Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 20, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Fair tonight nml Saturday.
Mm-. 10it; fln. n:t.5.
l-'orty-flfth Tear.
Dully Tenth Yonr.
Score of Persons Lost Lives In Sink
Inn of White Star Liner By Ger
man Submarine All But Eight of
Passengers Landed at Queenstown,
Four of Them Americans.
Mrs. Joscphino Hruguicror
mul Dr. Edmond F. Wood
nro tho two American pass
engers on tho Arabic definite
ly nHcortnincd to bo inissing.
Tups nro nt tho scene of tho
disaster, searching for tho
bodies of victims. Severn! of
tho American survhors of
tho Arabio disaster wcic in
jured. 4444444444
t i
LONDON, Aup. 20. Tho best in
formation now available indicates
that a scoro or mure persons lost
their lives in the sinking of tho
Whito Star liner Arabic by a Gor
man submarine yesterday morning
off tho south couht of Ireland. Thus
far it has not been determined defi
nitely whether any Americans are
nmong tho dead. Dr. Edmond I
Wood of Jnnesvillo, Wis., and Mrs.
Josephine S. Brugiorc, tin American
who had lived in Europe for some
years, aro missing.
Klght .Vol landed
Tho White Star line announced this
morning that all but eight of tho
passengers had been landed nt
Queenstown. Four, of these were
said to be Americans. According to
information cabled to Washington by
Lewis C. Thompson, American con
sul at Queenstown, however, Dr.
Wood and Mrs. Uruguierc aro tiio
only misbing Americans. The oUior
two James Houlihan of Philadelphia
and Thomas Elmore of New York
were reported by Mr. Thompson to
have been saved.
In nil, about -100 of tho I2!l persons
on board tho Arabic have been ac
counted for. The fate of the othes
is still in doubt but as the hours
lengthen sinco tho Arabic met with
swift (Instruction, hopes that the
others may. have been saved aro fad
ing. Knglwcrs Prove Heroes
Captain William Finch of Taraltic
gave testimony to the heroism of his
engineers and firemen, several of
whom remained at their posts and
probably sacrificed their lives to in
suro tho safety of tliu pjibsengers.
Other survivors say that (he torpedo
which rent tho Arabic's bull Killed
outright several men in tho boiler
rooms. Tho torpedo struck on tho
starboard side about 100 feet from
the storn near the boiler rooms.
In (Juecnstowu everything pos.-ible
(Continued on pago six)
ELGIN, 11U Aug. 20. Earl Cooper
driving nn Atnorlcnn mado car at the
rate or 74.07 miles per hour today
won tho Chicago Automobile Club
trophy road raco. Ilia tlnio for tho
3G laps or 301 miles was 1:01:32.
Ills team mato, Gil Anderson, was
second In 4:00:01. Harney Oldflcld,
who droAo ono of tho prettiest road
races of his career, was third, time
Tho previous record for tho dis
tance over the Elgin track was at
tho rnto ot 73.5 miles per hour, made
by Ralph DePalma last year. Do
I'alma was the favorite at tho start
today and led for 50 miles when ho
had to lay up at tho pit for an hour
while a now rocker arm was being
brought from the city of Elgin. A
fair crowd lined the courso dosplto
the cloudy weather.
There were nine starters, No. one
was Injured. Tom Alley finished
fourth. His time was 4:14:29.
O-tfonncll wos fifth 4:iJ:4&,
Germans Capture Czar's Last Bul
wark in Poland Entire Garrison of
20,000 and Large Stock of War
Material Taken Fall of Fortress
Foreseen When Warsaw Fell.
11EHL1N, Aug. 20. Official an
nouncement wns mado hero of tho
capture of tho important Russian
fortress of Novogcorgiovsk with
more thon 20,000 men.
Tho statement follows.
"The fortress of Novogcorgiovsk,
tho enemy's Inst bulwark in Poland,
has been captured alter stubborn re
sistance. "Tho entire garrison, including
over 20,000 men, mid an enormous
stock of war material, fell into our
"Tho emperor left for Novogeor
gievsk in order to give tho tlinnks of
himself nml tho fnthcrland to tho
leader of the attack, General Yon
Ucscicr and his troops."
