tho unlimited' right df Individuals to form nsHoclutlons, not for tho snko of pro fit, but for the advancement of their Individual and collective Interests. a. Unnetmenf of statutes speci fically protecting this right nnd pro hibiting tho discharge of any person bocnuso of his membership in n Inbor organisation. 1 :i. Knnctinent of u statute provid ing thnt action on tho pnrt of an as sociation of Individuals not organ ized for profit shall not bo held to ho unlawful, where such action would not be unlawful In the case of' on In dividual, 1. That tho federal trado com mission ho specifically empowered and directed by congress In determ ining unfair methods of competition to tnko Into account and specially In vestlgato the unfair treatment of lnbor In nil respt'ets, with particular roferenco to tho following peints: ' NOBODY SPARED Kidney Trouble Attmk! Medford .Men and Women, Old nod Yonnjc Kidney ills mcIzo young nnd old. Often como with llttlo warning. Children suffer In their early years Can't control the kidney secre tions. fllrls nro languid, nervous, Riiffer pain. Women worry, enn't do dally work. Men have lame nnd aching hacks. ff you have any form of kidney Ills You must rench tho causo tho kidneys. Donn's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys llnvo brought relief to Medford people. Medford lontlinony pioves It. Mrs. Mar) Wlnterhalder, 81 a X Palm St., Medfoid, says: "Not only have 1 used Doan's Kidney Pills my self with good results, hut I also know of others who have used them with success. I am a firm believer In the merit of Doan's Kidney Pills. I have never been bothered hy my hack or kidneys since I took this medicine about four years ago." Price r.Oc, at nil dealers. Don't simply ask for n Kidney remedy get Doan's Uiduo) Pills the same that Mrs. Wlnterhalder had. Foster Mllbum Co., Pi ops., lluffnlo, N Y, Adv. STAR 1!! 'HINDU M WUDXPSDAY It's Hero Again" "The Diamond from the Sky" Thit'ler lu Two Parts "A Bad Man and Others" An rxcltjtis Drama In Two Parts "Miss Fatty's Seaside Lovers" A Ko atone Comedy PIUCTS 5 XI 10 t'K.VIS Coining 1IM'()( kiti:s Two Dan Onl lleginnlng TutMdav, ng )t .Ut ' " a.' Ife'rueal fo permit employes to become members of lnbor organiza tions. b. Refusal to meet or confer with tho authorized rOprcsentatlves of em ployes. r Thnt the department of lnbor, through tho secretary of labor or any other authorized official, be empow ered nnd directed to present to the federal trade commission, and to prosecute beforo that body, all caics of unfair competition arising out of tho treatment of labor which 'may come to his attention, ' V C. That such' case, affecting nu they do tho lives of clt'lzqn In thejipinl Hiinurfariw tliee aims ns fo! lilt inmost circumstances', as well ns" the, profits of competitors and tho peaco of tho community, he directed by congress Jo have proccdonco over all other caics before the federal trade commission. STftO.Vfi .MICDKOItl) HA.VIC Unsolicited T.tiiuonlnl Front Run FroiirUfo llniikluj; .Tournnl Dolroy ncfchell, president of tho Farmers and Fruit Orowers Ilnnk, Is building up a strong Institution In Medford. President Getchell Is n keen hanker and was for many years connected with tho old Pooplo's TJnnlc of Mini oapolh, now tho Scandinavian-American Xntionnl Tlnnk of that city. Ho has followed n policy of "safety frst" In banking: and while lie ndmlts his policy may he tho cause of slower growth In some respects, ho Is