Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 21, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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mS'WliW In honor of herhoiiRO guest, MIrs
crasaaftrrs 8!
Tlie CoIIcko ' Hoi)" which wj.9
Riven Wednesday evening In tho
siiinll hall of tho Niitutorlum wns
very much enjoyed hy all present and
wis ono of tho most successful af
fairs of tho season. '
The music was furnished hy Hazel
rlgg's orchestra. Those present
included the Misses Susan and
JCuthryn Deuel, Jean Nudge, Hazel
Itador, Irene Sullivan, Dora Sullivan,
Margaret Soutter, Vera Oltnstead,
lluth Warner, Dorothy Churchill,
Dorothy Thome, Jean Andorson,
Louise Williamson, Caroline Andrews
Miriam Marsh, of Wnterloo, Iowa,
Delia Heck of Woodhurn, Ore., Cath
erine Swem, Klorn Welsh, the Messrs.
Hit (Id Fisher, Hilly Newton, C. Card
well, Wayne Coo, Walter nrown, Her
bert Alford, Vrank Karrell, Elmer
Koss, Lloyd Williamson, Lyle Wal
thers, Lincoln MrCormack, Karl
Tinny, Floyd Halght, Robert Pelouze,
Curl llerry, Ilohert Wilson, Tom
Kcantllu, JInrry Rosenborg, Luther
Deuel and Francis Dennett.
Mr. Ed La Fortreno and sister,
Miss Anne, of Seattle, accompanied by
tho Misses Emma and Minnie Ilor-
ohardt of Medford, started on a lillto
to Mount ABhland Tuesday evening.
Tho paity loft Medford at 5: IT. on
tho Interurliaii nnd started their
climb from tho Ashland canyon about
7 o'clock. After walking flvo miles
they bad to resort to artificial light.
A continued climb was made, encir
cling the mountain nnd reaching tho
Hummlt about 8:00 a. in,, a total
lielght of 7fC2 feet. No stops wero
made and nfter a continued trnmp of
.18 miles, they reached their start
lug place In the Ashland park at 4:30
Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. William Henry El
icit of Chllllcothe, Mo., havo Issued
Invitations for tho marriage of their
daughter Farnet to Mr. Edward Mor
gan, Jr., of thin city Saturday even
ing, September 4th at Chllllcothe.
Air. Morgan with his father and
brother own n fruit ranch near Med
ford mid Inns lived In tho valley
two years. Ho has been prominent
in the social activities of tho ranch
colony taking u particularly 'active
part In amateur theatricals. Mr.
Morgan leavos this weok for tho cost
nnd will spend the winter In St. Louis
returning to Medford In tho spring.
Miss Jennette Patterson entertained
n few friends Thursday night with
n theatre- party, aftor which tho
gnosis returned to Miss Patterson's
homo whoro they enjoyed a slumber
party. Thoso present were tho Misses
Esther Warner, Katherino Sworn,
Dorothy Thorno, Mildred Ulack, Ha
7ol Antlo, Maurino Hiatt, Loralno
Cowglll, Mildred Wicks, Marjorlo Isa
bel, Mercedes narber and Laura
The Ortzzlles entertained Wednes
day evening with a corn roast and
cumpflro In Folger's woods about
tbreo miles west of town. About thir
ty Orlzzlles and their friends woro
present. A baseball gamo was ono
of tho events of tho evening. Sunday
tho Orlzzlles will make tho trip over
the now highway to tho summit of
the Siskiyou divide, from which point
they will climb to the top of Pilot
Itock. , '
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilkinson nnd
son of St. Louis, Mo., who havo been
visiting Mrs. Wilkinson's sister, Mrs
W. C. rritcho of White nird ranch,
left this weok for San Francisco
wiiero thoy will attendthe Hankers'
convention and visit other points of
interest en route home.
Miss Margaret Randall of Lincoln,
Neb., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. It.
