'1 P3DE8EC MEDFORD WSTD .TRIBUNE. BEDFORD. ORKCJON, TLUTRNDAY, 'AUGUST 10, 1915. lLOST LINER IN UTGAY AT ; "Little Old Man of the Links" Retires si FEAR DF ATTACK NEWS OF FALL OF RUSSIAN FORTS BY FRANK'S DYING REQUEST; RETURN WEDDING RING SUBMARINES I" - I! ' 1 Kf.- v ATLANTA, Oa., Auk, 19 Gover nor UnrrlH today conferred with llm state prison coiunilsfllon before Ink Iiik further itctlon on tho Invcutlfiii (Ion or the lynching of Leo M. Frank. The Kovornor cxikjcIb to kIvo out n statement later. "TIioch TcportH hnvo no known foundation of fact nnd should not he given credit," Oovornor HurrlB wild. O. II. Keolcr, a newspaper man em ployed In Atlanta, hut residing In Marietta, In a published article today Bays that Franks' wedding rliiB was dotlvcred to him at his home last night by a man unknown to him. Kcelcr says a nolo In an envelope, with tho ring, read: "Franks dying request was that his wedding ring ho rIvcii to his wife, Will you not spo that this request la rarrlod out? Tho nolo will ho do llverod to you by a man you do not know nnd who docs not know you. Make no effort to find out his Iden tity. You are expected to destroy this after reading It." Kooler stated ho would havo tho ring delivered to Mrs. Frank. TEN MILLION DOLLARS LOSS. (Continued from Page Ono.) lltiltl.lK, viii win-lci-H to Siiyvtllo, Aiifr. II. "Kurlv in III" moniiiiit yen. tordu.v lliiKS mostly Aimtrinn. worn Iiiiiik out in honor of tin liiilliiluy of Ktiijicror Frnneis JoHcpli of Aimtrin. At nbout 11 o'clock rumor Hpriuitl like wildfire tliut tho Kouio fortu luul hcen euptureil hv torm with, uti immense umount of wnr iiuiteiinl. ; "A grout celebration hegsin nlii'ont inunediatcly. (lennnn mid TuiUhu HngH were Imtir out with the Aus trian colon until the city iippcnrcil like mi ocean of wuviii'' hntitiiiir- Troop oT frmilry and artillery marched to the LtiHtmuteii mid in front of the innsHivc did llohcnollcru ciihIIc, in the heart of the city, fired u hulute." 10 man, woman nnd child had nmplo tlmo to seek places of safety. Fires began to break out at tho height of tho storm. It was impos sible for flromon to work. Panics worn prevalent among the thousands who had taken rofugo In tho business section but tho fires burned thorn- reives nut nnd tho city was pinged In darkness. At 10:30 o'clock when tho Asso ciated Press man loft tho city tho flro was confining Itself to tho Pnbsl Kenlty company, sovoral buildings near tho wharf, and to tho Swift and Armour packing plants. Tho largest losses wore to the two packing plants which wero estimated at J T.'.O 00 each, tho Ilium Notion company, r0,000; .1. H.'Holsholmor and company, 1 10,000; Pabst Healty company, $40,000, and tho Direct Navigation company, $20,000. Ton largo steamers, It Is estimated, wero torn from their moorings nnd woro blown ovor Ualveston bay. Seven of them nro aground. Some woro blown from three to eight miles, Inland by tho forro of tho hurricane nnd water. Tho statoment from tho citizens of Oalvcslon received hero In a telo gram to tho Associated Press Into last night was ono of optimism In spite of tho ravages of tho hurricane through which tho city hns success fully passed, to quoto from tho state ment, "tho city duo to the ndamantlno resistance of tho sen wall, has sus tained comparatively small loss of do structlon of property and but six lives hnvo thus far been reported lost," the telegram snld. Tho most pressing need of tho city, according to reports brought by ref ugees, was drinking water. Measures for ratification are under way. lletweon 400 and fiOO women and children from Toxns City will he tak en to Houston. Major (icneral Hell, V. H. A., In command of tho nrmy ramp ut Texas City, arrived at Hous ton last night to mnko tho necessary rrrnugciuonts. Little was known enrly today of the loss to shipping nloug tho gulf coast. Few vessels wero known to have been In tho path of tho storm, iih balling of many had been delayed iipon tho receipt of storm warulngB. According to Information nvnllablo last night, tho deaths wero recorded as follews: