lrihtet(8lA4MA3K9WfctMI&VittM'&MAAv "WfftB WfiTCWBSflTjU'fl? J S . ci ln BEDFORD flOTD TRTBUNTiJ, MEDFORD OTCTCflOIST . TTCTPAV, ftTTCWST in, Toi5. miniwm'iiiuiniii hi PXCJB THliElB ' -1CZ. "4 v. ' t V i REFUSE TO PERMIT JVILLE EXPRESS TO QUARTERS To n request to close the "Wells Knrgo office nt Jacksonville, niado by tho company, the stnto public sor vlce commission has replied as fol fel fol eows: "Referring again to your favor of JunolTlh, requesting that Wells Far go & Company be pormlttcd to close tliolr office at Jacksonville, wo bog to advise that this matter has had tho attention of tho Commission and -we nro opposed to granting your re quest. "Jacksonville Is tho county seat of i RETVS Cigaret Habit Is Close Cousin to Dmy Habit It Soothes the Senses, Dulls the Intellect and Blunts the Sense of Right and Wrong Cigaret Contributor to Delinquency. yJacKson county, and ono of tho oldest r rftiwifs 'luif si nei t-wusiorio.'or.thft. jMiriu'ioyns miwwcii .woliu'FltrKo Co. established nn office and -wo can sco no roaBon why this offlco should bo closed at this time. "Tho citizens of Jncksonvlllo aro opposed to granting your request and oven though tho receipts of tho offlco might not pay operating expenses wo nro still of tho opinion that tho of flco nhoiild bo molnlalned. Tho sys torn us a wholo Is undoubtedly paying and wo pan see no good renson why noino onn unit, which may not pay Its full quota of revenue, should ho Hosed and tho public suffer serious Inconvenience thereby." N OREBON VISITS EXPOSITION RAN' FRANCISCO, Aug. 1.1. Among tho Southern Oregon people who registered at tho Oregon building on Tuesday, "Roguo River Valley Dny," were: Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kldd, Dr. arid Mrs. J. J. Emmons, Mrs. Q. II. Aiken, formorly of Jack sonville, Dr. and Mrs. N. Klnn nagon, Grants Pass, Wm, SI. Colvlg, Sirs. Holon Galo and two children, Kmnin C. Sloasdau, Mcdford; Sirs. J. P. Wolf. Ashlund; Sirs. T. It. Harris, SI. C. Emory, Sir. and Sirs. II. CI. Slathes, Miss Stary Slathos, Ashland; W. Slonsor nnd J. Menser, Jacksonville; Sirs, "Ceo. Robinson, Ashland; Sirs. Vayno Leovor, Cen tral Point; I.oulso T. Jones. E. II. Holm, Jacksonville; Sirs. C. II. Samp son, Grants Pass; Joseph Slartln, Jacksonvlllo; Anna E. Hargrovo. Ash land; Mrs. K. Rahkoff, Grants Pass; Sirs. Sherry A. Rodenborgor, Central Point; Mrs. Albort V. Notli, Miss Mary Slaltby, Mcdford; T. II. Cornell, and wife, Grants Pans; I.otils Swholm and wife, Afhland; Sir. nnd Sirs. W. K. llauuuel. Knglo Point; Kate rtuckloy, Holly Ray, Jacksonville; ;Mr. and Sirs. II. I,. Whltnd. Ashland; Sir. and Sirs. A. II. Turner, SIlss Ruth Tumor, Ashland; Ralph Salsbury, Mrs. A. L. Kuglo, Miss (1. Kngle. Sirs. SI. Slathos, MUr Jessie Muthos, Ashland; Sirs. W. M. Forgoson, Central Peint: Walter Marquis. Mcdford; Mabel R. Ray. Sirs. C. It. Ray, Sid I.oRose, Sledford; Mrs. J. W. Robinson, Miss Dorland Robinson, Dr. J. W. Robinson Jacksonvlllo; Al Uaker, Norman H. Hnll. Grants Pass; Sirs. C. F. Hasty, Sirs. It. K. Glddlngs, Sirs. C. E. Don nelly, C. E. Donnelly, Ashland; Sirs. W. N. Mitchell, Kmnia K. Wemlt, Sirs. H. Wondt, Anna 11. Wemlt, Jacksonville; Leonard Carpenter Sirs. Nellie Win. Mis Fern Wing. Geo. Kunselman, I.olaud E. Noe, Sled ford; Sirs. Klvn Huntington, Mrs. P. It. Pragor, Mis U. SI. llorrall, Ash land; Ilortonso Hough, Sirs. A. C. Hough, Catherine Clements, Grotclieu Clements, Sirs. W. VvV Harmon, Ornate Pass; Allco