Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 21, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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7 f
No. 4 As wo approached tho commandr for
whom my messago was Intended, I waa going too awlft
to stop! so I delivered tho message In this maiuicrl
u '
cr ssra,
O ;4 jo
. -
A?m AT .sffflV
to-SAi rusnnr mmk
.'afeJR',iiiHilkaim'Hk. -v
t' t.
Mrs. I. T. Gnlllgar loft Inst Sat
urday for San Frnnclsco where sha
will visit nt the fair. She. nlso ex
pected to attend the Nntlonnl Tcnch
ors' nssoclntlon nt Onklnnd this we'ok.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George Porter nnd
son Jnck, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. 0. Por
ter, nnd Miss Jcnn Hnrnos, nil or
Mcdford visited the Gold Hill bathing
beach with llnrry Porter, Inst Sun
day. Wllllmit Funsher roturned Mondny
from im outing Into tho hills. Ho Is
back nt Work nt Lnnco & Co.'s com
pletely refreshed.
Miss Olive Turner arrived Monday
from Klamath Talis, having mndc
tho trip via Crater Lnko. Miss Tur
ner la a trained nurso nnd hns boon
attending her brother, Frank Tumor,
who was rccontly oporhted on Tor
nppendloltls at Klamnth Vnlls.
. Miss Illuncho Hnrvey, of Grants
Pass, visited her slstor, Mrs. Charles
Plotting, on Sa'turdny last.
Mcrlo Kellogg spent lust Sunday
vflth his fnthcr, A. E. Kellogg of this
Hoy P. Tucker returned Mondny
from Snn Francisco, whero ho had
been with his sister, Miss Clnlr
Tucker, enjoying the fnlr.
Numerous nutomobllo tourists huvo
boon tnklng ndvnnlago of our auto
camping grounds, located within the
city limits. Water and electric
lights nro nlrendy on tho premies
nnd other conveniences are being nr-
rnnged fqr. Moro iiiitolstn from tho
north tlinn over before, nro this year
taking tho nhort cut to Crntcr Lake,
by lcnvlng tho Pnclflc highway nt
Cold Hill, then returning to tho
highway nt Mcdford.
Mrs. W. A. Marvin of Medford,
visited with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
W. II. Stlckol, tho first of tho week.
Miss Marguerite Wharton left tho
latter part of last week for GrantH
Pass, where she Is tho guest of MIbs
Helen Kills.
Edmund P. Smnllwood, of Kails
City, Ore., nrrlvcd last Friday to ns
Biimo tho duties of locnl S. P. freight
ngent, recently vacated by W. .
Hlght. Mr. Hlght left Sunday morn
ing for Portland whero ho will bo
employed In tho Brooklyn yards.
Miss Agnes It. Dietrich spent
Tucsdny and Wednesday In Mcdford
as tho guost of Mrs. .1. 11. Palmer,
whllo "Johnny" Palmer (tho popular
photographer at the Weston studio),
mndo nnolhcr trip to Crater Lake.
Mrs. 71. H. Heed returned on
Tuesday evening from San Fran
cisco, whero she has been tho guest
of Mrs. Lolgh Hunt, for over n
weok. ,
Mr. and Mrs. I). II. Miller moved
tho first of tho weok to tho T. X.
Andorson residence. Tho houso for
merly occupied by thorn, (called tho
Vhl Stlckol houso) has boon pur
chased by Prof. G. W. Milam, ro
t'ently olocted suporlntondont of tho
local schools, who will shortly movo
his family hero trom Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. L. Waldron, Miss
AVIIohonrt nnd Wm. MeFarlnnd, all
of Oregon City, visited Tuosday at
tho Hrudon mlno as tho gnosis of Mr.
and Mrs. George Ponmnnn. Thoy
woro nutolng to the Mexican bor
der, Via Crescent City and tho expo
sitions. MosiUunoH Waldron and
Ponmann nro staters.
Hot, Van Fosscn of. Ashland, dls
trlot suporlntondont of tho M. K
church. dollvorod a borinon at tho
local M. IS. church last Sunday even
ing. Itov. K. C Wharton, locnl pas
tor, has chosen for his topic for next
Sunday ovonlng, "Tho Good In Men
Outside tho Church." Whllo n
week from Sunday, "The Ideal City"
will bo tho subject. This Inst, how
ever will not bo a sermon, but -will
inslst of foiij- ton-minute ipnpors
Knowing tlu various phases. Hov.
