MEDTTTORD MTOIi TRIBUNE, MEDJTORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUCiUST. 19, 10J5. PAGE. .-PIVX i t . HOD SITUATION IN MEXICO CITY K MLMM) (MTV !, -JO. lv i-oiir. lor In K.I I'li'-o, A up. 11) The food Mtuution rnlhtr Hip military (partition (if tho Mexienn unnie uppurently i tlif chief matter of coueotn to resident of the capital. A liirjct nmoiint of corn pnreljaMPif liv the Auiurieaii and intcrnfltionul rrlii' I' commit it-ex i i reported to hav I been seised nt Mnrnvnlio and. til- though both coiiuiiiitct'M have plcnlj u money moy nave neon untune to buy suppliea mid (iimiilities. Si- tluiiiHii(l bnhel of com mt needed daily to feed tin inhabitant-, but bpeuiiao of no ciops and no tinUHpoitnlioii fuoililieH noun in pn toriiijr tliu eapitnl. Mo iv limn 20, 000 forpfynor iito -float ly excrcispd over tbc m'rioiiHiu'Ht of the immed iiilo future mill they, lojtethor with u a rent number of Mexican eilin-iiH. look to I lie United Slnliw n the only hope for tin nolulion of n mot di treaaiujr silnnlioii. The Villu force nro reported in j)w8C(ioii of tbc niilwiiv poinls of Tubi Lneheii mid tbu iniiiinjr cuiup of l'ncliucii. The Citrrunru imiitiiIh uru icportcd to hnvo been diiveu J'ioiii tho cent nil line to tbe city of Moroliu. fleneruN (loiirnlc, Murai, (Miao and 1'ihinu nie reported to be between tin? liiam forces of Obit-Ron and thn-e operntnur under Clcnetil 1'ablo (JoiijmIc , cardIulIe 10 KOMK, Ait-?. 10. -Cardinal .Sorti fiuo Vannutelli, dean of the Nnerod College, in dead at the ape of 81. Cardinal Vannutelli wax one of most influential of thoe member, of tho Sacred College eligible to the papacy. He wax one of the xix cardinal bishop who tabu their title from the Subuiban Hi' on of (tome, llo win bishop of 1'orto, Sniitn Kii fina and (Min. Ho waa created and proclaimed cardinal by Pope I.uo -III Mtireh 11, 1887 The cardiiinl was Infra November 'JO, 1811 at (lennzauno in tho iliiM'ec of Pnlimtrinu. Hiw curly oditPalton wn obtained in the Kcmiuary of fiemuznuo and bo reeeivutl dogioa in philosophy uipl thuolojrv in the Cn pniiiicu College at Home. Attv- Ic.icIiiiik llipoloirv in a npin tific Honunnrv ho embarked iimhi a diplomatic career. GRDWK IRS "Rule G," a Great, Gripping Story,' at Star Theatre Today mu ?l. "i&Fti 6tttr&swmm i "Hul" U' pro-, out of tin urtlile whJfh appeared m the buturd-. IVn- 11 ,., . ,, i Po-t. under tbe title Ketpln John Bm lex orn Off the Train,' and which caused omthlng of a ? - tlo at the tlm of IU aprMaraBM over! monthb ngo. HHro4 offle - lata mitt tUU art U In vol very uiaob cloar iLan a preTou article bad e'vprdo.. to ih.-uitat. abaorlilng but- tie UV I '' l'U "I1 t """' 0'r MB9 'am uptrnilou ' it'- WeM HtUi'i i n ll'iuor aifcil la- article nun- , . b ib u rtnael- flood of vouati). letters from all over the! It m not a wmyeraaj OLD NICODEMUS NICK MADNESSES1 LAWOF GMVIWION! MBSWT i n r iT.nioi - OTTVWATm extractors, which I fastened to my fcotl I then hd only to walk about on the earth and extract the gravity which was then stored In a can on my backl ASK PROOF SPY OF IS E WASHINGTON, Aiik. JO. In an announcement ixued by the naw de jmrluiuiit today, Secretary Daniel xuid ho hud nuked John I(. ltuthom, publisher of the Providence, It. I., Journal, to xiibmit any evidence he miubl have to ulmtuntiute a pub