Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 18, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Your insurance company may Ijo
financially nil right, but unloss the
prlntoil form on the faco of your
JOllcy la written correctly, your ln
iirnnco Is speculative. The H. II.
McQurdy agency guarantees satisfac
tion. Ford tops, seat coven, hooda and
celluloid llshU. Tout Knctory, IOC
N. Front. ' . 132
Mr. and Mr. K. B. Ilrant of Hamil
ton Ohio, aro visiting nt the homo of
Ihnlr nunt, Mm. Kato MoMurtry,
1023 West 0 th strcot, nftor spending
throo months at tlio exposition mid
othor point.
800 Davo Wood nboul that flro' In
Eitrnnco policy. Offico Mall Tribune
Dlds. '
Mossr. Slmoklo and linwan, min
ing men of Los Angeles, Have been in
vestigating lyoperly owned hy (loo.
McClqllnn or the Clolil Hill district
for sovorul wnlt, apd nre mid to ho
favorably impressed with tlio doelr
alilllly of developing tlio propnrty on
a I in go sea la
Try n snob of Hlaluand lllond flour,
$1.80 nt Ilutclilaon & I.umsden's.
Hurry Ounlhnr linn gnuo to San
Krnnclvo whore ho will romnlti until
tlio holidays vlHltlnR with friends and
Velvet !cm cream ot Do Voo'a.
Mr. and Mr. Hal Older nf Waldo,
arrived In Mod ford thin morning on
their way to Orator I.nke.
I talto prldo In making your watch
lecop perfect tlmo. I havo ovory fa
cility for doInK fine watch ropalrlni;.
Johnson tlio Jowolcr.
TIio.coIIoro "hop" will bo given In
the nmall hall of the Naiorlum this
evening beginning nt 8:30 o'clock.
Tlio affair promtHes to ho an onjoy
nblo onjn. H will bo tlio last of ItH
kind until nftor the ClirlstuinB boll
ilavg. When that auto wheel cracks and
popa It ncods fixing. Wo mako nn
Holld an now, nt ft nmall oxponsQ. Hil
lings Carriage nnd Auto Work.
llelweon 500 and (100 Pythian nro
In attendance nt tlio ronolnvo helm;
nt Crntor Lake today. Nearly ovory
lodge of Oregon nnd novornl of Cal
ifornia nro rproseiilod. I.ocnl lodge
men will return from the lako to
morrow. Do Voo carrion the best line of
five cent cigars In the city.
Tlio record prlco for llnrtlntt pear
In the nnrthwost thin Herman wnn
made Tuesday 'by the Itoguo lllver
Fruit nnd I'roduco nmtoclntlmi, when
their first car Hold In Chicago mar
ket for $1.2! f. o. h. Bedford. TIiIh
wan an extra fancy shipment, the
pram coming from nn Irrigated din
trict. ' Thero Ih n good prospect that
the local association with Itn ojclnu
slve Belling agendas will repent 1U
purfarjiiunee ot last souson, when the
nvurago prloo for lwars surpassed
tho average nf all other northweslorii
Illghlnnd Illend flour JI.Gfi par
Hark nt IlutehlHon & LuniHdnu'a.
A lettor rocehod hy City Hfcoopler
12. T. I'm from the California llnx
Spray eoinpuny stnto that tho com
pany linn postponed plans of bulldliiK
n $16,000 spray factory near this oily
until ,luiid owners of the valley take
no 111 y definite mMoii In rogard to the
irrigation project Irrigation for tlio
Hug vu river valloy is caiuldorod Im
perative by tho spray company.
Johnson, nt the Hook Store, nn
expert watch lojmlrer.
Work is progressing rapid!) on I ho
new Uahnck gar?'. The tnntnrn
Is opueted to be eiiHipluled within
n fortnight.
Merpliauta' Litnoh, Sag. Tho Shnitn.
Ffr thought to Im started by
truuipji nt inldtUgst TiirsUaj lustutoed
the Unas will. The fire bad khIiiwI
but little liendway whew the firs do
partuieHt arrived. No damage.