"Wilcox at her ranch home south of
south of town. Miss Randall has
been visiting the exposition and is
now on route home.
Mrs. M M. Ahrons and clilldron
Lillian 'nnd Harold nnd Mra. J. R.
Hollmlus have gone to San Fran
cisco where they will visit the ex
position. Mrs. Bntnia Tnokstrom has re
turned from a flvo wooks trip to San
1'roneboo'whiro 6he visited the Ph
jmiHtt Puoifie opposition.
The OirU Rridpe club was enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Homer
Rothermol mi 0nfra nveiiH Tiwr
ily afteriMMR.
Mr L. II. Leonard bM returned
to AWdfor frow Grants I'M to
meet her daughter Sue, of Phoenix,
Delia Heck of Woodhurn, Oregon,
Mrs. Ernest McKee entertained Wed
nesday afternoon nt her home on Van
couver. Tho afternoon was snent
with sewing nnd music. Vocal solos
were given by Mrs. Ouy Chllders and
Mrs. John WIlkltiBon nnd a violin
solo by Miss Ione Flynn. Miss Miri
am Marsh of Waterloo, Iowa, who Is
a very talented musician, favored tho
guests with several beautiful piano
selections. A delicious buffet lun
cheon was served at tho closo of
tho nfternoon.
Those present wero Misses Lois
Estes, Loralno Hilton, Flora Welch,
Miriam Marsh, Hesslo Graham, Delia
Heck, Ione Flynn, Mrs. Chns. Lebo,
Mrs. John Wilkinson nn Mrs. Guy
Tho Rcbekobs socials at tho closo
of their regular business sessions
nro becoming quite the thing mid
nro looked forward to with a great
deal of pleasures. Tuesday evening
wnB no exception to the genornl rule
of a good tlmo. Good attendance,
good program and nil tho melon you
could eat. Threo children Allco
nnd Vivian Wilson nnl Charles Wiley
took part lp the program nnd did
their part well; also a song by Mrs.
Lockwobd nnd rending by Mrs.
Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Atwood of
San Diego, Cal., wero guests.
Tho Indies of tho Oakdale circle
mot with Mrs. McNary Wednesday
afternoon to plan tho program nn.l
entertainment for Home Coming of
th Ridley Aid of tho Methodist
church next Wednesday afternoon. A
good program was outlined, and a
tlno time anticipated.
All are Invited nnd nuked to bring
a written suggestion of somo plan
they might havo to help make a
larger and hotter society either fi
nancially or r.oclally. Thoso helps
will bo read and discussed.
Mls Ione Flynn cntettnlned Tuoi
day evening with a gardyn party In
honor of Miss Delia Heck of Wool
burn, Ore., Jnd Miss Ruby Hllger of
Seattle, Wash., nt Iter homo on West
Tenth street. Tho guests gathered
on the lawn which was prettily dec
orated and lighted with Japanese
lanterns, where a very cnjonbte
evening was spent. Frnppc was
served on the lnwn and later In the
evening delicious refreshments weio
served by the hostess. The guests
Tho Misses Delia Heck. Ruby lin
ger, Lois Estes, Heleu Dahl, Mary
Hoke, Loralno Hilton, Ann Hamilton,
Natalie Hamilton, Laurn llerry, Mnry
Trowbridge, Mrs. Ivor Paley, Mrs.
Ernest McKee, Mrs. Donald Springer,
Mrs. John Wilkinson nnd Mrs. Carl
Miss Florence Ireno Plotner of this
city and Earl Ulrlch wero married nt
Ashlanl Wednesday nfternoon by
Rev. W. J. Douglas of tho Metho
dist church In tho presence of Im
mediate relatives and friends.
The brldo Is n nlcco of Mrs. Lu
oretla Enynrt and tho groom n son
of .Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ulrlch.