Full IiOiig Foreseen
Tho capture of Novogcorgicvsk had
been foreseen since the fall of War
saw. When the general Hussion ro
trent was mado from the Warsaw
salient, Grand Duke Nicholas, the
Hussion commnndor in chief, elected
to lcavo a garrison in the fortress
rather than evacuate this position,
as it was recognized that (ho only
question wns bow long the defenders
would bo able to hold out.
Tho Grand Duke's decision appar
ently wns duo to the strategical po
sition of the fortress. So long as
tho Russians retained it they were
nblo to stop comniunicatian on the
Vistula river. Novogcorgiovsk fa 10
miles northwest, of Warsaw and is
situated at tho juirt'lion of the Vis
tula, Narow mil Wkra rivers. On
account of its position it wns des
cribed by an Associated Press cor
respondent who visited it yesterday
as a second Vieksburg.
Duo (o ltlg (inns
For neaily two weeks had been
completely invested by tho Germans
mid several of tho outlying forts wen
oapturcd earlier this week. Novo
gcorgiovsk wns strongly defended mid
was said to have been equipped with
sufficient ammunition mid food sup
plies for u long period.
Its speedy capture doubtless rep
resents another triumph for tho
great German mid Austrian siego
guns. Pieces of tho heaviest cnlli
her were brought up for the nttack.
('iirrisoiusl by 8."5,000
Tho usual dally statement from
German army headquarters which
was Issued today several hours after
tho special bulletin announcing tho
fall of Novogcorgiovsk, auys that tho
completo garrison at thnt fortress
consisted of 85,000. Of theso, tho
stntcment adds, more than 20,000
woro captured in yesterday's battlo
Tho earlier bulletin from Rerlln
stated that the ontlro garrison was
captured by tho Germans. It Is not
clear, howovor, whothor a consldor
nblo part of tho total of 85,000 es
caped. NEW YORK, Aug. 20.--Leo M.
Frank, who was lynched at Marietta,
Ga., was buried today in .Mount Car
mel cemetery, Brooklyn.
Frank's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ru
dolph Frank, tiic widow and Frank'
hihter, Mrs. Otto Storn and her hus
band, occupied tho uutomnbilo that
followed the hunmo. A dozen other
rolntho and friouds neoompanijd
About -10 curious jHirsons crowded
clono to tho grave during tho orv
ieos,, Mr. Luoillo Prank, the widow, np
I km rod oalni and restrained until the
burial service hod boon concluded.
Thon she oollsjed and was curried
to au uutoaiobile.
Russians Discuss Advisability of
Moving Government to "Ancient
Capital Flankinn Movement of
Mackcnscn Grows Hourly More
RERUN, Aug. 20. Tho loft wing
of Field Marshal Von MackonBon's
army hns driven tho Russians behind
Koterknkulva, southwest of Drest
LltovA, German army headquarters
announced today.
I.ONLON, Aug. 20. As tho Alg
erians and Germans press on tho last
ot tho outlying iortrcsaes standing
between tho Russian canltnl and tho
Invndon-, rctrogrnd is discussing tho
advisability of removing tho govern
ment to Its (indent seat at Moscow,
nlwny? considered tho henrt of tho
nation. Kovno Is now doflnltoly In
the hnnds of tho Germans. Tho
flanking movomont of Field Marshal
Von Mackcnscn grows moro threat
ening hourly, mid it would not bo
surprising if Grand Duko Nicholas
should abandon nil efforts to form a
new Hue with Drcst-Lltovak as tho
OsMmet. Still Holds Out
From Rrest-Lltovsk to Ossowotz,
which scorns to bo withstanding tho
assaults ot tho heavy German guns
hotter than any other fortress, florco
fighting continues with tho ndvantngo
In favor of tho Invaders. Riga has
again become tho center of n strug
gle on land nnd sea.
Petrograd states that tho Russian
T'arshlp8 protecting tho Gulf ot Riga
woro compelled to draw In closer,
owing to tho superiority ot the Ger
man squadron. '
Tho landing of Rrltlsli troops nt
Suvln Ray, Gallipoll ponlnculii, Is ro
garded horo nn a partial disappoint
ment. Tho Turks had concentrated
tholr forccB In tho Anznc zono, a lit
tlo to tho south, but wcro nblo to
Hcnd troops north In tlmo to pro
vent nny Indopcndont movomont ot
consequence Is likely unless tho llrlt
Ish are reinforced considerably.
