Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 18, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    PAOW Jf)fi
A concise mul unit littlo booklet, a
wel m tinhpie, is the Intent publien
tiou gotten put ly the Commercial
cliil) under the MtiHTMsh)ti of Morrin
J. Diiryen, milliliter of it.s publicity
department. Doublet traditions nro
cast to the wind in tlii pjtblientioli.
and gne mnv( look in vain for the fn
niiljnr scones of "picking fruit in tliu
Jlngtio Hiver Vidloj," Htcreolypud
pii-turcM oT (ho ancient boo-ding daye.
This example is devoted almost ex
clusively to the heralding of Ash
land's approaching status ns f'tho
Curlsbnd of America." from a inm
eral spriiiM standpoint. Very sug
gcdively the shape of the the little
booklet is the replien of a glam? of
water. Plates were funriiished by
the Hieks-Chnttiii Kngrnviiig Co. of
Portland, and printing was done nt
The Tidings offiee. The edition is
Among 171) iicculcntH in the last
report of the State Industrial Com
mission, T. ,1. Hinniiighnin, Wells
1'nrgo messenger with tenninal stop
over here, is reported as having mis
laiiicd a mashed toe.
Mrs. Oertie Murphy and her poii
Murphy arc paying an annual visit
to the linekleberry patches wav mil
beyond the Dead Indian neighbor
liood. Mrs. Dr. Souger and her sis
ter Mollie nlso went along.
Mrs. Mary Dickey and sister, Miss
Sarah Fox, returned home this week
after a month's visit nt Newport
with relatives in the Ra. A. Payne
d'nmily, former resident here.
Further odds nnd cnd. belonging
to the old Polytechnic school equip
ment of subsidized memory, will lie
closed out nt miction on Saturday,
August 121.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Yeo returned
early in tho week from a visit with
relatives at Los Angeles. On the
homeward trip they also inspected the
exposition nt Sun Francisco, Inning
visited tho San Diego affair while in
the former city.
Mm. Snllie H. Crenshaw, of Colo
man, Sumter county, Florida, tnuot It
er with her niece, Mrs. Annie Fulg
ham, of lied Muff, have liecn recent
visitors with relatives in the family
of . W. Fiiller, Southern Pacific
passenger brakcinan, who resides on
Fifth street.
Mrs. (lenrgo W. Dunn and son
Horace, who uecompanicd Mr. and
Mrs. Iru Nelson, of Itopeburg, in the
hitter's car on their way home from
a visit to Douglas county, met with
an amiming if not exciting exper
ience on the western outskirts oC-tho
illy on Sunday evening. They were
halted on the bridge over Wright's
creek, near the Hilling's place and
compelled to reveal their identity at
the hands of armed Midriff's depu
ties, who worn on the lookout for
ilohu Austin Hooper, the desperado,
recently emmped from the Grants
l'atw .fail. Mr. NoImui came .is far
as Ashland on tho way to Crater
Kd Fallow, now visiting with his
family in Southern California, is
exploiting the Ashland idea us to tho
practical benefit of the local camp
ing ground to propcolivo visitors
headed thin wny. The Saiiilenl. imiIi
Jihod u( Santa Cruz, where ltd is-
vimtiug, also sounds the praise of
Ashland's facilities along this line,
Hunting the experience) of Walter
Fogg, wjio flopped here incident to
Ids "gyjwy nuto trip made during
the Chuutnqiiu pound.
Hen F.iuery, pioneer resident, has
gono to the r.poitiou at San Fnin
eiseo, the find vacation he has
lHke.ii in yean-, leaving behind him
u pieluro of hiti old-time cabinet
shop taken away back in 18(1(1. In
the foreground me repio.cnted be
side himwolf such well known char
ai'ters of u previous generation as
l.cgruud Mill, Nathaniel Mver and S.
