Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 23, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail
ll loir tonight ftiid Tuesday
IMiMLn. 01
x j.vix u r ri
. I
l-orty-flflh Ycnr.
Dnlly Tenth Yrar.
Russians Sink Two German Cruisers
ami Eight Torpcdolioats British
Submarine Sinks Drcadnaught
German Fleet Forced to Evacuate
Gulf of Rhja.
iJCirST 23, 1015.
President Wilson Has Not Determined
What Action American Government
Will Take and Will Suspend Jiulj
ment While Awaiting Receipt of All
Facts Available From All Sources.
PKTHOOHAD, via London, Aug.
;i. Tin' recent fiuvnl l)iittlo in the
Oulf oC Riga is described iih fallows
in a statement from navy-headquarters:
"Tlio Ocnunu fli-ul on Angus! '10
renewed with huge forces its attacks
on our positions nt the eutrunen to
the (iiilf if Riga. Our ships during
the llltli and 17tli repulsed tin) ut
taeks of the enemy, whose fccrcl
preparations for cutciing the gulf
hud been favored singularly by misty
"Taking advantage or n thick fog,
hostile forces of considerable size
entered tin i gulf on the ISlh, and our
vessels retired at the same time, con
tinuing to resist the enemy without
loiing touch with him.
One fiiinlsmt Ia1
"On the JIHh and UOlli the enemy
rcconnoitered in different directions,
at the snmo time keeping np a fight
with onr ship1", in which their tor
pedo boat flotilla suffered mnterial
losses. On our sido wo lost tho fjim
boat Sivuteh, which perished glor
iously in tin uncnunl fight with an
imemv cruiser which was escorting
inrneilo eruft and came nn a dis
tance of -100 yards from her. The
"Sivnteh, enveloped in flainos, contin
ued to reply shot for :diot until she
sank, having previously hiiiiI; enemy
torpedo boats.
"In view of the low suffered and
the futility of bin efforts, the enemy
appears to hitvo evacuated the Oulf
of Riga on the 21fet.
"Hetwcen the 10th nnd tho 21st two
enemy cruisers and no fewer than
eight torpedo boats were either sunk
r placed horn dn combat. Simul
taneously our gnllnnt allies sunk a
dreadnought by a submarine attack."
Allies Arc .Jubilant
LONDON, Aug. 211.--The capital-,
of the entente allies aie jubilant to
day over the unexpected naval is
lory which the Russian, according L
their accounts, havo won in the Oulf
of Riga. Knclaud had more than 11
sympathetic, interest in the battle, n
n Urilihh submarine accounted foe a
Herman dreadnought, the loss of
which, added to the destruction of
two eiuiscrs, oiht torpedo boats and
four trunspoits, constitutes the
greatest naval disaster suffered by
Ocnaany during the war.
For the last week both Petrogrod
n...i n.wlin Iimvo liueu sendim: meaner
t III! -.- ...... -- - -
reports of naval operations 111 lac
Oulf of Riga, which were interpreted
to mean that Oennany was attempt
ing to land forces for tho purpose of
supporting the left think of Field
Marshal Yon Hiudenbiirg in his ef
forts to overrun the whole of Cour
and nnd thereby establish his armies
along the coast route to the Russian
OlIO OlIlllKMlt IOSt
lMSTROOUAD, Aur. 23 Tho lit
(lo Russian gunboat Slvutch, with n
crew of 148 men, Is said by tho Po
trograd newspapers to bo tho only
Itusslan ship lost In tho liattlo In tho
Oulf of Riga. Commander Tcher
hlssov, who distinguished himself nt
ort Arthur was In charge of tho
Slvutch. Tho number of survivors
lias not boon announced.
Although tho president of tho
LONDON, Aug. 2:i. The nd
niirally today authorized a de
nial of tho report that the
steamer Uansley, torpedoed
shoilly before the Arabic was
Bunk, was an armed patrol. The
admiralty states the Dunslcv
was a peaceful and unarmed
trader. The Arabic was an un
armed passenger ship, outward
bound to a neutral poll. It was
thus impossible for her to have,
been carrying contraband to this
f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-- -f-f -f
i" .
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wE HK8Dt :wJm.j . jifl
prsarc?w----i. i
owH 1
Reports of Commission in Industrial
Relations Made Public Three
Main Reports and Several Supple
mentary Ones Mainly Report of
Findiufjs Show Unjust Distribution.
