Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 21, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Fair Tonight nntl Sunday
. Max. 101; Mln. 155.
Forty-fifth Ycnr.
Dully Tenth Ycnr.
Ambassador Gerard Directed to Call
German Governments Attention to
Sinking of Arabic and Invito Any
Explanation Berlin Has Oppor
tunity to Present Circumstances.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21. It was
announced nt tlio stato department
today that Ambassador Gerard prob
ably will ho directed to call tho Ger
man government's attention to tho
sinking of tho White Star liner Arabic
and to Invito any pxplanation.
This was the first indication from
any official source that Germany will
have nn opportunity to glvo tho
reasons for tho attack apparently In
. disregard .of President Wilson's sol
emn warning that such nn act would
ho regarded as dcllbcrntolyunfrlond-
(live Itorlln Clinuco
Tho stato department's altitude- Is
that If tho German government has
any facts which In Its opinion go
to mlllgato tho circumstances of tho
attack tho Merlin foreign office
should havo nn opportunity to pro
sont them,
Today's announcement moreover
J Indicates that before President Wil
son takes any action thoro may bo
sonio oxchnngo of diplomatic com
munications. It Is understood Hint tho stato de
partment's policy Is to show tho ut
most deliberation consistent with tho
dellcato question and to omit no op
portunity of avoiding a severance of
relations with Germany so long as
thoro is a rcasonablo expectation tlu'
a sufficient excuso can ho given for
tho sinking of tho Arabic.
Two Americans Lost
Although it has boon roporldd that
tho Gormnn embassy had ovldonco
that Captain Finch of tho Arabic had
boon warned and nttemptcd to escape
before tho toropdo was discharged, It
was said at tho stato department that
no Information of that kind had been
roeolvod from tho Gcrmnn embassy
or from any other official quarter.
Vice Consul Thompson's dispatches
from Queonstown this morning con
firmed tho White- Star statement that
It had boon definitely determined that
only two Americans were lost. It was
tho first official ngreomont on Am
erican losses.
WASHINGTON, Aug, 'Jl.-Generul
Obregon's reply to tho I'nn-Amcri-inn
appeal for peace in Moxiw re
reived hero today politely refers the
I'an-Amoricnn' conferees to General
Carranza for their answer.
"You iviy answer in my nnmo to
the above mentioned gentlemen," saiil
General Obrogon, "that I nm trans
mitting their note to citizen Vomw
tiano Cnrrnnzu. Tho communication
denotes cloarly that the honorable
gentlemen who have signed it wero ab
solutely in ignoranco of tho solidar
ity of our movement und of tho per
fect control which tho fir-t chi'f
eicrcUcw ovor tho wholo Constitu
tionalist army.
"My opinion is thnt if our sUtr
republic are, as 1 believe them to ho,
jininmted by lofty principles of mor
ality and sincerely desire to lon-l
their aid to accomplish it, thov eould
do so by, the inulu act of not allow
ing thomselvo to he misguided by
fsUo information or im&onipuloui
influences and allow the Constitu
tionalist administration to end 'i
work of imcifiuntiou and to utnl)Wti
a real I v democratic government. In
Hti caMO tho Moxiuun Hioide wou' I
liMk UM)n tho brother country with
profound KrHtitude and yinMth."
Cotton Declared Contraband of War.
1'AHIS, Aug. 31.--The fwii f
fte MUUMiue that thtf JunruRle Of
firial tomorrow or8Ul; will whUui
bm MuitMiucetiMHit by llw Prewrli '
llntikk noeruwMiU tfeeturuiff eot.uu
uWdui contraband of r.
jt.. f
Graco. C.SlTOchon.
OAKLAND, Cal., Aug. 21. Miss
Grnco C. Strnchan, district superin
tendent of schools of Brooklyn, has
resigned from tho National Educa
tional association, It becamo known
hero today, following her defeat for
the presidency of the organization.
"I have no regard for tho National
I'Mucatton association," said Miss
Strachan In commenting on her act
Ion. "I havo sont my resignation and
It should bo In tho hands of tho sec
retary by this time."
Miss Strachan chargos that her
defeat for tho presidency of tho as
sociation was brought about by "un
fair means and factional disloyalty."
This coinos as a climax to a re
markable carcor. llor greatest
achievement was hor succoss In load
ing Iff, 000 momborfl of tho Intorbor
ough Tonchors' association to victory
for equal pay with men teachers.
That tool; six years of brilliant and
effectlvo and tireless campaigning.
