Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 18, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Fair Tonight nmt Thtirsdny.
Mnx, IIO.B; Mln. 0.n.
rorty.flfth Tcnr.
Dally Tenth Yonr.
NO. 127.
nrimi niomroo ati amta iwinvnn '
ulh i n, uio i ncoo, im i lhh i h ivihi un , . & i
Rumor From Houston 500 Dead of
Galveston Washed Ashore Tidal
Wave at Texas City Causeway
Broken High Tides Increase De
struction to Property.
SAN ANTONION, Tcxns, Aug. 18.
Tluit f00 liodtcs from Galveston
luul liucn washed nslioro on Miigh
points near Houston wns llio uncon
firmed rumor curried over tlio first
wires into Sun Antonio Wednesduy
afternoon. Tlio report was made to
the wire chief at Houston by a lino-
Two relief trains with 000 refu
gees from Poit Arthur arrived hero
Just night. Thoy described condi
tions lliero as distressing. Much of
tlio town is under water, tlio water
supply cut off, and food scarce.
Sabino and Snbino Puss woro de
serted Monday night and both towns
are reported totally submerged.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 38. War de
puitment despatches sent from Texas
City to Houston by tireless this
morning mi id the United States iiriny
enmp there had been destroyed by n
tidal wave and high tide which cov
ered the city with three to five feet
of water. Troopers wero searching
for dead and caring for the injured.
The storm still raged this morning.
f HEAUMONT, Texas, Aug. 18.
Tin eo men and one woman were killed
almost the e;iliro population of Port
Arthur made homeless and propeity
damage chliinnlcd at moro than
.00,000 constitutes the toll of the
tiopical storm Monday night.
CHICAGO, Aug. 18.-W. E. Mm
son, general superintendent of the
Atchison, Topeku and Santa l-'o nt
Galvchton, tolegraplicd the general
offices hero from Hitchcock, Texas,
17 miles north of Oalvoston today,
that tlio water extended to Hitchcock,
mill at certain points it was said,
further inland.
"Tlio resellers nt Hitchcock have
recovered - tlio bodies of seven
drowned porsous, and cared for sov
eral injiiicd," he telegraphed.
"Small towns between Wtillis and
the coast have suffered severely.
"A relief (rain was Mopped by
the waters at Hitchcock. From
Hitchcock to GulvoMon the track ap
parently is under water. Tlio Hitch
cock yards wero under water and
bales of cotton, lumber and othor
debris wero floating about." At .'1:00
oeiooiv tins morning (ho water wns
five feet under the highest stage at
"At tlio height of tlio stoim tlio
wind which was accompanied liy a
heavy ruin, was so Mrenj: that a uiiiii
could not stand against it.
4 4
MONTGOMERY, Ala. Aug. 18
"Kid" Jackson and Henry Hub-
soil, negroes, woro lynched car-
ly today at Hopo Hull, ton mllos
from horo. Another negro,
whoso nnino has not been learn-
ed, was rescued from tlio mob !
but died at a hospital.
The nogroos wore chargod
with poisoning mules on a plan-
4 tatlon several months ago.
Jim Hill Honored.
ST. PAUL, .Minn... An. IS.-Jus.
,1. Hill of St. PhhI, (Mpiuiut und rail
road builder, was notified tedny of
lik. ssIssUum by u spoeifll eomwU
bian ns "MinHeBflUi's greatest living
chile," t reimNmit this state m
the PsnaMiH-Pscifle xjkmUiou hull
yf. fume, ,
Warns Ex-Governor Slaton Not to
Return to Gcornia Speech Unex
pected J. G. Woodward Says Pub
lic In Dark Believes Victim Guil
tyNo Limit to Protect HonorT
Woodward, mayor of Atalnnta. who is
visiting this city, is on record today
nB declaring that kLco M. Frank, who
was lynched Monday night, suffered
tho just penalty for nn unspcakablo
crime. The Atlanta mayor warned
Former Governor John M. Slaton not
to return to Georgia.
"Mayor Woodward made his decla
ration ut a banquet of tho California
Stnto Assessors' associations and
tliolr families last night.
