Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 07, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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TTJ -, ,
Offlco Mull Tribune Ilullillng-, 25-17-2J
North 1'lr street; telephone 76,
The Democratic Times, Tho Medfonl
Hall, Tho Mcdford Tribune, Tho Houth
cm Oregonlan, The Ashland Tribune,
BirascnrPTiow bate
Una year, by man - ...ts.uu
Ono month, by mall ,... .to
Per month, delivered by carrier In
Meiironl, Phoenix, Jacksonville
nnd Central Point ..-. ... , ,, , .CO
riftturjliiy only, by mall, per year 2.00
Weekly, per year- - ..- 1.60
Official Paper of thn Clly of Medfonl
Official Paper of Jackaon County.
Sintered as second-olnes mntter nt
MedfArd. Oreaou. under tho net of March
I, 1879.
Sworn Circulation for 1914, 2K8X
full leased wire AHxoeluted l'res dl
pat ol ten.
4 l 2 ) f t 4 l ) i i 4
SiiDBcrlWrn ratlins to receive
papers promptly, phono Clrcti-
latlori 'Mrtnngor ut 2D0R. 4
j. ;.
4 4 4
Tho groat "liberty linll of tliu wont"
tho boll tluit 1.17 year ago tolled
out tho' nown of A met lean Hiiproni
ncy In tho vnot frontlor torltoryof
tho Mlasfsfllppl vnlloy now Ihw nl
iiiuiit fnritoUaii ! the outBlilo world
In tho Church of tho Immaculate
Conception In (hlM llttlo IhIiiiiiI vil
la K.
Next to tho Liberty Iloll In Phila
delphia (ho "Knaklo boll" an It In
known horonboiita Jh tho moat hlstor
Icnl hull In tho country. It Is older
tlinn tho Liberty Hull, now on Its way
to San Francisco; oldor by ton years.
Two years, almost to an hour nftor
tho Uborly Iloll In Philadelphia had
proclaimed tho freedom of tho thir
teen colonics tliu j?rcat boll of Old
Kankanltla rniiK out with the glad tld
Ihkh that a determined band of Ken
tucky bacltxvoodsnion, under tho lead
ership of (icorue HoKorH Clark had
captured Fort Oiiko, at the foot of tho
hliiffH a few iiiIIoh to tho unst, and
had forced the KiikIIhIi to haul down
their .rhiK.
With tho ecliooa of tho ureal boll
Mill rovorhorntlni; through tho val
ley tho Aniorloau flag wan run up
over tho fort and tho groat frontier
country boenmo a part of (ho Pnltod
Htatea of Amurlon.
Took Old Kn-kaxkla
Tho boll rang out hkhIii In triumph
an Clark's force mnrctiod from tho
fort and tpok ovor Old Knaknskln,
(hen tliu territorial cnpltnl.
It Ih twenty five years alnco tho
bell boomed out fur (ho laHt tlino
ono night In 1800, when tho MImIhh
Ippl, awollen to the flood point, broke
through tlio cut off and tiwopt ovor
tlio town. It wan tliu wnrnluK of tho
bell (hut ulHht that aavod' many live.
Hornl yoniB latar, xvbiii an at
tempt wan made to have (bo boll lont
to ('Uleavo to be oalilhltml! tho Co
lumiilan cxpoaltlon, membera of the
hiiivIvIiir fa ml Una nt tha old day
Tliu prluat In charge Father For
l.m waa willing, but Ilia Utile flock
would nut have It. Whn h commute
caiiif from Chicago to got the ball
tli xvaro driven off with nuns.
Mill a woek or two later, In tha of nlMht, tho boll was kidnapped
and ferried arroaa tbo river by men
vims Ideuttty has utvr biwn re
MHled. It win limdtHl onto it train
i'it aa dawn waa breaking and atari-
d on Id Journey to Oliluago.
it wii In 1711 that word waa car
ried to l'ranco that tlio Jeaulta had
t.. iiiirait d far (a th wat Ih the uw
uirloa and oil tli Iwnka of tbo
miahty rlvr hail tab)UuiH! a llttlo
i iiurcb.