Italy to Fight Turkey.
Italy and Turkey appear to bo on
tho brink of nn open rupturo. Tho
Italian public expects war, which
would glvo their army nnd navy an
opportunity to co-oporato with tho
allies In tho Dardanelles movomont.
On tho western front tho French
now hold tho cross roads between
Lens nnd Arras, which when In pos
session of Germans formed a wedgo in
tho allied lino.
I.OS ANGELES, Aug. 20. - Enter
ing tho Hoylo Heights branch of tho
Home Savings bank, directly across
tho street from tho Iloyle Heights
police station today, three men hold
up tho manager, E. C, Hunt nnd
William Scott, the bookkeeper and un
called with about .$350.
Pursuers in in a polico automobile
got within revolver range of the ban
dits a short distance from the scene
of tho robbery and exchanged shots
with (hem, but the fugitives got away
apparently unhurt still fewtly pur
sued. ,
In their dash from the bank branch
the robbers leaped into u motor car
belonging to John Hiltslure, and un
der tho muzzles of their weapons,
compelled him to drive them, ac
cording to his statement to tho police
to n placo in tho south cud of the
oity. Ono got out. Tho two others
then directed him to drivo to tho
north end of tho city. HilUlaro said
the robbers filed live shots at the
polico pursuer' and escaped tho liul
lots unt in return.
CHICAGO, Auk. 20.-L. H. Clarke
of Cliiougo, fcbooting from the 37
yard murk, today won tho jemml
American handiwip, tho j'owture of
tho 'week's nutional trupihooting
tournumont, with u score of 00 out
of 100.
Devastated Villages Appeal. for Aid
Galveston's Loss of Life Small
Many Coast Towns Wlprd Out
Bodies Picked up nt Sea.
HOUSTON, Texas Aug. 30.-1)04.
patches filed in Galveston yostorday
mid reaching here todny giving n
dcuth list of Kl nnd saying a flat car
had been sent down tho Ulnud lor
moro bodies, were supplemented by
private reports today that u number
of bodies had been fp'oughL in on the
cur. Galvostou island is 10 miles
long mid it is reported that many
bodios from the mainland have
been washed anlion along tho island.
(lALVESTOJf, Aug. 20. Wire ser
vice wns rostorcd to Galvostoii today
by tho Western 1'nion. The firt
message out of the city since Mon
day was an Associated Pros des
patch snying Galveston's known loss
of life wns eight killed in the oity
proper nnd 2o in the low sections on
tho western portion of tho island.
Water sorviec is expected to bo
resumed tonight. There is plenty of
food in tho city. ' .
An lirgont nppeal of citizens of
Galveston mid of the btate of Toxus
for aid was sent out todn by tho
residents of the small villages of
Anapiimic, Wullacevillo Kunknmer,
Graydon, Kaalo, Glenn, Doublo Huyou
nnd Smith Point. Thoy are on tho
oast side of Galvctou buy. The ap
peal said every ullage was in dire
need, but gave no details'.
TEXAS CITY, 'LVmis, Autf. 20.
Nino bodios wcro picked up on a
dyke nenr this cilv today and llio
crew of tho lender Kowmi, which re
covered them, said thut 21) more bod
ios lay on this dke. It was thought
that part of thco bodies might bo
those of mon from tho dredge boat
Houston, wrecked throo miles off
Texas City. There ate only four
known Burvii,i of i crew ot M
from Jhc Hou-lnn
PORTLAND. Aug. 20. Aftor a
trial lusting six uooks, tho cage of tho
government against sovon officials
and salesmen of the United States
Cashltr company, charged with eon
spiring the use tho malli to dofraud,
went to the jury In tho United States
district court bore today.
H. Mi JB P HH t
.'iiHPHBHH I Margntct tho
li W" H ' 'laughter, I'. Cotnptoii, the man
1 $ MPlBS she's sJibl t bo cngagcil to.
Half of City Submerged Strcot Car
Traffic Stalled Union Depot Un
der Four Feet of Water Roads
Arc Flooded.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 20. Tho south'
western part of Ht. Louis wns under
wator todny and rouldents woro go
lug about In hontB as a result of u
continuous downpour ot rain that bo
Ban nhout 1 o'clock this morning.
