Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 29, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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1 1
JSIrs. Jtoger S. llnntiott niul son
Francis liavo rotnrncil from a tlirro
weeks' visit to tho San Kranrlnco
'Vf. It. Jeffrey of 0 ran In Pasa spent
Wednesday In Medford nUondlng to
TtAl-33a"IJCc nnywhoro In city.
Wfi(inoBJay 11
1 WW.1M
Fijrindrly JvJpA Taxt. ow offlco Nash
Ufotfili 'Phono h'.U,
'stlUlS )jdtfl rif Mle Point speiil
Wfflrtoiiay In Medford atlundliiK to
bttyrfjTss' ltmttnw,
' 'yrilllani 'Knrn'uni Pugtrf tonight.
mm Konl bund of illxty places on
rontwlo the San Krniiclco fair played
at tlid depot Wednesday aftornoon he
foto n lnrn crowd. Thorn wait n
largo collootlon of Kord owners, on
itafid to groat the inwrtrat organl
mtlon. Vclvot Ice croam nt t)o Von'a.
Halph KltiR of Riddle tit RpiuidlitK
n few days In thf city mill valley
vlilUnft frlnndu and relatives.
Hit I.oiiwrtmry, Mlllliiory. nt Mm
M. M. Ilnpl. 8t,rr, early I'm 1 1 Folia
ntXl XovulllM. IK.
A fnrly of Sft from tho ITnlviirfillr
Trf Colnmhta, New York city, arrived
tllla inonilnn mid leave 1'rldny for
Orator Luke. Tho party will make
a BdloiiMtc study of tho lako and
Its surroundings. Many of tho party
belong to tho American Orographic
society. Thtty will ho outorlalnod by
the Uhlvoraity club today,
-800 Davo Wood ahont that flro In
siiranco policy. Offlco Malt Trlhuno
IildR. '
9 ,.1. M. Mnldoon of Again spout ti
fnV hours Wodnoiidny In this city
attending to IiiihIiiom iniittors.
'William I'nrnuni Page tonight.
CharloH Hunter of Ilossburg lit
among tho out of town visitors In tho
olty this -ivook.
I talto pride In malting your watch
koop porfoct tlnio. I havo ovory fa
cility for doing flno watch repairing.
Johnson tho Jowolor.
Ij. J. Orogory of Knddlng, Cal.,
Ii Hp"ondlng a few day In tho city at
funding to IiukIiionh mutters
Whoh that auto wheol cracks and
pops It needs fixing. Wo malio na
noll'd an now. (it a small expense. 1111
lings CarrlliRO dnd Auto Works.
Former roaldonls of Chlcnga living
.In tho city and vulloy searched tho
'lint o'f victims In tho KaHtland disas
ter for tho names of fnruuir friends
and acquaintances. Chicago paporH
v"arlrvcd In Medford Wednesday, nnd
contained a completo Hat of tho dtmd
and missing.
Do Voo carrion tho host lino of
flvo cont cigars In (ho city.
Thuro will ho on msobull game In
thin city Sunday owing to tho Hlks'
plonlo. The noxt gatno will ho with
Wood In tliln city a week from Hun
day. JqIiumii, nt tint Hook Storo, an
nxport watch repairer. "
Attomoy nnd Mrs. George llohorts
will loavo Saturday for Prospoot for
u Dliort vacfttlou.
Morohants' I.nnoh, SSe. The Shnstn.
A. U Hill and family loft lodnjvou
n tour of Crator I.ttko and lh ICIriii
nth 1-akO dtitrlrta.
Bliklyou or CUilaatln water, I0o per
hottlo at Do Voo'a.
.Mo(lratlon In tlto weather muitlu
lion, tho hlgiiuat tomporutui'tt W'odnow-
day boiiiK & dogro. Waduoaday
tjvunlug there wrt craahoa of thuu
dor In the aouthwoat, and It loakml
, for n tlvto aa If tht city and valloy
would onjoy u ahowor, hut tho atorm
iwaaatl to ths mat. Vdtteada) night
tha aky waa Wack with rlourta. but
yluldwl imi motatiire.
