Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 28, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Showers Tonight nml Thurs
day... Mav. 8:1.5 Jlln. 47.
Forty-fifth Tear.
Dully Tenth Year.
500,000 DIE IN
Despite Titanic Effort Russian Front
Before Warsaw Teutons Held
North and South Both Sides Rush
! Reserves Mackcnscn Propesses
in Luhlln-Chclm Attack.
LONDON, July 28. Though tho
Germans now hold a great lino from
tlio (.lulf of ltlga sweeplnc south
westward around Warsaw, thenco on
circling tho city and stretching nway
to tho Oullclnn frontlor, near Solcal,
It ik estimated they have lost COO. 000
nii'ii, perhaps more, In thin, tho most
nmliltloiiR moveinptit of tho war. And
in spite or that Iosh, tho Russian
front In not yet broken.
On the N'arow river, north ot War
saw, tho HiihsIiuih liavo tuado a ntub
horn show of resistance, holding Field
Marshal vou lllndonbiin; for tho tlnui
being In cheek. To tho south thu
combined Auslro-flornuin forces,
struggling to iiolzo tho Lublln-Chclm
railway, have been for days on tho
threshold of success without htdng
able actually to achieve their goal.
lighting on tho latter front has
been renewed with great Intensity,
nnd tho Teutons claim to liavo Im
proved tholr position on tho extromo
right, which Is resting on tho Uug
Immediately west ot Wnrsaw, com
parative quiet prevails nnd It is on
tho l.ublln-Chelin sector or In tho
Narew river region that It Is believ
ed a crisis will he i cached.
Italians Show (Jains
Tho severe fighting on tho Halo
Austrian frontier which lias been go
ing on for aproxlinnlely a week,
Miows no signs of a let-up nor Is
there nny clear Indication of a defi
nite outcome. Tho Italian official re
ports contlnuo to claim n succession
of either advances or the holding of
the Austrlans in chock. Tho Aus
trlana nro contoatlng every foot of tho
Italian advanco with stubborn deter
mination and hnvo lost 3200 prison
ers to tho Italians, according to nn
official statomont given out In Home.
Cut Wiirnuw-lVtrogiiul Uno
In million to tho capture of War
saw, tho direct objective of tho Gor
man Polish cnmpnlgn of tho past two
weeks, tho troops of tho dominii
emplro aro ovldontly making a spec
ial endeavor Just now to cut com
munication between Warsaw and I'e
trograd with tho purpose or prevent
ing tho successful retreat If Warsaw
falls, of tho Hussion army now de
fending that city. To this end are
.llrected their operations north of
Kovno, according to dlspatchos from
l'otrogrnd, ns woll as their advanco
upon Hrost-Lltovsk by way of Chelm
nnd tho right hank of tho river Hug.
The Issues still aro undecided with
tho Itusslnns claiming temporary nd
nntagos. Watch TIn-co Points
Obsorvora in Fetrograd nro today
watching with particular interest
three points around Warsaw, where
the Gorman maneuvers are regarded
ns of special importance. Theso aro
the operations on tho loft bank of tho
Narew, to tho north of tho Polish cap
ital; against tho town of Cholm, to
' (Continued on page threo)
Cologno Onsotto publishes 116
"" n wireless despatch from
Wellington two Miggoation
tiiul "in order to avoid ftutli-
er jmlilio excitement," Oer-
nmnv should not reily to the
" Ameiican not unless it i ablo
to give a favorable answer,
my a telegram Crow Aw
nenlaw to neuter's Tlgmw
"" i'OIUMUt.V.
"" The Cologne GnaeUe eon-
Mler tbe atlriee weij worthy
" i.l iiiip-idrratUHi
President Dragged From Fefurje in
French Legation, Shot By Kin of
Massacred Political Prisoners
Dragged Dead Body Through City
Streets in Wrath.
