Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 07, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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. "ST
Mrs. John a rob ami daughters Ml mi
Frances and Mole motored to Mod
ford Saturdaj attending to business
matters. .
Oporgo ManaHeld nnd wlfo of Pros
pgdf nro apomllng tho day In Mod
fdrd, , Jeg DavQ Wood nbout that flro In
surnnco policy Oftloo Mall Trlbuno
George Foreman of tin) ApploKato
Is snojidlnK the day In Medford at
toudliiB to btintiioeB matters.
'Nono Ilaltor Hroad" ton yoars In
Medford, at your Brpoors. 120
Mm. H. H. Patterson nnd daughter
Miss Jonnotte, nnd Miss Mildred Wr
, wicks who lmvo bean upending Hih
last month visiting friends and iln
tlvca In Klninnth onunty and Norlh
, prn,CnHfornln, will rolnrn this after
noon. Iloef .Scrap per snek. Oyster
Sholls 11.50 per mirk, liiirjialti for
this week. Moiiareh Hoed & Food
Co., 317 K. Main St. 1IN
Joe Knlh or Orlffln creek la spond
Iiir tho day In Medford ntlondltiK to
buslnoM matter.
Volvot Ire cream nt D" Vim's
Tim flint rar or llnrtlolle or tho
season Ih lielnx shipped nut of tho
vnllny thin afternoon by K. M. Mo
Kennoy from tho Stewart orchard
near Central 1'olnt. Tho first ear
of tho season or tho Hokiio Hlver
Krult nnd l'nViluco association will bo
hipped out Hundny. Tho two con
fdflnmenta niarlc tho oponltiK of tl
-pear fihlppliiR neasoli In Hoiitlioin
A. new nnnin for an old product,
"Nono Ilotlnr Hrond." ISO
Mm. Laura Craves, orrostod by tho
pollen the flral part of tho week for
drunkonoss In inibllc, and who wan
found nRBoclatliiK with trumps lit tho
unrrott of a deserted shuck on Front
stroot, h nt III In tho city, under po
lice Burvolllnncu. 8ho wrolo to Cali
fornia for money, but ban rorolvotl
no roaunnsn.
I tako prldo In making your wntch
keep perfect tlmo. I bavo ovory fa
cility for doInK flno watch ropnlrlns.
Johnson tho Jeweler.
Tomatoen throunh tho Horiio river
vnllny nro rlpenlnn fant undor tho
warm Htnf and the cuunliiK of tho
.vi'KClablo lll bpjjln tho middle of
next week. Tho crop thin year In tho
larKOBt In tho history of tho valley.
Soma of (ho crop will bo made Into
catuup for local consumption, most of
this nupply now beltiK iihlpped In
from California nnd PIltsburK, Pit.
A chanro to got n hlfth i;rado flour
nt n low price. Wn bavo just ship
pud In n ear of thin flour and will
fell It nut at $1.10 per sack. FroMi
Corn Moal .US a naolc. Monarch
Hood nnd Peed Co., S17 1C. Main.
F. Y. Utter of Condon, Ore., I
HponilltiK a fuw itityH In the city on
Christian Science mirdi nod books
Medford Hook .Store. 118
A ahotvor of meteors visible till
over Ilio United States ! prodlotod
next Monday mid Tuesday nlghta by
tho iislronoinors of the Ht. I.ouli uni
versity. The display will bo In the
nolKhborliood of the lolar Mlar, nnd
cnuiotl by the disintegration of a
coinot Ioiib sluse paesml froui iliiht.
fM that auto wheel craokit HUd
poiw It deeds ruin We mako an
solid At new. at a email oxneo. 1111
llua Cnrrlac and Auto Works.
Uolmr Uetekell and family have
rgturaed. from a trip lo Ran I'rau
ultoo and the IWIA fair.
