Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 27, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    PGfl WVfi
MEDFOIW, MOTH TRrPT71rE, MEDITOttDt OftTCgO,. TUTBgpATi . jTUIiX ..27,. . 1,giuAa
Reported by Jackson County At
tract Co., Sixth and Fir Bti.
Win. L. Moore -n. Juste Moore. Or
itur of default. Decree.
Lillie Cnllett vs. Robert S. Cnllott.
Default. Decree.
Klvn M. Hotf-i- vi. Wnnselnii Himho.
Defnult. Decree.
UoKiie River Vnlley It. It. Co. V.
Louis Neiderint'.ver el :il. Decree.
It. It. Cii-opemtivo Pi nit (Jruwur
Aho. vs. (leo.lli PnLvett; ftnlor.
fins' Xobury, iiilm. of 'I'. J. Trip
Jet t vn. W. W. tire-fory et ux. Order.
.1. P. Jonkitw vs. W. 11. Ilnin et al.
Motion unit oilier to .listni-Ut suit.
('. (. XoNon vs. K. X. Ciiniiiiioll.
Ph-d Nntibnill Rnhk of Me.lf.lnl
v. P. W. Rhaplcinh Ildvv. Co. Ordbl
to fine Invontdry.
MuMiiion & tiUiiis.leii vk. Sterling
Mining Cd. Judgment.
H. .1. Palmer vs. Sterling Mining
Co. Judgment.
Moigan & Allen v. Mux Win.
Heck. Judgment.
J. P. Jenkins vs. W. II. Until et nl.
Rti)iilutidu and ngrooiri'ent. Order.
K. P. Hnlladuv et vir v. Win. Ul
lielt, mini. A. 1. Tnlcnt ot. et al.
Itngfic River Pntit nn.t Produce- Co.
vs. Oillcn-Clininbers. Notice of n'p
pcal. Probate
Estate of KttA l Dunltip. Poti
tion to sell peroniil property. Or
der to sell personal property.
P.stnte of Nnilev J. Wilson. Affi
davit, of publication. Affidavit of
posting notices.
Until to" of Stewart Putter-on. Oath
of executor.
Hy A. C. Ilowlett.
Tlie lust time tluit I wrote I was
giving nn account of something of
what I miw at the exposition grounds.
After witnessing the maneuver! of
the life wiving crew we visited the
Oregon iiuilding nn.l we were much
impressed hy the grandeur of the
edifice. It truly represent the
great stute of Oregon, it is built of
Oregon timber and the massive pil
lars represenf the growth nn.l char
lieler of the timber for they are sim
ply the bodiet of some of. our Oregon
firs nboiit five or six feet in diam
eter Mill UK near as 1 could guess
about dl) or .10 feet in length uiul the
whole of tlie building reflect credit
on the men who eoueeive.l the Men.
The interior was filled with the pro
ducts of the state mid 1 thought (hut
they compared favorably with any
other of the states of our great west
and if auv difference the bahince
seemed lo be in favor of tho Oregon
products for our apples nn.l penis
surely did look tempting while the
diflerent sumples of grain, nltnlta,
clover, etc., was up to the standard.