WASHINGTON1, Jnlv 28. Ami'ri.
run Murines will he landed nt Port
nu Prince, Haiti, to protect the lives
and property of Americans mid oili
er foreigners. Instructions were
.-cut to Item Admiral Cupcilon late
today by the navy dcpaitmcnl. Ad
miral Ctipeion arrived til Toil an
Prince todn yon I he cruiser Wash
ington. The collier Jnson with 1200
additional minim's from Oiinulnnamo
nro expected to arrive tonight.
l'OHT Al' PMNTK, July 28. A
molt of infuriated HaitieiiH today re
moved Wilbruu Oillitiime, president of
Haiti, from the French legation
wliero lie took refuge yesterday, and
shot him to death in front of the
Tint act of iolenco followed ini
uiedialely the burial of the 3(10 po
litical prisoners massacred in prison
yesloidny. The mob was mostly of relatives of the mass
acred victims. They invaded the
French legation nnd seized fluillnumo
and Ihough Jr. (lirard, the French
minister, protested vigorously, ho was
poweiless hefoie their fury.
fluillnume was drugged from the
protection of the legation. Once t it
the Hhvel, while the crowd Hinged
around him uith imprecations, he
wns promptly shot to death.
Kven then the linger of tho popu
lation was not appeased. The boo
of the president was mutilated, nun
tird to the end of a rope which wi
nrngged tluough the streets ol toe
The people nie in n state of in
tense excitement and further violence
is feared.
The past 3(1 hours have seen in
Port nu Prince a succession of vio
lent events, bloodshed and m us-,
ueios. For ti-o months- there had
been nn netivi revolntionnry ir.ou
iiu'itt nguiiist l'lesideut Ouil'aiime,
headed liy Itnsnlvo Hebo. Up to
yestoiday this activity hail been con
fined mostly to the northern put of
the lcpuhlic.
At dajbieak ye t onlay a di
haiided llaitieu regiment began nu
attack on President Guillaumc und
n hand of his followers who took
refuge in tho presidential pnluco de
fended it courageously.
Ouillaiiinc fled to the French le
gation and the most prominent of
his supporters, neneral O-ear, gov-c.iuor-genonil
of Port nu Prince, took
lefuge in the Dominican legation.
It becnine known during the day
that politicul piisouers to the num
ber of 1(10 had heM executed yes
tcrilny morning on .uders issued by
General Oscar. An infuriated crowd
dragged this man from the shelter of
the Dominican legation and executed
him in tho street.
The M'cond act of retaliation enme
today. The people counted Guil
laiiine ns nNo responsible for Iho
executions of yeiterdnv and vented
summary vengeance upon lam.
LONDON, July 28.- Tho Dri'Ui
steamship Hogarth was torpedoed
and sunk bv a German submarine to
day off Aldeburgh, n watering place
off Suffolk, Knglund.
The vol was bent to the bottom,
it is alleged, without warning. Some
of tho crew were wived, but others
aro iniin;r.
The imiU of tho steamer remain
above t lie Huter.
New British Note Coming.
LONDON, Jalv 38. 'Iio new Brit
ish note to the Uuited Stale in the
course of prefeiratiott will Its an nin
jiliwifiMitlMtu of the original Ameri
can contraband note which arrival
hi YubiiiL'tn Mih1mv. It will tuli-
np the iiur-t(i,ii uliK It iia'- ili-.ui
biua tilt, iil I Llti M UUUlJ.
Ey.dBfcMifciaMk: l: CHICAGO HORROR
teWSWKm h dead list i .362
.ot tlio Uxtlc
PARIS, July 28. The official com
munication Blvon out today by tho
French war depaitmont read:
"In Artols, to tho north of Sou
chez, tho nermans, after a stroiiK
bombardment, dollvorod lant night
several attacks ngaiuat throe of our
posltlonB. After n vory plrltod com
bat tboy woro driven out of tho
trenches whioh they had succeeded
In ocnpjInK with tho oxcoptlon ot onn
point whoio tboy retalnod twonty
yards of a snphend In advance of our
front. Tho town of Solssons was
bombardinont yoatorday ovonlni?.