Virginia Point, 30. Toxns City, 18. (lalveston, 11. Morgans Point, 11. Hitchcock, 7. La Porto, 7. Port Arthur, 7. Lynchburg, 3. Sylvan Ileauh 3, ricabrook, 3. Houston, 2. Property loss oatlmnteH were vague except In a few Instances. Houston, Toxns City and Port Arthur ndvluus gave fairly deflnlto figures for thoso places, but most of tho other towns reported In sunh phrases ns "consid erable," "vory heavy," nnd "not jot cstlmatod." Some of the ostiiuates wero as foleows: ,..1B,OOQ,000 2.00Q.O00 qUKKNSTOWN, Aug. 10. T- stcamors arc expected hero In two hours time, bringing about 100 sur vivors of tho Arabic, It Is prcsumod that all havo been rescued. WQftt&" p.,.i'iwntfTOfr""""' I I BY LONDON, Aug. 19. Tho Norwe gian steamer Magdn, 10C3 tons gross, wns torpedoed InBt night by n German submarine; Tho enptalu nnd crow woro landed today nt Falmouth. STEAMER ARABIC TORPEDOED. ( Continued from pngo ono) By Brown Unimex. Walter J. Travis, the "Little Old Mini of the Link," Is through. He lms announced he will not piny in the national ehumpiouship .totiriiu nieut ul Detroit, Mich., next inoiilli. The tourney will he the first Ids one in your without the entry of the little mini who has watched golf grow from a gumo scorned iih n puNti'iuc only for the (Mowed to u uport ho pi'l'mnr mm in iiiuny ciiic.h uie coin-hcs nro fur too fow to iiceoininn (Into tho ilcmiind of both young mid old. iriivis Iiiih competed in poll tour- most every day for years, reduced Miimcnts '22 yvnri). Ho was III when ho begun competition play. A little more Hum it month ago, ut the uge of fit!, he won the Metropolitan cham pionship, , Jerry Travers is" the only golfer who hns won mole litlis Until the "Mill., mi. i xr.... i M' : it... ,I1.IU WU l,T, I 111) IP1 HUN 111(1 ,1 ,. t . . . . , ,, Mel. i,mJwl,i..T : 'ni" nnlioiml meet is typical ut -- jr"tiir 4 wii inn -rr, ni national champion mid in 111(11 won Ihu British championship. Ho was the only Yunkeo to ever carry away mi Kuglish golf title. Travis hv being on the links nl- llie guine to u hcience. Ho knew to within u few fee, tho currying dis tnneo of cndi of hi- sticks. He played ss'olf u yood deal like a chess champion plays chess. Travis' reason for staying out of his fairness. "It would not he right for Tab," he suid, "to stnrl fresh nnd possibly eliminate some good man, then weak en mid allow some one el-e, with not much chiineo of winning, to remain in. I'll just knock around for fun hereafter." The tourney will not scent right to golfers und fans who, year nftcr year, have watched the "Little Old Man," in his traditional uniform of Oxford jacket nnd knickerbockers, rhewiiijr on a black cigar, playing his wny into the semi-finuls and finals. "I've had my day. I'm willing now to step nside for the younger (le nient," was the stntenunt of tho "Little Old -Mun" ns ho closed his tournament career. Galveston . Houston ... Texas City ... Port Arthur Suabrook ..... Kublno ......... Hablno Pass Kcnifth 100.000 200.000 100.000 100.000 100,000 iu.qon Xnstnot, off wnleh tho Arable Is roportcd to havo gone down, lies close to tho lane of steamship traflc ttetiveon Knglnud nnd America, It Is about 10 miles wost of Old Head of KliiHalo, near which tho Lusltnnia was sunk. Cerman submarines ,hava boon active In thoso waters slnco tho declaration by thu Gorman govern ment In February of n naval wnr ono around tho Itrltlsh Isles. Tho Arabic, n twin screw steam snip, arrived In .New York on her maiden trip on July fi, 1003, having ii on launched at Belfast on December IS of tho previous year. At that tlmo b!io was ono of tho largest steamships engaged In trans-Atalantlc trado. The Arabic's tonnage is l.r,K0l gross mid 10,011'.! net. .She is (1011 feet long, (15 feet beam mid 17 feet in depth. She wns built in Belfast in HMKI by Ilarlaud and Wolff. On her last eastward trip the Ara hie arrived in Liverpool on August (I from New York. Following thu receipt ul u cable gram announcing her sale uriivul, the bureau of combustibles nf New York City allowed the fuct to become known Unit two slick of