11. Wbitmore.
Probably Ashland will not, for u
time nt cat, have itf park cufiuo,
the eunlumplatud ereetion of which
ha for homo time past aniiiwil so
much pro and eon dieussiou, lead
ing to projoftf against the plan be
ing lodged with the spring commis
sion by clergymen mid women. In
stead, tho commission will divert
$27.10 to w water sj-suau fund for
the park area as enlargud, and $."-i00
to hii eleetrie tranemik-don fond, thus
cptippoig tfip prendre with uurhullel
wnlor ami liebt fnoiljtios. Tim en-.
kino piopusution wijl .cono.pientlv
lie mid in abeyance, although nil improvement-, will be aone
ah Ad with. Tlio balance in .h park
I'uiid 't lnit rcpoit, nft"r dliHting
fc revi'ing appropriation wu -1-,-&M.0-.
Work on the physical plant
it goiug rapidly forward as to pipe
line development, and the i-tiurginv
station U being erected at this end
of the line. 'Hie mm of $10.00.0 has
recently hettu wid to contractors on
account. Woman of the civic iiu-
Iiruvewost oraaniintion- are a.-itat-ng
fur n minor diiukiac fountain
whieu will dispeiiM) mineral wutu
guar the (tarkV main out ranee.
Wall-grounded mnon aia to tb
offeat that Portland nflrtipa r m-.tlt-'t'"g
for the lea of UoUi A4i
pod iliMtem, tk Vinin and tin
Lyric, l'rvf. Jninf Yintii now
rvhnc e
N-" - ;t-wj.- s
Ko. 1 Once a peaceful,
unprotected Island in tho
North Sea wu threatened!
I swam ont to Itl
manages the former and !- IL Law
rence tho latter. Ovet lures me be
ing mado by these parties from the
Metropolis and in the event of tak
ing over the propoition they will con
trol a eireuit if uiiiiiscinent places
thiiiiglioiit Hoittheru Oregon.
To Kil Phipps irf given the credit
for being the first Ashland man who
secured u deer in tho open sens in
beginning last Sundny inorning. Mr.
Phipps joined his family nt Colstin
last Saturday evening. Some im
pulse or other prompted him to :ike
along u rifle, with the result that on
the initial day of the hunting period
he brought down a magnificent
prong buck weighing pounds)
(number of piongf and weigiil are
left to the imagination of the indi
vidual reader). Walt Frulan, locnl
S. 1'. conductor, also brought home
a fine specimen which was unloaded
flout No. 1(1 on Monday.
The University of Oregon Qnnrtel,
which nre giving a series of enter
tainments throughout southern Oe-
gon, having appeared nt the Yiuiug
on Monday evening, were tlm. reci
pients of courtesies while hero nt
the hnnds of the A. M. Heaver Mid
K. I). Hriggs families, with whom they
enjoyed camping privileges whilo nt
Crescent City last season.
Local police are on the lookout for
n party giving tho name of L. A.
Perry who passed a bogus cheek ofj
pome 20 odd dollars on Kirk Koh-
oils, restaurant man near tho depot,
a few days ago.
Ashland voters are reminded that
on August L'.' will ociuir a special
election to either adopt or reject a
proposition to amend the city char
ier looking towards tho issuance of
a .f'J'),000 bond issue to luko over
such portion of tho California-Oregon
Power company'rt equipment it lies
within city limits. In the mcunlimo
although official advertising has duly
set forth all the technical details of
the plan, there yet remains no popu
lar discussion in the local prH re
garding the merits of the amendment
(Jeo. T. Collins of Med ford, who
has recently returned from a bnsi
nofs tiip to Crescent City, reports
having met licv. II. A. Carniihau
there with his family, limy being hi.
eated on ideal camping quartets
near the ocean beach. Mr. f'urna
linn, pastor of the local Priwhytoriuu
church, left for Crescent City over a
fortnight ago, driing by team, iver
aging about !." miles per day en
rout", lie will remain thuie a week
or two longer.