"In tho ArKonno, in the vicinity of
Fontalno-Aux-Chnrmofl, tho enemy
undertook to mnko an attack, but
they wero driven back to tholr trench
es by our Infantry flro,
"In tho rest of thu front tho night
passod quietly.
"In the Dardanelles there Is noth
ing to roport, with tho exeeptron of
soino slight progress on tho part of
our troops on our right wIdk, to
gether with activity by French avla
tors who bombarded successfully tho
now avlatlqn camp of tho enemy to
tho north bf Chanak. They threw
bombs on tho hangars and a gasollno
supply station, causing a considerable
outbroak of flames "
J'UTKOQHAI). Julv :! An im
Mtnul ukun iuel today cull to
the colore nn born i 1WM
It is rejierUJ '' ' r ?,
ordr in tthotit to be i.!il fur a
Keneiul iiiobi' .iti 11 i'ii " .: v
La. a.
of Horror on I aco of Man Holding
Contest Settles Down to One of En
duranceRussia Euloflzcil For
Stand Anainst the Kaiser Un
parelleled in History Enullsh
Fleet Strorujcr Than Ever.
LONDON, July 2 Tho war has
become and Is likely to contlnuo for
somo tluio, n context of endurance,
Premier Aaqulth tld tho house ot
commons this afternoon, Avbllo mnk
ing n gonoral revl w in moving the
adjournment of paillMinout fro into
morrow until Septiiuler 1 1.
Iio said In part:
"We should be ungrateful and In-
Isensltlvo, Indeeil, If we dhl not reeog
I nlse at this mnment the iiuleeerllMtble
I gallant efforts bclux made by our
Russian allies to t m the tide ot In
vasion and to retulti inviolate thu In
tegrity of their poHHcssioni.
"I don't think In the whole of mil
itary huUary there has bean a more
Htftgnlfleeut example of dlwlpilne Imil
eniluranee and ot both IndtTldaal and
rolleetlre Initiative than lias been
shown by the Itusslan army in tho
hut seven weeks.
"Our uew allies, ltaj. In tin tr
carefully prepared movements arc
steadily gaining round. al m.iKinK
their way towards tbe ofcjMtiv w Ui U
we believe In a very shart Umt will
be within thtir rca 1 "
The prem r n j i i: .! tbst IIih Ilrlt
Uh goverm 'i i (i.t'ldt-ui In tin
rui, r ' i ' Ht o,i. i it
j. . i
dome In tbe victory
.ed I i .1
of both tbe
(tvutiuiwJ tn iufco tune)
! WAR, Wlffl
.1ULY 28, l)lo.
Ills Dead llaby
KOMH. July 27, via Tans, July 28.
The following ol'licml htateiueiit
wis ihsued tniuuht by the lieadnunrt
i r- ot the Ituluiu stall:
"In tbe Atone uilley we nie now
in full poMCtfiiinii of tho heigbts on
tlio right Mlope, huviii oucii)ied Monte
LaveneMch mid the Pistiouii crest.
I'Yom points domiuutin tho opposite
lope the enoini'a artillery nttcmpled
to hinder our operations, but without
suecesH. After a long preparation
by artillery of medium unlibie the
enemy attneked with aeveinl de
taelimeuts of infantry during tho
uiglit of thu Sfltli. Although sup
ported y iiiiiuoroiis miieliiiiu kuiih
the troops wcie repulsoil.
"In the Montonero region the
struggle eontiiiiuNi uuabatud, not
withHlamliuif a fog- whieli iio(iiitt
the artillery from assisting in the
"At Pluva (he second operation
undertaken to enlaige the hiulge
hcud is developlnjr favorably.
Hln the Careo plateau tho battle
continued yesterday. Our tmopM ud
ouccd along tbe whole front with
grrat dah a ml holduess, eonrpierintr
towards the left whig a strong posi
tion on Han lliehele commundiuK the
greater part of the plateau. After
bring subjected, howeir, to a violunt
cross fire from the enemy's artillery
of all calibres, our forces were
obliged to full back below the lieight
where they are maintaining their po
U ilmns."
