Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 17, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Fair, Wanner Wednesday.
Max. HI); Mill. 8H.5.
I'orty-flfth Tcnr.
Pully Truth Yrnr.
NO. 12G.
Georgia Citizens in Auto Attack Pri
sonBody Found Within S'iit of
Mary Phagan's Home No Shots
Fired Taken 100 Milos By As
sassins. MAKIHTTA, On., Aug. 17. I.oo 11.
Frank, serving a ltfo torin (or tlio
murder of Mary I'hagnu, tlio Atlanta
factory girl, anil who was taken from
tlio prison farm at Mlllcdgovlllo last
night, was lynched two miles cast
of here by a party which tool; him.
Frank was brought 100 miles from
t the prison farm to a point almost
within sight of tho former homo of
Mary 1'hagau. No bIioIb wero fired.
Frank's body, barefooted nnd clad
only In prison trousors and shirt,
wasound at 8:30 o'clock this morn
ing. It Is bellovcd that ho was lynch
ed about ilayllght.
Several automobiles, well loaded,
loft hero In the direction of MBIodgo
vlljo last night. Aftor tho return of
somo of tho machines today, officers
started out on tho road which they
bullovcd tho automobiles had trav
eled. Thoy had gono only two miles
when thoy saw tho body of Frank
not moro than ItiO yards from tho
News that tho body had been
found spread rapidly nnd -within a
short tlma hundreds of persons wero
crowding to tho sccno. No Immcdlato
effort was made- to cut tho body
down, as Sheriff lllcks was not In
town nnd the coroner's Jury took no
action. i
It is believed that tho stop nt tlio
brldgo ovor Little rlvor nenr Knton
ton, when tho nrmed pnrly talked
loudly nnd fired shots, wns a ruso to
delay pursuers. Tho vicinity of tho
brldgo was thoroughly searched nnd
nt tho tlmo tho sonrch was bolng
made, It Is probablo Frank nlrcady
had mot death.
When tho body was cut down pnrts
of Frank's shirt wero torn away by
souvenir hunters. It was roughly
handled before It was' put into tho
undertakers wagon.
Within n short tlmo after tho body
was started for Atlanta oxcltemnnt
subsided nnd tho town prosonted nl
inost a normal npponranco boforo
Coroner John A. Hooth empaneled
n Jury nnd began an Investigation of
tho lynching.
ATLANTA, flu., Aug. 17.- -Frank'
Jiody wii turned over in tin under
taker on tlio outskirts of lljr city
early this afternoon and secretly re
moved to a privnto residence. It wii
understood that it would lie taken to
the former homo of th Frank' here
tonight and (hen would be Mint to
Brooklyn for burial.
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 17. H. II.
Norton, u county Miperu-.or, an
iiiiiiuceil to hi colleagues today that
lie intended to eireuluto petitions to
ilaee on tlio next statu ballot tlie
iietinn of abolishing tho grand jurj
sy&tom in Califoniia.
"Tho grand jury system is un
Amoriean a rolio of bailiariMii,"
said Norton, who declared lio luul no
btihutituto for it.
''Wo have district iittorooys," lie
explained, "with power to ineti
gnto crime. Let nil nrret be made
on informal ion and complaint."
WACO, Texas, Aug. 17. W. D.
Azbell of Waco, returning homo this
morning from Galveston roported that
water was running ovor tho causeway
when he lef; at 2 p. m. yesterday.
They waited this morning at Dro
mond four hours for a train leaving
Galveston at 1:90 yesterday afternoon
but this train had not been heard
City Streets Covered With Water
Worst Storm in 15 Years No Life
Loss But Property Damage
Texas Coast Ports Still Cut Off
From Communication.
GALVESTON, Texas Aug. 17, via
wireless to Fort Ram Houston, nnJ
telephone- to.San Antonio, 10:10 a. in.
Aug. 17 Galveston today had passed
thiough one of tlio worst storms
within tho past Ifl years.
Five feet of wnter stnmls in l!ie
city. Two fires sinned today and
nro yet to be placed under control.
Tho transport MClellun Into last
night broke from its morrings nnd
drifted half a mile out to seaward.