Thnt triumph has ben hailed as
opening the door to a transformed
futuro for self-supporting women.
In her ability to organlzo, to
wold women together, to survlvo
temporary defeats gracefully nnd to
keep a groat economic causo froo
from political suffrago ontangloments
Miss Strachan has shown extraordi
nary genius.
And it Is hor program for greater
freedom In educational work a full
equality with men that mado Miss
Strachan so zealous In hor doslro for
leadership In tho great convention In
San Francisco.
Miss Strachan signed a statoniont
charging that slio was dofeated bo
causo of her Catholic faith. Slio said
Mrs, Gila Klagg Young, superintend
ent of tho Chicago schools had work
ed against her on tho grounds that
tho Catholic church was opposed to
the teaching of sex hyglcno lu tho
NBWTOHT. R I, Aug. 21. It
Norrls Williams II of Philadelphia,
national tennis champion, dofeated
Maurice Mclaughlin, of San Frauds-
oo, former tltlo bolder today.
Mol.oughlin won tho first bet 7-5
Williams took tho second set, G-.
tbo third C-J. tho fourth C-2, and tho
natch threo sots to one.
As Mcl.ougliltn deoratod Williams
at Longweod three weeks ago In a
(our sets match, the honeru of the
season btwoen loading tennis stars
of the country are new oven. Iiotu
are entered In the nattewal ehampion
aJtlp tournament whlcu begin at Now
York Augunt 30.
n. 4flWK7
' i
British Government States Steamer
Was Unprotected By Warships
Submarjnc Not Slrjlitctl When Tor
pedo Fired No Attempt Made to
Escape or Ram Submarine.
LONDON, Antr. 21. The UrilUli
government today authorised the
statement that the steamship Arable
was not beinj; convoyed when nlie
was torpedoed by a Herman subma
rine. LONDON, Auj;. 21. Altlmiujh no
official report on tho Hhikinjr of tho
Arabic linn been received, it is learned
on inquiry in official circles here that
tho Ihitish government is natislied
that tho Arabic did not attempt to
epenpo or to ram tho siibmaniV
which sank her.
Siibidarlno "Not Sighted
This conclusion U the result of
HtntementH made by Cnptaiit Finch
and other surviwirs. All nurec that
the submarine was not sighted be
fore, the torpedo wnrf filed. Tin1
Arabic, instead of trying to escape,
had been slowed down for the purpose
of ascertainim whether iisitanco
could bo given to the steamer Duns
Icy, previously torpedoed.
British officials cout tho idea
that tho Arabic was attempting to
ram tho submarine. They say that
by doing- so Captain Finch would
hnvo been almost ccttain to strike
the Dunslcy and wre k his own ship.
.Statements thus far received ir.uin-
lain without exception thnt no warn
ing was given by tho submarine.
Death I.tst 7
According to the revised figures
of missing passengers and members
of tho crew, the total death list is 117.
In accordance with instructions from
tho state department at Washington,
tho American consulate is procuring
affidavits from American survivors,
henring paitieiilarly upon the asser
tion that no warning was given by
tho German suhmnrino which torpe
doed tho Arabic. Statements of the
naturo already have been taken from
Mr. nnd Mrs. 1'. A. W. Collins, He
lah Covington and Miss K. Shrimp
ton. L
TH INI DAD, Colo., Aug. 21.- 0 rov
er Hall, a member of Iho jury whi'h
on May 'A convicted John If. Lawson,
international board member ol Lmted
Minors of America, in tho l'irt de
gree, today was arrested at Katon,
N. M., on a ehargo of perjury.
Hall's arrest was on an informa
tion filed in the district court hero
by Attorney Genoral Fred Farrar. It
jg based upon an affidavit by Hall,
incorporated' in LawsouV motion for
a ncV trial, in which Hall swoie that
ho had bocn coerced bv ft couit bail
iff to agrco to a verdict of cuiltv.
r. mmmmmmmMz&zmmimMmimmmmMmm
p i0ptii,tmrmrrnMwi(ip&(wm
After n Imltlo at livt NonIos,
ftliomi drugging U'o fllii MexIcarLS
i-..-l.t.i. n-....-nlln.. cl.l .. IJ.iiiaI
Become Intolerable Porte Asked
to State at Once Whcllicf Hallans
Will Be' Permitted Jo Leave or Not
Preliminary to Declaration of War.