The dairy products nlso showed that
our Oregon was likely to come to the
front in that line. Hut bv the time
we hud got fairly started looking
over this biiihlinuwe, Hint i my two
brothers, who are each a long way
on the hmiiiiv side of f0 and your
correspondent began to feel ns though
wn better be turning our steps toward
the cut ranee of the fair grounds nn.l
thon we had to walk over n mile to
reach the gute. This was on Pri.lny
uiid on Tuesday ntv brother John mid
1 visited the fair again and this time
we visited the eoneeswlon zone where
men hud paid a fortune for the priv
ilege of occupying n certain space,
but there one can see almost any
thing that they want to in the line
of curios mid scenery. There you
see tlite grand canyon of Colorado
or the Yellow Stone park, Niagara
Palls in minature, hut one has to
walk and climb over and under to
see them for thev me built of a ma
terial that resembles the stone nud
earth, or one enn visit the different
foreign countries like Japan mid at
the out ranee it is marked free but by
the time you got through you will
iind that you are freed of several
nickel. I don't cost very much for
miy individual item but bv tho time
you go the rounds you uill find tliui
you have seen something nn.l nre out
several nickels. Thoro was mi ar
rangement 'contrived so that you
could be enrricd to n height of, t
looked to me, several hundred feet
mid then be turned n round so that
you could see tho whole of the fair
grounds and the surrounding coun
try, tint I did not lmve the price to
titke in all of tlue things mv broth
er wn- b little norvnu over the
tuouitht of itoiiig up m ninth in n con
trivHiice Hint looked so frnit, mi Af
ter KMiilittff pniile nf hour in
looking around we changed our
roiirfic and wtttit to the V. S. Uuildiutr
iivaia to vlwlt the armv and navy de
lnrtaient and lluie we wero naown
how the .Int.-tent kind- of ammuni
tion wuk Hi nl. .Hid tli' in. H liinerv fur
te-tiutr !" Hn'jlit t Mm- . irtridg
aiul all Hi. Mm. itnr V than
vi lit to Uie taari wsM-rr Ibr nfV a -in-.,
.-rvw wer a4vtrtil to v un
Ckl.iliii.u nt -cuing id' iu-- iij;er-
No 1 One In fllllela I
to dash through a mountain
a peaceful city.
from n wreck, mid it was a novel
sit,'ht. They first shot u long ball,
with a .small rope nttnehed from it
cminoii so that the ball would just
iiii.4h the must of the ship mill the
fijpo would catch On u hook nrrnnged
for till purple, itud then u ui'iOi oil
ilee"k hnilled tho sihall rope J'rom tl
shore until hW had reiu'litfd Another
nizi' rope hull tlti-n lit buttled tlmt
larger rope, which wn.s ntlaeheit to a
still larger rope nn.l then when the
large rope reached the boat it wns
miido fast lo the mast up suvernl feet
from the deck of the ship and then
tho life miving crew sent out u con
trivance so arranged tlmt n man
could put his legs down through it
nn.l was so scented Hint he could
not fall out nud then they would pull
him to shore. The currier was so
arranged that they took two boys
about 12 years old at one time. In
addition to nil Hint was to be seen
on laud there was a sight on wnter.
The battleship Oregon stood out but
a short distance from shore and she
was accompanied by fio largo
cruisers, n monitor mid two subma
liues nn.l there weie small bouts to
lake passengers from the shore out
lo these different ships mul buck, for
the price. It costs money to travel
mid see the various sights that are to
be seen but many of them nre more
than worth the money. There was
one morn feat that I wish to men
tion before I close this loiter nud
that is to tell about Art Smith the
world renowned nviator. lie went up
ench nftcrnoon nbout 2 :.'!() o'clock,
mid this time he went up until he
looked like a little speck in the air
and then he dropped to within about
1000 feet of the earth mid then, lie
gnu to show what he could do. He
opened up a alvc that let out a sub
stance tlmt looked lik.vteam mid the
first Oiiug was to write his naame,
Art Smith, in the nir, he then com
menced to turn sominersmilts in the
air and he would turn his muehiiie
nny way he wished, mime time he
would be on his side mid thou on his
buck mul thus he would maneuver
mid finally he bogun to circle like n
hawk mid finally lighted on the spot
(rnm which he hud started. Hut I
must stop for this time n my letter
is getting too long. Hut the next
time I will try to loll something
about the mammoth pilutiug pi ess of
the K.xnniiner on the fair grounds,
and thou nf our isit to tho Golden
flnto Park, mv sea voyage from San
Prmioison to Sun Pedro mid rail dip
to this city.
Los Angeles, 7-10-15.
xeTiri: to roxTiucToiis
State, of Oregon, County of Jack
son, Senlod proposals, addressed to tho
County Court of Jackson County, Oro
cno,, mid Indorsed "Proposal for
Constructing a portion of tho Pacific
Highway In Jackson County, Orogon,"
will bo received by tho County Court
of Jackson County at its offlco In the
Court House, Jacksonville, Oregon,
until 11 o'clock a. jn. of tho 4th day
of August, 1913, and at that time and
place publicly oponod and read.