Tho commercial wiioloss station at
Pott Arthur is out of commission and
tho big aerial masts at Froekct aro
DALLAS, To.mis, Aug. 17. Only
meager information wns availablo at
noon today concerning the terrific
tropical storm that yesterday struck
the Texas coast, flooding 'Galveston
nnd then swept inland, doing heavy
damage to crops and farm propeity.
So far as known no lives were
lost. Galveston, Houston and Ben.i
mont, Ihroo of tho principal cities of
South Texas were still cut off from
wire communication. A brief wind
less dispatch staling that Galveston
aftor weathering one of the worst
storms in 1J5 cars wns under five feet
of water brought the only definite in
formation in several hours concern
ing tho fato of tho coat city, io
garding which ninny rumors had been
Tho Galveston dispatch mnde no
mention of loss of life. It said the
five feet of water in Iho streets was
slowly draining off nud that fires,
probably tho result of flood damage,
had been placed under control.
About 5000 pert-ons are o!imnteil
to have left Galveston for Houston
nud other interior points during the
.'1(1 hours ending with 8 o'clock last
night fleeing from the storm. Hun
dreds of residents of Fort Aranzns,
Sabine, Sabiire Pass, Fort O'Connor
nnd other small coast cities, were re
ported also to have left their home
and hurried to places away from tho
gulf const but theio have been no
repoits that the storm did damage
to any of Uiom) places. Sabine and
Sabino Pass wore cut off from oom
muuicntiou with the outside nt tho
sumo time that the wires failed to
Boniimont and conditions thorn aro
uui'orlaiu, but it was roported early
today that half the population of
about 1000 in tho two places had left.
Numerous bath houses and small
buildings blown down at those small
cities and towns, however, was tlio
extent of tho damage according to
latest repoit. Not a single loss of
life had been reported at i o'clock
this morning.
Victoria oarly yesterday afternoon
reported the destruction of a fen'
small houses nud nothing further
was heard from theiu during the
At 715 this morning San Antonio
and Austin wero added to tho Isolat
ed cities in Texas, Indicating tho
(Continued on paga two.)
DOUGLAS, Ariz.,' Aug. 17. Cur
ranza force- are closing in on Her
mosilii, garrisoned by 300 Villa
troops. Aeoording to a leport re
ceived by Gonoral P. Khas ('alios,
Carranzn eonimaiidor, Colonel Carlo i
Carranza's forced with eight maehiiio
suns ud a ono-poundor, now hold, the
Southoni Pacific- line from Aguaziioa
to Mugdulonn, having taken the lat
ter town late youlorday.
Carrauza reports that tbuie are
1500 Villa troops south of Honuo
faillo badly disorganized and without
artillery. Ho has ordered General
Angel Floras, commanding Carninzu
troop in Southern Soaom to pre
vent these Villa troop from aiding
men's compcsatlou laws, failure to
utilize wasto material, "untruthful
publicity" rcgnrdlng tho destruction
of forests, anJ tho conscquenta ppcal
to people to use substitutes for wood,
wero given by K. A. Solfrldgo, of WH
lets, Cat., todiij, as contributing fac
tors In tho lumber Industry's depres
sion. Mr. Solfrldgo is president of n
largo lumber company. Ho nppoarcd
before tho fedoral trndo commission
In its opening session hero. Wages,
ho said, had not Increased operating
costs, but tho Insuranco laws had
caused an Incrcnro from 90 cents to
l on each flOO of payroll, which
ought to bo met In somo manner.
"inability of tho small mills to
work profitably low grade material
Into rofinca" products, Is responsible
for a steady supply of fuel for refuso
burners," Mr, Solfrldgo said.
"Stock now burned for lack of n
market could bo sold for enough to
return at least a portion of tho cost
of manufacturing, under n properly
organized nnd efficient selling organ
ization." Questioning by membors of tho
commission ndducod statements thnt
tho redwood lumber Industry hnd
not dovotcd attention to finding now
uses for wood and that Ignnranco of
trade conditions often caused saw
mills to "mako ridiculous" prices,
"Depression In tho Industry, aside
from tho Immcdlnto effects of tho
European war, wns charged largely
to tho lack of co-oporntlon."