Mr. mid Mr. (I. II. Johnson, of
Chicago, the former a nephew if C
W. "Nims, nre visiting relative heio
on their way to both exposition nt
San Franoiseo and San Diego. They
came to tho eottat over Canitdial
The funeral of Uriee Ma it in,
prominent rancher of the l.ittlu
Simula valley section, who di.;d re
cently us the lofettll of accidental
injury, was held last vwi in that
locality. Whilo carrying a groin
rack he clipped ami foil, sii-diiiumg
fatal injuries. He was taken to the
l.'inifcmtiir lidjqiilnl. Tho deceased
was -1(1 year; old. lhj was credited
with iiaviinj owned 10,000 acta of
land in addition to a raluablo pur
s.ii: 1 tstale. lie was woii known to
a number of A-hlsud residents, nnd
wo a biotliur-in-law of Frank Long
win . family uud to liva haroiiboutn
The ou-tomary water reftrietions
have gone into effeot. Tlif major
poition of the eity is now allowed
water for irrigation purpoOH from
A to 10 a. m. mid ." to 10 p. ui
Water mtiht not be uad from opoi
pipo or hose but only through the
medium of spraying appliances.
The Daily American, of Abeideeu,
S. I)., announces the engagement f
MUt, Louiku lAigvr, daughter of Mr.
mid Mrs. Louis Lagor, former will
known resident here, to Mr. SteheM
,1. Ware, of Kliiahelh. N'ew ,lesty,
eivil et))iiie'r by tIViihi TIi
uuuouncvtuvitt wa wvU nt a lutick-
No 21
Ulaml was of
by huge root
eon ghen by Miss Louise , number
rf her gill chums August .'. The
wedding will occur this fall.
By A. C. riowlclt
Horn, August 12, 1915, to Mr. nnd
Mm. A. C. Hart, and eight mid a half
pound boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Clnrk nippy of Port
land tiro hero vIMtlng Mrs, nippy's
mother, Mrs. It. G. Drown mid Bister,
Mrs. Win. II. Ilrown.
Slnco my Inst J, H. Carlcton, wlfo
nnd daughter, Mr. Clark nippy, wlfo
nnd Eon, Enrl Webb nnd wlfo, Clnr
enco Loverlng, nnd wlfo, nnd Mrs.
Lottie Van Scoyo havo tnken nn nuto
trip out to Crater Lake, Fort Klnm
nth, Klnmntli Fnlls, Shool crook
Springs, Hombrook, Ashland, etc.,
bnck homo, Tlioro wore thrco atttos
and a merry crowd nnd of courso lind
a good time, nnd those who had never
boon over tho routo heforo nro loud In
their praise of tho wholo trip. Tliomno
12. Nichols nnd wlfo nnd two sons-lu-lnw,
DcnJ. Ilropliy nnd Jlr. McPhor
son and families, took tho snmo trip
oxcopt via tho Sliovol creek Springs
Instcnd. They went up Iltitto creek
from Klamath Kails mid en mo Into
tho road near Hombrook. in .net tho
iwoplo now seom to think no more of
going that routo of about .100 miles
than wo used to going from hero to
Mcdford before wo had roads totravol
on, In our old lumber wagons.
Tod and Harold Guorln nnd wlfo,
nophows of It. O., J. F., and W. II.
Ilrnwn, nrrlvod from Portlnnd last
Thursday to visit tholr relative.
Mrs. Kd Pence of Klamath county
Is horo visiting hor mint, Mrs. W. (1.
Mrs. Lonbo tins movod Into tho Mrs.
Thomas houso Id tho lower end of
Horinan Moyor nnd wlfo, .lohn Tur
ret and wife of Lake creek nnd John
Torrol Jr., and wlfo of Mmlford,
started for tho coast last Friday to
seo the big pond.
Mr. Leolla Low Is of Iteno, Nov.,
Is hero visiting the family of Prank
Lewis and so Is Miss Loada Magley of
Homio Ither, and Chauncoy Kloioy
and family of Jacksonville, a snii-ln
law of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lowla,
woro mot nt tho train last Saturday
by tho I.owls family. Thoy woro on
tholr way to Prospect to visit tholr
relatives, tho Now family.
Miss Fern Lowla has returned
from Jacksonville whoro alio has boon
visiting relntlvos.
Slnco I wrote my last for tho I). M.
