iiaaMWtfMrjitoi8iitt . . Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair, Cooler Thursday. Mux. OO.r.j Jlln. r,.. KM ' Jorly-flfth Year. Dally Tenth Yrar. MEXICANS PLAN TEXAS INVASION Thousand Carranza Troops Reported to Have Crossed Border to Rally Mexicans Banner Fount) Rending "Army of Liberation for Mexicans In Texas. WASHINGTON, Aug. 11. Reports hnvo reached hero Hint more limn 10(10 Ciirrnnxa troops from tlto enm iniuiil tC Ocuornl Nnvnrctto in tho slate of Tamniilpius Imvc moved oyr into TexuS in tlio territory surround ing IJrowiiRvillo and Imvo sonttorod into bnnds to rally Mexicans in the stnlo with tlio announced purpose of beginning an uprising. Thev nro reported to lio under fnniiiiiiiiil of .Iiian Dclns Santos, Vi cente Dnvilla and Carlos flnroiu. War department officials would not discuss tlio report, tint it was aid to liu in their possession and prnb iildy would lie ono of'lhoir reasons for moving the troops to tlio hordor. Ilanner Is ('apt u red HROWNSVILLF, Texas, Aug. II. Forty or fifty Mexicans wero in n running fight this afternoon nliont 32 miles from Ilnrlingen with a de tachment of Foldicrs reinforced by n citizens po-se. These same Moxi cans-wcro seen cnilior ii the day tintling iheir linn-os westward tow ard Mircodcs. Thoro woro fun nbout -10 of Ih'.'in. Itainjcif. today captured in Hidal go county, Vest of here, n Has: bear in tr (bo uoids in Spanish: "Annv rf Liberation for Mexicans in Texas." Officcis her' today, when in formed nfMlie WhsliingTnii report I lint Carranza soldiers lur'o h-cu crossiti" into Texas, said thai they Imvo iiiforinntinu that for several day 3t to -10 Mexicans dailv have liion ornMi.tf into Texas, Somo of them appealed to have boon Caivi'i ra snhliu v. .Many oniricd three carlrhlj l U. Scott Discredits Itcport KL PASO, Texas, Aug. 11.--Miijnr-Gonornl Hugh L. Soott, ohiof of staff of ilio United Stales army, Kiiiil today Ibal ho doubted thf at curaey of doritches report intf n.i iuuinhin of Texas of 100(1 Garranz.i troops in thi. neighborhood of I'.iownsvillu. "I hnve no advices in tlio matter." lie said. WASHINGTON, Aug. II. Gen oral Fnnston reported to tlio war de partment today that bet information lio can gnthor indicates that the bri trandnpo in Cameron, Hidalgo ninl Sta counties, Texas, was caused by Tcxtins with headquarters iu ItrowlM villc, who, having n political fend, cnl bandit gangs to rob and at tach each other. Troops to Ih Sent- Socrotnry Garriui today tele graphed to Gononil Fnnston he would send till the troops available if the general needed them. The secretary said Gonornl Funoton bad not asked for moro troops and that none had been ordored to Texas or been Riven orders to bo in rcndinc-s to move. Tlio war department has referred to Gonornl Fnnston all calls for more troops inolndinsr that of tlio Ameri can consul at Nnovo Laredo, Texas The mnjority of JJinso ongngoil in the lawlessness, General Fnnston re ported, wero rflsidontH of the United States, although some were known to hnvo como from tlio Mexican sido. Secretory Garrison said be had no icport thnt Carrauza troops had en tered Texas territory. If they wero raptured, ho said, thev would lie dis armed. If thev attempted wsUtnnce, be declared, they would be diot. NDIANS WIN SUII E SPOKANE, Aug 11 Tltlo to GL 000 acroB of land valued at more than 11.000.000, comprising the odd numbered section in the Spokane in ilisn reservation, was decided In fa vor of tho Indians and whlto sottlers who had Qbtalnari government pat ents to the tund, by Federal Judge Rudkln, In the federal district court here today. 