Chgulatofl, 10 cant a lb, lie Vno'a,
llalbert Jeiiswi la bets sought by
the local authorities. Jvusvn la eo
1 cl to be on of ths rlevsrssi fic
titious oheck artUls oh the roast. I In
last worked Is toe northern part of
the sUie,
Watton Csjusrs Shop tor first olass
KiMlnk flHlsklug kud Kodak SNpplloa,
ilarv.' TuliiaBHU of Dsnvsr, Ids .
wnvtMl iii the elty this woralng to
n-tttaln axveral dsjrs Yitb his sacle.
Walter riuh
For flour 01 h1 s4tone Ms4tord
Itotler Mlll 1'hotte sOI.
II l. ! or Is Aftajetos, la at
trndlia m iiiiMtiws oisltsrs la I be
rll I tn.-. vi. -k
l4Hitiii rry tin rvt Tti SksstA.
How si ( Hhearixirn 01 KogHS Klvsr,
lias rfiiirntd ti I. Is hoin. nfter s, blof
ItiiBlncf lll tn Mnlfoid
Saiety sad scrvics. We Kite beta.
llelw, the luaurni Mii.
Wsirfn lllldr(h of V. How twlasIB
paaai't ilrousii lb rlt Hi - tsorslttK
I'tirout' to his home tars
wiHiks In ( ulUoiuU
Fn ti rm.-1- i t-nnuts st if Vsj4.
ISU- Miit jii 1 of osiUravl
Is4nt u "iw tiir u wi
flUwU In Mxlfor.t
Qttlk s. rl.c fur our Kodak flu
lsUjig t-'P Weatuu' I'miii ra tJliOi
Miss Florence Carpenter of I'erry
dale, visited with frlonds In Mod
ford recently. Miss Carpontor Is a
member of the local high school faculty.
i iUKO your wnicn in joiuiRon, mo
Jowolcr, you will rocolvo unusually
good service
Prof. P. II Dally hns gone to Horn
brook on a business, trip.
J. O. Corking, the bes( all around
photographer in southern Oregon,
Always Tollable. Negatives niado any
where, tlmo or place. Btudlo 228
Main St. Phono 320-J.
Loin Chrlstlson of Hallos. Is among
tho out of town buultoas visitors In
tho city.
Have you tried ono of those Cc
milk shakes At DeVoe's?
The condition of Mrs. IlorUiu
Field, who rocoutly underwent nn
operation nt toh Sncred Heart hospi
tal, is reportod to be Improving rap
idly. Dso Mothor'fl Home Mndo Ilrcnd nt
your grocers. Newtown Uakory. liv,
C. II. (Jowon left this morning on
a bualnesH trip io Ited Illuff, Cnl. Mr.
Oowon formerly resided In Hod Illuff,
whoro he conducted n grocery Btore.
Huntnlng sensou Is on nnd conse
quently nccldonts more numerous.
Phone Wnkoinan about short or long
term accident liiHurnncc. 127
It Is cstlmntcd that no less than
30 Medford citlzonft have gone to thu
oxpositlon during the past week.
Oct your butter, eggs, cream, milk
dnn butter milk at Do Voo's
Willis Thrasher of Agate, Is spend
ing the day In Medford visiting with
boy frlondH.
When you need nny blotters call
at tho U. II. McCurdy Agency, or tolo-
plionn Ono-lwo-throe, and wo will
nond you some. tf
Harold Jackson contomplntos n trip
to Klamath Lake.
ir you do not wish to take your
children with you oh your summer
trip why not leave thorn with the
Itoosey sisters nt Tho Jtnnch, Med
ford. Terms reasonable. Phono
85. 13
Dolberl Carlton of Willow Springs,
drove to the city this morning with a
load of fnnn products.
