Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Fair Tonight mid Saturday. Mv. 81, Mtn. 01, Hum. 45. SECOND EDITION Forty-fifth Year. Dnllv Tenth Year. BECKER DIES IN CHAIR;PROTESTS lit; INNOCENCE Convicted Police Official Meets Dentil Calmly and Bravely Dies to Pro tect Friends in Final Statement I Again Declares Innocence Praises Wife Three Shocks Needed. SING SING PRISON, Osslnlnir. N. Y., -Tilly 30, Onirics Hocker was juit -to death In tlio olcclrlc chair hero thiH morning for lliu killing of Huriuaii Iloscnthnl, tho New York gnniblcr. The former Now York po llro lloulonuut retained Ills compos ure nml protested hi Innoconco to I lie Jail. IIo went to li In death with a photograph of Ills wife pinned to his shirt over IiIh heart. Throo nhocks wore given hoforo tlio prison physlclnnifvpronouncod Hockor doad nt r.:::rn o'clock. Hocker led tho way to lila own oxecutlon. Tlio condemned man Bat nt all nlKht on tlio odgo of Ills cot, calmly talking to lloputy Warden Charles II, Johnson. "I liavo Kflt to fare It," paid Herit or, "noil I am going to moot It quietly )y and without trouhlo to any one." .Mods Heath Calmly Tho deputy warden loft Becker nbout an hour heforo tho time, set for tho execution and when tho priests, Father W. K. Cashln, tho prison prlost, nnd rnthor Curry of Now York, rnmn to administer tho last rites they found tho man who Insti gated Ilormau ItoRonthnl'H murder with his faco resting on his hand gazing at tho prison floor. Tho priests romalncd with him to tho end. It was shor(Iy after fi o'clock when tho first witnesses for tho execution began to assomhla outside the prison walls. Qulotly their nnmos woro chockod hy Doputy Warden Johnson, who directed them to take their placos at a gateway that led directly to tho oxcciitlon chamber. Then the wltnossos woro led to tho placo of o.ecut!on In a death houso which had boon built adjoining tho old execu tion chambor, whoro tho four gunmon woro jiut to death over a year ago for killing Uosenthal. When tho witnesses woro seated, Deputy War don Johnson nodded to tho principal koopor, Frod Dorner, and thoy loft tho room through a small wooden door that led to tho death colls bo jond whoro nockor was praying with his spiritual advisors. Hollies Ills Guilt Hcckor roso to his feet when ho saw Johnson and took a crucifix from tho hand of the prison prlost. To Tathor Curry Hcckor gave his last message as ho took his placo at tho head of tho -file of men that marched to tho room of death. Heck or'H inopsngo was: I ant not guilty hy deod, or con spiracy, or in any other way of tho death of Rosenthal. I am sacrificed to my frionds. Hoar this messago to tho world and my friends. Amen!" Tho ono tlmo pollco officer hesi tated as ho ontorod tho execution room. It soomod to tho witnesses as If ho was startled that tho doa,th ohalr was so noor at hand. Ho look ed quickly nt the doublo row of wjt nosses. glanced at tho floor, swept with his eyes tho whltonod walls of tho room, and thon, as if coming to hlnibolf, walked briskly over tho runner mat and seated ltlmsolf in n. electric chair, Hohlnd Uecko'r (Continued on pago six) L HKItLIN, .lulv :10, bv wireh Seville. A despatch lrom Muli UAit to tb Ovorsoas News agency tavi tkat the WiirtUwburr diet closed yetnlny after IW UwAft wlaVfc mi vo(nI fr b nil tk MMiMliot rxtriit thivt nu-uitwr-of ii fw ftim. TW i.oialils drelond "in- tnr and pohtiful diftVreni mn-t di-ttlM'.i i -ii Urns n tb' t.itlni.'i l it- tin. ..ii i. nl li ni-rlu liiiin-'lv -i wnur i ! - Hid 1' 'ibt - !! tai m tim nmntni Bttmil to th lnJ" world lW iiiMWnnihl' lMOt