li-hvtl xtatemijnt eredited to him that u iiil cinplojo of tho navy dupitit iiieut wax in the pay of tho Gorman Ko eminent. Mr. Dnuiolx nlno revealed that i(f tcr a recent confereiipo with Mr. ltntbom the eiaitment bad nxxipiod additional oftieeix nnd men to th naval foieo operating tbe (leiinuu owned coinuieieial wirolesx jilant nt Snyvillo, L. f. Mr. l)nicU Mtiiil that Mr. Itatbom iutiuiutcd that fie bad information iiIfo ropudinK an alleged German oeheiuo to xecure coutiol of all radio xlatioux in South and Central Ainerien nnd even in (bo Philippines. Champion Pacer Sold. i CLKVi:iND. Aur. It) Willimir 1 uiSVa, world'. cbninpiou paciujc xtnlliou, Iihh lipeu sold bv A. luiil Vitnatta, hlx owner, to C K. .1. H liiiRH, N'pw York liorpwnui, for .'t.", (IIIOl). W'illiiiin will ln willulrnwn from racinu and pbu-ed in I In t nil. c'ao", but a tbri'llnic account of ono "f '' 'uot rpmrkbl a4 dramatic I apiem in the hlntary of Awwlwn (( fom ,hc MtuA b(u m itu e'. ' r,,mU love, tntrlfu anil the labor j-id itruggles of utroag ea. Th 'p - odupprs anticipate a rory unusual itPiiitoaf for the picture, because H t-IU a great story, dpplcls train aad KAISER L MPLOYE hop oiipratlon as never seen on a '"'" before " l',,J "ft1 '""-'nit i unsiion on otic of the mom engron- ma miles or the ilav, tap I.up or i ... iu.u ., i ! ..- Mm M ik only, At Star theatre. matinee J nlfht. Thursday NIMBLE AT THE FRONT GUNS1 i m.trrfllou.1 tiilr of uravlty FRANCE UNITED 10 PAIMS, Auj,'. 10. -A joint insnee tiou of pints of tho water battle lino With inado Monday by Lord Kitchener, Alexandre Millorund, the Kreilfh war minwter, General Jof fro and Sir John Kreneb, tho eommandors in chief of the Hritixh and Kronob anniiw. Lord Kitchener nnd Gonoral .Joffre were impreswod by tho moral of the troop. M. Millorund in tho eourxe of mi 'I'hlroxK said: "A'fter a jenr of war, the enemy no longer has illuMinis of uinmn;.'. He predicts internnl i1iri'iiiioiix anion; tho eneinieu which he hopes will ocoiir. Already ho i endeavor ing to incite neutrals, and places be fore belligerents oiled inniieudoo. of peace. "Let me iihuio you Franeo is united. People, puiliamcni mid j-'ov-orunicnt never have been nioro firm ly determined, in eloxo ucoord with our heroic and faithful allies, never to lay down our nraifl until the day nrriverx when we bhnll have attained our goal, and if the road to Tipperarv in Ioiik, the price is sufficiently bih to justify itx for imyinit for all tb" delxyx, illfficulliox and Hudnesxt'x alopir tlw road, because its price is the liberation of the world." IS GOLF FAVORITE ( IIICAGO. Ainr. 10. Tom L. Mc iii ra of Itoslou, a iirotessioiiul, h wed up today ax the favorite to win tbc wc(cm open golf ohnuipion bip when tho final 'M holott ot the Ixj'ini. uncut worn jtliiited at Gbii lO.ik ( ouiitry club. Ill'i wiml into the b.d bv turning in n pmmI of W) for the I list bull' of the modal pluy cnin- ,piti(i"ii .clciduv. Up held nu , (rip oi two iioke. oxer ia k II'liiiii-on of I'll t-bu it'll who tt jt 1 Itri'l lit lor the 'Hi bole-. AND DETERMINED W STRUGGLE w MNAMARA ALONG ROGUE RIVER Mr. Mr.. Alvu, Albright we.,'"1. &lltl' l'" ("'V are on tho M. dlonl v.