Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 21, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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flro. wan
Frldny night.
MIbu Kllznbcth Putnam rotnrncd
Friday from an extended stay at
Crater Lake.
Joe Smith and IJ. F. Mulkey re
turned Friday evening from tlio
Pythnh encampment, tho delay being
caused by auto trouble.
Minn Nova LounBbury of tho M.
& Irf, department store, has Just ro
t uracil from San Francisco, and will
bb glad to have you call and boo tho
pretty things on display at tho mll
llribry department of tho M. & M.
V. L. Lindsay of Dorby Bpent Fri
day in Medford attending to husluoss
matters and visiting friontlB.
There Is Cream In it IN WHAT?
Cbttago Chceso made at tho Jackson
County Creamery. 1.11
M. J. Kmerlck nnd flus Stlmson
left Friday morning on an extended
hunting trip to Eastern Orogon nnd
Ford tops, neat covers, hoods nnd
celluloid lights. Tent Factory, 100
N. Front. 132
Attorney 0. W. Troforn of Aslilnnil
spent Frldny In this city and Jnckson
vlllo attending to legal mnflcnj.
See'navo Wood nliotit that flro In
Buranco policy, Offlco Mall Trlbuno
Tho flro burning on tho hillside
ono,nnd thrco quarters mllcn cast of
I'hoqtilx was placed undor control lato
Friday night. It was fought by thn
JackBon County Firo Patrol associa
tion. Tho damage was slight. Tho
vlslblo from Main street
Qrent forcBt firos aru
burning on tho south sdo of thn SIs
klyous, which accounts for tho smoky
blanket hnnglng over tho valley.
Screen doors Medford I.nibr. Co.
Frank Colo nnd wlfo of Dunsmulr
nro vlRltlng frlondn nnd rolntlvcB In
this city. (
To L. M1. I). (Pcrnonnl) Pleaso
lie at tho U. 0. H. C. firHt Pavilion
franco, In Gold Hill, Saturday night.
Must sco you,
Qcorgo Von der llnllon of Knglo
Point spent Friday afternoon in Med
ford transacting business matters.
Thoro Is Crcnin In it IN WllAT?
Coltngo Chceso mado at tho Jackson
County Creninory. 131
S. II, Holmes of Haglo Point upont
Friday in Medford attending to btu
lnosn matters.
Velvet lc cream at Do Voo'u.
Don llador, of thin city, playing
with Vernon In tho Coast tongue, wan
hit by a pitched hall In the gnmo FrL
day. This incident afterwards result
ed In tho run that won tho gamo.
I tako prldo in making your watch
kopp perfect timo, I havo ovory fa
cility for doing fluo watch ropalrlng.
Johnsou tho Jowolor.
Thomas Ames of Holland Is attend
ing to business matters In thin city
this wcolc.
When that auto wheel cracks nnd
pops It needs fixing. Wo mnko ns
solid as now, nt a small oxpenso. Hil
lings Carrlngo and Auto Works.
Miss Luclnda Cochran of this city
is visltlug with friends and relatives
at Grants Pass.
Clnssus at Sjt. Mnrj'H Academy,
Medford, Oregon, will rcopou Sopt.
ftli. Iloth boarders and day-pupils
aro received. Full high school course.
Individual attention In primary and
grammar grades. nxcentlonnl advan
tages p art, muslp, china painting
and modern languages. Kxcollenl
romi'norclnl course. For particulars
address Sister fiuitorlnr.
Mrs. C. Leonard of l'honntx, Ari
xonn, Is visiting friends nnd rolntlvoA
in HiIh city.
Do Voo carries ho host lino ot
flvo cont clgnrs In tho city,
William FoBtor of Yroku. Oil , Is
among (lie out of town visitors In the
city this week.
jonuson. at tlio hook store, nn
ox'port watch rojwilror.
Glenn Lnldley lias returned from n
week's vacation trip In Cuotlu.
llaVoyou tiled that ciwmij Cuttnuo
Chuueo at tbu Jackson County C'rttam
cry. HI
The Mqdfonl IjiuhUhII twain will
play tho llnrrlmau timm of Portlauit
nt this eity tomorrow, nnd one of the
largost crowds of the suHfon is x
peatod to u'ltnota the gamo Tho lo
ehls uro In good haii Tha visitors
nro rated as ono or the fastost inna
te ilr toams In tho stato.
