Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    ,t -r
tftoger 8 fjennett Is attending to
lniBlnefen mattera In (ho Klamath Falls
Autolflts are requested to plonso
, refrain from unlnc their inuffliT cut-
oUIb and horns In tho vicinity of 1th
and Orange, ncconnt of tho eorloim
llltiPM of .Mm. Onnnon. ,
Sco Davo Wood about that flro In
eiirnnco policy. Offlcq Malt Trlbuno
MIsb Flo Thompson of JackBonvlllo
spon't Sunday in Medford vlnltlnK
Velvet Ice cream nt Do Voe'a.
Tho Southorn Pacific section crow
Is engaged at Its regular quarturly Jolt
or laying now planking at tho Main
uveniio oroHRlm:.
I take pride Jn making your wutch
koo perfect time. I huvo every fa
cility for doing fine watch repairing.
Johnfion tho .Tewnlor.
Corbln KdRclI of Haglo Point spent
Sunday In Medford vIhIUiik friends."
Owing to tho county fnlr being
held the fit Ht ycok In September tho
opening of Hchool has ben nio.stioned
until Monday, Hoptombcr 18.
When that nitto wheel cracks nnd
;mpM It nerds fixing. Wn mako as
Rolld as now, at a small expense. Hil
lings Carriago and Auto Works.
Tho Uov. Woliton K., Shields and
wife returned Saturday from an auto
trip to the Oregon caves.
Do Voo carries tho line ot
fivo cont cigars In tho city.
Vincent II. Mayo of Tillamook Is
upending n few days In tho city at
tending to business matters.
I). N. Johnson of Steamboat Is In
tho city today attending to Ijttalnoan
Johnson, nt tho Hook Store, nn
oxpert watch ropalror.
S. II. Holmes of Kaglo Point spent
Sundny afternoon In Medford.
Attorney flint Nowbnry and wlfo
spent Saturday nftoruoon nnd Sun
day at their summer homo on tho
Chocolates, 30 cents lb. Do Voo's
(leorgo Older of Montague, ('a., Is
spending a few days In tho city and
valley attending to IhihIiichu matters.
Special Agent Kelly of tho South
ern Pacific force Is In tho city today
on official huslnoss.
Merchants' Lunch, 25c. Tho Shasta.
William Knntther ot Hold Mill who
has heun visiting In this city for tho
Inst wool,- returned homo Sunday af
ternoon. "Taxl-333" IBo nnywuoro in city.
Formorly Alco Taxi. Now office Nash
Hotel. Phono -333.
Dan Perry of Wat kins spout Satur
day In Medford and Jacksonville at
tending to huslnoss matters.
Weston Camera Shop for first claim
Kodak finishing and Kodak supplied,
Qharlos Young spont Sundny morn
ing hunting In tho Mondows district,
and bagged a five point buck wolgh
' ing ICQ pounds. Mr. Young hus
that hunters were think In that sec
tion, that tho pop-pop-pop of tho gilus
made him nervous. Ho anya one man
ho met was hunting deor with uu au
tomatic shotgun and shooting often.
For flour or feed phono Medford
Roller Mills. Phono B07.
Frank Carroll spont Sunday visit
ing f i lends in Ashland and Talent.
Loganberry sherhot. Tho Shasta.
Louis Thompson of t'orvalHs Is
among tho out of town vlslturs In tho
city this ueek.
Safety and eorvlco. Wo Blvo both.
HolmcB, tluQ lusaurnnco Man.
, Tho travel to tha San Frwnclsco
fair is now at IU holKht, all train
both ways bpTug packed Snnda) It
wan neeoaaary to run tha northbound
trains In two and throe aacttnua lo
accommodate tho traffic.
Fresh roasted poanuts at Do Voo's,
A'. IC. Lyons of (traiita Pius anant
Saturday In Madford attending to
l)u1tina matters.
Quick lurvlau for )ur Kodak Ma
titling. Soo Woalon'a Camera Shop.
MIh Inn Cwuran uf this olt U vis.
Itlug frloudi lu Uranta Pm this
, Would tho' tkraa tuluer nlio eou-
vuraod with tho two CklrnKQ ylrla on
tho' 'train travelling trow Bait Fruit
Ollco ti Portland on Taaailay, Aug.