Wharton will speak from the reli
gious viowpolut nnd three local bus
iness men will give other stand
Hiicili ns nmiuoinonts, oducntionni,
A. A. Flynn, suporlntedoiit of tho
H. It. P. S. corporation arrived on
Thursday mornng, to arrange mat
tors with togurds to local construc
tion work.
Tho looul school faculty Is now al
most complete. Profoshor G. W.
Milam, superintendent, will loach
ntnlhemntlcs: Victor Flint, commer
cial work; Holen Van Duynn, latin
and 7th and Sth grados; IJortha
Klluson. Sth and Gth; I3dna Proctor,
3rd and 2nd. and music. School will
opon horo Soptembor Cth. tho bamo
as other Oregon towns but much
work will rwlly pol bo accomplished
until after the Industrial and School
fair to bo hold horo Soptember 17
and 18.
Mlse Mary K. Young a music tetc-li-er
from Ashland, made her regular
weekly telp horo TuewUy evening re
turning home tho fallowing after
noon. WtlltHW C. Ketoey arrived Thura
dur meralus from Haaenurg, tur
weok's visit wltkt relatives and
H. U MfilRC uf Um firm at Uarl
US Uuugflu, aUM lut ttey
have ordered a tort lutruUuJ
auto true, with a ! pound
puulty. Til dMMRii im mm a Mt
No. 1- Onco a certain general wanted to nl
order to the "ear without delay I lie called upoa intl
chine hns been Btoadlly growing, In
the way of hauling largo loads of
lumber, or ore, or even rush orders
of largo shipments of fruit. It Is
expected within tho next ton days.
Mrs. n. M. Collins wnM a Mcdford
visitor last Saturday.
.1. Ilctor and family havo been
spending tho pnst threo weeks nt
Hoijuo Klver nnd will return Satur
day. Mrs. John Dunnlngton returned on
Saturday from n trip to Applegate.
Harry Helms spent Saturday even
ing nt Jacksonville on his wny to
tho mountains for an outing.
Wilbur Cameron of Iluncoin was
In town Wednesday.
Theo. Kngcl of Phoenix was In
our city Wednesday on business.
A swimming party composed of
Mrs. Kolly, Miss Flora Thompson,
Miss Gcrtrudo Dunnlngton nnd Lloyd
MagM enjoyed n plungo in tho Ash
land Natatorlum Sundny.
Mrs. Mugglo Iluckley, Miss Hebo
nuckley, Mrs. J. T. Ihickloy nnd Mrs.
Gcorgo Iluckley of Illicit motorod to
Jncksonvlllo nnd Mcdford Sundny.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chris Ulrlch nnd
Lowls Ulrlch spout Sundny fishing
on Hoguo river nt tho Hotor enmp.
tMr, find MrBlGljns. I'ijnan return
ed Saturday from Dead Indlnn
springs much benefitted in health.
Guy Hnrpor nnd wife nro visiting
tho exposition.
Miss Kthol Dick roturned Mondny
evening from Snn Francisco whore
bIio nttended tho fnlr.
Miss Knto Chnpmnn of Dunsmulr,
Cnllfnrnla, Is visiting with hor slstor,
Mrs. John Dunnlngton.
Hoy Ulrlch and family roturnod
Sunday from a thruo weeks' outing
on I.lttlo Applognto.
CharloH Nickel), formor editor and
ownor of tho Jncksonvllel Democrat
ic Times, Is visiting the valloy and
spent a few hours at tho court houso
Wednpsdny. Mr. N'lckoll la now n
rosldent of Ilerkeley, Cal.
Oron Kills of Hucli was In town
On Wcdnosday Gus Newbury was
in attendance at the clruult court.
Ills client, Mrs. Mooio of Medford,
wns granted a decreo of divorce.
Mrs. Maigaret Heevou starteil Tumi
dity for tho Slad country whero hor
hon Clarence Is acting as flro war
don. Attorney John Carkln of Medford
was In town Thursdny on business.
U. S. Collins of Medford nccom
pnntod by Cnshlor Johnson of the
Hank of Jacksonville motored to tho
Applognto country Thursdny,
IC in II nnd Amnllo Hrltt accompan
ied by tholr guost. Mrs. C. II. Plerco
of Ashlnud motored to Medford on
Mr nnd Mrs. Horaco D. Klllham
and Mrs. Kiln Watson nnd children
motoiud to tho Kubll ranch on Ap
plegaeo Thursday whoro thoy will
spond n fow days.
Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Hnnna woro
Medford Bltors Friday.
Attornoy nrlggs n ftho Ilullook Col
lection agency of Medford was a vis
itor at Jacksonville Wodnosday,
Dr. Conroy of Medford mado a pro
fessional call nt tho homo of Goo.
Schunip Wednesday.
Hcported by Jackson County At
tract Co., Sixth and Fir Sta.
II. Hello Lootnls vs. Grant Aider,
bimuw filed.
Wallace Johnson et ux vs II. II.
Helms, ot ux. rieaaarrer filed.
Sermeir 11. Uell vs. J. K. U4dy
et ux. mil to (orscloso.
Ileol IfetHle TrHiifir
Uvb M. MlUawll. o4m K.
pwws, H4c., t iin nM
pt. 7, ns, -iw $200.00
Joseph II. Waro to City of Ash
laud, option, a 1150.00
.1. II. Wnro ot ux to City of
Ashland, option 1500.00
J, W. Myers et ux to Frank 11.
Admits, pt. I, an, IW 10.00
Geo. H. Clark, to Ada K. Clark,
pt. so, ar, 2W l.oo
Ii. Knunii Humphrey to S.
Chllders, pt, lot 15, blk 2
Kenwood add. Mcdford 10.00
Hohert A. Gray et ux to Mrs.
Laura A. King, pt. lot In
Jacksonville 1.00
of tho
of Mcdford, County of Jnckson, Statu
of Oregon, showing tho amount stand
ing to tho credit of every depositor
July 1, 1D15, who hns not mndo n
deposit, or who hns not withdrawn
any part of his deposit, principal or
interest, for a period of moro tlinn
seven (7) yenrs Immediately prior
to said dnto, with tho iinino, Inst
know jdnco of resldenco or postofflco
nddrcss of such depositor, nnd tho
fact ot his denth, If known.
J. W. llnkor, -Medford, Ore, fl.72.
Devlvier Henonl, Mcdford, Ore.,
J. C. Jeness, Mcdford, Ore., $0.52.
S. W. Lloyd. Medford, Ore, $5.00.
G. F. McDonald, Medford, OroT,
John H. Morris, Medford, Ore.,
T. H. Theotors, Medford, Ore.,
Leo Vnndorinuckor, Medford, Ore,
Stnto of Oregon, County of Jnck-,
sou, ss.
I, W. It. Jnckson, being first duly
sworn, doposo nnd sny upon onth,
that I nm the nsslstant cashlor of tho
Medford National Hank of Medford,
County of Jnckson, Stnto of Orogou;
that tho forogolng statomont Is n full,
true, correct and complete Btnteinont,
showing tho name, Inst known resi
dence or postofflco address, fact of
donth, if known, nnd tho ninount to
tho Credit ot each depositor as ro
ciulrod by tho provisions of Chnptnr
US, of tho Goneral Laws of Oregon,
1007. W. II. JACKSON.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo
this 0th day of August, A. 1)., 1015.
Notary Publlu for Oregon.
My commission expires Doc, C, l'.Hf..
In tlm Circuit Court or tho Stnto
of Oregon, for tho County of Jack
son. Lou 1). Jones, Plaintiff, vs. Jmlsoii
G. Coble, Howlo M. Gnblo mid F. K.
Merrick, as Trustee. Defendants.
Suit for foreclosure.
To Jiidson G. Goblu, Itossle M. Goble,
two of tho above named defend
ants: In tho nuinn ot tho Stnto of OroKon,
You and each of you am hereby re
quired to appear and answer tho
plaintiff's complaint ngnlnst you, now
on fllo In tho nbovo entitled court
nnd cniixo, on or before tho lust day
of the tinio proscribed In tho order
for tho publication ot summons
heroin, to-wlt, on or hpforo tho 20th
dny of Soptember, 191.1, snld dato
being tho expiration of six weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons.