To ahow iila plMMHr the Una",
l.mila X., ordarmt a great bronae
Itvll to l9 raat a ad blipd or the
aetta to th hardy urlata. On it waa
Inxurlbed that It wm fur th IHtl
hunh la IIIImU" and "a Rift of
tho klna "
Tbe bU arrived it tb lUtla ehurcli
In Ka-Waakla Cascaaqula the Jtmults
Utd II -In 1 7 IK.
IUh for 1'ivnrli Sel(lu
lraT, hardv folk Vr tho early
'I'reueli rMliro, lth a tm a altered
TdlnjIUk. Titer were the MenartU.
Maueiem, the Vlgoa, Lamarcht.
'lUtaV Bend, the Morrtaona Ud IBd-
(JokHel Pierre Meuurd waa tk
mtM atvaueui - i he ' firt imjui '
lSi8 id hts a the ' Inu bou.-
" TlUi Menard home waa ula (in
Rllil (JlOff Hi'' uiMldmat i.iilli-f lh'
liulla nnd ' u ' '" ''' al"1 ""
the "grand .!
lirmiin boll. ''! " '
i'h .!
II Ji. I. i' I .11 .
out tfsun it ' ' ' " ". i i t . i
At tht Uw. '
I'd on tt H'i'touU uwi ir-iihfd
himiII. littwiin Hi- Mi-i -i, . end
TJ ZR K is in session at Albany, N. Y., a convention busy
drafting1 a new constitution for the empire state. Jt
is presided over by IDlilm lioot wlio is the controlling gen
ins. It is dominated by Win. Jinnies, legally adjudged
cori'npt bi-partisan boss. In the convention are George
V. Wickersham, attorney-geiKM'al tinder Taft, .Jacob I).
Schnrman, )resident of Cornell University, IS. T. Brackett,
republican up-state leader, Al Smith, spokesman for Tam
many Jlall, Louis Marshall, and a hundred other corpora
tion lawyers.
The convention is interesting as its output might be
called the gospel of stand-pattisni. It is bi-partisan, as
political control in New York is bi-partisan, a combination
of the O. O. P. machine and Tammany Hall working in
behalf of Special Privilege, '.,
Here is what the new constitution, as far as drafted,
A liollali prlnmrloH and all tho hoKlnnliiKs of popular government achiev
ed after twenty years of hard flghtluK.
Meniere the boHH-ruled convention nnd pcrpetuato It by constitutional
(llvo tho legislature power to tant flOO-ycar franchises or to mako
thorn perpetual with no provlxlonH to Rafegimrd tho public IntercHt.
MmnHuulate all puhlle utltltleH conimlRnloUH, lunklnu them Jolm with IiIk
pnlni'loH and no real powerH. '.
Oivo tho boHH-controlln'il state leKlMlaturn power to anoemhln ItRolf
nt any time to Impeach or recall not only a governor, but Judges and
alntu officers,
Forbid tho reflation or HwentHbop IniltiHtrlca or the Interferenco with
tenement bIuiiih.
Wipe out nil nodal welfare leKtalallon bucIi an wnrknien'a compenRntlon,
child Inbor lawa, mlnlinum wnso lawn, mothera' pensions nnd employers'
liability acl all branded by Dames na "BoclallHlIc" and mako hiicIi
lawn In fact uucouHtltiitlonnl im "claim loKlslatlon."
Turn over the atnto'H public foreHta (o the lumber Intercstn,
Place city nnd town bcIiooI npproprlatlonH within the power of the
alate lrglnlnlnrc for the couvornlon Into pntronaKO and graft.
The new constitution will he finished September lo and
voted upon in November. It will embody the ideals of
big business. Apply it nationally, add a high tariff, a
big army and a calamity howl, and it would be a fitting
platform for the republican parly at the 11)1(5 election, with
I'Jlilui Wool as presidential
The new constitution will undo all progressive work of
the past quarter of a century. ln it stands revealed the
soul of the republican party, the aims and ideals of the
old order, the Hourbons of America, whom the lessons of
the past teach nothing, who seek only a return of the old
Vet he work of the convention falls unheeded on the
people. The corporation controlled press of Xew York
says little or nothing. There is no public outcry against
the complete restoration of the reign of privilege never
much shaken in the east. The rainbow promise of pros
perity will be held forth and it need surprise no one if
the people again are iuluced to sell their birthright for a
mess ol pottage.