8 correspond Uli Mlaa Margaret Mul-
caay, SJ4S A r eh or Ant.. Olitaago, III
Tho. mgtor of awmhiUH iwihoi
ughjit t kuaMwtJ U. I. ltmubrMNi.
resigned, la Kill up Ih lb sir. N J
Kruujio of the O. A. C. fctvortd by
lpftliQ'ralihrtluts. has darMaad t an
Take your watch to JAunasn. tba
Jowoler. you will racaive unuauaUy
good kojvJoo,
Albnrt Hauion of Yrka. Cal . iftMi
Haittwtar in Modtord vuitlas fr1e4a
Hiul altwwlJug- to kulaa matiara
J Q. Qcrklng, the baat all around
Governor Wlthycombo, Amos Hen
son and daughter, Miss Georgia; Mm.
Allco llenson Deach, John II. Yeon,
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew C Smith, Mr,
and Mrs. Frank E. Dooley, Mr, and
Mrs. W. A. Holt, George Garrett, Al
Lnndborg, Jullils Friendly, Hay
Harkhurst, G. F. Ncvlns and others
passed through Medford Sunday en
route to San Francisco to attend
tho Uonson day exerciser at the ex
position, Havo yoti tried ono of thosa fo
milk shakes at DoVoo'o7
John M. Scott, general passenger
agent of tho Southern Pacific, and
Mrs. Scott arrived in Medford Sunday
and loft for Crater Lake with A S
Itosonbuuni. Mr. Scott Is among
tliono to bo Initiated bv tho Pythlans.
Uso Mothor's Home Mndo Hread at
your grocers. Newtown Hakery. HO
Tho mllllnory rnsofl, tho suit and
coat racks are fast rilling up with
tho now fall apparel. Ahrens,
Seo the many new fall atylo Craft
Suits, Hero really Is nn assortment
to be proud of. Ahrens.
Huntalng season Is on and conse
quently accidents more numerous.
Phone Wakomnii about short or long
term nccident Insurance. 127
Do not nay early tho time to F
lect your tailored null Is now. Styles
aio settled and get a full season')
wear out of samo. Let It bo u Slylti
Craft. Ahrens.
Get your butter, eggs, cream, milk
dna butter milk at Do Voo's
Mrs. Italph L'owglll of tho Her
nard millinery has returned from
San Francisco whore she visited tho
wholesale houses and purchased her
fall line of mllllnary that will ho
on displayln about ten days.
When you bought your homo you
had no in o competent lawyer paiw on
tho abstract and title, didn't you 7
And when you Insured It you likely
tucked the policy away without oven
rending It, didn't you? Why bo moro
careless with your homo after on
have bought It, than before you paid
for It?? The It. H. McCurdy Agency
guarantees their policies to he cor
rectly written. Phono Ouo-two-throo
'Mrs. M. M. AhroiiH nnd children,
Lillian and Harold, also Mrs. J. K.
Hollmlns, slstor of Mrs. Ahrens, have
gone to tho fair.
Miss Lillian Toms, trimmer nt
Ahrens, Is hack again with tho new
fall ideas of millinery, after spending
several mouths Inn the millinery cen
ters. When you need nny blottem call
at tho It. H. McCurdy Agency, or tele
phone Ono-two-threo, nnd wo will
semi you eoiuu. tf
Mrs. Ownoy Pattou, who has been
seriously 111 from blood poisoning
caused by tho blto of a spider two
weeks ago, is couvalesolug.
'Ollhorl II. Grosvenor, editor of (be
National Geographic Magatlno, will
at rive nt Crater Lake Tuesday from
Klamath Falls and reach -Medford
tleorga Honsolmuu returned Sat
urday from a two weoltH visit to the
James Campbell of ltoguo River Is
spending tho day lu Medford attend
ing lo business matters.
It. L. liwlng returned this morn
ing from a trip to Klamath Falls,
whore he accompanied the Medford
baseball loam.
The mercury rose to Uli dogroon
Sundny, tho boat bolng moderated by
a slight breezo. It has now been five
uoeks slnco rain fell In the valley.
Pat Welsh of Spokane, president of
tho ltogiie River Canal company, and
Manager J. T. Sullivan, left Sunday
by auto on a tour of Inspection of the
now dntu being built at Fish lake.