All proposals must bo ma do on
blank form, to bo obtained from the
County Highway Knglneer, nt his
offlco, Central Hotel Dulldlng, Cen
tral Point, Oregon, or from the Conn
ty Clerk, Court Houso, Jacksonville,
Oregon; must state tho unit or units
bid on ( innV bid on all the
units) ; must give the price proposed,
both in -writing and In figures; and
must be signed by the bl.idor, with bis
Kacli bid Is to be proeontod under
Eoaled cover, and shall bo neoompan
led by cash, a bidder's bond mado
layablo to Jackson county, or a cer
tified check made payable to the
County Judge of Jorkaou County, for
an amount equal to at loaat flvo nor
cent o( the arnoant of said bid, aad no
bid shall be eaaaldsrad unleaa such
oath, bond, or chaek ia eaejasod taare-
wllk. Saoh bidder's bead shall b en.
illtloned that If aald bid U acroptMl.
the iwirty bidding will duly oatr In
to and eve -ite (lie loiitrrfit Hhoiild
. VVW i 1 11 I . i
Ko. 21 roae hastily to the vicinity where the Invading
army lay entrenched and examined the pasal High peaks towered
on either sldel
4 J
arhiilrit & nlnl
pass and destroy
tho successful bidder to whom tho
contract is nwnrdod tall to execute
the samo within ton days (not in
cluding Sunday) ironi ttie dato of not
ification of such award, such cash,
bond or check shall bo forfeited to
Jackson county, and tho samo shall
bo tho property of tho county. All
other cash, bonds nnd certified
checks will bo returned to tho un
successful bidders who submitted tho
A corpornto surety bond will bo re
quired for tho faithful porformanco
of tho contract In a sum equal to one
half of tho total amount of tho bid.
All bids aro to bo compared on tho
basis of tho comity highway engt
neor'rt estimate of tho quantities of
work to lie dono as follews:
The estlmato of quantities roferred
to In the foregoing nottco Is as fol fel fol
eows: Unit n.
Prom statlonI,285 to station 390.
Miles C, 7, 8.
Embankment, 90 cubic yards.
Karth Uxcavntlon, 0,997 'cubic
Hard pan cxcavntlon, 3..19S cubic
I.ooso rock excavation, 200 cubic
Sort rock excavation, 100 cubic
Hnrd rook cxcavntlon, 1,105 cubic
Hip rap, loose, 10 cubic yards.
Overhaul, per 100 feet, 9,805 cubic
Clearing, 9.0 ncrcs.
Grubbing, -170 square rds.
Tllo drain, -I inches, in llnoal feet.
Corrugated Iron pipe, l'J inches, 20
lineal feet.
Corrugated iron pipe, 21 inches, 28
Ilnonl feet.
Concreto pipe, 12 niches, 17S lin
eal feot.
Concreto pipe, 20 Inchos, 00 Ilncnl
Concrete, class A, 22 cubic yards.
Concrete, class H, 2 cubic yards.
Concreto, class C, 12 cubic ynrds.
Reinforcing steel, S35 pounds.
Unit n.
Prom station LI 84 to station 1,500,
Miles 10.
Kinbnnkment, 10 cubic ynrdB.
Karth excavation, 250 cubic yards.
Hard pan excavation, 400 cubic
Loose rock excavation, 10 cubic
Hnrd rock excavation. 275 cubic
Overhaul, per 100 feot, 100 cubic
Corrugated iron pipe, 24 Inchos, 10
lineal feot.
Corrugated Iron plpo, 30 Inches, 40
lineal feot.
Concreto pipe, 12 Inches, 3G lineal
Concrete, olass C, ctiulc yards.
Unit H.
Prom station Lg782 to station
Miles 10,
Kmbankmont, 300 cubic ynrds,
Karth excavation, 753 cubic yards.
Hard pan excavation, 100 cubic
I.ooso rock excavation, 10 cublo
Overhaul, per 100 feet, 780 cubic
Tile drain, 4 Indies, 10 lineal feot.
Corrugatod iron pipe, 30 inches,
40 lineal feot.
Concreto pipe, 12 2Inchcs, 34 lln
oal foot.