The couple left on a honeymoon trip
to San Francisco nnd will rcstdo on
Skookuni ranch on Union creek. The
groom Is ono of tho rising young
stockmen of Jackson county nnd tho
bride Is ono of tho best known nnl
populnr young lalles of the city.
issssW!BKwW''Va'i iilssn
.. - IsaaaaHiaaaalsW siaav iaaav?V. t
Wk -iHiiVisiiiBs slW mykU'.
'r',, td
u tmumMjm,imm:!B
Itcaiity mid llurc I'gs! On HieAxeniK' nnd lit the Itntlilng llcnrli
Itmo Ia'H1 Aio I'lisliliuiiililo TIiIh SiiniDier. I'oc Promeiiiulliig 'lluio Are
Cute Little. Roll Stockings, ns Klnm u In the Accompaii) lug I'll Hue, While
nt tho HcncluN They Don't llolber Wltli Any.
In honor of MIhs Miriam Marsh
of Waterloo, Iown, Miss Florence Car
penter ontertnlned with a five o'clock
tea nt her home nt Pcrrydolo Tues
day afternoon. Luncheon was .served
on the lawn under the grnpearbor,
the tnblo being prettily decorated
with scarlet geraniums nnd green
follago. A social evening wns en
joyed nfter luncheon. Tho guests
wero Misses Mlrmm Marsh, Laura
Page, Clara Welsh. Helen Watt.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Rtcnnett on
tertnlned with n dinner party nt
their homo on East Eleventh street
Tuesday evening In honor of Mrs.
Helen Hoyt and Miss Clara Cedor
holm of Hillings, Mont, Tho guests
wero Mrs. Helen Hoyt, MIhs Clara
Ccderholm, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. P. Ol
son, Mr. and Mrs. H. IC. Tomlln
sen and Miss Gladys Pourt.
A jolly hayrack party was en-
Joyed Wednesday evening by tho
members and friends of the Epworth
League when two hayracks loads uf
yonng pcoplo went io the grove ut
Phoenix whero n bonfire was built.
Tho evening wns spent In toastlns
mnrshmellows and playing gnmes. A
very pleasant tlmo was had by all.
Dr. and Mrs. George Herbert,
Charles Herbert, Miss Jtose Herbert,
Dr. nnd Mrs. R. W Anderson, Miss
Ruth Anderson, nnd Alexander An
derson, a touring party from liono
lul, spent Frldny in Medford nnd left
'this morning for a visit to Crater
Mr. nnd Mrs, H. H. H. Nelson, who
havo been the guests of Miss Fern
Hutchinson, left Monday for their
homo in Portland. Miss Hutchinson
accompanied them and will be their
guoat for some. time.
Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Velletto of
Goshen, Indiana, who havo been vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. J. ,R. Andrews,
left Monday for California where they
will visit the exposition and other
soutborn points.
Miss JoFophlne Hnuce of Grafton,
X. Dr. latin instructor In the Ills
marok, X. D., schools, spent tho week
at the Trolohler home. She has
been spending tho larger part of hor
vacation at the fair.
Mrs. J. A. niomgreii, Mrs. Richard
Hlomgreu, Miss Dolma Hloingren and
Ronben Hlomgren of Chleago who
hae been visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Wuuterlund left Krl
da) fur Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hiighon and two
ton of Modeato, California, are
guosU at the home of Mr. Hugfettti'
jtarttnu. Mr. and Mrs. George T.
Hughe at ttarir ranch near Phoenix
MIm Gladv H Ionian lft I'rlda
for a Ult to Han Frunciwo and Lou
Mrs. W. W. Mnrli, .lnujililer Mir
iam nnd sister Mi-w Lucy Kiiiilmll,
of Waterloo, lowu, left for homo on
Tlnirsilny oveniiifc after Hioinliii i
few (lu.vs ut tlu lioiiuj of Mih. Klizn
lietli Gntvutte nnd ilnughter, Mrs.
Winfield Hailey on Orniijio street.