ill t lilt' III llll. Ill i.l HI '" ilalJui li.U .'I' Uillll.. " RUSSIANS LAN TO SAVE ARMY BY LOSING CITY News of Evacuation of Warsaw Hourly Expected Problem Is to Move Russian Armies Intact Ger mans Plan for Triumphant. Entry Willi Emperor at Head of Army. LONDON', July 30. Wursiw, Ilio third city "I" ltusiin and tin g""' l"r whieli the (lormnii armies in tin east have Won striving nt since Oelobcr, is nt last in tho Ihroos of uhnndon nient. (lemuins in overwhelming numbers mo tit Hie gates or the l'oli-di cupi Inl nnd despatches Imlli from the citv itself and from I VI warn d u llml further resistance would lie unwise. Loss is Discounted Discounted not only through France and (iront Hrituiii. hut in Hub sia iUelf, tlio full of tho eitv is ex pected hourly, mid IW problem now 's to move the lltiisinn nnnies in tnct threatened us they nro from tlio muth by tho Austro-Oemiaim, ami more Koriniiwlv from llie north, whore tlio Oeriiinn forces are mining nt tin railway from Warsaw to lVtrogrud. This TIi lor nieniieo. tlio ltritish press admits, in imininent and tlic hope in tlitc allied countries now is not tor Hm snfotv of Warsaw, but for tho continued cohesion ot ilio Hussion army. Tho Warsaw iiosfoffioo already has licen shifted to somo point to tho eastward, tlio populace has licen warned to remain ciilm and presum ably for ilnys Russian troops have been stripping tho city of everything of military value. " Triumphant Kutry flormnn aviators nro hovering over tlio city, and noeoiding to Ger man advices, plans have ben com pleted for thus triumphant cntranea of tlio Gonna,!! Emperor, ucuonipnnicd by bis consort. With Warsaw ruptured, whether or jot it proves n compiest of lusting strategic advantage, n gront wave of enthusiasm will sweep oVor Germany nnd Autrin-IIungnry, and it is pic dieted hero that tho armies of the cen tral power will then seek to force u noiiod of trench warfare hi tho east, meanwhile tlirowinir n grout woe-lit of men and nuns to tlio west, witli tiie idea of resuming tlio bnt- lering towards Calais and perhaps toward Paris." ('km tlio Vistula Tho Gennnu official statement in- day flaiins tliat tlio troops of the army of General Woyrch oarly in tlio mornniL' of Julv 28 toned a crossing of tho Vistula nt several points to the noilli of the confluence of tho l'ilicn and Kozicnco ( 5 miles iiorthwonl of Snndoinior..) Fight ing on tlio nst bank is proceeding. 'This inniiiinir tho Uiihinns en- cuated tlieir positions along the en tire line nnd now are onlv re m. ting to the noilli of Grubi'iliow." E SETTLED BY NKW YOUK, July 30. Officials of tho International Paper company announced today that John I.I nil r a Kiin, Industrial suiiorjiitcntlont of tho company, has noROtlated a now work Iiir ngreoniont with tho papor mak ers and ptiln makors which ombraco 05 per cont of tho C500 employes in tho 31 mills operato dby that con cern. Tho now agreement super Hodos an old ono whleh provided for arbitration of all d Input oa hetweon the company and its omployos. Officials of tho International At oolatlon of Machinists said tho new grooiHont would havo no offeat on their demands for an 8-hour day. Seven thousand omployeB in tha Mills of the Alexander Smith and Sens Carpet company of Yonkem or ntlflMl tedtr of a ton por Mnt tnerease In ii. WA8HIX0TOK. July l4sr 1 M4IUIor U4y rrtMt to th 4IMirinut of tabor that the eaNtro-vt-r-v lxtr-R the Iniermtilonal I'a-j.