Concrete, olasa H, SO oublo yards.
Concrete, elusa C, 4 oublc yards.
Unit ID.
Prom station 1.030 to station
Lgl 104-50.
Mllon 19, 80.21, Z't.
Kmbaakmont. X.077' cable yards.
Karth axeavatlon. C.4SG en hie yards
Hard inn oxeavstkin, II oubi
I.fl roak exeavatlan, 1,4 OS !
hie yarda.
Ift rook oxMrttlon, no otible
(lard rpk oMttvaiton. t.abfi cutr
Kii ran. loose l cubic arils.
rS- 'r-
r A
Overhnui, por 100 feet, 5,000 cu
bic ynrds.
Clenrlng, 22. S acres.
drubbing, 1,360 square rods.
Concroto plpo, 12 inches, 300 lin
eal feet.
Concreto pipe, 15 Inches, 114 lineal
Concroto pipe, 20 Inchos, 48 llnoal
Concreto, class A, 127 cubic yards.
Concrete, clnRs 11, 5 cubic yards.
Concrete, class C, 15 cubic yards.
HoInforcliiB stool, 15,115 pounds.
Tho forogolng quantltle.1 nro np
proxlmntn only, being given as ft bnBls
for tho rompnrlHon of bids, and tho
county rourt of Jackson county doos
not expressly or by Implication ngreo
that tho actual ninoiint of work will
correspond therewith, but reserves
tho right to Increase or decreaso the
amount of nny class or portion of tho
work that may bo deemed necessary
or expedient by the county highway
engineer of Jackson county, Oregon.
Plans mny bo scon nud forms of
speclflciitlon.mul contract may bo ob
tained nt tlio county highway engi
neer's offlco, Contrnl Hotel building,
Contrnl Point, or at the county clerk's
offlco, Jacksonville, Oregon.
Tho right Is reserved to i eject nny
or nil proposnls or lo accept tho pro
posal or proposals deemed best for
Jnckson county,
P. L. Ton Velio,
County Judgo.
A C. I.eover,
County Commissioner.
P. II. .Madden,
County Commissioner,
Attest: a. A. (litrdnor,
Count Clerk Jaokson County.
JnckHonvl k. Oregon, July i rttli.
1915. 3io
Sealed proposals nddreHsed to tho
County Court of JnrliHon county, Ore
gon, nud endorsed thoroou "Propos
als for constructing portion of ('inter
I.uko Highway," will bo rorolvod by
the County Court of Jaokson county.
at its office in tho Court Houso nt
Jacksonville, Oregon, until 11 o'clock
a. m. on th 27th day of July, 1915,
and at that time und plnco, will be
puullcly opened nn.l read.
All proposals must bo mndb unon
blank form, to bo obtnlnod from the
County Surveor, nt his offlco In the
.Med ford National Rank Iiuilding,
Medford, Oregon; must give tho
prlcos proponed, both In writing nnd
In figures; and must be signed by the
lilililer, with Ills nildroHH. Karli lild
Is to lie presented under sealed cover,
and Khali be accompanied by cash, a
unworn bon.i, made naynble to Jack
son Count), or n cortlfled chock, mnde
payuble to the County Judge, of Jnok
son Countv, Oregon, for an amount
equal to nt leust 5 per cent of tho
amount of said bid, nud no bid shall
be considered unless such cash, bond,
or chock Is enclosed tliornwRh. Such
bidder's bond slfull bu conditioned
that if said bid bo accepted, tho party
bidding will duly enter Into nnd exe
cute tho contract. Should the suc
cessful bidder to whom tho contract
Is uwardod full to execute the same
within ten days (nut Including gun
day) from the date of tho notification
of such award, siioh cash, bond, or
chock, shall be forfeited to .J licit son
County, mid tho same shall bo tho
property of the County.
A Corpornto Surety Hond will be
required fur the faithful performance
of tho contract, In tho mini equal to
one-ball of the total amount of tho
All bids are to be compnrod on tho
basis of tlie County Surveyor's estl
mato of tlie quantltlea of the work to
bo done, as follews:
ICurtb excavation, 5 133 cubic yards.
