Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 29, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Shouers Tonight; Friday
Clear. Mux. 82, Mln. nil.
Forty-fifth Tenr.
Pnllv Tenth Tear.
Pctrograd Reports Tell When anil
Where Kaiser's Horde Checked
Czar Claims Victory on Bug and
Assumption of Brisk Offensive on
Gallcian Front.
LONDON, July 20, noon. The
Oeinimi endeavor to capture Wiirsaw,
pushed forward with nntiiblc energy
for a period covering moro limit two
weeks, luis nol mndu niiy miilerinl
progress- since Inst Tuosiliiy, accord
ing to ) epulis ('(lining from Petro
glllil, London nilil Dcilill. On the
conlriiry, tlie Itii-siim authorities in
tlp'ir l;ile.-l offieinl iinuoiineeineiit,
iciternte tlicir claims that the Oor
luiiii advance movements in lln direc
liuii of tin! Polish capital liiive liecii
checked, inn they specify when mill
where. The Derlin minoiiiicemeiitrf
ill) 111)1 dlKplllc Pctt'Ogrilll.
Hetweeii tlio Viepra mill the Hut;
there has lieen stubborn lighting in
whicli the ItiiHMiuiri chiiin success mill
the eiipliire of t.'lll) (Ionium soldiers.
The Oriibcchow, a point eloo to
the (liilieinii frontier, north of I.ein
bcrg, the (Jeriniins have niiiile dolor
niineil attempts to nilvanee, hut have
been driven back, neeordinir to the
Russian war office, mid a little
father to tho south, at Soknl. the
Russians dei'liire they hue begun a
successful offensive movement. Des.
ierate fighting is still going on at
this point.
LONDON, July 20. Kxcopt from
Sokal, Onllcln, where tlio Russians
elalm by n counter offeiiBlvo to havo
thrown back the, Austro-Hungarliins
across tlio Dnolstor river, little, defi
nite, nows readied London thin morn
ing from tlio eastern battlefront. To
the eaRt of tho Narow river tho ex
tent of tlio Gorman advance from
Rozan In murlced by tlio capturo of
tlio village of Ooworowo, which lies
only sixty miles from tho river.
Tho exact status of the operations
on tlio eastern front Is proving n
puzzlo to studonts of tho Warsaw
eompalgn, oven Petrograd being un
certain whether the vast operations
botweon tho Hug and tho Vistula
rivers morks tho crisis of tho battlo
or only a pauso to allow ono side or
the other to draw breath or to re
arrange Its
Along tho western front compara
tive (pilot prevails with Ilorltn claim
lug and Paris admitting the rc-oc-cupatloa
of trenches In tho Souclicz
Home explains tho lull along tho
lsonzo river front on the ground that
tho Italians are engaged In organiz
ing and securing the positions which
they won on the Carso jdatcau, but
Vienna claims tho lack of activity
means tho termination of tho Italian
attack after a successful Austro-Hun-itarlmi
defense along the sholo chos
en battle line.
German submarine warfaro which
raged around tho Orknoy Islands at
the end of last week, presumably
against trado with tho only open Rus
lun port, Archanagol, has been trans
ferred to tho northeast coast of Suf
folk, where sovoral neutral, ns well
as llrltlsh ships, have fallen victims
to tho undorsoa commorco raiders.
Tho situation In tho Noar Kast
jemalns apparently unchanged fa far
iir any doparturo from neutrality Is
concornod, but tho ontonto alllos
mo already showing considerable Irri
tation over IJulgarla's successful ne
gotiations with Turkey and they soon
may transfor their dlsploasuro to Itu
1'ianla, which Is reported to bo ready
1o lift tho embargo on tho oxport
of grain, thereby supplying tho cen
tral powers with a huge accosslon of
food supplies.
CHICAGO, July 29- Mordocal
Tlrottn, ono of the stare of tho pitch
ing stuff of the Chicago Federals, and
for ears the loading pUahar of tho
Chicago NutlBRUli, is in a hospital
litre suffering Ire an aewto attatk
of nepbrltte. ISarljr tartar phjrgWPH
pxpretted dovkti as te bH rwoverf.
i I
Military Experts Urge Populace to
Be "Tranquil" Retreat Best Pol
icy Till Munitions Arrive Press
Hints at Still Further Falling Back
to Defensive Positions.
PKTROORAD, July 20. Tho mil
itary critics of tho newspapers of Pe
trograd, after conversations with
"competent military authorities" to
day call upon tho Russian public to
view tho events which nro about to
trausplro with tranquility and to
"mantalu their faith In tlio glorious
ItiiHslan army until such time as It
shall take a decisive aggressive step
to urenk once for all tho power of
the stuhhoru enemy."