(Continued on last piga)
KL PASO, Tex., Au. 23. - Ociwrol
YilU u woWwj u for t Tor
reon preparatory t jrurUi wor
fiir nfuinst (lenerul (rtiretfwo, in tfu
Wlwf Uut Olnfjfoii' lon-e.. r u
iierior in nr.tiiKuiH'ii '"'l fniipnt.
Sixty pi' - " urtillr l.ti
iutrki ' sm '"', '""' s-",'t
W,Mr. iiuii'l i'"1'- '" ,l" ,l,,r"' "'
Trivon. a rwtere frow Ike fwr
nl.i band-, vhuli un- n-.rli-U
. WASIUNOTON, An,'. 2:J.-Offieial
announcement , was made at the
White House today that "as soon as
all the facts regarding the Arabic are
ascertained our course of action will
be determined."
The statement bore out previous
unofficial statements made at the
White House and state department
that the president had not determined
what action tho American government
would take and would suspend judg
ment while awaiting receipt of all the"
facts available from all sources.
President Wilson has iven up to"
(he present his plans to return to his
summer home at Cornish, X. 11., nnd
will remain in Washinuton. He had
hoped to go to CornHi late this week.
Ionising Asks Inforuuitloii
The prosidont doos not expect to
hold tho usual cabinet meeting to
morrow. A meetinir will be held as
soon us conclusive evidence about the
sinking of the Arabio is received..
Secretary Lansing today cabled
Ambassador Oerard at Merlin nsking
if the Ocrinnn government had rc.civ
ed an oflicial report of the sinking
of the White Star liner Arabic. The
nndias-ador, however, was not in
structed to usk for one. It is offic
ially stated that the American gov
ernment is not yet nt all sure of the
facts and considers its information
ery fragmentary.
Secretary Lansing said the situa
tion was eactly n it stood Saturday,
that no steps had been taken other
than to get accurate information as
to what had taken place.
Kiom tho fact that Ambassador
Ocrnrd was not d'uected to seek an
explanation the inference, was drawn
thut the state depHitmunt hud decid
ed to let tho, Oorniau government in
itiate any explanation it might havo
to otfer.
I.OS ANOKLKS, Aug. 23. Tho
public wolfaro commltteo of tho city
council, of which Mrs. Kstello Law
ton LIndsoy, council woman, Is tho
hood, unanimously approved today an
ordlnanco requiring motal tags, bear
ing tho names of tho owners, to bo
placed on all buildings used for resi
dential purposes. Tho ordlnanco, de
signed to aid the enforcement of tho
rod light nbatemont law, originally
appllod only to hotels and apart
niont houses, but tho committee
xotoil nn nmendmont extending It to
all rosldonoQA, from tho llttlo bunga
low to the palatial homos of tho
wealthy. All must boar tin tags "or
gold ones If doclred" giving tho
name of the owners.
The measure has yet to bo ap
proved by tho whole council.
lly Dean Ilullldny
CIIICAHO, Aug. 2a. Put the
Rockefeller foundation out of busi
ness! (live Its hundred millions of dol
lars back to tho people for Its huge
hoard of money Is tho withheld
wages of tho workor.s In.Ainorlcn!
That Is the appeal and recommen
dation mado to congress In tho re
port of Chairman Frank I. Walsh ot
tho Industrial relations commission,
In which, after two years' study by
tho commission, ho declares low
wages to bo tho basic causo of In
dustrial dissatisfaction In tho United
Tho report of tho chairman was
nnsiot of (iiulriiiuii l'Yniilnlsli, Taken at Hie ClilenKo Headquarter
of the I'nlted Slates Industi
slilorlag It. This report w
tho votes of tho three lulu
sentntlvcs even though tho
Istlc faction refuso to sign It
nro expected to.
Hero Ih how Vnlsh won'
fcdernl mid statu hiw-makln
Itrlu (Ions Commission.
completed today and preseii to
tho commission, which Is nfeon-
dies I
deal with the Uockefeller foundn
llou: lly enacting legislation tlint would
put an end to tho activities ot tho
foundation whorovor tho fcdorul law
can bo mado effective
lly having Ha stato charter ro
voked, (Continued on Pace Q.)
f i
LUSHING, Holland, Aug. 23 Sev
eral Hrltlsh warships appeared today
off Knocko, liolglum nnd bombarded
tho coast. Tho press dospatch says
thut Bhells burst over a factory bff
tweon Zcobruggo and Llssowogbo.
Tho Germans replied with their
coast dofenso guns, but their ftro fin
ally ceased.
