SLEPFOlfcD JfAIC. lRtBITNTDj MflPflORD QnT3flQ&J&lMY..-(LUUy -Ofl.Jiilp. fc. mw tjfctfaMtfarvjif(fc-Tftiiiiiifai i'i- f 'ftflMg i Jft "r ijf r T K lli INFLATION PYRAMID TOMES V NKW YOHK, .lulv 30. -The fiunn t'inl pyramid of three railroad com pnnicfl organized by Daniel G Held and William II. Monro ami their n' socitttcs in 1D02 to control the Cln enpo, Ilouk IsOiuiil anil l'iieifie rail way, luul virlually toppled over today when it witH muiouaeed that the HucK Island company had lieon placed in the hands of at receiver. The Hoefc Island company was in corporated in New Jersey with $l."U,OOOj(IOIl capilhl stock, was a holdliiK (mnpuny or to taKe ocr conttol of tliii Chicago, Hock lyland null Pacific rnilway, he operating company. This it did through the orputmUion of an Intermediary company, the Chicago, llock Inland and Pacifio Itiuhvny eoin)niiy. Tlio operating company already was in the hnntln of a re ceiver and the intermediary company defaulted its bonds lut year. Chauneey (1. Parker of Newiuk, N. J., wan yesterday a)oiiited re ceiver of tie ltiiek Inland company upon application of John J. Quinlaii, president of tho company, who nl lejjed the company had overdue nlili Kiition iimotmliiu,' to .f.'lS.IIlS with no fiindK to meet them. ClIIOAOO, July HO. Receivership proceeding for tho Hock Island company brought in New York will hnvo no hearing on tho nf fairs of the fchienKO, Hock Islamt and Pacific railroad, the operatiup; company, ac cording to information Riven at the offices of tho leccivers for tho oper ating. compitiy today. FOOD SHORTAG E m j, m m I 'ON DANGEnoOs PATHS" PAGE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. i LARKIIO, Toih, JuU HO. -In northuiisteni Mcuco food "hortace ih' serioiiK, general business is stagnant and indications point to a' cloninir down of the mining iiidiitr, according to an American passenger who rcaehed the border todnv. In the Chalmal district near Tampico, he said, Americans of the nviiciilturar colony have, been tlivdinj; their ioul with MeIcan neighbors, but have now i cached the stage where thev havo only Hiilficient for themsehes and are frequently victims of theft. "Fndd shhrtage," said tho Ameri iiin (I... .... ti.. .ii. i .i vuii, it iiiiiL-iiiiiiy iii'iuriiL ill i nointrt awnv from rnilrouds." I Hundreds of natives and foreign-1 crs must close thuir shops if tho or der to inurciibo their taes in not rescinded. Mnny mine owners have been paying taes for v'eurs to hiuc their propetty but have been unable, to work them. Tho mininir industry seems threatened with extinction, ho asserted. flBflKSSw W JB stffiE 3SMI ztB OBREGON CLAIMS ILAtt DEFEATED OREGON STREAMS ARE DRYEST IN 20 YEARS SALEM-, Ore, July 30. Kastcrn Oregon streams aro tho lowest In twonty years, and tho shortaRo ot water for Irrigation purposes Is be coming a Borloun problom, according to repoits received at tho office of tho (.tnto engineer. In many of tho streams tho water flow Is said to bo fifty per cent below normal. Tho re sult of tho arid conditions Is seen in humorous complalntu and disputes botweon water users which aro com Irig Into tho state engineer's offlco for