Tho Itelchs says:
"Until such time as our armies re
ceive the needed military supplies
the most sensible thing Is to avoid
a battlo and retreat to previously
prepared positions, even though such
retirement carry with It the occupa
tion by the enemy of moro exlenslvo
territory than thoy previously hold.
It Is betcr to give up territory which
may bo regained than to sucrlflco-nn
army which could bo replaced only
with difficulty."
Quoting n military authority, tho
Hclch says it is possible that Russia
Is on the cvo of a maneuver which
will consist of the retirement of tho
army from tho lino of tho Vistula
to now defensive positions marked
by tho strong fortresses of Kovno,
(roil no and llrest-Lltovsk. In con
clusion tho Reich lays emphasis upon
tho necessity of giving greater weight
to strategic than political consider
ations. Tho Uourso Gazotto directs atten
tion to an Interview secured by Its
military writer who says that soventy
German divisions, all tho Gorman
cavalry and a big part of tho AiiBtro
Hungarlan army, Is at prosent'operat
lng against Russia, thereby preven
ting such concentration of tho Rus
sian army on tho northern front as
would be necessary If Russia under
took at tills tlmo a decisive aggressive
mo'vomont. This paper points out
that until Russia has completed tho
mobilization of her Industrial forces,
her army can not meet tho German
artillery on equal terms.' It argues
furthermore ngalnst tho retention of
fortresses on the Nurew-Vlstula lino
which aro tho objectives of tho pres
ent advance.
WASHINGTON, .lulv 20. The
French eonsu late at Capo Haiticn,
Haiti, is menaced by revolutionist"
and n guard from the United State.s
auxiliary cruiser Fugle hits been
landed io protect it. This infoinia
tioif was cabled eailv today to the
state department by American Con
sul Livingston.
Rear Admiral Caperlou, in a cable
gram sent lut night from Port au
I'tineo and received at tho navy de
partment today said:
"Tlio landing force entered Tort
au Prince mid bivouacked for the
night. A guuid was placed at the
Froiuh legation. No serious dis
tubrance. This action was doeided
on after consultation with American
chnrgo d'affaires, nnd tho French
and Drituh charge d'affaires. Tlio
French warship Dc.earto i expected
"Two oompanies of inarinos mid
two companies of soniuon were
landed. Have information from
commander of the United Stat as whip
little, reporting conditions nt Cape
lliiitiiu quiet. They cro landed at
request of French consul."
Postpone M, and M. Race.
DETROIT. July '10. Th M. and
M. j 10.000 stake ot the drawl Cir
cuit trograw waa noettraNwl today
HatU tomorrow betausa of a mmAs
litk. Am lUttiMiit waa wade t
Md the oihar rtteog.
"Wfl SSMBWLmmmmmmmK' (Sam Sammm LmmmmmmmB
35 alfifC 4MkV " bbbLVbbWK EbbbHbV rf "? Jiaam H
jitf''h2.V' fy ? sncv 3 a BBaBBBBBBBBBHMBB
ffirli &' - i$JL"T'T " fat! L ViP
ft a' " mI? ' a aK. bbbbV ,S3(
VSV ( B. tfi I iMi r ,-UbbBbbW vCSB
r ABmti V. BBBBBBM j Vm vjT'MBvmSvBvBvJKV VaaBB
r tl&fc i w H f ?!wPHBBmH
A aft i U BB V 'jiti. kJ& IfcBBWi
jjjffa' m 9 La '.tBHBTBTB
ioB aMaWABtfi- 4 aat Bh Jp j BBlBBBBBBBf"" '
BBBBBBK' BvBvBvJ' lvMi itKBvJ m 'flvB jCaBvBvBBw
faaH ' bbbV Wl . tarn? aHr J
bbbbK 0 L bbH J ?vvty. JbbbbbbbbH
9aHPlvaHBHKHKv' dm tfm LbbbbH
.r ShVBWaWaWaWaWaWaWaaWal JaWaWaWaWaWaW jH V' bQI'
T bWbWbWbWbWbWbWbWbYV JJbWbWbWbWbWbVbbH " -? 2 " KLJJ
When iM)llro Uoiitoiumt Clmrles Uorkir Is KIIUhI fit thtMloaili tlniiral MiikSIiik tlio fdiiKh l IioiuMimI
lo the roll if whhiws iiiimIu Uy tho KusiMithal iiiunlor. Mrs. UocUor Is lu tho center hi tho picture 1mivo. At
her rlKht Is Mrs. Ilentmii Hosenthal. who was whhmed by kiiiiiihmi. At Mrs. Ilerker'.s left tun (iiIniio) .Mrs.
