T-U'l'-Jfegftl tW3nS3JKWSSK)SVr55eJtU.-Kl-.5 TTKS. ff...g3--K4.gJf - PXdESnC HEDFORD SIXTE TRTT3mTE, MEDFORD. OR15CION, THURSDAY, AlTltTST 5, 1015. t ) ' l. u BRGH T n SAN -PAS GO GLIMMERING Month Sees Complete Revolution in Political SituationBusiness Re vival and Program of Military Pre parcdness and Progressive Inde , penitence. 11Y (1II.S0N OAKDNHIl WASHINGTON, Auk. 4. Within a inontli n complete revolution tins Ink- on placo In tho political situation. Following nro tho changes: ( 1 ) A revival of business headed Vy war brdcrs hut followed by fjon- tnno Industrial rovlval, linn robbed (he Htnndpattcra of their principal Issue; f 2) Tho administration has adopt ed tho military preparedness Issue al most to tho oxtont advocated by JlooHcvolt and Augustus. P. Gardner, jiliandonlnK onllroly tho Hryan pacif icist watchful waiting, nttltudo; (3) ProsroHslvcs of the country have concludod suddenly and qulto unanimously not to return to tho par ty of their daddloH, but to contlnuo their organization and name candi dates; ) National prohibition ban Ito como a looming Issuo with Hobion and Hryan aa likely rlvnls for tho presidential nomination on that plat form, IWdMIHy r War Hack or all thin loom tho ponslblll (y of war. In everybody's mind thoro Is tho thnught that plana which may bn made today may bo knocked In tho lioad tomorrow by some act of dor- many precipitating tho United States into tho world conflict. A llttlo while ago tho Old Guard republicans-Penrose, Critno, (Jalllu gcr, et nl woro mooting In N3w York city and almost dividing tho spoils. They wort perfectly suro that n promlso of prosperity nnd Job for tho unemployed would work n repeti tion of tho McKlnley-Hanna full din nor pall election nnd sweep the demo rrnts from offlco. So suro woro they that they orn picking candidates for first and second placo. Itont was al most a twenty to oun shot nnd C. W, Fairbanks actually lot go n wad of money to start a weekly nowspaper for tho purpose of booming his can didacy. It began to look like a rnco among tho republican standpat noni InoBH for a suro thing nomination. Now .All U CIiiuikciI Now all that Is changed. Tho ro publicans nro In tho doldrums agaliw Hoot ns boss of tho reactionary Now York constitutional convention nt Albany bos not boon o voto getting flguro liofore tho country. Tho pro gressives havo not boon falling ovor theiusolvos In tho prodigal ro.el In New York tho progressive parly com mlttcomon havo coufcrcnrcd and do elded against going back Into tho (1. O I , while out at tho exposition Itoosovelt has gono so far as to stand out publicly nnd suggest tho nomi nation of lllram V. Johnson ns tho progressive party's presidential can didate. Moro overwhelming, however, Is thn administration's plans for tho biggest navy In tho world and an en dorsement of Garrison's rccomuicnda tlon for an ndenuate army. Along tho latter lino plans will bo ready for congress authorizing u new federnl volunteer mllltla reaorve. .Military Pivgittiii Following Socrolary Daniels' artlon In creating a board of scientific couu. nol In tho navy department, comes tho news that congress will bo sup plied with full reports on tho ob servations of our military and niival exports abroad, together with recom Herniations touching vastly Increas ed mimhora of aeroplanes and sub marines and soveral battle cruUers of of tho most up to date type. Tho naval program, It Is declared, will suit tho most enthusiastic advocate of national defense Kven tho Mexican policy of watch fill waiting has been abandoned and it Is announced officially that tlio president is waiting only to decide on u plan of Intoru'ntlon which will r (tluco that country to law and order. 