Oknw rlverH. Tho town lay on a bit
of laud known aa IliiKKed Island.
From a French nuttloiuent tho town
panned Into tbo liauda of the KiikIIhIi
and became tbo capital of tho then
tnlKhty (erKory or Illinois. In turn.
In 1778, l( passed from tho lCiiiOlflh
u tho Americans. Tho mlKhty clan
Knr of the hull proclaimed tho Joyful
.Kaiknfkln flourished. Thero tho
assembly met, and with It tho nodal
life or tliu old French famlllou be
en mo ronownnd. N'luht after nlpht
the Menard hoiine blazed with llKhts,
and KUostH danced while the Menard
slnvqa K(iroad tliu IiIk tables In tho
bnuqiiot halls.
Swept Away by Flood
It was on such n nlfiht In tbo
spring of 1S90 that tho flooda
onnio and tho Mississippi broko
throtiBh tho cutoff (o tho north nnd
a wave of water seokliiK n now courso
for tho river bod swopt over tho
Tbo parish priest innnaKod (o reach
tho oliuroh lower nnd rlnj? nut "
brief warning, and then tbo church
crumbled and waa partly swept nwuy
In tho HWlrlltiK. muddy watorn.
NolbliiK daunted the KaskasklaiiB.
Tlioy moved lomo five miles to tlo
other ildo. of lint Ulnm uid slnrled
the (own or .Vow ICnakasUla. Thero
Ihe ehurch of tlio Immaoulato Con
oeptlon wa rehnlK and there Ihe bell
reacued from the hungry river, was
The new Knknklana are "rentorH"
rroiH (be outahla. To (hem the great
belt la iuat 740 pounds of hronxo, nnd
w t alauda. crnekod nnd corroded.
In lt lll-llghtml voalllmlo the areot
llberl) boll of (he Woat.
LONDON', Aug. 7. The Morning
Poat In mi edltoWiU on the lluaalan
vtluNilou anya: ,
We would warn tbo oountry (hat
the all unt Ion I sorloua. Wbalover
urofeaatoHal iipuloK.lHtu may say, It U
cerulu (bat (tuaaia baa not fallen
back from Waranw tor anv olhor roo
sou than the urgent dletnloe or no
OMatiy. "'I grta( eavolnplHg movement
of the Ovrmuu armltw un the north U
uot t over. It la at present being
developed It U h wovuiUHiit must
dauaeroua and formidable and It w'Ul
tajke all Ihe uarlnoa and aktll of the.
gntHd daka ad the maxnlflaeut
leMtueM of the Uueema Infantry to
mi p.- t tlla t for ltUMilu'a ar
miex in i tie great atratoglata who dtr-.-.4
. Ut u-tnau offettstve.
- The eauae of the nteto nouora
at iMi-Hi'iii u on katte wlgw. Tliuro
ih mi iikMiruece am H here Ke only
, n,Ht uhIi wiiuli iiiM.ia forManl
ltoiIKh ll Hltt' I M ' HI locking to
tii. i ik lit h i"l "f i " ' i We it.
.lf.t H.-a in doiliN Hie verv ullllOKt
i. in li u nation - i-,tilil'
The (lienler .Meill'onl eluli will
puel; linen of eul flowers tomorrow
morning ut the o.xliilut liuildiuv. Tlitire
lliiving roHUK, iiul(H, Oiililioa or other
goml vurietv for ileeoniliou who litive
not been solieited lintllv have them
ut the exhibit buililimr by H:llll o'clock
tomorrow morning (Suiidny.)
Let eierv one eou-iiler (lieiiiavlvitH
on the deeorutiou onmtuUtcu I'm'
llosue Itlvor Valley Pay.