Joe .Monro of the Scott ranch on
Itoguo river, spont Wednesday morn
ing In Medford on puhIiioss,
Mrs. Carl Simpson linn roliirnoil
from n visit to frlonds In flrnnls
Mrs. Homer Turner of HugQiin Is
In the city, the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs.
K, U Slater. Mrs. Turner was for
merly a resident of Medford.
Itohort Conley, a mining man of
tho Waldo dlHtrlct, Is making u short
visit In Medford.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mert Wheeler of Ited
dlng, Cnl., departed thlH morning for
their homo nftor hnvlng visited for
the pnBt week with Mr. and Mm, O.
M. Petorson.
Mr. mid Mrs. II. 1). Illnuohnrd of
Prospect, nro visiting In tho elty.
P. U. lCulley of ItoKobiirg, Is spsml
I uk a re wdays In the city visltluK
with frlaiiils nnd attending to bust
uses mutters.
Mr. and Mrs. N. It. Parolliis or
Portland, are guests at the Holland
Ouy Connor motored to tho rural
nistrlets this morning.
Mr nnd Mrs. Frod Wsllun, nro vis
iting In the elty loduy. ,
ICrnest Womack has returned from
Northern CHllfornln, where ho spent
the imst nuinth.
Itobort Pvlnuso of tlio Kuglo Point
district ia visiting frlAtuls In Mod fun!.
Itolwrt Wilson of the Control Point
district, motored to tho city today.
Mrs. Itnlph Korrls of the llhmmil
oirhnrd, lslted with friends lu Med
ford the foio part of the wook.
. I lob Deuel and lieu Plyumlo visit
d with friends In Ashland Inst oven
Mr. and Mis. Itnlph Nsrton of tho
JHtNaonvUts dlatrlct. metoiml to Mel-
ford this morning.
Horn, to Mr. nnd Mrs. (Isor
Young, of US North Ivy, n nine
pound bo), Tuesday. August 17.
Clauds Mill and Jim Dlnklns left
this morning with n party of Now
York business men for Abbott llutto
wbers tksy will remain sevsrsl days
TUs 1omI men will net as guides for
the New York party.
Luther Deuel molorsd to Ashland
Tuesday ovtoilng.
1. H. SiockiNtg of SllvortoH, Ore.,
I tke guest of hU sunt, Mn. Lllllsu
Wilson of this elty.
W4frful prefrsas Is bettgi nwde
the Iteklyou gimde, sreordlng to
InforisttloH give out i) thasft In
charge of the ronatructlon nork. Tb
erushor Ih working full blast and
fversl hundred (est at grave) U tw
ins put on tint grade detU- It la
planned to have tlio rosd Ih resdlgftsw
for the concrete n srly spring.
Mrs. Hsona Joblson Is Ytottlsui
with friend In Jskscss,rll
Dr Qoorfte B. Pesva ftl Ceatrsl
Point, vas rasMatl bnstssMP visitor
In the city.
Mr. sod Mrs. Robert W. htul have
roiiimid front s vhrit io friends In
Antelope creek Is reported to he
the lowest lu yenrs (tnnte officials
re eeggd Io tshhsf fish froni ia
srsurs Ms nntttifl thess In Inrfor
ri nfeil tf ti In rJnt
tssetrWt it skwsMsV tint 4ar ! J4s4-
, .f It Mdwnrds ofVanlo, Ore, It
registered at tho Nash hotel.
JI. S. I.urqh of Talent, Is nttendiug
to onsliiesH matters In the city.
Bf F. pitthrlo of tho Jacksonville '
district, was a business visltdr in
Medford Tuosdur. j
Mrs. J. Carroll has geno, tq Port-1
land where she will remain tor ser-1
oral days visiting with friends and '
relailvoM 1
- r-
run vi new
LONDON, Aim. 18. -,Kx-Irwni-r""
Etileiitherios Wnimlon twiaT
flu, I Ifitif PdnuUnllUninl 1. f,.