Fear of running afoul of tho Jaw
was given as ono reason for redwood
lumbermen's backwardness In organ
izing for trado bottcrmeiit.
LIVINGSTON, Mont., Aug. 17.
John ChrlsteiiBOii surrendered to tho
sheriff at Dig Timber today and ad
mitted that ho had shot and killed
his futhor, Chris Christensen, last
night. Tho son declared ho shot In
self defonso after his fnthor had
threatened him with an axe. The fam
ily llvoa 30 miles from Ills Timber.
GALVESTON, Toxs. Aug. 17, wa
wiroles to Snn Antonio.- No lo- of
lifo lias been reported hare, ln,t all
houses on tho feouwall have been de
stroyed. Boats on tlio main streota
are taking peoplo from buildings to
the United States trampoit Juford.
the Shadow of Glory!
Grand Duke Unable to Assure Safety
of Army Until Menace of Hintlen
burp. In Courland Ends Chief
Struggle Now Norjh of Niemen
Slavs Claim Gains.
HKKLIN. Aug. 17. Ono of tho out
lying forts of Kovno, between tho
Nlomen rlvor nnd Gesln, to tho south
o fteh main fortification, has been
captured by tho Gormans, It wns an
nounced by tho Gorman headquarters
staff today.
Moro than 210 cannons nnd 1500
prisoners woro captured nt Kovno,
tho Btntomont adds.
Thrco forts nt Novogcorglovsk nlso
hovo been captured, nrmy headquar
ters report.
Grand Duke Nicholas, tho Hussion
commnndor In chief, will not bo nblo
to nssuro tho safety of his armies un
til tho mennco presented by tho op
erations of Field Marshal Von Illn
denburg In Courtlnnd Is removed.
In tho Ilnusk district of Courliiud
tho Gorman army has boon driven
buck toward tho An river, whllo
Kovno Is still stemming tho Gorman
tide, Tho chief strugglo, however,
editors in tho region north of tho
Nlomon, notwithstanding tho rocont
success of Iliisslan roslstunco.
Between tho Nnrew nnd tho Hug,
tho Gorman drlvo evidently Is milk
ing somo headway, although l'otro
grad claims that tho Invudors huvo
boon repulsed. It tho Hussions plan
to hold tho valuablo transverse rail
road running through Vilnn, Grodno,
Illalystok, llrest-Lltovsk and Kovcl,
thoy must soon definitely chock tho
Austrluns nnd Germans.
DULLINGHAM, Voli., Aug. 17. -In
a docihion today Judge E. I). liar
liu, of tho superior court, ruled in
favor of the state in it case involv
ing tho right of Jndinm to i'ih for
oiilmon witli a licence cm ancient and
accustomed Indian fishing ground
not onihrHeed within Indian reserva
tions. Tho Indian bused their
claims on m treaty entered into in
18.V with Governor Isnao . Stuwn,
of Washington, and subsequently
ratified by congress. Tho court up
held the contention of tho state fib -cries
department, tluit all porsun,
whether Indians or white, are af
fected by tho "statutes designed to
proservo tho fishing industry.
Notice of appeal on behalf of the
Indians whs givon. Flfloun tribes
in the state, who are signatories of
the treaty, aro behind tho appeal.
BHOWNSVILLE, Texas. Aug. 17.
Last night's fight at Frogreso was
fought entirely by Mexican on tho
Mexican side of tlio Hio Grande nud
no Mexicans succeeded in getting
through the American army patrol
into United Status turritory. This
was the report today lo Colonel
Itobeit L. Billiard, commanding offi
cer of the Brownsville dihtiiet.
Tho fight lilted 21) miuutcH nud
was waged mainly from llic Moxicnn
shore. The cavalry patrol of 21 men
hud shifted it position Noverul timeH
so Hint the MoxicaiiK might not know
o.Mietly where the AmerieaiiH wors.
However, in mime innnner, tho Mexi
can located Hie troop' pieciuc po
sition about I) o'clock.