Heavy clouds of smoko appeared
over Zcobruggo, but no fires wero
Two largo Hrltlsh wnrshlps wero
still off Knocko at 9 o'clock thfs
Today's Gorman official state
ment says that a hostllo fleet of
about 40 ships appeared boforo Zec
bruggo and subsequently steamed
away to tno nonnwesi which woum
toko thorn In tho direction of Eng
land. This Is tho first report of any
nnvol movements of consequenco In
tho North Sea for a considerable por
lod. Tho last important naval uc
In theso wntors took planco January
2 I when the German crulsor Uluecher
was sunk,
t Ik
V1KXKA, Aug. -'!. Th iimrnUy
SlUKMIBt'ttl ItltlttV thut nN'OUBMIb-
. 11. - n-i Hut urdu v et9bUhei tk
I ul II,.. I ! ll- I .II" !''d PVelUt4Ml
tk NUnd or lUf. in tk Adri-
alli- M-rt. h.iMH'.' df-tr'V-il all bmld-
II. J - .11 ll lolllllfU jKJ-ltlWU.
MKXICO CITY, Aug. 13, by cour
ier to Vora Cruz, Aug. 10, via Now
Orleans, Aug. 23. Deaths by star
vation continue in this olty and most
conservative ostlmatos placo them at
25 a day.
A lslt to tho various hospitals by
a roprcsontatlvo ot tho Amorlcan Hod
Cross dlsolosod that for tho first
three days of August, 20 deaths from
starvation wore recorded. This num.
bor did not Inoludo tho many who
died In tho stroots from lack of 1
food. Yesterday six doath cortlfl-l
caton attributed starvation as the'
During the month or July 1, 18SC
deaths wero roKlsterod In .Mexico
City. According to Charles J. O'Con
nor, of tho American Hod CroM olgkt
per oent of the doaths occurring in
Mexico City are due to starvation.
HEKLIN, Aug. 2I..-Tlult ot
the statement issued todafi'iiui
war operations is as folio j
"In tho Yoges and nor
cuatcr battlos nro raging.
tacks by the French parti
ed our positions hi-t night J11I1 r
nttaeks drove the eiiemv li'.'iiin
on the Lingckopf. On S
nclle and Harreiikopl' tir
at eloso rpiarlers for eet
sections lasted throughou
About thirty mountain eb-i
taken prisoners.
"Kastern theater of wi
Hobr wo occupied Ossoim
which was evacuated by
"North and south of T
ccssftil ougiiKi'iiicuU
Tykoeiu was taken. On
ion 1200 prisoners, inch
officers and seventy-se
guns, fell into our hands.
"Desperate Jin-dan
(neks east of Hicl-k fail
considerable Io-r to tin
we advanced south of tin
"The uriny of Prince
llavnriu bus croh-cd (Im
innzu lino and is eiigagi
favorablo nttaeks. Wo
prisoncra nnd sixteen 1
were enptured.
"Army of Field Marshj
onsen: The orosMn;:s o
of tho Pulvu have lioeu
tor fierce reiitani-i' 011
twut'ii Itaziiu and the
rivor. An wturk aero
above the trihutu r ot
mukiug progie-s.
"On both wiles of St
Piszoza, ohsI of Ylado'
wag defeated Mti rdaf
buck toward t f - n,.rli.
) the
e eu
, and
d of
1 il
1 iic-
f lb.-
I Su
va i"
ml at
1JTTLK ItOt'IC, Ark., Anir. 2.1
White river is eoming over the Hock
Island levee at Newpoit and the town
will bo flooded, according lp reports
nero loony, j ae i.l.UUO causeway
just coiaploled over Newport lake has
Hundreds of volunteer today were
working on the levee, nnd Jiouroe had
been forced at the point of shotguns
to join Iheiii. The Stevens slool leveo
at Inglenidc, near Newport, has bro
( Keporta were received here last
night that a family of fivu poron
mill iii-wi iiriMviieu in me uuiioniH nuar
Oil Trough.
In Nowpoit all business has been
suspended. Tho water and eloctria
light plants have been put out of eoiu
1111 -M011 iy the wiiler. The diunage to
crops in Whits river bottonm will by
enormous, na IIiouhiiiiiU of uorea nro
The steamers Jluskogeo and JIary
O. Lueaa wra ninning day and night
rescuing riiuiiliBM l rum the overflow,
ed disliieta.
Jlundreila of head of alouk drivon
out of the bottoms by (ho water aio
roaming tho alrcela of Xewpnrt and
OIHCAflO, Aug. 2!). -Siiiumaries
of tho rcporls, three in niiinher, of
(he United Stales commission on in
dustrial relations ns to findings and
recommendations for tho information
of congress, havo been mado public.