The It. C. wleh to thank all
wkA mHtrllMlHl t the Ic ireaw eo
BlMl UeW July Slat at Mra. Ilarta
A liaiMK vuo of tkanka was etediMl
to IllibsHUd Klna fur muslo furnlah
Oil. ObI. It. 0. Waebbum uf Table Hook
U ajMHdlHg the d(iy In thU Hty tw
lfaep the fllea from bothering the
OOWt. t'a Couker'e Fly Kaocker hh
Ike ouwa ami RtH mora milk. Try a
mm. Monarrh Seed ITf4 Co. SIT
liMt MalH It. Ill
Attoraey U. F. Mulkvy of thla elk)'
will widfeea nmHhi aenleea In Caa
Ul Hall nt Oenlral Point Bandar
-Jlrat ghowlng of toll eoaU and
MlU at lb QoMan Uule Saturday.
i 117
Tfc tutuMWl aervleaa o( (. MIUu-
ifCHri, a HMHuber of ta loeal Japan-
aw reJoay w hd Friday evealna
Htm tie Weeke l MeOowaa ehaiwl.
mDUonlly the entlro Japaaeee eol-
WUT wa la attendance. TWo roaiata
yr tdtltpod to Portland, where
tkoy will ha enmeiiHt and aaloiNid
to Jauan la aceordanro wltk tna last
Wfcii of Mluuwurl Tha widow will
AaMJttpea the aahee to the fataor-
IJa Vue rarrl ta)e Wat ltto of
five ejjat r I km re In the ttty.
Nick K'"" ' ' ''' ' oreo dla-
trlet Is aiK." ''- '' ''. la tke ettr
HrndlM 1 Iue4uti mattora.
.lohaaoa. at the Uok BMfft, an
Ck rt watch reuMfT
I --' llir .if la. kit. nt lite S)PMBt
r i -1 u'li inuui in .""i.l HiiejejnV
M r. haaU LmUvj. : TU SUaitfl.
JameH ICgau of MonlnRiie, Cat., in
ninonK tho out of town visitors In
tho city.
Miss Novla (LounBbury nnd MIbb
Nottlo Frnzuro loft Saturday morn
Inn for . San Frnnclnco, wlioro thoy
will attend tho fall mllllnury open-
Tho only think on whlrh tho nr
mlos of Kuropo BRreo In tho Corona
typcwrltor. Medford Hook Hloro.
1 !
.Too H. Hconmn of (lol.d 1 1 lit spuut
Friday nffefnoon In Medford nttond
Inc to buslnenfl majLtors.
"Tnxl-n33M Jfjq anywliuro In , city.
Kormorly AIco Tnxl. Now offlco Nah
Hotel. Phone H3.
The 1915 door season opono n
week front tomorrow, nid thoro will
lib tho roKiilnr oxodun to tho 1iIIb
the lnjtor part of thp week for tho
oKnlin allot. Deer nro roportod .to
be plentiful u tho Applop,nto dlilrlut.
Many of the host huutors In tho elty
and valley will postpone their trips
until after tho Hrst nmli iih n pro
cHiitlonary measure. Tho openliiK of
the deor soason tho pnHt two ycara
has been marked by Kilin triiKedlofl,
due to the enrolossuosR of huntora
In not doturmlnlnK whether they woro
flrltiK nt a man or n doer, until too
Lantern plcturos nt M. K. church
Sundny iilght.
llal Staler ban relumed from n
hiisliioftft trip to Portland and other
northorn pnltita.
A BOfllnl i;ohio1 tiieHnnKO In pic
tiiroa nt tho M. K. church Hundny
A tolexram wan rorolved In thla
elty Inst night from Aliordnen, WiihIi.,
liiKton, unking for tho whnreaboulH
of Hud Ainlornou. Audoraon Is nup-
poncd to bo oltltor In Pondlnton, Ore.
or lila homo town, Vniirouver, Wn,
Woatnn Cam era Shop tor flrnt claRn
Kodak finishing nnd Kodak supplies.
