C.1 WEDFOKD WHS TRIBUNE, MEDFORD OREGON, TniTRSDAY, ftTJOTJST1 iO, IftlS. PXGE THREE . K 1 B . . MNDBLEW124M PE HOUR STORM WALL SAVES1 CITY SAN ANTONIO. Texim, A up. 10. Tlio Htorni broke over Onlvexton nl f:00 o'elook Moiulnv nfternoiin. Tlio wind blew wnlcr in from the liny, flooding' the streets mid cellar. HiiKinccm men eontinued to woik un til neiirly 9 a'eloek remoinjr fntids to plnee of mifoty. At Hint hour, however, tlie wnlor wns from four to six feet deep in .Murkei street mid till who could sought refuge in the higher floors. The wind, blowing from the north, eontinued to increase its velocity un til iihout 2 o'clock. At (lint hour, it is climated, it had reached n veloc ilv of from 00 to 124 miles an hour. Meanwhile, it had veered from the north around to the east nud then came, direellv out sof the south. It was this south wind, sending in the waxes from (he gulf to hreak against the sea wall which did the damage to the western part of the city and to the boulevard. At.no time, however, say those who "spent the night in the Hotel Oalvez did the sen 'run clear across the wall. The breakers thun dered airuinst it, sending the spray high in the"nir and the witves brok" over the wall with ten ifie force. So great was this force thai the two grnuilo monuments which weie.plnced at the foot of Tremont Mrect to com memornte the storm of 3000 were blown elenr neross Ibis boulevard, a distance of more than ."() feet. SOCIALISTS VOTE AMSTERDAM, Aug. 10. Tho So rlnlTst party In the Cerman Ilelchstag, according to tho Vadwaerts, has de cided to vote for tho war credits ask ed by the government. The proposed new war loan"of $2, r.no.000,000, Is ono of tho principal matters before the session of tho Itelchstng which opens today. Tho opposition to tho loan, If any devel oped, was expected to come from the hocinllst members. REFUGEES FLOCK TO BIG HOTELS SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Aug. 10. Thousands of people who remained in Galveston left their homes Mon day night and sought refuge in the lug buildings in the heart of the city. The Tremont, Hoye, Panama and Hal ve?. Hotel were crowded In enpae'.ty M-hil the upper floors of the Santa I'c station, Amcncnn Hank building nnd the Rosenberg librnrv Imi held their thousands. (i it L AMSTERDAM, ia Indon, Aug. 30. Political impoitance, it Jm re- l lotted from Herlm. is attached to the announcement by the newspaper Vorwaerts that Kinperor William has bestowed the Iron Cross of the firt class on Albert Sudckum, a socialist leader for urnu'rv in battle. G. A. R. MEETS IN MEDFORD SEPTEMBER I3TH TO I7TH The annual encampment of South ern Oregon Veteran association and tho V. R. C. will bo hold September 1.1-17 in the Hills grovo southof this city. The number of visitors ex jiected to be in the city at this time I variously estimated from 100 to S00. All arrangements have been made for Ihe visitors' convenience. The encampment promise to bo ot unusual Interest. A musical program will be one of the features. Prom inent C. A. I, veterans will relate historic tales of the war. Aim simvici: fwmi harm: POINT TO MHIIPOHI) AMI HACK Tho underflcned will leavo Frank I.ewli' confectionery every day ex cept Sunday for Medford with bit nuto nt 1 o'oloek p. m., arrlrlnff at 2 i. nt. hoove Nah hotel. Medford, at C p. m., arrive at Eagle Point at 6 p. m. A hart of the trafflo la solicit ed. S H HAII.VIHII, Ksjle Point, Or WAR D KAISER' MEDAL D EADER , FLOOD PIGS TO- Y PEOPLE IlOl'STOX, Texas, Aiib. 10. Hous ton's storm death list stood nt five early today. The bodies oftwo white vomen, two white men and a negro had been found. At Virginia Point fifteen persons wiio had esraped beforo the Cnuse way hotel collapsed, sought refuge. In a hiiall power Iiouko. Hen feet of water surrounded the place. Kor a while they were without food. Two live pigs, squealing as they were borne along on the turbulent waters reached