Attorney II. It. McCabe spent till
morning In Jacksonville attending to
lotml mnttora.
State Foroat Supervisor J. II. Fb
erly Is lu the Foota creel, district to
da, supervising forest flro fighting
William Miller aud wife. Karl
Kiihpp and wlfo aitout Sunday lu
Grants Pass visiting ft lends and rel
atives. J 11. C(M'hraii.loaw shortly for
Han FrapotMo to attm! tba annual
convention of limuiamw agents in
the North woat.
Mra. Harry Porter of Gold Hill vU
UtM fried and relative in this clt
ami JMtAiHHtville tiaturilay and Sun
day State Mutator Iluoaton of Multno.
taah eotiHly and wife and family are
in tba elty tedsy aimiuU from Crutar
l.nk to tkalr borne in Portland.
Ttia took tha Kastern Oreaou rout
to the lake
"I'mtr Fenlher " till th i i f
n yoliny man, who, bv ton -on n leer,
fails to reml to lu country's call
in time of wnr. Him ivttfiiatiou from
the nnny lirinh from tlirecof li'w
comntile three white foul hem, hiii
pleiiienled by it fnuttti Jiom lii fian
cee, the ut f.viiiljfil of oownrlioo
given him. lie i Mtmitf lo (hu (pikk
and goon to I'tvpl, wheio the war is
on between the KugliMh and tiio
Arab'-, ami ciiIUIm dm a (Iteirk. The
ereen ilrsmii yivon nil the epiwodert
of Iuh enicer at Hie scene of atrife.
ill vn lunula ileotN, wlierehy ho
trnxc from death by tori ore his tlueo
eoiuriiilon, liiti tet'overy of valuable
iloeiuiientH, iiml other iicIh of uuimual
heroi-iii, lanes lrom lu eoinrailirf
1 1 1 1 t it dilution ot In- hr-roixm nnd
tliev ilciuaiitl (lie return l their
ientheiv. In li lniiiiiliiinf them, the
liero ilemaiiilH thai liicy lie tellrneil
to Ii!h fiancee. I'pou IiIh return lo
Kiiglaml, hc'fiiid" lier waitiim for her
feather mill a wedding run: h the
iilliiuute tewuiil that hriiiH them to
Ket her.
Tljia atirnug, romantic anil satin
fyiiiiC pietiiio will lie liixl mIiowii at
the Hmpiro Tbenter on .Monday and
Tiiesduy, August HI iiml 17.
Tliu leiiilliiK player in Howard K
tulirook, who ! well known to pa
1 1 ohm of Hie leitular dramatic thea
ter. He ianhly intd by n Intye
eompnny, iutiuiliuic t h itttmetive
.voituir limilltif woiann, Irene War-fielil.
F. Mulkey of lbi eitv eunettii the
leading role. This in tho l'ii-t lodge
ceremony ever given at Crater Luke,
iiml will be a xtriking hit of im
All iluv Saturdav ami Sunday, is
tlors began lo arrive in tlii- eity
1 1 dim Otegou ami California poiutH,
ino-l o the ilclei'iites liming at once
lot the fniunii- -eeiiie spot.
Visiting IMIiinns eu route to (lie
conclave ti he held at Crater Lake
Tuesday, Wcdnesdav ami Tlmr-il it
will he entertained tonight at a ic
eeption ut the lodge rioiiiM in tin
eity. Theie will ho a haiuiuet nnd
speeches ami inusieal provrnin. The
advance guard of t lit e.xodua to ('in
ter Luke will stall Ibis nfteriioou.
tho main bidv lenviiu in the morning.
Over fiOO Pytliiaux, including all the
officer of tho state gmnd lidge will
be in at tendance.
This afternoon the committee on
arrangements is making iiMsigmncnU
of visitors to niilos, and iirianviiu
the final details. The IMhians will
muiutaiii their own comitnarv 'l'
parlmeut, two hiiIu trucks of food
being scut to the hike Suuilav. All
of the men will sleep out m the oimmi,
each taking hlankela. The ladies
will oeeupv the rooiiM in Hie hotel.
A eliiss of '.!.", iueliuliiig .lolm .
Scot I, general pcHaeugor lu-ent ol
the Southern l'acilic, and Will (I
Steel, siiM'riutendent of Cratr l.k.