Littlo or no nppluuso greeted his
romarks, though ho was listened to
witli close attention.
In tlio courso of his speech, which
wns entirely unexpected Mayor
Woodward Bald:
"I am going to tnko occasion to
night to toll of tlio events that havo
put Georgia on the map In a very un
dcslrablo light. I am going to en
deavor to set you right. Peoplo
throughout tho United States havo
obtained their ideas of tho Frank
chro from a polponcd nud subsidized
press nnd press reports.
"Common decency provonts mo
from tolling you tho revolting truths
of tho murder of Mnry I'hagan. I
wish you all know tho truths as I
know thorn. I know thorn, for I
havo been with this enso over slnco
It started, and I havo road every lino
of evidence that was introduced; ev
erything that lias trnnHplrcd I know,
nnd I know that thcro is not a mem
ber of tho Jury that tried Leo M.
Frank who, from tho tlmo It rendorod
tho verdict to this day, has any Idea
that ho would chango his decision If
put to the test again.
"Georgia is tho leading stato of tho
south. It's peoplo can not bo clnsHod
with tramps, hoodlums, bandits nnd
lnwbreakers, but tilings bad como to
tho point whero every nvonuo of tho
lnw had boon exhausted nnd tho
Judgment of tho courts set aside by
one man, and tho peoplo felt that it
wan up to them to tako tho law Into
their hands.
"Wo hnvo learned n bitter lesson
through the vicious practices of tho
negro of tho south, nnd when tho
occasion arises In which n wnmnn has
been wronged, our citizenship Ignores
tho law nnd motes out swift punish
ment. "Whllo wo peoplo of Georgia do
ploro this deed of Monday night, wo
know what is behind tho feeling that
prompted It, nud I want It under
stood that it is simply omphnslzlug
tho fact that when it conies to a
woman's honor thcro is no limit wo
will not go to nvengo and to protect.
"Thero woro only two peoplo Impli
cated in tho death of Mary l'hagan.
1 know tho negro did not commit
the deed and um positive that 76 per
cent of tho peoplo of Georgia nro con
vinced that tho man lynched Monday
night did, und thoy aro on tho ground
and ought to know.
"As mayor of Atlanta I havo re
ceived tons nnd tons of letters, peti
tions and requests asking that somo-
(Continued on Page Two)
'HOSTON, Aug. 18. Brave-. Field,
tho gruateat Iihu!iu1I park in tlu
country Booking IHJ.'iO pooplo wn
oiKtuod hero today ns tho new homo
grounds of tho Hoston tdnh of tho
Nations! League. Prior to tho gurno
with St. Lome, the Pennant won by
Uis Jiravea in the world's serin with
the Philadelphia Athletics Uet year,
was u be unfurled.
Preident John K. Timer, end nil
the dab owner of the National
League were here. )
Tho diagram nbove shows how tho
valleys lind passes of tho Tyrolean
Alps nro defended by tho Auslrinns
ngainst tho experienced mountain
fighters of tho Italian bcrsnglieri reg
HOME, Aug. 18. Furthor Italian
ndvnnccs through tho passes of tho
Alps nnd n brllllnnt bayonet chnrgo
which enpture'd n strong lino of Aus
trian cntroncumonts In tho Tolmlno
region nro described In tho official
report tonight nt nrmy headquarters.
Tho statomont says:
"In tho rugged Ortler rnngo be
tween tho upper valleys of tho Adda
and tho Adlgo, ono of our detach
ments sot out during tho night of
August 1C from Cnpanun, Milano, and
divided into squads Joined by ropes,
crossed tho Camossl pass (9500 feet
high) and tho Vcdrotta 1)1 Dnmpo,
climbed tho snow enppod summit of
Turokottsptts (10,000 fcot) and sur
loundcd tho groups of tho enemy."
Tho report also claims advances
In tho Montenero section nnd In tho
Tomlino zono of Santa Maria und
Santa Lucia,
WtOWNSVJLLE, Texas, Aug. 18.
