Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 16, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
I'nlr mill Cooler TucMlny,
Jlitv. 1)0; tfln. 51.5.
rnrty-ftrth Ycnr,
Unliy Tenth Yrtir,
NO. 125.
Russian Fortress, Stronijiinlil of New
Line of Defense Being Mcarctl
Successes For Germans Between
Nnrcw ami Buy Rivers Russians
Still Optimistic Over Future.
LONDON, An. Ifl.-.Milllnry oper
ations in (lie custom field a iv lo 11
nping slowly. Itnth sides show the
effects nT tin' intensity of the War
saw Jlriifwlo. Tim fluriniiii advance
now center an the cf foils of Field
Marshal Von llindeiihiirg In foioe
troops across tho Dvhui ami Hint
ward toward I'otingnul, anil (lie near
approacli of lias nimv f I'linoo Loo
jiolil of Havaria to tliu new Hn'sl
Litovxk defense. Notwithstanding
(lie steady-pressure of the flonnuns,
tln Russians liava Hiieeeodod thus
far in holding them went of the
Closing la "a 1'orliws
Advances recorded in tin dentin 1
official slalciiieiit today represent
faitlicr eliding in I)V Teutonic trorps
on the foi tress of Hrost-Lilovsk, tin'
stronghold of tint now Rus-dan lino
of defense.
I'rince Loooold of Havaria, wlio
yc-torday repoitod a defeat of tin1
Itussiiuis near Losyre, 10 miles east
of Sodloo, which the florniniis took
Into hint week, today occupied Lo.eo
and Miodzyrzee, tin latter 'mo
ahoal 2."i miles in a snuthwe-terlv di
nectinn from Scdleo. Afterward
the Russiiins wore beaten in a stand
east of Losyeo and woro pursued, tin
Hciliti stutoiuont wiw. Those oper
ations wor within ! miles of Hresl
Litoysk. Still closer to tlio fortress lire the
armies of Field Marshal Von Maek
enon, which on Saturday wow re
ported within 10 miles from the
stronghold. Since then thev have
advaacod northward in puivuit of the
lliWNiniH, marching toward Dret
Lilotsk along hoth hank of (he Rug.
Itiisslu Still Optimistic
Other successes are reported for
tlio fionnniip. between tho Niuvw aal
the Hug. together with the capture of
an advanced position at the follies
of Kovno and the taking in these nee
torn of nenily seven thousand Rus
sian prisoners.
Despite (loraian successes. Pel ro
ll rail military observer do not take a
pessimistic view of the situation,
looking fur a determined i-tnud lv
the Rii-miiiis as tlieir new line is
Operation on tho western front
were relatively unimportant. An
engagement toward tho southern em.
of the line neiir AniuieiUwiller ap
pears to have boon .indecisive, neither
the French nor the Ocituniis claiiaimr
any notable advantage.
WASIIIXllTON, Auk 10 Oonornl
Carranza's agoacy hero, today mmlo
public telegrams from eovoral gen
orals pledging tholr support to Gon
oralvC'arranzn. Tlio agency announc
ed tho tolograms woro written al a
tlmo whon tlio gonorals foarwl "a
throat of armed Intorvontlon by tho
Vnttod Statog In tho latornal affairs
of Mexico and or participation la that
movement by South anil Central Am
rleHnjiowera." A state (Idjwrtiaont dlapaUh from
Torreon says tho Villa garrison at
Duraaao has revetted and that the
oliy has been taken by Carraata
Kl. I'ABO Texas. Ana Hi -The
('M-raiisa sonulaie heer today an
nounced the receipt of a roi of tli
repl) of 0nrnt I K Calles, ar
rsma eomn.iinli-r n Sonora, to th-I'an-Amerl
" in-al fur a ij un
ference of il " l-."lr In -lu
li r let the stale department and
I' 1- I an ii m man illplomata to ' ir
National Assemblies of Greece anil
Serbia in Session to Consider De
mands Made B Buljiarla For Par
ticipation in Wrr on Behalf of Al
lies Slitjht Prospect of Harmony.
ATIII3XS, flreece, Aiir. 1 CO. The
flroeli chamber of iloputlos nssenilbeil
today. M. avltxntnos, an mlhorent
of former premier Vonl.nlos, wan
ulcctml preslitciit,
A. ZavltzanoH rerolved 182 votes
as compared with !)! Tor tho cauill
date of tho government.