At 0 o'clock this morning four
Inches ot rain had fallen.
As tho morning advanced tho
downpour Increased. Itnllroiid nor
vlco on tho MlHHourl Pacific nnd St.
Louis and San Francisco railroad
tracks, which run through tho houUi
west part of tho city, wns dlcontin-
uod nB tho rnlls woro flooded by water
from tho Dosncrcs rlvor. This stream
had Incroiifieil In width nlono from
liO to 100 fcot.
Traffic Interrupted
I)y tho mlddln of tho afternoon
ovory nutomohllo road nnd .street
car lino loading from St. Louis to
tho surrounding suburban towns had
heort cloned.
Tho First Keglmont armory and
tho Collsouni will ho opan tonight
to houuo suburbanites who can not
got homo.
Four foot of wator ontorod tho Bub
way of tho Union Station, tho under
ground passage through- which bag-
gago on many linos. Curs woro un
able to got to Mnplowood, u town
of SS000 pcoplo; to Klrkwood, a town
of nooo, or to Webster Grove, a town
of 10,000.
Life ItoatH UtIIIod
In ninny pnrtH of tho city cars woro
stalled and transportation was com
pletely out oft from many points
within tho St. Louis limits.
Mayor Kiel ordered street dopart
mtiii trucks to tako 11 fo boats from
tho oity harbor boat to Maplewood to
help tho work of rcBcuo.
In tho 0'A hours ending at 11:30
n. m. tho rainfall In St. Louis was
S.2 Inches the heaviest rainfall horo
since tho government records havo
boon kept, At noon tho downpour
QITHENSTOW.V, Aug. 20. A Btnto
mont maiit horo today by Louis Ilru
guloro, pasttongor on tho Arabic, In
dicates thoro Is no doubt that his
mother, Mrs, JoHophluo L. Hruguloro,
an American, wus drownod. Mr. Ilru
i'ulro snld' his mother disappeared
sfter bolng In tho water for about
JO minutos.
Mr. IJrugulore said ho and his
mothor wero the last to louvo tho
promonade dook. Thoy roushod the
dgek aftor the lait boat had loft tho
ruliln Tlilu limit a 4nn f
kniiii I ma uuhi huh iuu iat unu tu
be roached by bis tuotbwr,
Another White Star Steamer Reported
Lost Vessel Freighter Plylnrj on
Australian Run Liner Lapland
Also Reported Sunk But Both
Rumors Unconfirmed.
NEW YORK, Aug. 20. Advices re
ceived hero todny bring n, report that
tho White Stnr liner Itovic hns beon
torpedoed nnd sunk by a Gorman
Tho llovio has been employed in
tho Australian service. She was n
vessel of 0,")00 tons.
Tho local offices of the White Stnr
lino wero without direct news of tho
sinking of the llovio, although tlicy
had heard the report, which came, it
was said, from Loudon.
Vessel n Freighter
The Hovic wns n freighter nnd her
Inst Irip snilcd on August 8 from
New York for Munohcstcr, England.
When sho sailed from hero tho
llovio wns loaded to capneity with n
genornl cargo including, it is Riiid,
largo (pinntilics of wnr munitions.
She carried no passengers.
Tho enliro crew of moro than lf)0
was signed up in England and thoro
wcro believed to bo no Americans
among tho .number.
Wheat, steel, lead, oil, cheinicnls
mid automobiles comprised the .bulk
of tho Rovio'H cargo.
Other Ihnn the first report, which
came to n news agency from n firm
of Ilritish agents, no information had
been received hero of tho llovio nt
2:18 p. m. today.
Ivipland Hepoited Sunk
QUEENSTOWN, Aug. 20. A re
port wns circulated here todny that
the White Star liner Lapland had
been sunk. There was no confirma
tion of this report, and il is consid
ered probable that the Lapland was
confused with tho Hritiuh steamer
Now York City, torpedoed yester
day, .whoso crow wns landed bore to
dny. Tho Lapland, a Red Star liner un
der charter to the White Star lire,
sailoij. from New York on August 12
for Liverpoil. Sho is duo in Liver
pool Into today or early tomorrow.