Ad WoIkubI, woll known In this
city for his pitreliOHO of n rnnoh near
KiikIo Point, wiih dr u libod by a third
rntor until ml Joo WollliiK, Friday
Ilomo-mado pnHtry nt tho ShaHta.
(leorno HlaterlnK of Kalamazoo,
Mich , Ih nmniiK the custom jiooplo
In tho city this wook.
Safety and norvlco. Wo rIvo both.
IIoIiiioh, tho Insauranco Man.
K. W. Ilyan of Klninnth FiiIIh Ih
spending n fow dnys In tho city nt
tcnUIni' to IiiibIiiohh mnttors.
Tho condition of (louornl William
SooyHinltli, cnnflnud lo tho Sacrod
Heart hospital tho Inst two wcoIih,
showH n steady Improvement,
Fresh ronstcd pennuts nt Do Voo'a.
Tho state forestry departmont wna
called out laHt iiIkIK owing to n flro
raging In underbrush west of (IrautH
Mrs. 0. K. (lohlo, toacbor of tic
piano, oxperlonuo 8S years, Ih pie
pared to uci'ommndutn pupils nt 'I'l.'l
18ast nth. 122
County Aseeesor Y. II. Crlevo re-
luiiKtd Friday from a short trip to
ICIk creok.
. O. Falrloy of Tlllnmook, Oro.,
returned Friday to bis homo after
spending a week In this city and vol
loy on b'jslnoes.
Quirk servlco for your Kodnk fin
ishing. Roe Weston's Camera Shop.
Frai.k Ituy and Iloraco Hromloy
Ihmvo tomorrow on u trip to tho San
Fi'HiwUro ovposltlon. Thoy will ho
one two weeks.
Also Tnxl, lfte any whoro In city;
prompt calls, couifti! driver; phono
Faritters are warned Hint If tbolr
doga follow them to town uumtiaslod
tho nro liable to eh placed in tho
iltt npiind, for lolntlnn or the city
ordlnanre ICvory FrMny and Hnlur
day from eight to n doioit doge onit
be aeeu running Ioimk on Main strm't.
J. O. Clerking, tho boat nil around
photographer In southern Oroson.
Always reliable. Negatives made any
where, tlmo or place. Studio 'J2S
Main St. Phono 3S0-J.
K, ('. Dan of firnnla Puss attend
ed to business mattora In thla city
Thursday sfteruoon.
John Itelliiiger Is aufferlug from n
slight Injur) to his hip.
Ow your butter, oggs. oroani. milk
dan butler milk nt Do Vim's.
Mrs Kd (1 Hrewn has keen eon
fitted to hr home b a slight tlueac
Rho Is InippovlMi.
Have ynii tried one of thoso Ko
nillk shake at DeVoe'sT
Charles Hunter of Ashland spent
Krldar In Maslford on huaUtoas.
Ilsklyuu or 0Uoatla water, 10 per
bottl at Do Vao'a.
(llean Conall and wife leave thla
afternoon on aa auto trip to Orator
Take your watch to Johnaon. the
Jeweler. )o ll rwlve unusually
good aervlro.
Thr rutiliti koiul will BJMOt M ON
US ' uturnlag lor furtkor
4tia of the mtoailun of nnoolntlac
Mtkololal to aucoeod M. 1. Hoar
d-ca. reeicBjod.
tr C. U Ray of tho BraJo mlno
I I'vadtm. tht week end In hMford
tn his 'nmtl aad attending to boa
iojhh nsattore
vqq iaTir m tiLevfcuT.
1 tteolr-
ftHl4 WXIM hlrt
JIIM. for
Chart Ratify Co
Martin Wolf, a messenger boy, sus
tained a badly scarred face last night
when n wheel ho was riding on n'
pebbly rond collapsed beneath him, )
throwing him heavily to tho ground.)
It. T. Vortln of Snlom Is spending ,
tho day In Medford attending to
business mnttars.