Tho officers of tho IMth Infantry
here, nearly nil of whom have their
families in Texas City, havo been
trying for nenrly two days to get
somo word by wireloss of tho situa
tion there in tho second division uriiiv
camp, but they havo obtained no in
formation. The tilth Infantry left
Texas City fro Hrownsvillo two days
before the storm.
PAItlS, Aug. 18.- The government
committco in rhargo of provisioning
of Pans, decided today to roopmmend
that all restrictions, bo removed from
tho sulo of refrigerated moat im
ported from America. Hitherto only
certain dealers huvo been permitted
to sell this moat.
LONDON, Aug. 18.-Tho Norwqg-
ihii steamers KoihuIiib and Milium!
havo been hhiiL Tlio erewe were
Tho .Mineral, n voeeel or 0 It) Um
grow, whs built in 1SII0 mid wr
owuod In Narvik. The IUmmiiIm, of
820 tons gnww, whs built in 1013 und
bail from Krsjery,
Explanation of numbers in dia
gram follews: (I) Overhanging
crags nre mined so that fai the event
of tho npproach of the enemy along
tlio pass below, Hie entire cliff innv
bo made to topple over by picsMng
Aerial Squadron Again Direct Attack
on World Metropolis Military
Value Nil Women and Children
Suffer Dutch Resent Passnga
With Shots.
LONDON, Aug. 18. The nutskiils
of London were milled last night by
Zeppelins. Hoveral persons were
killed. Tho damago to proporly
was not important.
Ten persons were killed in tho air
raid. Ono Zeppelin is bulievcd to
havo been hit.
Thirty-six persons weio injured.
The air raid was over the custom
counties of England.
A Central News despatch from
Amsterdam says four Zeppelins were
sighted imssiiiL' over the islands of
Vliolund n ml Wioiiugor, off The
Ncthci lands coast. Tho diiigihlci
were sailing from tho east in the di
rection of tho English coast. Tim
hour of their uppearaueo is nut
London lias been visited previously
by (Jcrmun dirigibles during tlio war.
Ort tho night of May Ul Zeppelins
mndc nu nttack on n district des
cribed in tho official communication
merely ns "in tho metiopolitaii men."
On that occasion iibout t)0 bombs
wero dropped. Four persons were
killed nnd n few injured.
Tho latest raid is the third of tho
now Eerios of nenal attacks, which
nftor u lapse of kovernl weeks, began
on Mondny of Inst week. On the
two previous occasions 1!0 persona
woro killed nnd .'17 injured.
Tho statement given out by tho
official press buroau says:
"Zoppollns vlidted tho eastern
(Continued on page two.)
VANCOIVKR, II. (., Aug. 1.
Fireman McLennan of Ilcvcl-toU
was killed last night when piuKcngcr
train No. 3 on the Canadinu Paeiti"
main line struck n rookslnlo hulf a
mile oast of Hidden. Tho ongin'f
osoupod. None of the jmonKi
woro injured, nor whs tho train dam
aged, the oiignie alone lonving the
(rooks. Tiie eltdo was oaused by
lionvy rains. No 3 wtijg due to reach
Vnneouver t 9:15 this ovoiiiHif, but
will not arrive until tomorrow morn-
mg. J he tracks whero the slide oo-
Jourrod nre ciesfi
nn electric button. (12) Caves nuidii
in hillside for mountain howitzers to
throw shells over mountains. l)
Cavities sheltering machine guns. ( I)
Trenches faced with cement, pro
tected bv bin bed wire entanglements,
(.) Aeroplane stations.
WACO, Texas, Aug. 18. A copy
or tho sixth edition of tho Houston
Chronicle of Tuesday says:
"Twelve soldiers wero killed at
Texas City dining last night's slonu
when the Thompson building, ,i new
tlneo story structure i!ollupod.
Eight wero killed by fulling brick,
while four drowned hitur. About .'10
or 10 civilians, mnny of thoiu vvwincii
and children lost their lives.
"Those killed wore enlisted men
nnd no commissioned officors lo-t
their lives.
"Tho military rule bus been estab
lished t Texas City and tho soldiers
nro fishing corpses out of tho
walor as fast us they can bo located.