T. I have como Into powowdon ot
somo of tho facts with rogard to mi
out doors dan co that was given at
Ilrowimlioro on Saturday night, tho
7th. Thore was a jolly crowd start
od from hero for tho dance on n hay
rack. I tindorstnm! that thero woro
twenty-eight in nil, and thoy only
had one span of horses and tho load
was proved to bo too hoavy for tho
toam so somo of tho company hnd to
walk and finally procured anothar
toam hut forgot to got the load (long)
linos so hnd to walk and load tho
horsos, finally thoy managod to pross
an auto Into sorvlco nnd hnd not
gone far boforo tho gasollno gavo out
and my Informant, n young lady, said
that sho had to walk two iuIIok on
tho homo stretch mid thanked her
stars that sho ronchod homo allvo,
but still thoy all clalmod to have had
a good time.
Among tho cullers slnco I last wrote
wns A. Llnuamen of Chicago, 111.,
representing tho Croat Northern
Manufacturing company, nnd Prod
Tlbhln of Portland of the American
Contral Insurance company. C. II.
WlllUon pt Ashland, mprosantlng
Wadllamn & Knrr Pros.. Mrs. W. and
their two daughters and Mrs. V. A.
Stewart, also of Ashland, accompan
ied them. .Mrs, A. ' Thomas oi
Contral Point, Carl Von C:? Hnllon
of Wallun, Hd Walker, deputy game
warden, J. II. DristoU, the district '
game warden, A. CobblelgU of llutto .
v . j i.ji """" uiuwra nisnaa OB v
twam under water and found that
tlio floitinp variety and u bold In place
Fnlls, It. AV. Watson of Soattle, Wn.,
and Kd Dulton, bcsldo sovornl whoso
name I didn't learn.
Mr. nice, tho mayor of Hosclmrg,
was among tho business callers In
our toxyn.
J. T. Sullivan, his son .Inch mul
Mr. Patrick Welch and N'l K. Griffin
or Scattlo, Wn., called Sundny morn
ing for hrcnkfnst on tholr wny to
Fish lnko. Mr. Sullivan Is tho gen
ernl mnnngor of tho Itoguo Illver
Canal compnny, nnd was on his way
up to tho lnko to see what wns being
dono up therp.
C, E. Whistler and H. V. Corloln
hnvo been visiting tho family of F.
M. Corlols on tho All Vista orchard,
Miss Hazel Under, a member of
tho fnculty of tho University of Ore
gon, has been hero visiting Miss Fran
cis Honth, quo of tho pupils of tho
It. 11. Fnlrloy of Portlnnd, snlos
engineer of tho Kelly Switchboard &
Supply compnny, mul Mr. M, Mcdttork
with tho Oregon Contrnl Cigar factory
of Mcdford, wore with us for dlntior
.lohn Itndor and wlfo woro doing
business In our town Monday.
C. W. Clements nnd wife nnd .1.
Frank llrovvn ami wlfo ntnrtcd for
Crescent City Monday afternoon In
Frank's auto, SponkluB about autns
I learned yosterdny that I hud inndo
a mltttnko In reporting that Ous Nlch-
ols had bought ti Ford. It wns a
Dodge Instead of a Ford and I want
t sees mo.
Mrs. Mnrguerlto Simpson, nee Mnr
guerlto Floroy, Is engaged as an ns
slstnnt In tlio Lngl Point postoffee
during tli ahsenco of tho postmnstor,
W. C. Clemonts.
i i
Heportud by Jackson County Ab
trnnt Co., Sixth nnd Fir Bts.
Fust National Hank s-. I II. Pal
mer et ul. Summon lilwl.
Charles '.. Sama va. II. A. Pkmco
et ul. Motion to, uoufirm Mile of
real jnoporly.
Win. C. Wells , Pnlimliile bind
Co, StimmoiiH filed.
Tlllio F. Furry Arthur W.
Furry. Still for divorce.
Minnie Clink e nl va. II. L. l)o
Ariuond el ul. Suit to foreclose,
Prolijito U
In the matter nt the estate of M.