And If you fnll to nppear and
nnawor, for want thoroof. tho plnln
tlff will apply to the court for tho
rolluf demanded In said complaint
succinctly stated as follews:
For Judgment against the dofond
mit, Jiidson U Gnblo for the full sum
or $3000 toguthor with the interest
thereon nt tho rate of 8 percont per
annum upon $2250 thereof, and at
tho rate of 10 porcont per annum
upon $750 thoroof, from tho 10th day
or April, 1014, until paid; and for
tho further sum of $300 roasounblo
attorney's foe together with the costs
nnd dlshuriiomontG of this suit to
bo taxod.
That tho warranty deeds and title
bond mentioned in said complaint bo
by tho court dec rood a mortgage mid
a prior, valid and subsisting Hun
against tho premlsos therein describ
ed, namely:
Commencing ut the southeast cor
ner of tho I J. PHI PI'S HHSHHVA
TION. In tho City or Medford, whoro
Sixth street Intersects with tho Coun
ty Hoad, (HUersldo Avenue): thence
In a northerly direction, along the
west aide ot said road, one hundred
(10A) feet: I hence In a Mitorly dl
rertloR. parallel with .Sixth street.
mm hundred (loot feet: thence In
a Mutually direction, parallel wttk
snld County Hoad. one hundred tie")
iMt to Sllth htrM: iftenr in an
wtstorly dlretttou uu . -mired i lo
fMt atoK the north ii. ' Stxiu
flrret to th plart- of brslnuiu, '
NBC uaMoi of laud tvel e iw,
totH ! !.
Per tu full trmmi o( ts apgr-
No. 21 leapH on Bhadr.icVa back and off wo
raced tho enemy's sheila raining all about ual
gato sum of principal, Interest, at
torney's fees, costs, disbursements
nnd nccurlng costs, nnd that said de
scribed premises and property bo
sold ns by law provided, and that tho
proceeds or sufficient thereof, bo np
plled In payment of snld Judgment,
cents nnd accruing costs.
That tho defendants and each of
them ho bnrred nnd foreclosed ot any
and all right, title nnd Interest In or
to snld promises or any pnrt thereof
except as by slatuto provided.
This summons la published In tho
Medford Mall Trlbuno by order ot
Hon. F. M. Cnlklns, Judgo of tho
nbovo entitled court, which said or
der was mndo nnd entered of record
on the Cth day of August, 1015, and
tho first publication hereof In com
pliance therewith Is tho 7th day of
August, 1915. W. K. P1I1PPS.
Attornoy for Plnlntlff.
California-Oregon Poweir Company.
Location ot prlnclpnl pinto of bus
iness: Snn Francisco, California.
Notlco Is horoby given Hint at, a
meeting of tho dlrcctorn hold on tlio
29th dny ot June, 1915, an nescss
ment (No. 1) of Thirty Cents por
sharo was levied upon tho cnpltnl
stock of tho corporation, pnyablo Im
mediately to tho Secretary nt tho of
rico of tho corporation, No. 131 Lold
csdorff Street, Snn Francisco, Califor
nia. Any stock upon which this ns
scssmont shnll remain unpaid on Sat
urday, tho 7th day of August, 1015,
will bo delinquent and advertised for
salo at public auction, nnd, unions
payment Is made before, will bo sold
on Saturday, tho 28th dny of August,
1915, nt tho hour of 12 M., to pay
tho delinquent assessment, together
with costs of advertising mid expenses
pt salo.
Dated, June 29th, 1915. -.
Secretary of Californln-Orogon Power
Offlce: IS I Leldosdorff Street, San
Francisco, California.
Notlco Is horoby glvo nthnt tho
dato upon which stock will bo delin
quent for nonpayment ot tho abovo
nssessmont has boon extended mid
postponed from Saturday, August sev
enteen, nineteen hundred fifteen to
and Including Monday, August twen
ty third, nineteen hundred fifteen
mid the dnto of sale of delinquent
stock under snld iihhhhiiioiiI Iimh linen
extended and postponed from Sat
urday, AtiKimt eighth, nlneteon hun
dred flflcon to Saturday September
fourteenth, nineteen hundred tiftuen
at twelve o'clock noon.
Dated August sixth, nliiteon hun
dred fifteen
Socretary of I'nllforiilu-OrcKmi Powor
Offlce: i:il LeldoMdorft Street, Sun
Francisco, California.