Waltor Norrls, an employe nt lb"
P. W. Hnmlll orchard received n
dlslocalod nrnt yostordny afternoon i
when tho, hnyrnok In which ho wai'
riding tipped over nnd throw him to,
tllo ground. ,
(Jcorgo Urny of (inllce Is a bu I
neis visitor In tho elty today.
storv hour for children will bo
liobl at the library next Snt'inlin
mirntuj nt 1(1 fl'clock. Thoro will
boin.'sifocltl program and tho itorl.
rill I id told In the pnik If tho weatb
Cr Is nlco. All llttlo people are In
'Tho' nubile library loport for Julv
shows that ft'l books woro added to
the collection nnd Hint 31.15 boo In
anil mngazluos woto tnknn out for
homo uso. This Is nn nvorao or
132 por ilny nnd n gain of 52 1 over
Inst July.
The police oro making nn cfrort
to rocovor Ilia f 100 worth of Jewelry
iitolon from tho homo of Mrs. Lou I).
Jones on Iloosovelt nvonuo a ninth
ngo by tho trio of yoggien nrrostod
nt Auburn, Cnl. A sultcnHo contain
ing tho loot was shipped to ttono,
Nov., by nn accomplice of tho gang,
(ho operations of which woro rovonled
by tho confession of tho youngest
membor n fourteen year old boy
iinmod Jluuny Wilson. It is oxpoctod
that iih sono riK IJio California an
thorltlos have fliiliihcd using the Jow-
olry as oylilunco It will bo alilppod
back to (ho owner In thla city. Most
of tho Jowolry wmt heirlooms of the
Jones' family nnd highly prized.
Though confident of their guilt whon
nrroBtod In this city, tho authorities
could not hold them on account of
Insufficiency of ovldonco nnd Inrom
pleto Indontlflcntlon.
Tho Australian bnnd npponrod at
tho Natatorlnm last night nnd gavo
ono or tho best musical programs
over heard In this city. Thoy will re-
n point r tonight and dosorvo a largo
Tho troupe Is on n tour of
tho woild, and composed largely or
schoolboys. This nftornnn thoy will
give a froo exhlbltln of Hwlmmlng
at tho Nat. Swimming Is n nntloual
sport of Australia.
In tho Clnclnnntl gnmo In lho Nn-'
tlonnl leaguo Friday with New York
Williams wiih purposely passed In tho
ninth Inning by Pltchor Perrllt. Two
moil woro on tho bnsoK at tho tlmo,
mid tho Hlabmnn wiih ufrnld tho
fnrmor (IrnntH Pass player would rap
out a hit. Tho next batter poled out
u slnglo nnd won tho gnmo. AVH
HnuiB has been hitting over .300 slnco
he entered tho big brush.
Mrs. W. F. (Irirrin and dniiRhtors
who hnvo been visiting their parents,
Mr. nnd .Mrs. I). D. Soils, nnd olhor
li'louds and lolatlvos, hnvo returned
to tbolr home In Horkeley, Cnl.
SALICM, Ore. Aug. 7. Fearing to
Jump to surety because thoy woro rol
lowetl by mi nutomobllo carrying
armed guardi, thlru-sovon convicts
on an aiitomohllu truck woro struok
by a switch engine of (ho Snlom,
Fulls City mid Westorn railroad in
this city jeatonlii). Soon woro ser
iously Injured, tun of whom It la
r oh nd will die, mid twenty other
sustained slight ciita and bruises.
The tout Ms ui' being returned
lo the prison aftor a din's work In
tho flax fields. The nol. ntatlo by
the truck pioteiitt'd the driver from
hearing tho approaching rnglnr until
too late to avoid lho crash.
Notiro Is hereby given that the
firm or Hosier & Close has been dls
nohe.l. All bills rocolvalde will 1h
taken caro of by Mr. Doslei'.
Httte.1 Aug. 7th. 1015.
Tell Us What You Want
Dun't lot tho wnrui wtutliii kt(i vim fioiu'liaviiitf jut what yn wait,
wlnui yuu witnt it. If ytm Fiml !luppiiiK in ii'istui n taak, t-ultivHte the tlt'
)lumo tin bit. ' x
ih nuiiutaiiuHl fwywir isnivciiitnit' nul w hpi j4ul you will w It ftiely.