1'ro-ijKTily lletiiriilug As to tho country's material pros. jerlty, which Is probably tho most Important factor in tho plltloul sit uation, tho results of v.ar orders are notorious. But thoso nro not tho only basis of prosperity. Figure Just compiled by tho department of com merce show thut for tho fiscal ear Just ondod all records oro broken I ntlie volumo of American oxports and vast Increase In the balance of trade which Id what tho foreigner owes the United State for goods sap- idled. Tho balance of trade in iaor of tho Unite dStates for tho final year n 1.09M8M4jl um exceeded by 1 418,000,00,0 TITO fortiyr fefgk rcord wado la 1908, and by $023,800,000 tho 'export' balnnc6 of 1914. At tho same tlmo reports from all parta of tho country show that the army of unemployed lids boon dwind ling and now there Is oven a clamor for farm hands nn dcxpert opcrntlvefl In the mills and munition making fac tories. Strikes aro resulting In In creases of wages with hardly nny question. "Without tho "hard times" and tho "military preparedness" Issues, JJIo opponent of tho ftdmfnlstr.atloii will find hard sledding, Thero.wlll evi dently bo throo candidates In' the field, nnd possibly four. So tho'pros pert of a particularly Interesting pres idential year Is dally increasing i ? AT Geary K. Clin ret, Mildred (I. Brown and William Vnwtcr, Jr., nro repre sentatives of Jackson county nl tin htimmur hcIiooI of thu University of Oregon. Mr. OnrreU't course in cludes HiHlory and HngliHh Litem ture. Mildred (I. Hmwn is taking work in Kpntiisli, I'sycliolooe mid Kducutinn. Mr. Viiwlcr'n work is in History, Knglisli, Literature mid Milsie. ' '-" ' Among Uio oilier Jackson county htulcntn nt tlio minniior school is (I. Wl Milam. The Hummer school this year i larger than ever before, anil the stu dent body is remarkable in mivcrnl ro Hpcetb. In tlio first place, tlieru am half again iih miiiiy man ns women. TliiHviK.-wverv't-iuiitiHuul in. sumiiier hoIiooIh, which are, as a general thine;, eompoHcd to a ery lurp ex tent of women school teachers. Thn men 'nHlliti Oregon Hummer School this year" lire, many of them, in the prime of life. According to Dr. Schafer, director of the school, their average ago is prohably ;I0 years or more. They include numerous coun ty nnd city superintendent and high school and consolidate school prin cipals wm aro working for higher degrecH and to advance Iheiiioclvcs in their profession. SIDE LIGHT ON MANUFACTURING A CONSTITUTION TO PUBLIC LIBRARY Some new books latch milled to the public library are; Dr. Moiitcssori's Own Handbook, Monlessori; fluido to Current I'ei iodicals and Serials, Severance; How to Know Period Stylus of Furniture, Kimerly; Literary and Historical At las of America, Martholomew; Meau igu of Truth, .lamus; Memories and Milestones, Chapman; Nnturulirutioii Laws of the U. S., Wilson; Oxford Hook of American Kssays, Matthews, I'd; Passing of the Third Floor Hack, .leromo; Practical Investing, F.ohcr; Pragmatism, Jiunc; Profilalile Vo cations for Hoys, Weaver and Hler; Table Service, Allen. Angus Mai'Doiiald has left at the public library his collection of books published by the Gospel Trumpet Co. and they may be consulted there at any time. NEW JERSEY TOLL IN STORM IS MILLION NKW YORK. Aug. 5 -lteports from various points In Now Jersey tonight Indicated thut tho storm dam. ago In that state probably amounted to S 1,000.000. This estimate Includ ed dutuagn to growing crops which In Harnes and the valued work of .Mr man sections woro said to havo been Knot In presiding over tho conven totallv destroyed. Many bridges were tlon? swept away and a number of houses! demolished 'With Medford Trade Is MmUord Made Visit To New Yprk Committee Draft- , ; - . ,""' 'OnpRevlsloni'of Empire State. Con- stltution Root and Barnes Doing, J tthe VYo'rkPerpctual FranclllRs ' ' Authorized Hovv It Is Done-i .y: -" ' i: uJ ' ;: rf" MY GII.SON GAIIDNKH 'J ALHANY, N. Y Aug. r.. Ah cx Sonntor ICIIhu Hoot Is tho most talked of candidate for president of tho United States on tho republican tick et, I decided to run tin to Albany. Now York, to bco him In his most up to unto rolo of coiiHtltutlon-iuaker for tho Umpire state. On tho nfternoon of July 28, I dropped In on the committee on pub lic utilities nt which Mr. Wllllmn Harnes, Jr., Itoot'a first lieutenant the only court ndjudlcatcd corrupt bi-partisan boss In tho country Is chnlrman, Ah It happened, Mr. Harnes was speaking, and ibis Is what 1 heard: "This provision looks all right to me. It would permit tho legislature to grant franchises to public service corporations for a certain number ol yenrs, say ri)0 years, or for an In definite period." Thoro were nlno members of tho committee sitting around tho com mittee tablo. Nobody said anything. Mr. Harnes appealed to the member on his right. "As for mo," replied tho member, "I don't see why thorn Is nny object ion to giving power