Nutlet' of Kvleii-liill mill PosImmu
ment. Notice Is hereby given that tho dnto
upon which stock will bo delin
quent for non-payment of the abovo
neewHmout has beon oxtonded and
postponed from Mondny August twenty-third,
nineteen fifteen to iyid In
cluding Friday, September third,
nineteen fifteen, mid the dato of Salo
of Delinquent Stock under said assess.
ment has ben extended and postponed
from Tiiosdm, September fourteenth,
nineteen fifteen to Monday. Septem
ber twenty-seventh nineteen fifteen
at Twolvo o'iloek noon.
Dated August Twentieth, Nineteen
flftoen. ALKX J. HOSUIlOHOl'tJII,
Secretary of California-Oregon Powor
Offlco, 1S1 Leldosdorff Street, Sail
Frnnelseo, California.
h iT
One cent per word por Issuo.
Six Insertions for price of flvo.
Fifty oents por lino per month
without change.
$$ 8 J 5 4 J ?
foh iiR.vriior.sHS
FOH HISXT- Four foom flat or
houso, furnlihuit or unfurnished
hull or
730 W. 11th
FOH'HMKT 5-room modorn houso,
herd-wood floors, full content base
ment. Phone 370W.
FOH RKNT- a-jQOtu nicely furnished
bunialow, eJono Im. 417 J street,
corner Bo. Oakilale and 1 1 th sts.
KOIt KKNT MoilWH 5-room house.
Io.m v..t letk at, $10. water
pHid jl-niiett Investment Co.
KOK HKT Modern l.ungalow, etose
, ., a , chone i ISt
- - - -
TO HKNT -I SB mod. fura. uouso.
$U. Puruckw, ft, Marks IJW.
rS? Mb N& ill-
No. 3 At this wild rldr took on Added excitement,
I ros In my saddle and rcccivod tho bills aa thoy
arrived in my nlked handal I tocaed them aaldo1
VOl nfttwrtmrsie?
FOH H ISN'T Closo In 5 room Iioiibo
with slcoplug porch, modern
plumbing, electric lights, ceniout
sldownlk, garago, on paved street.
Hont reasonable. Inqulro nt II. C.
Stoddard, Medford, Oregon. ' tt
FOH HUNT Convenient light house
keeping rooms, cRiso In. 30 1 S.
FO H " H KNT Furnished rooms, 20 1
South Central. y 153
North Hlvorslde, or lrvln Dahaek,
Kaglo Point, Ore.nog 132
FOH SALK Sow with 5 nlco pigs
mouth old, only $20. Phono after
G o'clock. GU-K3. 130
FOH SALK A-l fresh milk cow. O
M. Hose, 13C Portlnnd nvo. 131
FOH SALK Plnno, heating stoves,
.tables, chnlrs, kitchen cnblnct, iron
beds, etc. Houso for rent. Tel.
.S32-Y. (121! W. lib St. 130
FOH SALK lllcycle, almost now, $10
333 Knfght Street. 130
FOH SALK Household goods, cheap,
family moving away. Phono 25-Jt.
FOH SALK Fine Kihorta jieach-
oh, Ic per lb. at orchard. Hoso
Orchards. Phono B97-J3. 131
FOH SALK Tomatoes nnd melons.
Phono 2S-H&.' 137
FOH SALK Grain liny. $0.00 to $10
por ton. Phono 591-J2.
FOH SALK 2-sontodVollelinck with
pole. Phono 052-J.
FOH SALI: -Jeuney and Jnok sad
dle, cheap. Mr. Kllliisvvorth, 107
Knat Socond St U
h!sl"Tss;j,atk i'oh'saliJ All
hinds of property for sale or ox
chmme. Gold Hay Itealty Co.
FOH SALK-Farm land, fruit land,
timber land, land from $5.00 po,
ucro upwards on lung time. Gold
Hay Hoalty Co.
FOH SALK Wyoua Plnco, 80 ncres.
finely Improved Hoguo Klver Val
loy land, 36 iiiIIoh north KiikIc
Point. Seo or nddrowt owners, W.
II. Crnudall on tho place, or J T.
Carpentor, 315 N. llartlett, Med
ford, no iigonts. 150
FOH SALU-lluy Ashlnnd property
whllo prices nro attractive. Wo linvo
for quick salo In copter of town
mid best resldonco district, on
Sherman street, ono block from
school, 3 blocks from public libra
ry, three lots, onoh CO foot front
by 117 duop, covored with fruit,
nnd 5-room house plastered, bath.