When yuu need auylliiiitf in oiu line jus i fNiuuo m and mv how quWwty Uie
jptmU will U (ielivensl.
Oui'HltH-k bt very eomplele aiwHn mle up of quality icuorUt, n'ou wy nl
wiiy U urtMf uettiniu: jiwt wlut Witt want.
OtMKln- rxehdllgeil if ipt stisfaeioly.
nRawi3Brt, - '''JwSISEBTieanlwuHJlBBnnnnnw
At the Cliurclies
7:S0 it, in. Holy Communion.
11 a. in. Morning Prayer.
Mr. F. Coorgo Jonulngs, tho lay
roader lii'olinrgo at Omnia Pass will
conduct tho sorvlco nt Sloriilng Pray
v' Oil In die ClmrWi
(Houth Onkdnlo Ave)
First Mass Kunday at 7:00 n. m.
Second Miihs at !':K0 n. in.
Hvnnlng 'service at 7:80 p. m.
ItlCV. JOHN POWISK8, Uoclor.
Flee .McIkmIm,
(Church Corner 10th nnd Ivy.)
Sunday school, 10 n. m.; pronch
Ing, 11 n. ,m.; preaching, 7:30 p. m.
Midweek" prayer mooting Thursdny,
7t30 p, in, Theso sorvluos nro froo
ntnl open to nil. Como and worship
tho Lord with us.
J. 18. HKADLKY, nBtor.
Oakilnle Avenue Methodist
Sunday school nt 10 a. in.; Imp-
tlsmal service and preaching at 1 1
'" ami s p. in. by Hov. 10. II.
i Mowne, P. K. Tho fourth iiuartorly
lOonferepcij, will bo hold nnd all
uiombers nnd filondH or this chinch
J nro roiiiestei to bo present. J4p-
worth Longuo nt 7 p. in. Prnyor
meeting Thursday ovonlng.
H..M. HHANllAM, Pastor.
I'li-st Clniisli ,of Clit'M, Scientist.
Hundny crvlc at 1 1 o'clock. Sub
ject, "Splift."
Wednesday ovonlng toatlmonlnl
meeting nt JJ o'clmik.
All nro cordially United.
Sunday school at 10 n'rloek. All
under the ago of SO arc welcome.
This .Sunday's services. Including
Sunday school, will be hold lu the
Nntatorium, owing to Interior dec
orating of church edifice.
Plit .MetlmdM lplol
At the Flral Methodist ttplsconal
cliuri-h, corner of Fourth and Bart
lett stretds, Jtev. J. K. Hawkins, pus
tor. Morning sorvlco 1 1 a. ut. 8ortuou
subject, "Tho Office Work or the
Holy Huli-lt."
There will bo a stcreoptlcon lec
ture at tho S p. in. aertlro, topli?,
"The ocii Aapect of Korelgii Mia
alone " This lecture Is based large
ly on (he book wilt ten by I'realdont
W. 11 P Fhiuico of llrown HHlveral
ty. The ilqtii:o are of ram uierlt
and will lnfelj:4 as widl as autortnln.
Most oxfcaltaut muslo Hill foMture
Ute aorvlflea, to whit It all are cor-
dlnlb Invliwl.
P'itNt, Cliiiitbin (Imreli
I Corner Ninth and Oakdnle.)
W mitxt iMtrneoUy dealro that you
attend our srvtee Sunday. Our
morning nroahlaa service begins at
I A: 15 with a roiI sermon.
Kvenittg. S o 'clock, subject: "Tho
Potter's Clay and
Hrokon Kartken-
ware' 'Ibis dlic(iur:o will Interest
you and I want ott to hoar It. Wo
will have a soloist sing Hutterworth's
llttlo poem; don't miss It.