Samuel T. llotljreH wan bom in
San I.iiIh Obinio eouuty, I'uliforniu,
Deeeinber V2, 18M. In lHlitl he
eiinie lo Oregon with Inn pnrentrt ve
sidinjf near Tnble Hock, Jih'Icoh
county. In J 8(18 the I'nniily leturned
lo ('nlil'oriiin, milking (heir homo ut
Siinln Cruz until Ihe Kiuniuer ol' IH7:i
when lliey leluiued lo xoulhern Ore
gon mnl lor u number ol' yearn oc
cupied u much in Ihe Meadow d
Iriel. In 1887 he wuh mat tied to Uoru
t. (lull, the daughter of prominent
pioneer puivuK Four uhildien weie
born lo Ihe iiiiiou, Alheil, Mil
He, I Initio ami l.otsy.
The un met diwlh in hi tenth
year by a Irugie neciiUiut.
Durinir (he w eijjht year Mr.
llodei ami family lime niude (heir
home in Hold Hill, where ho wn
aimiur iiiojubor of Ihe finn or Darl
inu & I lodge. I'teviuui to ia n
oeiution with Mr. Darliua he wu
eugitged in the mercantile butueMi.
lie ie Minived by hi wilV hiiiI
three daiiHhter, and hv Id lnothet,
Allen, of Knrekn, Oil.; Murinu, ol
Nnith Mentl, Die.; Seed of Sloekton.
I'al., ami aUter, Mr. Itniuiov, . ot
Heimle, Ore,
Fu tie m I gorviee weo conducted
at I ho roniilunen 'WeduoBdav aflor
nooii, liuudiciU of local nnd nut of
town friend nltoud'uui. Ilex. t'. K.
WliHitou read pwwlly eleetd mh
Mi!ei from the lltble and dHllverod
the Ui ovation. Uovd uad Hon
Stmtton r Ailhtul irave vofgl and
liialrunittital romlering of cowfoil
mg hyiniiH. Seorox f floral tii
butK cocihI the. eakt vfith a
ltrot'uitM ol toudnr lihtosa- 'lite re
uiuhii. xvere taken t Saw VhIW.v
ecmeUry tor iMlerutoiil.
Affai'tiiHiatrtv known to all aawUt
em Oregtut mm Saw," Mr. I lode
oinlMued a rare and Quirt mmtut of
humor, that mad Ma wlhwy a
genial urn', with g atioaur Maf of
In. In i, In, .1 fHdahitt. For Lin
n.'ii.u. tod thy wat HMMy. k
Vake mII and xenial as-
i in'
I TVW MWtl ki.i-t inl inVitt tn.'
'Ill"iril .Mill Ih'HUIiIiiI llilt't. i'l
I'll- . I ..-I I 1 .1
A, ' '
t'igggggHggggKt'w'SMBHl v if i Vv
flgggggggflggggV WaplH ggggggult mm -
VWPrfvwoop.t.Tait-KU'vai?, .
My Nixolli (liecley-Smilh
John L. Siilliviiii i light iig ugiiin.
He Iiiih joined with I lie nnti-uloou
forcofl, is inukiiijr speeches nnd u-iiifr
hi influence iguiut the liqtmr traf
fic I caught him while he wns in Xew
York nnd j:ot him to gixe me u full
uecoiint of Imw he fought the gieal
et hiittle of hi life, n ID-year limit
in which htt fiuitllv kuoekiul out. his
former cuii(ticrnr, .luliti lliiileyeorn.
For it Iiiih been ten yearn ineo
John li., once ulinn-t a fumoiiH for
"hitting the l(inf" n for pniiiHhin
men in the rinr, Iiiih taken u drop of
loliu li. hntl been in love for 20
years with a Mnncliuotls school
teaeher, hut Iicchii-o of hi ilrinkiiu
habit, she uiil ivfu-ed to becotul'
hi wife.
It wtH only when he hud ricu (lit1
xvagon live yeai that he uccepted
him. '
"On March .', ll5, I took my lut
drink of litpior," he (old ma. "If 1
had kept on the way 1 was going, in
nil probability jherc would he, some
where, u little.' (iiinbtoue marked
'John I;. Sullivan,'
"I urn ."ill. Strong, healthy piirent
gave me a stioiig healthy body and
great resolution of t pi lit. I became
champion of the world. Hut old
John llarlcyciiii) knocked me out. lie
is the ehumplondf nil cliiiiiiiiui. N' i
it. Xo (rail i il(luat op obscure
that this muster xvtiodsmmi could not
thread il as confidently a other
men walk tho sU'cyls of a Hinge.