' Ohooiilatoa. 20 oanta lb. I)n Voo'h.
It. It. 'Mfli(lM' of Vroka. Cal.. la
BfiandlilK a tw 4aya In Ilia city at
landing to bualneaa mattara.
Homo-mads paatry at the 8bRat.
Htm Jolinaou of rorallla la atcnd
luf a taw tlaya Ih tlta city on bual
DM. Taka yoar watch to Johnapn, tha
Jolr. yu will racalva unuaualty
good Brva.
KauHotb Wllllama, formerly of
Qraata Paaa. bought 4y ('Inalaaatl.
6f la Natloaal laague. from Mpokaua
Ubr aufterl a reveme In hl hitting,
ila alartod airuug
Mafaty aad avrrlra. We glvo both.
UolttMa, tha Inaauranr Maa.
llotHJroydOM of frail haa rot ut il
eal W M ionta aftar apaudlng n
donnla of dara In thla rlty.
J'raah roasted tMMUta at 1) Vua'A.
Wallbora fornttlua loft W'talnmMlay
tURht for Portland, and will drive hta
Haw Mudabakar car oveiland on tlw
fttara trtn.
AMTaltil. I Sf wywhura In eltyi
arMit- )'. earaftit arlvart' tOHwa
Mlaa Hhea Kglltra r Drfgaa city.
Or., la Mailing frlaada aa4 ra4alra
in taja city far a tw tlava
J. 0. OarklM. tha boat all arouad
phoUfjar In aoathara Oragoa.
Always roltaMa. Neailva atada any
where, tlia or plaea. ttnUte II
.Main st l'koM 9 to-J.
' The aUff la aUar Crwk la as-
tranuly la for thla auaaoa af taa
ti. i vonr kattar. 9a. rraaaa. mWs
dn.i i.titer lgfttt Mi a Voat, ,
Wllllnm Deoro of Watnonvllle,
Cat., Is among tho out of tow;i lnl
tors In tho'clty this WPelt.
Havo you tried ono of thoso 6c
milk shakci at DoVdo's?
A commlttco from the Knriners'
and Frultgroworfl' league mot with
Dean Corbnley and Prof. Hctzol of
tho O. A. C. Wednesday aftornoon to
discuss a successor to County Pathol
ogist Henderson who will roslgn. .No
nctlon was (nknn.
Woslon Camera Shop for flriit class
Kodak finishing and Kodak supplies.
A. S. Jtosonhnufn, mrinaor of tha
Harlrmnn Interests In tlm Itoguo river
Valloy, returned Wediiflay aftor
noon from a trip (a Agar, Cal.
Quick aorvlcu for your Kodak fin
ishing. Sou VVotlon'a Camera Shop.
A. C. Hough of Ui finis Pass aponl
rx'odmmday In .Medford attending to
hualneaa mntters. '
Special autos will carry paasmigors
for tho Jmvun picnic on Crlduy In
Ashland canyon at 10 cents for round
tHp, children half. Phono Dr. Itlck-
ert's offlco for rosorvatlons.
Mfa. Sarah Fulton of Omnia Pass
visited friends nnd rolatlvos In thla
city tho first of the week.
Special autos will carry passengers
for the lowan plaulo on Friday In
Ashland canyon nt 10 cents for round
trip, children hnlf. Phono Dr. lllck
ert'a offlco for loservatlon.
"Xono Hotter nread at Ilrown
Ice's. no
Owing to W. J. Hryan speaking at
tho city park tonight, tho Hlks lodgo
will not meet until after tho address,
flrynn was formerly exalted ruler of
Knrly Fall Felts, newest patterns,
loweat prices, latost colorings. Miss
Lounshury, Millinery, M. M. Dept.