the marooned party Tuesday. Then camo two cans of coffee and a barrel of beer. The party killed a pig Tuesday nnd ate pork nil day," declared Mllo Wag gle, one of the party. We only need ed some tobacco and matches to make us perfectly happy." The. life saving station nt Surf Side, seven miles northeast of Krecport, was entirely demolished. Captain .John P. Stolnhart and Pollet Shan non, the helper, were the only sur vlvors. Mrs. Setlnhart, members of the crew, nnd some visitors, Hit i it to number 10, are missing. AI Z W-ASHINOTON, Aug. 10. The battleships LoiiMjinu and New Hamp shire arrived at Vera Cruz laic Wednesday. Tho state department has had no report cither from Vera Cruz or Mexico City for several davs, (he gulf storm having put the tele graph and cable lines to the south out of commission. i ' OVERLAND COMPANY PLACES MEDF0R0 AGENCY K. G. Delano, district representa tive of the J. V. I.envltt company of Portland 1b In the city and has placed the agency for this popular car with Mr. George L. Trelchlor, who with Mr. W. T. Dosler, will carry a full lino of Overland nnd Wlllys-Kulgbt cars nt tho Medford Oarage. The sensation of the 1010 season 1b the wonderful Overland thirty-five horsepower, fully equipped, selling at J7&0.00 f. o. b. factory, nnd the Knight motored WIllys-Knlght forty horsepower selling nt $1005 f. o. b. factory. Tho J. W. I.oavltt company havo eold nnd delivered on the Puclflc const over two thousand of these popular cars since. Juno ft, 1915. An Overland scrvlco station will bo Instnlled by Mr. Trelchlor nnd Mr. Dozler nnd nil Qverlann owners nro requested to make the Medford Oar age tholr headquarters nnd tho public Is cordially Invited to call nnd inspect the now 7t0.00 Ovcrlnnd, now in stock, nnd tlio WIllys-Knlght will bo here In n few days, TREE KILLS BUTTE FALLS MAN ON TUESDAY A wife nnd five Btnall children nro left to mourn tho loss of C, A. Wood of Uutte Tnlls, killed Tuesday after noon In Klamath county ly n falling tree. Tho body arrived in this city late last evening und will be burled in the Medford cemetery toduy. Wood met his death lato Tuesday afternoon. Ho was engaged in felling a giant tree when a cutter cIobo by pulled his saw for the last time. Not bearing the warnings of his fellow workmen Wood mado no effort to tnke shelter. Tho treo fell In his direction striking him on tho bead and causing instant death. The dead man Is forty-seven years old. He lived In Uutte Falls but for years has spent the logging season In Klamath county. He has a brother, J. Wood, living Injhls city. INTKHL'ltHAN Al'TO OAK CO. Tluu Table Leave Medford daily except Sun day for Ashland, Talent and Phoenix at S a. m., 1:15, 3 00 nnd SMS and 10:15 p. m. t Saturday at 11:16 p. m.) Sunday leave at 6:00 nnd 11:00 a. in.. 1:00, r.:00 and 9:30 p. m. Leave Ashland dally except Sunday nt 9:00 a. in., 12:50, 2:30, 4:80 and 7:00 it. m. and Sunday at 10:00 a. m., IS noon, 1:00, C ami 10:30 p. m. STEWARTS .SPRINGS E ratios from Kdgouood, Calif., good for rhouniatiim, stomach trou ble, and skin dtaoaso. Rata lit per neek far tent, board and bath. A bMNlUMl earning ground, (toed trout BtNNun. delightful cIlMale, alil turf (!. CnuilierB am wtrt come. Mall card far liu to wset you. K (' Lled, KlKeoo! California MAROONED BIS HUNGR YANKEE WARSHIPS VERA LOADING BREAD FOR GERMAN ARMYf y WBmwt& aaafe. lH2 r-v , $JP& &nf tf sfctj$ '',?' ' x r , .' K' r i, BBBr -j .K ". PliBBBBBBBBBBBB2BBBBBBBK j w1Uli AiilnttdjBr. TT 7HrJIBaaaaaaaaK. HpBBBBBBDBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBB P.t VBlBBBfc mSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBvVBhI npppjBjBMBBnBBBBBjPjMPBBpJBBBpBBp ' " jlBBB 'ttBBBBBflBBBBBBBBpBK.BBW KHHHHBVHHHHHiBBkkkkikHK .'ikkVP ffiirT'rkkkkKTW HKLk .BBwkHHHMkHibM" HikkkkVV RvBVMLVikkH Photograph tnken nt Infcrshiirg, I'ast Prussia. This is a Ooiiuaii tircad Magon collecting the dally bread for tho soldiers