' A. A. U. Entry Lists.
) NFW YOHK, Julv 'Jh. Anrfonnee
mimii i tin ii-i ol' nthletes
i I i II i.,iii, (! in (In- i li.nniloH-
i ,i v iii hi villi hi I nuen
1 H I i t'.n ' i po-itiOH
lli II ii'n , H
I'iKli jiinier .mil rt-cord holder two
.. : nl int iii the Sail
Indictments For Manslaughter nnd
Criminal Carelessness to Bo Re
turned City Mourns as 600 Dead
Arc Buried Black Wednesday
Raising Eastland Begun.
rillCAOO, July U8. -Willi 30 per
soiw either under uncut or detained
ns witncsHos, official impiiry into the
sleniuur KiinIIuiiiI dWiiKler proceeded
loduy in nu effort to t'iv reMpousihil
ity und punish tho guilty.
Indictmentfl ehnrjjinj,' uinnslnuchtor,
erimiunl eiirelesfiniMH nnd Hiinilnr
chui'giw are expected to be retiiined
Secietnry of Commerce William ('.
Ucdfield directed tlio federal inu'wti
Kilt ion. lie examined rcrordx of
the local Hleamhoiil inspection serv
ice nml conferred with offieiuln pre
purutory to beginning the examina
tion of witnesses tomorrow.
Mayor Thompson returned from
Sun PrnuciHcn on u speeiul train uud
held conferencoH with tho city coun
cil's committee which is conducting
nu iiiU'Htiniition.
While various invostipilioiiH worn
in progress (100 vieliius of thu trne;
uly were bchij; buried with uppro
piiutu ccreinoiiic. Auto trucks,
niiH nnd other vehicles were pressed
into sorvieo to curry Iho dead through
rain-swept streets.
It wiih "hluc'k W'etlnosilm" in Ci
cero nml the HiirrouudiiiK Hiihuihs
where the pluiil nf Iho Wcxtern
Klcctrio couipuuv is Nilimled uud
whore u uuljority olilfm victims re
uled. The dny wns designated as n day
of mouruiug for the Kustluml dead
ami the city officials honored the
Work of mishitr the luislhinil was
hcKiiu but il will he at least ten days
before tho stonnier is placed on its
Keel uguiii and the search for the
mixsiug resinned. lutc I'taurus on
the dead uud missim;:
Identified deud 82H.
ruideiitified deud .'.
Wosloin Kleelriu company's ro
iscd list of missing n:)l.
Tolnl i:kw.
KxplalnliiR tho taking Into custody
of V. K. aroonlmum, general man
ngor of tho Indiana Transportation
conipany, which lonsed tho Kastland
last Saturday, Mr. Hoyno said:
"Mr. (Iroonebniim, In responso to
questlona nt tho Inquest admitted ho
know nothing about tho Kastlund, but
nddod that ho know or had heard
that slio was not seaworthy,"
Othor agencies Investigating tho
disaster nro continuing their worlc.
Secrotary William C. Itodfiold of tho
department of commerce, who Is hero
on Instructions from Prosldent Wil
son, said ho had not decided whether
his Inquiry will oxtond to nil ot tho
lako traffic or whothor It will bo con
fined to tho Kastlnnd. "For tho tlmo
being wo will conflno oursolvoa to
tho caso In hand,". ho said.
In rosponso to n proclamation by
Mayor Thompson, Cblcugo obxorvcd
today as a day of publlo mourning.
Tho city hall Is closed and tho hurlnl
of almost 700 of tho oxcurslonlstn ro
corored fro mtho rlvor took plnco.