to tho legislature to grant perpetual franchise Why such n fuss?" Again the commltteo members said nothing. Mr. Harnes read another section. "That Is to protect tho present franchise holders," ho explained. "Hut It doesn't do It,- ono nieniber objected. "It doesn't take Into con- Jslilerntlon good will value of the .franchise. I know n decision of tho appellate court" (business of toll- uiK ii mi ill I lie decision.; "Well." said Mr, Harnes, "If no body has any objections, we will lot that stand." Nobody had. Somebody naked about the medical clause "I am getting n barrel full of let ters fiom thn Christian Scientists about that," said one member. Mr. Humes: "Oh, that section is all right. I talked to n couple of them this morning and they wont away convinced that It doesn't mean what they thought It meant." Pause. Silence. Harnes: "Anybody want to make a motion to adjourn. I don't think there Is much moro we can do today." So everybody stood up and drifted from tho room. The committee meetings are qulto informal. No records are made or kept. The chairman Interlines with n lead pencil a typewritten copy of the proposed amendment and tho committee takes It for granted. Ap parently I was the only representa tive of the public present. Tho ex perience mis to me a valued side lighten the business of making a state constitution. Perpetual or r00 year franchises and nobody object lug. Is It any wonder the Interests approve thu administration of Mr. DEMAND FOR "REALISM" MAKES FILM ACTOR'S LIFE VX GAMBLE" HODGES DEATH iHl'- DUE 10 ACCIDENT m Y 'Could photoplnycrs talk from the st'rccn, there aio many tunes when the shriek of the actor would curdle the blood of the uui'.ionve. v The demand of the public for "realism" in the movies ami the at tempts of the producers to furnish it bus boon the cause of numerous serious accidents. There is scarcely a motion picture player who hasn't hud a "close up" of the face of dejith. Many of the escapes of these peo ple ate truly miraculous. Cleo Madison, celebrated star of the film firmament, has prohably hud more' "aecidenlV than any other actress in the game. Mole than ouc'c this intrepid little lady lias.l'aol'd death fbr the sake of getting over the much wanted "realism." Directors do, all they can to pro tect their people, hut despite their efforts, death is always lurking in the unexpected. From time to time we will print in this paper one of Cleo Mnilison'H flirtations with death. F.very story will stir your blood. Head them. EASTLANrDlSAS TER The first pictures of the great Chi cago Kasthiiid disasterwill be shown at the Page tonight only. These pic tures were immcliaU'lyTiluveloped atui shipped direct to the mmst. and the management of the' Page secured the special hooking by wire ou'y u duy or two ugo. These will bo shown to day only in addition to tho great fea ture "Anna Kareniua" from Count Leo Tolstoi's drama, which wus en joyed by a large audience lust night. The splendid acting and henutiful shcttiugs make this' picture one of unusual power and interest. Wltn Medford trado ra Modtord made. At a coroner's impiest held at Gold Hill W'ednosdnv into the death of camiicl T. Hodges, u pioneer livery -mnn of. Gold Hill, famed for ids jjnjwloilgp 5)f ,wtioUcrnit', returned a verdict or accidental death. The unto Hodges was driving vn struck by an f.ity.,t(rnin.Mo;ilay night at Sardiiio. crossing. Tim evidehec showed that Hodges' view of tho nppioaiilimg tram was obstructed by the covitring. The jury was composed of W. F. Hlackcrd, W. II. Miller, J. M. Hut son, G. H. Turner. C. S. HedfioJd and M. I). Howcrs. A citizens' lirlird of inquiry returned the following re re eort: "After hearing tho testimony, tho board finds that deceased di-ovo a Ford automobile along the county road, parallel to the Southern Pacific (rack, for n distance of nt least a half n mile. Hoad located Just out aldo of right-of-way. Wndo nn nb. Tiipt turn on crossing whon about a hundred feet ahead of train. Auto mobllo was struck by pilot of en gine, and Samuel T. Hodges Instantly killed and auto demollnlied. Tho nc cldont caused by driver falling to ob serve ordinary precaution beforo at tempting to cross railroad. "Vlow for a distance of three quarters of a mllo Immediately par allel Uho track west of tho placo unobstructed. ' Tho