dynamite hud been dineovered on hoard on July 127, the night bct'oie bbo sailed from New York. Once before since the beginning o the wnr, the Arabic had a close call. A cnhlo inessuge from London on March 127 mid the steamer had been purmicd by u (Icrmun Mihiuuriiic in the Irish Sea, on the voyage which ended on that day, LONDON. Aug. UL- The Central News says the crew of the Arablo suc ceeded In launching 1 1 life boats which picked up many passengers. It has not jot been ascertained, this agency says, how ninny wero drown- ed, The Kxchnngrt Telegraph company says that a reselling steamer has four hundred porsous on hoard. Weather conditions were favorable. AT BRAZOS LIFE STATION FltfcliPOKT. Tex., Aug. 19. Nino teen persons wero drowned at tho llrozas Drilled States llfo saving sta tion In the storm Monday night, ac cording to rcportH received hero. Tho only-dead, most of whom nro said to be excursionists, wero the wlfo nnd children of Captain John P. Steln hart, keeper of tho station. OF OF THE ARABIC LANDED NKW YOKIC, Aug, 13. Tho Whlto Star lino announced Into today that tho captain of tho Arabic has roport cd to tho lino nt Ulvcrpool that tho vessel had been sunk without warn ing. It wns nlso announced that 350 burlvlvors had landed nt Quccnstown, Vlth Medford Trulls Mmlford Mart IN FLOOD DISTRICT ISKAUMAJN'T, Texas Aug. II). Itcports of 120 deaths at Analnmc, in Ohumbers county, during tho storm, were brought here today. Two thous and refugees aro hero from 1'oit Arthur. There is one onto of small pox, hut little danger of u upload of the disease. s OPEN GOLF TITLE CU ll'ACIO, Aug. m Tom Me Namnra of Boston with, 101 strokes todnv won tho western open golf championship at tho Glen Oak club. M. J. Brady, despite a second 70 in the third round, finished with HO!). A. Cunningliiini of Wheeling scored :i()(I for the "U holes, while George Sargent of Washington made 107. NKW YOKIC, Aug. II).- The Ara bic, one of the few Junto WJnto Star vessels lemnining in the trans-Atlantic service, sailed on her last out ward voyage from this port on July J8 Inst. She had aboard 188 pas sengers and nboul 10,000 tons of cargo almost all of which was war supplies. Aeroplanes and automo biles formed the chief portion of the cargo. Attack by a Gentian submarine apparently was feared when tho ves sel left New York, for around her steering gear there wero piled num erous sand bags as a protection against gun fire. This also Mir taken ns un indication that in caso she was sighted by a U boat, tho big liner intended to lake a chance at getting away, trusting to her speed. Tho crew, usiinlly consisted of about '210 men. It wns assumed to day Hint sho hud this number aboard when sho left Liverpool yesterday. All tho crew, it wns said, were of foreign citizenship. Captain Will Finch commanded tho ship. Fifteen boat londs of tho Arabic's passengers nnd crow have been saved, nccording to a cable despnteh re ceived here at 2:110 this afternoon by the Whito Star line. RUMOR GERMAN SPY E WASHINGTON, Aug. !!). Attor ney General Gregory reported to President Wilson today that investi gation into ehntges of activities of German agents on this country had so far disclosed nothing to lead to action by the department of justice. Approve Marine Purchase. NUW YOKIC, Aug. 19. A fodornl court order today approved tho pur chase of flvo Pacific Mall liners by tho Atlantic Transport company of West Virginia rovenlod tho fact that tho steamers cost tho Atlantic Trans port company $0,20,000. LONDON, Aug. 10, - A message re ceicil y the White Slur hue this nfteinoon sn,s it is Imped tint many or most of the pussengor on the Ara bic and the ciew were suvctl. The message follows; "The Arabic was sunk this iiuiiu iug, Fifteen or sixteen boat loads are making for Qtiecnslown." arabicIaIieho first class list LONDON, Aug. 10. The White Star company announced that the Arabic hud on board 170 second mid thiid class passenger". There wei 1M0 men in the crew, making u total of -1 10 perxnns mi board. She suited from Livciponl nt I o'clock yester day afternoon. mXm t f ? T t r t ? ? ? : t ? ? ? ? V ? ? Y Y Good Merchandise is Good Will Insurance Merchandise that satisfies the consumer is the best good-will insurance we can carry. 