Tliioughout Orogou'lio wn know it
wherovor the uohil followis of the
lump fire met to talk of I mil nnd
game nnd wood lore.
(lold Hill, where iiuuiv year of
tii life were passed, is a neighbor
hood (hut acknowledge it lo and
Its grief, and that, wholeheartedly,
give its -yinpathv to I lie wile ami
fainilv pt it- .ihhcnt
Hejiortod by JockBon, County At
tract Co., Htxtli ami Fir ata.
vm-W. II
Win. II rich
Coleman et
tt. Iteturii of Diiuimon
Frank W. Solon v.
Scxloll. HtllMllutlQU.
W. It V. :
Mnry S. Church.
II. J. lloiniriithUf, C. II. lleunioth.
Soil lor .paitilioii of leal propeity.
lua Kctitiedv Vfb xvibsilev Kciini.iiy.
xoice. '
In the iiittlter uirfldmitiuu of V.ur
C. I'miUy. I'otUlOii
. j - -
li for udoptiou
and loiusnt of niolhor
Heal IWtito .Transfer,
llcnrv Hurt ! AnjlH C. Hart
Lot in HungiilQv tl. Med-
torl, W. . .
Mxrn Halt llctar et vir to
Anna K. O.ildeti, lot 1. blk.
'. t. Jacksonville, VI.
l.ONUON, ug. T Tho reconstruc
tion of the Halkan looguo, tho key
of which ia Hiihjarln uml Its co-opor- i
attou wltii Die allies would fur out-
welah Ih Imoortanto lh losa of War-
aa and wuld watocwHj ba.ten tho
defeet of Ih tlyrmanlQ yoweru, says
ih lmllr Kfwa In ail editorial todaj.
The nnsi.i,vr lkW k0r a tho ean
tercm ' 4 "autW'ean tho mlaU-'
tera ' t!i drukla owtoKle powera .
zzt iiv .... laroiMtr lu an endoa-1
ui lu tiring about a llalkau :re
in. lit
man Im ever conquered him in n
Tight to n finish. And I'm not
nshanied to say the only wuy I could
lick John Hurleyiiorn was by climbing-
out of thoTiug nnd running- mvny.
"W'hikoy has knocked me "loxvn
many n time. Hut l got right up nnd
went hack, only to liu put out once
more. I wim the champion lighter
of the world. They used to sny
everybody wns nfmid of mej hut
booze wasn't ufruid of inc. John
Hurleyeorii was ulwayn challenging
me, nnd it was u long, long- time he
fore I realized theie never can be
but one fini.-h to u hout with hoo7e.
"I mil talking about my-clf he
cnuse I wnii I to liriujr home a dead
ly parallel lo young men.
"Hvery young man i a polcnlial
John L. Siillivnn not in the ling, ot
course, hut every young man has it
in hint to be u champion in his line hy
putting J'oith Ihe het (lint i in him.
' "I eounl every man a champion
who siinnountH obstacles, sticks to
(Im game, never lo-e courage and
makes good.
"Xo man who i a booze fi; liter can
make good.
"I know booze lead to had com
pany nnd had eompauv leads to bad
places, llinl places lend to disease.
"Hooze weakens (he moral 'strength.
"I never licked John llatlcveiirti
until I van awav from him. I ad
vise every young man who wiiiiIk (if
he u success (o do the same,"
Tho speoillost game of liaso ball.
that has elevated tlifs diamond -dur
ing recent years wns the Sunday af
turuoon concert staged by Ragle
Point and Faiichers local batsmen.
In a cuiiteRt that was close at all
tlmos, tho laurels went Ih tho ninth
to Hold Hill by a ncoxo of 5 to -I. Tho
game was marked, not by Individual
brilliancy, but by tbo clover consist
ency nnd team play of both clubs.