-r iomj-aiJ and vupio)e had lcn PAPER MAKERS STRIK CONCILIATORS MEDFORD. r' ' POLICEMAN BECKER, WHO IN D YING STATEMENT DECLARED HIS INNOCENCE. in njllBH-r rr"i r ill iiiiiiiiim "" TTrnTTrrir Tmm 1 1 l i ,"' --r ---"- "'!?, v' M" iVMrSi SjJ fl nl hilt TnlTrMMMMMMMroir m ummmi n i TWImwi ' 1 H BMK!3k-!r!MifflRHflBK8MlSHSHH l i S4-;1m- . ' -. .-i.'T ;.,.. uLZ Tho photogi-aph of Charles Docker anil Mr. Decker was token shoitly after Decker had Won w t4MiceI to doatli. 'Ilio Insol, .hoto is of Decker In III uniform as lieutenant of pollco of Now York. In Ills dying statement Decker ilccbuvtl hi h Innocence mill Mild that "I am pMiud to liai been the husband or tlio purest, nobles! woman that over Ihod Helen DecKer." INDICTMENTS IN EASTLAND CASE EXPECTED TODAY! Federal Officials Likely to Be ln cluilctl Whitewasli By Govern ment . Feared List of Dead and Mlsslno Totals 1071 Mayor Threatens to "Start Somcthir-2." CIUOAOO, .lulv HO.- IndiilinenlK iiKiiiiibt pcraoiiK iliioetly or ndiroet ly eonneoled with tlio enusos of Ilio KiiHtlniul disiibter, even fed.-rnl offi cials, iloepito fpiestioiiM of Jm Isxlii tion, may be i-otuined lie In re niht by tlio Cook coiiutv grnnd jury, State'.sttoriu'.y lloyno intiuiuted to. day, Meanuliilo Rosnip about po hililo Koverinneiit "white, wiihIi" of fed eral iuspeotion service officials in tho invoetiBntion bv Secretary of f'omiuenio Hodfield ohiim-iI Coroner lloffmnn-to leipiost diver nnd in spectors jo keep cheek on the kov crnmont divers repotted eomiiiK from WuNhiiiKtou to inestiiiti for tlio secretary', f Mai-sclinll Seles Vos.sel Tho fedoral Knind iury empaneled; by .Judge Landw today beifttn itn e. nininntion and, under onlers from a Unitod BlfllON dihtriet juilpu, United State inniml m-ied the voi sol. Jfnynr Thompson WMioiinwn' 1m1i,v that lio would rovoVo lliu liewiHW of any undortukor who nven'lwrkK'U tlto families of Hnstlaml vii'tiiiiH in fun eral c.xpunftg. ' So vein I such eompbiinls linve boon received by the mayor and investiga tion is being made. The relief fund for tho Kobtlmul sunioiu today jinssed tlio -i-JOO.000 mark. Identi fied dead are 8M; unidentified, K, list of missing, .'Jtl; total, 1071. Major Thompson's Threat Jfayor Tliompfuui, who i eliMsely watching tho iuiiiiiry into the Kat lanil'diMistor boinir eiuulu.-lcd by Soerotarv Itedfield said teday: "I don't wui.t to orilieise now, but if tho rcsHlts nt the t'inUii show tbiit tho iuveMliKHtlou bus been a lane I will xtnrt omotuiiiir. Tbev will hio a good ileal of trouble provinir to ww tliHt oMflytliinif on thin lnp was o. k. Nnd that she jiutt turned owr or, her own uocowiit. Yo can't tell hm that she was uoi known to be a dan- Serouk mjmimI and that a vreut manyJ sea-guiutf leen ""' government offi i-mU are k-aniintr for the firl lime now that ah: iin'l u atuble and safe boLM A iiUh t -ii.iii the I'liii'itro Hter lit Clark fttmt Hub un Knxtlund memorial bruli'- vm uppiotod by the eit t l.i I settled b an siocuu-ut uud that Ik loek-out ef patters mskvm la llrtdse-1 Hrt ('una, had tw a smlcably ad-' jutted. 1 OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY SSESSsSS s 10 EXPOSE METHODS USED BY ENEMIES Ni V YdltlC, July : Kelnniinir from her lal to the death house at Sins Sitif? prison v. hero she lut.l taken her farewell of her Iiusbniul, rs' '"u"'''" Ib'eker nrmril at (he necKcr nouio in I lie iiroux ai .