Merchants' Lunch, 25c. Tha Bhasta.
A nurnbor of Medford students In
California colloRtte will laavo next
week to begin the fall term.
Chocolates. 30 oents lb. Pa Voo's.
Joo ICellj of th Griffin croek ilts
trlct Is s)iendliig Hip day In Uih city
attending to huslnea matters.
Weston Camora Shop far first clftaa
Kodak finishing and Kodak suppllon
Tho public schools of tho city will
opon Monday, Soptombor 13, a week
later than usual owing to tho county
fair, which will bo held from Sep
tember 8 lo 11.
Loganberry sherbet. Tho Shasta.
"Word has neon received In this city
of tho death of Southern Pnclflo
Agont Gllmoro of Cottonwood, Cnl.,
Friday, near Hornbrook, when an. au
to bo was driving plunged over a' 90
foot embankment. Tho dead man
was a brother of Mrs. May lllcc, for
merly S. P. agent at Gold 1IHI, nnd
an assistant in tho local offlco.
JIIss Gladys lllnman loft Friday
for a two weeks visit at tho San Fran
cisco fnlr and other California points.
The mercury registered 101 de
grees Frldny, two degrees lower than
tho provlouH day. Tho heat was In
tensified by a heavy pall of BniOko
from forest fires.
FroBh ronsted peanuts at Do VOo's.
Oct your buttor, eggs, cream, milk
dna butter milk at 15 o Voo's
Frank Ilyb'co of Jncksonvlllo spent
Frldny afternoon In Medford attend
ing to business matters.
Havo you tried that creamy Cottago
Chceso ot tho Jackson County Cream-
ery. 13?
Wyi It. Coleman returned Frldny
right from n mining trip up tho Ap-
Quick sorvlco for your Kodak fin
ishing. Bco Weston's Camera Shop.
S. S. nullls, head of tho llullla in
torcsls In Southern Oregon will ro
turn tho last of next week from n
thrco wenkir business trip to Cali
fornia nnd eastern cities.
Tnka your wntcli to Johnson, tho
Jowolcr, you will rccclvo unusually
good sorvlco,
liurglnrs entered tho pooMmll uf
Noah Lynch on Front nvcnuo Frldny
morning nnd stolo C, Tho pollen
have no clues. ' ,
J. 0. Oerklng, tho host all around
photographer in southorn Oregon,
Always reliable. Negatives mado any
where, tlmo or placo. Studio 228
Malp St. Phono 320-J.
George Older of Montnguo has ro
turned to his homo In Montnguo nfter
spending a week In this city on bus
Tho Jnckson County Croamory linn
somo doliclous Cottngo Chceso, fresh
dally, 1.11
Attorney A. C. Hough of GrantH
rnss spent Friday In this city attend
ing to buslncsR matters.
Havo you tried ono of thono Co
milk shakos at nnVoo's?
Miss Kllzabcth Shoenbergor of San
Joso, Cnl., arrived Friday night to
spend ti week visiting with frlcudo
an drolntlves In this city.
Use Mother's Home Mado Ilrond at
your grocers. Nowtown Oakery. Hfl
John Potter of Wntklns In Hpoudlng
the day In this city nttondlug to bus
Iiiphs mattors.
Tho Jnckr.on County Cronmcry ban
soma delicious Cottago Chceso, frosli
dnlly. 131
Frank Casey of (llondnlo wan
among tho out of town visitors in
tho city Frldny.
When you need any blotters call
nt tho H. II. McCurdy Agency, or telo
phono Ono-two-thrco, and vo will
send you somo. tf
Mrs. Ii. L. Hoyor or Oakland, Cal.,
Is vlHltlng with the fninlly of 11. O.
If you do not wIbIi to tako your
children with you on your Mituiuur
trip why not leave them with tho
Hoogey sisters at Tho llanch, Med
ford. Terms reasonable. Phono
858. 13
F. F. llcuvhiiw, district engineer
of water ronoiirroH returned Friday
from n trip to Diamond lake, when
ha secured data relative to the recom
mendation or that pIcturoHnun spot im
national park. Measurements were
nlho taken of Fish and other IiiKom In
tho eastern part of teh county to oh
tlmnto the nmount of water available
for Irtlmitlon purpose.