They nil motored to Crater Lnke
tlie first of llie week, Mrs. Hnilev lie
inp llie chauffeur.
Miss Mursli is u ory liileiiled
yonnp miioiciiiii nml it is n leyret
that more music lovers of .Medford
did not hnve nn opportunity of lienv-
ins her piny.
Mrs. ltny Crystal nnd. son Phillip,
wiio in company with her mid her,
Mm. .1. jr. Kiernnn, of Oiielle, Oil.,
Iinvo been visiting friends nnd rela
tives in Medford for n few duys, left
Friday evening for her Ihuik in Pen
dleton. Oregon.
Mrs. O. I). Nelson nnd daughter.
Miss Helen, left Thursday afternoon
for their homo In Wyoming if ter sev
eral weol;3 lslt with Mrs. Nelson's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Nelson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Rohort Qunrles and
children, C. U. Parrett and Ludlow
Flower of Denver, Colorado, are
guests at the homo of Mr. nivKMrs.
W. E. Tarbcl.
Mrs. E. L. Hoyer of Oakland and
tho MIb8cb Oraco nnrt Myrtle Nord
wlck of Stockton, Cal., nro guests ut
tho home of Mr. and Mrs. 11, O.
Suo Leonard of Phoenix, Arizona,
Is visiting her uncle, Geo. L. Trelclt
ler nnd family. Miss Leonard will
spend n couple of months Iji tho val
Mrs. Winifred Hailey. Mrs. AW
II. Marsh and daughter, Miriam, nnd
Miss Lucy Kimball of Waterloo, Iowa,
returned Monday from Crater Lake.
TMrs. Robert Ruhl nnd her slHter,
Miss Helen Works of Chicago, have
returned borne from a two weeks out
ing spent ut Gearhart.
Miss Edith Flnley of Fort Wayne,
Now Mexico, and Miss Lillian Drew
are guests at tho homo of Miss Elslo
Webb of Ross Lane.
Wnltor nrown nnd slstor Miss
Helen, left Thursday morning on a
roverul weeks visit to San Frunelsco
and the exposition.
Mrs. J. D. Olwell who has bean
visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs C.
It. Rny of this city, left Friday for
her homo in Senttlc.
Mrs. E. G. Hlddell entertained tlte
Nullo nrldge alirb at her homo on
South Oakdale Thursday nfternoon.
Mr. Winfield II. Ilmlev louvo the
first of the week for San Fniiicien
to viit relative and attend the fun-.
LONDON', Aug. lil. Russian wn.
tiers liuve bniunlit down u Zeppelin
llmt was nppronchinir Vilnn, necoid
iug Io u depateli to the Kouler Tele
gram company from Petrogrnd today.
The despatch centinues:
"Tho airship wns hit four time.
It contained the pilot nnd engineer to
gether with eight soldiers, u machine
gun, bombs, ineeiidiir darts nnd
lihotogriipliie nppnrntiis."
Consul Thompson latest dcspn'ch to
the stute depiirtiiHMit from Queens
town confirms the White Slur hue's
stiiteiuent Hint vnlv two AiiieneniiH
of the Arabic's passcngurs arc iiniio
coiinted for. Thev nlo Mrs. Jose
phine Snther Urugiiicro of Njw York
nml San Kmncisco, and Dr. Kdinuiid
V. Woods of nJncsMllc. Wis.
jcir? .
lTTJ SVVBBV , Jt. .SLxt- .