The eommisHioii, which eeaes to
exist today, was composed nf three
representatives each of the employ.
ers, the employed nnd the general
plume, u nceaino apparent koiiic
luno ago that they would bo unable
to agree on a single report, nnd il is
snld that none of the reports given
out can properly bo called n "major
ity" loport.
Tho personnel of tho commission
follews: Frank P. Walsh, Missouri,
(chairman), .John II. Commons, Wis
cousin, and Mrs. .1. Ilordeu Ilarri
man, representing the public; IL H.
Aishlon, Illineis: Harris Weinstoolr,
California, and S. Thurston Ilnllard,
ivcntiiclcy, representing the employ
ers, and John It. Lennon, Illinois j
.lames O Council, Disliiet of Colum
bia, nnd A. II. flarretson, Jowu, rep
icscnling the employed.
Slimy IteportN Written
Tho report of the representatives
of the employes, known ns tho "stuff
report, drawn up by Basil M. Manly,
director of research and investiga
tion for tho commission, wus signed
by CoiniuinHioiiois WaKh, Lennon,
O'Coiinoll and Oiirrclsou, In coiinco.
lion with the main repoits theso commissioners-
issued three "siipploincn-
1111 opinions- anil sutttoalioiiK ns fol
lows; Ono by Mr. Walsh, ono by Mr.
Unrrolson and ono by Mr. Lennon and
Mr. O'Conuoll jointly.
The report of the commissioners
roproionting tho public and the sum
mary thereof wero wiitlcn by Com
missioner Commons. Ho and Mrs.
Harrimaii signed it without reserva
tion, CoiiuuiHsioiierM Aishlon, Hal
la rd and Weinstoek approied it in
Ini'Kc pint and 111 part their diiucut to
portions of il, nnd to tho nnly report
are expiessed 111 (lie so-called Weill
sloek report, signed by Weinstoek,
AAismoii and Ihllard.
Tho reports are identified ns tho
Manly, or staff report; tho Commons,
or roport ot the commissioners for
the public, and tho Weinstoek report,
wiuoii among other things expressed
dissent front the finding of the
other two report.
Causes of Unrest
Tho Manly aiimmnry finds "that
the ouuscs nf industrial unrest group
iiicmsoivea niuioii without exception
tinner Jour mnin source:, which in
cludo all tho others. They are:
"1. Unjust distribution ow wmiltli
nnd incoino.
"2. Uuomploymoiit and duuitil of
opportunity to oflin a living.
". Deninl of jastico in tho orea-
Premlcr Okuma Announces That Ja
pan Will Give Greater Assistance
Japan Strips Large Coast Guns
From Fortifications and Ships
Them to Vladivostok.
(Continued on Page (1.)
WASHINGTON, Ant. 2X Pn-i-but
WIUor tmUY aiHin(o1 ItfiAOM
HmclM-ller of Wi.Hii W.dlu, WmIl,
lullvitur -f t i-t""i- t oaltlw.
AGREE on wa;:heH:
LONIXJ.V, Auk. 23. Itefugeos
who hno reaohod Potrograd from
Koyno say that an enormous amount
or artillery was omployod by tho
tieriiians In the auocwwful assault on
that fortroia. Tha Gormnns coneon.
(rated Quo guna on the first fart
whlih they captured. Tho battorlos
formed a great are of guns, one row
I'diliid another. Ono shall destroyed
tlic fucaJn of tha Cathedral.
iMtliua and more than 30
w over tha fortraaa,
llopjiiliK bombs.
MI UN, Aug. 211. C
diEneiimM in the way
of Um littlkan prublet
th etiUata allM-w Im.
acording to n '"'''''
iar Paekiloh of Mvrki
the Corri w Delia Seriuvn
iar ia aM(l as Huvij
lias gitru hu) to Iiui
j.iMitiN, Aug. V3 There were
M-wity-aeen Awarieana in the crew
of the kleaiurr IWoa rnkiue, wkteh
u unk b 'i i' Inn iinn l.i 1
wvek. Th A' " '". v j m .11.
I.. 1 -ti'iidi-rs, Mcru laiulid vafil)
.v.ll, till. I' l ul thi CUM.
POIITLANI), Aug. 2.1.-Wilh dis
tiiiguiihod juriata proaent from nil
jsirla of tho noithwtMt, tho Onwnn
and tho Washington liar as-ociiitioii.s
wet bore in joint unuual seaaiou today
and were addreasud by formor Pro
iiiont William Howard Taft.
Previous to the opening of tho
joiut aeaaiou the Washing ton organ-
Mdltt. I. .1.1 ..... .. I - .' .