Hurry (C.yp the IIUxmI) Ilonl. uiul (hehnv .AIi-s, utty fm" ICoiiherjj. 'Iho latter to eiv made u bl
ows when the .state elertnM'iiltNl their htishanttH for iniuileriny: lEoseuthal.
niJRLLV, July 20, (Via Wireless)
Tlio Overseas .News Agency Bays
"Tho Athons cotespondont of tho
"osslscho Zeltnng icports that tuo
Drlliab supordrjad'iaught Lion him
arrived In tho harbor of Mudros, on
Lomnos Island. Tim Aipiltanla and
tho Mauretanla, being used as troop
transports, also are in this harbor.
"Tho Lion," tho correspondent
says, "received serious injuries In n
naval engagement last January off
tho Doggor bank In tho North Sea.
She apparently is not consldorcd a
first class ship and has theroforo been
sent to Join tlio Dardanelles fleet,
"Tho Hrlltsh battleship Agamem
non, badly damaged, also Is lying In
0. S. II
WASHINGTON, July 20 Tho ef
fect of the war upon tho trade of this
country with Gormauy Is clearly
shown In a statoment of the declar
ed vnluo of tho exports to tho United
States through the parts of Hum
burg, Kiel uud Lucbeck during tho
first six months of this year, mada
public by tho depaitmont of com
merce. During tho first six months of
1911 tho ports sent to tho United
Statos goods valued at $1 1,!0 l.r.SB.
This year, lit tho samo period, tho
shipments amounted to $1 1,1 53,2r,7.
WASHINGTON. Jub 29 Anibaa.
sador Gerard cabled the state depart
ment today a synopsis of German ed
itorial eo in ni out on the last Amoriean
note. Socrotary Lansing said all tho
oxeerpta had appeared in the Ameri
can papers within the last few 4ty.
The ambeaaader alao eswaiiHlMted
hit own riewa kt UMjr wer ai 4l-
r --
CHICAGO, July 20 --Oovernmont
efforts to placo tho responsibility for
tho capsizing of tho steamship Kast
land In Chicago last Saturday got
under way today with tho convening
of tho fedoral grand Jury and the
opening of the Investigation by tho
steamship Inspection sorvlco under
tho direction of Secretary of Com
merce Kcdflold,
United States DMrlct Attomoy
Charles I Clyno, with flvo of bis as
sistants, aud Illnton G, Clabaugh,
chief of tho bureau of investigation,
went over tho ovidemo that Is to bo
presented to tho grand Jury nnd bo
lected tho wltnossoa who will ho pro
minted. Among the flrt of those will
he William II. Hull, nenoral managor
of tho company owning tho Kastland,
v.lio nrlrved In C1iIcuk this morning
In response to a subiioena. Indict
ments basod upon kIx Kectlons of tho
federal laws aro planned, it was given
out after tho conference.
Tho county grand Jury, whloh was
adjourned yosterduy following a con
ference hotwoon Secretary Rodfleld
and State's Attorney Hoy no, was re
convened today and the report of tho
coronor's Jury rocoinmendlng that six
persons ho held was laid before It.
A ehargo of manslaughter was
recommended by the coronor's Jury
against William H. Hull, gen oral
nuiuagor of the company owning tho
Kastland, Harry ivderaon, captain
of the Kastlaud; Jomph N. KrUkson,
chief engineer of tin Kastland; Wal
ter K. Groonbaum, Knoral managor
ot tho Indiana Truniortatlon com
pany, whloh cliarlc-rcd tho Kastland;
Robert Rold and ( liarles O. Kckllff,
Inspectors at Grand Havon, Mich.
Tho Jury doalarod thst tho Kastland
was 'both Improperly onstruotod for
tlio sorvlco omplo)ed, and Improporly
loaded, oporatod and mulntalnwl, and
that tho partloa named are rosponsl
bio". CHICAGO. July 'zs T.ato today
figures on tho total number of per
rons who perished on tho atoaiuer
Kustluud wag reduced to 11 OS. The
list of m latin, eowpllod by offlelula
of the Woatern lSlectrlc comftany, baa
beou roduoed to 173.
Mayer Goos to Fed.s
KAXKA8 CITY, July W. Sammy
Ma jar, (mUiaMer ot the ICmwm City
AwnM aaoeblioii aNIb
juwjmhI to Ik Brooklyn Mam. M
oiW to & "UN W tria j.