adjustment. OF WASHINflTON, .fuly .10. Reply fiom Uomiiuiv to the Amclicnn rep resentation on forgeries on Ameri can passports is not cvpocled be fore next week at the earliest. Of ficials hero believe the Merlin J'oi eign offico will take Unit time J'or some investigation. No wpeeilic I lent y provision covers the cane but forgeiios of passpoils nic breaehes of amity and ooiutosy botween kiv eniments which seldom go unnoticed. AM trimmed summer hats at $1.50 untrlmmcd shapes 1, flowers half price. Salo starts Friday, July .TO and runs ten duvs. Ilornanl Milli nery, lit HUH IN, -July HI), bv vviicless to Kayvillc rardinal Von llartiiiiuin, tho archbishop of Cologne,, lias pub lished a, u order addressed to all tho churches of his diocese directing thorn to hold special, services and praycis next Sumlav, thanking the Almighty for the powerful blessing accoidcd (lorntau arms in their many victorious ImUles in (ho cast ami west ami praying fur His assistance in belong bring about mi eatly and lasting victorious pence. The services will be brought to d close with n special prayer preset ibed by Pope Ilencdicl. With Mctlfonl Traflo Is Medford Mado OAliVHSTON, Texas, July .10. Oeneral Ahero ObrcKou, in command I of Carinnril forces opetating against Torreon, reports that he cut off and defeated a largo force of Villa troops south of thai city. This in formation Was contained in rl cab legram from Vera Cnlr. teaching tin! I Constitutional consulate hen' todav. ! The message adds that after do f eating this force, Ohiciroii icsumcd tho march upon Toi'rcdn ami thitt two other (arranjin eolimtiis tmdr Oe orals Tievino and Arnotn nre mov iiik upon thte city in co-operation .with Obtegon. it also is icpditcd (lull neneral I M.. I... j . J. .. k 'iinnm mis occupied iii cuy or Zacatccas without opposition. xetin: Scnled proposals will bo received tit tho rosblenco of the undorfllgncd, at Uorby, Oregon, until six o'clock p. m. TinmsDAY, AirausT n, ioic, Tor tho erection of ti two roomed school building for District No. 31, Jackson County, Oregon, on tho pres ent Hlto, at Derby, Oregon. Platls may bo examined at tho resldenco of K. It. Nell, Dorby. Cash or certified check for 10 percent of amount of proposal, pnynblo to h. II. Castor, School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Shiild successful blddor fall to outer Into contract within ftvo dayjt after award, deposit to bo for feited. Hoard of Directors reserves tho right to reject any and all proposals. T. II. CABTKil, School Clerk Dlst. No. 31, Jackson County, Oregon. Dated July 21, 1915. 110 -r- .,. A MONEY i IVKSTi:i IX KDlidATIOx'KAUXa THR IIIOIIF.ST KATK OV IXTCREST A rrnctical, rAIoncy-rirjilnK piuciUJou May Ho Hnd by AttcmlinK ilie i e Medford Gommercial College "Tlio School for A'ttlbidbu.4 Young People ot Cluiriirtcr." . Dny and Night School ndw lix. session at 31, N. Qrapo Street, Medford, Or. dfD n rif mmim wsmf ViSr.531' XsPtRE ft-. H im&m m: sl rH,h SKWQflV 1 liitifiwBvi 1 iVa mialiMiHil 1 FifliWilf mmmBM I'iVJMamJl t ? take a chance with film. Get "! yuimti and ' be assured of the best. If is fast enough for dark daj's, arjd proiijlidds negatives iri &nicr$ the Wlcfe rangtf df colors' ih nature are clearly differentiat ed. THE PRICE: I NO HIGHER.. Our PhotO'fifiisivifiR Wll please yoO. Prompt service dnd fcVpfcrt vVorkfnRn'ship". i " r i '' t ' j I.. ?t SWEM STUDIO f h$h::: f t ? f f v f ? v a T 2 t f T Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Parm Orch'd GcorRo HuRhes CO F. R. Merrick ...t 1C0 Merrick and Holmes G 15 Mrs. Kcrby Mlllor. C County Culb .'