N'iiIioiiuI I 'all. will he inihnte-l. The
orv of IIiiiiioii nd I'vlhia- will be
preMiited in ritual form, Alloiiuv II.
I. iNl
Thf ttrsi aiarllna t the aewls per
farttti Klks rtlnU asMtclatlaa will ba
held in altMlford. tfatiiMiibw ISnt. at
tb aawa nine tbai lb ae $40,000
bam af ih liadrord lwt of Mlka
will ba dadlvatad Tba bml UxUa
bs aommltiaaa at a or arapaHaa
for tba big raaaiton timt wIM b ae-
c...d4 Iba sral numbar of 11 a (r( ,,rrM(f m
ms. imr ibuiiih wnu win mroa Mj u. ..., -,11
w-w ivumir
Forest fltCH set by Incendlnrles,
nro raging at tho head of Foots
creek ami near ltoguo Itlvor. They
broke out Sunday morning lu
hiiuohos, and nro attributed to forctt
firebugs. Tho flames are In timber
in tho statu reserve, nnd State For
oat Supervisor ICbnrly Is in charge
of n large forco of mon fighting with
hack fires A peculiarity about the
luceudlnry fires is that a lame per
centage of thorn are set In tho early
morning, giving nn opportunity for a
full da 'a work, whun the call for
help comes The fires In the Itutto
Falsi and Dead Indian district are
under loiidol.
Cnrpentorx tin morning began
work on remodeling the nunrteri
I Which ale to be occupied b the 7tl
comiianv as an armor" ami ciuo
rooms. The entire uppur floor of
Hie Amy & I 'ot lender building (lu
.Main stteel lin been leaned bv the
vtnte and the hnildinic is being lvur
ranged to fit the reiiuliemont of tho
There are to he seven large rooms,
conNisting of locker mom, ipinrter
master lore room, plotting room for
Hie technical iustriiinenU used in
the tirtillerv wotk, ' drill room
which will nlaii be nieil for the uuli
tarv lialls and soeiul fuiietious wliich
n i c to he a siceial feature witli tin
7lh eompanv h a large pat lor
m which will be placed the Inn
player piano belonging lo Hie com
pany) and Hi" other furniture eon
siftting of library Inbles, davenport,
rockers, choirs and other fiirni-liiii'is
owned bv the c.innuvi Theie i
also a liilliaid loom in which wi
he placed Hie two fine tnlilea owned
by Hie militia hovs.
Recent orders received bv the
coinpaii" rcipiire that the armory
must be located where there ii no
interference with the drilling, wliinli
can mil he done in the Natatorium
building in the summer months owing
to the bathing pool monopolizing tin
drill floor, and the roller skating and
dancing in the winter.
A long tenn lease has been taken
on the new (piarter nnd the Till com-
mnv are already planning to nmke
heir new minitnrs the most iittrm
tive of jiiiv lodge or club rooms i:i
Medford, It is the intention in tho
future to huvo regular social fuiie
tious, military balls, xmokors, boxing
and wrestling matehe and hnsket
ball contest in the club rooms. The
large hall is suitable for such pur
poses owing to its size nnd the other
iooiiih nre convcnientlv arrangod for
giving large parties and baiupiets of
a private and tmhlic nature.
The new rooms nre to be readv fot
occupancy by October 1st, wlie-i the
7th eompanv will eclc'irate tho occa
sion with a graml full dic-s niilitary
hall which it i- cNpcclcil will be at
tended b the governor ami high
tmlitnn officers of the -late.
Mali iletilfli. OIImio
IiIhH AUOIoav Qibnu is a wiiWy
known ne-aMr uombu. haiitf
Ih-ii WTiUw WMiHr flHra wior
". 4mnuUi writUiaai nnd Cu-Um
(or 'J vatra.
Alttiuvah 1m kaa iablibdl immnhw
and loris and tnlitW tww itulur
aiaaatt maKatines, Hr. UaiMtu -till
a runnier,
tIM' i. mb
The dcir iC!ton opened Suuilav in
.luek-oii 1 1. unl v With --eole- ot limit
era in the bills, and the oiiml ot
shooting w.ia ecmstant lrom aiiiiup
to sundown. Sovnal deer were
Ituggml, but tha dr- roinlitiin of Hie
Wood tiuide the llllllllllg poor, the
limited hem,' able to heal the hunter
ttuiiiHiig ihriiHltli -he ilrv littisli.