0 NG CARRANZA TO SPURN OFFER OF PAN-AMERICANS Mexican Chief Notifies Lanslnu. That "Mexican People View With Dis pleasure" Any Attempt Tending to Frustrate the Success of Car rnnza's Armed Forces. WASHINGTON, Aug. 11. Goncral Carrauza, through his Washington agents, today notified Secretary Lan ding that "tlio Mexican people vlow with displeasure." any attempt tend ing to frustrato tlio success of Uar- ranza'a armed forces. Carranza's message referred 4o tlio Pan-Amcrl-can eonferenco nnd was taken ns plainly signifying that ho would not ngreo with Its action towards Mex ican affairs. Carrauza lins Rent a similar noti fication to tlio diplomatic representa tives of all tho I.atln-Amcrlcan re publics participating In tho Mexican conference, saying thnt any attempt between them nnd tho American gov ernment to nolvo tlio Internal situa tion of Mexico, "would Involvo an act which could not ho looked upon with levity, as It would mean on tho part of the Latin-American nations, tho nccptanco of tho precedent that they can take part In any Internal af fairs of a sister nation with tho co-op- cratlon of the United States." CiiriYiuzu Misinformed Cnrranza has evidently hcon misin formed that Ilra7.II refused to partlc Iputo and sent a messago to Rio ex pressing gratification. Ho took oc casion, however, In the note to llrazll to assail tho Brazilian minister to Mexico City who Is now leaving for tho United States. ' ,(, "1 regret to say that Minister Car dosa do Ollvcrn," said Carrauza, "has been one of the persons who have brought tho greatest evil on tho re public of Mexico, and who In a certain way may ho rosponslbjo for tho pres ent ntntus of our rotations with tho govornment of tho United States." I'aii-Aiuci leans Meet XF.W YORK, Aug. 11. Diplomatic representatives of llrazll, Chllo, Ar gentine, Ilollvla, Duatamata and Uru guay and Secretary Lansing mot hero today to net Identically on a plan for the restoration of penco In Mex ico. An appeal to nil Mexicans to' sub ordlnato personal and sottish Inter ests to tho national wolfaro has been prepared. Doth President Wilson and Secretary Lansing havo given It their approval and nfter today's eon ferenco tho communication will bo distributed. Secretary Lansing assured tho Latin-American diplomats who gathered here today to discuss plans for the restoration of peace In Mexico that tho United States In sending battlo shlps to Vera Crua Intended only to afford protection to foreigners and afford them n place of rcugo. Ho ex plained that tho action should not he construed ns affecting tlit effprtn o tho United States to bring peaco by peaceful means In Mexico. N SEBASTIAN PLOT LOS ANGFLFS, Aug. ll.Con-foh.-iou of falsehood mudo by IMith Sorbin, lll-year-old girl against .Mayor Chnrlos K. Sebastian in tho recent morality trial which resulted in his exoneration, was tho. subject today of grand jury investigation. Tho girl's confession thnt hor charges agniiikt Sebastian and Mrs. Lillian Pratt wore false, is snid to hnvo in volved several public 'officials. Charges wore circulated before- the trial, that the accusations wero the outcome of a conspiracy to ruin Se bastian, who was thsii chief of police. The Bid's statement was dictate)! more than two weoks rro but no hint of it became public until the board of county siiiporvwor dclmtwl the miohtion o( tmyinr dwtiHiids of the district MtUmitfy '"r moiwy to liqui date liuaj'd bill lor wiiummim who tetified with Miiw fltvkiu agniitai Swba.tiuH awl Mr, l'ratt, wko was tried and u(uilltl 4' imnutrMlity tliaige with the im'Jor. SERKIN CONFESSES PERJURY MEDFORD. BY IN THE NORTH SEA t4 LONDON, Aug. 11. The Ilritish warship ltnmsey, a "T" .tuttl n tf taut 1m u lifnill ' sunk iu Hie North Sea by tlio flcnunn strnmor Motoor, 'it "" T i'iki rf fijiiiilf ntlltlttttWtml In Him UllllHIII) MIIMl'MIH ' " niuht. Tho Meteor, ns she " was being chnsed by Ilritish "" vessels, was blown up by her I'lmmmiiHui mi' niiiivmMi' adds. - 4 f4 4H BANK TELLER ROBBER! SIORY CFOAIMtAIMDS, Iowa, Aug. II. Officials of the Cedar Haiiids Na tional Hank, which was robbed n week ugo today of $:0,70n, an nounced today that the mystery of tlio rolilicry Had neon ;ienron ny ine confession of Leo l'errin, paying tel ler, that