MARIETTA, On,, Aug. 20. Watch
men today nro watching tho big oak
tree, two mllos from here, on which
tho lifeless body of Loo 11. Frank,
convicted of tho murder ot Mary
I'hagnn, was found dangling, to pro
vent souvenir hunters, or others,
from moloBtlng It. Tho trco soon Is
to ho surrounded with n concroto
wall, It Is announced, nnd thus pre
served by tho owner, W. J. Froy, to
mark tho death place of tho ullcged
slayor of tho Phagan girl.
Mcanwhllo tho treo Ib being guard
ed night and day. It was said that
Mr. Froy had declined un offor of
$200 for tho troe and In doing bo tho
plan to build a wall about tho tragi
cally historic treo bocamo known.
Visitors to Mnrlettn during tho past
two days havo boon unusually niimor
ouh and practically all havo vUItod
tho Bceuo ot tho lynching.
LONDON, Aug. 20.-Official nu-
noiineemont was mado todny that a
Ilritish submarine had grounded in
the sound.
Fifteen members of te crow wore
PARIS, Aug. 20. The Eiensh wr
off ion repoited on tho situHtiou in
the Dardanelles us follow
"In the iiorthoru tone the Uritudi
loft wing has made some prtgro ill
the plum of Aflttfaritt.''
NO. 129.
Affidavits From Survivors Being.
Gathered President Seeks Seclu
sion to Consider Situation Lans
Inrj Refuses to Discuss Features of.
the Case.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. Tho of
ficial details upon which President
Wilson will decido whether tho sink
ing of tho Arabio was nn net delib
erately unfriendly to the United
States, weru still lacking today nnd
meanwhile the president nnd all other
ndminiatration officials, whilo realiz
in fully tho gravity of the now sit
uation between tho United States and
Got many, wore keeping their minds
l)on Wson visits Occnllit
President Wilson loft tho whilo
limiH' early to motor to Philadelphia
to visit his oculist nnd motor bnck
to the capital this evening. When
he has n deep problem, it U tho prcst
dent's habit to seek seclusion, often
riding through tho countryside.
A vlrtw prevailed that nn Attempt
by tho Arabic to succor tho-jo on
another torpedoed ship wns justified
mul wns not affected by tho Ilritish
iidmiinlly rule which was inndo as n
miiller of policy for warships and
was not n mm lor of international
ril. t. Whether Iho Arnbio'rt mou
f.iV.t toward the Dunsloy might bo
interpreted as nu attempt to ram tho
Hibmaiii.'! is another point to lie de
veloped. Siieretnrv Lnnsintr refucod to dis
cuss this or any other fcaturo of tho
There is no attempt in official
ipiartcrs to mintmiro Iho situation
confronting tho president.
Mny Hover delations
Tho prospect of sevornnc!a of di
plomats relations with Germany
again camo forwaid but it was un
derstood Unit if such a courso
should bo decided upon, il "would not
immediately bo announced.
Later today Secretary Lansing an
nounced ho had instructed tho cm-
bnssy nt London mid tho American
consuls in the vicinity to gather af
fidavits from Americans on board tho
ROME, Aug. 20. Tho Knlento
powers, according to a positivo
statement mado by tho Sofia cor
respondent of tho Giornule D'ltnlia,
have offered to Hulgarin that part of
Macedonia givon to her by tho Sorbo
Hulgurinn treaty of 1012, with tho
right of iiiimediato occupation.
Proportionate compensation is to
bo given to Sorbin, inuluding tho city
of ICavalia witli tho districts of Kav
alia mid Soros, with tho right of iiii
mediato occupation.
Hulgarin on Iter side renounces
forever pretensions to Salonika,
Vodna mid Uuskub. She promised
also to declare wnr immediately ou
Turkey aided by funs of the four nl
lies, llulgnria, the correspondent de
clares will roceivo furthor territorial
couccbMous in Turkey.
i ..I
EL PASO, Texus, Aug. 20. -Gtn-erul
Cunuto Koyes, commanding a
Villa expeditionary force bind to
number about 20,000 men, is author
lUitivoJy reported Hearing .aaatuuas
fioni the south to fonu u inaction
with General Villa at Torre on. Za
eateeus is said to bo ouotipied by Iho
Currmizu force wluuh uvuuuutcd On
rJUUjo. General Morro, bonding n division
of General lloyos forces, is rupoitod
t Sjmon, about 100 wile south, w