Ieei hiiiilnij will lin at iU best after
a ram. It ia rapornsl, hut ution
liniied, Hi. 1 1 a man. iiame unkiioHii,
w.-is ,.tit tr h deer Satutdav alter
iiooii, in Hu bltf huefaielicrrv paleb ii.
Kliiiiiiith riniity. , 'I'hotieH wa l'U
phoned to t rater Iakc, and u ieM'i;-
1'intv sent oat lrom Klam.ith I' ill-,
(he nearest Hiillt. The liimter, the
rumor nuiI, wwa-wounded m-iiou-K
Tlie bio Kb I err iNilch i a tuvotitc
-iot lot oil , there lu iu s.ili lii-ls
unl liei hi jaloie
The Icdlord de;egalion lo
the House tixcis and liathors
tuiltee left tor Crescent Citv Sttml.i.x
ami .Moiulii. lu the partv were
Mosc fhiikdull, who em lies Senator
Chambeilniu, Messis. Parsons, I-ieio,
llaler, Root, liullis, IUH im,,
The eongiisioual loininiltee wi'l
tniM'l from Sau Francico nlotig tb
Calitoiiua coast o cm- -cut Cih am1
will nispYi I the h.irbor theie. '1'h n
the mimbtis mil ti imI ouilaml to
nUetogrnplmr In soutbara Oreaon
. .... . ... . i . .. . . ... . . -
Alwii-a reJWWO. JSORativwa hm aavi... .urra na ap nawwaji. w r fi,. A- w r.
wliwsu Uma or ItltlM. Stadia Is, h.i. HMbtr at la4a (torn-!,.,, , kmtM(H wi, ,.
MaltiSt PhanaaafJW ...,,.. s. ,. b.v immi u, Mtoaal1,,, -Bd 0ktn mnimmmi lH,t, .
f.i au uuillw til Ikr If il Mi r. Ui.. null ! tMn Will .u i. .i . . . ...
w w -.-- ... hu inr mpn. iiiiu mmui til utt
Nt iiwiwi rare
Tfca Me.Uant bafhall team blaw
ap in the Uitrd lauiua o( the aatna
fwttb Ktainaiti Haiu at tbat cit Suh-
4mr. and loat b iba oae ntdad -ore
i 13 to i Uraat start ad to I'lttb
lr tha Itx.iin, and after a cHla of
rank dwrihion la tba third aroilu
atf ao blaM Hit b aa.-i did rat urn
Caatar mt ta to r-li.-ve him and
I li
Purdy AaaHO. mrU Uai iIIuk h
lirlna clru-KBla "rlaai ir ihn-.i
'. ut imir f..vtrttf foiium
Willi Medford Tit ii Mdftrd Mndo
Wolllfll Mill
I.' I ' III tin
. . I .
I M 1.
He. It
'ilmklnj Ii
I ii
Restored to Health by Lydia
E. Pinlcham's Vegetable
Untonville, Mo."! Buffered f rom n
female trouble and I got so weak Uiat I
could hanlly walk
ncroM the floor with
out holding on to
BomothlnR. I hud
norvouu spells and
my llnRers would
cramp and my face
would draw, and I
could not speak, nor
sleep to do any good,
had no nppetite.and
everyone thought I
would not live.
Some one advised jno to take Lydia K.
llnkham's Vegetable Ctimjiound. I had
taken so much medicine and my doctor
said ho could do mo no good eo 1 told my
husband ho might get mo u bottle and
would try It. By the time I had taken
it I felt better. I continued its use, an J
now 1 am well and btrong.
"I havo always rocommendwl your
medicine ever since I was to womler
fully henufltted by it und 1 hoio thU
letter will be tho mean of saving some
other joor woman from sutrenng."
Mrs. Maktiia Skaviiv, Box 114-t,
umonviiie, nusaouri.