-.toix Thursday. Mr-. Al-"s "?," f1flil,vi,ni,1 lffl- J ,c(, bntV. vent Iron, tl.o.e to ,,onH ' '' I vl.ltlnK relathos . , . , ... mii Proanuel. Mm Avorjr who lnu Ik ( ilitornm, to ixit her noii KnsI lu- ...,,,'.... ., ,,... .. . . , h . vi i k in very )oor health. Itol.i rt and Albert McCmIio made il.i4 and ditiiKeioiif rule on their hiilc last Sat ui ilay nijfht from ( riti r Lake to their liome to the bediidc ot their mother. Mrs. Kiikciio Hollnwi. and Mi M"av Wil-on xpeat nevaiiil ilnyn the firxt ol the week vixitiug friuiul and rcliiUveh in Ashland. KiTaard l'otr Made a liuslnexx tn) to Klamath county thia(wtek. lie went hoitdmek dn txHlr tusxt oxer toe wuuntaiitit. T. C. Gaiuaa hs boaglit a new carriage.. He wa in the valley last week. Perry Piaster wa in Medford on Tuela'. AlUv, NoeV ix up from California i- am m auuer, mx. inoma- Rllimev. Wr ung j,,, prB, i,. trt, tnun Cplttral I'tsjut iltiC wUl- ,,v.. Sulidrt. ,airx ttllll ll(l, ' m ,, , ,, ,, (,,. k -alt, v nt Mi-.- Mtt I lie Aliuier, Aunu ui..' Mary KuverUoQ and Murstiuli iliutu sm V SSiD 's- Sf's O " Jsm Jsm :- y x s&3y , No. 2 In this way I, soon was enabled to ralso all the enemy's cannon from their bases hleh In tho air to my Maglgripl , returned Sunday from a dip to tho mountains. x Lloyd French went to llngue Kivei; Monday. Mrs. Thomas McCain' died August 10, at tbu faniily homo on Itogue river. She luis'heen in poor health for sonic time but the last siohacm was less than three days duration. She was nearly 70 years of age. She IniK Jived hen'' about ten years. She rarely jot away from home and her pleasure was in doiiijr for her family and she was pcatly beloved by them. Shu leaes a husband and several children amon; whom are Robert. Albeit, Anthony, I'liilip. .John, llonrv imd Kllcn MeCabe and Mrs. K.a Garrett besides a Kii'iit ninny friends to mi-x hot pleasant lind cheerful face. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cbnrtraw nnd John Allen and others, nil of Derby, innilo a trip to tho Inlco tho first of tho week. N'oIhoii Unyo w'hh qulto sick for awhile but linn quite rccovorcil Ills UHiial Hploiulld bcnlth. Mra. Sarnb P.- Aibinm wna contom plntliiR n v I h 1 1 to Mod ford but was provontcd roIiir on account of HIiion.h, MarKory Hmldno took dlnnor nt I'oolor'8 Thurmlny. .IndRlni; from tho nmouiit of nmoko there mimt bo niimcrou flrnH In tho foieU now. Mr. Peyton and fnmlly roturuud fintiinlny fioni tliolr trip which ox txtenileil tbrouitli Ibo Inko country an far an Oilowtn, Thoy report a natlM fnctory trip. OvnIiik to the lllnotw of Mimt Orn DlttHWortb lior party of plnBiiro kooU er rPturneil beforo IiiivIiik ronelinil their Intended RtoppliiK point. Mlsa Ora, wo Ion in, Is mtuili Improvod. .laiuox I'oyUm and Uriah ViiiikIi Iiiim) oaeli piiicliiiHPil a, now homo. .Mra. I ruin cntertuluud a party of 'outiK people nt bur comiuoilloua' homo gaturdn. Hfteriioou. Mm. No' niothor, Mm. (Iroon, camn to make her dniiKhtor uu n InndndvlHlt and will prohnbly accom pany a party of lior rolallvmi on a trip to Huckleberry mountain. Cluiuiiooy Plery, wlfo uuddauKhtnr, are vliltlnu rolntlvos In tblH vloinlty. (onion brotberH nro In tho inoun taliiH looking after tliolr cnttln. Also KatliarluK bcrrlcH, which are qulto plentiful. .Mr." IColno, our rural carrier, ami IiU fHinll.N ftpeut HguiJav In the valley. r aid wax tout out todfi by tho hidentn of tho small villages of napiuiiie, Vullaceillo Kunknnior, abl of 1 of of( raydon, Lasln, Olcnn, Donblo Hayoii at boon vIsltliiK rolatlvos hnro Is roturnliiK to her linuip lu Medfnrd. noported by Jacksou County Ab tract Co., Sixth and Kir Bts Ileal Dsliilu Trausfers John Arncll it a in ,1. W. I licks et ux, bind in .See. :ij T. i S. It. 2 q. C. U. ti. P. Iluwn el ux to YVehlpv S. Kastman et ux lot in ( 'hit - wiatl trapl, AdlHiiii. . D. W'm. &. Crowell to A. K- Joha- ati lot iu Lauojlbui Add. ifedford. W. I). . 