"The first rumor to reach Hous
ton that between J00 nud 'JoO sold
iers wero drowned wns denied by A.
II. Duly and T. J, Monin, who reached
Houston Into Tucndav afternoon.
making a trip to Texas City in on
automobile on tho railroad tracks.
They say only 12 soldiers lost their
lives and pot Imps three times as
iniiiiy injured."
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. Tho
latest despatches sent from Te.xus
City this morning by .Major Oenerul
Hell suid:
"Violent wind nnd rain greatly in
creased after filing first messngo
yesterday morning, reaching culmi
nation at about midnight. Tidal
waves nud Hood water combined ro-.o
to nn nverugo height of threo to live
feet throughout Toxiis City and the
surrounding country. All camps are
u total loss, including wooden struc
tures, Not n vcsligo h Jet I,"
HOME, via pul, Aug. 18.-An
Austrian fleet of 21 ve.el aided by
an neroplauo has bombarded tho 11.
nnd of PoImkohu, in the Adriatic mid
way between the uronwiitorv of fJnr-
biuio nnd DalmstiK. nod retired nftur
killing one Italian officer and three
mou nud wounding threo others, it
wus Qffiwuliy unnouueed today,
Victory Places Germans Behind Line
of Retreat and Exposes Right Winn
to Flank Attack Fortress Taken
After Desperate Resistance By
DEIUilN, Aug
18. Tho following
was mndo hero offl-
dally teday:
"Tho fortress of Kovno, together
with all tho forts and nn nmount of
war material which has not been de
termined, hos been In Gorman hands
slnco last night.
".Moro thon 400 cannon woro taken.
Tho fortress was enptured by storm
in nplto of tho most tenacious res I Bl
anco by tho Russians."
Military exports havo agreed that
tho loss of tho fortress of Kovno
would bo a sorious blow to tho Hits
slnns. Tho critic of tho London
Tlmos In nn nrtlclo published this
morning, snys:
"If tho enomy succeeds in reducing
Kovno nnd Is thoroby nblo to cross
tho Nlomcn ho will ho In tho renr of
tho Husslau lino north of tho Svontn,
nnd with tho junction of tho two
wings of Field Marshal Von lllnden-
burg's nrmy tho position of tho Hus
elan right flank will bo very diffi
Kovno, capital of tho Russian prov
ince Svonta, Is on tho right hank of
tho Nlomon, It Is a fortress of tho
first class, Tho civilian population
of tho city Is moro than 7r,000.
Tho enpturo of Kovno raises tho
question whether tho Russians will
bo able to retain this line, or whether
thoy will again ho compelled to mnko
n gonoral retreat.
Retention of tho remaining posi
tions on this front might oxpnso tho
Russians to tho danger of n flank
ing movement. Tho rapidity of tho
Gorman ndvanco slnco tho fall of
Warsaw on August C, Is Indicated by
tho fact that thoy nro within 13 mllos
of Ilrcst-Lltovslc, which lies about
lir. miles onst of tho enptured Polish
capital, Tho lino to which thoy may
now bo compollcd to fall back Is
about 200 in lies onst of Warsaw.
Kovno Is fifiO miles southwest of
Petrogrud, tho possibility of an ad
vanco ngainst which Is now being con
sldorcd In Russia nud England.
LONDON, Aug. 18. Tho full of
llio Kiissiau fortress of Kovno makes
the situation in the custom theater ot
(ho war critical. Tho Russian armies
havo not been able to rc-orguiiizc- tuf
ficicntly to cheek tho stinng Aiiklro-
OcruuiM ndvanco agninst tho outer
defenses to tho Polrograd proviuoos.
The nrmios of tho central powers
show no disposition to relax pressure
on tlio eastern front, nor aro they
likil to do so until thoy hnve tried
once moro to separuto the lttisxi.iii
noil lu in and southern nnnioi nud
capture liiest-Litovsk.
Newt from (he Turkish source that
the new landing party on the Oalli
(Continued on Page (I.)