C. Streots, Sled ferd: Kster Whltod, Ashland; Fan nie C. Reese, Gold Hill; Grace Slc- Cann, Grants Pass; K. J. Fonts, W I. Fonts, Lonn Fonts, Slodford;; Ir- eno Lounsbury, Slodford; Sirs. Per nio Johnson, SIlss I.oralne Johnson, SIlss Ruth Shoudy, Ashland; O. G. Yromnn, Miss Slay Storm, Slodford"; George It. Andrews, Asbhland; Sirs. W. C. I.eover, Earl I.bever, Central Peint: Kathorlno Foloy, Central Point. How many girls In this city smoko clgarots?? Have some of thorn become so firm ly hooked to tho dread habit that they would give their right hand to get. separated froirTMl? ? Los Angeles has established a con fidential bureau, exclusively for girls, In u downtown offlco with nn attond nnt doctor and assistant, nnd a "guar dian nngel" In chnrgo, to deal with the "cigaret vs. tho young girl" prob lem. Aro such bureaus needed In othor clllos Is ono needed hero? Alny grj ,nia g(t' treatment lb euro horlf of iftiqKltlR Iff -tp'toflllS In 'writing, by'teluphona or In poreon to tho Los Angeles bureau. Tho girl's Identity Is Isept secret. Lieut, Leo Slnrden, head of tho Ju vonllo department of the Los An geles police, orlglnntod this plan. Tho offlco In Hint city was establish ed In nnswer to n growing demnnd, nnd was nn outgrowth of a. regular free cigaret clinic organized by Lieut, Slnrden May 27 at pollco headquar ters. In Hint clinic there had been 1000 patients up to tho end of July. "There nro many girls who havo acquired tho clgnrof habit In Loh An geles," said Lieut. Marden, "nnd tho same condition undoubtedly exists In other cities. "Tho girls nro not confined to tho working clnsses, by any means. "Tho cigaret Is tho greatest con tributor to delinquency of children that I know. "Girl's don't go from good to had In n singlo Jump. They tnko It step by stop. "Tho first step very often Is stand ing, ns llttlo girls, on street corners talking to boys at night. "Tho noxt Is clnndostlno meetings with boys, probably cjgaret smokers. Tho third Is cigaret smoking, prob ably for fun. nt first; very likely nt a pajnmn party In sonto girl's bedroom. "Then come tho Intoxicating liquor stage, Joy riding nnd Immorality, "Tho female constitution grabs a habit much quicker than a man. The cigaret hnblt is n clnso cousin to tho drug habit. Roth aro 'motor depres- ont'; they sooth tho sonsos nnd dull tho Intollect. Tho clgnrot blunts tho senso of right and wrong. "Of courso, thoro nro girls who have tho unfortunate habit of smok ing ngnlnst whose morals thoro can not bo n word said. Such n vondltlon Is due In spite of clgarots. "Whou quostlonod, the majority of girls who seek treatment say clgarots mndo them nervous. Ono girl, wait ing for trentmont, said: "'1 need a puff every If! minutes. It's been 20 slnco I had the last one. You'll hnvo to glvo me a rlgarot or a quicker treatment, for I can't stand It any longer. "Tho need of curbing and killing this dread habit among our young girls Is apparent. We are doing our utmost to stem the tide In Los An-golos.