10 Ifl CLAHSII'IHII A lS. One front ner wrd par Isaua. ix iNoarttana fer prlso of flva. riftjr aaaU pr Una par monta mttkoat chaago. HHHttttHtH COURT HOUSE NEWS . ' ' r- 7 mmi ii j " i No. Z When over a deep part of tho erv, I HesM tho power In my tank and tho guns fell Into the water! roil JIKNT -MOtlHHKinCI'INO 1100MS KO ill llJNT Co n venFeirrUKhriwmlo keeplm; roonfs, clotlO In. 30 1 S. Central. FOIl KK'jrwrinuni9 FOIl HUNT n-rooiu nlcoly furnlHliod Innmnlow, close In. 117 .1 Htroot, corner So. Onkdalo nnd lltb Btn. 130 KOH HUNT Modern bungalow, elooo In, choap. Phono 13X. 130 KOR HKNT Modern S-room Iioiibo, Hon 7, .Mall Tribune. US KOH HKNT Modem G-rofcin bongo, 1021 WoBt 10th Bt., $10, water paid. Dennett Investment Co. KOlTllKNT Kour rooiii flat or houKo, furnished or uiifurnlahod. 730 V. 11th, DU1-H. KOH HUNT D-room modern Iioiibo, linrd-wood floorr, full cement bnso mont. Phono 370W. TO HUNT C room mod. furn. liouso. $18. PurucKcr, St. Marks Illdt,. KOH HKNT Closo In ti room liouso with Rlcoplni; porch, modern plumbing, electric IIkIiIs, comont nldownlk, Knrni;o, on pnvod fit root. Hunt rciiBonnblo. Inqulro of II. C. Stoddnrtl, Medford, OrcKon. tf IfOU HAMl.-MIf;i',ir.T,A?'KOlJB KOH 8ALK Kuinltiiro client), ruj; 10x111, rockhiK chairs, water tiow er wnshlnK uiachlno, child's bed and madrons. 15 Keeiiuway, or en II S00-.1. 120 lOIl SALE Illcycle. almoiC now, $10 333 Knltsht Street 130 KOH SALIC Ilollioliold xoodi, chonp, famllj inuvltiK awty, Phona Su-Jl. 133 KOH SALIC Kino Klbortn poneh ok, le par lb. at orchard. Koxo OrohnnlR. I'liono S97-.I3. 131 KOH BALK Tomatoos for cannliiK. lUie k pound, dullvurod. Phono lt-li-Ji. 128 KOH SALK Toiimtoos nnd molnnu. Phono 2K-H5. 137 KOH HA Llfl -Cook tilovo. lontor, Iiiiko wludlniH buoliot. 300 Kins Street. 12ft KOH SALK--t5nilu hay, Jti.00 to $10 por ton. Phono D0I-.I2. KOH SALK -2-sonted Vollo buck ultl i jiolo. Phono i!(i2-.l, FOIl RAMC URAIi KSIATH KOH SALK -Vowa I'laco. Kil neros. finely Improvod Hokiio ltd or Vnl loy land, 3V4 uilloa north Hualo Point. Seo or uddroaa ownors, W. II. Crandall on thu place, or .1. T. Carpenter, 315 N. Ilartlutt, Med fnrd, no iiKouts. 1&0 i'OH SALK liny Aaliland property uhllo prlcoa aro attractive. Wo have for quick sale In center or town nnd best realdcnco district, on Shermnii street, ono block from school, 3 blocka from public libra ry, throe lots, eaoh !0 foot fiout by 117 deep, covered with fruit, and R-rooui house plastered, bath, lights, foundation, splendid chamo to build 2 now small btingaloa for rent to railroad men, on other two lots. Can soli wholo property for $1750, wltb $(150 cash. This la worth at least $2500, and Is grow Iiik In value. Also flue 8-room buiuo, modorn, with bath, lights, furnace, etc., on btmt resldeure dis trict on bouloard, and 50-foot lot, imperially flue locution Price $470 Ilodgson-Wbltmore & Heed, Cor Ouk und Main Sis. Ashland, Oro. 14C NEW TODAY ISO acres with 00 cuttle, tonm, and some hogs, large buildings, part of it Is lirlgated alfalfa. It could bare SO acres of irrigated alfalfa, plenty ef water, near fine outrange, both In summer and winter. This Is lii (ha Applagate valley and a fine buy at IT600. 