The Jackson County t'ummnry has
iinn delicious Cottago Chewe, Wm
diilly. 131
14 P Itoneuthal, organizer of thn
i uiiMtiau ceneo association huh ar
ra lined In penk tomorrow morning
at the Unptlbt oliurfh, and Tueula
uwuiIiik In the 'public llbrnn Th
imriHisH of the KMiH'iatlnu h to npi'U
tha twu'lilugw or the Illltle to all prob
Ikiiu Imohlng nation, nnd to appeal
to rouniess to Mstabllsh a department
nt nmw for tho furtberanro ot the
propgiiHilu. The ustinelatlou has a
Urge iiuuuborhli In the WIllauiHtto
vallvy and I lie norlhorn part or thn
Ono fruit grower rocalvod over $S0
In cash premium from tho fnlr. Not
o bad. Ifottor 8't a nro'inluiii h
tL J."j'i . . 1
H. H. lUrnlih of hVglo Point spent
Friday In Mwlford atlundlHg to bMs-1
Inoss mnttors.
lllive you tril (hut rroawy OettHiu
Olu'edc at tho Jatikawu CoWHt) CrMm-
ery. 11
Mnr'ln L HrlefttuA. rortHt tup!
visor returned Friday from a tw
weeks' tour of lnipotlon of tlmker
conditions in tho llulte Fnlli dlitrlot.
For flour or food phono Medfdrd
Rollor Mill. 1'uono S07,
frem Std Hroii, tho Merntnry and
piepri to make mi exhibit ami t
(UDI0 "jf innnev."
Kir of an takno origin n th
l4lgatM Friday arterqonliiatrfl)4l
a tu ftcr bdtur fWld bghlugluk to
r" PrMton, KpU A Urt Mrit Uiloup-
Inn to Fiotik J8iiiKt. Tho lokw It
MUinAtl at 4ob uurtlally iHMirvd
WH blankets were mmhI h Uw hre
( In e&liMKnl6hlng lis blue
viliirb wts fanned h a etrutti i)
Tlwfe l Cream In It IN WHAT
Cutua chef made at the Jwheen
County CrMMj&ry. )Il4
Mrs. Prl. Iloeklas an 9ha,
Iter sister. Mri Prait an ddnnglitar
and Mr a ad Mra Noble and fa wily
are on a oaniplug trip to Cmtor lako
Hi nlHI mm
EStK .m1 --Tkflrr n t 7i " v. wwtiftm
W -Iff f '
m,' in the Untie Falls ilmtueli. A
small lire stuitetl . jienr Trail w,x
Thurcdnv i under cj(jntrO).
Fires in the Sijjkfjnu 'ieort'i a'je
still btiniilif: on Hore, Seiad njfil
Congo r ereekH. Over 3(10 infill nro
fiL'lituifr these fliulYwi. A Hmnll luimU
tne is liitiiiiiig near Kttgitc Kiver on
I.muih creek.
hinolvr from flic fire liungs like n
Dull ov c t I In vullev,
i f
ii!.U '.
- .t
&.. miaasrw'ici
ti,iM.AMiK LAItOKLY LTU. riinrrtiuiiiuf
Preparation of tho Itlght Kind May bo-Wd nt tho
Medford Commercial College
Day and Night School now In ec slon nt 21, N. Grape Street, Medford, Or.
Three pa it Vilngrnph Hrondn t It
Klnr fenliire. "Itniitv lllimm." foil- (ill
-. ---J --.... .- j --.
tilting the liijr comedy Four Flora
Finch, Milium Shen, lliiliie Mink
nnd Knlo Price. Serenu Slim, the
Slender Sleuth i.s net on the truck of
the wrong man, with tlio result that
jm'Iii i liac In 1 iltcd in In l"
niiiuiiiir coinciU nt eriois which
follow. A two j'Kit F.Hsiiiinv Willi
Iticliniir TrnvO'r and Uene Noel nnd
n one pint Itlof niili diniiin "Jler Hid
den Life'' complete nn excellently bal
anced iirogrnnit the Page Sunday
iiini'i'ni'i in i n n i ii miv-
J. P. O'flrlon, vlco jiresldont nnd
general manager of the O.-W. It. & N.