Storo. nr.
tho Lincoln, Noli., lodge.
V. C. (Jorst or Oorst & King, ox
poota to loavo tho latter part of tlm
week for San Francisco, where ho
will Join Mrs. Ooist, who has boon
visiting In that city for several
months In hopes of Improving licr
health. A messago from Mrs. Oodrst
recelvod Sunday states that she Is not
imprpovlng, hut growing weaker. Mr.
Oorst wilt make tho trip by aiitomo
lillo as soon as Mr. King and his fam
ily can return to tnko earn of tho
business. Coos liny Tldo. Mrs.
tlorat Is well known locally,
Tho condition of Oeneral Sony
Smith confined at Sacred Heart hos
pital Is reported today as showing a
slight Improvement.
William Farnuni Page tonight.
Itov. mid Mrs. If. 0. II. Plerco and
daughter Fny of Washington, I). C,
nro guests of Mrs. 0. W. Lounsbury.
Wllllnm Fit mil 111 Page tonight.
All trimmed summer hats at $ t . H 0 .
untrluimed shapes $1, flowers half
pi Ice. Sale starts Friday, July 30
and runs ten days. Ilornard Milli
nery. 111
At niilrli & Itynn's nil grades of
lefluud sugars havo declined. Also
all grados of hnrd wheat flour. Quote
fruit cano sugar $7.00 per 100 lbs.,
II lbs. fur $1.00. Hard wheat flour
$1.10 per suck of 19 lbs. Patent hard
wheat flour $1.80 Hr sack of -1!) lbs.
Tha reason that wo can ninkfl those
very low prices la that wo paid spot
oash for a car of ouch of tho flour and
sugar. And that Is what Is the real
ohiiso. Cash counts. Those price
will bo effective beginning Friday
luoiulng, Jul) HUtli, I'.Hfi. Terms, as
usual, ti Idly cash.
TUMPI.U, Tex , July 2J. Three
children of W. II. (Irlmes, n fnrmer
nenr horo( woro beaten to death with
a hammor last night. Orlmes and
his wife also were beaten Into uueon
sclniisnoss nnd Mrs. Orlmos Is not ex
pected to live.
When (Irlmes recovered conscious
ness in droanoii his three remaining
living children, sanding them to a
neighbor lirtlf a mile away for hlp
Uloodlloulfds havo bean sent lo the
Crimea home.
Two of the doad chlldien were
twin bnbtes and tho third a 7-year
old boy.
IlItlimiCPOHT, Conr , July 29.
The strike or machinists at tho Kern
Ingtou factory and Its Joint subsid
iary, tho t'nlon Metallic Cartridge
company, Mils practically ended. Some
innchlulsts remain out of sub-contracting
plants waiting a definite re
ply to tho demand for an eight hour
day which has been granted by the
Remington ronip.un
, "
(Continued from Page Ono.)
COSTS OVER $50,000
During the jmst nine )onrs Jackson
county haa spent twor $fi0,0Q0 for
fruit Inspect Inn. A largo per cent
of thla sum haa lieen paid to Inspec
tors. In 1907 tha expenditure was
$SI: In 100S, $&&a.HX; In 10O,
3.:.ll.7. In lrno, $,or,!.SP; In
tall. $1,107.11; In ID18, $10,11(10.27.
lit IUU, J13.I0S.2&; In 1911.
II7.80C. 01, and thus ar thla our
$:t. 17.73. Aa lha uuuibor of Inspec
tors bus been cut down and tho state
la assisting In the Inspection work
thla yaar'a expenditure will bo com
paratively amitll.
Machinists Go on Strike.