All Iho American eammltiofl oe
ourrcd dining tlio firt Iwo or thrco
heavy volley from tho Mexican. It
was unusually accurate shooting nud
thin strengthened the hupickm that
a few Mexican marksmen hud man
aged to creep close lo the cavalry
men, possibly in the brush on tho
Auioiionu side.
Twice yotorday afternoon Ihoro
niH shooting noross tho river at
Frogreso. Onoo Home Mo-xioan
women appeured thero to carry
basket of food ovr for tho baud
of Mexicans camped opposite tho
American shore. When tho United
Stnlo envnlrymeii appeared aimed
Mexicans ran mil. They called the
Americana cowiuwh and then fired
u few shots.
At another time during tho after
noon Mexican' took exception (o thd
cavalrymen' iutriiclioii to tho Mox
icnn boatman who was runiiiuK tho
ferry at this crossing mil expressed
their fooling by firing at tho Amer
GAIiVHSTOy, Taxi., Amr. 17.
Tho appointment of thico statu gov
oi noii. by tho Villa expeditionary
foreo aont south in July in an effort
to out Geuornl ObroRou's lines of
cummuieatiou is announced in a re
port received from Chihuahua today,
Thoy aro Gomirul Kohorto Mai tine,
governor of Hidalgo; Gustavo M.
Bravo of fucroture: Gouurn! Sin
toru of Michigan. The expeditious ry
foreo was commanded by Geiiorul
Can u to Reyes.
Bush Named Receiver.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 1?. Benjamin
F. Bush, president and ohnirmtui of
tho board of liructnrs of tho .Missouri
Faeifiu and of tho HI. Louis Iron
Mountain and Southern railways, was
appointed solo rsesivor of the two
lines by Cireuit Judgs Adams nt
Wovdstock, Vermont, toduy.
IlKULIN, Aug. 17. Tho text of
tho official stntment follews:
"Western theater ot wnr: At Os
tond our const nrtlUory batteries
drove oft two onomy destroyers.
"At Hnpaumo n Hrltlsh aeroplano
fell Into our hnnds. Tho occupants,
two offlcors, wero taken prisoners.
"Hnstorn thenter: Army ot Flold
Mnrshul Von Hliidenburg: Further
battles In tho region of Kuplskl roult
ed 8iircossfullly and 025 prisoners,
with thrco oflrors nud thrco machlno
guns, foil Into our hands. Tho troops
of tho nrmy of Genornl Von Klchhorn
took tho forts of Kovno, situated bo
twoun tho Nlomen nud Gosla, Moro
Hum 1 ."050 Itusslnns ware taken pris
oners, nnd moro thnn 2 10 cannon and
numerous other material wero captur
ed. "Tho nrmlos of Gonernl Von Bcholz
nud Gonoral Von Gallwllz drovo tholr
oppononts further back In an enstorly
direction, nnd 18(10 Itusslnns, Includ
ing olovon offlcors, woro tnkon pris
oners, nnd ono caption nnd ton ma
chlo guns wero captured,
"On tho northwostorn front of Nov
georglovsk a largo fort anil two Inter
mediary fortifications woro tnkon by
storm. In tho othor front wo suc
ceeded almost ovorywhoro In forc
ing tho onomy further bnck. Wo
oiipturod 2100 prlnonors with 29 can
non and othor materials,
"In their official communication of
August 10, tho Uusstan nrmy offlcors
said that tho advnuco guards ot tho
KubsImib had captured two lines of
German tronchos on Aug. 13 on tho
'.Iota Llpn and had annihilated their
dufonders. Our troops fighting In
(IiIh locality know of only ono opera
tion. It was an assault by a Russian
patrol during tho night of August
12-13, which failed completely."
BHOWN'SVILLE, Toxiis, Aug. 17.
Coonel Billiard strengthened tlio
patrols about Frogioeo ami MuruotW
vcstoi'lHy so that thero are 800 ouv
airy ami in fautryuien in that turri
tory. Hoports by Mercedes officials last
night that more thnn ISO Meicun
had crossed into Texas under cover
of this fight provad unfounded. Of
ficers who woro in tho Frogreso
fight said thoy usrc sure that all
firing onmo from tho Mexiuuu side
uf tho river.