Facilities nro lacking proporly to
hniidlo tho funorals and eorvlcoa over
an many nn thirty bodlog woro hold
(Continued on pago thrco)
LOS AXnKi.l'.S, July 28.-Uun-dreds
of singers, members of Oor
mun singing sooiotiee in many eoat
cities organized ns tho Paoifio Saen
gerhund, arrived hero today to par
ticulate in a mitsiu festival which
will njion tomorrow nml continue un
til Monday. A nmssivo gold eup
presented by Finperor William ot
Clenaany and a silvor trophy offered
bv ISujporor Vrtuu Josef, of Austria,
will be piiaee in vounl oontests be
tween humeuso ehomsee next batur
tlav and Sunday.
One of the features ot the festival
will he n ononis of 1000 voiees mid
ciiuiM-Utio hiugiua: in Cariulbiaii dia
lut l r the trophy of the Kmperor
of A uluu,
NO. 109
F. OssenhrL'soe Worried Over Busi
ness, Health and European War
Commits Suicide at Home Left
Farewell Notes to Friends Promi
nent in Medford's Affairs.
F. O'wnlmijjue, u pioneer of Med
ford, former city doiiucihnnn nnd
Irensurer of tho Commercial club, nnd
Inrg;o property owner committed sui
cide thi1 momiiur nt his home, 401
South llivcrsit'e, by shootinp himself
in tlio head with n revolver. Tho net
wnfl eominilled between fi:00 nnd 7:00
o'clock. Notes left behind indlento
Hint worry over business nf fairs,
fuilini; health, nnd the. fortunes of
thn flennnn nnny in tho rent stnig--(jle
prompteil tlio deed.
Ossenbruptio was nhoiit 70 years of
ne, nnd woll known throughout tho
city nnd vnlley wliero ho linil lived
for 20 yenrs. Thero will bo no in
quest. Tho news ennio ns n rIiocU to
tho city, but intimate friends said
Hint owiiiff to recent despondency it
did not mirpriso them.
Tho body wns found by Dr. Harbor
nbotit 7:00 o'clock, when ho went to
mnko his regulnr enll. OsscnbmpRO
linn been under n physicinn's enro for
somo time. Fnilint; to securo a ro
sponfto to his kitoekR nt tho front
door, Dr. Umber went to n window
nn tho side nml peering through saw
the outRtrctehed body on tho floor,
with one ltnntl poised. It wns evi
dent that slnndiiiK before n mirror,
tho fnlnl rIioI vfns fired. Denlh was
instantaneous. Xono of tho neigh
bors heard tho rc'mtt.
An investigation brought to light
farewell lelers written to friends nnd
relatives. In some (he thought wns
expressed that he was tired of life.
In others were written thu hopo that
"enemies of tho Fatherland would bo
punished." Tho Huropenn wnr wns
closely followed by the dead man,
nnd he took nn intense intrust in tho
rising nml fulling fortunes of tho
Osseuhruggo had been n resident
of tho Itoguo river valley for 20
years, during which time ho had
been engaged in tho feed nnd implo
ment business. Ho retired from thesa
pursuits fixo or six yours ngo, nml
dovoted his timo to his property in
toroRts. Iio wnrt treasurer of tho
Comoreinl club for n number of yenrs
and nlso city couueihnnn for several
A daughter, Mrs. Walter Antic,
nml n son living nt Itiieh, survive.
The funeral uiiiiouiiceiiieut will ho
made Inter,
f July 28. Kight hundred Scv-
" enth Dny Adcntists, camped ""
" at Dolworth, between horo nnd "
" Dallas, oxpoet tho "second ""
coming of Christ" nnd tlio ""
innrshnlliiig of tho Heavenly ""
" nnny in the skitM," as boon ns ""
" tho allies capturo CoiiHtnuti- ""
"" iioiile, it wns niinoiinoed. ""
f .
WASHINGTON, Jnlv 28. Consul
DennuKm nt Dundcu, Scotland, re
IKirtud to the etato department today
(hat tlio captain of tho Aincriouu
hip Leelanaw stated under oath to
day ho huil "ondenvorcd to eseripo"
nml only brought hfs ship to n stop
nftor two waniing shots woro fired
at him nt u distiuico nf two miles. Ho
hud no complaint to mnko of his
treatment by tho submarine com