. - T- . I " 7 ...
liens to lonii h nnv (oeiuii cnMnet
in stireeHsion to the Oo.irio
iHlry, vlucli r.hiicin'il at Iht' openirtir
of Hie flrpf'inn parliament eHterdiiy,
iieeording to a U"-iHitt'h to the t'en
trul Ne ngi'tiry l'mm Atlu-u-.
ClllfAdf), Aug. IH. Wheat rand.
lrcdi mlvjinecH in tnji-e Imlm n n
lemilt of conliiiued raws tlml inter -
ferrcil with llirewliiiig mid Hhiiping.
After openinsT iiuelmngeil 7s Io, Vz
Jiiglier, (no nmrket nlendiwl nt u mod
erate jtoiientl silvHiiee nbovo ,veier
Iny'e eloso.
( Continued troni jisgo one)
counties last
homhs. Antl
night and dropped
aircraft guns woro In
sol Ion slid It Is
bellevsil tlmt one
eppolln was hit.
'Air patrols wero active, btu owing
to tlio difficult atmospheric condi
tions tho Zeppelins wero able to es
cape. "Somo hotisos and otliqr buildings.
Including n churoli, wero damaged.
Tho following casualties have been
Killed: Mem, 7: women, 2; chil
"Injured: Men, IB; women, IS;
children, 3.
"All tho above woro clrlllHiis."
IIKUUN, Aug. IS, lv wiivloMM Io
Siivwllo. Aeeoriline to the Ovenseus
Xows iijituiey,. Um iMMa attack on
the hugltsli eousl Inst week iwsiilioi
in conHJilerahle ilnumge.
"Travelers Arrlvlnar in Iltdlwiiil
frHii l!ngUnd report the Zete
lui iitlnck on llurwteh can ted wion
damage, the extent of whieh hnn been
snpiMCMBcd by the efrieinl re bnr
euu," the iiewn sge t v -. "The
e.ploHJitn of lienv IhiiiiIih nnd Hie
reMiillinir rntn"(rnth eBumrf grent
eoufiiHi on.
"t'oftst giuiiiis ileitetled their mIm.
The number of killed is not known.
Kevenleen poixniM were wounded.
"One homli struck jhe po-d office
shiI uinil iisffs were (IcHtrovcd by
"Postal nenW between Unrwieh
nul llollem) K MOj vet been n--eslnldihed."
lfHra tipmlnetl An Mo
If you will got a bottle of Cbasi-
berlalu'a Uuiuient and observe the
directious rlvmt tberMiih retthfully.
ou will tPiovrr tu i nub ' lluio
lllHU IS UHI.I rl'lld !)! Illl.lblo
every whore
Vn c in; l w i ' r. , lit
wm'ii in umk ' ,r iim vi Mni,
of (he tiit (iiii'p'i,. aii .i wild
culIiio. and the n urow imi'iijii' of th
ocrupnai si i)k iM'tltli.u. .-U.. vtj,
deutsluvolvlos n jouru'n) lefhe an a
slt-ton atenm haninier. the demolition
nt vraestof o the wnsoa roatalulns trnlnnnn's rfhiioanihlBHtei, will
fsrner nnd hie wife, the satin ot hew reess oeeor nwt why i.ik
twA ikaaseiurer trains hy the sutona-lnr hecnming rnrsx It i imwiMi- to
tie acliou of the hlock signal, the i enow these tilings onlt iKfw iii
HUM or Mra nn the llnenisne nrtnts nnuuli are railroa.l. 1 1. in
sevener, and the SHttewit by the men the crest i in K II HMrrmiKii -on
the heaviear, whe hsvvr n sleee ceil ' wfflee the eart ef Hs i uu.ta u .i.i !