-:ioa:. m. today. She mis aocompauied li. ono of Kuoker's biolbors, who Jinh' curried hor into the hoiibo. Mi-s. Docker, aeeordiiii; lo her brother, .lohn Lynch, whs iM'iirinjr up well today after the slniin. An undertaker un doaiwtchcd to day to OOssininjr to ksI the LhhI.v of Chnrlos lleoker. The funeral, it vn uiiiiouuced, will (ai.e place .Momluy. A solemn liitih reipiiem muss will be Hiiid nt tlio Church ot SI. Niehohn of Tolentinn bv ltov, Nicholas .1. Mur ray. Intoi iiieul will ho nt NYoodlawu couiotery. A Htutomenl ci-ilited to Mr Iicckor was aiven out heio shortly af ter her husband's death. "I shall never rest," glut was minted us Ptiyiiiir, "until 1 huvo c.xHed the methods which were used to convict my husband. Wlielhor ho wiih iriil ty or innocent, thero wni no iulf fienlion for tho means omplo.eil to convict him. "I would rnthor bmo all tho other uieuibors of my family, us ilear (hoy am (o mo, than loio Charlie. No ono can tako his iduce. In all of lbs leu years of our married life I never had occasion om-e to legrol that 1 was his wife. "Chariio huh in iiiibjoI. lie made no piolenso of biiii; one. lie war just ail ordinary human being, and iei Imps that is win I loved him so," Dr. '. O. Slilhmiu of Aubum, who assisteil in the autopsy, snid that Hooker showed un mil resinta-ico to tho eleetrio fluid, -lioHiinr hiui to be an iinusiiallv imiwciIh man. :; :.:. .:..;. K WOW THE BECKER CASE FROM THE MURDER TO THE ELEC- TRIC CHAIR. Julr H, ll: 1 lorman Itosonthal, gambler, shot within a fow hours of tlmo he was to have told Brand Jury of alleiced connection uotwoen l.loutuuaut Ilockor and KSiiibliiiK syndicate "ald Jack" llosi tells district nttorno.v of ulleged murder conspiracy and names of thoio Implicated. "OrtilKle" Webber and Sam Paul arroalel Harry Vsllowa, seagater. suriajiilgrs to Hillee. ' Dao frank" or Prank Clroflsi, 'arrested, I.ieuiensut lleoker arreetod. (Ijrp the Blood" and "Lefty Una" arrested. Ueeksr fonad guilty of murder la first dogreo. liecker seat to Blua aiiig. Mm. Boeker resumes bur former ofeupallpH, school teaeklav. Heeker graatetl new trial by court of appeals. Knr auniiwn. ' Hyp the HUhhI." "Daso frank" Whiter Lewis," sad "Leftle Iuu" olettroeute! at dr wmr. kVeaker foaad guilty a weead line, geateneed tedle July. 1 J. ii&. r Ucvsraor Wbltaisa grsats Meeker 1 1 -day reprieve Mrs. Heeker beg I as desperate two weeks' effort to asve her husband's life, ileckii . I ((ioi uied at til iik Ming. JHlf II, JHl II : 9L 11 -: Qt 14 OaLH N : mtpt r: ire, ft tK i- April 11 t Mf tl JttM 4. II3 A" Jul ZS t 30.1915. SCANDALFORCES RESIGNATION OF MP CABINET Count Okutna as Premier and Other Members Quit as Result of Bribery Charges Made Against Members as Result of Recent Election Action Unpopular Because of War. TOKIO, Inly .10.- Tlio .Inpnnose cabinet, lieuiled by Count Okiiiuu as premier, Iuih tendered its resignation to Kmperor Yoshihilo. Tho action followed tho resignation yesterday ot Viscount ICuiKtnke Guru, minister of tho interior, following an investiga tion by tho ministry of iustieo into bribery charges roMilling from (ho pailiamentary elections lut March. Viscount Guru's resignation wiih Minetioni'il by tho emperor nftor a report on the situutl6n had been mado lo him bv Count Okiimn. Several iiuiiiiliers nnd former mem bors of tho imporial diet aie involved in tho bribery investigation. K. Ilayashida, who had been chief sec retary of (ho lower houso for 120 yours, was nrroMod Wodiiofedny in eonneetion with tlio charge against Viscount Oiiiii, who was ullegcd (o huo received u Kilt of .foOOO from n onudidnto foe momboi-hhip in the houso, l'reuiicr Okum'a, belioving liu mIiouM hold himself roapoiisihlc for tlio neU of (he members of hia cabi net, was (be first to tender his re-sifc-nnlinu. The other ministers ini mudiatolv dooiiled to follow the ox ample of llioir ohiof. After roeeiung Count Okiima, (be emiH-ror Minuiioiicil the elder htutm men for u conference. A