100 wares of flue levol bottom land close to pared highway, and to rail road. No better sugar boat land In the alley. Only $115 nor aero. loane level homestead relinquish ments in tbe Illinois valley, that aro worth while. C. D. HOON Ilooui to, Jackson Co linn Bid $ KOH HKNT FUlf.MNfirSD IIOOMH KOImTk.NT Furnished roonttt, 201 South Central. ' 153 ' - . - 'HI FOIl HAtit-IAVK3TOCK KOH SALK 1 Oil Bheep. Imiulro 125 North UlveiHlila, or (rviu Dnhnck, KitKlo Point, Oro.noi; 132 WANTKD Minvr.t.iiANrtOUH TaNTKD TO IU1Y Wonnod plKM, 3 to 5 lu number. Poland Chlttn pro forrod. Addroas J, Mnll Tribune 12S WANTKD Small feinnlo iIor,' Stilt liroforrod, choap. Altchloy, Central Point. 120 .... J -. . WANTKD Krtrm Innds to rent on shares or cash rental, with or with out water. C-lvo full particulars, locution, etc. II. W. Illngbnm. Mojlford. 128 WANTICD Lnrgo knlttliiK mill In vites correspondence from womon iloslrntiH ot enrnliiR monoy, part or full tlnio. Good pay. Kxporlenco unnecessary, lntornatlounl Mills, Inc., Norrlstown, Pn. 200 WANTKD TO 11UY 20 tono of straw; nlso 20 tons of liny. Vin son's Kccd Ham, N. Hlvorsldo Ave. 142 WANTKD To rcstn for two montliH, llRht snddlo, Biiltnblo tor Indy. Ad- dross llox X, Mull Trlbnno. f.O.Sl LOST Somowhoro botweon Mcdford nnd KbrIo Point, radiator rap. Ho ward for return to .Mnll Trlbnno of fice. STHAYKD OH 8TOLKN $5 rownrd 0110 dark bay Riuldlo homo, five yenr, old, weighs about 025 poundH, small while strip In fnco, coming to a point, Inside ot strip 8 or 10 dnrk spots, right hind font white, foretop cut nbout March, extra fust walker. Address Marshal Mlntcr, Knglo Point, Oro. 133 IIUHINKhb lMllKOTOUT Attorntrs POHTKH J. NKKK, WJI, r. MKALMT --AttornoyH-at-Law, Hooms 8 and 'J, Medford Nntlounl Iinnk bldR. A. M. HKAMKS, LAWYKH (Jaraott Corey bldg. Win. M. ColvlR, (loorRo M. lloborti COLVK1 & HOHKHTS. LAWYKHB Medford Nntlounl Hank Ilulldlng. II. K. MULKKY & (1KO. W. CI IK lilt 1 Attorneys at Lnw, JnckBon Conn ty Ilnnk IlulldliiK. Auto .liipptlrs XiAHKIl AUTO 8PHINO CO.rWt, aro oporntliiK the largest, oldest and host oiiulppod plant In the Pa clflo northwest. Use our springs when otbors fall. Sold under Ktisr antM). 20 North Klfteonth St, Portland, Oro. DMitlsU uit. v"m" van "scorbu DIl. O. O. VAN HCOYOU Doutlsts (Isrnett-Coroy Dlilf., suits lie Medford, Oro. Phono Hdn. Notary rublic HKLHN N Y O CK" 15 Y ' UolhifuU llo. IlrliiK your work to me at tht elern of the Mnll Trlbuun WHY? IT IS YOUIt Hl'KlNKSS TO SKIJ MK Uecntiso my stook n trado la to havo optioned at tho lowost cash prloe the best buy lu this county. 