be hud taken the money to settle debts incurriM in land specu lation. l'errin has not been arrested and unless the Daltimmo company which furnishes bis bond, decides on pro- Beeution, may not be. Ton thousand dollars had been re covered. The police sny thnt .1-8000 wns sowed iu n sofa pillow at tho homo of Perrin's mother nnd thnt $'2000 was turned over by an ntlor- noy to whom the paying teller hnd given it nfr A 'retainer. According to tho niinnuneemcnt of tho bank officials and the police, n final attempt was made last night to brenk Ferrin's story thnt ho wns confronted by n lono robber in the bnnk last Wednesday, forced to hand ovor tho money at tlio point of n revolver, and then locked in tho vnult. Kent F. Forinnn, cashier of tho Cedar Itapids Nationnl Hank, Detective Michael MoOu'ire, of the city polico forco nnd detectives from n national agency interviewed him. It wns said that after l'errin hnd been confronted with new oiilonce, he broke down nnd confessed. E OF TAKING ALL OF LinLE BUTTE WATER Chiirges thnt' the Iloguo Ifivor Canal company is taking practically all tho water iu Little Huttc, leaving nothing for those having prior irri gation rights below their intake, nro made by Kaglc 1'oint residents, who .Mute that there is not enough water loft in tho htrcum to koop the trout alive, ltcpcntod protest to tho com pany bring no result and court pro ceedings will follow, unless the com pany turns loose somo of the water. Tho Littlo Hutto wuter rights have not yet hcon udjiidiculed by the Ma'o board of control, though the adjudi cation is oxpeoted this mouth, hence the controversy does not come un der tho jurisdiction of County Wuter Master C'limmiiigs. "Tho company is taking practically all tho wator iu tho stronin," states II. H. Tronson, who us one of the ownors of the Hnglo I'oint ditch was in Medford Wednesday to bein liti gation against tlu canal company. i'Thoro is no water left in the stream and more Jislt arc chins '" the pools than a dozon full ours could plant. Not only that, but the fish ecrocu on the ditch is a jnk and doosn't stop any of the fih which can be seen iu tho pools along tho desert. Moreover, tho uomHiiiv has refused to build a fih ladder for the new ilsm heiujt built at FUh luko, elaiinliiff that they do not have to, as the dam is located in lite furewt re serve." Comity Attorney Idjly state thnt Uwf fish wards 1 has notified tk eom IHiuy that a fish wmv must be con structed nnd failure to comply will ieult in prosecutiuu. ' CONFESSES FAKING ecus MANY ORECION, WEDNESDAY, MIES RENEW British Fords Landed on Gulf of Saros Ofjcnsivc Resumed iu Southern fluid Central Parts of Peninsular-Turks Claim 50,000 Troops Landed. LONDON, Aug. 1 1. Hooognilion of the imperative inipnitnncc to the nllies of foieatg the Dardanelles, is the shortest road to retrieving lliis siau reverses tiiiil rcgnining the ini tiative now ill the hnnds'of Ocruiaiiv, is demonslrii'tcd amply by the sud den binding of the HrjtiHh forces in the icinily of Karaehali on the north of the Oulf of Saros, and ie sumption of the offensive both nl the southern end of Hie (lullipoli H-niu'uhi and north of (labatcpe. Tho Anslralians and New Zealaud ers recently hnvo been strengthenm,: their positions nt '(Inluitepi. Th" new lauding; place on the Oulf nl Saros being on the Hank mid rea. of the Hulair lines if developed would menace the strong Turkish defenses ncross' the neck of tho pciiiusuhu Coming at this lime, when theio is much discussion whether fJ.Miiuin.v will uttetnpl to crush Serbia prepara tory to Puking forces with Tuikoy ly way of Hulgoria, thee developments ul tho Dardanelles iihsumo u spcciii ii!ipitilrPi:e. (eriiiaii Adiiuro Continues As yet thcro is no proof thnt the Germans hnvo withdrawn or nro pre paring to withdraw any "considerable propotlion of their forces from the custom frost. On the contrary, the offensiu' which led to tho fall of