WASHINGTON', July 20. Goods
consigned to American citizens valued
at J 1 50,000,000 are lying on tho
docks of Rotterdam, Holland, hold
up by tho llrltlsli order. In council for
bidding nil commerce with Germany
or Austria. Much of tho merchan
dise Is of German origin and cannot
be moved pending tho result of the
HritlMh-Amerlcau negotiations over
tho order lu council, Some of tho
shipments, howovur, are. ot nelglau
origin, and efforts nro being mado
with tho unofficial aid of tho stato
department to secure safe conduct for
this poitlou.
While Germany Is In control of
practically all of Hulgliim, Inquiries
from this government havo brought
forth tho stntomont that Great Drltnln
propones to blockade llolglnn ports
and to Invoke the order lu council
uguliHt (iii man goods from Ilclgliim.
CLUVKLAND, July 29 -Tugs and
tire guards from MIcIiIkuii ports hur
ried today to tho rescue of tho yacht
Widgeon, which, poarlng Its owner,
II. M. Ilanna, Jr.. ot Cleveland, and
a number of friends, went aground
near Harbor Roach, Mich., last night.
Smaller tugs were unable to pull tho
Widgeon away and the passengers
spent tho night aboard her, Thoy
are gald to le lu danger. The Wid
geon Is one of tho fluent yachts on
tho Greut Lakes.
COltNISII. II, July 21) Ro
eaumt of the llluese of Klltn Wilson
alcAdiW, baby Iran) daughter of
President Wilson, and the daughter
of the aecratwry of the treasury, Dr.
Cary T. OraraoH, ta praeldaHt's HHval
M s4 pkaleUa. Mt bia twlay
for Itettoii te awwaU wttk pba(Ktu
wIm M Im atUHdlat the ihtkl.
Condemned Gotham Police Official
Ready for Chair -"No Justice Hero
Will Get It in Next World" Faith
fill Wife to Make Appeal Grim
Preparation All Complete.
IltiACON, N. V., .lulv 2!). (lover
nor Whitman, who motoied to Camp
Whitman, near lieic, lo review the
sliilo militia toilny, minoniicod Hint li
did not expect to intervene in beliall'
til' Chillies ibeker, allliougli he bail
1111 appointment to meet Mix. lleeker.
NKW YORK, July 20. Tho solo
hope of saving Charles lleckor from
dying lu tho electric chair nt Slug
Slug prison tomorrow morning, lies
lu Governor Whitman, Counsel for
tho condemned man announced today
that they had abandoned the Idea ot
appealing to Judgu Ilogau of tho
court of appeals at Syracuse, for a
dtay of execution.
NKW YORK, July 'JO. -Finn I pre
paratioiiH for the execution lit King
Sing prison tomorrow of Chntlos
Meeker, formerly a police lieutenant,
for iiistignliiig Hie murder of Her
mini Itoscutlml, were begun ut tho
prison today following the miuoiiuee-
ment of Justice loriln decision do
iiyiug lleckor 11 tliinl trial. Tlio
hour of Hie execution in set for ft : !
u. m. tomorrow.
There win speculation ioilay ns
io whether Ilecker'H counsel would
attempt to make uny fuillioi- appeal
in bin behalf which might net iih 11
stay of his execution or whether any
Nticli appeal were possible.
Justice Ford hud declined that (he
case wan now entirely in (he hands
of Oovoruor Whitman and that the
clemency if nny were granted must
come from him. Tlio governor had
expressed liiu approval of the denial
of 11 new tiiai uiul had said that if
he hud any doubt about HeckcrV
guilt he would paiilou him in n mill
DiHlricl Attorney Perkins mid
membcra of his staff were ipiotod us
Hiiying that there could lie 110 appeal
from Justice ronlx ilooiMiin.
. To Deputy Warden Johnson of
Sing Sing, uho notified him that lux
appeal had been denied, lleeker said
"Well, I'll die like 11 inn 11 anyhow,"
To Kiilher Cimliin, prison chaplain,
Becker hiiiiI:
"There is no jus! ice "here. I am
confident, however, that I will get it
in tho next world. 1 know Hint the
I ruth will come out."
OSHIKIXO, N. Y., July 20.
Charles Heukor, fonnor Now York po
lice lieutenant, condemned to dio to
morrow for instigating the murder
of Herman Itosonthiil, tho gambler,
was leportod to bo hearing up well
today under tho realization that vir
tually all hope of bin oxeapiug the
electric chair had paused.
Lchh than an hour after Decker
received word Hint Supreme Com I
.liiHliee Ford had denied lux appeal
for a third tiiul, the condemned man
threw himself on hi cot. lleeker
lay with his face to tlio wall ami the
guard, said he did not mow all night,
Heiker ijriiMi ut 7 o'chnk today.