Rock excavation, I ouble yard.
Loose luck motivation, 1 cubic
Clearing and grubbing 0.4 acres.
Log eulverta, 9.
The foregoing quantities are ap
proximate only. balHX divan aa a basis
for the comparison of bids, and tlta
County Court of Jackson oounty des
not expreh or by Implication, ugrev
that the uitual asaouut of work will
eorreanond therewith, but rrvtt
Its right to inoroaio or decrvMae the
amount of a ay olnaa or parllon of
the work tlmt may b ilaomed iiafs
aary or expidbwit by tba county sur
veyor of Jh. lion county.
Tbe j -1 . ii el . ma in- awn and
form- "i i i ifkutiotiM and ettntract
may ' 'i'Hu-d ut un inuity aur
vafai ('i a- in ti ii.ion maotlon-
Tile rlahi la rt-rvd to rH- t ant
jiiI u'l j'l" "ala Mint '" -ti i i'l Hi1
No. 3 I soon let loo,e at the flying shells rendering themf
harmless to the city beyondl Then I set about walling up the
"MirS," .,:tL.' WJ
a, " v
X3ba(,v-'w ". -
proposal deemed uost ror Jackson
Clerk of County Court for Jackson
County, Oregon.
POR RKNT Modern housekeoplng
rooms, ill 5 North Ilurtlett, Phono
POR RKNT Modern housekeeping
sitltos, close In, $B, $8 mo.; now
propL 231 K tub. 121
POR SM.IC - Or trade, at u ImrKiiln.
rooming hoiisu with 10 rurulshud
rooms, located nt 215 Pourth St.,
Ashbuid, Oregon. Cull or wrlto J.
M. .Slack, Proprietor. lit;
bOit ills i jtouair?
POR RKNT fi-room modern house.
Call 037-Y. 117
POR RKNT-Small niodorn houso
with use of garden and cow. O. M.
Roue, 130 I'ortlnnd nvo. 110
POR RKNT 5-room tnodorn houso,
?0.00. Ubl V. llth St. 108
TO RKNT 5 room mod. furn. house.
seo Puriieker, St. Marks llldg.
POR RKNT 5-room modorn houso,
hard-wood floors, full cement base
ment. Phono C70W.
POR RKNT Closo In 5 room houso
with sleeping pinch, niodorn
plumbing, electric Ileitis, cement
fildewnik, garage, on imved Btroot.
Rent reasonable, Inqltlro of II. C.
I'Olt KAMl.XMICI'.MNlcr)i7S
POR SAI.K Special bnrxalu. One
new Chandler six to bo sold on ac
count of death or IiumIiuiiiI, price
$Kft0.00 cash. Car run be teen at
C. K. dates, Sparta lll.lx. ton
POR SAMS Oinnp for cash, r.-pnit
Mtiger llaynes niitomobllo. flint
class condition. Phone l.'13-.l. Kill
POR SA LK -Runabout or will trado
for good iiiotoroyclu. Terms. Phone
71, Jacksonville. 109
POR SALE Apricots Thursday nt
public market, llooth 15, 3c n
pound. 193
POR SAl.K Contrlfugnl pump, 8
inch stronm, with all collections
and somo oxtrr. plpo; will Irrigate
100 acres. This pump will draw
Bnti.l, ginvol or water. Phono
931-!., or call at 200 V. Main,
POR 8AI.K (tood geutlo Jersey-cow.
If you wHiit u ImrgHln phono 25-R'J.
POR SAliK 35 hond of young cat
tle, one spHii nf mules, lunno.
A. K. Ktirhnrt, Rogue River, Ore.
POR SA I, K- -Jersey cow.T'iTle hltck
with pol. PhoiiB 05S-.I.
PoTT'SAl.! iToraes" of nil kinds
ho use wagons, camping wagons,
backs, harness. Vinson's Darn, N.
Riverside Avo. 1 1 0
PoTt Al.lC Rod PolmTTuTTculf;
puro bred Duroo Jorsoy spring
pigs; polo mountain buggy, good
na new. Palmar Invostiimnt Co.,
Modoc Orcliard.