Vurnw has not been relnxed, nnd the position of the retiring Ittissiaus is still perilous. Partial dismantling of Vilnn, pre paratory to evacuation, us icporlel from l'elmgrad, is somewhat puzz ling to Hritisch commentators, inas much ns the Russians us-crl they have repulsed Oermun attacks around the JortresH of Kovno, which is rtO miles north wet of Vilnn. Turks A il i I tnMM Landed CONSTANTINOl'LF, Aug. J)!), via Rerlin, Aug. 11, by wireless to Sny villc. Knver I'asha, the Turkish minister of war, declared today that, according to his information, the entente nllies iu thoir Intost opera tions. t the Dardanelles had lauded three divisions of troops, composing about 50,000 men. The losses among th.nn, lie nsseitcd, hnd been very heavy. Fncr Tasha's filatoment was made in nt. Intenicw with a norrespoiidout of Tho Associated Froas. The Turk ish war minister said: "I nm fully confident that wo will ho ablo to keep tho ulhes iu clic:k on tho ("lullipoli peninsula even jf other large reinforcements arc com ing. Wo knew that the allies' action of two days ago wiih due, nnd wo prepared for it, with the result (hat wo were not caught napping. "According to my iiiforinntinn the allies lauded three divisions, nhoitl f)0,000 men. No doubt part of them no longer count, considering the henvy losses they sustained in at tacks incident to tho new offensive. Tho nllud lc "t luoe been heavy so far in tin- new attempt to force the Dardaneile " ICANE INQUE FORT DK 1 RANCH, Murtinque, Aug. 11, Coi -iderable dnmngo was done along the water front bore by a violent storm wlh a beuv wind from the west which broke last evening following o very pereeptihlo drop iu tho barometer. The sea rose high and docks were flooded mid merchan dise dost roved. OLYMPIA, AVn.j Aug. 11. Secre tnry of State Lansing yosterday not fled Governor Lister that tho Can adian government, through Ilritish Ambassador Sprtng-HIco, has com plained that Washington aviators aro flying over Ilritish Columbia terri tory, violating a Canadian ordor-ln- council Issuod lust September. Tho secretary of state warns airman that tho troops oNCanada ure under arms, and regrettable Incidents may occur If tlio practice of flying over Can adian territory continues. EFFORTSTO TAKE ADM AUGUST 11,1915. TO "SOUTHERN WATERS" WASIIINOTON, Aug. It. Secretary Daniels states that bo has ordered tho New Hampshire, Louisiana and Connecticut "to go to southern wnters," and would nnnounco thoir destina tion later. Tho Now llampshlra and Louisiana aro now IS houro out of Newport with Realed or ders nud tho Conucctcut Is In Halt leu waters. ENTIRE RUSSIAN OF HFRLIX, Auar. 11. The leiinnn war office announced today the oc cupation of the fortiess of llenjn- minow, (ho Russian stronghold on the visiuiii noriiiwest oi ui'snw. The sluteiiient follows; "Faslern theater , of war: Tljo nnuy under Field Mirshnl von Iliu denburg easily repulsed strong ml vuuees made by the Russians during the last few days along the Rign- Milan rond. An attack by strong Russian forces from Kovno foiled. The number of Hussions taken prise iieis since the 8lh of August lias been increased to 12110 and of maehiii" guns to 1(1. "South of Lonnrn the entire Rus sian lino is retreating. Tho strong ly fortified sections of tho Caorwony Hrok position -ronld-not-ho-held by the enemy. Our pursuing troops crossed the Caeiwony-Hrok position and lire advancing to the east (here of. The railway jnnolion southenst of Oslrow wns captured. "Knst or Novogoorsiovftl; tho foit rcs of Heiijnmiiiow, which wys en euated by tho enemy, wns occupied. HomliR wero dropped by our a iiwhip on the foi tresses of Novogoorgievsk mid Hresl-Litovsk. "Tho nnnv of I'rinoo Leopold of Ilavnria during n sharp pursuit .on tho left wing of tho nllied troops reached the region of Knluszvn. On the right wing (ho nimy of Oeucral Von Worysch took by, storm early this morning rear gun id positions on both