Co., will be tukon off train No. in
Sunday nt Hornbrook and taken oor
tho Siskiyou grado by A. 8. Hoscn
bnum nnd F. 11. Hopkins, rejoining
tho train nt Medford.
Tho Jnckson County fnlr, Septem
ber 8 to 1 1 offers double tho prem
IcniH on fruit that aro offered at tho
ttrtto fair. Your fruit stands ns good
a chance as nnyonc's to win. Hotter
try it. '
Tho Grizzly club will tako tho
Packard car nt tho Washington street
dclioo Int f a. m. Sundny for Pilot
Hock on tho summit of the Slsklyous.
Will walk nlinut 3 miles each wny,
nnd spend the day on the cool sum
mit. Safety nnd sorvlco. Wo glvo both.
Holmes, tho Insniirauco Mnn.
It. W. Clarke, president of tho
Clnrko-Henory Construction company,
Is spondliig a few ilnya In Medford
on nn auto tour of tho coast.
John M. Scott, general passenger
agent of tho Southorn Pacific, and
Mrs. Scott, returned to Portland Sat
urday, after n week's visit at Crater
Ltiko and Medford,
(Continue from Page One).
that their warships had boon drnwn
In closo formation to gnu nnttle,
and nn official lepnrt received last
night from Petrogrnd'snld that n Ger
man fleet had penetrated tho gulf
and engaged tho Ittisslnn vessels.
ForeHl files nil iitnlei mill ml, are
liuiniiitr toilnv in t lit southern Oregon
ilintnet. Tho 'forestry Hcri'lou-uiito 'J
ji'olock reported no new fires today.
Tho fire one ami three-qiiniters mile
eunt of Phoenix i Htill buiniiij; over
nn ureu covorod with linifli nnd fov
Inil. This lire i heinj; foiiftlit by
tlio ,lackm)ii county patrol nsKoeia
lioii. The file on tlio Applejmlc Hint
threiitciietl .TOO n-ren of timber in tlio
Ciutcr Xntioiiul lorcHt reserve wuh
placed undor cmitrol last nijjbt. A
large briiHh fire in burniu(r on both
side: of MhIi lake, but i being bejit
from the bony timber. A mimbir
of itobilcd fin-, believed In Imv"
been staitcil by iiiceinlmrip uro, bum-
'j- -iiir itiAJin,ii iiu,m,
V rw
te'V IJ
I Naii AkynupiiruifUfdrA
K hi ht.lirfIiUmnd JIronJ
PIIIim llrU ml iJoM nritlllv
I- its twt itb iuu K(Uk. V
TaL ka ulkrp. Ilnr r otii V
ltrtirtUI. A iff i HI- in'H.Trilrl
CcinmiiH 'I'iiKo lllcl-k
II Hit I. IN, Aik. 81. Tho Germanx
have captured the Ittumtan town of
Hlelsk, 8R mllo south of Hlalystok.
and havo driven tho Ituwilaii over the
lllulii rlvor, iiceordlug to an oTfl
clal iinnouiiosiuont given out today
by the German army headquarters.
LONDON, Aug. 21. The Russian '
nrinloH in o fighting doorHtcl but
vainly to eheewk tho onrush of tho
Germans and Austrian. Ossowetz,
to tho north of Poland, lias resisted
tho luvndew thus fur only borauso of
tho marshy nature of tho surrounding
country, whloh pront the Germans
from employ lug their hev) guns ef
fectively, too i,.vru n t:i-st t
FAltrFoiTlllCN l NviTxN Uli to "sv
euro a German icnunt (or a Kond
ninch. 100 aero cultivated, mhiic
alfalfa, water, implements furnlli
ed. ItiilldiiiKs. good M'hool near
by. Tuhiii. lions Mild oow to te
piirchiuwd by tenant. This is an
ldonl ranch for a roihI Gerniap fnin
lly. You will be surprised at tb
pioposttlon Page-nreshler Com
pany, .'.mi KHNt Main St. 13a
$wo J4iBSff
The Re
WASIIINCITON, Aug. 'Jl.;- The In-ler-diitt'
commerce conjmisHinil tli-tMil-mg
tntlay iiphyld the eoutentbm ot
truelin MiloruniMi tbat rejritlntioiiM
defining Hiilpb bflettflgX nn tlrtil enr
heil by eoininefvinl Ifnvelerrf, '"n(
not fur khIc or fiee distribution." lire
uurensoiinble. The eommidwiou pre
Heribcd u new regulation which dot
not liioliiliit tint onensiounl stile oi
fiee riiMtvibution of sninpleo.