. 20 It. Martin .'..... 40 ' T. M. Sworn 11 Mm. ndlth H. Ilorton 24 noldrldRO & Sons 20 3C Glasgow & St ration HO Ina C. Smith 10 J. W. Dalloy 3T. Miriam M. Dole 110 40 Packard & Packard .... 10 John P. Prador 20 20 Andrew Woldner 40 Kerboy Ilros 100 Wni. Kerby 40 T. P. Smith 4 4 G. A. Morse 50 CO H. R. King 70 Grant Davis 70 10 Mrs, It. Ij. Jeff cry CO H. C, Gardner CO C. D. Ilursan It Win. WoMlnR 20 12 W. M. Petri : 10 10 It. II. Purves tO Mrs A. M. Purvos 10 John Kent 10 G A. llrlmer ...........'..... 1ft vin isrum f ta N. O, Powers .................... 38 1G It. J. I.uko .. 10 Wm. Pox 10 II. S. Lvnch 40 R. E. Poblnson .r. 40 Jc8so Adams . 3 Wm. Stump 2 8 G. R. Carter 22 Wm. It. Uasley . 1 1 2C Welborn neoson 100 Fred Ilapp M 40 Ummett Deosori 2S It. W. Uostwlck .. 30 W. P. Dunn 17 7 II S. Glenn 10 K. E. Poss 12 t II. C. Mossengor ............ 15 - 5 Fred II. Hopkins M.... 35 Mrs. J. P. Iteddy . 10 II. II. dorlUs MMmM.n,... 20 GO II W. Framo ...........- 10 30 A Wcathorby ,.......-. 1 1 E P. Gutbrlo ....... 3(1 W II "Ilarr ....- 1S W W. Glasgow 10 I Clia Darby SO E II Moiling . 2 K II Poutcb . .. . IS j i j j I j j j o f j I I r j j I f i i K I I I I I i I ! I I I I I I I i "I .i II i I I I i II ' ' I i'' I ' I I a HO CI CI MO O H-ISIO so o tn O I) O 4. O OC1 n CO CI o o oo o cooop r . ' o o' -1 CI ta m O O CI O O CI O CI O I i m ij . k ii ii n ci ti o ii o e i 1 M Cj CI Id 10 . o M 10 CI o o 10 CO CO CO CO 19 10 l M O O 10 CI to K o p. We Are Surrounded With People Who Want Irrigatioii. AVe all had sonip dotibls on hc subjeft avIu'H our puhliciU was .stapled last week. Uul the quick response of 19S land owners with 8812 acres (to Tluuwlny noon) to the (iiet,tion "WHO AVANTrf NVATIflll?" has mndo us foel that irrigation in tin- near future is practically aHsured. Don't get the idea that wo are finished! AVe have just begun hut we havo begun with a rush! If you will take the time to come to our officii and see our M31) INK MAP OF WATISIt WANT1SRS you will bo sur prised to find how many people have expressed themselves, VOLUNTA KM LY, as wanting water who have been supposed to bo against irrigation, and how jnaiiy people, whom we know want filler, have not yet gotten around to expressing Ihomsolves. We Can Finish Our Acreage Campaign In Ten Days if our responses will continue as they have started. In fact, we have had so much success with practically no personal calls on landowners that we are very much inclined to ivy our publicity a little further. .Evidently everybody has recognr.ed thai, it would take a long iiiue to seo each individual landowner and many have tried to assist us by sending in their acreage. vPossibly vou have put off sending or have been too busv to send in or telephone