cabinet (limine at (his time is unpopular with tlio publio hoeuusn of tho war. CRATER LAKE'S GREATEST T Commoner Charmed With Lake De clares It Great Attraction Volun teers to Use Influence With Con gress In Securing Money for Tun nel and Highway Work. "Crater Lake's gicatest need is a tunnel throuub tlio rim-rock of the lake, about fit) feci above water lino, so thai visitors! nuiv reach the wator'i edge without tlio fearful climb now neccBsnry," said Win. J. Hryiin upon bin return from the lake Thursi'iiy. "I was- much impressed with th. beauty of the lake which inn v be fairly called tho world's most boun tiful hike, althoiiKh cloudy wcnlhcr prevcutei! our seeing it nt its best. In it Oregon Iuih nil unrivullcd at traction. I have seen ucuilv all the wonders of nil the countries, but in nil of them thero is nothing to com pute with Crater Lake. Tunnel Adiooatcil ".Mr. Sled has plans for n tunnel, iih tho precipitous sides, tho heavy Niinwfull ami tho character of tlio rock make nn clovnlor u difficult and unsafe problem. 1 heartily en dorse his plan and when the time conies, will gladly go before Ilio oon gressiounl eommitteos nnd tell them of Ci atcr Lake's needs. Having been there, I can talk intelligently, nnd you can depend upon mo to use whatever in finance I huvo to help ('inter Lake, it tunnels, its roads nnd itnnrovcineuts. "I havo tliorouuhly enjoyed this tiin mid wish (o express mv tmnro- eialioii for tlio eouilosv shown Afrs. Hrycui nnd myself by the Cnmmdrflifil club. Greater Medford club and oili- xeiiH mid want tho good people of Mciltord to leel free to cull upon me when I can bo of service." llutlt Mr. mid Mrs, Hrynn woro de lighted witli what they saw on the trip nml ospccially enamoured of tho giiiut forest tees nnd tin Koiiio river cnsoudoMV, pronoiiueing tho lloguo tho most beautiful stream lliev hud over seep. 'J'lie good ronds deliKhtcd them esiiceiully tho paved I'ueifio highway. Ihiiimoixsl of Dokiio "Moth Mr. and Mrs. llrynu nro the most clmrmiiig companions,', said Jliilgo Ton Yclle, who accoinpaiiicd them. "Tlieir good nature itiulor try ing eireumstaiiecs, is never failing, llolli havo mi oiiiIIosh variety of stor ies mid 1 never met more interest ing mid agreeable people." Tho Dry a ns woro mot by A. S. Itivsonbauiu at Shasta Springs, who woloomcd them on hehulf of tho dub. At Agor they woro met by V. Y. r. Campbell, IL O. Wnlthcrs, Y. II. Canon, Judge Ton Velio nnd 0. Put nam, as n (raveling eomlnltteo for tho club nnd taken in uuloinnhilcs fur uisheil by Messrs Cnmphell mid Yul- tliers to Klamath r tills, (heiico to Crater Lake. At Klamath Hot Kpriuirs, tlio imilv wiih waylaid by summer o.cursiouists who after u waving of flags ami firing of sa lutes, presented the Hrvmis with grape juice. At Klamnth Kails mi informal reception was tendered tho HrymiH nt (ho White Pelican hotel. At ('rater Lake Tho only disappointment of the tiip was mot at Crater Lake, where no (Uontltiuod on Last l'ngo.) L OTTAWA, Jtih .i"). A new pobc.v respecting recruits, it wns uiiuouucod today, has been adopted by tho Ca nadian militia authorities. Hereaf ter men with Hior teeth mid other minor physical defects will net be re jected, but will bo aeeeptod and sent to dental iumI surgical depots for treutmeut, after whieb tJiey will be trained and seat to Europe. Two laeties have been tukan off the tut hluudard and men boluw site in chest measurement will be taken it the sur geons sre of the oU)iioii tltat trutu iuK wilt give them the proper chest It is estimated that 15.000 awn Mini lliaii have been enrolled would