HOSTON. Jolt 'Jl. - Mix liiimlii'd
iiinrhiuitH niul nt her eiuplow -tne L
liln nt tint d:tut of llto IWcIm 1 Mil
tut; Muebia eoiupaitv haetiu-i tl
iiiiuiaii) rnfiiMMl an itifmuo in - 1 .
nt III per eenl mitl the ro-iie-l.o. n
of iIihi limitiHl wtukiiieii. Tin' 1 '
Uii- been, "Uniting night ami i.
eenilv on mmhiiie u-oil In f
wer iiiatanaU.
soiinl lieloiiuiugft, nnd even the few
ItirniMiinjr of the cell liml been re
moved, On it new cot Ihv 11 thin
black xuit, while shirt with ofl coi
tal' niul it hlnolt tie. Illuck HlochiiiK'
mill oft foil alipiera worn iiImi iro
viileil. Fnllier Ciihliin, inisoii cliiiiliiin nnd
Hecliei-'H apii'iliml uilviKor, will lie
with the condemned man today niul
tonight nnd will accompany Hecker
to the dentil eluimher.
.Mrs. Helen Hooker, wife of the
condemned innu, wa expected lo ur
ine today to apend the IiihI Iiouin
nlliiucd her with her husband. Other
inemhers of Ildcker'a fnuiily wore
ex)cete(l, Tlfninaa Moll (Mm! no,
waiiluu of Sine King, announced he
would leuVo the prison Into tuduy.
The wurdeii i oppoicd to cMpitnl
imuialimenl nnd luia never been at
the prison ilurilig mi eveeiilion. He
put v. Wurtloti .loliuaou will have
olmrtfo of llie e.xceuliiui of Honker
niul Hiimucl llii.vnea, 11 neurit, 'wlm
Will proliiililv lin t'leolineutcd 11 few
luiniiieH before Hooker.
Governor Wliiltnmi tclcgrnplidl
Mrs. Hecker, in reply lo 11 n'ipieat
for mi interview, Unit lie would ee
her tonight iiftei hi leturii from n
viewing the htulo luiopn at Cump
Whitinan, 'J0 miloM from (be Sinir Sin-
death lioue.
lie uilileil noliiiug to his tiilcmcut
of lust night, when he xnid tlinl, in
ilcnving 11 new I rial for Hecker, .Iiin
tico Ford liml taken the onlv lep
IxmHiblo under Hie circuuiHtiiucct and
in no ipuirler it it lulievcil that 11
plon for inerev would change the e
eeulive'a ntlilude. lie in vciv poi
tiro rcgnnliiig Heekor'M vuill. The
fuel which became public alter .lit
lice Ford liiimli'il down In- dci-i-mii
liml Hecker hail offered to pie id
guillv lo second iIckicc -munlcr 1 'i
viucoil (lie governor of tliH lichcf,
Imxcil on the evuleuee tint 110 ii'i
lien will ho done in executim: the lor
liter lieutenant.
Aa u liimill of vvorrv over the
Hceker 0110, I h governor i- .nil
bo nearly ohniiNod. He Iiiim lol
lovvi'd everv move na elo-elv 111 niiv
of llie iilloineyn nnd his uppeur ine
mIiow pliiiulv Hie eflei N l hi- hour
of aliitlv and vvorrv.
Tho public ontrnnco to the execu
llvo chamber lu the capltnt was ilos
ml and guarded by a detective toda)
An unconfirmed rumor aald that the
authorities had loarnod that somn
Now York gunmen bad arrived In
William Orr. Governor Win-nan
private secretary, after icii.iilng.
with Mrs. Hecker, scld lie won' I ,1 k
(lovoinor Whitman lo niter Ms
Hacker nt Plshklll. wbare the kv'
uor Is to bo early thla afternoon
ASHUVIliUJ. N. C , July 29.- Miss
Cornelia Vonderhllt, young daugh
ter of tho lato Oeorge W. Vanderhllt,
today was said to be resting comfor
tably followlni; an onerntlon Inst
night for a ruptured blood vessel
She was swimming yesterday In a
lake on the Hlltmoro ostnto nnd, In
making n Midden plunge, ruptured a
blood vessel.