-' YOUNG GIRLS-WHAT AREYOU GOINGTO DO ABOUT T? JHSIiiBHk flK " w !zjr" IN 5 THANKS LIES FOR RfflsmnN nnwFRS j fimrc l'.vnns nnil swim In rlgnii'l 'ollidr. f,U"". Maiden, originator of I the clinic, Is i'1" num hi uniform In the liiicligi-ouiul. V j ', . , FRENCH REPULSE FOE E F, AMOUS ENGMEER CHARMED BY LAKE AMERICAN REPLY 10 AT WASHINGTON. Auic 13. The American repb to the Autrn-Hunar-Imt note protesting agniiuH the ship ment of munitions of war to tu bIIIm al rowdy dlsHtch(! to Vienna, will fc given out here for publication Ih Host Monday morning paiwa. Ti Amrtflai rwvlv rallerataa the view of the railed Slates iliat to Mined an embargo on munitions at tltia tBK would not be In accordance with the prliii-lMl of neutrality as jh-i foil It tu iiitt-niailonal law. Among recent iitnrs to Cr.ilu I.nKe were Ileriuiin Scluisler, ehiel engineer of Spruit: Ynllov Water rnni pjinv, of Nun I'miu'ineo; uUu I'niil .MelCeo, aHHJHtant onhhier of the Mor eiiiitile Nntionul Hunk of San I'mn eioeo, nnd lii hi other DouiiM Mi-K'ee. Mr, SehiiHler, wiiile- a unlive ol rieriiuiny, received Imm education in Switzerland, and hn tm veiled ex tensively Hhrouil viititiuK tho famoiw luke8 of Switerlnud nud otlier Kit ropwnu eountiie, m well in the i'umous lttkeH of ChiihiIii noil the riiited Stulea. He was very ontlnthiiiMtiu over tho honutioa of Crater Lake and thtt neonii wonders of tin. trip, xoiiujt by wny of ProHpoet, Xuturwl HniUte and Itogue River Oorije nnd returning by wnv of Kluiuntli FjIW, the ('nnyott of the Klamath rivar and Klnwnth Hot Springs. Mr. Schtifeltr sava Umt nowhere in hi travel ha he Man a lukt tln.t compare with Lrator ljke, or the mountain roadc that comiwire with tne natural runda that lend In and frutn the lake, and states that Ih- in tend to ad vim a number uf hia fnetid in San Fraueiaeo to iit the lake at the fir-t otMirtunitv. Probe Freight Inoreaie. WslITti. Auf. 1.1. lVo- m.-,.i mi r .i-i-ii i, iti- Hft'rctiuir in'ii mil I -tc.l ti.iiti, tii-ui'the T'aeifii' cott to the ea-t. hne Itern mim-iu). i'il lor nn (.iiiriiii.iii l t It- i oiuiiicn e i Uiiril ,i. To the Udltor; Will you kindly nllow us to uho your columns to oxpross to tho gen erous ladlos of Slodford and Ashland who sont down tho flowers for Roguo Itlvor Valley Day, and hearty thanks of nil hero who nro interested in tho Oregon building's display nnd espec ially tho Southorh Orogon section thereof. I am suro that, If thoso ladles real ized what it groat difference these splendid bouquets umbo In tho up pcarauco of tho booth, nnd tho many compllmonts received, they would mnko it n point to send such contri butions ofton and not watt for soma special occasion. Tho Or on lialldlngi has n repu tation rc?ud to none on the grounds. Thoro U not n "hands off." "don't touch," "keep out," or any othor "vor- boton" sign in tho building. This fact Is ofton noted and commantod upon. Sincerely, 1IKN.I. CVSHICLDON, San Krnnclsco, Aug. II. I'AKIS, Aug. 1.1.-Tho Kronch wnr offlco today gave out u report on tho progress of hostilities which reads: "In the Artols district, a German j attack Inst night to the north of tho I rMkir..., ..r n..Hi.n,i ....... n.. .1 1. v uit-1,1, ui minium nun runny (jui'uiv- ed. "In the ArKonno the Germans Into yosterdny roueweil their attacks In tho sector botween tho rond from III narvlllo to Vlnno-Lo-Chnten and tho ravine of La Houlcttc. They wero re pulsed nfter a very spirited fight In which hand gronadon and bombs woro used. "There is nothing to report from tho remainder of th6 front." Release Yankee Oiler. WASHINGTON, Auk. Ill The Aiiieiicnii oil Kleiuuer Wico, taken by TO SPEAK SUNDAY EVE Kov. Ulysses G, 11. Pierce. I'll. I)., minister or All Souls Unitarian church of WnshliiRton, I). C, has bern Invited to speak Sunday evening By courtney or the Kpliropnl church, tho meeting will be held In St. Mark's Hall. Tho. subject of Dr. l'lerco's addroM will be "Tho Promise nnd Power or