us how much Water you wanted. If vbu will fill tlio slin printed on this page TODAY or see us TODAY all of the WATKI& WANTKWS will thank you. There Is No Room for Skeptics! ' . Ml ' I I AVe have heard one man say that he would take water when we got it, but hi was afraid wo wouldn't bo liblo to got it,- so ho would "Wait and Sop." If you know any of the "WAIT AND SIM HK'KADl'" suggest to theiu that IhcJy lWffofl3 tVATlfitt WANTlflHS. Almost every man who has been in our offices has said: uWe Want Water Right Away." Those are our sentiments! And we will come close to getting it IMC! I IT A WAV, if every landowner will upr ? 101 IT A WAV. Jn f;ut that is all wc want right away. A aiiuita If You Know of Any Non-Resident Land Owners Send us their names and addresses. We are sending them word what we are doing and are getting their support. U I e '4 ,jmi r'Ti. iiimgciL tAWu.ii.ML WATER USERS ASSOCIATION. Telophono 103 Medford. 208 Garnett-Coroy Building OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS President Henry Hart IT. W. Binghaiu Jl.C. Kgan First Vice-Prosidonl J. .M. IJader AMetor nurscll Lloyd Jlouston Second Vice-President C. l. Speck (i. l. Garpeulor h. Neidernieyor Treasurer AV. II. flore Dr. K. AV. Clancy ('. Al. Thomas Secretary Dunbar L. Carpenter U. I). Dean iJ. P. Worlman If you want water don't delay Send in your acreage today Farm bfeh'd K. L. TouVollo 20 n. W. Clancy .'....:.. . GO lion C. Sholdon 90 40 U. II. JlcCftbo G J. 11. Antlrown, Trlplo A orchurd ::.. 40 Ii, A. Snlnilo GO 15. W. nrnlnord ..:: G Jolm WoIhs . 20 W. II. Walker, inr. Wng- nor Ilutto Orcfihr'd 2b 50 W. V. I). Campboli 160 A. T. llrown i..i........ 22 A. A, Scliuclinfd 00 Sctnlilor & Kcnly , 4G Frrtnk I. Kiirrol :...... 19 Ilnrinnn C. Joy 30 M. J. Norrla .-a::;. 11T 2G O. II. Ciiadwicic 30 ICO W. II, (loro .i :..0d0 Ii. NIodorinfayor ;. 46 Win. BudRO .'. 100 J. F. Wortmon . 100 ,U. U. Coin. Orch. Co., Guy Connor .,........'..: 100 Frank Weston t Wilson Cltzor, W. J. Ki- tner, M"Kr 30 K. II. Froncli ......224 7 O. A. Hoover 30 27 C. W. Alior'croftiulo ............ 40 C. II. I.ltllo .. 10 V. Ilurnbll .;.... CO Jiunon Cauiiibell ... M.... 20 1 Y. Hamlll GO I'urcoll ,& Taylor 30 20 Lyman O. Orton 70 70 It. J. Tlrorord 35 15 N. S. llonnott .... 9 o. II. Dean ......m.......... o O. C. Sooyainltli .,.....:.... 19 D. A. McCimly .., 30 It. h. Ray - 10 - 8 3 l It 19 o P. Una- XX3ST, 01 IC 10 s to I" (I rt H T 1-r v) c v CO i St 2 -T S 8 S 9 S " S S r r i III II li I M: 'I .1.1 Hi, i l J I I1..1J 1 L ! i.tilli unbiN"! iij r0:jj 3.iihikj fi- 1f&9 ..u"w".-f"'i."lf,'2k''S- am m wm w . i mm m imw . t . mw - m tmb . S.fctJsaBsT'SifMlM.WfcBrfl t . . Z 4 : . i . C.JHW'VlhKBB.JSKUWMfSHU f m w list! U ! soMUMh S t- k c o at B w O . "rf! SltinjKM ADDRESS Secrotary AValor Users Association, 208 GarnoU-Ooroy Building, lodt'ord. I am intoroslGd in your plans for proceeding witli irrigation. ! Nrtnia .- a r (1(1 1 (JoC 1 1 ith n-ii"Tfiri.---tT 1 n " ' -J9 I would prdbiillly HgiilQ aoros of farm land. acres of orchard land. Thi expression carries im obligation to take irrigation, r y' iX i, A J iTjk-T aT&-aTa.xt Ak. Ta t&ti m&ZBE&aEEh