Fratul Case to Jury.
I.OS ANOKI.KS, .Julv -M The
government uit nuuiut Chnt'e- A
Filler, fiiiuier piexideut mid Ion nth
or former ollieiala 11 lid euipbiM'-. i
tha l.oa Angeles liivctment coiiipau.v
eliargeil with counpiriuif to ue the
maiU in a scheme to difiaitil, won
liiveii lo the inn et noit loilav
'fhe tit h ml. ml , wlm vvj' tillicc''-
Froncli Blplnno Lost
in'AMI'FK. Kranm Juh J"
French unlitinv lntl one
Quartt nnit-tir luov o llu 1
light t'avalrv, eini!it liic
flvinir ovr Hu pl-c .11 n lui '
:HM1 tat tttftnv. The eavnliv
eer vn- thrtian out of the uiri
when ut an ultititdf of l.VMI in 1
V.'lH kllllll.
111 . Hiuooiii , r It 'f
bit n mi tri 'I M v '
BBg gagggggF aaga
aaaacw- aaa x "
Tl Rlite Dwath Shin.
CliU'AtX). J11U !. 'fhe .l.n 1
ruie the Kn-tl.iiul bv the ii.c of .br
riek" wu abeiidiuii'd tudav ln'catie
of the imnirti-e weight v( the water
wittthi the hall. WoK waa heuun to
ami the iiiMtimg in the boat mi that
Ik vatvr mntka kt wiamaaal uut autl
POOH sll.Ut'
1 .1 h.iiitli. Hi in t 1. 1 i.iti 1 diiilne
0111 r.tes and m.11.1 Kl'tA-CK to gtva
ou normal vlnlon.
Mi-H iruihetb Hiilumls and Walt
er F. .Mtiiulv vvenl married loilnv It.v
Hie Itev. W. It. iliiimlloii ol the I'.pin
(opal church m I he presence of
relutives and fri"iid-i. Itidji Hie
couple me well known 111 this oily.
TJiey will go 011 a hIioIi' honeymoon
ut once,
II Chandler Hgnn defeated Iloudl
uot Connor nt tho Country club this
morning for tho tennis championship
of southern' Oregon In a hard fought
mntch by the scores of (1-1, 4-0, 2-fi,
9-7, and (il, lu the Inst mntch of tho
seml-fluals. Kgan will meet Adams
Friday In tho final for tho title.
Expiration Villa Decree.
V.U I'ASO, Tovilrt, July 2!). The
one hundred mid twenty days time
nllowcd by decree for the operation
of nil ininiw in territory controlled
by the Villa government in penally
of ennfi-iciitioii expired (odtiy.
T. R. on Way Home.
I.OS AXHMLF.S, July 2!). -Colonel
mid Mi. Theodore Itoosevelt left to
day for ()y-lcr ll.iv. The former
president retu-oil lo eommcul 011 a
confereiiep he held vvilh pmgiosMvt v
IcadeiH llist ' luht.
IJOUTIiAND, July 28. Senator
Qeorgo K. Chamhorlaln, chairman of
tho military affalrn committee of tho
sunnte announced today upon his re
turn from eastern Oregon Hint ho will
go to Washington a month before
congress reconvenes, In order to con
fer with Secrotnry of War Harrison
nnd prepare a program of reorganiza
tion of the army.
"Tlm army must bo Increased' de
clared Senator Chamberlain, "Tho
proposed program of national defenso
Is not n party measuro but one of
"Tlm determination of the slr.o of
tlm trained reserve Is ono of tho Im
portant problems we have to work
out, under one Interpretation, every
able bodied man lu the country be
tween tile ngo of 20 and 10 years Is
In tlm reserve. It has been suggest
ed that military training bo inndo
compulsory at every school that re
ceives aid from thn public money.