S. ThompiMjii, deceased, Itoml of
administialor Hied,
Ileal UMnln Tniusfci-M
M. Wilkinson to Mnry d. Win-
kiiiHou, hind in sen. ,1 T. .17,
S. II. a W., W. I). .
II. F. Durkee el u.v to .C M.
Wugner, laud in iuo. 0 T. :il)
S. H. 1 i:., Wl).
Lee Black et u. to John A.
Horn, laud in see. I, T. :I8
If. : W. W. D. . ..
O. .1. Stone et a x to J. P. Dunn
et a lot in Chitwood tract,
Ashland', deed
vising Architect's Office. Washington,
D. C. July 28, 1015. Sealed nrono-
sals will be oponnd In this office at 3
p. m. August 21, 1915, for tho Instal
lation complotn of nn olortrlc passon
gor olevntor In cHcdi of tho following
buildings: The I'nltod States post
office and rottrlhouso nt Amarlllo,
Tox., and the United States post of
flco and eotirthotuo.nt Medford, Oreg.
In accordance with tho drawings and
specification, copies of which may bo
had nt this oinco in tlio discretion or
the Supervising Architect. James A.
Wotniore, Acting Supervising. Archi
One cent per word por Issue.
Six lusertlous for prla ot flvo.
Fifty cents par line per mouth
without ohaago. (
' . . r- - -T nBffitf tf I v
Ifo. 31 mado haste to rcmoro the roots
ocean's bed and swam oft with the Island
behind met
FOR HUNT Modem bungalow, close
in, cheap. Phono 13X. 130
FOIl HUNT Modern 8-room house,
llox 7, Mall Tribune. 128
FOIt HUNT Modern R-rooni hoitso,
1021 West 10th st., 10, wnter
paid. Dennett Investment Co.
FOIt ItKNT Four room flat or
house, furnished or unfurnished.
730 W. 11th, C21-II.
FOIt ItKNT G-room modern houso,
hard-wood floors, full comciit baeo
mont. Phono 270W.
TO HUNT 5 room mod. furn, houso.
$18. Puruckor, St. MnrkB nidg.
FOIt ItKNT Closo In 5 room houso
with Bleeping porch, modern
plumbing, electric lights, ccmont
eldewnlk, garngo, on paved sttcot.
Itont reasonable. Inquire of II. C.
Stoddard, Mcdford, Oregon. tt
North nivcrslde, or Ipvlu Dahiick,
Knglo Point, Ore.uog 132
I-'OK SAM-ail30'I'.MjAXKOU8
FOIt SALK Household goods, chenp,
family moving nwuy. Phono 2CJt.
FOIt SALK -23 high grndo Plymouth
Hock hens and ono pedigreed roos
ter, otio nearly new Mnjnstlu range,
also chlckon wire. Apply L. P.
Holgcrson, cor. 4th and Ivy, or
Juckson County Creamery. 127
FOH SALK Karly Crawford ponch
os, 1c per lb. at orchard. Hose
Orchards. Phono 5U7-.I3. 131
FOH SALK Tomatoes for canning,
lVjc a pound, delivered. Phono
H-F22. 128
FOIt SALK Tomatooa and
Phone 28-H6.
FOIt HALK Cook atovo.
InrKe windlass bucket.
300 King
FOH SALK drain hay, $0.00 to f 10
per ton. Phono Bit 1-.I2.
FOH SALK 2-sealed Vollo hack with
pole. Phono 052-.I.
rou sali; UKM, KSTATH
FOU HALK "-Vnw a piace." St) acres!
flnel) Improved Hoguo Hlvor Vol
loy land, 3'. miles north Kaale
Point. Sco or address owners, W.
II. Cranilall on tho place, or .1. T.
Carnontor, 315 N. llartlett, Mcd
ford, no agents. l.M)
FOH SALU May Ashland property
whilo prluoa are attractive. Wo have
for quick sale In contor of town
ami law i rosiuonco ulstrlet, on
Shormaii street, one block from
school, 3 blocks from public libra
ry, thrco lots, onoh (id foot trout
by 117 deep, covered with fruit,
ami C-room house plastered, bath,
lights, foundation, splendid ehmiro
to build 2 now small 1iiiikuIoh for
rent to railroad men, on other two
Iota. Cnn soil wholo projiorty for
$1750. with $1150 cash. This la
worth at least f 2600, and Is grow
ing In vnltio. Also flue S-room
houso, modem, with bath, lights,
furnnce, etc., on best residence dla
triul on boulevard, and Su-foot lot,
oapoelally fine location. Price
$ 1750. Hodgson-Whltmoro & Heed,
Cor. Ouk and Main Sts. Ashland,
Oro. lie
Decauso my stock n trado Is to
havo optlonod nt tho lowost cash
prlco tho host buy In this county.