LOXDOX, Auk. Ifi. The parlln
menlH of Serbia and (lieece mot today
and Important developmonts In tho
Ilalknn ultuatlon aro oxpectod. Cap
itals of tho ontonto alllos hopo for a
speedy agreement iuiioiik tho Ilalknn
powurs, by which tholr concerted nld
may be kIvoii tho nlllod causo, but
prodlctlons of quirk action to their
ond aro lacklnR. Obosrvors of the
trend of diplomatic Interchanges roc
OKnlre many difficulties,. In view of
the reluctance of Serbia and Greece
to grant the territorial claims of llul
giuln. Outlook Not lit lubt
In the best postod qparters hero
the outlook Is rogardod with a de
grro of posslmlHiii. It Is expected
that Serbia will sok a compromise
and (Ireeco will roject tho llulgarlan
contentions, floporta from Athens In
dicate that King Constantino Is In
sisting the now cabinet must mala
tal nstrlct neutrality, tho offect of
which would bo to withhold Orocco
from participating In n plan of unit
ed tlalkan co-operation wit litho al
lies. In the mautlino thoro aro many
ovliloncos of Austro-florman prepa
rations to deal with toll Ualkan sit
uation. According to Information
from Iliicharoat. (Sorman army corps
havo been concentrated near tho
junction of Hungary, Itumanla and
Sorbin. Tills, with the boinbardmont
of llolgrado and tho activity of Aus
trian aitlllory at many points along
tho Danubo, londs support to reports
of a gtoat Austor-Oorman offonslvo
In tho Ilnlkans.
1'nlon Is I'osslblo
llulunrian officials do not expect
an ngrooment will bo roaehod, but tho
Sorldan mlnlstor at London, M. Uo
shkovltch, told the Associated I'ross
he bollovod a middle ground would
be found on which It would bo possi
ble to tinlto the Halkan stntos.
.Military activity Is Increasing! along
tho Austro-Sorblan frontier. Ex
changes of artlllory flro at llolgrado
lias boon followed by Sorblan bom
bardment of dofonsoB boforo tlio vil
lage of Dobra on tho Danube. Heavy
concentration or Teutonic forces on
the edge of tho Balkan region Is re
LOS ANGF.LKS. Autr. 10. Hit ten
b a gila inon-tor, which he wa
toudlmn; for the entetaintaent ot a
dime miiieuni crowd. L. 1". Debou-
aire, billed h a man who xrttw tat '
reptilian venom, died today. The
yila moiiNter nank it fungn in Do
bonnire'h eluwk. The man' ealinly
In ill the iiioutei' down, and took "ev
ent I diaunhU of the imual nnke bite
antidote whiky. but in an hour Hi
binlv turned hlii-k. He wa then
rio-hrd to the einerireilcv iiopitul,
itnd in niiotlier hour wa
PA HIS. Ailtf- Hi- A.I Hux.i- dr,-
palli I loin Nih, tinted fmida. in AS'i-t 1 I the Serbian, with
a li -lielU, -l.'M. tin flieni limn
ui.rUin.' "li tb len-i - III lit'lil tl llit
iI1iiji ! ll'ir nil "In I .i i nln tu
llit' -.I'm ibi.m ill' '"V hi-
I,, I, 1 . i, i Id Li '! ii
. ,.,-,! n .li it Hi . li I ! ' '
1 . t V I ' I .1 It i 1 "' '
rlmii ullil .11 ne iwfitm tol rrtHictMl
I,, . I, hi . tb ' te i. - -"li "' I'
1...1I Hi" 1. " 'i I.
n n
cr &&&&! ,,TW&&!8$3sgxs
gV U iTE' . v??afc riBaaaaaaBa . 'ri I iJ 'ValaawNLTaTaaaBBaaV' HHIH BSasiBBB, 'jLLH JR ff
&4 Afl V- &LmEJm ikutifriSL inaTaFffaWlaBBIalaW Bff&l ii BEtUBuKBFjb JKwS JJaP M
5 awKMaaaaVaH. at "CTB lg IILBXn& .BBBBLaaBWwiSBBB HWh 3bVbbbbHhBwT llr. " Sar J S
In & v 1 LLHf iBbLbIBLLk t IbLLLVL. w naftflBVBBBLlLIBBB'' i VbLLH
H tyt'JjfTJjUitffLLMi. T .-y " 342aaBaHS adt nRNMJBf !VBMBHBBBBVacHOr Jf" t. "Si 2" HiKdH
A-. I V sfK. " it ' t,l 4b9BRIbbbbbVb1w
a PWAluJ-rWw.; HL1
nitOWXSVILLK, Texas, Aug. If.
Reports of renewed nttompts by Mex
ican bandits to reorganize tholr
bands In the lower Itlo (Irnndo valley
was brought horo today by J. .1. San
dors, captain of oxas rangers.