VANCOUVER II. C, Aug. 18. -An
cartlKpiuko of J.r bocoud dura
tion, whoo shock wns vory notiuo
ahly felt in tho Okanogan district,
wns reported from nil ovor soiithoiu
Hntisji Columbia ut 0:00 o'clock this
morning. Kolowuu, L'OO miles oust
of Vancouver, Yale, Hurrison, Pon
tieton am SiimmorlHiid felt the tro-
... t . 1 f at.
iiior. in vnueouver u s lueiiL mr
was notiotHl.
i i
SEATTI.K, Aug. 1S.-A lil.t
eartlnusko, with its eenler probsbly
not fur iiortli of Seattle, seeordiug
to tlie University of Wsslniifftuii
sismogrHph, whs folt from 0:01 to
0:08 this morning. No damage whs
done. The tremor was dutinet
enough to wnkvii Jight uleopers.
Galveston Feels Water Shortafjo
City Paralyzed Cotton Crop Dam
azc Heavy Full Extent Gaffl"
Havoc Meager Worst Storm o
Record Belief.
OALVESTON, Tcxns, Aug. 18, by
wireless from United Stales trnna
poit Iluford. Thcro is considerable
suffering in tho city. Tho water
system, lighting system, gas ami
street enr systems nro out of com
mission. Thcro is no drinking wntcc
in tho city. ,
Threo hundred feet of tho cause
way has been destroyed. All offi
cers, classified employes, enlisted
men nud their families aro sufo.
(Tliis rofora to garrison ut Fort
Dninngo which will run into mil
lion:! of dollars hits been done to tho
cotton crop in Texas by tho btonns of
Monday nnd Tuesday. Reports from
towns in central Texas sny that cot
ton open in tho bolls wns blowil out
of tho bolls nud was beaten into tho
ground by tho heavy rains.
It is estimated that CO per cent of
all the cotton in this section was
open nud that from ono-fourth to
one-half of tho open cotton was lost.
On this calculation the damage will
bo from 15 to 23 por cent of tho en
tire cotton crop of central Texas.
PALLAS, Toxas, Aug. 18. Scores
qt lives woro lost nnd millions pt
dollars worth of property wan des
troyed In tho West Indian hurrlcnno
that swept tho Texas coast yesterday
and tho day bofnro, according to In
formation rccolvcd today from tho
stricken districts which havo boon
cut off from wlro communication
vlh tho outsldo world. Iloforo noon
tho total number ot dead roportod
was ncarlng n hundred with no dofl
ulto news out ot Galveston, which
city Is bollovcd to havo been hardest
A itowspnpor man who Bot within
night ot Galveston said tho ovidouco
of destruction Indicated tho damago
there would exceed that ot tho 1000
At Toxas City from 12 to 18 sol
diers nud 30 to 10 civilians woro kill
ed, nccordlng to roports publlshod In
Houston papers that reached Tomplo
nnd San Antonio today. A report
that tho bodies of eight women
washed ashoro nt Texas City woro
believed to havo como from Galves
ton gavo tho only detailed Informa
tion of loss of llfo lu tho latter city.
Tho damago to cotton will bo
from 16 to 26 por cent of tho ontlro
crop lu control Toxas nnd will cost
the growers millions ot dollars, nc
cordlng to estimates based on reports
received In Austin from towns In
Eustorn Toxas.
Six porsons nro reported drowned
nt La Porto, 20 miles southeast oC
Houston on Trinity liny.
Threo Rvoa nro roportod lost at
Seubrook, 20 mlloa from Houston,
and tho town is Bald to havo been
(Coutlnuud on pago six)
nlr of mystery with which somo
bankers cloud their bustnoss from tho
public Is ono of tho principal forma
of shortsightedness chnrgoablo to '
them. Juntos K. Lynch, vice president
t uio jwuuiiuuu imuKura US8OCIUU0U, i
today told tho American Institutes at?"
Hanking. "It must bot that ho lieu
not mada himself nnd his business
sufficiently understood by his cus
tomers," he said. "Ho has allowed
hU business to remain a mystory In-
stead ot having It rocognltod as an
essential part of tho machlnory fer
tho production and dtstrlbutloa nt
"J W.X1
s JW