sides of tho Dhinku west of Lukow. More than 1000 prisoners wero taken. "Tho nriny of Field Marshal Von MnckciiKon is engaged in makinir al lanks on enemy positions behind the sectors of Hystren, southwest of Radzyn; Tisnienilzn, vest of Knr czew, mid on the Otrow Uchruek line." ' T TTO TO WASIIINOTON, Aug. II. In ac cordance with Secretary Lansing's announcement yesterday that it might ho necessary to strong-then tho forces on the Mexican border because of brigandage, nrdors probably will go out soon to army ssts to hold troops in readiness if not aeliiully to niovo thuin. Under Major Ociinrnl Fiiustnu's cnmmiiud on tho border aro about 1 1,000 troops. At other jmsts iu continental United States are about l'J.OOO mobile troops. It was being suggested today that if tho ined of troops became imperative it medit be iieeossary to use national guards men. Reports today from Vera Cr-iz, where anri-foieign uprisiiiKM are feared, told of no disorders. The battleship New Hampshire and LouUiiinu nro on I heir way to rein force Comiiiniuler McNumoo's little icunhoat scpindruu iu case It should become necessary to protect lives or propei ty onanist the deuionatraUons of Mexicans in Cnrmujw's tun'ipor ary capital, who rosout tho autioii of the United Statos iu calllugu Pau Auieriunii confereiieo to coinposu Mexicuu affairs, IN RETREATING TH KOVNO N I BORDER I DE HIGHER m ASKED DENIED WESTERN ROADS Interstate Commerce Commission Grants Portion of Freht Rate Advances and Refuses to Sanction Others Advances Small. Cumparitivrly WASIIINOTON, Aug 11. Tlio in terstate commerco commission today granted u, portion of the freight rule increases asked by the western rail roads mid refused to sanction others. The ndvnnees nro comparatively small. On tho items which would have netted the greatest ret'enue, the increnses were denied. Tho roads asked for incwnlus in carlbad rales on eouuuoditJM'.biit did not ask for any uniform ndvanee. The majority of the onmmlj-siiyi look the view (but some of theVrtrtds which wero iu slrnils suffered Trrim had inmiagemmit ami financial opurav lions. Commissioner Daniels anil Harlan, tlio minority!, agreed will? nil the increases granted, contended Hint others should have been al lowed, and held thnt improper finan cial management should not debar the roads from receiving reasonable rates for service. The eoniuUHhion summarized its de cision us follews: Decision Kunminileil "Proposed increased carload rales on grain and grain products consid ered as ono commodity not justified. "Proposed increase from 00,000 pounds to '10,000 pounds in the mini mum carload, weight of grain pro duels justified. "Proposed iperoased carload rates on livestock not justified. "Proposed Increased carload rate on packing house products mid fresh meals, except as indicated between points on the .Missouri river not jus tified. "Proposed increased carload rates on fertilizer mid fertilizer materials not justified. "Proposed increased rates on bi tuminous coal except, as to South Dakota points, justified. Tim rates on coko hero proposed which aro the same as on coal justified. "Proposod increased cailond rales on brewers, lieo and less than car load ralos on dnmontic rieo justified. "Proposed increased carload rates on broom corn not justified. "Proposed iuorensp carload rales on hay and straw whore not Iu excess of class C justified." Affects tho West The decision affects freight rates mainly west of tio Mississippi and in the southwest. It nffoels, indirect ly, every railroad iu the United Slates and the commission today sorvod notice of its notion upon "j;)()0 luryo mid small linos. Tho commission itself has no final cstiututo of tlp amount of the in creases iu dollars nnd cents. From various estimates of record, however, mudo by witnesses for both sides and based upon tho higher figures whero tho cxtimnitm disagreed, the following table, announced iu tho de cision, indicates roughly the annual inorcuso iu tho railroad revenues and tho increases bolujf allowed to go into effect : Grain nnd groin product .fJjOlO, 2117. 