tho Liberal Faith." The meeting will he nt s o'clock nnd all are cordially linlted. GOLD HILL BUILD !!1000 OPEN DA E PA ION Cincy Cltili Sale Rumored. CINCINNATI. uk. Hi. Annual (lerinuii wtiivhips In Swiiiemtienile. ; lleriiiiinii, picxidcnl of the Ciueiu Iiiik been icleied anil tncililieo have ntiti Nntiiuial r."ne lta-cliall 'dull, been giwn for repniri to iliiinnve , would nut (Hmmi-. Imluy u reHrl from iiinile when the nlup With liciui; Cliiengo thiil I lit- ( iiieiiiuiiti ltacliall hroimht into port Jiv the (iermiui club wan to he -i.l.l lo W.irten N. prize crew. Curler of I'nuail. n... C. ClOr.l) 1HI.L, Ore.. Auk. 12. Workmen nre eujrngel in Ihe enn-truc-tioh of Gold Hill's $1001) open-air dancing pailiou nnd eutertninment hall. The structure will bo com pleted in ten days. The pavilion i hcinc built under the bit: while oak- of the Kspeo company's Thinl avenue properly, a flito hceurcd by lease. The dnncine; floor and hull will he the largest out-of-door lemple to the "light fniitiiHlio" in the slate, with Ihe exception of Portlnnd. No ex pense or effort will be negleclcd to uive it nn ideal floor for ilnneing. The Htruelure will ho roofed, and provided with upward ttwinginij side wallv, Though financed lv Hold Hill business men, it is understood that the property will he controlled, and eventually owned, by Ihe (healer Gold Hill club. Gold Hill is rapid! v rounding up u reputation ns the "pluv ground of Southern Oregon." The large plens u re pavilion is muli'ilion's nnswer lo JHruSftMiiipeiichnienl. 1'ieienl plans lira fill' !' oitcniiuvilh Ihe IiinI I'n Mill rhrhOit nn luj,eeiunK of Snl urdny, A'u:fl, 'UI.- A J')i'n Oregon will he inWied. nnil fV 'W'luT'l limes of Ihe lit tie" city by fho KoJr.'.'iM nre Hiillieientlv finned to ThSunvnif iiiiciiuniico nun win !;ic tue I res my. wu.ed nnd finilied floor n record hreuking tesl. Afusie of the superior sort, thiil grtuidiiiu lo mem ory of (he gimd old diiya nnd the en valient of IS.'dl, will enliven Ihe oe eiision. Hurry Purler, ilium vii ItioMo, will he u member of Ihul sjMiehal nicliCHlia. The following nfleriioou .Sunduy will ho remembered nn the oceusion of u douhlu play in local amusement inent enterprise, offering a "best over" hull gitiuo nud u wntor fele. A gnino will lie arranged with the Twi light leaguo team of Grants I'nss, eonsidered to ho an all star aggre gation in valley sunt eiieles. The locals hnvo ulso been distinctly "there" thus fur thin season, nnd they will enter the swut Htrife nun wed by tho reputation of their friendlj foeinen. Disposed of nl nn eiuly hour. Il'o hull game will gie place to the unlcr fete, and the scene stall to Ihe club batlunjf licacli. Swimming ihcim nud, diving eonlesls, open to the nquutic talent of the valley or au where else will ho on the lint of event. Tho spaeioua pool of ahulluw water for untried bntlieiii, as fcgua riled hv life lines, and (lie oicu stretch of deep nud quiet river for (he strong wiinmorn, will invite nil to Ihe nlungo. The bathing bench him proven p"pu lur, nud eompeliug swiiuuxis I'lom oilier cities have promised to take pint in the speed and ilium,' con teal. At Ihe recent swimming iiuvl held here, Medford mormon won most of Ihe laurels. All llnee events- pavilion dance, ball game, and wnler fele nic pn posed mid will he can led out under Ihe auspices of the Giouter Gold Hill club. g& & i -1 Trv r-s- v'r' I ft T Abhr v Serve Snowflakes at Luncheon The snappy, zestful, salty flavor of these most pleasing of all crackers, makes them especially suitable for the luncheon menu. They are unique in size, too, having a most tempting and dainty appearance. Don't ask for crackers, say "SNOWFLAKES" ,'At your dealers in generous Wc and 25: packages. Sold in bulk too. Fiesta Creams are really us good as a cake confection to serve with dessert Pacific Coast Biscuit Company u,, PORTLAND, OKIU.ON ''n'!