lillleliNt In the (own. Tlio picture iwis taken in front of a bakery and tlio baker had Just added bis morning's contribution from the oven. BRAKEMAN KILLED I DUNS1IR ASHLAND, Aug. III. W. I. An derson, passenger lirakeinau with hcadimrters at this terminal, was ac cidentally killed in the vicinity of tunnel No. I), near Diiusmuir, yester day, while No. 1(1 was on its way north from Red lMuff. At the time of the accident he was leaning from the coach steps watchinjr operations of uhcel and brake equipment, and was knocked off the train bv cattle guard obstructions. His bodv ishe ing held at Diiusmuir pending funeral urrangeinents. His wife has been living in Port land. A pathetic incident' connected with the fatality is that onlv a short time ago Anderson hnd rented ptop crtv for housekeenint; nurnoscs nnd his wifo was to have joined him here vesterday. The AI Cox house on Vistn slrcl had been selected and merchants weie in the net of deliver ing' good.s at lliosp premises when news of Anderson's death at rived. FEARS FOR SAFETY NKV ORLEANS, Aug. .10. No repoith have been leucived here early today from Marsh Island, lfi() miles soutliwoNt of New Orloiin. where more than 100 persons arc believed to be miunoned or lost. They were not warned of the approaching hur ricane, llonts of the Louisiana state conservation commission huve been ordered to go to the rescue. I NKW YORK, An m - Prices broke with some violence j nt hot ore 1:.'10 o'clock when WhII Stiet reived word of the sinkinjf of re tlm Arabic. The market which hnd been rather irregular except in the vwir "roup,, turned suddenly netie and weak. FOUR GAMES OF BASSEBALL AT THE COUNTY FAIR One of the principal free attrac tions of the Jackson County fair, to be held In Medford, Soptumber S to 11, will 'lie the serins of bine ball games botwoon the Klamath Falls club and the loeal team. A pure of 1300 will be offered, four pome will be played. Knell wU take place In the afternoon baKlnnlng promptly at 1:30 o'oloek. A dluwond. wklok ho doubt will prove to bo batter than the one now ud, hi being waito at tko fair KTouHdt. Ilotk tua are bolus; mreHKtbeHed far the nmlnB and a ratillHg foal erl to nnUtlft wl. A iMtaral udwlMtaH or " tmt will b thsfttMl tor oiiiranti- into tke fair gHMMi4a. a-u mut M aimwrwi i the araMiBtaatl for m sira rharee There will b no -xlr i barge for tebhle 100 LANDER STOCK WAVER A DISASTROUS NEWS DELAY FORMATION E LONDON', Auk. 10 -King Con stantino of Greece yesterday received Sir K. P. II. Klllott, llrltlsh minister to Greece, nnd nlso expressed n de sire to sco tho Itusslnn minister, Prlncn Kllni Doinidoff. M. Vcnlzolos visited the minister of the entento powers nnd hnd a long conversation with each of them. The Telstla says that Veulzelos has asked permission to delay tho forma tion of n new cabinet In order to in "cstlgato whether tho policy of Gour naris, the former prime minister, bad not rendered the international situa tion such thnt his own policy hence forth would be liniioHnlblo of nppllca-tnu. N yjjtT Vll1'' vw TURKISH TlwY wato !' CIGARETTES ft tyS CamtToiLC&vTmCA 0 J WCHMOHO.VN m2Mgr DANISH VESSEL HELD BY BRITISH LONDON, Mondny, Aug. K, (delny ed by censor) - Tho DmiiIhIi motor boat .liitlaudla from Han Francisco for Copenhagen with a general car I'o, has been detained nt Kirkwall by tho llrltlsh authorities for ex amination. Tho Danish motor boat Jutlandla, detained at Kirkwall, Scotland, by llrltlsh nuthorlttcs, sailed from hero .lune 2R wit ha cargo of dried fruits and barley valued nt ISO, 000, ship ped by StrntiB & Co., of San Fran cisco to Acnjutlnnd, Salvador. An other cargo was tnk.cn aboard there consigned to Danish ports. The Jutlnndln is owned in Den mark. Tho Knst Aslntlc company, limited, are the owners agent here. , , " 'it " The Intem'ationaT Jury of" Awarjd seledled FATIM A is the onhrciFarettei fo.be awarded the GRAND PRIZE the highesl: , award, given