A detachment of United States cav
alry patrol was flrod on last night
from tho Mexican sldo of tho Itlo
Craiulo near Progroso. Tho cavalry
men returned the fire and the shoot
ing from tho Mexican sldo stopped.
Thoro woro no casualties among tlio
American troops.
Iloportfi received aro that Moxlcans
are crossing by onoa and twos Into
Toxas and (bat tboy aro attempting
to gather again In Hidalgo county,
wost of Hrownsvlllo.
The twenty sixth Infantry from
Toxas City wont on duty hero today.
About 7." nion of- tho roglmont wero
left ut Klngttvlllo, lA miles north of
Hrownsvlllo, and m tiro than two com
panies wont on patrol at Ilurllnifoii,
uotweou hare and ICIngsvlllo.
Ilangors and poaco offlcors aro dis
arming all .Mexicans outsldo of tho
larger towns thtoiigbout the Ilrowns
lllo section.
WASinxrrrox. aub . in Tim
Amoricalu roply to the last (lerninn
note on tho sinking of the American
sailing ship William 1'. Krye, by tho
Prlnz Kltol Krlodrltb, tins boon do
llvorod to tho liorllu forelmi offieo
by Ambassador Ourard and will bo
glvon out boro by tho state depart
ment tomorrow morula for publl
oatlon In Tuosday afternoon tapers.
It Is hrlof and nocopts tho eommU
slon method of dotormlnluK damngoa,
but rojoots tho proposal to arbitrate
the dlsputod portions of the Prusslan
Amorican treat)
GENEVA, Aug 18 Official ft
nr skew tkat on Juae 1. about &ouo
ouns tomen wore eiiiiluPd ut the
KruiM' work at KnHfii an lomiurfil
with 1 :." on Taniurt I Th hole
n ii in in r of c-iiiilo on f ti it I i- not
iihiii on l.iiii.ii- I tin sx
I . 'l.' . I X. I II I-1 . . i.l till- t I!I(H - III
t',1 ft oi idit il mlii -i n.-i- iii n. ii.
aad ship Dtiildma. and i t aainiii-
nlllon or In otlirr mrt of lit-r-
ii. in u in 1 v tin K i u . -
nfy J .WWriml.ll. T IMii?1WgiigBS2S3BaJi
Mexicans liroiigbt Into cauip ami
OALVKSTOX, Teviib. Auk. Ifi.
AIiii'iiiiiik' reports in oilier cities of
destructive Morni at this 'mil tod.i.v
aro untrue. The wind up to 'J p. m.
was in mi wise diuiKeniim.
Apparently tlio trojtifiil diitturbaiifc
wliiidi piiMcd tlirnuuh the Yiicnlau
chunnel Sunday is xtill centered in
the South Control ynlt'. At I) :.').' a.
in. today the barometer- load liD.tiO
and tho wind was lilowinir US milcH
from tlie nortlieaxt. There was so hi
indication that the dMurhuuco uiuc'it
paw east of Halve-ton.
At I'Jrilt) n. in. the wind switched
to tho north. At this timo it is blow
ing ut a velocity of ID allien an hour.
The haiomutor, which stood at 'JIMJ.I
at 7 a. m. today, wa '.JO .fid at l'J::b)
p. in. The direction of tho wind in
dicated that the lioiu.-al dintiiiliniuv
would x inland a hut distance eunt
of (iHlvoton.
Oeciihional hursts of aprny are
blown over the ica wall on to the
lioiilovnrd by the wind. The wall al
ready luu Niiecexstiillv uiu1til(ouc a
more severe test than the one to
which it whs subjected today. The
local woatliur hifreau baa nilvistsl )nr
xuiis living in e.xHifil ilnuessto ob
serve proper enutioii.
At -' :.'I0 o'clock Ibis iiftoniuon the
MindS, velooity was l.'i tb fill miles an
hour mid tliu hnromvtur aiood ui
2). 1.1.
There boon no proporty loss
and no one feared that thoro would
be any of a serious nature, Tho fit
haw not been flooded and Uiorc are no
indications that it will bo Inuudatod
as tho s0ii wall I doiitar Its work.
Thoio is no alarm ovur the situa
tion heie.