er lassw ifres. Mm seene. in hf n ntnn ho,wtnto uciit) wistak
whteh hs4e4t ssssl nre half- m iK lis mafMlt he cloeinc
ron4 nnsi nrivesi sttsltls gates ' ysjftM tTgsw life,
hy nr swisnnisaul nn using t Inen-, fMi wws4erfnl tm h shewn
la n ent lint hi UrihttBBl nn4 i
1. UN FnVNCf(". AiK. 1"
PhlppliiB nun, oslbrtirs end import
1 er ImtJiyed touny before the federal
t-d; hoitimlstlffio hylp Hiein ascer
tain the conrtltiojis and problems
j hick ronfronl the business man of
j this eonntry,
I Captain Robot t foliar the veter-
r'?,'let 'h- "obert Dollar
iSloamship poirinwny, answerotl ttics-
tloo ronrornlli .the new SotfpiRn's
hilt uhli-ll lio llnehrllKxl m n tuonan ra
., . ., , '715 , ' . " " ,
&?" ,0' ffUl "e Ut 0f ,,UB-
'iagross rrtaj he powerful enough
'wlihH Um Hlraa mile limit," cald
Captain Dotir, "but when they gat
J behind thst Utd don't fbjuro. I nm
tot golngvout ofiliuslnessj I promlso
j you that. I'm going to get buslnefts
some how, but none ot us knows
vhero wo nro oven Secretary Hod-
flld ilnesn't Ijnow.
"We so tiding leglslntod to dentil
In this country., Wa Imve been used
to tommlaelons opmlng hero wlio wero
'a iihsrHre tn tlio nation. Yours la
! wnstnistlro oomiolselon, otherwlso
!1 w,fll,ll ,,avt rDfuscd to como before
It," ho said. '
Csptnin Dollar said that nil ship
owners wore In favor of the human-
ItHrtsn sspectg of the bill. hut. he
ad-Iwl, "whera does the sailor etntid
when you havo legislated all tho ships
out or business? "
Ho ststtfd that under the Sherman
art evory buslnoss itmn was practi
cal a candldnto for prison and that
jit was high tlmo for n chango In tho
net nr far ns forclga trading was con-
o n id
ItKUUN, M'tf. IS, vm Loudon.
Tlie text ef jfilic Ktiilemeiit IsmikiI
(tnlny liy the Utniuui ninny liend-
iunrlert slaffprts ati.Cillpw: .
"Raetsrn thesiier or war: Arisy
ffroup of tfolil sjimhat Von llludet.
Iwrjt: (
"Tho fwrtresA'of Kmi(, totrrtlier
ilh Mil its nfhs nnd innumernblo
q.nsnti(es of .ssateriiil. in-luding
HNtrs Hwh Wit etumou, tell into tier
man oKehMiiiw in the course nf
the night. Tln fortress whm luVeti
hy stonn in the face o tliv mot
ittubliorH riNtsnoo oft the port of
the enemy.
"The armies of Qeuernl 'm KeooU
hh1 (lenenil 'nn Oaliwilg iieneirute.1
further Uirttnl (ho nst. Our fore
most ilivixioiiK nrO anpr.iclin'f tie
Uinlhtok-HiUk rnilwsy.
"Helore NinorKie.k two fuitli
er ions on me tionncrn ironi were
i-iiplured t tiirni.
"Army gn.tiii oLQrnsrnl Kielil ilor-
shsl l'rinct l.eiHitf of Hnwiriit :: The
lert wing met wifli renew el strung
it'Mixtiinee -icnlAv in Hie KsuiiouLu
eetiou on both sitieH of Siiminlvei ..
tin the Him; .im.I soulhe'il of Sieniity
fe tin- i lit m wn driv 'it h.i k tn .
( ii.ii ii ii, l..i I
'i .irflou . 1 1
lisn I i '-'.''(I
I . .. .
t . I l v .
hnM and tin t' rriflc
lit lit tw n N d and
HiHl Is rliiiiKil to Iip'I would not adle
.1 snob otrus-ilc evr'"eorl' '"" ear
done rer ine i
The nti4tne wihr n able in see
With its ewo eyes the :rsvit of a
nt ikst tssw. Thiasnie. ihm if.