WANTKD -Competent working
liousekeoper, good cook, aolo take
full cbaiKe ramh liotine werk: par
miiiient. Slei in Hollow J 'arm.
Gold, Hill. Oie 110
Hecauso my Block in trade Is to
have optlonod at tho lowest oash
prlco the best buy In this county.
I have been on tno ground look
ing out for you for tho past fho
years. Nearly ovoryday I buva In-
veatlgatail aonte "good thlug." I have
eliminated everything except tboae
dealt which 1 am eonvlaead will re
furo me satisfied eustonwrs,
In a fw hours time I can give yon
tha benefit of this reaaarah. It Is wy
bualnaaa to ahow you over tb oounty
aad IntroduM yoa to the iHMalblllUas
and opportunities here, oste Mad-
ford first aud
Hit: il Main St net
I . v h- .. . .xz. t
til fir
mir' v-aA. V -(-
HlrW...V m
i .'5r
No. 4-It'took mo almost
The Invaders were frustrated,
!, - M
saved itl
& tftr b
V --Sit
1 1 KM' WAXTKII Mule or PoiiimIo
WVNTKnMiicnT'.inoBollcl tors, innlo
or fomnle. Something naw, good
eommlHHloii, Address J, Mull Tri
bune. 11U
WANTKH -ll.-itr."!.ljANiOU8
VANTKt To "retit nVfnlfii or good
wild outs piiHture for hogs. Dox U
enro Mail Tribune. 113
WANTHU Minnesota ludy, well edu
cated, good standing, wishes to
correspond with well to do gentle
mini over to years. HvIiik in tho
west. Only thosu of A-l H'tinillu
need unswor. Addnma Ilox 111),
care Malt Tribune. let)
WANTKD To restn for two months,
IlKht aad.llo, miltable for ludy. Ad
dress ilox X. Mull Tribune.
WANTKDTurkoys. niuHcot prlco.
(tend Knts, lluiij's Dairy Uiuoli.
WANTKD liny billing.
YAXTKI1 Children to board for
slimmer In country liomu, ages 5 to
10 yours. School near homo. In
quire at lllttner Kmployment offlco
or phono 80S. 110
VAXTKI Alfalfa or clover hay.
Poothllls Orchard Co.
WANTKD 51) cords 1-foot furnneo
hard wood. Phono 342. IPS
T A K ISX "l!P-- 111 a ck burro, wolnht
"'"'" , ''"'.'V ' ' ' ' . V. .Al
' U " tl.o rlgh t crop n .. I .r. lit t
efHBg'plnVefsvi' mllSs NKif Med-'
I ford. 109)
uboiit 1751 pounds, split on iintlr
TO I.OAX $2000 to lonn.
the Insiiratico Man.
Attorn ya
i-.i"'.i'- -' ..
PORTKR J. NKPP, WM. V. MWAIiBl, Roumu 8 and
9, Medford National Hank blclg.
A. B. RKAMKU, LAWYKRil aruett
Caroy hldg.
Wm. M, Colvlg, GeOigu M. Robortt
Medford Nationul Haul: iiuilding
Attomoys ut Law. Juaksuu Conn
ty Hank KuRdlng. '
Auto nupplim
aro opnratltiK tho largost, oldest
and boat equipped plant In tho Pa
cific northwest. Use our oprluK
when othorg fall. Bold under guir
anteo. 20 North Plfteeuth St.
Portland, Ore.
Collections mid Reports
collected some uocounts 1 1 yearn
old. Wo know how to got tho
money. Tho lliillock Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Has
kins' Hldg., 210 1C. Main St,
Gnrnott-Coroy llldr., tulta Sit
Umlforcl. Ore. Phone 850.
Notary I'd Idle
HKLHN N. YOCKlfly Notary pub
Ho. Hrlng your work lo mo at tht
ultn of tho Mall Trlbuno.
Offlco 42 North Pront St. Pboai
810. Prices right. Service guar
Oim of tin- finest Utile liomaa la
Medford. Value 300U with a wort
gag of $1000. will trada far unim
proved lnd.