I havo boou on trio ground look
ing out for you for tho puit flvo
years. Nearly everyday I have In
vestigated somo "good thing." I havo
eliminated everything except thoao
deals which I am convinced will te-
ouro mo satisfied custoraors.
In a few hours time I can glvo you
tho benefit of this research. It Is my
business to show you over tho county
and iutrodtiro you to tho possibilities
and opportunities horo. Soo Mod
ford first and
10- WcH Main Street
.i, ;7i03whai
the ocean's bed whero I
a i j, """" "i entrajw cnustrs Kranded
uijr M-iiui
from the
FOH II 1 KNT Coin-en len t llghTlTiniiiio
keeplng rooms, closo In. 301 S.
WANTKI) Work by ''tliiTilny or hour
by Japnneso boy. Phono 19G. 127
WANTKD Housekeeper; widower
with three children. Address O.
P. Johnston, Provolt, Oregon. 127
WANTKD Small femnlo dog. Spitz
preferred, cheap. Altchley, Contrnl
Point. 12U
WANTKDFnrm lands to rent on
shares or cash rental, with or with
out wnter, (.live full particulars,
location, otc. II. V. Ulugham,
Mcdford. 128
WANTKD Largo knitting mill In
vites correspondence from women
desirous ot earning monoy, part or
full time. Qoo'd nay. Kxncrlcnco
unnecessary. International Mills,.
Inc., NorrlBtown, Pa, 200
WANTKI) TO 1IUY 20 tono of.
straw; also 20 tons of hay. Vin
son's Feed Unrn, N. Itlveraldo Avo.
.WANTKD To-rcsln for two months,
light saddle, suitable for lady.' Ad
dress llox X, Mall Trlbtino.
LOST Somewhere bctweon Mcdford
mid Knglo Point, radiator cap. Ho
ward for return to Mall Tribune of
fice STHAlToitSTOLKN r. reward
ono dark bay sitddlo linrso, flvo
years old, weighs about 925 pounds,
small white strip In fnco, coming
to a point, Insldo ot strip 8 or 10
dark spots, right hind foot vhlto,
forotop cut about Mnrrh, extra fast
walker. Addross Marshal Mlntor,
Knglo Point, Oro. 133
Attornoys-nt-Lnw, Hooms 8 snd
9, Modtord National llnuk bldg.
A. . HKAMK8, iTvKHJarnotT
Corey bldg.
Wm. M. Colvlg. (leoigo M. Hoborta
Mudfonl .Nntlomil Dank Iiulldlug.
Attomoys nt Lnw. Jackson Couii'
ty Dank Uulldlng.
Auto Oflppllra
aro operating tho largost, oldest
and host oqulppod plant In tho Pa
clflo northwest. Uao our springs
when others fall. Sold under guar
autoo. 2G North Fifteenth St.
Portland, Oro.
(larnettCoro Illdg,, suite
Medford, Oro. Phone 856.
Notary I'uoilc
lie. IJrliiK your work to mo at (hi
sign of thn Mall Tribune.
10U ncres with 50 enttlo, team,
and some hoax, largo buildings, part
of It is IrrlHHtod alfalfa. It could
have so acres ot Irrigated alfalfa,
pleuty of water, noar fine outrange,
both In summer and winter. This Is
In tho Applegate valley and a fine buy
at 4750U.
2U0 acres of flao level bottom land
close to pnved highway, and to rail
road. No bolter suaur beet lnud In
the valley. Oal ?125 por aero.
Some level homestead ralluqulaJi
menu In the Illinois valley, t(int nro
worth whilo.