Sirs. HoIh'H .Muiitcll, fonueily t.Vii
vteu nntuiKr, tho nclresi, who vll
Im mh-ii In t iitiuit-r or hpeclnlly
adapted fllnw mnicf the direction of
the Fox. film coniwiny.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 18.- Two
million dollars in jjold sovereigns of
Hntish coinage nrnved here today
on (he steumor Vcnlurn, shipped liv
Austmliim Imnkera nnd consigned (o
three hail Francisco Inuike, to he
coineil nt the I'liited Htntex bruncli
mint hero into gold coins of tlio L'mted
Stolen. The money is to he plneed
to the credit of Australian and Kng
IihIi banks tempomrllT.
The Hritish gold w, re-eived horo
bv Hie Wells Forgo Nevudii Nnlioutil
iltink, Hie CoiisdiHii ilnpk of Com
ineree and the Aught ,u d liomlon
I'arhi Kntitmnl Hunk.
The shipment or the giM here, in
npirl of the beaw trniiirtitimi and
insurance rharucH, wif- n'u liv the
liwuks Io ho p ml liable Iiccium1 M'
the low rale of exehnn-' at reent
PrlrOH I'ald by lleoli'if,
1'OTATORg . new, $1.75.
OKION8--lHc per lb.
HONMY lc per lb.
IIBAK8 So per lh.
TOMATOtW lopsrlb.
ItOAfcrriXU KAItsV-ISe do.
KOas 0(! and tto.
Ituilor Dairy, two-iund mil 0e.
CI Dllll Me.
mriTIWt Wholesale, 8Sc
1IASI lU-Ke.
1.AK1V 10c.
I1BKK n-iio.
I'OltK 8-80.
I. he Poiilliy
TITUlOflY U-llt.
DUCKS To. entra fat -tHc.
llHKnVlnrsw, lie; await lOa.
ItKOIUHKB Jt-tTe; old roosters
STICICitS r.-5o.
COW'S -4-5s.
HO08 l-Slic.
VE Ah --Dressed. lu-Hc.
Hay and drain
HA It I.ISY Whole, J15.
IIAIv urdln, MI; Alfalfa, $11.
OATS- $: aud $S0 ton.
WHBAT S5-90C bushel.
(Continued from Hnge Ono.)
thins he done for Frank, and ther
have all none Into (he waslo bnaket,
for like all Georgia people who are
In a position (o get at the truth, 1
knew the farts.
"I know Jack glaton. have know a
him for in years, ever since he was
a oiiii man I have been friends
with Mm snJ while I hate to fut it
hi in tn r turn (
If ei'r '
1,1 HIM, in,
Trfp Tvrrfw
18, mi.".
i' I r
lutieii .ilhin: l"i 1"
ii I il.-.-li.Hi. "hen the i.-hoiiilnu.
j.ropoMtion will he tnlrd e. po--.ed
it seroml rpnding "I I he rentilir
nml niontlil meetinoi the it en.-n-,il
le-tt e-ooinr. The llifcd f'I
roalin. Iinsi been deeWd imMI Hi'
I next regular lncetuif. The d tie or
i,i !,.;.... ohntiirml f mm Seti-
liil- vn- ii'ni ,i... . ,... .. --
leiiibcr 14 to 28, neerssiled hv tin
ib-lay in wenrinf ipformntkm fmm
the vnnone iHiniliuy lierH of the
cniintrv. There jh vel aome (piemi n
am to the vnlitlilv of Utu sale nnl for
this renon nn effort will lie mnde to
lime InmdifMr exiwrt vieii the elv.
A reilulinn snbmittinir nn amend
ment Io (he eilv ehniler proMdtmr
for ami making I lie iHivinc ilehl w
cnrl obIiRtitmimof tho city imsswl it
firxt res ding.
The )rfl)OHilioii of inotniixim.' the
old eitv liose wnjfon wss lalkd of
hut no definite nellon taken. The
Hiirdiek pint Miitimiifffl bv (he city
engineer wa.- accepted.
SAN ANTONIO, Tcmh, . lb.