county road par allels and Immediately adjoins tho rlgnt-of-wny for n dlntnnco of nbout ono-olght of a mllo beyond whoro tho crossing known ns tho Snrdlno road crossing occurs, nnd it was Im possible for tho train crew to deter mine whether or not tho nutomobllo was continuing along the county road or Intended to mako the crossing, but tho board finds that they tdok every precaution possible to tako in tho event that tho driver of the auto mobile Intended to mnke tho crossing, using every effort to give Mm warn Ing. "Wo further find that crow, nn soon ns It becam thattho driver of thn nutomobllo that tho driver of tho nutomobllo would cross tho trnck, nppllcd tho em power to stop tho train." Signed; J, h. May, L. C. Adams, D. O. Harris, J. II. Hcomnn nnd II. D. Heed; NATWICK GIVEN CONTRACT TO GRADE PACFIC HGHWAY At a meeting of tho county court held nt Jacksonville this morning. Chris. II. Natwlck of Eaglo Point was nwarded tho contract for tho building of tho Pacific Highway from Tolp to tho Joscphlno county lino. His bid was S1C.GC9.90 for tho total work, which Includes' grading, cul verts nnd curbing. Contractor Nnt- wlck will begin tho assembling of his outfit and machinery at onco, nnd It Is expected that actlvo oporatlonB will bo under way by tho first of noxt week. The other bid upon tho total work was from John 11. Garrett of Klam ath Falls, whoso figures woro $28, 69G.79. II. D. Heed of Gold Hill bid 11379.10 upon a small unit of tho work. Tho county court Is now preparing estimates for bids for tho Pacific highway from Central Point to Tolo, n section of tho work thnt was, loft out, owing to tho alterations nindo by tho county court to ollmlnato dan ncrcus crossings. Orchardlsts of tho valley mot with the county court and discussed tho appointment of n successor to County Pathologist M. P. Henderson, resign ed. All tho fruit sections of tho vnl loy were represented nnd the appoint ment of K. J. Krouso In charge of experiment stations nt tho Oregon Agricultural college, -wns urged. Tho court took tho matter undor advlso inent until noxt Mondny, when a de cision will bo given. XOTICK There will bo n regular meeting of tho Grizzlies tonight nt tho Public Library nt 8 o'clock. A full attend- nnco Is urged. mill null!- Ijio trnW io evident Thffe It dot Catarrh la thl ircllon of tbo roonlrjr tbtn all otber dltratra pat lofethtr, and until the UU ten jrira waa auppmrd to b Incurable, lor a great uianr Trara doctor prvDouocvd It a local dlirat and prracrlbrd local rtnitdlta, and b comtantlj (ailing to curs vrllb, local trtatmrnt, pronounced It lucurablc. Science baa prortn catarrh to be a ccmtltutlonal dlieaie. and therefore rtnulrra constitutional treatment. Haifa Catarrh Cure, manufactured b F. J. Chener ft Co., Toledo. Ohio, la the only Conatllu. tlonil euro on tho market. It Ii taken Intrrnallr In doiea from 10 dropa lo a teaipoonful. It acta dlrectl on the blood and mucoiia aurfacea of the aritem. Ther offer ono hundred dollara for any case ir falli to cure. Send for circular! and teallmonlala. Addre.i: ft J. CIIESKV ft CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold br DruggUta, TSc. Take Uall'i I'atall I'llla for coDitlpatloo. " " C-,2aS25XH25J --S 5J-5 1 Half the fun is tnkinjf ftwTrtrj jf lA iaN 7 yourown tent nnd living AimBHli y Wl .Mil iv I a f i ian M 11 tkr Wit 7 LLAMETTE TENTS nro tlio product of 31 years ivxnorfcneo In tout ninkiiig. Any Tout must stand liar.l 6orvic in nil kinds of cathiT, Why not not a Ql' ALITY Tout -ono that w ill bo ready for iiso noxt year nnd tho year aftor. Ray "Willamette" at iour store k rPr'.T' to ee our trade mark on the Tent. Hi .'$)" f .... .... ...- UA.tnH,ll..l.l..l i .T . . inur t'liMiiiiii rw- arr nil ttw iiinn 11. a r - fr Bala k all Utllall Ilealtra Hirsch- C0IUK t'ormrrlr Wei. Manufnctttrlne r,Wfflllt JSOTJ my, Mnkeru Wco Sg; Willi wel. TM Awaiar Co. VCVu,7.". VJ' IMKTLANm OUKUON "Ulhi- ? ? ? r r r r f r t r r T r r t t r r ? T T f ? ? ? ? ? y ? ? ? V y ? ? y y y $ ;y y ly 'y iy y ly i FORD FORD NEW 1916 PRICES b - - . Touring Car Roadster $495.70 445.70 F. O. B. Medford N. K ' , u.r 5 K H X$i: Place y.o.ur order now if you yant early delivery ,3r jf ' '' us :- C. E. GATES -: "asaa MilPl a a - - y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y JL KrrXt.Hvt