PARIS, Aug. 21. Tho Italian am
bassador at Constantinople, soys a
Home dispatch to tho Matin, has been
Instructed to hand to tho porto a
noto asking for a formal categorical
statement as to tho doparturo of Ital
ians from tho Turkish possessions.
Tho noto Is couched In terms ad
mitting no evasion. Without being
nn ultimatum, it calls upon tho Turk
ish government to declare yes or no
whether Italians will bo permitted to
leave and when.
LONDON, Aug. 21. Tho corrcs-1
pondent at Home of tho Kxchaugo
Telegraph company says that tho Hal-
Ian noto Is in tho njituro of an ulti
matum and thnt tho reply of tho porto
Is expected today.
KOMI-:, Aug. 21. At tho meotlng
of tho Italian cabinet today Foreign
Minister Sonnlno presented a long
leglslntlvo roport upon tho Turkish
situation, showing tho extrcmo mod
eration of tho Itnllnn government not
withstanding tho Turkish provoca
tions, which ho said havo now bo-
como Intolerable
Tho cnblnot's declfclon was kept
strictly secret, but it Is boflovcd tho
ministers agreed to uso all moans,
oven force, to obtain reparation for
tho Injuries suffered by Italians in
Turkish torlrlory.
NAPLES, Aug .212. A dispatch
to tho Mattlno from Snlonlka says
that Ilulgaria has concentrated 150,
000 troops on tho Turkish frontier.
PHTHOOItAD, Aug. St. Russian
military observers lu their comment
on tho recent operations lu tho east,
mtnlmlzo tho importanco of tho fnll
of tho fortresses of Kovno and. No-
vogeorglovsk, which for days had
been anticipated by tho Russian garri
sons. Tho military writers dcclaro
that Ilrcst-Lltovfllc la Jho goal of
German efforts In tho central theater
of war, where In tho nonr futuro tho
Russians will bo forced to contend
against threo approaching armies for
tho possesion of this most Important
Referring to the evacuation of KoV'
no, It Is said, that almost tho entlro
garrison gavo up their Uvea before
surrendering tho position.
Texan, Iwtuccn American mnclieni and Mcvlian baixllLs who had rrowd the Itl.j (irando.
to tlivlr gnuw, .
tJov. Nat I?. Harris of Georgia, w
down and punishing the guilty iiiem
PORTLAND. Aug. 21. After bo-
Ing out 21 hours, the Jury lu tho caso
of tho United States Cashier company
returned a verdict of guilty lu tho
United States district rourt hero to
day agaliiBt tho six offlcors and salos
incn whoso fato was loft in their
hands, A rccommondatlnn for clem
ency -was mado for Oscar Campbell
of Kugono, u dlroctor. Tho defend
ants wero charged with conspiring to
uso tho mails fraudulently In tho sale
of stock.
Tho others found guilty woro Frank
Menofeoof Portland and Indianapolis,
proHldont; F. M. LoMnnn, sales man
ager; R. D. Honnewoll, II. M. Todd,
salosmon, nnd O. 10. Gornort, assist
ant sales manager. An Instructed
verdict of not guilty was brought lu
for Thomas Illlyou, director and In
ventor of tho various cola dovlces,
for tho exploitation of which tho
company was originated.
Tho maximum sontoucn Is two
years In tho penitentiary nnd a flno of
110,000, but boforo sentence Is pass
ed, tho defendants havo 10 days in
which to file motions for n row trial
and six months In which to appeal.
Tho company was placed In tho
hands of a rocolvor 18 months ago
and Its holding disposed of. Tho
government charged that the defend
ants knowing that toll stoclc was not
what It was roprosontod to bo, had
obtained from hundrods of purchnsora
In various starts of tho country ap
proximately (1,500,000.
iniiitiMiinnartiiMiiMWi i rin imtm riii iiitr i i r mm i
ho now faces tho task of running
I htm of tho mob who lynched Leo M.
SAN FltANCLSCO, Aug. 21..-
Abrnhum Hiief, once ft power fn San
Francisco politic, was paroled today
from San Quenliii penitentiary by the
stale hoard of prison directors.
Huof has spent four years, five
months and 15 days behind prison
walls. Ho wait sentenced March 7,
1011 to 1-1 jenrR imprisonment for
having offered a bribe to Supervisor
J. J. Furoy, of Sun Francisco.
With full ontiflU for good behavior
his 11 year sentence was automat
ically reduced to oijjhl years and
ten months. He has nerved half of
this, the minimum reuuisito for parole.