After breakfast ho was from
hit cell, while the filial preparation
for his execution were made.
When Decker relumed to hi cell,
he found Hint all of his clothing, per-
( Continued on Page Two)
NKW YORK', July 'JO. Kxeiled
-.peculation ill war slocks kept the
Mock market in a turmoil today.
Fluctuation were wide ami trading
wih heaviest of auy timu during
their upward movement of several
months. In the firt hour alone
tntusaetioita amounted to 330,001)
Heavy trading eoiitin tied through
the day. J' rice of tlio iieuhtive
favoritea tre bid up ajHwiUUy until
Ike last hour whatt n auMpM nnd
viatatt luaii) wwrrat. DatMuluiui
ttMl fU IS IHJWU 8Rd l miaibja
Steal IT,
NO. 310
William Jcnnlnn.s Bryan to Deliver
Address at City Park at 8:00 P. M.
Spending Day at Crater Lake
Reaching Medford This Afternoon
Band Concert and Reception.
William Jenningq Ilrynn, former
secretary of state, foremost npostlo
of pence, and nt onco tho most adored
nnd nbused of American citizens, no
eonipaiiied by lira. Dryan nnd party
will arrive thm nfternoon'from a
trip to Crater Lake, via Klamath
Falls, as tho guest of the Modfonl
Commercial club. If tho party
reached tho pernio wonder last night,
they should reach Medford early this
afternoon. If they spent Iho night
in Klamath Falls i(Svould ho Into tlii.s
nftomoon before arriving hero. 0
Dryan, recognized iih tho most
logical uud brilliant speaker boforo
the Knglish speaking public will de
liver an udilre.sK at the city park this
evening nt 8:00 o'clock, leaving' nt
2:00 o'clock Frldny morning for Al
hnny where ho will speak Friday.
His subject tonight will be along tlio
linen of nil his ni)drcs.scs sinco re
signing from tho cabinet pence, anil
Hie folly of wnr. The lnrgest crowd
Hint over heard a public speaker in
Iho Iloguo river vnlloyis forecnstcil
for tho distinguished visitor. Many
people from nearby cilicn ami tho
country districts will ho in attend
ance. Doforo ami nfter the speech of
Drymi (ho Medford band will give
a contort. Tho first program will
bo given at 7:30 o'clock. After tlio
speaking in tho city park, Dryan will
bu tho guest of (ho University club,
nnd Mr. Drynn will bo entertained
by tho luilicH of (ho Qreutcr Med
ford club.
Mr. Dryan will ho introduced by
President Qalos of (ho Commorcinl
club, who has mimed (ho following;
iih a reception commit loo for (ho pub
lic reception following tho sjieaking,
ut tho Hotel Medferd:
F. i. Ton Voile, chairmnn; Dr. E.
D. Viokol, W. I. Vawter, i II. dore,
M. h. Alford, Delroy Outolicll, J. i
Wortiiian, Dert Thierolf, Judge W. S.
Crowell, Judgo W. 1". l'hipps, .Too
Drown, M. l'urdiii, W. M. Holmes,
W. N. Campbell, 1. I). Kelly, Judgo
Wi K. Crews, C. II. Clindwiek, J. A.
Perry, Lincoln McConnnok, S. V.
Deekwilh, A. 1. Heames, 1. W. Huhl,
F. V. Mcdynski, Col. H. U. Sargent,
If. C. (lnroett, Rev. Harry Tucker,
Rev, Weston Shields.
President C. K. Hales of tlio Com
mcrcinl club iiBks every member (o
be present mid net as members of (ho
reception committee.
PnOKuNKC, Ariz., July 2D. Action
by tho stato board ot pardons and,
purolos on tho fato ot tho flvo Mex
icans condemned to dlo tomorrow
was dofurrod today until a doclslon
was announced In tho haboas corpus
proceedings which aro being heard
lu tho suporlor court.
A motion ot Assistant Attorney
Gouorul George Hnrbon to dismiss
tho application mudo In behalf ot
four ot thocondomned men was over
ruled by Judgo McAloster.
Tho anti-capital punishment forcca
notified tho member ot tho board
today that sufficient namos had boon
slgnod to tho Initiative petition to
socuro a placo on tho ballot next fall
far tho question ot abolition ot capi
tal punishment. They hopo to Iih
duco tho board to graut further re
prieves until the people havo another
opportunity to vote on tho question.
LONDON. Julv 20. -The Delginn
steamship Prni.esuo Mario Jose, ot"
lil&l tone gross burden, was tor
peduod and eunk t" day by n Ocr-
IMii 8t4hiiinrlne. Twejity.Qiio inem
boro of dm crow of 25 were suved,