HALTIMOIti:, Aug lfi-Pending
'invetttlKstlon of accusations that he
was the perpetrator of tlio "ripper",
murders In New York city last aprlng.
a man giving bis name u lidgar
J ones is bekl by the polleo
A woman ealllug hcrsojf Grace Kl
liutt, who was arresietl with Job,
NMuaed hliu, areordlux til (be polite,
of having slain Auna Cohen and
('harlitt Murrat, tl iwn Nt a York
hlldreu tthose hoilo - were Itndlsb-j
l inutllalfd I
The woman ml -hit itn.l '"'",
were tini.low.l .ii ii. i it-vtii- in. '
N oii ill, i.i-' uny .ii '
JuUW Uj4, l-UilXvj4.a U W i L
lag klllvd the llllle girl and latnt u
m-iiicIiciI liy American soldier. on Texas
WASIIINCITOX, Auir. 1(1. Secre
tary Daniels has ordered the battle
ships Xew Hampshire ami Louisiana,
now in the Gulf of .Mexico, to pro
ceed to Vera Crux. This course Iiiim
generally been expected but not un
til today was it acknowledged ef the
navy dcpiuluieut. ,
The two sliits replace the jrtinbont
Marietta, which has been ordered to
I'rogrcMo nnd the gunboat Siionimou
lo which arrives tonight at Xew Or
leans with the Itrniliiin and Onato
inalaii ministers. They wero dis
IMitchcd alter Commander IcXiiuive
had nskrd for a hattloidiip siptadroii
hccuiiNO of nnti-t'oieign denioiislni
tioim in Vira Cm.
Officials were reluctant to embar
rass the I'au-Aiiiericaii pence iieMo
tiatious by Nondiuir war vessels to
the Mexican Hirt iiud the shins sailed
for southern wateis to await orders.
Since the tlcninusl ration have sub
sidsil unit Ooneilil Cariana has
tukou action rr assuring foioigner of
teir safctN. The two battleships will
proceed, how over, to replace the
smaller -lups. Today the New
Ilampshiic and Louisjaun me run
niiiy tbi'Mi-.'li the gulf storm on Hair
way tiiMitril the Mcxicnu coast.
l'AHIS. Aug. Ifl A d.ln.xod d. -tutt'ti
to the Havas Xetn ngciicN
tiled nt lluchuicMt on Saturday, s.i
that Austrian and Herman agonts m
IMiuils eloiiir tbu ltuiijauiaii frontier
itro paying tbruo times the .normal
tncc or wheal, oiini, hay, fliu, is-u-mid
beans exported fmin tliul coun
li. This i (ho iohuII of heavy ex
(mil taxes daeeil upon Kuiunuiau
it-1 KiiJtui ul proiluala on Sutuiduy,
toliowiHg the action of the govern
Hunt on the ireviuiis dn in removing
tin- prohibition - ust -ending cer
tain I'ooil supplies out of tho eoim-
. t r x .
The cxotirl ainoiinl-. to from MO
to tloo on u
iVAslllNtiTii.N. A nt Id W. V
Hu.stll, loni.t-r u.iiiMei to I be Ut
,.. rt-iHiMic. v.n sek-cUtfl '?
i, ), , i ., i ii .
u iw t ii ,
.1 .1.,
s ill,
WAS11IX0TOX, Aue. HI.-The
I'niled flutes, in a note to Austria
IluiiKiiry, published toduy, firmly hut
politely declined to aecede to llio re
quest of the Viuui'ia government that
(ho itNpoil of aims to the allies he
The coimuuniciilion was in reply to
thu recent Austrian protest that the
United States In permitting tho ox
port of iiriuw to Aiihtiia'a enemies
violated the "spirit" of neutrality.
The American unto vm a flat denial
of Hint contention and vigorously up
held the right of tho Culled Stntos,
under interiialioiial law to export
war munitions.
In justification of ils position, the
Tinted Stntos recited among other
things that iuteruiitiomil law, the
piiielieos of nations, the seeurit of
the tinted Males and other nations
without largo military or naval es
tablishment and neutrality wero op
posed to prohibiting tho expoit of war
munitions by a ueiilrnl to u belligei
cut in time of war.
The United Stale contends (hut it
could not deny to others thu riuht
which it claims for itself to purehaso
war munitions from a neutral in
event of n foicign attack. In this
riiniici-tiiiu the Culled States hints
(but it imcht hate to buy from neutral-
il attacked.
WAKIILVOTOX, Aug- 111. I'resi
dent Wilson today' cnm-cllcil tomor
row's regular cabinet meeting as well
as his usjihI Tuesilay oonforuueo with
the Wushington corremndents.