F.aple Point led off In the first
Inning with three- scores, the locals
marking time on tho book until tho
fourth, when Kddlnaa and Knatts
made tho circuit. Knqtts nnd Foley
scored In the sixth, tying tho score.
In thu last hair or tho ninth, Harry
I'ovlor loout lumber wrestler, leaned
on a peculiar one for three basos,
Stouwe'H wluglo eeorod hlin, winning
the game. Pelmue mid Lewis batter
led ror the visitors vlth Foley and
Kddlnas serving for the locals. Struck
out hy Foloy 18. by I'elouzc 13. Itni
plroa. Abbott and C.imerou. Official
scorekeoier. Fred Rddlngs.
.1. H. l'nliner, avIio Is In cbnrgo of
(bo Weston studio at Medford, ac
eoinpnuled by bia wife, were guests
of relatives In Hold Hill last Sun
day. Mm. Frank Schmidt and twin sons,
Don and Dan, with her father, J. W.
llnytw, visited for a few hours last
Sunday with friends at Itoguo Hlver.
Herman llouohet of -Condon, Oro
gnu, arrived Sunday for n visit with
bis father. I'. Hourhet. the local tall,
ormau. Young Mr. Hourhet Is on the
way to (be fair and will probably lie
Joined at this city by bis slster,who
la also PApeotlug to mako the trip to
the exposition.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs James An
derson, near Cold Hill. August 1st,
a flue ten pound daughter.
Coroner John Porl motored to Cold
Hill from Medford Tuesday. He was
aeatuMitlea by his wife and several
'r O F Wlnklobeck left last
Sunda? luorning for her home at Mln-
John A, Perl
Lady Assistant
I'lionea M. -17 and 47-JU
jAmbulanro Service Ooruaf
- " .'I
neapolls after having been the guest
of her dnughtcr, Mrs. C. A. Peterson
for several months. She will settle
up affairs In the east, while Mr.
Wlnklobcck Is making arrangements
for bis assuming chnrgo ot tho flour
mill at'Ccntrnl-PoInt, nt which city
they expect to make their futuro
Professor nnd Mrs. B. 0. Harding
of Koguo Hlver visited with old
friends several days tho first of tho
week. While here they stated they
expected to leave Saturday for the
'FrlBCo exposition.
Verne O. Hlue, In company with
hs aunt, Miss .Nell Pygall, were
guests at the l;omc af Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Kellogg, on Tuesdny and Wed
nesday, rro'ni Ashland, air. Blue, whq
wns at one time teacher or (ho 7th
and 8th grades in the local scboolB,
has for the pnst two yearn been a
member of the faculty of the Iolanl
school nt Honolulu. He will sail for
(he Hawaiian Islands (ho lngt of Aug
ust to resume bis position.
Or. David M. Hoberg of Portland,
xvho will succeed Or. Calvin S. Whlto
ns state health officer was In (lold
Hill last week for the purpose-of
appointing n local registrar nnd Intro
ducing tho new Inw requiring tho
registration of all births, deaths, bur
ials, etc. Mrs. Myrtlo H. Day was ap
pointed registrar tor district 27, and
will lucludo besides (lold Hill, Sains
x alley, upper Sams valloy, Beagle,
Asbestos, Tolo, Hock .Point, FootH
creek and Onlls creek.
Dr. It. C. Kelso, J. H. Bcoman
nnd Justin Wilson xvero nt the coun
ty seat on legal business Monday.
Mrs. Clnudo Shaver and her sons
Claudle nnd Woodrow, spent Wednes
day at the home ot (ho Myers family
nt Hoguo river. ,
C. H. Prlco returned Inst Sunday
from Blodgett, Ore., whither ho went
on nn auto trip with School Super
visor ChaFO.
Miss Katlo Foloy dopnrted Thurs
day for Bail Francisco whero sbo
will visit the exposition -while tho
guest or rrjonds for tho next fort
night. Dr. C. It. Hay, manager of the
Bradeu mine, returned to this city
Wednesday from n trip Into Califor
nia. He reports that threo shifts
will be put on Immediately.