Sunday school ut lifi. Wo nro
taking a frosli start and want your
co-operation. You uudorstnnd tho
nood of It.
C. 13. Souloty nt 7 p. m. LnBt
Sunday ovonlng wo Iiml n very lnrgo
and Interesting meeting, so will It
bo Sunday ovonlng.
Mid-wook prayer moating Thurs
day ovonlng ut s o'clock.
IIAItltY K. TUCKKIt, Mlnlstor.
Celilnil Point (liuiTli NV
For tho past four weeks the four
congregations, Mothodlst, Ilaptlst,
Prnebytorlnn nnd Chrlstlnn, hnvo
had most nticcossful Sunday evening
sorvlco togothor. ICach pastor In
turn linn preached. An oxcollont
spirit or fellowship has boon mani
fest nnd tho meetings hnvo boon
bloBsed In. ntendnnco, Intorcst nnd ef
fectiveness. Wo look for still gront
or hlosslngg In tho future. This week
mnrks tho boglnnlng of tho series
In which wo nro to hnvo with us nn
outsldo sponkor each evening. Tho
pooplo of lho community will bo
plonsod to know Hint Attorney 1). F.
Mill key or Medford has boon secured
for tho coming Sunday evening. Mr.
Mulkey will glvo uso nn cducntlonnl
lecture on "Tho Scienco or the Illble."
Itomombor tho mooting Is nt 8 p.
m. In Contra! hall and don't forgot
to toll your nolghbor.
"The Church with n Cordial Wol-
'MornliiK sorvlco 1 1 o'clock. Sub
ject. "The True Haala of Christian
Llvoing," Hov. F. W. Csrstens, imib
lor. ICvonlng sorvlce 8 o'clock. Subject,
"Umwllt," Hov. Dr. Myron W.
Ilaynoa, financial agent of McMiun
vlile cnlloK.
8iecla music at tho morning sor
rlce: Quartette, "Jeans My Savior Look
on Me." (NoYln.l
Ooapel duet. "If Christ Should
Come" (Meredith.)
At the evening service:
Quartette. "How Uiug Wilt Thou
Forget Me" ( I'flueger.)
Kolo, "Ills Word Is Love." (Hur
lelah.) Miss Fldelea Momii.
Kujidsy echiHil tl: 15 a. in. "The
I'cace Maker and the "Dig mirk."
II. Y. V. V. 7 p. in.
KubJt, "Ho we can promote the
temperance reform." Leader, Miss
0he Johnson. Solo Mr. Vestal.
There a HI lie a H. Y. I'. I' social
at the resldotti't of C. C. JoIiiihiii,
South Oakdale on KriiU evening,
August i:ilh.
Haittutt quartette. Miss Floreme
llaatilrliii, Mr. J. M. Creaslev. Air
Voetal. Mr. louia Bennett. Plnulft.
Mrs. II. K. Marsh.
Many hopplckera nre In demand In
Willamette Vslle) for net mouth.
The Colutubia river salmon run for
thla year Is tho beat en rc-ronl.
( id. I". Ilnler mill I'atniK pn-wt'il
, tlil-miill Hie eit lmJ ell roiile bo lie
iilurn three lliotixnnil mile mmor
lour of Cnlit'oriiin. They niM-nt a lav
in ywmu Hie fiiiiihit wmhllH '; tll0 WTy nart.of tho production and
bull fnrlit town over tiie bonlor. "u.tol.,.MlMtll, .AmUinv tlirnticlmiii
i-itVs California lots iiothinc on tin-
wnv of line lihjltttity from the dnml
jieint of witiit gmtiilrui' mnl (wrled
eoiitiiielion tiiml lo (lie Stskijou
grade from Aslilnml soutli.