1 is the only kind of Merchandise we can afford to sell. No matter how low your price is you expoct the articles you buy to give satisfaction. A ridiculously low price does riot atone for the disappointment you oxporionce in gotting a poor piece of merchandise. We afford you the protection of knowing that when you buy our merchandise you will mako a satisfied customer. DRESS GOODS FOR ALL Don't Halttj nettinn tho LOCAL MARKETS Washington Elks Meet, BKI.LINGIIAM, Wash., Aug. ID. -The tenth annual comeution of the Wiikhinglon State Klks aKsoeiatiou 0Kiued hero today. The delegatox wore welcomed by ConKrosmmi Lin II. Dudley nt h biuiiie e.ion held Hi iiiiouu. The convention will close tomorrow niht. I'or h Hpmliicil Ankle If you will got a bottlo of Cham, bcrlsln's Liniment and observe the directions given therewith faithfully, you will rc8Vr In much less tlmo than la waaally requlrod. Obtainable ....,loi.o " WT . , If you sit In h eold draft when nu are nisuw ami got a stiff neck or lame baek. you will bo lookliiH for something thst will ojuo tho imlu. IIALLAUD'S SNOW UNIMhVN'T and don't be tulknd out of it because It Is tho bost imlu rwllevlug lliitmeut nu can get anywhere. I'rko 0e, 60u and $1 GO pur bwtlo. Sold by th Mottford PhurmHcy. POH &I.K IHnho. hontiux tovt. tables, ohnlm, kluhuu cabinet. Iron bods, etc llouxe far rut Tel. SIS-Y. C! W 1th St. 1.0 I'llit" l'ald by Dcnlei'H POTATOBS new, 1.75. ONIONS Hie por lb. HONHY 12c Hir lb. HKANS He per lb. TO.MATOHS le por lb. ItOASTINd KAItS-tSe dot. K(U1S 20e and 'i'iViC. Butter Dairy, two-pound roll 50c. CIDKIt 26c. BBTTIU Wholesale, 28c. IIUTTKUIfATSKo. HAAf 1(5-170. SIIOULDHBS 18V4-13C, BACON 13-180. . ' I.AIII) lOq. IIMWP 0.12c. 1'OBK S-8M(C. Live Poultry TlMHCIiYS 13-lle. DUCKS 7c. (ntra fat Ji-RVie. HHNS large, Lie. ii)U 10o BKOILKIIS lC17o; old roovters cents. Livestock STKUKS S-IWic. COWS l-5o. 11008 -6-6 ke. VKAI Drowwl. 10-Ile. IIKLOIAN 1IAUKS l-6e. Hay ami Cniln I1AU1.HV Wholo, ttl. HAL drain, SIS: Alfalfa. 111. OATS J9 aud S0 ton. WIHJAT S5-D0e bushel. "f ? y y y y y y y y y r y y y y y t y y y y y y i ties. 40 inch Silk nntl Wool Pop lin, black, white ami nil the lending Fnll shades 98c 40 In all Silk Crepe Dc Chine nil new fall shades, season's opening price $1,19 . Ani34 T mi $? y a 6360V RIBBONS Wc have a large collection of plain and Fancy Hair Bow Ribbons. Make your selection here. Our special price 19c NOTIONS 7 spools J. & P. Coats for 25c 3 Doz. good Safety Pins 5c 3 spools Darning Cptton 5c 2 Doz. Snap Fastners 5c Aunt Lydia Thread 5c I Ooz, good Pearl Buttons .4c 5 Silk Hair Nets with elastic all colors 10c Bias Seam Tape . . 5c 3 pair Dress Shields . 25c 3 pair Child's Hose Supporters 25c SALE OF NEW SILK HOSIERY Ladles' Pure Silk Hose, double knee, high spliced heel, in all new shades, our special price , 50c 50 Doz. INFANTS' SOX Per Pair 25c We have them In all styles, white with colored tops; also all solid colors all silk; also silk Use, your choice 25c UNDERWEAR SPECIALS Boys' Poms Union Suits, sizes up to 34 25c Men's Jersey Ribbed Union Suit to close ,89c Men's Shirt ?.nd Drawers to close 19s Ladles' Summer Union Suits, special 29c t-w. 44 Inch "II wool French Serge, made in all staple shades; also black, special quality . ., - ..J..., - 75c Just received 20 pieces of 27 inch figured Crepe, suitable for Waists and one-piece Dresses, on sale at r... j. ..T. . 15c Standard Prints, only ... .. . 5c Standard Ginghams, only .. ........ 5c Standard Comfort Challies, only 5c $3jOO and $4.00 Waists 98c All Summer Waists to be sold. (JO Special for Saturday only Ot Pictoral Patterns Always in Stock Jioe &ta ! MEDFORD EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS STORE Try Our Round Ticket Stockings Only 25c i y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y t t y y y y y y y y y X t y y y y y y t y f y y y y y a H"HKKHXK . "i1