All tlio milruntlH weie ordeicd to
to cease enforcing (heir pronimt re
utiictioiiH on October 15.
Your Vacation or Trip
is mado moro pleasant by tho uao of our Travolern
Checks no worry about rlk of loss or theft, ns when
much currency is carried. You can cash them whero
over you stop.
Another Carload
Jiutioivcd Friday nnd all. oxc0i1 uno'undsicr v,inj Uo
livorcd before Friday niglif. This makes
Four Carloads-Twenty-two Cars
deceived and sold bv us in Jew Ui.'in lliree inoiillis in Mvd-
record we
are )rcud of.
The Reason is Plakr
Tile Untile is by I'ju' tile best car on tlio market foV thu
price and is better tlihij many liiyher priced ears.
. xuotlier ctir load is en route. Hotter get in your order
now if vou want one of these nil's.
ernard Motor Co,
is the typewriter with the
rapid-lire action nnd inU
Instable farsoual touch
thtj machine that fires
letters us nn automatic
jUin spits bullets !
Built for the Expert
Typist Better for the
Ordinary Operator
Tho niw Royal way ef sending
direct force from tho nmtftlns
to tho tpo takes tha "ruml"
out of typewriting nnd int teases
tho daily output of any stenog
rapher. Get the Facts!
FOIlSMr, l'irlex pritiu J
mid bait 1 1 i )lo rrt Int t in l
1 I rt I
,,run. - Il(i !( : ggn S
e ac o i 1 n po i" ' on cor'. utd t arantccd to Iciso
or me c r f jii! '
Hcgtilar -t i Model lome, 35 I , '. pouiuU .n .. ft oO
Hogular 40c i" t'oftt-e. IQo lb , i lbs fur "
Itegular 3i "Hiuplrtt" foffoe t&o lb . 3 lba To
Regular oc ' .M ft J Ulead" Coffee 30c. 8 Ita tor 66
lUgular Cio . J a pit n Pan Fried" Ulack T(mpr Hi 50
Uutur t.Oc "Japan Sun-Cunl" (irii Te. ir lb, 0
' SpiduR U i. ' Ore u or HUck Tea. per lb, ... ...... . 15
:i a Aril tiroon lradlnH stamp
Keep Smiling
It's Mty to keep happy if your
tWrtriral lystrm Ii on tha job. And
hi U a umpli nAMir if mhi'N take
ndvanl fi'Ui rx-ti tfict.
lmmmmmBmmmmMmmMmmmmmmmmmmiimmmm nwn mi HMtwrwi wrsnw mstwawnw arra mww w i i m a
V 'i V
V ' T
X. HssiHaWlMylafr..lJ SISM'feS; 'J f fc 4&iMBL X
Frtt intptetitm 9 mny batttry or attjf time
'"- w?tJFhVWbrt!rhjni&
South Ct'ntral
Jackson County Fair
Medfoid, September 8th to 11 h
and for
a pursrj of
'I'lit'ir ait- extra ytnul ireiiiittms tiffcud n siut-k, all ktnd of a
ami Imrticultiirnl roiitnis, even tiling made in the home and factorv
ill kinds of tn iducts made and raised by the children of the count v.
Prea Ball Gnmo Daily between Medford and Klamath J!"alk for
Bif Roky Race, rumiing 'J' j mih" daily, imie $2."().
I.t fofeouiitx Iioiko wiib good pi'iwM.
(Jet a nretviuiii lift from tlie se-reiarv. S. I. Hmwn. Mfdfmil, and eomntenee
now to ptMHv an exhtlut.
a & a