content with tho se curity It Insures to tho depositors. Tho slogan of tho bank Is "N'o loans to our directors no loans to our of ficers," nnd under Mr. (lotchell's supt ervlslon tills rule Is being rigidly en forced. Cashier It. F, Antlo calls special attention to tho fact that during the dull times the hnuk has no notes and bills redlscotiuted nnd no bills pay able for money borrowed. Const Danker for August, 0ir. Pimples and Skin Eruptions Danger Signs of Bad Blood It May Mean Eczema, Scrofula The First Sign of Inherited Blood Disease Pimnle. scnlv ltchlnr skin, rashes, hurnlne sensations nnd Scrofula denoto .vlth unfailing certainty u debilitated, weakened nnd Impure state of tho blood. Tho treuble: may have been In your blood from birth, but no mutter bow vou were Infected, vim must treat It through the blood. It Is ti blood disease. You must uso S. S. S., the Htandard blood tonic for 50 yours it von etnoot eertitln relief. For nurlfvlnir the systMii. nothing Is equal to It Tho uctlon of S. S. S. Is to cleanso tho blood. It Honks through tho system direct to the aeut of the trouble acting us nn antidote to neutralize the blood poisons. It revitalises the red blood corpuscles, Increases tho flow ho that the blood can properly perform Us physical work. The dull sluggish fooling loaves you- tho complexion clears up. Kven long standing cases re spond promptly. Hut you must tnko S. S. S. Drugs nnd substitutes won t do. Get S. S. S. front your druggist. If youn Is n special case nnd you need expert advice, wrlto to S. S. S. THE PAGE Cool, roiiit'optnluV, AVt'U Vpiitilatcd Wednesday and Thursday Premier Production of a William Fox Photoplay Supreme NANCE O'NEIL The World's Pastmistross of Stormy Emotion in a Drama of Sweeping Power "Princess Romanoff" HastMl on "Kt'dorn," Sardon's Hnmm'tnl Drama. David Belasco Says: "Miss O'Xeil, with hor vital personality and, eompollint? lnanctisin, is beyond question America's most eminent emotional actress," Magnificent, Thrilling Five-Act Foaturo HEARST-SELIG WEEKLY KIiKTCIlKU KISI1 in Popular and Character Sones. 510 -15c NOTE Friday and Saturda, I3ij? Double Hill, fea turing Charlie Chaplin in "A Woman," and Anita Stewart in a thrilling drama, "Four Thirteen." Ufe EMPIRE , ADMISSION" ") AXD 10 ClVPS Wednesday and Thursday WILLIAM ELLIOTT "WOMEN AND WINE" World Feature Film in Five Arts. Produced bv WiUinm A. Hrndy. The Doartl of ('pu.vu-s havt pcrmitti'd this picture to be played, but it must not happen again. ADMISSION 5 AND 10 (MONTS l'e, 0. Kay. Manager K. 0, Put Hi, Operator Mrs. K (J. Kay, Cashier Miss Oolda Harns, Pianist PEACE AIMS OF SOCIALISTS OPPOSE LAND ANNEXATION HKH1.IN, Ausr. 'J.V-The soemK-t newspaper's jti)li-h the result' of eonferenccH hy Hie party's reielntnjr member nnd. member of the jinny on,noerjiiii,' )o socinliHls' pence nims !, own pence mtft bo u pennnnont one, lending the Kiiropeup nations to jeloxur relations. , (crtnuiiyV opponent must not ho pcrmittc)! to nc(iure any uormnii ter ritory. '' ' JFimt fuvored tuition eliup.es should I he introdiiued into ponce treaties with nil belligoronl. Tariff wnlls should he removed. So fur n possdile, freedom of tho sons should ho estuhlihlied, tho right of enptttie uholishod nnd "nnrrow'i impnrtntit for the woild's i-onnneiee'' slioObl ho interiititionulii'il. Aimtrin nnd Turkey mif-t nut lie wenkeued. ' Annox'ntinii' of foreign lerritories violnte the rhjlits of pto)lo to xelf rule nnd wonkon