Pair In Golf Meet.
CHICAGO, Aug. 17.--Pairings for
the western uolf ahnmnioushin wore
imiiotinued today. Chmlus "Chiok"
Evans. wosUrn aiiiHtwur uliampiun.
was imliiHl with Waltor 1 logon of
Roi-hsstor, N. Y., former national
oeii chanipiou,
English Troops on Way to Darda
nelles Attack In Aegean Sea
Royal Edward Torpedoed Bri
tain's Proud Record Broken By
LONDON', Aiiff. 17. The British
ndniirnlty's record oC transporting
grent numbers of troops lo tho vnr
ious fighfine; r-onoa without tho loss
of lifo, so far as reported officially,
hns been broken aftor moro than ft
year of war. Tho torpedo of n sub
marine) at last has found tho mark
nnd the Irnnxport Hoynl Edward has
gono to tho bottom in tlio Aegean sea
with a loss of lifo which may reneh
1000. Tho litioC admiralty announce
ment hIiowb that tho Hoynl Kilwnrd
was engaged in transporting troops to
tho Dardanelles front, whero Aus
tralians nnd Now Kenlnndors liavo
boon largely employed.
Tho text of tho announcement fol fel fol
eows: "Tho British trnnsport noynl Ed
ward was sunk by nn enemy subma
rine in tho Aegcnn Inst Snturday
morning According to tho iiiforom
tiiui nt present iivnilublo tho trnns
port hnd on hoard 32 military offi
cers nud 1350 troops, in addition
to tho Bhip'a crew of 220 officers.
"Tho troops consisted mainly of
reinforcements of tho Twonty-nintii
division nnd details of tho Hoyal
Army Medical Coris.
"Full information hns not yet been
received, but it is known that about
(100 hnvo ucen saved."
So far as hns been reported offi
ciully this is tho first instunc'j in
which, a British transport Inn been
atlnokcd successfully by n si(bmn
rlno. It hnd been n mutter of pridu
with Iho British government Unit it
hud transported hundreds of thous
ands of troops across ninny tons
without the loss of lifo. It id prob
nblo thnt the numlicr of troop scnt
lo Frnnco nnd Belgium sinco tho he
ginning of tho wnr Is considerably
in c.xoosa of 700,000. In addition,
largo numborH of men havo been
transported to tho Dardanelles,
Egypt, South Africa and Serbia.
Tho British announcement shows
Hint tho Hoyal Edward waB engaged
in convoying troops lo tho Darda
nelles front, having heen sunk in tho
Aegcnn sea.
Tho Hoyal Edward was of 11,007
tons gross, and fJOH feel long. Shu
wns owned by tho Ciuindiiui Northern
StonniHhip company of Toronto. Sim
was built in Glasgow in 1008.
LONDON, Aug. 17 No delnils nro
availablo of (ho loss of the transport
Hoynl Edward, which was formerly
Iho stimuiMhip Cairo, with probably
a thousand men beyond tho brief
statement given out by tho British
Gormnny had news of tho sinking
yowterday, but nothing wns published
in Loudon, although the lUnhtor oe
cm rod three d.ivs ago.
TUINIDAl), Colo., Aug. 17. John
l. Lawson at tho county Jail hero
today, whon advised ot tho ruling of;
tho supromo court, said:
"I cousldor tho action ot tho su
promo court today tho first step to
ward by complete vindication, of
which I hnvo never had a doubt from
tho start."
TEMPLE, Toxua, Aug. 17. Aflr
losing their wires to Galveston early
last night, tho Santa Fo offices hero
retained oomuiuuieatiun with Alviu,
midway botweon Houston and Gal
voslon for somo tlmo. finally losing-
it whon tho oporulor nt Ah-in stated
that tho wator wns about to cover
his dosk. niKl'thnho would bo com
pelled to loavo, Hsforc going ba
stalsil that water in thntAWluity;
rnngoO, thre.0. to ou footj iq'SwOa.