A fine boltoni lasjd farm of 2 to
aeraa at 1195 an uw, Aaathar gill
4 uae juat a Uttla anaUar at UT6
n ara. TUaaa will ataaa all Ulads
of lavaatlgatlou.
Jaikkou Co. liauk lluildliu:
-zr tr
twenty' minutes to finish the lobl'
dotoured around the dtyl Ilvad .
DR. A. It. HKDUKS, Dr. Iouiso B.
Hodges Mechnno-Thcraplsts, Chjro
pructors, Spondylotheruplsts. Thoet
syRlenu, Including dietetics, cura
tive gymnastics, hydro-thcraphy,
etc., produco results In both acuta
and chronic diseases. Consulta
tion froo. Over Deuel & Co., cor
nor Main and DartloU. Hours V
a. m. to 5 p. m. Othor hours by
appointment. Phone 170.
1-.l'l.l.l'M-. M
DR. n. J. LOCKWOOD., Chiropractor,
norvo specialist Rooms 203-204-205.
anrnolt-Coroy bids. Vapor
baths and scientific tnnsengo given;
needlo spray, head and shoulder
shower In connection; advlco In
dlototlco, medical gymnastics,
bydropthorapy. Lady attendant.
Phono, offlco 543, rnaldnnco Cll-R.
Knglneer nn Contractor
contractor, 404 M. P. & II. DldK.
Surveys, estimates, Irrigation,
drainago, orchard and land Im
provement. GruiKtt
QARUAQK (Jot your promises
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
on tho city garbage wagons for
good service. Phono 274-L. V.
T. Alien.
Instruction in Ittuslo
401, aarnott-Coroy Uldg. Pre
ton',InIglltl Vlm VIr' ,?,
f ". voice. P.
Prod AL
I'byoMcinn ana rmrjcooa
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 41C-417 aarnctt-Corsy
bldg., phono 1030-U Resldonca
20 South Laurel St.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
lihyslclnurt, 303 Oarnott-Uorej
building. Phono V04-M.
DR. J. J. EMMKNS Phyulclaa aad
surgeon. Prnctlco limited to eye,
ear, uoao and throat. Eyes scion
tlflcally tested and glasses sup
plied. Oculist nnd Aurlst for S, P.
R. R. Co. Offices M. P. & H. Co.
Hide, oppoullo P. O. Phono CG7.
E. U. PICICKL, M. D. Office Jack
son County Dank bldg. Offtea
phono 43-R; rosldenco pnoae 58-lt,
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and
surgeon. Phones, ottico 36, rest
donco 724-J. Offlco hours 10 ta
12, 2 to 6.
Physicians and Burgeons. Offlca
309-310-311. M. P. & II. Hldg.
Phouou roBldouce, 814-J2; office,
clan und surgeon. Offlco Palm
block, oppesito Nash Hotel. Hours
10 to 12, I to i. Phono 110-J
Eye, our, none mul throat, offlco
228 East Main; rosldenco 1121
East Main, office hours 9 u. in to
12 m.; 1:30 to 5 p. in. Telepbouoa
Office, 303; .Ubldencc, 303 J2.
1'rlntern aua miillstiera
best equipped printing offlco la
southoru Oregon; book bludlug,
loose leaf lodgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland price. 27 Norta
Fir Kt
Sew lilt; Machines.
SEWING. MACHINES rented, sold or
t paired. Agency Singer Sewing
tuuihlue for Southern.. Oregon.
Headquarters with Medford Purl
ture and Hnrdwuro Co. U, A,
Shoo UepalrHig
rooalrlng, ou modern eloctrts
machine- while you wait. E. N.
Rldeii. located lu KIdd'a Bltoa Stora,
Pbnna 3131
TyiHiwrltor imi Miippllerf.
Now lUmlngtoa, Smith Premier
and Monarch typewriting. nddn
uipl eubtrtictlng UiHi.Htnoti, rebuilt
lUHohluoa lor oaah or eitsy pay.
wants MaeUlnaa for rent, ribbons
and snpplloa of all kinds, sluiplo r
palra fwo of oliargo. .
Dennett, in Oiilno- q nkoa R, 01 Palmer Piano I'lucO.
.-: ifli