intornul strength nnd harmony of the Oormiui notion, therefore "we oppo-o nil plans of this sort of shortsightedness of politie iuns fnvering: (oniiiot." The pnity deinunds the establish ment of nn intenintioiial court to which nil fiilnie conflicts liotwe-n iiiitiiniH mnv he submitted. moclips destroye;d by forest blaze AIIKUDF.I'.N', WiihIi., Amr. - Mn- elips, n fciiniiner resort I own on the ocean lioneh not t h of firms llnthor, uud which wus united Auuu-t IS by Co., Atlanta, On. Medford's Leading Theater ti fire which did i.40,nnn dnnuige, is leported to hnw been destroyed by nuother fire lint ni'.-lit. Eight stores were burned. mm wants TO HELP OTHERS 3y Telling HowLydia E.Pink- ham'sVegetafafeCompound Restored Her Health. Miami, O'.'s. "I had n fcmnlo troublo and weakness thnt nnnoyod mo continually. 1 tried doctors and nil kinds of mcdlclna for sdveral years but was not cured unUl I took Lydln E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. I liope my testimonial will help other suf fering women to try your wonderful medicine." Mrs. M.K.M1LLEK, fiox231, Commetca.Okiu. Another Woman who litis Found Health in Lyrilu 13. l'ltilclium's Vegetable Coinptinml. L'-l''ortfy Kansas. " Somo years ngo 1 suffered with luriildc pains in my Bide which t thought ere intlamtnatlon, also with a bearing down paid, back ache, nnd I was at times awfully tuv vous. I toel: threO bottles of Lydia E. rinkhnm's Vegetable Compound ami urn now enjoying good Itoalth. 1 will bo glad to recommend your medicine to any woman suffering with fmale trou bluund you may publish this letter." -Mrs. A. L. Smith, It. No. 'J, Hox CO, Lindbborg, Kansas. , If you have ilio slightest doubt Mint LytHa, E.PIiilchain'rt Vegeta ble Compound will help yott.urlto to Lydln n.PInkliaitOIedieiii'jCo. ymr letter vlll he opened, rend and uiisuered by a woiuitii, mid held in strict coutldeuco. vLsi-, Watch and Jewelry Repairing r l,i uond Setting nnd Uimravlni;. All work Guaranteed. Agate cuttliiK and mounting, MARTIN J. REDDY TIII3 JUWni.nn 212 K. Main St. Sk Belmont School (For Boys) 21 miles south of Sin Francis co We think tht w clre to our boyi ht thoughtful iu'ut wi.li i.iri;r,tniftenlfr, oiimwitiuniUiun luitituiioaa that admit on rcrtlOMt ivl uo rmmmation t..e il- ti uf ouritAloeur to lUrtud Tl Mailiu.ttl IiutltuU o( Tr. dnolutfr nj alr xho.. a-tnlwliinrUlrrm'-nnrini.titrrf Kcndfor braulirully lllu.lr.u-,1 raulotrur whl.h rim not nlr a vwy it-km! idm of the arlril andimr I"" uf til K htMil, but of It. niulplilrnt and lit attratitlorho,'thoiitv. Ntblnir liowfv.r van nulle take the ma of a time tc the n,.-,i. VV,T.lti:iD,llca,IMaUr.Eox K ,nlmoiit,Cal , tauwmeeuiMaawjMi SPECIAL TO WOMEN Tho most economical, cleansing and germicidal at all antiseptics Is 1 A soluble Antiseptic Powder to bo dissolved in water as needed. As n modlclnnl nntlaoptlc for douchos In troatltig catarrh, Inflammation or ulceration ol noao, throat, and that cntned by fomlnlno ills It has no equal For ton jours tho Lydln E. Plnkhatu MedlclnoCo iua rocommondod Poxtlno In their prlvnto correspondence with womon, which jirovos Its miperlorlty. Women who Iionj. been cured say It Is "woith IU wtdgiit In gold," At dniKKlsts. COc Iuiko bov. or by mall The PaNt'in I'otM Co HoHton, Mans Vt IVH btJM " JV" Si7 . MOTORISTS Do you know the KOADSof OREGON CALIFORNIA WASHINGTON and BRITISH COLUMBIA They are all in tho new ROAD BOOK You should have ono. GRATER LAKE MOTOR CAR CO. .MUl.tf