Hut in addition to lit prison term
Iiuef spont throe yoara in tho Ban
Francisco county jail after hi lint
indictment in November, 1000, upon
ii charge of crloition, which
Since hid iiionrceratiou Iltiefs aged
father has died.
liners parole provide Ihut ho
hliall go to Mendocino county, whoro
ho ha a ranch mid remain thoro 00
davM. Kucf rcipiCHtcd that this con
dition ho made so that ho might not
be oharKd with lenowiug activity in
Sun Fniupiscn politic, whuro a
municipal olecliou OHinpaigit ifc under
Kucf probably will not leave San
Qiicntiu until Momluv, becniiNo of do
lav in making nut ncccarv pa porn.
Cowboju aro
NO. 130.
.,, .-..! ii i! i . i.. i iii;-
Three Russian Gunboats Sunk, Ono
German Torpedo boat Sunk and
Two Put Out of Commission Ger
mans Take Town of Biclsk Driving
Russians Over Biola River.
Tho nowspapor Rusaky Invalid
Btatcs that tho chief unlta of 4
tho Russian lialtlc floot arc- not
In tho Gulf of Riga, whoro ft
Gorman floot has ontorcd and
engaged tho Russian naval do-
fondors. Tho Gulf of Riga, tho
nowspapor declares, Is defend-
od by mines and small warships.
HHrViN, Aug. 21. Threo Hussion,
warships and ono Gorman warship,
all small vessels, hnvo been sunk lu
tho Imltlo In tho Gulf of ttlgn. An
nouncement to this effect was mado
Two other Gorman warships wero
put out of commission during tho
ongagomont. Ono ran ashore and tho
other was damaged.
y llio JlURSian ycssoih wiucu worn
sunk wero tho gunboats Slvutch nnd
ICorcots, nnd ft toropdo boat. Tho
Gorman ships sunk or put out of com
mission woro nil torpedo boats. Tho
damaged Gcrmnn boat was escorted
to port.
A 8lalcment from tho Ocrmnn.nil
mirnlty concerning tho battle, rends
an follows j
Official Account
"Our llnltio naval force pene
trated the Gulf of, Ifiga after miner
sweepers hnd nwcpl tho mine field nnd
net obstruction. In the outpost en
gagemcntH which developed, a Ilui.
Hinn torpedo boat of the Kinir Puch-ni-RkH
class was destroyed and other
torpedo boatH, ntnong them tho Novt'k
wero badly damaged.
"On tho evening of tho HUli in
Moon sound, tho Russian gunboat
Sivulch nnd Koroetfl woro sunk by
artillory firo nnd torpedo boats, after
bravo rosistnnco. Forty member of
tho crews, including two officers koiiio
severely wounded, wero rescued ly
our torpedo boats.
"Threo of our torpedo boat were
damaged by initios. Ono Bank, ono
wns run aground nnd one wa es
corted to port.
"Our loss of life wns small."
Tho Slvutch nnd Koroota wore sis
ter BhlpH of 875 tons displacement.
Thoy wero 218 feet long. 3C foot beam
and eight feet deep. Thoy woro arm.
nd with two 4.7 Inch buhh ami four
3-Inch guns. Tholr normal complo-
mont wan 110 iiion each.
Flint Attack ltcx'lli'ri
For noarly a fortnight u powerful
Gorman squadron was engaged In
an attempt to force nn ontranco into
tho Gulf of Riga, for tho purpose,
of assisting tho Gorman army which
occupies tho western coast of tho
gulf. Tho Russians assorted that thoy
repelled on August 8 an attack de
livered by nlno Gorman battleships,
twolvo crulsora and a largo iiumbor
of destroyers.
Lntor tho Russians nnnouncod
(Continued on page two.)
NKW YORK, Aug. 21 Tho body,
of Mrs. Josephlno H. Ilruguloro, ouo
of the two Americans lost with the
Arabic, has boon found, tho White.
Star line announced today. This waa
based on a conversation, It was said,
with Mrs. Marlon Ilrugutero, tho
dead woman's daughtor In law, who
was quoted as saying that eho had
rocelvod a cablo mosaago to thut ef
fect. Young Mm. Urugulero also waa
quoted by a rupretntatlvo of tho lino
a shaving said that tho body of hor
mother In law'a Fronoh maid, Mar
garget Uoudet, had been recovorod,
Mine. Doudot, ono of the two nialdo.
who sailed VJth Mrs. Ilrugutero had
herotoforo bouu listed among the
"fmv"' . . .-
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