Tho makers of Ljdkt E. Pinkham's
Veaetablo ConXMjml have thousands of
Mieli letters aa that above they tell
the truth. ohn thev coukl not ihi. lw.,.n
two wwr. 1 1 na wtra i coi .-d The nat I obtalatil for love or monev. ThU ml-
aw lar iji.i Mfwn io fuaikia aad
tbroa allil ad tin ih ae up in
itt an riit. faun - uiril in itaod
kaaa. but tuMatu .1 Tbv lot-els
WtaoV tl ii i tit smIo ovt-r lit. tirn
hiunni. i i i l tliiilt rti i mi mstii
1 i i i iii i i l
Grants Pass nlonsr the route of Uie
piopo-ed Grant Iu8..-Ciepent City
lailtoad. '
The lull member-hip of the partv
is as follow; i.
Stephen I.. Sparknmn, of Florida,
who is chairman; George I Ihireis,
of Texas; A. T. Troadwell, ol Miihsu
ehiisetts; C. A. Kennedy, of Connec'i
Ion; Jlr. and, Airs. (jltjiHua K. Kd
warils, of fTeortda; if. n'lld ' Sirs.
Cliarloa 6. hieh, of liidianu: Mr. and
Mm. Tlionnis (InHnghflr, of Illinois;
Mr. und Mrs. Hubert Swiber. or
Ohio Mr. and Mrs. John )l. Small,
of North Catiillnn; W. C. ltooker,
fle'rk; J. II. MeOnnn, msitnnt clerk;
.1. II. Sliinii, sennit; clerk, ami C. L.
cut; W. K. Ilniiiilirtv. of Washing- Simrkimint ecrelniy to Ihe ehninnnu
iaiae U no etrunger - it hm stood the
test for yearn.
If thrre are aur rompHratloim yon
lionet uudcrstaiid iirlto to l.jdU K.
ritiUiain .Medicine Co. (roulldeatUl)
Ijiiii.MiMi. Your letter ti ill leepeueJ.
rrad and anxwrnsl bjr a viouuu aud
1 held iu trkt cvutldcucc '
The Empty Bowl
Tells the Story
The coiiipliniciil Hint can In.1 paid any
looti in ( cal it lit'ai'tily lo (lie last poviion.
I3vory day tliorc arc liundrcds of thousands of
such compliments paid to Post Toasties.
This wide appreciation encouraged the holler
ing ol' this delight 1'ul food. And the result is
Post Toasties
Crispor, more appetizing and
better than ever before.
The inner sweet meats of choicest Indian Corn
are .skilfully cooked, daintily seasoned, and toasted
Dv a new
process turn
corn flavour.
brings tut a wonderful
These flakes do not mush down when cream or
milk is added, hut retain their body ami crispness.
They come to you ready to eat from the fresh
sealed, dust-proof, ircrm-nroof imckniff its sweet
and delicious as when they leave the ovens.
New Post Toasties
the Superior Corn Flakes
Your grocer has them now.
"! "S
I ft
M. I w Ttvp u!th- i Miwts .s 7K!s
il 4iiU V1jX.E.1C tL5Tf".i4 ?ri" m
HHJUaMl CflllUMllH. iiml tiiMtiv ..l.ltjf .' ... Vn
Li in ... '. .V. iVL .7.7". 7.7 ". J . " Pi
F ' M,.,r,i!!i,rf,.,v.,?","'.l,":"""-'- "".WiS.
,........,.,, K ,,, , iiiiuui ,, .I.hijuhIIkIii.
i( nrMl.l,1uJ;:;.",", '4 r I.H.rr-
;; I
Johnson Mall
L iv Ann. 7 a. .1) ,b tin O
n.v..Hk ..
;", ; . iiiHn un.ouii .., inn . ii,ii..
(,-, i t,iiii,iiKk miii ...uli. ..:'. '....''... r
iiiilminm. .-......
liiltliin I iff, MnriiiHiiifrWpnaiiilfiir
wiimrn I ..iiii l.H.t. ' a" ",r
rln- .'or frw i Hnl,.i-,,lilr. Mini. tVKMr
umvcRsrry or orkgon
H ll -.1 , O ,i ..
t rave ou 10 a poun 1 on coffci and tea
or ii onr n funded
Itumlar i t Model Coffee, r,"r lb, " pound' for
lin ii'ar -ttv 1J' Cofice L'uc 1' , lb for
IttKitiiU' i 1 n, 'In l at fee.' r to ! Ph
Hemilar 40c ' M & J lllend" Coffee .0c, :i lbH for
ItfBUlar 0c ,. Japan Pan Cried" UlacK Tea nor lb
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