1 have been on din ground look lnu out for you" for the past five years. Nearly oveiyday I hava In vostlgated some "good tblnR." I have eliminated everything except tboso deals which I am eonvlnaed will se tuto me HMtlsfled customers. In a few hours time I onu give you the benefit of this reoearoli. U Is my linainatMi to show you over the oountj and Introduce you to the wiaalbllltle aad opportuuttlsa here, Soe Med ford first and J. C. BARNES lie Vot MjiIu Street BY WELLS nusfNi:ss niHicaroitY Collcctlon.s nnd ItciKirto 1 COLLKOTIONS AND REPORTS Wo collected BoiTio accounts 14 years old. Wo know- how to got tho monoy. The IluHock Mercantile ARoncy, Inc., HnoniB 1, 2, 3, Una kins' IlldR., 210 K. Main St. Clilrotirnctors DR. A. R. IlKDdKS. Dr. Loulso K. Hodges Mocliano-TbernplstS, Chiro practors, Spondylotharapists. Thesa systoms, Including dietetics, cura tive Kyniuaqtlca, hydro-thorapby, etc., produco results In both acuta and chronic diseases. Consulta tion tree. Over Deuel & Co,, cor ner Main and Hartlo'.t. Hours a. ra. to C p. tn. Oltior hours by appolntmout. Phono 170. DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor, norro specialist Rooms 203-204-205. Qnrnott-Corey bldR. Vapor baths nnd sclentlflo mussaRe riven; noodlo spray, bond and shoulder shower lu connection; advice la dlototlcs, medical gymnastics, hydropthernpy. Lady attendant. Phone, office 543, residence 511-1L EnglticVr and Contractor FRED N. aUMMINGS-rEnglncor and contractor, 404 M. P. & H. nidg. BurVoys, estimates, Irrigation,' dralnago, orchard and land lm provoment. GannK OARIIAOE Qet your premises cleaned up for the summer. Call on tho city gnrbn'o wagons for good service. Phone 274-L. T, Instruction In Stusie HAIGHT MUSIC STUDIO Room 401. Oarnett-Corey IUdg. Fred Al ton llalRht Piano, Mra. Floronc Hnlllday Halght, voice. Phone 72. I'hyenlclunn ana, rrurRooa DR. P. 0. OARLOV, DR. KVA MAINS CAHLOW Osteopathia physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Corsy bldR., phono 103C-L. Restdenco 2G South Laurel St. DH. W. W. HOWARD Osteopath! physicians, 303 tlarnott-Corey, bulIdliiR. Phono U04-M. DR. J. J. KMMENB Physician aid surgeon, practice limited to eye, nr, noso and throat. Eyes scion tlflcally tested and glasses up- piled. Oculist and Aurlst for S, P. H. H. Co, Offices M. K, & II. Co. Illdb'., opposlto P. O. Phono 5C7. H. II. P1CKKL, M. D. Office Jacs: sop County Dank bdg, Offlca phono 43-K; residence plioao 5S-H. DR. It, W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phonos, office 30, rest" douce 724-J. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DH. 8. A LOCKWOOD DH. MYRTLK S, LOCKWOOD Physicians and surgeons. Office 30U-310-3U, M. F. & II. IlldR. Phones rosldeuco, 814-J2; office, 814. DH. MARTIN O. HARHKR Khyst elan and surgeon. Office l'alm block, opposltu Nash Hotel, lloura 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. t" (I.lnVlNK, MriTTiPISCIALIST I Eye, car, noso and throat, office 228 East Main; rosldeuco 1121 East Main; office hours J a. m. to 12 m.; 1:30 to 6 p. in. Telephones Office, 303; ; rosldeuco, 303-J2. Printers nuo publiabera MKDKORD PHINTINQ CO. has U boat equipped printing office In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, bllllne systems, etc. Portland prlcaa. 27 Nortk Fir t 'frMniteni KAD8 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office U North Front St, Phoas 315. Prices right. Service guar tntnnd Tyiwwrltem nnd Mnpplto. TYPEWRITERS AND" SUPPLIES . Now Remington, Sjolth Premier and Monarch typewriting, adding and subtracting muo.,iuca, rebuilt machines for ensb or easy pay ments. Machines far rent, rlbboai and supplies or all kinds, simple re. ualrs free of oharge, Roger , riennott. in Onlmvi Ht vkomi 3S-it, or Palmer PlaooPUct, j m