- .. . imt tx- i . ib. m.x ii
L : w M Hi , ?fHUliKAfll
; i w mi 14,
KIT I HlM'l mtt
RKRMN", Aug. 21. Dp. Kurl llelf
for, HccteluVy of the Oonimii imperiiil
lioiisury, speaking in tho Iteiehstu.i
on tho secoul lending of the wur loan
or $2,r)H0,000,000 said :
"Until now twenty billion marks
havo been voted and our cstiuiutos of
war needs still lire exceeded hv real
e.cnditiires. The expenditure in
one month is higher by win third
than the total expenliliire for the wur
of 1870, but every German knows
Hint tho sacrifices will not he in
Tho undersigned will leavo Frank
Lewis' confectionery ovory day ex
cept Sunday for Medford with his
auto at 1 o'clock p. m arriving at 2
p. m. Lcnvo 'Nash hotel, Medford, at
S p. in., arrive nt Eaglo Point at 6
p. m. A part of tho traffic Is solicit
Eaglo Point. Or
Havo ou ii hole In your stocking?
Don't worry Roll 'om down ns
far as your shoe topn or If llko tuVo
'om off entirely then go promenad
ing! Hnro legs nro fasblniuiblo this sum
mer! My d(jnr, It's a fact!
On Fifth avenue, nt Newport nnd
olsowhoro you seo hnro legs. A
joung thing comes tripping nlong,
ou look, mid then you don't know
whether to run or Jo stop her and
hoarsely whisper that you think
er something has broken.
Hut don't! She's only keoplng up
with tho styles by wealing 'om down
to hor shoo tops. And so with the
present stylo of short skirts, passers
by get ii gonerous view of bare leg-i.
The roll stocking Is the thing.
You doi't bollovo It? Wall, look
nt tho accompanying photograph.
There's only one drawback to tho roll
stocking. Tho wenror has to find
another placo for tho "bank roll.'
At tho beaches nobody wears stock
ings tills summer. Fair bathers don't
even bother with socks. Short
skirted bathing suits and beach slip
pers and nothing between, that's
Fashion's edict.
It's rather hard on the girl whoso
legs nro skinny, for there Isn't a
ghost of n chauco to "fake,"
Tlmo Tnblo
Leave Medford dally except Sun
day for Ashland, Talent and Phoenix
nt 8 a. m., LIT., 3:00 and 5:15 and
10:15 p. m. (Saturday nt 11:15 p.
m.) Sunday loavo at 8:00 nnd 11:00
a, m., 1:00, 5:00 and 9:30 p. m.
Leavo Ashland dally except Sunday
at 9:00 a. in., 12:50, 2:30, 4:30 and
7 00 p. nu and Sunday nt 10:00 a.
m., 12 noon, 4.00, C nnd 10:30 p. in.
With Medford Trade Is Medford Made
High and Grammar grnilo
school work Is hnrd on the
Hnve mo prepare Glasses to re
lievo the ctinln
i:cMuht SpedalNt
.Medford Oregon
Always pleases tho young and tho
old. Just tho desert for these hot
days. It's pure, wholesome and re
freshing. Prompt delivery on all Ico cream
and butter orders.
The White Velvet
Ice Cream Co.
Phono 481 32S.'CSt.
6 in I km from Edgewood, Calif.,
good for rheumatism, stomach trou
ble, and skin disease. Rates $13 per
weok for tent, board and hath.
A beautiful camping ground, good
trout atroam. delightful climate, alti
tude 4M0 ftMt. Cum pun are wel
Mall card for bus to meet vou
E r L'loxl,
Edgewood, California.
For Cooking and Heating and
Conserve Our Natural Resources
AVhoii you burn COAL, WOOD, OIL or (IAS,
you have dost roved a product that eaiinol be
replaced for hundreds of years, if ever.
The sun is daily raising water in the form of
. vapor from the ocean into the clouds, whiah
falls as rain or snow in the high mountains,
, and turns the water wheels for generating
electric power on its wa downard again to
tho sea.
This power can bo used over and over again , '
' without loss of any of our natural resources.
'Investigate our Rates for ICleetrie Heating and
Klectrie Cooking, made possible- by SIX
abling us to generate and deliver power tit a
minimum of expense.
California -Oregon Power Company
rnunt iuo iu wcoi mmn oi., rncurunu, uncuun p.
s I
1H 1 5U li'Mip jH