A copy of I lie lloiiHton Cliionicle
i-ui'd nt 11:30 yewterdav afternoon
leeened liere early today estiinnten
Hie stonn dtinaiRO in that city of
about . 1,01)0,000. No ineniion i
mnde of loss of life in HouhIoii, but
it is stated six persons were drowned
nt .n I'm to, 20 milen ootitheoKt of
Houston on Trinilv Imiv
Are fount in our New
Fall Showing of
,... --1 't-f
' hVS ' p
tiffs and
A Al.irvclmts Kmly
Suits $17.50 to $35.00
Coats $10.C0 to $42.50
elmont Sctioo
(For Boys)
21 miles sooth of San Frtndieo
lhnail.l lr, . .i, i nir r.1uu
. i.v ., ... , uuu. iki Umu M
mrllmf Vt9 i r ,in nAl.m w ,-tur M nf
W.anrail. ni,ir. 4 uio vkwKT.Z
fc.m . k- n !..( m. fcn i mi,,.,
m Mfe.k.. lli III. 4lm.luJili
"! - kuu, k.wr... ,J?
uik.WWlbl U . (. .life in. itluaL
IHIftllMtHWiiuK a...
AVOID . , ,
$ ttoEBSu i UwSSW
By Taxingr LyHia E. Pink-
Imm's VeRclable
ClevelnndrOhT"- "My MljM
ffjned me so tevjtf??,!
undergo an opera
tion, but the first
bUH I took ot
LydI.B. Plnkham's
Veffotftblo Cotn
poTind relievetl meof,
tho juins in tny lldn
uTd I csntinucl itn
no until I besnmo
rupulnr and fteo
from puins. I hnd
asked several doc-
it tlmrn was nnvthinK I could
take to help nw and they said Uiero
was nothing that Un-y knew of. I am
Uiankful for such n good medicine nnd
ill always give it the hijfhrst praise."
-Mrs. C. II. (IrtiPriTH, 1C0S Constant
St, Clcvelaml, Ohio.
Hanover, Pa.-" I suffered from fe
male trouble and the pains wero so bad
nt times that I could not sit down. Tho
doctor advised a severe oporntlon but
my husband got me Lydln E. Pinkbnm'B
Yecetable Compound and I experienced
rcat rolief in n short timo. Now 1 feel
like n w'tr 1 r-,on 8n(l cnn (' n ',an'
dny's work and not mind It. What joy
nr.d hnpiriness it is o 1k well once more
I am a.ways reaily and wilHnff to speak
a good word for th- Compound.' -Mrs.
AtA Wtm, UOSWalnutSt., Hanovor.Pa.
If llipio aro nny co.ujillcaUoiis yno
do nol undorslnnd tvrlte lo Lydln r.
PlnlJium .Meillrlite Co. (conllilenMai)
Lyiiu.Mnss. Your hi (em ill be opened,
read and answered by a woman and
held In Ptrlcl (onlk'enoo
Diocesan Hoarding nnd Day School
for girls under tho care of Tho Sis
tu..i of St. .John Baptist. l'orty-Sov-enth
year begins Sept. 15. Kor cat
alogue address, Tlio Sister Superior.
Watch and Jewelry
Dl.imond SetUnw nml Kninvinir.
AH work (juuiunUed.
Asalc cuttiiiB nnd mounting.
TDK .liaVKMCIt SIX 10. Main St.
Do you know the
They mv all in the new
You should hnVo one.
H -v fit
SI M Powell St. at 0'F.wo!l VM
tjw HcaJ.iuato-ft for Cabfor- rt
i Hit; '''"'S'-hiicuj.ilMjj ihsiTxpo- flB
r m " "" mm
X I ?Hit ur cinm.!lci.i lobhv, Ciiia
t nf h l ta ' aJ bo-T.rlike Wnl
I tarn iuiium ii' ,Kj. lojou. fnifl
ITJI o ivsiss in Kales HW
m SI.50PorD.yLV tiffl