""'" "i w(iniiii UH'Cllllg Willie
the diitriut attorneys of the two
state joined forces at another meet
ing. I he euuclave will ruiitinue for
three days.
At tha opening of the joint seaaii.n
this afternonii MMVor J. j(, jjei, 0r
I'ortlaud and Ooternor Juinea Withv
eoaihe of Oregon dilhcr.d brief ad-
Hrefes ul uih mm. to Hie delegate.
Frank ! -., ..I ilu Wasa-
illu'tmi It. ir a-iM-uitmii, 1, -p.iled,
-J ll- Mr. lait, wauae aulijeet waa
"Iw and Ooxemmiut," wa mtrj.
dm cd,
TOK'IO, Aug.. 'J.I. The ICoknmiii
Shim bulletin says:
"Premier Okuma stnlcl that Japan
has decided to give greater assistance
to HiiHsia to prosecute tho wnr. Ho
described Ho details, but allowed it
to lie understood that this assistance
would tnko fonn.of the fonvnrding o
gnifttcr supplies of munitions."
Thn Associaled Press learns tluit
Japan has decided to employ nil
available, governmental nud jirivnto
irawinix.llit IIIHICI.Hmg (HU OUipilt Ot
munitions for tho allies, particularly
Tho Japnnoso government believes
tho timo has nrrived for inoro con
certed notion ngainst the enemies of
Japan nnd her allies.
1 till tic Sen Closed
Ono of IluB8iii' greatest embar
rassments in her conduct of tho war
hns boon a shortngo of cans nnd am
munition. Military writers, whilo not
discounting tho effectiveness of tho
enormous Austro-Ocnnnn offensive
movement, havo slated thnt tho Rus
sian roversos nro almost wholly do
to lack of supplies nnd nrtillory.
With the Haltio sen closed to Rus
sia's vessels from without, sho has
been nblo to import fiupiiHcs only
through tho port of Archangel, closed
by ico during n Inrgo part o tho
ycnr, or over tho trans-Sibcrinn rail
road. Tho attempt of tho nllic? to
force (ho Dardanelles hns nlso been
0110 of tho objects in tho opening oC
the strait.4for.tI10 assistanco of .Rus
Largo orders have been nlaccd in
tho United States by Russia nnd ox
tensivo shipments hnvo been mado
from Sontllo nnd olhor Pncifio porta.
Japan also hns forwarded wnr sup
plies to Russia.
Tapati Rends lll Gun.s
Advices received by the Associntcil
Pnws.from Vladivostok several weeks
ago Hiihl that groat nmounts of sup
plies wore reneived there for trnns
porlation to the RusRlnn front. Word
was recoived from Tokio cnrlv this
month that Japan had stripped largo
coast guns from hor fortifications 0:1
tho northonstorii coast nnd had ship
ped thom to Vladivostok.
Notwithstanding; this assistance,
the Russian supply of munitions hart
fallen far below the requisite nmonnt,
and n fortniglfl ngo the Russian duma
instituted 11 Roeret inquiry into thin
condition of affairs. It wns reported
that in this connection changes had
bou brought against floucrul W. A.
Sotikhomliuoff, who resigned ns iiiin-
utor of war in Juno.
Difficult I'osltloii
Tho position of Riissia in regard to
obtaining war supplioH I)ng been ono
of unusual difficulty.
Tho Russians as n peophi nro not
givon (0 Industrial pursuits mid thuir
ninnitractiiring plants utilised for, or
adaptablo to, tho production of gnus
nnd iiuimunitioii Mere mnnncd nnd di
rected largoly by Oornians at the timo
I In- war bognn. Tho dispossession of
the powerful Ocininn clemont in Rus
sia which occurred in the early per
iod of tho war left tho nation iiupro
paii'd t operat'i effectively oven tha
'itiiitod number of establishments ut
her dispowil.
(Continued 011 pago six)
SOFIA, Ilulgarla, Aug. 21. The
Turkish collier Hspahan haa beoa
torpedood by a Diltlsh subtnarlno ut
Haldar I'asha, and tho steamor Budoa
of tho Garman-Aniorlcan lino loadod
with ammunition and provisions, has
boon sunk In tho Soa of Mormora.
Tho oolllor Kspahan, mentioned la
tho Bofla dlsjiatch, was' probably tho
Isnalmn, a vessel br 843 tons built
In 18SG Cat Nowoa8tto, and owned
In Constantinople. Avallablo ship
ping words do not contain tho same
of a steamor Iludos,
lU UUlta ul lOOU luU