IlKhts, foundation, splendid chance
to build 2 now small buiiKalos for
rent to railroad men, on other two
lots. Con soil whole protorty for
$1750, with $050 cash. This is
worth at loast $2500. mid Is grow
In In value. Also fine 8-room
houso, nindorn, with bath, llidits,
furnace, etc., on best residence dis
trict on bouloard, and 50-foot lot,
especially fluo location Prlee
$4751. HoiIksoii Wliltiuore & Heed,
Cor. Oak and Main Sts. Ashlmid,
Ore 110
rr is voirn m KiMShH to risk mk
Hocauso my biock in trndo Is to
havo optlotiQd at tho lowest cash
prlco tho boat buy In this comity.
I have boon on tno ground look
ing nut for you for tho past flvo
yoars. Nearly ovoryday I hav& In
vostlgatod some "good thing." I have
eliminated everything osgejit those
deals which I am uonrlnaed will se-
mtro me satisfied oustomors.
In a fow hour time I tun glvo yqu
the benefit of this research. It Is my
business to show you over Uio county
and Introduce you to tho paoslblllilei
and opportunities here Feu Mod-
ford first and
i i,
JUS W'i .Mnln Strevt j
LISTKN Can you sell gnsollno nt
1 rout per gnllon. If so. sell Gaso
Tonle. GIvob 10 por cent moro gns
ollno mllongo; eliminates carbon;
auto owners grabbing for It: $10
u dny ensy. Ilelsoy mndo $25 first
dav. Act quick, innn. Details
free. White Manrg. Co. Dopt. SO.
Clnclnnntl, O. .
now or second hand. Also 200
rods four foot wire fonnlng. Ad
drons Uqx Codnr, Mnll Trlbuno. 132
WANTED TO I1UY Second hand 5
pnnscnger mtto, Into model, good
condition. Give description nnd
lowest cnslt price. Address Dnx
D. IS., Mall Trlbuno. 130
WANTED Largo knitting mill In
vites correspondence front women
desirous ot earning mouoy, part or
full tlino. Good pay. Kxporlonco
unnecessary. International MIUb,
Inc., Norrlfltown, l'n. 200
WANTKD TO I1UY 20 tOno of
strnwj also 20 tons of liny. Vin
son's Fcod Darn, N, Hlvorsldo Ave
WANTKD To rostn for two months,
light smtdlo. suitable for lady. Ad
droBH Hox X, Mnll Trlbuno.
TAKKN UP At Knlser's plnco on
Klvursldo, 3 sown nnd 13 pigs,
marked with ciop on right, two
splits under bit In left. Owner can
take same by paling ad and feod
bill. L. It. IIoiissiiiii. 139
LOST Soiuetvhoro between Medford
nud Knglo Point, radiator cap. Ho
ward for return to Mall Trlbuno of
flco. STHAYKD OH STOLEN $5 rownrd
ono dark bay saddle borne, flvo
yoars old, weighs about 925 pounds,
small white strip in fnco, coming
to n point, Insldo of strip 8 or 10
dark spots, right hind foot whlto,
forutop cut about March, extra fast
walker. Addrosx Marshal Mlnter,
KitKlo Point. Ore 133
-AttOrnoyn-at-Lnw, Hnomu 8 and
, Medford National ItnnkbidR.
Corey bldg.
Wm. M. t!olvlg. George M. Huberti
Medford .National Hank Htiildiuc
Attorneys at Law. Jackson Uoun
ty Hank IlulldlUK.
Auto nopplttxi
are operating tho largest, oldest
and boat equipped plant In the Pa
cific uortliwoBt, Due our uprlnm
whoa others rail, Bold under nuur
anteo. 20 North Firtconta St.
Portland, Ore.
1)11. O. O. VAN SCO YOU
aaruott-Corej Hide, suit 111
Uedrord Ore. Phono 86H.
riotory i'utuic
HKLDN "'li'. YOCIUflV Notarypiib'
lie. Hrlng your work to mo at tb
slpn of the Mall Tribune.
100 acres with 50 aaltlo. team.
and souin hoia, lartiu bulldlims, part
of It is Irrigated alfHlfw. It eouhl
have HO seres of lerlgatod alfalfa.
plenty of wgtur, noar flno outraiiRe,
both In summer and winter. This Is
In the Apple'- aI1c nnd a fine buy
at $7500.
too acres or run- ) . 1 imttnu land
eloao to iiv d iiu'.li ,i . , kh.' to rail
road. No twiter snr beet Itud lu
the valley. Only $12 lT ui
Some level Ihmiih-Ii'M.I r.-'iiK-i n
ments In the Illinois vulif. t . i ( r
worlk hll.