- r The Smiles of the Saiisefid Are the Smiles that Count 10 very (lav. in thousands nnd tliniis.iiids homos, IhiM-t'll ! happy smiles over Hie NEW POST TOASTIES Fill . .11H . . i i. ... ji 1. i.i i iuy re (iiiicrcni iroin uio ordinary oru iiaKcs, both in flavour and form. Post Toast i'cs don't mush i' :. ... ? .. ... i. .i , oowu in cj'i'fiiii as oi'tniiiiiy unices tin inoy nave body and form that koejw thoin ermp and firm. 1...1 ii.. 'm i rm. i , IL I ,. .Aim tue iiavour; i no noai'lS Ol Kti0CM0(l Willi ( corn aro skilfully cooked, daintily soiinfjnod, rolled and toaBted by a new proooMi that brings out all tin (iolit?htrul zest (it the true corn flavor in New Post Toasties the Superior Corn Flakes. Kino with i ream, milk or fruit Try Them and Smile! 0 "L xv k' itzr " r "'m W.- " a jr- i r r x ml " m S-TOSES'S.IN BUSINESS .u v nnd ni:ei:Nna i,.it(ji:i,Yi imy '' 12a Preimmtlon of tho Hlr.h. .1 in- Medford ConS Mills, 200 117 W.' to'S"!)."!." "OtKor USQrB lif PIiolntmout. Phono 170. Pit. It. J. LOCICWOOI),, Chiropractor, nervo epeclnllat Hoorni 203-204 200. Onrnolt-Coroy bldg. Vapor biktliH nud aclcntirio innBango Riven; neecllo epruy, hoad and shoulder ihon-ur In conncctlou; advlco la dietetics, raodlcul cyrnnnitlca, hydropthornpy. Lady nttendnnt. "TIIH SCHOOL Dny nnd Night School now In session nt 31, N. Qrnpo Street, Medford, Or. l'HONK 205. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY THE MODEL CASH GROCERY AT NO. 2 WKST JACKSON ST. Motorcycle Quick Delivery nnd Wo Savo You Money. Olvo Ub Wo Olvo S. & II. Oreen TrnillnB Stnnuis. 5 CENT SALE, Doubkttj?. Stamps with litis sule if you hrinK this ad. Auy hIv ric nitltles in our More. .............. Any hlv 10c nrtlrlra In our Htoru Any hl l!.Sc m tides In our ttloro Nothlns reserved. Articles inny ho nssortcd. ALL GOODS CASH ON DELIVEUY. "8EUV1CE" IS OUR MOTTO III a Trial 11.10 ..... noc . i.aa m m Your Vacation or Trip Is made more pleasant by tho uso of our Travelers Checks no worry about risk or Ions or theft, as whon much currency is carried, You cttn cash thorn whero ever you stop. OVER 22 YEARS UNDER ONf MANAGEMENT s m Excursion Fares VIA THE EXPOSITIONS TO THE EAST Every Dny Until September 30th. Good for Return Until Octoher 31st. Why not el llut most for jour inouey'.' Why not tnlio in tm uomlei'fiil oii eMisltious nt Han I'l-nui'lsco nnil Situ DieKu enniiit to the ICokI. The Miild lias nev er iMiforo iimdiiced tho equal tit the I'aiianui 1'adfle e.H)slliou. Tho lllo piohalily will neer Ihi utteiupt eiluKul... fc.jjrfn.1 .ii . . .1 . Sieuery enrouto It maKiilfleeiit. 1 Aiilouuitlc Safety Signals Kiiaiil the way I'our l''lno Tiiilns 11 day, J'oitliiuil in Kan 1'i'iiiirUrii eoiiiitH'lliii; at Sail lYanrl.s- en for (do South ami ICast. Let ui M'lid you our llliiKtialeil rolilei'H "Wayside .Notes" ami "CalLiiinla uml lis Two World I1mvsI. llmni." SOUTHERN PACIFIC Our local M0it will Uke pleiuro In outlining an Itinerary and furaUlt full Inforinatlon or you inuy adUt 1 I JOHN . RCO'IT, Oenowl 1'asi.eiiHer Ajtent, IViHUwl SE? UJf.