"Tliere ii no frntl region (o eom
pnre with (ho nnlurnl Innntv or llie
IJifgue nver vitlley. Sfule liift!iwa
eonstmelion ii under wuv from one
end nt ('Hliforniii to tlie other. Coii
orele foundation nnd lidnminotH
wenHng uirfaee, or Mliilltlii fonnx
of eonitiiietiiin nre tlie only pcrmii
nenl higliwu.v built theie. No uii
ilresscil eoneielo is iihii!. Tin tnlo
higliwuys nte pnielienllv ilnoo viiu.
building one yenr for lho grade, oiyj
year for tlie eonercto foiiiulnlioi nnd
one your for (bo fiuisliiiitf eouls.
"The out Hi, gravel and inneadiun
ronds in Oregon uiiiii llitw in
Cnliforniu. At this H"iifon of tlie
yenr tourwlw nro tubing the ennui
rou I o from Kuiokii lo Sun Diogo.
The Sneniinonlo eiinyou i one of (ho
fiueit diives in the world, nnd pail
of lho vny you travel on Hie new
Kliite prude."
Colonel llufor ndvieh nil louriitx
traveling by Hedding lo eontinue on
t!ie viM Hide of tlie Mil
ley to Cliico. lie .uvi it i1' niiieli
better traveling und iniiuli shorter
Illiigliwnys nre iinikr ooiikI ruction on
both Mile-v of the liver
Caution ".
0 'Atl.H.Mll.U.VA.
Preparation of the Hlght Kind May bu Had nt the
Medford Commercial College
Ia und Mhl hool now In session nt .'!!, N Grape Strict, Mi dfoid, Or.
MWl lffHRU
).( JLJm
Your Vacation or Trip
Is made more pleasant by tho uso of our Travelers
Checks no worry about rink of loss or theft, ns when
much currency Is carried. You can cash them whoro
over ou stop.
You Arc Sine
All KfltMtd toaahore Ileaort an Yaila Uajr awl
Uto IVclda Qeoaa. A plare of charm and .
tjr. rfallphtfully. reatful'atttiosiihoro.
Kowport olfars wltlo vartety o roaroationi, and
VMtortalNMOat. Thoro are plettty of H o I o 1 ,
Nevellas hooaea, oottaaea aad eampUg aooatav
Newport la aa Ideal pteoo to teMO tho htttll.
Our lllaatratorf (oloor "Newport" will latorMot
you. A BoaUl card will brim U.
i.ow imrxii Titip PAiiittj
From all polaU oh
Two Traiaa a Day rroan Alhswjr
laajwlrhse tar MtkeU aad
Ono of tho grentojt chnraotor
studios ever rontrllmteil to tho
American stage, "David Hnrum".cn-
jnctodvfor sovoral yearn by tho dls-
itlngulshcd star, William II. Crnno,
has at last boon convorted to tho
screen. Wllllnm H. Crane iiinRos his
first nppearnneo lit motion plcturos
In tills qtiulnt portrayal, In a flvo
part production or tho Famous Play
er film company, on tho Paramount
Tlia human uoto tlnt Ib struck In
tho story, Is 'the main strength or
tlw subject. In nil tho eulogistic re
views of lho pluv tlmt hnvo npponr
od In. newspaper throughout tho
country Its human iiunlltlo and
fidelity to truth hnve always been
ompbnstsed as the dominant kcwiotc
of tho ilrmuii. H Is this lack of ex
aggeration In tho types nnd events
doplcted Hint mnko tho subject a
veritable pago out of tho book of
Supt. Stool drovo down from Cra
ter Lake Friday In nnswer to n mes
sago stating CongrcBsinnti Oillott of
Massachusetts would bo hero on tho
8:20 train nnd will go to tho lako
to roinnln over Sunday ns nls gueat.
.Mr. Olllett has boon In tho houso
for twenty years, Is ono of the ro
piibllcnn loaders, baa nlwnya been a
friend or Crater Lake and comei
hero to sco tho scenic wonder nnd
nciiunint himself with conditions no
ho will ho better prepared to help
socuro tho jiropor recognition nnd
appropriations for tho lako from
,Wlth Medford Trndo Is Mcrtford Mado
of a Good Time
froaseor ooaraot Agoat.