' C. D. HOQN.
lMMm (i, Jsm-m
Collection. nnd Hcporta
collected sonto nccoiiuta 14 yoara
old. Wo know how to got tho
money. Tho Mullock Mercantile
Agoucy, Inc., Hoomu 1, 2, 3, Han
kins' Hldg., 210 IS. Main St.
DH. A. H. HEDGES. Dr. Louise B.
Hodges Mochnno-ThoraplstB, Chlro-.
praetors, Spondylothoroplsts. These
systems, Including dlototlcs, cttra
tivo gymnastics, hydro-theraphy.
ote, produce renulta In both acuta
and chronic dlsonses, ConaultJV
tlon free Over Douol & Co,, cor
nor Mnln and Uartlott. Hours 9
a. m. to C p. m. Othar hours bjf
appolntutont. Phono 170.
DR. R, J. LOOICWOOD,, Chiropractor,
nerro spoclallat Rooms 20S-204-
205. Garnott-Corcy hldg. Vapor
bathe nnd scientific massage given;
ncodlo spray, hoad and shoulder
shower In connection; advice lu
dlototlcs, modlcal gymnastics,
hydropthorapy. Lady attendant.
Phono, offlco 543, resldonco 511-R.
Englncrr an Contractor
FRKl) N. CUMMlNG8--Englncor and
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Bids'.
Survoys, estimates, Irrigation,
dralnngo, orchnrd nnd laud im
provomont. Grujti
GAHIIAOK Got your promise
clonucd tip tor the summer. Call
on tho city garbage wagons tor
good service Phone 274-L. V,
T. Allon.
Instruction la Muale
401, Garnett-Coroy Uldg. Fred AL
ton Ilalght Piano, Mrs. Florence
Ilalllday Ilalght, voice. Phoue
l'tiyefllciann nut, miricoOBs
physicians, 41G-417 Oarnett-Corey
bldg., phono 103C-U lUsldeneu
20 South Laurel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physicians, 303 Garnett-Corey,
building. Phone 904-M,
DR. J. J. KMMKN8 Physician and
inrgeon. Practlco limited to eye,
At, iiewo and throat. Eyes scion
tlflcnlly testod and glasses sup
piled. Oculist nnd Aurlst for S, 1,
H. it. Co, orriccs M. F. & II. Co.
Hldg., opposite P. O. Phono GG7.
H. H. PICKISL, M. D. Offlco Jack,
son Comity Hank bldg. Offlca
phono 43-H; resldonco phoae 68-It,
DR. R. W. OLATlOYPhyBlclan and
surgeon. Phones, office 30, real
donee 724-J. Offlco hours 10 ta
12, 2 to 5.
Physicians and surgeons. Office
309-310-311. M. F. & II. Hid.
Phones residence, 814-J2; office,
DR. MARTIN C. HARDER -Physl-olnu
and surgeon. Offlco Palm
block, opposite Nush Hotel. Hours
ie to 12. 1 to I. Phono 110-.I
v. g."h minE m. d7,Tpi:ci alIst
Kje, our, uoso nud throat, office
228 East Main; roaldguco 1121
East Main; office houra 9 a. in. to
12 m.; 1:30 to 5 p. m. Telephones
Office, 303; ;tesldonco, 303-J2.
Printers nnQ rubllslient
best equipped printing offlco la
sQtithuru Orogon; book binding,
lo'oso lent ledgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland price. 27 Norta
rir t
Offlee ii North l'Vopttayujjit
315. Prices rightiM- -vlBky. j
uuvv vS?- utHIRv,
hum. ' ' "i iBftn V r "
'lypowrltiT im""v , Y-fHM5G.N. '
TYPIVV lUlLimjH - t3H3y 'V
New Uc iiJKK ,. "BBHHSUk
M'ijB i v auunuVBcVr
und subtiH;- mH!im "J1
tnacltInt')a4H lluuuflKi v
m'ntimuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul ' KHtti,
mmnuuuuuuuuuuuuuuV uHLuBbSf
djJauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuT muHODui.