Ezra F. Webber of Sam's valley,
associated with John T. Peterson nnd
Leonard II. Dlomauist, recently com
pleted n denl xvlth H, H. Moore ror
the purchase of timber upon tho
Hammcrsley tract, situated beyond
tho Pcltou rnnch. From "M, S. John
son tho partners purchased n, modern
sblnglo mill, which will be Installed
on the property nnd opernted by a
gasollno engine. They will inanu
facture shingles nnd box sbooks, for
which thero Is a strong local de
mand. Tbo modest manufacturing
venture will meet with Increasing
success, it Is predicted.
Mr. and Mrs, Fermln Zena, for
eighteen months past residents of
Ashland, wehro they conducted n res
taurant, have returned to Cold Hill
and will henceforth make their homo
In this city.
Mrs, 11. I). Heed departed on Sun
day for San Francisco. Sho will re
main In that city ror several weeks
as tho guest or Mrs. I.elgh Hunt, rec
ently or this city.
Deputy Oumo Warden Itlloy Hani
morsloy nnd wife c.imo down from
Willow Flat Monday atternoon, fol
l.o wing u mouth's stay In that Ideal
habitat or big game and llttlo trout
On Wednesday Warden Hammcrsley
returned to tho Evans creel: forest,
accompanied by his brother, John
Iluiniuorsley, the noted local nlmrnd.
On August 1st John Eddlngton, for
i "
Medford's Leading Theater
Cool, Comfortable, Well Ventilated
In His aroat Comedy Hit
In Txvo Parts
Three Act Comedy Drnmn
Her Vocation
Augustus Phillips. Sally Cruto nnd
Margaret Prut8ng
Essanny One Part Drama
The Call ofYesterday
"The' Scoffer Who Fell Hard"
Kssanay Three AcJ Feature
The Counter Intrigue
With Bexorly Bane nnd Sidney
n Alnsworth
Sollg Western Drama
The Parson Who Fed West
VltasrapU Comedy Drama
With Mr. and Mrs. Stdnoy Drew
The Honoynioon Baby
It's May a Big Shaw at the Pane
aret show picture. ' Midnight at
Maxims Regular price
several years foreman of the River
side orchard, Merrill and Helgle's
model country estate, resigned from
the position, ho so efficiently filled.
His successor Is Dill Pankoy of Cen
tral Point. Mr. nnd Mrs. Eddlng
ton will leave for Prospect where
they will recuperate during the re
mainder of the summer season.
Mrs. Wm. Steuwo nnd Infant
daughter, little Kntherlno Claire, nc
conipanled by MIbs Claire Baker, ar
rived from Portland Tuesday after
noon any arc cozlly at homo In tho
Caldwell residence, which Mr. Stouxvo
had prepared for them. "Bill' will
now dlxido his time between that
Incomparablo mine, tho "Hed Rib
bon," nnd that Incomparablo child,
Katberlno Clnlro. The return of the
Stouxvo family, to make a permanent
home in (lold Hill, In cordially wel
comed by many rrlends.
The Romance of Elaine
Henry Waltham
Ashes of Dreams
Drama in O'uo Par,t ,
Comedy, Ono Part
COMINO: Monday, August Oth,
Ono Day Only, W. II. CRANE IN DA
Prices 3 nnd 10c
Tlio undersigned will leavo Frank
LowIb' confectionery "every day cx
copt Sunday ror Mcdrord with his
auto at 1 o'clock p. m arriving at 2
p. in. Leavo Nash hotol, Medtord, at
5 p. m arrive at Eaglo Point nt C
p, m. A pajt ot tbo traffic Is solicit
Eaglo Point. Oro
Always pleases the young nnd tho
old. Just tlio desert tor theso hot
days. It's pure, wholcsomo and re
freshing. Prompt delivery on nil Ico cream
and butter orders.
The White Velvet
Ice Cream Co.
Phono m
32 S. C St.
E08 Bust jMain Street
Tho Only Exclusive
Commercial Photographers
iu Southern Oregon
Negatives Made any time or
place by appointment
Phono 147-J
We'll do the rest
K. D. I!aTONs Prop.
. ?t .
S.i :&:
&Hf!iXV,:u-.l55 "Ntjrwt ;u
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