ItoQin io, Jackson Co. Uauk Uldg,
stg- y
.hllPPn"tt The hole left "In
toro out the roots sucked tto, .
nuKi.NicsH niHKoreni:
Collcclloiifl nnd Iteporta
collected somo accounts 14 youra
old. Wo know how In got tho
money. Tho Hullock Mcrcnntllo
Agency, Inc., lloonin 1, 2, 3, Has
klnn' nidg., 210 K. Main St.
Dll. A. It. HBDQK3, Dr. Louls .
lIRugcs Mcchnno-Thornplsts, Chiro
practors, Spondylothoraplsts. TJicxa
ayatoms, including dietetics, cura
tive gymunstlcs, hydro-thoraphy,
otc, produco rcBtilta In both acuta
and chronic dlsenscs. CoasultA
tion free. Oror Deuel & Co., cor
nor Main and Ilnrtlo'.t. Hours 9
a. in. to G p. in. Other hours by,
appointment. Phono 170.
PH. It. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor,
uorvo specialist Ilooins 20R-204-
205, Uarnott-Corcy bldg. Vnpor
baths and scientific massage glven;
ncodlo spray, head and shouldee
bowor In connection; advice la
dlototlcH, medical gymunstlcs,
hydropthorapy. Lady attendant.
Phono, office 543, residence 511-K.
Engluerr and Contractor
FHKD N. CUMMINOS Knglnoor and
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. nidg.
Surveys, estimates, Irrigation,
dralnago, orchard nnd land im
provement. (ariKe-
QAHDAUK Got your preHilsM
clouuod up for tho summer. Call
on the city garbage wugona lor
good sorvlco. Phone 274-L. I
T. Allen.
Instruction In Musle
401, Gnrnott-Corey nidg. Fred At
ton lialglit Piano, Mrs. Florence
Hnlllday Haight, voice. Phone
Phye"ician hhcl Burgeons
Dlt. P. O. OAHLOW, Dlt. KVA
lihyslclans, 410-417 Garnott-Corey
bldg., phone 103C-U llldene
20 South liaurol St.
Dlt. W. W. HOWARD OsteopsthU
physicians, 303 Garnett-Corey.
building. Phono P04-M.
Dtt. J. J. IflMMKNS Physician tail
surgoou. Practice limited to eye,
ear, none nnd throat. Kyos scion
tlflcally tested and glasses sup
pllod. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P.
It. it. Co. Offlcoo M. F. & II. Co.
i Illdg., opposlto P. O. Phono 567,
H. D. PICKI5L, M. D. Office Jack
eon County Dank bldg. Offiee:
phono 43-11; rosldeuco phone 58U,
Dn. It. W. OLANO Y Physician anfl
surgoou. Phoues, ntflco 30. rcl
deuce 724-J. OHlco hours 10 ta
12, 2 to 5.
Pliyslrlauu and surgeons. Office
309-310-311, M. F. & II, Uldg.
Phones rcaldonco, 814-J2; office,
clan mid Burgeon. Office Palm
block; opposlto Nash Hotel. Hour
10 to 12, 1 to 1. Phono 110 J.
Ko, ear, uoso nud throut, office
228 Kast Muiu; rosldonco 1121
Kast Main; offlie hours 9 a. in. to
12 ui.; 1:30 to 5 p. iu. Telephones
Office, 303; , rosldonco, 303J2.
Printers nnQ rulillstierrt
best equipped printing office la
southorn Oregon; boo'K. 'binding,
loose loaf ledgers, bllltdg systems,
eta. . Portland prleos. 37 North)
Mr Rt
Otfloo 42 North Front St. Fhoas
310. Prices right. Service bust
TyiKiwrltcri ctff HiipplloH. ,
Now Itomlnstoit, HmttU Premlec
and Monarch typovrlilii;, add In b
and subtracting niuclune, rebuild
machines vfor cash or easy pay
meats. Machines for rent, rihboa
and aiipplUvi o( nil kinds, tdmplo ri
psfra freof eliarg, ' Hoger ,
lleunett. in Oviin Rt oko
93S-U, or Palmer Plfiaa Plact, j