4 Livostonk .fl.R0O.000. Packing house products and frosli incuts $li00,O0O. rnal.f,22fl,m. This makes, with olhor itoins, a total of $7,001,217. Dissonting reports woro filed hv Commissioners Daniels mid Iliulau. The retfinn moro particularly nf- (Contlnued on Page Four.) SPHINOFILLD, III., Am?. It. Tlio Union stock yards nl Chicago was liifiiiu mudo a restricted area and ti.v Illinois counties were placed iu oloso ipiaruntino today by federal and sluts authorities, follovwug new out breaks of the foot nnd mouth dis ease. Stato authorities snid the frosh outbreak had boon traced to iufeetcd and ho" cholera scrum. NO. 321. MANSLAUGHTER INDICTMENTS IN EASTLAND CASE Four Officers of Owning Company and Captain and Engineer of Cap sized Vessel IntHctcd For Disaster Bonds Fixed at $20,000 Each Chiminal Carelessness Charged. CHICAGO, IU., Aug. 11. Indict ments chnrelng manslaughter and criminal carolcssncsa wero returned boforo Judge ICorston In tho criminal court today In connection with tho Eastland disaster. Tho captatn and engineer and tour officers of tho St. Joseph-Chicago Steamship company, owners of tho boat woro named. Thono indicted were: George T. Arnold, president of the company. v William II. Hull, vlco president and genoral manager. NV. C. Stecolo, secretary-treasurer. jUJtay "W. Davis, assistant secretary Rniiurcr. ,1'' " ,Tti"'ry..Tff)dir.snnrwtniMt,o,f,'b," fo ea tw' cat jiiMiuvk.,.. manslaughter. jsMiOiiTin witri Wreckers wero readj today to be gin tho task of raising tho steamship Kastland. Docked bcsldo tho East land, a canvas covered scow wns wait ing to hoist the bodies which officials expected would bo found In tho hull of tho ship. Ahovo the scow an Am erican flag floated nt halt maBt nnd strips of black and purple cropo hung from tho canvas covorlng. Twenty temporary coffins wero placed on tho bargo to await tho bodies. Five Counts KiiiicinraUsl The bill against the officials con tained fivo counts, charging: 1. That they knew tho Eastland was unsonworthy mid had no stability- 2. Thnt thoy permitted 2300 pas sengers nboard tho vessel, which Ja more than its carrying capacity. I). That they were negligent in hiring mi incompetent engineer who, because of his lack of skill, was un able to control the hont properly. I. That the crew did not number enough hands to niumigo and control tho Knslland properly. fi. That tho ballast tanks wero allowed to bo out of repair nnd not filled with wuter. Charges Against Captain Against Captain l'cderscn theso charges woro brought : 1. That lie permitted nboard tho boat n turgor number of pusKoiijjcra than sho could safely carry. 2. Thnt ho neglected to warn tho pnsscngers to loavo tho Kastlnud whou it became apparent to him that she was about to turn over. !!. That be was negligent in not seeing (hat tho ballast tanks wero propei ly filled mid in good repair. I. 'that ho was negligent in not seeing Hint tho chalk boles mid gang ways woro closed when the ship was loaded. Tho counts Iu the indictment of Kriokson are iu essential similar to those against Poderscn. (Continued on rage Four) WASHINGTON, Aug. 11. Tba American note rejecting tho conten tion of tho AiiBtro-Hungnrian govern mont that tho action of tho United Statos In permitting ho exportation of munitions of war to tho enemies of tlio Garninnlo nllies, "Is not In consonance with tho definition of neutrality, was on Its way today to Vlonnn, Ambassador Pcnflold prob nbly will presont It to tho Austrian government tomorrow. Tho nolo, It was said, reaffirms the position of the United States that American exporters havo a right un dor International law to sond war supplies to bolllgoronts ablo to pur chase and receive tboin, . . AMERICA REJECTS AUSTRIAN DEMANDS v bV r-i.fl fc V-, 'ri. ,,.