"A rensonnblo program out to bo
adopted to strengthen the country's
"I havo already discussed this mat
ter with the secretary of war a num
ber of times. Uoforo lenvlng Wash
ington ho requested that I return a
month before congress convened to
go over thn cntlro situation.
"So far tho secretary of war nnd
myself have agreed In our opinions
of tho country's needs.
"It Is natural that any plan will
meet tho Individual opposition of
some congressmen anil senators, but
thuro aro mon In both parties who
bollovo thoro Is an Imporntlvo de
mand for Immediate military legislation,"
France's Share Collossal.
I'AKIS, Julv 211 The lust five
months of the great war coil Franco
Feel in your pocket. Maybe
that's where you'll
Remember fatima isn't the
only good one.
Ashland Canyon
Friday, July 30th
lull nii'lmn cur nnd Amos' truck nmko round trip
rtttf i.f lOo, cliildivii 3of. I'nrs Iwive nt 8. StfO mid 10 -.
in. at JiU'feson PiHiuty Hank (onior. Plume Dr.
Kit-kill fur reuM'vnLiou.
exnctlv (5,(M:I,00(),0()I) Irnmk This
is shown bv the rcpoit of the'hildg'et
ootnmllfee oh oupplementnrv mjlitnry
mid naval credit just itlcil.
McxicSns Release Americans.
WAKIIIN'fimV, Julv 'J!). Willi
and Harmon, two v.ineiicmn l.dtl nt the Viupn valle.v
Snn Lui"? Potosi, charged with dr
oit luting- counterfoil money imvo
hecit i'cIcu'.ihV ntdio reuiet of tile
American fdnul' tlierc. nijoin (Icn
eral Villa's oitlerx. Quiet iditl food
order nrd reported itt Aeiipuleo,
fliiu.vnuis I.n l'az, Manzinilln mid
is a tent that will stand hard wear and
That won't come apart through cheap material or
That will be as good next year and the year after,
as it is the first season.
you can get such a Tent by asking for the "Will
amette" and making sure our trade-mark is on it.
Every Tent is guaranteed to give absolute satisfacton.
"Willamette" Tents are made In all altta and ntulei.
They cott nu more than Tents without name or guarantee.
For Sale by All Reliable Dealers
Fetimrlu Wltlamrllt Tint and Airnlntt C:
Your Vacation or Trip
is made nioro pleasant by tho uso of our Travelers
Checks no worry about risk of loss or theft, as when
much currency Is curried. You can cash them whom
ever you stop.
To Crater Lake
The Travel Is Now On.
Hook your seals ahead with the Hall Taxi Co.
Government carrier. Mvory attention is shown our
customers to make this one of the most enjoyable
trips in the west.
For information phone 100. Office ("Valor Lake
B. P. O. E. Excursion
Sunday, August 1
Special Elk's Train
This train will bo under tho ausplros of tho Klhs, but Is open to
all and will run on the following bchudulu:
I,lVO Irt'llVO
Orants Pass f 7:00am Central Point S:00nm
Itoguo Htver...... 7:17am Medford 8:20am
00111 'A" 7:30nm I'hoonlx 8:S3nm
Tolo 7:4Gam Talent S:40nm
Soven Oaks 7:51am Ashland ....M9:00am
Itcturnlug Loavo Colostln 8:00 p. m.
Special will stop at all points going
and returning
Including admission to Colostln Park
Orants Pass $2.05 Medford $1.10
Itoguo lllvor 1.S0 Phoenix ,.,. ,95
0o,1 "" 1.55 Talent S5
Central Point 1.20 Ashland ,70
Nine Hours of Fun -
at tho Springs, Oamos, Ilox nail. Shooting Gallery, Tennis, otc
.Medford Hand nnd Hazelrlgg'a Orchestra will ontertaln axourslon
Ists. I.uneh and refreshments on the the ground. .No Intoxicating
Call on nearost Agent fbr full particulars.
John SI. Scott, General P.f,M'iimr Agont, Portland, Oregon.