The president hail planned to see
Hac'ixtary Daniels and Item Admiral
William S. Iteuson, okief of open
liwis toduy, h the question of nu
titNiul deteiiM's, but 'tostiwnud the
meeting of other liHsiHees. Itlor
tkis week Ike preaideMl will stu Ke-
ictarv (Jurrisou. Neither Secretary
IJiinicU nor Keentlnrv Omitmuu ba
couipWtfd bis lvpurt on uatiwial tie-
tt'iiM for wbifh l'reeiileiil Wilson is
Ailiiuiiisiratioii nl'lieiuL are pn---iiig
the tn -ui. -ui in return to I .hiii-Ii
lir ii- inn-I. n -I ,ir h.--iI)Ii. Iiiii In
.1 Ii. nli in ,i.'i iiiii.I ttlil, I, Hill
, . I ,i ii , llll, Inl, I i ,1 li .1-1
. kl um, I Lt l.uiwlt- In iii.i iki n buck to (ortilb
I ion s. pi, ii.lin i.
Bandit Who Robbed flonnc River
Bank ami Coinmlllcil Many Other
Crimes Binds Sheriff Smith of
Josephine nnd Gets Away Forces
Antolst to Drive Him to Safety.
John Austin Hooper, life lorm con
vict ut Kolsoin, Cab, prison, bank
robber, street ear bandit, and nil
around crook, added another dra
matio cliapter to his criminal career,
Sunday noon when, with IiIh cell mato,
Tony Hrecko, n Greek, ho bound
Sheriff William Smith, and escaped
from Hit) Josepliino county jail,
ltreekn was en'tured an hour nfter
his iliiali for liberie but Hooper is
still ut large, and wan last reported
lo be' near Kotruo Hiver about 0:00
o'olock last night headed westward.
Sheriff Smith entered tho coll of
the two men at noon witli their din
ner. As noon us ho turned tho koy
in the lock, Hrecko pinned his arms
behind him. Hooper then hound
Sheriff Smith's hands and feet, nnd
was going to gag him; but Smith per
suaded him pot to do this. They
look the keys to the jnil, 80 cents
from their eaptive'a pocket, unlocked
the locker eontainini' gnus and am
munition, nnd walked out throuuli tlio
court house. The" met a bit"' and
al the noint of a revolver compelled
tint driver to turn the rig over to
tliem. The two escupes, then tlrovn
ut a breakneck pace to the north.
Itrccko Is Cnptured
Upon reaching tho outskirts of
(iruuts Pass Hooper told bin com
panion to dismount, and make u
wide circle, and ho would meet' him.
In the meantime, the sheriff had been
freed, and a posse stalled in mtrsuit.
They found llrecko making a. wide
circle. Tito captured man told tlio
authoiities that Hooper induced him
to assist him upon promises to pivo
him -f.'iOO and a tiekel back to (Ireeco.
TIuh annealed to tho Clreek who is
facing a long orison seuleneo on a
statutory olmrge, W'hceu Hooper
was through with him, he discarded
From one p. in. until uino o'clock
Sunday ni"lit, tho searchers found
no trace of Hooper. About 0:00
o'clock K. Ixroli of Grunts Pass was
drivin- an auto on the road to Uoguo
Hiver, accompanied liy his wife.
Hooper ti"""fl out from tho brush
lining tlio road, and willi n revolver
against his sido compelled Kroli to
drive him to Rogue River. Ah tlioy
passed tho Uoguo River bank, Hoop
er made a jesting remark about tho
success that attended his robbing of
thai fiiiaiioiul institution.
IHsupiMMirs Iii lirusli
Homier dismissed Crowe, with pro
fuso thanks for his assistance, "l'vu
got about 1(1 miles to go tonight, ami
I think I can make hotter time walk
ing." With a goodhyo Hoouor sprang
into tlio brush nnd disappeared.
While with llio Crowe's, Hooper kept
his gun ready for notion.
During his incarceration in tho
Josephine county jail, Hooper has
been a model prisoner, ami won tho
coufideiico of Sheriff Smith. As n
preoautioii, Sheriff Smith stent in tho
jail nights, not anticipating a daring
da.xliuht jail break. The break whs
discovered about half an hour nfter
the fugitive had fled.
As soim as it was reported Hint
Hooper was near Rogue River a guard
was placed over the I'aeifio highway,
and Sheriff Stagier and deputies
rushed to the scene. It is not likely
(Continued on page six)
NAMIVJLK, Torn.., Aug. 10.
Cliiiacfllor Allison today out salaries
of all city officials and employes
from the mayor down, Uft pur cent,
nnd uutlwrijUMl a munielpalloan of
.liMi,oo(i for ear runt oxpeiisej., Chan
etlliir Alb-oHH nation te a. eonse
,iieii, nf the MfeotuliM City hall
-t.itid.i! ut vilneh charge oP fluan-
in irifiil titties wtiv made aifil u
mrrir was asked tat las city of
Nhwllc. Tbc flit's credit Is Hot