ban1 i.uiiu I flu t'uiiiulii if thee leg tilatu,n had bc-ii m toro a jeur ago- NED NN BRYAN ADA IRS RECRUIT SNA NO. Ill 10,000 APPLAUD W I. BRYAN'S PLEA FOR PEACE Commoner Addresses Record Crowd on Causeless War Denounces Warfare and Jingoism and Pleads For World Wide Peace Says American Must Remain Neutral. l'leading for world penco and for machinery for tho perpetuation of peace instead of wnr, vehemently nr rnigiiinjr (ho jingo press and tho "buckot-of-blood" "hair-trigger pa triots" who are attempting to plungo tho United StntPH into wnr, William Jennings Hrynn, (lirieo presidcntinl nominee nnd recently secretary ot sluto, Tliiirsdny evening addressed (ho Inrgcst audience ever nssembled in Jackson county from (be band hIiiiiiI at (ho city park. Tho crowd was estimated at 10,000. A thous and nulomolfilo.s by ueliinl count, were assembled in tho adiaccnt streets. A concert bv tho Mcdfotd band proceeded tho address. Hospitality 1'ralseil 11 wns tho Commoner': first speech in Jrcdfonl ho opened with a tribute of appreciation of tho courtesy of tho Medford Commercial club in en abling him to sco Crater Lnko mid Medford, and for tho hospitality shown him. IIo was introduced by President Chiles of Ilio Commercial club and members of tho reception ('ommitco accompanied on tho stand. l-'or nn hour and n half Bryan held tho interest of tho great crowd. IIo did not employ many gestures and ho wns some what tired from hia strenuous trip. Yet bo could bo plainly heard n block nway. His manner of addre'f3' was serious nnd dignified nnd spoko with intenso enrnostness ns though expressing5 burning convictions. Ho attempted no flights of oratory ami rarely per mitted humor (o slip in. Every sec ond of his timo wns employed hurl ing indictments against wnr nnd America's participation in tho Euro pean war, concluding vehemently: "If thero remains but ono man to raise his voico against this needless earnngo, I prnv God bo will givo mo strength to fight It to tho Inst." Hrynn snid he hnd chosen "Tho Ciuisoloss War" as tho subject of bis address. Greatest of Wars "Tho European war is Ilio great est (ho world has ever seen," said the speaker. "Over 21,000,000 sold iers nro engaged. Think of it I Twenty-one million human beings who mako it their daily duty to kill their fellow men. We havo less (linn 151, 000,000 voters in tlio United States. Estimutos nro (lint in tho great wnr 2,000,000 already havo been billed nnd 5,000,000 wounded. This is tlio awful toll of a war that Iuih not lasted u year." Tho Nebraska!! iminted out that the war is not u meo wnr, nor a reli gious war, nor a family war. IIo said: "I boliovo that (ho ontiso of tho Europium wnr is tho belief still en tertained by fioinu, that might makes right." "1 want my country to register its protest against this fatso doctrine," lio added, nnd tlio nudicuco cheered. "Some think that (his war can con tiuuu until ono sido annihilates, tho othor. Vain hope. You cannot an nihilate groat nations liko those that nro involved, nnd this butchery will become so Mikcning long before an nihilation i- M'cured that tho war (( ontiiiiied on Pngo 0.) II All KILLED IN HAITI WASHINGTON'. July 30. Two AmorloanH of tho landing forco from tho cruiser Washington woro killed at Port au l'rlnoo, according to a moseage from Admiral Camorton ro aelvad today. Tho men, mombcra of a patrol, woro shot from ambush by snlpera lust night, Admiral Caporton report ed. Tho marines returned tho fire and no further disturbances occur red during tho night. The names e tho klllod woro withheld at tho navy department. WANS M i