to any cigarette Panama-Pacific International Exposition Piparette a sensible cigarette Jattfjny.u JuCucco Gr, . RANK'S FUNERAL PARTY REACHES E NUW YOKK, Aug. 10. The bod.v of Leo M. I'raiih wan brought lien enrlv today. Detei'tivil nnd police wete on hnnd to guan'l against an ttbitionstrntioii bv the few person who gathered at the station. Miy. Kranlc, who accoinpanied th-' jhody of her husband on the trip from Atlanta, was greeted bv relatives, Otto Stern, brother-in-law of l'rank, said the fuiicial tomorrow woiild.ho private. Mr. Kudolph l'rank, mother nl Leo M. Frank', gnu out a statement today in which she said she nnd her hushaud bad received a large iiumbev of messages of sympathy from Southerners duiinir Hie past t days. By 1(1 o'clock a crowd of more than 1:100 people had gathered. AMSTERDAM, Auk. 10. -Tho 8tith birthday of Hmporor Frntlcls Joseph was celebrated today In Vienna and lierlln. Dmperor Wllllnin and nil the German princes sent telegrams to tho ruler of Austria-Hungary ex pressing warm nud ' unbrenkablo I friendship "In the good and bad for tunes of tho war." Kinperor William ordered that I ho Austrian flag bo ills placd In all Ocnuiiu cities. E EXCESS OF 1900 GALE WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. -Oalvcs-ton ml vices to the treasury depart ment today describe the storm as equal to that of 1001) and said: "Onlv six reported dead, other than those on dredges and twohoats." Tea thousand dollars damage was done to (he pos office. -iY:;. BROOKLYN HI AUSTRIAN RULER A BIRTHDAY w v aaaai ITirro In tnor Ctrrti In thU wcllon ol Iho ronnltr thnu ill olhrr dlKi-awit iut lotcrlhrr. and Until the lam frw jtt w suppiocil to tw Incurable, for a gnat uiaur jrara doctor pronounce J It a local dl.val.) nnd vreavrlhcil Iftcal rrmrtlle. anil lijr rtinatanil falllnic t" rin'e WIIL lural trfatincnt. invuuuncvil It Incurable. Hclrlwr baa jiroTon Catartli to be a rcualltnllunal il!nr, ami tbrrrfore toiulrea comtllullminl trealuieut. INira Catarrh Cure, mannracrurnt by P. J. t huipy A Co., Toledo. Ohio, la the only Constitu tional cure cm llii market. It la taken Internally In dnaea from 10 dror to n traaponnrnl. It acll directly on (be bhxM and mucoid aurfacea uf tli avalem. They offer tme. hundred dollar for any caae It (alia t) cure Hend for circular and tesilninnlal. Add-. r J ClirsrY & TO Toledo. Ohio. Mrt b IHugtfl t. T" Tak Hair amity t'tlla for comtlpatloo. Infants od Invalids HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK The Food-Drink for all Ages Rich millc, malted grain, in powder form. For Infanta, invalid ui growing children. Pure nutrition, upbuilding ll whole body. Invigorates nursing mothers hJ the aged. Mora healthful then tea or cotfee. Unless you say 'ttORllOK'iA' you may get a substitute V AT'ilaBBWH BfJJJJJgV ,filVvJBay.' BJ aaaaa WEiw ' L)m VlfBrikaBBBBBBBBBBaBBB! paat-a-aaaaaaaaaaVl lloforo arhool opoim linvo mo ex amine the clilldrt n'a eyes. Hhould KlaHHe Im neceioary, havo Hprctarli'H flted SO DltOI'H I HKI). DR. RICKERT EYESIOIIT SPECIALIST MKDFOItD. ... OUEOON VELVET ICE CREAM Alwayn pleascB tho young nnd tho old. JtiHt tho dOKort for theso hot dayn. It's pure, wholcsomo and re frenlilnu. Prompt dollvory on all Ico cream nnd btittor ordora. FRESH MILK AND CREAM AT FACTORY The White Velvet Ice Cream Co. Phono 481 32 S. C St. WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP E08 East Main Street i Medford Tlio Only Exclusive Commercial Photographers in Southern Oregon Negatives Madu any time or place by appointment Phono 147-J We'll do tho rest . D. WISTOK. Prop. HOTEL MANX Powell St. at OTarrcll W SAN FRANCISCO lleadciiiarten for Califor nianiwlideviihinf; the Expo- ution. Our coinmodioui lobby. fine itrvice, and homrhko rwuuiant willuicai to you. i, No Raise In Kates 51.50 Per Day U Maimjcmcnt t hwir W Kslir) in Hi jijfM!W "OTrTJ&li L'erytti ii Ktt lrK, ? fttk SRI mv. &8l Vail f jOT yi f i